Items with tag network





    • addAllowedHost
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object to this group. This will automatically enable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • addAllowedHost
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object to this group. This will automatically enable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • addAllowedHost
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object to this group. This will automatically enable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • addCustomerSubnetToNetworkTunnel
      Associates a remote subnet to the network tunnel. When a remote subnet is associated, a network tunnel will allow the customer (remote) network to communicate with the private and service subnets on the SoftLayer network which are on the other end of this network tunnel. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the association described above to take effect.
    • addL7Policies
      This function creates multiple policies with rules for the given listener.
    • addL7PoolMembers
      Add server instances as members to a L7pool and return the LoadBalancer Object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • addL7Rules
      This function creates and adds multiple Rules to a given L7 policy with all the details provided for rules
    • addLoadBalancerMembers
      Add server instances as members to load balancer and return it with listeners, pools and members populated
    • addNetworkVlanTrunks
      Add VLANs as trunks to a network component. The VLANs given must be assigned to your account and belong to the same pod in which this network component and its hardware reside. The current native VLAN cannot be added as a trunk. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which were added as trunks. Any requested VLANs which are already trunked will be ignored and will not be returned. Affected VLANs will not yet be operational as trunks on the network upon return of this call, but activation will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of an 'internal system error' some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for activation.
    • addPrivateSubnetToNetworkTunnel
      Associates a private subnet to the network tunnel. When a private subnet is associated, the network tunnel will allow the customer (remote) network to access the private subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the association described above to take effect.
    • addRules
      Add new rules to a security group by sending in an array of template [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule) objects to be created.
    • addServiceSubnetToNetworkTunnel
      Associates a service subnet to the network tunnel. When a service subnet is associated, a network tunnel will allow the customer (remote) network to communicate with the private and service subnets on the SoftLayer network which are on the other end of this network tunnel. Service subnets provide access to SoftLayer services such as the customer management portal and the SoftLayer API. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the association described above to take effect.
    • addUnsubscribeEmailAddress
    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replica volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowDeleteConnection
    • applyConfigurationsToDevice
      An asynchronous task will be created to apply the IPSec network tunnel's configuration to network devices. During this time, an IPSec network tunnel cannot be modified in anyway. Only one network tunnel configuration task can be created at a time. If a task has already been created and has not completed, a new task cannot be created.
    • approveBypassRequest
      Approve a request from technical support to bypass the firewall. Once approved, support will be able to route and unroute the VLAN on the firewall.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • attachNetworkComponents
      Attach virtual guest network components to a security group by creating [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) objects.
    • attachToVolume
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume to this group. This will automatically enable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • attachToVolume
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume to this group. This will automatically enable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • attachToVolume
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume to this group. This will automatically enable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • bypass
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass/unroute the VLAN from this gateway.
    • bypassAllVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass all VLANs. Any VLANs that are already bypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • bypassVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass the provided VLANs. The VLANs must already be attached. Any VLANs that are already bypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • cancelLoadBalancer
      Cancel a load balancer with the given uuid. The billing system will execute the deletion of load balancer and all objects associated with it such as load balancer appliances, listeners, pools and members in the background.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • clearNetworkVlanTrunks
      Remove all VLANs currently attached as trunks to this network component. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which will be removed as trunks. Affected VLANs will not yet be removed as trunks upon return of this call, but deactivation and removal will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of a 'pending API request' error some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for deactivation.
    • clearRegistration
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. This method will initiate the removal of a subnet registration.
    • clearRoute
      This interface allows you to remove the route of your secondary subnets. The result will be a subnet that is no longer routed on the network. Remove the route of subnets you are not actively using, as it will make it easier to identify available subnets later. '''Important:''' When removing the route of ''Portable'' subnets, know that any subnet depending on an IP address provided by the Portable subnet will also have their routes removed! To review what subnets are routed to IP addresses provided by a ''Portable'' subnet, you can utilize the following object mask: 'mask[ipAddresses[endpointSubnets]]'. Any subnet present in conjunction with ''endpointSubnets'' is a subnet which depends on the respective IP address. The behavior of this interface is such that either true or false is returned. A result of false can be interpreted as the clear route request having already been completed. In contrast, a result of true means the subnet is currently routed and will be transitioned. This route change is asynchronous to the request. A response of true does not mean the subnet's route has changed, but simply that it will change. In order to monitor for the completion of the change, you may either attempt a clear route again until the result is false, or monitor one or more SoftLayer_Network_Subnet properties: subnetType, networkVlanId, and or endPointIpAddress to determine if routing of the subnet has been removed.
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • connectPrivateEndpointService
      Initiate the automated process to establish connectivity granting the account private back-end network access to the services available through IBM Cloud Service Endpoint. Once initiated, the configuration process occurs asynchronously in the background. <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The request to connect was successfully initiated. <code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are already connected. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • createAddressTranslation
      Create an address translation for a network tunnel. To create an address translation, ip addresses from an assigned /30 static route subnet are used. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer (remote) subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be created.
    • createAddressTranslations
      This has the same functionality as the SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context::createAddressTranslation. However, it allows multiple translations to be passed in for creation. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the address translations to be created.
    • createConnection
    • createDomainMapping
      SOAP API will create a new CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createGeoblocking
    • createHotlinkProtection
    • createL7Pool
      Create a backend to be used for L7 load balancing. This L7 pool has backend protocol, L7 members, L7 health monitor and session affinity. L7 pool is associated with L7 policies.
    • createLiveLoadBalancer
      Create or add to an application delivery controller based load balancer service. The loadBalancer parameter must have its ''name'', ''type'', ''sourcePort'', and ''virtualIpAddress'' properties populated. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • createModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will create modify response header for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • createObject
      Create a allotment for servers to pool bandwidth and avoid overages in billing if they use more than there allocated bandwidth.
    • createObject
      For IPSec network tunnels, customers can create their local subnets using this method. After the customer is created successfully, the customer subnet can then be added to the IPSec network tunnel.
    • createObject
      Create a new firewall update request. If the SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object passed to this function has no rule, the firewall be set to bypass state and all the existing firewall rule(s) will be deleted. ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your firewall update request was unable to be created.
    • createObject
      Create a new firewall update request. The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object passed to this function must have at least one rule. ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your firewall update request was unable to be created..
    • createObject
      Create a new hardware member on the gateway. This also asynchronously sets up the network for this member. Progress of this process can be monitored via the gateway status. All members created with this object must have no VLANs attached.
