This is an older article, the following might provide better instructions.
List items to order device.
The script displays the available data centers and items for a package.
Note: The displayed prices are standard prices.
import SoftLayer
package_id = 200
# Set True to see the hourly prices.
# In case you see empty prices that means the item does not have an hourly price.
hourly = False
# Some packages such as the package 200 requires a preset id.
# Configure the value with "" in case the packages do not requires a preset id.
preset_id = 385
client = SoftLayer.create_client_from_env()
package_service = client['SoftLayer_Product_Package']
def get_all_datacenters_available_for_package(package_id, package_service):
"""Get the available datacenters for a package.
:param int package_id: The package id to get the available data centers.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package package_service: The SoftLayer Product Package service.
:returns: An array SoftLayer_Location_Region.
object_mask = "mask[regions[keyname,description,sortOrder," \
"location[location(SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter)[activePresaleEvents," \
",,brandCountryRestrictions[locationId, " \
result = package_service.getObject(id=package_id, mask=object_mask)
regions = []
for item in result['regions']:
for detail in item['location']['locationPackageDetails']:
if detail['isAvailable'] == 1 and detail['locationId'] == item['location']['location']['id'] \
and detail['packageId'] == package_id:
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the data centers. \nfaultCode= %s, \nfaultString= %s" % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return regions
def get_all_items(package_id, package_service):
"""Get all the items for a package.
:param int package_id: The package id to get the available data centers.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package package_service: The SoftLayer Product Package service.
:returns: An array of SoftLayer_Product_Item.
object_mask = "mask[categories, prices[pricingLocationGroup, presetConfigurations]]"
items = package_service.getItems(id=package_id, mask=object_mask)
items = sorted(items, key=lambda item: (item['description']))
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the items. faultCode=%s, faultString=%s" % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return items
def get_configuration(package_service):
"""Get the configuration for a package.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package package_service: The SoftLayer Product Package service.
:returns: An array of SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration.
object_mask = "mask[itemCategory]"
items = package_service.getConfiguration(id=package_id, mask=object_mask)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the required categories. faultCode=%s, faultString=%s" % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return items
def is_required_option(list, category_code, configurations):
"""Verifies if a category is required in the configurations of the package
In case it is not required adds the value none to the list parameter.
:param An array of SoftLayer_Product_Item list: The list of items.
:param string category_code: The category code to verify if it is required in the package configuration.
:param An array of SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration configurations:
The configuration of the package.
:returns: An array of SoftLayer_Product_Item.
items = [conf for conf in configurations if conf['itemCategory']['categoryCode'] == category_code
and conf['isRequired'] == 1]
if len(items) == 0:
none = {}
none['description'] = "None"
list.insert(0, none)
return list
def get_filtered_items_category(items, configurations, category_code):
"""Gets the items which belong to a category code.
:param An array of SoftLayer_Product_Item items: The list of items.
:param An array of SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration configurations:
The configuration of the package.
:param string category_code: The category code to filter.
:returns: An array of SoftLayer_Product_Item.
filtered = []
for item in items:
categories = [category for category in item['categories'] if category['categoryCode'] == category_code]
if len(categories) > 0:
filtered = is_required_option(filtered, category_code, configurations)
return filtered
def get_standard_item_price(item):
"""Gets the standard price for an item.
:param An array of SoftLayer_Product_Item item: The item to get the standard price.
:returns: A SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price.
prices = [price for price in item['prices'] if price['locationGroupId'] == ""]
# We always return the last standard price in the list.
return prices[-1]
def display_datacenters(datacenters):
"""Displays the data centers.
:param An array SoftLayer_Location_Region datacenters: The list of regions.
tab_spaces_begin = 4
id_label = "LocationId"
print(id_label + " " * tab_spaces_begin + "DATA CENTER")
for datacenter in datacenters:
print(str(datacenter['location']['location']['id']) + " " *
(len(id_label) - len(str(datacenter['location']['location']['id']))) + " " *
tab_spaces_begin + datacenter['description'])
def display_items(items, title, hourly, is_preset, price_preset):
"""Displays the data centers.
:param An array SoftLayer_Product_Item items: The list of items to display.
:param string title: The title of the items.
