

Move servers into our out of a bandwidth pool.


This will move servers into a bandwidth pool, removing them from their previous bandwidth pool and optionally remove the bandwidth pool on completion.


Name Type Description
hardwareToAdd SoftLayer_Hardware[] A collection of servers to be assigned to a bandwidth pool.
hardwareToRemove SoftLayer_Hardware[] A collection of servers to be unassigned from an allotment and assigned to the virtual private rack
cloudsToAdd SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest[] A collection of virtual servers to be assigned to a bandwidth pool.
cloudsToRemove SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest[] A collection of virtual server to be unassigned from an allotment and assigned to the virtual private rack
optionalAllotmentId int The bandwidth pool to move the servers to. Provided only for backwards compatibility.
adcToAdd SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller[] A collection of application delivery controllers to be assigned to a bandwidth pool.
adcToRemove SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller[] A collection of application delivery controllers to be unassigned from an allotment and assigned to the virtual private rack

Required Headers

Optional Headers

  • None

Return Values

  • boolean

Error Handling

  • If a device could not be retrieved by a provided id-value.
  • If a requested device is currently unable to move into or out of a bandwidth pool. Corrective action may be required before the request can be fulfilled.
  • If the requested update cannot be fulfilled by the system.
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [SoftLayer_Hardware, SoftLayer_Hardware, SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest, SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest, int, SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller, SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller]}' \