Users interact with SoftLayer's authortative DNS servers through the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain service. Each SoftLayer_Dns_Domain has a collection of SoftLayer_DNS_Domain_ResourceRecords referenced by the resourceRecords relational property. While it is possible to interact with resource records through the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain service, it is best to use the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord service directly after initial zone creation.
A list of all domains currently hosted on the SoftLayer nameservers can be retrieved with SoftLayer_Account::getDomains which returnr an array of SoftLayer_Dns_Domain template objects. You can extend this call to also pull the records associated with these domains with an object mask.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Account', null, $apiUser, $apiKey); $objectMask = "mask.resourceRecords"; $client->setObjectMask($objectMask); $domains = $client->getDomains(); print_r($domains);
To create a new zone, a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain template object must be created and passed into SoftLayer_Dns_Domain::createObject. NS records for and are automatically added during creation. Include at least one A or AAAA record with the template object for successful creation. Domain serial numbers will be added/updated by the API so there is no need to include them in the template object.
The following properties are necessary when creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain object.
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Dns_Domain', null, $apiUser, $apiKey); $template = new stdClass(); $template->name = ""; $template->resourceRecords = array(); $template->resourceRecords[0] = new stdClass(); $template->resourceRecords[0]->data = ''; $template->resourceRecords[0]->host = 'server1'; $template->resourceRecords[0]->type = 'a'; $result = $client->createObject($template); print_r($result);
SoftLayer_Dns_Domain::createObject will return a fully populated SoftLayer_Dns_Domain object.
Modifying existing SoftLayer_Dns_Domain entries is not possible. Changes to zone names should be refactored to creation of new zones.
Removal of a zone is accomplished with SoftLayer_Dns_Domain::deleteObject. This method requires only an init parameter be provided.
$domainId = 1545925; $client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Dns_Domain', $domainId, $apiUser, $apiKey); $result = $client->deleteObject(); print_r($result);
SoftLayer_Dns_Domain::deleteObject returns a bool value: true for successful, false for failed.
In addition to the method mentioned above domain resource records can be retrieved with SoftLayer_Dns_Domain::getResourceRecords which returns an array of SoftLayer_Dns_DomainResourceRecord objects.
$domainId = 12345; $client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Dns_Domain', $domainId, $apiUser, $apiKey); $result = $client->getResourceRecords(); print_r($result);
Creating records directly through the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord service is accomplished by creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord template object and passing it into SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::createObject. The use of '@' in the host property denotes a wildcard hostname.
The SoftLayer DNS system supports these record types:
At minimum the template object must contain:
$client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord', null, $apiUser, $apiKey); $domainId = 123456; $template = new stdClass(); $template->data = ''; $template->host = 'www'; $template->type = 'cname'; $template->domainId = $domainId; $result = $client->createObject($template); print_r($result);
Edit resource records by passing a template object into SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::editObject. The template object must contain:
$domainId = 45567; $resourceRecordId = 1234; $client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord', $resourceRecordId, $apiUser, $apiKey); $template = new stdClass(); $template->id = $resourceRecordId; $template->domainId = $domainId; $template->data = ''; $template->host = 'server01'; $result = $client->editObject($template); print_r($result);
It is also necessary to populate the init params with the resource records id property. A bool is returned by SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::editObject
Removal of a record is accomplished with SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::deleteObject. This method requires only an init parameter be provided.
$recordId = 1545925; $client = SoftLayer_SoapClient::getClient('SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord', $recordId, $apiUser, $apiKey); $result = $client->deleteObject(); print_r($result);
SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::deleteObject returns a bool value: true for successful, false for failed.