:param boolean hourly: A boolean value which indicates if the hourly prices must be displayed.
tab_spaces_begin = 4
tab_spaces_prices = 4
tab_spaces_desc = 60
price_id_label = "PriceId"
if len(items) > 0:
if len(items) > 1 or items[0]['description'] != "None":
if not hourly:
price_label = "Monthly"
price_key = "recurringFee"
price_label = "Hourly"
price_key = "hourlyRecurringFee"
print(price_id_label + " " * tab_spaces_begin + title.upper() + " " * tab_spaces_desc + price_label +
" " * tab_spaces_prices + "Setup")
for item in items:
if item['description'] == "None":
print(" " * len(price_id_label) + " " * tab_spaces_begin + item['description'])
if not is_preset:
price = get_standard_item_price(item)
price = price_preset
if price_key in price:
print(str(price['id']) + " " * (len(price_id_label) - len(str(price['id']))) + " "
* tab_spaces_begin + item['description'].strip() + " "
* (tab_spaces_desc + len(title) - len(item['description']))
+ str(float(price[price_key])) + "$" + " "
* (len(price_label) - len(str(float(price[price_key]))))
+ " " * tab_spaces_prices + str(float(price['setupFee'])) + "$")
def is_preset_required(package_id, package_service):
"""Gets the preset configuration required flag.
:param int package_id: The package id to get the available data centers.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package package_service:
The SoftLayer Product Package service.
:returns: An boolean which indicates whether preset is required.
result = package_service.getPresetConfigurationRequiredFlag(id=package_id)
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the preset configuration required flag. \nfaultCode= %s, \nfaultString= %s"
% (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return result
def getting_package_preset(package_id, preset_id, package_service):
"""Gets a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset object.
:param int package_id: The package id to get the available data centers.
:param int preset_id: The preset id of the SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset to get.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package package_service: The SoftLayer Product Package service.
:returns: A oftLayer_Product_Package_Preset object.
object_mask = "mask[packageConfiguration[itemCategory],categories, " \
object_filter = {"activePresets": {"id": {"operation": preset_id}}}
presets = package_service.getActivePresets(id=package_id, mask=object_mask, filter=object_filter)
if len(presets) == 0:
print("The configured preset id: '" + str(preset_id) + "' is not valid for the package id: '"
+ str(package_id) + "'")
except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
print("Unable to get the active presets. \nfaultCode= %s, \nfaultString= %s" % (e.faultCode, e.faultString))
return presets[0]
def get_filtered_item_preset_category(preset_configurations, category_code):
"""Gets the prices for a preset configuration list which contain an arbitrary category code.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Configuration preset_configurations:
The list of configuration in the preset.
:param string category_code: The category code to filter.
:returns: An array SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price.
filtered = []
for presetConfiguration in preset_configurations:
if presetConfiguration['category']['categoryCode'] == category_code:
return filtered
def get_configurations_not_preset(preset):
"""Gets the configuration list which contains the categories that can be configurable.
:param SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset preset: The preset to get the configuration list.
:returns: An array of SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration.
configurations = []
# When the package has a preset configuration only a few categories can be edited.
# Below the list of categories which can be edited.
allowed_list = ["bandwidth", "port_speed", "sec_ip_addresses", "pri_ipv6_addresses",
"static_ipv6_addresses", "evault", "os"]
for conf in preset['packageConfiguration']:
for allowed in allowed_list:
if conf['itemCategory']['categoryCode'] == allowed:
return configurations
# Getting the available data centers.
datacenters = get_all_datacenters_available_for_package(package_id, package_service)
# Displaying the data centers
if not is_preset_required(package_id, package_service):
# Getting the items in the package
items = get_all_items(package_id, package_service)
# Getting the configuration of the package
configurations = get_configuration(package_id, package_service)
configurations = sorted(configurations, key=lambda item: item['isRequired'], reverse=True)
# Displaying the items
for conf in configurations:
listItems = get_filtered_items_category(items, configurations, conf['itemCategory']['categoryCode'])
display_items(listItems, conf['itemCategory']['name'], hourly, False, "")
# Getting the preset configuration, these items cannot be changed in the order.
# Review for more information.
preset = getting_package_preset(package_id, preset_id, package_service)
print("************************************* PRESET CONFIGURATION *************************************")
for conf in preset['packageConfiguration']:
listConfiguredItems = get_filtered_item_preset_category(preset['configuration'],
items = []
if len(listConfiguredItems) > 0:
display_items(items, conf['itemCategory']['categoryCode'], hourly, True, listConfiguredItems[0])
# Getting the items which can be configured in the order.
configurations = get_configurations_not_preset(preset)
# Getting the items in the package
items = get_all_items(package_id, package_service)
print("************************************* CONFIGURABLE ITEMS *************************************")
# Displaying the items
for conf in configurations:
listItems = get_filtered_items_category(items, configurations, conf['itemCategory']['categoryCode'])
display_items(listItems, conf['itemCategory']['name'], hourly, False, "")