

Validates SoftLayer account information. Will return an error if any field is not valid.


This method will validate the following account fields. Included are the allowed characters for each field.
Company Name (required): alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, octothorpe, forward slash, comma, colon, at sign, ampersand, underscore, apostrophe, parenthesis, exclamation point. Maximum length: 100 characters. (Note: may not contain an email address)
First Name (required): alphabet, space, period, dash, comma, apostrophe. Maximum length: 30 characters.
Last Name (required): alphabet, space, period, dash, comma, apostrophe. Maximum length: 30 characters.
Email (required): Validates e-mail addresses against the syntax in RFC 822.
Address 1 (required): alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, octothorpe, forward slash, comma, colon, at sign, ampersand, underscore, apostrophe, parentheses. Maximum length: 100 characters. (Note: may not contain an email address)
Address 2: alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, octothorpe, forward slash, comma, colon, at sign, ampersand, underscore, apostrophe, parentheses. Maximum length: 100 characters. (Note: may not contain an email address)
City (required): alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, apostrophe, forward slash, comma, parenthesis. Maximum length: 100 characters.
State (required if country is US, Brazil, Canada or India): Must be valid Alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 state code for that country.
Postal Code (required if country is US or Canada): Accepted characters are alphabet, numbers, dash, space. Maximum length: 50 characters.
Country (required): alphabet, numbers. Must be valid Alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 country code.
Office Phone (required): alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, parenthesis, plus sign. Maximum length: 100 characters.
Alternate Phone: alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, parenthesis, plus sign. Maximum length: 100 characters.
Fax Phone: alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, parenthesis, plus sign. Maximum length: 20 characters.


Name Type Description
account SoftLayer_Account

Required Headers

Optional Headers

  • None

Return Values

  • string[]
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [SoftLayer_Account]}' \