    • createObject
      Create a new VLAN attachment. If the bypassFlag is false, this will also create an asynchronous process to route the VLAN through the gateway.
    • createObject
      Passing in an unsaved instances of a Query_Host object into this function will create the object and return the results to the user.
    • createObject
      Create a new vulnerability scan request. New scan requests are picked up every five minutes, and the time to complete an actual scan may vary. Once the scan is finished, it can take up to another five minutes for the report to be generated and accessible.
    • createObject
      Create a new security group.
    • createObject
    • createObject
    • createObject
    • createObject
      Create a nas volume schedule
    • createObject
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. Create registration with a global registrar to associate an assigned subnet with the provided contact details. Contact information is provided in the form of a [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail), which reference can be provided when the registration is created or afterwards. Registrations without an associated person detail will remain in the ``OPEN`` status. To specify a person detail when creating a registration, the ``detailReferences`` property should be populated with a list item providing a ``detailId`` value referencing the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail). The same applies to [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail), though these references need not be provided. The system will create a reference to the network described by the registration's subnet in the absence of a provided network detail reference. However, if a specific detail is referenced, it must describe the same subnet as the registration. A template containing the following properties will create a subnet registration: * networkIdentifier * cidr * detailReferences ``networkIdentifier`` is the base address of the public, SoftLayer owned subnet which is being registered. ``cidr`` must be an integer representing the CIDR of the subnet to be registered. The ``networkIdentifier``/``cidr`` must represent an assigned subnet. ``detailReferences`` tie the registration to SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail objects.
    • createObject
      The subnet registration details service has been deprecated. <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> This method will create a new SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details object. <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>detailId</code> <div> The numeric ID of the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) object to relate. </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> <li><code>registrationId</code> <div> The numeric ID of the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object to relate. </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
    • createObjects
      Create multiple new hardware members on the gateway. This also asynchronously sets up the network for the members. Progress of this process can be monitored via the gateway status. All members created with this object must have no VLANs attached.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple new VLAN attachments. If the bypassFlag is false, this will also create an asynchronous process to route the VLANs through the gateway.
    • createObjects
      Passing in a collection of unsaved instances of Query_Host objects into this function will create all objects and return the results to the user.
    • createObjects
      Create new security groups.
    • createObjects
      Create Softlayer portal user VPN overrides.
    • createObjects
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. Create registrations with respective registrars to associate multiple assigned subnets with the provided contact details.
    • createOriginPath
      SOAP API will create Origin Path for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createPurge
      This method creates a purge record in the purge table, and also initiates the create purge call.
    • createPurgeGroup
      This method creates a purge group record in the table, and also initiates the purge action based on the input option value. The unsaved groups will be deleted after 15 days if no purge actions executed. The possible input option value can be: 1: (Default) Only purge the paths in the group, don't save the group as favorite. 2: Only save the group as favorite, don't purge the paths. 3: Save the group as favorite and also purge the paths in the group.
    • createReverseDomainRecords
      Create the default PTR records for this subnet
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • createSubnetRouteUpdateTransaction
      ***DEPRECATED*** This endpoint is deprecated in favor of the more expressive and capable SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route, to which this endpoint now proxies. Refer to it for more information. Similarly, unroute requests are proxied to SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute.
    • createSwipTransaction
      ***DEPRECATED*** This function is used to create a new SoftLayer SWIP transaction to register your RWHOIS data with ARIN. SWIP transactions can only be initiated on subnets that contain more than 8 IP addresses.
    • createTimeToLive
      Creates a Time To Live object and inserts it into the database
    • createTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will create Token authentication Path for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • credentialCreate
      Create credentials for an IBM Cloud Object Storage Account
    • credentialDelete
      Delete a credential
    • deleteAddressTranslation
      Remove an existing address translation from a network tunnel. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer subnet (remote). NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be deleted.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteConnection
    • deleteDomainMapping
      SOAP API will delete CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
    • deleteEmailListEntries
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteGeoblocking
    • deleteHotlinkProtection
    • deleteL7PoolMembers
      Delete given members from load balancer and return load balancer object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • deleteL7Rules
      This function deletes multiple rules aassociated with the same policy.
    • deleteLiveLoadBalancer
      Remove a virtual IP address from an application delivery controller based load balancer. Only the ''name'' property in the loadBalancer parameter must be populated. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • deleteLiveLoadBalancerService
      Remove an entire load balancer service, including all virtual IP addresses, from and application delivery controller based load balancer. The ''name'' property the and ''name'' property within the ''vip'' property of the service parameter must be provided. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • deleteLoadBalancerMembers
      Delete given members from load balancer and return load balancer object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • deleteLoadBalancerProtocols
      Delete load balancers front- and backend protocols and return load balancer object with listeners (frontend), pools (backend), server instances (members) and datacenter populated.
    • deleteModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will delete modify response header for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes a configuration history record
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      Start the asynchronous process to detach this VLANs from the gateway.
    • deleteObject
      Deletes a l7 policy instance and the rules associated with the policy
    • deleteObject
      Deletes an existing L7 pool along with L7 members, L7 health monitor, and L7 session affinity.
    • deleteObject
      Calling deleteObject on a particular server will remove it from the load balancer. This is the only way to remove a service from your load balancer. If you wish to remove a server, first call this function, then reload the virtualIpAddress object and edit the remaining services to reflect the other changes that you wish to make.
    • deleteObject
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a security group for an account. A security group cannot be deleted if any network components are attached or if the security group is a remote security group for a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule).
    • deleteObject
      Use this method to delete a single SoftLayer portal VPN user subnet override.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage schedule. '''This cannot be undone.''' ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a schedule;
    • deleteObject
      The subnet registration details service has been deprecated. This method will delete an existing SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail object.
    • deleteObjects
      Detach several VLANs. This will not detach them right away, but rather start an asynchronous process to detach.
    • deleteObjects
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteObjects
      Delete security groups for an account. A security group cannot be deleted if any network components are attached or if the security group is a remote security group for a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule).
    • deleteObjects
      Use this method to delete a collection of SoftLayer portal VPN user subnet overrides.
    • deleteOriginPath
      SOAP API will delete Origin Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • deleteTasks
      This method can be used to help maintain the storage space on a vault. When a job is removed from the Webcc, the task and stored usage still exists on the vault. This method can be used to delete the associated task and its usage. All that is required for the use of the method is to pass in an integer array of task(s).
