Release Notes

March 26, 2021


  • Let either USER_MANAGE IMS permission or user-management IAM Policy be sufficient for doing device access management
  • When a user is deleted, change the username so that a deleted user is not “squatting” on the username.

March 19, 2021


  • Fix an issue causing some order API requests to fail to get the orderServerMonthlyAmount and orderNonServerMonthlyAmount properties.


  • Fixed an issue where an Event log was not generated when IP Restriction was added\removed from User profile in the cloud portal.
  • Update subnet category cancellation flags to allow a user to cancel the billing items without them being a child.

March 8, 2021


  • ApiKeys should now only be visible to the owner of the api key. The master user will be able to see if a user has a key, but not the actual value of the key.
  • Return false instead of exception for SoftLayer_Network_Storage::isIndedicatedServiceResource function.
  • Improved SLDN documentation on SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group_Type
  • Added new api for disaster recovery failover for Network Storage volumes.
  • Added a check in failbackfromReplicant to prevent flagged parent volume from failing back
  • Added Method to get a firewalls version: SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall::getFirewallFirmwareVersion
  • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery::sendEmail() endpoint has been deprecated and will be removed in API version 3.2


  • For current Network Storage replicas, a race condition exists where the replication will occasionally start before the snapshot is taken. This causes the latest snapshot to occasionally not be copied to the replica. To solve this race condition, replication will now start 5 minutes after the scheduled snapshot. The 5 minute delay will only affect new replica provisions. Current provisions will continue to replicate at the same time as the scheduled snapshot. To upgrade a current replica to the new 5 minute delayed replication schedule, the current replica must be canceled and re-ordered.
  • Provided ability to provision file and block storage in a dedicated cluster.

February 26, 2021


  • SoftLayer_Network_Protection_Address::serviceProvider has been deprecated and will no longer provide filtering or yield data.

February 12, 2021


  • New datatype: SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type


  • Allow Network_Storage Host authorization before invoking split PI

February 5, 2021


  • Delete user’s apiKey(s) when user is deleted


  • Improved check for availability in selected location when ordering IPSec VPN services.

January 29, 2021



  • Add index to SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::hostname
  • Prevent Classic Infrastructure apiKey generation for users in Pending state.
  • Sync legacy SoftLayer SAML Federated users over to PaaS upon creation.

January 22, 2021


  • Correct documentation on Customer::createObject (re ACTIVE users in linked account pair w/ IBMid)
  • Discontinue support for SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object::getCustomGraphImage()

January 15, 2021



  • Volume refresh transactions will no longer stall on a known error, alleviating the need for manual intervention from Customer Support.
  • Dependent duplicate will become independent after the completion of the convert_to_independent process

January 12, 2021

Depreciated Notice

SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object::getCustomGraphData() will no longer return image data starting on 2021-01-20. The method will still return a SoftLayer_Container_Graph object, but the image property will be empty.