Items with tag softlayer_network_component







    • addNetworkVlanTrunks
      Add VLANs as trunks to a network component. The VLANs given must be assigned to your account and belong to the same pod in which this network component and its hardware reside. The current native VLAN cannot be added as a trunk. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which were added as trunks. Any requested VLANs which are already trunked will be ignored and will not be returned. Affected VLANs will not yet be operational as trunks on the network upon return of this call, but activation will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of an 'internal system error' some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for activation.
    • clearNetworkVlanTrunks
      Remove all VLANs currently attached as trunks to this network component. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which will be removed as trunks. Affected VLANs will not yet be removed as trunks upon return of this call, but deactivation and removal will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of a 'pending API request' error some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for deactivation.
    • getActiveCommand
      Reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) command currently executing by the server's remote management card.
    • getDownlinkComponent
      The network component linking this object to a child device
    • getDuplexMode
      The duplex mode of a network component.
    • getHardware
      The hardware that a network component resides in.
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
    • getIpAddressBindings
      The records of all IP addresses bound to a network component.
    • getIpAddresses
    • getLastCommand
      Last reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) command issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      The metric tracking object for this network component.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The upstream network component firewall.
    • getNetworkComponentGroup
      A network component's associated group.
    • getNetworkHardware
      All network devices in SoftLayer's network hierarchy that this device is connected to.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN that a network component's subnet is associated with.
    • getNetworkVlansTrunkable
      The viable trunking targets of this component. Viable targets include accessible VLANs in the same pod and network as this component, which are not already natively attached nor trunked to this component.
    • getNetworkVlanTrunks
      The VLANs that are trunked to this network component.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Component record.
    • getPortStatistics
      **DEPRECATED - This operation will cease to function after April 4th, 2016 and will be removed from v3.2** Retrieve various network statistics. The network statistics are retrieved from the network device using snmpget. Below is a list of statistics retrieved: * Administrative Status * Operational Status * Maximum Transmission Unit * In Octets * Out Octets * In Unicast Packets * Out Unicast Packets * In Multicast Packets * Out Multicast Packets
    • getPrimaryIpAddressRecord
      The primary IPv4 Address record for a network component.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      The subnet of the primary IP address assigned to this network component.
    • getPrimaryVersion6IpAddressRecord
      The primary IPv6 Address record for a network component.
    • getRecentCommands
      The last five reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) commands issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getRedundancyCapableFlag
      Indicates whether the network component is participating in a group of two or more components capable of being operationally redundant, if enabled.
    • getRedundancyEnabledFlag
      Indicates whether the network component is participating in a group of two or more components which is actively providing link redundancy.
    • getRemoteManagementUsers
      User(s) credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRouter
      A network component's routers.
    • getStorageNetworkFlag
      Whether a network component's primary ip address is from a storage network subnet or not. [Deprecated]
    • getSubnets
      A network component's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getUplinkComponent
      The network component linking this object to parent
    • getUplinkDuplexMode
      The duplex mode of the uplink network component linking to this object
    • removeNetworkVlanTrunks
      Remove one or more VLANs currently attached as trunks to this network component. If any VLANs are given which are not attached as trunks, they will be ignored. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which will be removed as trunks. Any requested VLANs which were not trunked will be ignored and will not be returned. Affected VLANs will not yet be removed as trunks upon return of this call, but deactivation and removal will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of a 'pending API request' error some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for deactivation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component
      Every piece of hardware running in SoftLayer's datacenters connected to the public, private, or management networks (where applicable) have a corresponding network component. These network components are modeled by the SoftLayer_Network_Component data type. These data types reflect the servers' local ethernet and remote management interfaces.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component