    • deleteTimeToLive
    • deleteTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will delete token authentication Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • detachNetworkComponents
      Detach virtual guest network components from a security group by deleting its [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding).
    • disable
      Disable a Virtual IP Address, removing it from load balancer rotation and denying all connections to that IP address.
    • disableSmtpAccess
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • disconnectPrivateEndpointService
      Initiate the automated process to revoke mutual connectivity from the account network and IBM Cloud Service Endpoint network. Once initiated, the configuration process occurs asynchronously in the background. <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The request to disconnect was successfully initiated. <code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are already disconnected. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
    • downloadAddressTranslationConfigurations
      Provides all of the address translation configurations for an IPSec VPN tunnel in a text file
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • downloadParameterConfigurations
      Provides all of the configurations for an IPSec VPN network tunnel in a text file
    • editAddressTranslation
      Edit name, source (SoftLayer IP) ip address and/or destination (Customer IP) ip address for an existing address translation for a network tunnel. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer (remote) subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be created.
    • editAddressTranslations
      Edit name, source (SoftLayer IP) ip address and/or destination (Customer IP) ip address for existing address translations for a network tunnel. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer (remote) subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be modified.
    • editConnection
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editNote
      Edit the note for this subnet.
    • editObject
      Edit an applications delivery controller record. Currently only a controller's notes property is editable.
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the load balancers can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object. The load balancer object also can modify its services in this way. Simply request the load balancer object you wish to edit, then modify the objects in the services array and pass the modified object to this function. WARNING: Services cannot be deleted in this manner, you must call deleteObject() on the service to physically remove them from the load balancer.
    • editObject
      Edit a bandwidth allotment's local properties. Currently you may only change an allotment's name. Use the [SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment::reassignServers](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and [SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment::unassignServers](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) methods to move servers in and out of your allotments.
    • editObject
      Edit this member, only manufacturer and version can be changed
    • editObject
      Edit a l7 policy instance's properties
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the load balancers can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object. The load balancer object also can modify its services in this way. Simply request the load balancer object you wish to edit, then modify the objects in the services array and pass the modified object to this function. WARNING: Services cannot be deleted in this manner, you must call deleteObject() on the service to physically remove them from the load balancer.
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object.
    • editObject
      Edit a security group.
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • editObject
      Edit a nas volume schedule
    • editObject
      Edit a subnet IP address.
    • editObject
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. This method will edit an existing SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration object. For more detail, see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration::createObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2).
    • editObject
      Edit the RWHOIS record by passing in a modified version of the record object. All fields are editable.
    • editObject
      Negotiation parameters for both phases one and two are editable. Here are the phase one and two parameters that can modified: *Phase One **Authentication ***Default value is set to MD5. ***Valid Options are: MD5, SHA1, SHA256. **Encryption ***Default value is set to 3DES. ***Valid Options are: DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256. **Diffie-Hellman Group ***Default value is set to 2. ***Valid Options are: 0 (None), 1, 2, 5. **Keylife ***Default value is set to 3600. ***Limits are: MIN = 120, MAX = 172800 **Preshared Key *Phase Two **Authentication ***Default value is set to MD5. ***Valid Options are: MD5, SHA1, SHA256. **Encryption ***Default value is set to 3DES. ***Valid Options are: DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256. **Diffie-Hellman Group ***Default value is set to 2. ***Valid Options are: 0 (None), 1, 2, 5. **Keylife ***Default value is set to 28800. ***Limits are: MIN = 120, MAX = 172800 **Perfect Forward Secrecy ***Valid Options are: Off = 0, On = 1. ***NOTE: If perfect forward secrecy is turned On (set to 1), then a phase 2 diffie-hellman group is required. The remote peer address for the network tunnel may also be modified if needed. Invalid options will not be accepted and will cause an exception to be thrown. There are properties that provide valid options and limits for each negotiation parameter. Those properties are as follows: * encryptionDefault * encryptionOptions * authenticationDefault * authenticationOptions * diffieHellmanGroupDefault * diffieHellmanGroupOptions * phaseOneKeylifeDefault * phaseTwoKeylifeDefault * keylifeLimits Configurations cannot be modified if a network tunnel's requires complex manual setups/configuration modifications by the SoftLayer Network department. If the former is required, the configurations for the network tunnel will be locked until the manual configurations are complete. A network tunnel's configurations are applied via a transaction. If a network tunnel configuration change transaction is currently running, the network tunnel's setting cannot be modified until the running transaction completes. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the modifications made to take effect.
    • editObject
      Updates this VLAN using the provided VLAN template. The following properties may be modified. - 'name' - A description no more than 20 characters in length.
    • editObjects
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object.
    • editObjects
      Edit security groups.
    • editObjects
      This function is used to edit multiple objects at the same time.
    • editRegistrationAttachedDetails
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. This method modifies a single registration by modifying the current [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details) objects that are linked to that registration.
    • editRules
      Edit rules that belong to the security group. An array of skeleton [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule) objects must be sent in with only the properties defined that you want to change. To edit a property to null, send in -1 for integer properties and '' for string properties. Unchanged properties are left alone.
    • enable
      Enable a disabled Virtual IP Address, allowing connections back to the IP address.
    • enableOrDisableDataLogs
      When enabled, data log would be forwarded to logging service.
    • enableSmtpAccess
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • enableVrf
      Initiate the change of the private network to VRF, which will cause a brief private network outage. @SLDNDocumentation Method Permissions NETWORK_VLAN_SPANNING <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The request to change the private network has been accepted and the change will begin immediately. <code>False</code> The request had no change because the private network is already in a VRF or in the process of converting to VRF. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current private network cannot be converted to VRF without specialized assistance.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • findAllSubnetsAndActiveSwipTransactionStatus
      ***DEPRECATED*** Retrieve a list of a SoftLayer customer's subnets along with their SWIP transaction statuses. This is a shortcut method that combines the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet retrieval methods along with [[object masks]] to retrieve their subnets' associated SWIP transactions as well. This is a special function built for SoftLayer's use on the SWIP section of the customer portal, but may also be useful for API users looking for the same data.
    • findByHardwareId
      This method returns all Query_Host objects associated with the passed in hardware ID as long as that hardware ID is owned by the current user's account. This behavior can also be accomplished by simply tapping networkMonitors on the Hardware_Server object.
