Performs a check to see if the user has access to the guest the disk image is attached to before moving it to another guest
Adding SoftLayer_Network_Vlan::datacenter
Fix term length validation for optional disk categories in order API
In rare cases customer would see an error during volume modification. With this code fix the issue will be resolved and the snapshot size modification will go through properly without any issue.
Properly handle upgrade rules when block/file volume is magnetic
Removed the dead PhoneFactor code
Allow for editing a firmware driver version entries
Add new guest attribute type for ACTIVE_LIVE_MIGRATION
Made the SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::virtualGuests ORM key return an empty collection for customers (SLDN calls), since we no longer offer customer-managed-guests and therefore customers do not need to know host/server information for their guests anymore.
Reliably populate SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::gateway and broadcastAddress for non-static subnets.
Removed PhoneFactor Exceptions and Exception message translations
Added validation to Customer rate limit values
Allow upgrades to use additional private network interfaces
Expose permissionCheckLikeMasterUserFlag to API
Fix an issue causing some order verification and order placement to return generic errors from the API.
Auto-resume guests when live migration bug occurs that suspends the guest unintentionally
Prevent IPSec VPN orders on VRF enabled accounts
Fixed multiple bugs/inconsistencies related to parent/child device access violation. Parent/Child Customer relationships should now be honored in device access changes.
Suspend all existing Autoscale groups in preparation to deprecate the product
Secondary subnets no longer prevent automatic or premium VLANs from being cancelled and reclaimed. As part of VLAN reclamation, secondary subnets will be unrouted for potential future use.
Removed all guest-related methods from SLDN exposure on the SoftLayer_Virtual_Host class, since customer-managed guests are no longer available as a product and therefore host information is not exposed to customers for their guests.
Update volumeStatus as string in case of ISCSI volume
Updated SLDN Documentation for SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication to match behavior
Deprecate Autoscale for Classic API methods
Adding new package names to Sendgrid product items.
Clarify 2nd event log entry for IAM Token good with 2FA failure
Prefer keeping the same IP addresses when restarting a provision
Added code to delete networks after the deletion of provisioning network in SoftLayer_Virtual_Host
Unroute static subnets targeting primary IP addresses upon host reclaim.