July 2, 2020

Working with Virtual Guests

A variety of examples on getting information from Virtual Guest Objects

Example Framework

For these examples, the following class structure will be used. Since most of these examples will share a lot of the initialization code, this class will help reduce the noise level.

All these examples will have a function definition that can simply be added to the example class and run with a call from the if __name__ == "__main__": block.

import SoftLayer

from SoftLayer.managers.ordering import OrderingManager

from pprint import pprint as pp

class example():

    def __init__(self):
        """Sets up the SoftLayer client, and debugger client"""
        self.client = SoftLayer.Client()
        # Sets up the SoftLayer debugger, allowing for more verbose output.
        debugger = SoftLayer.DebugTransport(self.client.transport)
        self.client.transport = debugger

    def main(self, vsi):
        """Gets the vsi Object"""
        vsi = self.client.call('Virtual_Guest', 'getObject', id=vsi)

    def debug(self):
        """Iteratess through all class made in this session"""
        for call in self.client.transport.get_last_calls():

if __name__ == "__main__":
    main = example()
    vsi = 123465
    # Add any functions you need to call below.

Simple Create

This example calls SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate() to ensure the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest template object you created is valid.

From there you can pass the same template to SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject() and a new virtual guest will be created. The only limitation here is that some options are not available with SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject(), namely adding IPv6 addresses.

To get the options avaliable for Virtual Guest creation, see SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions

When creating a templateObject, don’t set startCpus and maxMemory fields, these are legacy options, use supplementalCreateObjectOptions->flavorKeyName to select how much RAM/CPU the new VSI will have.

templateObject = {
    # The name of the server
    "hostname": "host1",  
    # The domain for the server
    "domain": "example.com",  
     # Specifies the billing type for the server.
    "hourlyBillingFlag": True, 
    # An identifier for the operating system to provision the server with.
    "operatingSystemReferenceCode": "UBUNTU_LATEST",  
    # Specifies which datacenter the server is to be provisioned in.
    "datacenter": {"name": "dal10"},
    # Sets metadata, optional.
    "userData": [{"value": "someValue"}],
    "supplementalCreateObjectOptions": {
        "flavorKeyName": "B1_1X2X100" # list from createObjectOptions
    def getCreateOptions(self):
        """Prints out the options available for creating virtual guests"""
        create_options = self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'getCreateObjectOptions')

    def verifyObject(self, templateObject):
        """Pass in a templateObject, defined above, to test if it is valid."""
            receipt = self.client.call(
                'SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'generateOrderTemplate',
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to verify VSI. {} {}".format(e.faultCode, e.faultString))
    def createObject(self, templateObject):
        """Pass in a templateObject, defined above, to actually create a VSI."""
            receipt = self.client.call(
                'SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'createObject',
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to create VSI. {} {}".format(e.faultCode, e.faultString))

getCreateOptions has a lot of irrelevant output, and trimming that out takes a bit of code to complete that gets in the way of this example. See SoftLayer/CLI/virt/create_options.py for how the SLCLI handles the output.

SLCLI also has this as a command feature. See slcli vs create and slcli vs create-options

Create with Ordering Manager

This example uses Ordering Manager for interacting with the API, it is using the PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVER package and include sshkeys and a post provision script.

    def create_vsi():
        vsi_mgr = OrderingManager(client)
        package = 'PUBLIC_CLOUD_SERVER'
        location = 'DALLAS13'
        preset = 'B1_2X8X100'
        items = ['BANDWIDTH_0_GB_2',
        complex_type = 'SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest'
        extras = {"virtualGuests": [{"hostname": "test", "domain": "ibm.com"}],
                  "provisionScripts": ["https://examples.provisioning.org"],
                  "sshKeys": [{"sshKeyIds": [1234, 1235]}]
        billing_hourly = True
        # uses vsi_mgr.place_order instead of  vsi_mgr.verify_order to create the vsi
        vsi = vsi_mgr.verify_order(package, location, items, complex_type=complex_type,
                                        hourly=billing_hourly, preset_keyname=preset, extras=extras, quantity=1)

Add tags

Tags cannot be set at create time, they can only be added after a VSI has been provisioned, or at least gotten an id.

SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::setTags() will either return True, or an Exception.

    def tagGuest(self, vsi_id, tags="default, tags, csv formatted"):
        """Adds tags to vsi_id"""
            self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'setTags',
                             tags, id=vsi_id)
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to tag {}, {} {}".format(e.faultCode, e.faultString))

Edit Details

Occasionally you will want to change some of the details of a server, like its hostname, or notes for example. This can be don with SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::editObject()

# A Virtual_Guest object. Not all fields are changeable.
objectTemplate = {
    'hostname': 'myhostnameEdited',
    'notes': 'edited from api'

    def editGuest(self, vsi_id, objectTemplate):
            result = self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'editObject',
                                      objectTemplate, vsi_id)
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to edit {}, {} {}".format(vsi_id, e.faultCode, e.faultString))

Set Port Speed

Usually changing the port speed is used to disable or enable an interface. Speed values can only be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000. The new speed must be equal to or less than the max speed of the interface. If you want to increase the speed to a higher limit than was ordered, that will require an upgrade order for the virtual guest.

setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed and p(/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed/) both will return True on success, or an Exception on a failure.

    def setPortSpeed(self, vsi_id, speed=0, public=False, private=False):
        """Sets vsi public and/or private interfaces to speed"""
        if public:
                    'SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed',
                    speed, id=vsi_id)
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to set public interface on {} to {}, {} {}".format(
                vsi_id, speed, e.faultCode, e.faultString))            
        if private:
                    'SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed',
                    speed, id=vsi_id)
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to set private interface on {} to {}, {} {}".format(
                vsi_id, speed, e.faultCode, e.faultString))          

Getting all Virtual Guests

This example will get a listing of all the Virtual Guests on your account, with an option to filter that result by hostname.

iter=True in the API call will return a python generator, and automatically paginate through the results. Especially useful for accounts with a long list of guests.

    def listGuets(self, hostname='not null'):
        """Gets all virtual guests, with optional hostname filter"""
        filterInstance = {'virtualGuests': {'host':{'operation':hostname}}}
        objectMask = "mask[location]"
        instances = self.client.call('SoftLayer_Account', 'getVirtualGuests', iter=True, filter=filterInstance, mask=objectMask)

Find Upgrade Prices

Print out the available upgrades a Virtual Guest can order.

SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getUpgradeItemPrices() This method exclude downgrade item prices by default. You can set the “includeDowngradeItemPrices” parameter to true so that it can include downgrade item prices.

    def getUpgrades(self, vsi_id):
        """Gets available upgrades and downgrades for vsi_id"""
        upgrades = self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'getUpgradeItemPrices', True, id=vsi_id)

Power Management

The following API calls exist for power management, and they all are called simply by passing in the VSI id you want to deal with. the Soft commands will send a signal to the OS to reboot safely. Where the Hard command will forcefully shut down the VSI.

These methods will all either return True, or an Exception if something prevented a Guest from changing power state. If you get an exception, try with a more forceful command. RebootHard instead of rebootSoft, or powerOff instead of RebootHard. If that still doesn’t work, a support ticket will need to be created for support to investigate why the Guest is in a stuck state.

    def rebootGuest(self, vsi_id, force=False):
            if force:
                self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'rebootHard')
                self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'rebootSoft')
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to reboot {}, {} {}".format(
                vsi_id, e.faultCode, e.faultString))  

    def powerGuest(self, vsi_id, powerOff=False):
            if powerOff:
                self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'powerOff')
                self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'powerOn')
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to power  {}, {} {}".format(
                vsi_id, e.faultCode, e.faultString))  

Reload Guest

If you ever need to get the VSI to a clean, newly provisioned state, issue a OS reload.

    def reloadOS(self, vsi_id):
        """Performs a simple OS reload, no changes"""
            self.client.call('SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest', 'reloadCurrentOperatingSystemConfiguration', id=vsi_id)
        except SoftLayer.SoftLayerAPIError as e:
            print("Unable to reload  {}, {} {}".format(
                vsi_id, e.faultCode, e.faultString))        


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