    • findByIpv4Address
      Search for an IP address record by IPv4 address.
    • findMyTransactions
      **DEPRECATED** This function will return an array of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction objects, one for each SWIP that is currently in transaction with ARIN. This includes all swip registrations, swip removal requests, and SWIP objects that are currently OK.
    • findUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets and their IP addresses. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data. Callers may provide a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress object filter as search criteria. A result limit and offset may also be provided. A maximum of 1024 results can be retrieved at a time.
    • forceRebuildCluster
      Purpose is to rebuild the target Gateway cluster with the specified OS price id. Method will remove the current OS and apply the default configuration settings. This will result in an extended OUTAGE!! Any custom configuration settings must be re-applied after the forced rebuild is completed. This is a DESTRUCTIVE action, use with caution.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that owns an application delivery controller record.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The account associated with this virtual rack.
    • getAccount
      SoftLayer account to which the CDN account belongs.
    • getAccount
      The account for this gateway.
    • getAccount
      The account that owns this load balancer.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that a network message delivery account belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that a network message delivery account belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a security scan request.
    • getAccount
      The account this security group belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account which owns this group.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account which owns this group.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account which owns this group.
    • getAccount
      SoftLayer account to which an IBM Cloud Object Storage account belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account to which the request belongs.
    • getAccount
      The request this key contact belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      [Deprecated] The account that this registration belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account associated with this reverse WHOIS data.
    • getAccount
      The Account whose RWHOIS data was used to SWIP this subnet
    • getAccount
      The account that a network tunnel belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account this VLAN is associated with.
    • getAccountId
    • getAccountOverview
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getActiveCommand
      Reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) command currently executing by the server's remote management card.
    • getActiveDetails
      The bandwidth allotment detail records associated with this virtual rack.
    • getActiveRegistration
      The active regional internet registration for this subnet.
    • getActiveSwipTransaction
    • getActiveTickets
      The active tickets that are attached to the MDMS request.
    • getActiveTransaction
    • getActiveTransaction
    • getActiveTransaction
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getAdditionalPrimarySubnets
      The primary IPv4 subnets routed on this VLAN, excluding the primarySubnet.
    • getAddress
      The customer address where the device is shipped to.
    • getAddressSpace
      The classifier of IP addresses this subnet represents, generally PUBLIC or PRIVATE. This does not necessarily correlate with the network on which the subnet is used.
    • getAddressTranslationConfigurations
      The address translations will be returned. All the translations will be formatted so that the configurations can be copied into a host file. Format: {address translation SoftLayer IP Address} {address translation name}
    • getAddressTranslations
      A network tunnel's address translations.
    • getAllAvailableServiceSubnets
      Subnets that provide access to SoftLayer services such as the management portal and the SoftLayer API.
    • getAllConnections
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Return all existing Direct Link location.
    • getAllObjects
      Get all available firewall template objects. ''getAllObjects'' returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template objects upon success.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Return all existing load balancers
    • getAllObjects
      Returns all supported cipher list
    • getAllObjects
      Filtering is supported for ``datacenterName`` and ``capabilities``. When filtering on capabilities, use the ``in`` operation. Pods fulfilling all capabilities provided will be returned. ``datacenterName`` represents an operation against ```, such as dal05 when referring to Dallas 5. ```Examples:``` List Pods in a specific datacenter. <pre> datacenterName.operation = 'dal06' </pre> List Pods in a geographical area. <pre> datacenterName.operation = '^= dal' </pre> List Pods in a region fulfilling capabilities. <pre> datacenterName.operation = '^= dal' capabilities.operation = 'in' capabilities.options = [ { name = data, value = [SOME_CAPABILITY, ANOTHER_CAPABILITY] } ] </pre>
    • getAllObjects
      Get all security groups.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all storage group types available.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all iSCSI OS Types.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage schedule property types.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHost
      The link from this subnet to network storage devices supporting access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this IP Address to Network Storage supporting access control lists.
    • getAllowedHosts
      The allowed hosts list for this group.
    • getAllowedHosts
      The allowed hosts list for this group.
    • getAllowedHosts
      The allowed hosts list for this group.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The network storage devices this subnet has been granted access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The network storage device replicas this subnet has been granted access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedOsPriceIds
      Used to get a list of OS prices (ids) which are allowed for the Gateway.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllPortLabelsWithCurrentUsage
    • getAllQueryTypes
      Calling this function returns all possible query type objects. These objects are to be used to set the values on the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host when creating new monitoring instances.
    • getAllRequestStatuses
      Retrieves a list of all the possible statuses to which a request may be set.
    • getAllResponseTypes
      Calling this function returns all possible response type objects. These objects are to be used to set the values on the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host when creating new monitoring instances.
    • getAllUpgradesByGatewayId
    • getAppliances
      Get the load balancer appliances for the given lb id.
    • getApplicationDeliveryController
      A virtual IP address's associated application delivery controller.
    • getApplicationDeliveryController
      The application delivery controller using this address.
    • getApplicationDeliveryControllers
      A virtual IP address's associated application delivery controllers.
    • getApplicationDeliveryControllers
      The Application Delivery Controller contained within a virtual rack.
    • getApplyServerRuleSubnets
      The additional subnets linked to this network component firewall, that inherit rules from the host that the context slot is attached to.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAttachedNetworkGateway
      The gateway device this VLAN is associated with for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkGatewayFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a gateway device for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkGatewayVlan
      The gateway device VLAN context this VLAN is associated with for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      Retrieves the combination of network storage devices and replicas this subnet has been granted access to. Allows for filtering based on storage device type.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress.
    • getAttachedVolumes
      The network storage volumes this group is attached to.
    • getAttachedVolumes
      The network storage volumes this group is attached to.
    • getAttachedVolumes
      The network storage volumes this group is attached to.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
      The attributes for this member.
    • getAuthenticationDefault
      The default authentication type used for both phases of the negotiation process. The default value is set to MD5.
    • getAuthenticationOptions
      Authentication options available for both phases of the negotiation process. The authentication options are as follows: * MD5 * SHA1 * SHA256
    • getAuthorizingUser
      The user that authorized this firewall update request.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      Retrieves the combination of network storage devices and replicas this subnet has NOT been granted access to. Allows for filtering based on storage device type.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress.
    • getAvailableSecureTransportCiphers
      Yields a list of the SSL/TLS encryption ciphers that are currently supported on this virtual IP address instance.
