Initiate the automated process to establish connectivity granting the account private back-end network access to the services available through IBM Cloud Service Endpoint. Once initiated, the configuration process occurs asynchronously in the background.
<code>True</code> The request to connect was successfully initiated.
<code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are already connected.
<code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
Initiate the automated process to revoke mutual connectivity from the account network and IBM Cloud Service Endpoint network. Once initiated, the configuration process occurs asynchronously in the background.
<code>True</code> The request to disconnect was successfully initiated.
<code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are already disconnected.
<code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
Initiate the change of the private network to VRF, which will cause a brief private network outage.
@SLDNDocumentation Method Permissions NETWORK_VLAN_SPANNING
<code>True</code> The request to change the private network has been accepted and the change will begin immediately.
<code>False</code> The request had no change because the private network is already in a VRF or in the process of converting to VRF.
<code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current private network cannot be converted to VRF without specialized assistance.
Accessing select IBM Cloud services attached to the private back-end network is made possible by establishing a network relationship between an account's private network and the Service Endpoint network.
<code>True</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are currently connected.
<code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are not connected; both networks are properly configured to connect.
<code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
Provides services oriented to network-centric discovery and manipulation.
Provides services oriented to network-centric discovery and manipulation.