August 9, 2017

Show user accounts with and without two-factor enabled

Get a list of users with two-factor authentication enabled/disabled.

To get a list of users with Two-Factor authentication enabled.

@author Ryan Tiffany

require 'softlayer_api' 
require 'pp' 

# Connect to SoftLayer
client = => 120)

mask = 'mask[id,username,firstName,lastName,externalBindingCount,externalBindings]'

theFilter = {
'users' => {
	'externalBindings' => {
		'active' => {
			'operation' => '1'

getUsers = client['SoftLayer_Account'].getUsers(filter=theFilter, mask=mask)
pp getUsers

To get a list of users without Two-Factor authentication enabled.

@author Ryan Tiffany

require 'softlayer_api' 
require 'pp' 

# Connect to SoftLayer
client = => 120)

mask = 'mask[id,username,firstName,lastName,externalBindingCount,externalBindings]'

theFilter = {
'users' => {
	'externalBindings' => {
		'active' => {
			'operation' => '0'

getUsers = client['SoftLayer_Account'].getUsers(filter=theFilter, mask=mask)
pp getUsers