    • getAvailableSecureTransportProtocols
      Yields a list of the secure communication protocols that are currently supported on this virtual IP address instance. The list of supported ciphers for each protocol is culled to match availability.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A firewall's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllotmentType
      The bandwidth allotment type of this virtual rack.
    • getBandwidthDataByDate
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthImage
      This method recurses through all servers on a Bandwidth Pool for a given snapshot range, gathers the necessary parameters, and then calls the bandwidth graphing server. The return result is a container that includes the min and max dates for all servers to be used in the query, as well as an image in PNG format. This method uses the new and improved drawing routines which should return in a reasonable time frame now that the new backend data warehouse is used.
    • getBandwidthImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single application delivery controller. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getBareMetalInstances
      The bare metal server instances contained within a virtual rack.
    • getBgpIpRange
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle. One object is returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this firewall is attached to.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw private network bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw public network bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicUsageTotal
      The total public bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Application Delivery Controller.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for the load balancer virtual IP. This is only valid when dedicatedFlag is false. This is an independent virtual IP, and if canceled, will only affect the associated virtual IP.
    • getBillingItem
      A virtual rack's billing item.
    • getBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which is active.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Hardware Firewall (Dedicated).
    • getBillingItem
      The active billing item for a network interconnect.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for the Load Balancer.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a network message delivery account.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a network message delivery account.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which is active. Includes billing items which are scheduled to be cancelled in the future.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which is active. Includes billing items which are scheduled to be cancelled in the future.
    • getBillingItem
      The active billing item for this subnet.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for this Global IP.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for network tunnel.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for this VLAN.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Hardware Firewall (Dedicated).
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBoundDescendants
    • getBoundRouterFlag
      Indicates whether this subnet is associated to a network router and is routable on the network.
    • getBoundRouters
      [DEPRECATED] The list of network routers that this subnet is directly associated with, defining where this subnet may be routed on the network.
    • getBuckets
      Get buckets
    • getByIpAddress
      Search for an IP address record by IP address.
    • getBypassRequestStatus
      Administrative bypass request status.
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getCancelFailureReasons
      Evaluates this VLAN for cancellation and returns a list of descriptions why this VLAN may not be cancelled. If the result is empty, this VLAN may be cancelled.
    • getCancelledBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which has been cancelled.
    • getCapabilities
      Provides the list of capabilities a Pod fulfills. See [SoftLayer_Network_Pod::listCapabilities](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Pod/listCapabilities) for more information on capabilities.
    • getCapacity
      Returns the Gbps capacity of the gateway object
    • getCapacityUsage
      Returns the capacity usage for an IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getCdnUrls
    • getCdnUrls
    • getCdnUrls
    • getChildren
      The immediate descendants of this subnet.
    • getCloudObjectStorageMetrics
      Makes a request to Cloud Object Storage metricsAPI service and when successful, returns an associative array with two elements: if 200: [ <response Status Code String>, <JSON from metricsAPI as outlined below as String> ] if not 200: [ <response Status Code String>, <response body as String> ] { 'start': '<timeInMilliseconds>', 'errors': [], 'end': '<timeInMilliseconds>', 'resource_type': 'account', 'warnings': [], 'resources': [{'metrics' : [{'name': 'retrieval', 'value': '<number>'}]}] } Notes: 1) When no data is found for a particular triplet (resource_id, storage_location, storage_class) a JSON element is inserted to the warnings Array. 2) If all queried triplets find data, only the resources Array will be populated, errors and warnings will remain empty.
    • getClusterResource
    • getClusterResource
    • getClusterResource
    • getConfigurationHistory
      Previous configurations for an Application Delivery Controller.
    • getConnection
    • getContainerList
      This method returns a collection of container objects.
    • getContextTunnelTranslations
      An IPSec network tunnel's address translations. These translations use a SoftLayer ip address from an assigned static NAT subnet to deliver the packets to the remote (customer) destination.
    • getController
      The application delivery controller that a configuration history record belongs to.
    • getCountry
      SoftLayer_Locale_Country Id.
    • getCreateEmployee
      The employee user who created the request.
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created the request.
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredentialLimit
      Returns credential limits for this IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getCredentials
    • getCredentials
    • getCredentials
      Credentials used for generating an AWS signature. Max of 2.
    • getCredentials
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentCyclePeakUsage
      Peak number of bytes used in the vault for the current billing cycle.
    • getCustomerInvoicingMetrics
      Get the static & dynamic bandwidth and mapping hits of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account over a given period of time. Frequency can be 'day', 'aggregate'. If the value 'day' is specified for Frequency, return data will be ordered based on startDate to endDate, and if the value 'aggregate' is specified for Frequency, aggregated data from startDate to endDate will be returned. There is a delay within 3 days(including today) for fetching the metrics data.
    • getCustomerManagedFlag
      If false, this VIP and associated services may be edited via the portal or the API. If true, you must configure this VIP manually on the device.
    • getCustomerRealTimeMetrics
      Get the realtime metrics data for the current account. Takes the startTime and endTime and returns the total metrics data and line graph metrics data divided by the timeInterval.
    • getCustomerSubnets
      Remote subnets that are allowed access through a network tunnel.
    • getCustomerUsageMetrics
      Get the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account over a given period of time
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that the application delivery controller resides in.
    • getDatacenter
      Datacenter, where load balancer is located.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter this subnet is primarily associated with.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter location for one end of the network tunnel that allows access to account's private subnets.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter this VLAN is associated with.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that the firewall resides in.
    • getDatacenterName
    • getDay
      The hour parameter of this schedule.
    • getDayOfMonth
      The day of the month parameter of this schedule.
    • getDayOfWeek
      The day of the week parameter of this schedule.
    • getDedicatedBillingItem
      The current billing item for the load balancing device housing the virtual IP. This billing item represents a device which could contain other virtual IPs. Caution should be taken when canceling. This is only valid when dedicatedFlag is true.
    • getDedicatedClusterList
    • getDedicatedFirewallFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a firewall device. This does not include Hardware Firewalls.
    • getDefaultPool
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDescendants
      The descendants of this subnet, including all parents and children.
    • getDescription
      A brief description of an application delivery controller record.
    • getDestinationIpAddress
    • getDetail
      [Deprecated] The related [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail).
    • getDetailReferences
      [Deprecated] The cross-reference records that tie the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) objects to the registration object.
    • getDetails
      The bandwidth allotment detail records associated with this virtual rack.
