Items with tag softlayer_product_package_preset




    • getAllObjects
      This method returns all the active package presets.
    • getAvailableStorageUnits
    • getBareMetalReservedFlag
      When true this preset is for ordering a Bare Metal Reserved server.
    • getCategories
      The item categories that are included in this package preset configuration.
    • getComputeGroup
      The compute family this configuration belongs to.
    • getConfiguration
      The preset configuration (category and price).
    • getDisallowedComputeGroupUpgradeFlag
      When true this preset is only allowed to upgrade/downgrade to other presets in the same compute family.
    • getFixedConfigurationFlag
      A package preset with this flag set will not allow the price's defined in the preset configuration to be overriden during order placement.
    • getLocations
      The locations this preset configuration is available in. If empty the preset is available in all locations the package is available in.
    • getLowestPresetServerPrice
      The lowest server prices related to this package preset.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset record.
    • getPackage
      The package this preset belongs to.
    • getPackageConfiguration
      The item categories associated with a package preset, including information detailing which item categories are required as part of a SoftLayer product order.
    • getPrices
      The item prices that are included in this package preset configuration.
    • getStorageGroupTemplateArrays
      Describes how all disks in this preset will be configured.
    • getTotalMinimumHourlyFee
      The starting hourly price for this configuration. Additional options not defined in the preset may increase the cost.
    • getTotalMinimumRecurringFee
      The starting monthly price for this configuration. Additional options not defined in the preset may increase the cost.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset
      Package presets are used to simplify ordering by eliminating the need for price ids when submitting orders. Orders submitted with a preset id defined will use the prices included in the package preset. Prices submitted on an order with a preset id will replace the prices included in the package preset for that prices category. If the package preset has a fixed configuration flag <em>(fixedConfigurationFlag)</em> set then the prices included in the preset configuration cannot be replaced by prices submitted on the order. The only exception to the fixed configuration flag would be if a price submitted on the order is an account-restricted price for the same product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset