Release Notes

November 12, 2015


  • Updates the invoice pdf document’s VAT summary page to provide more precise tax information.


  • Fixed SoftLayer_DNS_Domain returning malformed SOAP data when creating any type of DNS record.
  • Networking configuration transactions during provisioning and reloads now run in parallel, improving provisioning speeds.
  • Created a new API method that allows approved brands to retrieve lock information on an account locked by that brand. SoftLayer_Account_Lockdown_Request::getAccountHistory

November 10, 2015


  • Improved the error message on the Catalyst self-enrollment page when user enters invalid credit card information.
  • ‘NEW’ Invoices will now properly display the last 4 digits of the credit card.


  • Fix issue in which objectFilter values for (SoftLayer_Network_Subnet)[] addressSpace and subnetType were being ignored.
  • Fixed an issue that When a SSL certificate is being activated on a load balancer which is already active, the load balancer sends a response which was being improperly handled as an error.

November 5, 2015


  • Next and Pending invoices are cached once requested, greatly reducing the time it takes to download the invoice again.


  • Fixes an issue where tokens were not being properly replaced in the subject field for ticket watch notification emails

November 3, 2015


  • Changed the region sort order on order forms to be more friendly.
  • Removed forum auto-login link.
  • Restrict the length of first name field for credit cards to match those enforced by account first name field (30 characters)


  • Improved Virtual Guest provisioning times by parallelizing some provisioning transactions.
  • Fixed an error preventing some Fast Provision Servers from getting past the SEND_SOFTWARE_INSTALL transaction.
  • Failed post install scripts on unsupported OSes will now include a message that the OS is unsupported.
  • Corrects an issue in which network monitoring of a primary IP address from a trunked VLAN of the network component was no longer allowed.

October 29, 2015


  • Improved device list performance for customers with NetScaler MPX devices


October 26, 2015


  • Improved reliability of File and Block Storage provisioning.


  • Brand Master Accounts may no longer place orders
  • Added an API endpoint that allows brands to disconnect, reconnect, and disable their customer accounts. SoftLayer_Account_Lockdown_Request

October 19, 2015


  • Storage groups default to max size if no size is specified.
  • Changed generic error messages on Catalyst enrollment to specify more clearly the problem encountered.

October 14, 2015



October 12, 2015


  • Fixed an issue with some Object Storage accounts not being listed properly
  • Fixed an issue where some ticket attachments were not getting uploaded.
  • Adds restrictions on ordering a server in the India DC. More Information
  • Fixed creation of billing item for managed resources that require a transfer price
  • Eliminates false errors from being thrown during bandwidth usage polling
  • Fixes No-OS rescue transactions from failing. No-OS rescues now default to a Linux rescue environment. There will be a future issue to allow customers to choose between Linux and Windows rescues environments for No-OS rescues.


  • Fixed an issue with ticket routing for branded account upgrades
  • Correct issue wherein secondary subnets were not being configured on inside VLANs when unrouted from a Gateway Device
  • Reverted restrictions on user creation added in the 2010-10-07 release.

October 7, 2015


  • Properly display all VAT summary rates on invoices
  • Correct SSL VPN authentication lockouts caused by a set of automated actions


  • The First Name, Last Name, Street Address, City, Country, ZIP, State, Company Name, Office Phone fields must not be blank when creating a user.
  • No longer possible to cancel Endurance Storage while there are active blocking actions happening.
  • Adds getPublicCustomerOwnedImages to the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group service
  • Fixed a bug when adding new configuration value for a Nimsoft Monitoring Robot causing a failing transaction.