    • getDeviceConfiguration
      The device configurations.
    • getDeviceModel
      The model of device assigned to this request.
    • getDiffieHellmanGroupDefault
      The default Diffie-Hellman group used for both phases of the negotiation process. The default value is set to 2.
    • getDiffieHellmanGroupOptions
      The Diffie-Hellman group options used for both phases of the negotiation process. The diffie-hellman group options are as follows: * 0 (None) * 1 * 2 * 5
    • getDirectLinkSpeeds
    • getDisplayLabel
      [DEPRECATED] The description of this subnet.
    • getDownlinkComponent
      The network component linking this object to a child device
    • getDuplexMode
      The duplex mode of a network component.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getEmailAddress
      The contact e-mail address used by SendGrid.
    • getEmailList
    • getEncryptionDefault
      The default encryption type used for both phases of the negotiation process. The default value is set to 3DES.
    • getEncryptionOptions
      Encryption options available for both phases of the negotiation process. The valid encryption options are as follows: * DES * 3DES * AES128 * AES192 * AES256
    • getEndPointIpAddress
      The IP address target of this statically routed subnet.
    • getEndpoints
      Returns a collection of endpoint URLs available to this IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getEndpointSubnets
      All the subnets routed to an IP address.
    • getEndpointsWithRefetch
      Returns a collection of endpoint URLs available to this IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getEvents
      Events which have been created as the result of a schedule execution.
    • getEvents
      [Deprecated] The related registration events.
    • getExtensionRouter
      [DEPRECATED] The extension router that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFile
      This method returns a file object given the file's full name.
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileList
      This method returns a collection of the file objects within a container and the given path.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFirewallContextAccessControlLists
    • getFirewallContextAccessControlLists
    • getFirewallFirmwareVersion
      Retrieve the firewall device firmware version from database.
    • getFirewallGuestNetworkComponents
      The VSI network interfaces connected to this VLAN and associated with a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallInterfaces
      The context for the firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getFirewallNetworkComponents
      The uplinks of the hardware network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN and associated with a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves the IP addresses routed on this VLAN that are protectable by a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves the subnets routed on this VLAN that are protectable by a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallRules
      The access rules for the firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getFirewallType
      The firewall device type.
    • getFirewallUpdateRequest
      The update request that this rule belongs to.
    • getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes
      Get the possible attribute values for a firewall update request rule. These are the valid values which may be submitted as rule parameters for a firewall update request. ''getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes'' returns a SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Firewall_Rule_Attribute object upon success.
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getFullyQualifiedDomainName
      A name reflecting the hostname and domain of the firewall. This is created from the combined values of the firewall's logical name and vlan number automatically, and thus can not be edited directly.
    • getGatewayMember
      The gateway member has these attributes.
    • getGatewaySoftwareDescription
      The gateway software description for the member.
    • getGeoblocking
    • getGeoblockingAllowedTypesAndRegions
    • getGlobalIpRecord
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} [DEPRECATED] getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} [DEPRECATED] getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} [DEPRECATED] getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getGraphImage
      Get the graph image for a load balancer service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getGraphImage
      Get the graph image for a load balancer service group based on the supplied graph type and metric. The only available graph type currently is: 'connections', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getGraphImage
      Get the graph image for a load balancer service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getGroupReferences
    • getGroups
    • getGroupType
      The type which defines this group.
    • getGroupType
      The type which defines this group.
    • getGroupType
      The type which defines this group.
    • getGuest
      The downstream virtual server that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getGuest
      The virtual guest a security scan is run against.
    • getGuestNetworkComponent
      The network component of the guest virtual server that this network component firewall belongs to.
    • getGuestNetworkComponent
      A network component that is statically routed to an IP address.
    • getGuestNetworkComponentBinding
      A network component that is statically routed to an IP address.
    • getGuestNetworkComponents
      The VSI network interfaces connected to this VLAN.
    • getGwOrdersAllowedLicenses
    • getGwOrdersAllowedOS
      Used to get a list per package of prices ids for allowed vSRX or vFSA OS-es for new orders.
    • getHardware
      The hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getHardware
      The hardware that a network component resides in.
    • getHardware
      The downstream server that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getHardware
      The device for this member.
    • getHardware
      The hardware that is being monitored by this monitoring instance
    • getHardware
      The hardware object that these monitoring permissions applies to.
    • getHardware
      The hardware a security scan is run against.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardware
      The Bare Metal devices which have been assigned a primary IP address from this subnet.
    • getHardware
      A server that this IP address is routed to.
    • getHardware
      The hardware with network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN.
    • getHardwareWithEvaultFirst
      Retrieve a list of hardware associated with a SoftLayer customer account, placing all hardware with associated EVault storage accounts at the beginning of the list. The return type is SoftLayer_Hardware_Server[] contains the results; the number of items returned in the result will be returned in the soap header (totalItems). ''getHardwareWithEvaultFirst'' is useful in situations where you wish to search for hardware and provide paginated output. Results are only returned for hardware belonging to the account of the user making the API call. This method drives the backup page of the SoftLayer customer portal. It serves a very specific function, but we have exposed it as it may prove useful for API developers too.
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHealthCheck
    • getHealthCheck
    • getHealthChecks
    • getHealthMonitors
      Health monitors for the backend members.
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a firewall device in a high availability configuration.
    • getHighAvailabilityFlag
      Denotes whether the virtual IP is configured within a high availability cluster.
    • getHotlinkProtection
    • getHour
      The hour parameter of this schedule.
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getInsideVlans
      All VLANs trunked to this gateway.
    • getInternalSubnets
      Private subnets that can be accessed through the network tunnel.
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIpAddress
    • getIpAddress
    • getIpAddress
    • getIpAddressBindings
      The records of all IP addresses bound to a network component.
    • getIpAddresses
    • getIpAddresses
      All ip addresses associated with a subnet.
    • getIpAddresses
      The IP address records belonging to this subnet.
    • getIpAddressesByHardware
      This will return an arrayObject of objects containing the ipaddresses. Using an string parameter you can send a partial ipaddress to search within a given ipaddress. You can also set the max limit as well using the setting the resultLimit.
    • getIpAddressesByVirtualGuest
      This will return an arrayObject of objects containing the ipaddresses. Using an string parameter you can send a partial ipaddress to search within a given ipaddress. You can also set the max limit as well using the setting the resultLimit.
    • getIpAddressUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data.
    • getIpAddressUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getKeyContacts
      The key contacts for this requests.
    • getKeylifeLimits
      The keylife limits. Keylife max limit is set to 120. Keylife min limit is set to 172800.
    • getL7HealthMonitor
    • getL7Members
    • getL7Policies
    • getL7Policies
    • getL7PoolMemberHealth
      Returns the health of all L7 pool's members which are created under load balancer. L7 members health status is available only after a L7 pool is associated with the L7 policy and that L7 policy has at least one L7 rule.
    • getL7Pools
      L7Pools for load balancer.
    • getL7Rules
    • getL7SessionAffinity
    • getLastCommand
      Last reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) command issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getLastResult
      The most recent result for this particular monitoring instance.
    • getLicenseExpirationDate
      The date in which the license for this application delivery controller will expire.
    • getLicenses
      The gateway licenses for this member.
    • getLimits
      List the current security group limits
    • getListeners
      Listeners assigned to load balancer.
    • getListenerTimeSeriesData
      Return listener time series datapoints. The time series data is available for Throughput, ConnectionRate and ActiveConnections. Throughput is in bits per second. The values are an average over the time range. The time series data is available for 1hour, 6hours, 12hours, 1day, 1week or 2weeks.
    • getLiveLoadBalancerServiceGraphImage
      Get the graph image for an application delivery controller service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getLoadBalancer
      Get the load balancer object with given uuid.
    • getLoadBalancerHardware
    • getLoadBalancerMemberHealth
      Return load balancer members health
    • getLoadBalancers
      The virtual IP address records that belong to an application delivery controller based load balancer.
    • getLoadBalancers
      Get the load balancer objects for the given user accounts.
    • getLoadBalancerStatistics
      Return load balancers statistics such as total number of current sessions and total number of accumulated connections.
    • getLocalDiskStorageCapabilityFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN's pod has VSI local disk storage capability.
    • getLocation
      The location of Direct Link facility.
    • getLocationGroup
      The location group associated with this virtual rack.
    • getLocationGroup
      Location Group ID of CleverSafe cross region.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getManagedBareMetalInstances
      The managed bare metal server instances contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagedHardware
      The managed hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that this Application Delivery Controller is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the load balancer is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the load balancer is a managed resource.
    • getManagedVirtualGuests
      The managed Virtual Server contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagementCredentials
      The credentials to log in to a firewall device. This is only present for dedicated appliances.
    • getManagementIpAddress
      An application delivery controller's management ip address.
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getManufacturer
      Returns manufacturer name for a given gateway object.
    • getMappingBandwidthByRegionMetrics
      Get the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account over a given period of time
    • getMappingBandwidthMetrics
      Get the amount of edge hits for an individual mapping.
    • getMappingHitsByTypeMetrics
      Get the total number of hits at a certain frequency over a given range of time. Frequency can be day, week, and month where each interval is one plot point for a graph. Return Data must be ordered based on startDate, endDate and frequency
    • getMappingHitsMetrics
      Get the total number of hits at a certain frequency over a given range of time per domain mapping. Frequency can be day, week, and month where each interval is one plot point for a graph. Return Data will be ordered based on startDate, endDate and frequency.
    • getMappingIntegratedMetrics
      Get the integrated metrics data for the given mapping. You can get the the hits, bandwidth, hits by type and bandwidth by region. It will return both the total data and the detail data.
    • getMappingRealTimeMetrics
      Get the real time metrics data for the given mapping
    • getMappingUsageMetrics
      Get the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display for the given mapping
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMemberGatewayImagesMatch
      Returns true if no mismatch is found, gateway is not Juniper vSRX or SA gateway
    • getMembers
      The members for this gateway.
    • getMembers
      Members assigned to load balancer.
    • getMetricData
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A virtual rack's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this rack.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      The metric tracking object for this network component.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      [DEPRECATED] - A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      [DEPRECATED] - A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      [DEPRECATED] - Provides an interface to various metrics relating to the usage of an IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      [DEPRECATED] - A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A firewall's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this allotment.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object ID for this firewall.
    • getMinute
      The minute parameter of this schedule.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified the request.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified the request.
    • getMonthOfYear
      The month of the year parameter of this schedule.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getNetworkComponent
      The network component of the switch interface that this network component firewall belongs to.
    • getNetworkComponent
      A network component that is statically routed to an IP address.
    • getNetworkComponentBindings
      The network component bindings for this security group.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The upstream network component firewall.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The network component firewall that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The hardware firewall associated to this subnet via access control list.
    • getNetworkComponentGroup
      A network component's associated group.
    • getNetworkComponents
      The hardware network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN.
    • getNetworkComponentsTrunkable
      The viable hardware network interface trunking targets of this VLAN. Viable targets include accessible components of assigned hardware in the same pod and network as this VLAN, which are not already connected, either natively or trunked.
    • getNetworkComponentTrunks
      The hardware network interfaces connected via trunk to this VLAN.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Use this method to retrieve network connection information for SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects within this group.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Use this method to retrieve network connection information for SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects within this group.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Use this method to retrieve network connection information for SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects within this group.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkDetail
      [Deprecated] The 'network' detail object.
    • getNetworkFirewall
      The firewall associated with this gateway, if any.
    • getNetworkFirewallFlag
      Whether or not there is a firewall associated with this gateway.
    • getNetworkFirewallUpdateRequest
      The update requests made for this firewall.
    • getNetworkFirewallUpdateRequests
      The update requests made for this firewall.
    • getNetworkFirewallUpdateRequests
      The update requests made for this firewall.
    • getNetworkGateway
      The gateway this member belongs to.
    • getNetworkGateway
      The gateway this VLAN is attached to.
    • getNetworkGateway
      The gateway associated with this firewall, if any.
    • getNetworkHardware
      All network devices in SoftLayer's network hierarchy that this device is connected to.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkProtectionAddresses
    • getNetworkTunnelContexts
      The IPSec VPN tunnels associated to this subnet.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The network VLAN that an application delivery controller resides on.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN that a network component's subnet is associated with.
    • getNetworkVlan
    • getNetworkVlan
    • getNetworkVlan
    • getNetworkVlan
      The network VLAN record.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN this subnet is associated with.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN object that a firewall is associated with and protecting.
    • getNetworkVlanFirewall
      The firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network VLANs that an application delivery controller resides on.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The VLAN objects that a firewall is associated with and protecting.
