Items with tag layout


    • createObject
      This method creates a new layout profile object.
    • createObject
      Associate a layout container with a profile
    • createObject
      This method creates a new layout profile object.
    • deleteObject
      This method deletes an existing layout profile and associated custom preferences
    • deleteObject
      This method deletes an existing layout profile and associated custom preferences
    • editObject
      This method edits an existing layout profile object by passing in a modified instance of the object.
    • editObject
      Edit the object by passing in a modified instance of the object
    • editObject
      This method edits an existing layout profile object by passing in a modified instance of the object.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all active layout containers that can be customized.
    • getLayoutContainer
    • getLayoutContainers
    • getLayoutContainers
    • getLayoutContainerType
      The type of the layout container object
    • getLayoutContainerType
      The container to be contained
    • getLayoutItem
    • getLayoutItemPreferences
      The layout preferences assigned to this layout item
    • getLayoutItems
      The layout items assigned to this layout container
    • getLayoutItemType
      The type of the layout item object
    • getLayoutPreference
    • getLayoutPreferences
    • getLayoutPreferences
    • getLayoutProfile
      The profile containing this container
    • getLayoutProfile
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Container record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Item record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Customer record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference record.
    • getUserRecord
    • modifyPreference
      This method modifies an existing associated [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) object. If the preference object being modified is a default value object, a new record is created to override the default value. Only preferences that are assigned to a profile may be updated. Attempts to update a non-existent preference object will result in an exception being thrown.
    • modifyPreference
      This method modifies an existing associated [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) object. If the preference object being modified is a default value object, a new record is created to override the default value. Only preferences that are assigned to a profile may be updated. Attempts to update a non-existent preference object will result in an exception being thrown.
    • modifyPreferences
      Using this method, multiple [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) objects may be updated at once. Refer to [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] for more information.
    • modifyPreferences
      Using this method, multiple [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) objects may be updated at once. Refer to [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] for more information.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Container contains definitions for default page layouts
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container
      Layout containers are used in the customization of the Portal 4 customer experience. A single page in the portal can be thought of as a layout container. The container houses individual [SoftLayer_Layout_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Item), which are the elements of the page (e.g., Ticket list). Layout containers can be added to [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile), allowing for full customization of the container's related items.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container_Type
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Container_Type contains definitions for container types
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Item contains definitions for default layout items
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item
      Layout items are used in the customization of the Portal 4 customer experience. Each [SoftLayer_Layout_Container](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Container) in the portal contains one or more layout items. These are used to describe elements such as ticket lists. Layout items typically have [SoftLayer_Layout_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Preference), which can be customized once the container is added to a [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile).
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item_Type
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Item_Type contains definitions for item types
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Preference
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Preference contains definitions for default layout item preferences
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Preference_Type
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Preference_Type contains definitions for preference types
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Profile contains the definition of the layout profile
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile
      Layout profiles are the primary object used to tie customized portal experiences to the [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer). In order to take full advantage of the flexible customization of the portal, each user must be given one or more layout profiles. Each layout profile is then assigned one of the [SoftLayer_Layout_Container](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Container), thereby giving the user all [SoftLayer_Layout_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Item) and associated [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preferences](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preferences). These default preferences can be modified via the [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] method, giving the user their own customized configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Customer
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Customer
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference contains definitions for layout preferences
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference
      The profile preferences are an aggregation of the default preferences and the customized preferences. For each [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers) on a [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile), the [SoftLayer_Layout_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Preference) are inherited through the profile preferences. However, any one of these may be overridden through the [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] method. Rather than maintaining two different sets of preferences, all preferences are grouped together through the profile preferences, presenting the customized preferences in place of the default preferences they are overriding.