Items with tag workload


    • cancelWorkspaceResources
      This method will cancel the resources associated with the provided VLAN and have a 'cvad' tag reference.
    • createObject
      Creates a new Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops deployment.
    • createObject
      This will add the resource into CVAD deployment.
    • createResourceLocation
    • getAccount
      The [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) to which the deployment belongs.
    • getAllObjects
      Get all Citrix Virtual Apps And Desktop deployments.
    • getAllObjects
      Get all the resources of Citrix Deployments.
    • getBillingItem
    • getDeployment
      Returns a response object [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Response](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Response) which represents the CVAD deployment [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment) together with all the resources ordered under the CVAD order. The deployment resources are represented by object [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Response](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Response).
    • getDeployment
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource service. You can only retrieve resources that are assigned to your portal user's account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Type record.
    • getOrder
    • getResourceLocations
    • getResources
      It contains a collection of items under the CVAD deployment.
    • getRole
    • getStatus
      Current Status of the CVAD deployment.
    • getType
      It shows if the deployment is for Citrix Hypervisor or VMware.
    • getUser
      It is the [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) who placed the order for CVAD.
    • getVlan
      It is the VLAN resource for the CVAD deployment.
    • getWorkspaceNames
      This method will return the list of names of VLANs which have a 'cvad' tag reference. This name can be used with the cancelWorkspaceOrders method.
    • getWorkspaceResources
      This method will return the list of resources which could be cancelled using cancelWorkspaceResources
    • placeWorkspaceOrder
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Client
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Client data type contains functionality to validate a Citrix account.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Client
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Client data type contains functionality to validate a Citrix account.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Client_Response
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Client_Response_ResourceLocations
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment service allows viewing the resources ordered for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. The deployment resources include Cloud Connectors, Active Directory domain controller, Bare Metal servers, File Storage, VLAN, Primary/Portable subnets, DHCP server, and Proxy server.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment service allows viewing the resources ordered for Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops. The deployment resources include Cloud Connectors, Active Directory domain controller, Bare Metal servers, File Storage, VLAN, Primary/Portable subnets, DHCP server, and Proxy server.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource type contains the information of the resource such as the Deployment ID, resource's Billing Item ID, Order ID and Role of the resource in the CVAD deployment.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource
      SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource represents the resource of Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops deployment.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Response
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Response constructs a response object for [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Response](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Response) for the CVAD resource.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Role
      SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource_Role contains the role and its description of any resource of Citrix Virtual Apps & Desktops deployment.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Response
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Response constructs a response object for the [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment) that includes all resources, i.e., [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Resource).
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Status
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Status shows the status of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop deployment. The deployment can be in one of the following statuses at a given point in time: - PROVISIONING: The resources are being provisioned for the deployment. - ACTIVE: All the resources for the deployment are ready. - CANCELLING: Resources of the deployment are being cancelled. - CANCELLED: All the resources of the deployment are cancelled.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Type
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Type service tells the kind of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop deployment order. The Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop deployment can be in one of the following two types, - Citrix Hypervisor: This type of deployment uses XenServer Hypervisor provided by Citrix to create virtual machines - VMware: This type of deployment uses VMware hypervisor with NFS or VSAN for the storage solution.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Type
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Deployment_Type service tells the kind of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop deployment order. The Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktop deployment can be in one of the following two types, - Citrix Hypervisor: This type of deployment uses XenServer Hypervisor provided by Citrix to create virtual machines - VMware: This type of deployment uses VMware hypervisor with NFS or VSAN for the storage solution.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Request
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Request_CreateResourceLocation
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order
      This service is used to order an implementation of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops running on IBM Cloud
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order
      This service is used to order an implementation of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops running on IBM Cloud
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order_Container
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order::placeWorkspaceOrder.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order_LicenseKey
      This is the datatype that can be populated by the customer to provide license key information for VMware orders.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order_SharedStorage
      This is the datatype that can be populated by the customer to provide NFS shared storage information for VMware orders.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order_VMwareContainer
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Order::placeWorkspaceOrder to order and provision one or more VMware server instances to be used with Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops.
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Response
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Response constructs a response object for [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Order).
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Response
      The SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Response constructs a response object for [SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Order).
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Response_Item
    • SoftLayer_Workload_Citrix_Workspace_Response_Result
    • validateCitrixCredentials
    • verifyWorkspaceOrder
      This service is used to verify that an order meets all the necessary requirements to purchase Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops running on IBM cloud.