August 9, 2017

Get Dedicated Host Guests

Get a list of VSIs that have been deployed to a Dedicated Host.

The first thing you need to get is a list of the Dedicated Hosts on your account. To list the Dedicated Hosts on your account you can use the following code:

require 'softlayer_api' 
require 'pp' 

# Connect to SoftLayer
client = => 120)

getDediHosts = client['SoftLayer_Account'].getDedicatedHosts
pp getDediHosts

Once you have the Dedicated Host ID you can use the following code to retrieve the Virtual Guests on the host.

@author Ryan Tiffany

require 'softlayer_api' 
require 'pp' 

# Connect to SoftLayer
client = => 120)

dedicated_host_id = 10501

getGuests = client['SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost'].object_with_id(dedicated_host_id).getGuests
pp getGuests


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