    • getNetworkVlansTrunkable
      The viable trunking targets of this component. Viable targets include accessible VLANs in the same pod and network as this component, which are not already natively attached nor trunked to this component.
    • getNetworkVlanTrunks
      The VLANs that are trunked to this network component.
    • getNetworkZones
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller service. You can only retrieve application delivery controllers that are associated with your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Method record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualServer record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware service. You can only retrieve an allotment associated with the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_HotlinkProtection record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Component record.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface_AccessControlList_Network_Component object. You can only get objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet service. You can only retrieve the subnet whose account matches the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType record.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList object. You can only get objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface object. You can only get objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface record.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template object. You can retrieve all available firewall templates. getAllObjects returns an array of all available SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template objects. You can use these templates to generate a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. @SLDNDocumentation Service See Also SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
    • getObject
      ''getObject'' returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object. You can only get historical objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. ''createObject'' inserts a new SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object. You can only insert requests for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. ''getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes'' Get the possible attribute values for a firewall update request rule.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object. You can only get historical objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. createObject inserts a new SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object. Use the SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request to create groups of rules for an update request.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Attribute record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Precheck record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_VersionUpgrade record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Interconnect_Tenant record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerAppliance record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service service. You can only retrieve services on load balancers assigned to your account, and it is recommended that you simply retrieve the entire load balancer, as an individual service has no explicit purpose without its 'siblings'.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress service. You can only retrieve Load Balancers assigned to your account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host service. You can only retrieve query hosts attached to hardware that belong to your account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum service. You can only retrieve strata attached to hardware that belong to your account.
    • getObject
      Set the initialization parameter to the ``name`` of the Pod to retrieve.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request service. You can only retrieve requests and reports that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Storage object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Storage service. Please use the associated methods in the [SoftLayer_Network_Storage](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage) service to retrieve a Storage account's id.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Hardware record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_IpAddress record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Subnet record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_VirtualGuest record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_DedicatedCluster record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Iscsi record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Nfs record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Cleversafe_Account record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieves a subnet by its id value. Only subnets assigned to your account are accessible.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress service. You can only retrieve the IP address whose subnet is associated with a VLAN that is associated with the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Status record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data service. The best way to get Rwhois Data for an account is through getRhwoisData on the Account service.
    • getObject
      **DEPRECATED** getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_transaction service. You can only retrieve Swip transactions tied to the account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context service. The IPSec network tunnel will be returned if it is associated with the account and the user has proper permission to manage network tunnels.
    • getObject
      Retrieves a VLAN by its id value. Only VLANs assigned to your account are accessible.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall object. You can only get objects for vlans attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Type record.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getOfferingsList
    • getOrderBindings
      The order bindings for this security group
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsType
      The OS Type this group is configured for.
    • getOsType
      The OS Type this group is configured for.
    • getOsType
      The OS Type this group is configured for.
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this bandwidth pool for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getParameterConfigurationsForCustomerView
      All of the IPSec VPN tunnel's configurations will be returned. It will list all of phase one and two negotiation parameters. Both remote and local subnets will be provided as well. This is useful when the configurations need to be passed on to another team and/or company for internal network configuration.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getPartnership
      The associated partnership for a schedule.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPassword
      The password used to connect to an application delivery controller's management interface when it is operating in advanced view mode.
    • getPasswords
      The gateway passwords for this member.
    • getPendingRequests
      Returns placeholder MDMS requests for any MDMS order pending approval.
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPersonDetail
      [Deprecated] The 'person' detail object.
    • getPhaseOneKeylifeDefault
      The default phase 1 keylife used if a value is not provided. The default value is set to 3600.
    • getPhaseTwoKeylifeDefault
      The default phase 2 keylife used if a value is not provided. The default value is set to 28800.
    • getPodName
      The pod in which this subnet is currently routed.
    • getPodName
      The pod this VLAN is associated with.
    • getPortLabel
    • getPorts
    • getPortStatistics
      **DEPRECATED - This operation will cease to function after April 4th, 2016 and will be removed from v3.2** Retrieve various network statistics. The network statistics are retrieved from the network device using snmpget. Below is a list of statistics retrieved: * Administrative Status * Operational Status * Maximum Transmission Unit * In Octets * Out Octets * In Unicast Packets * Out Unicast Packets * In Multicast Packets * Out Multicast Packets
    • getPossibleInsideVlans
      Get all VLANs that can become inside VLANs on this gateway. This means the VLAN must not already be an inside VLAN, on the same router as this gateway, not a gateway transit VLAN, and not firewalled.
    • getPrecheckStatus
      Get the precheck status for all Virtual (Juniper, Fortigate vFSA) Gateway Action categories which require a readiness check before executing. Reference documentation for more details. Possible precheck readiness values include: Ready (0): The member or Gateway category is ready. The only state that will be allowed to execute the Action. Not Ready (1): The member or Gateway category is not ready. This could occur because of several reasons. Either a precheck error occur, or the precheck has not run within the precheck timeout window. Check the returnCode for details on the specific error. Reference the documentation for recovery details. Running (2): The precheck is currently running with no errors. Incomplete (3): The other member in the Gateway failed, therefore the current member could not complete it's precheck. Unsupported (4): The category is unsupported for the given member or Gateway. Expired (5) : The precheck record has expired so will need to be run again. Unchecked (6) : The precheck for the category has never been run. Current (7) : The gateway state is current so running precheck is not required. This commonly relates to version upgrade if gateway is in most update version. Return Values: Array of objects Object Definition: category : String : The precheck category which corresponds to one or more executeable actions. Current categories include: upgrade_precheck : Required for major and minor upgrade version actions. license_precheck : Required for license upgrade and downgrade actions. reload_precheck : Required for OS Reload action. rollback_precheck : Optional and related to upgrade_precheck. Only returned if getRollbackPrecheck is provided and set to True (1). memberId : Integer : The softlayer member id. memberReadinessValue : String : The precheck readiness state for the member. See possible readiness values above. gatewayReadinessValue : String : The precheck readiness state for the gateway : See possible readiness values above. returnCode : Integer : The return code. 0 if no error. Reference documentation for details.
    • getPreviousCyclePeakUsage
      Peak number of bytes used in the vault for the previous billing cycle.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      An application delivery controller's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddressRecord
      The primary IPv4 Address record for a network component.
    • getPrimaryRouter
      The router device that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      The subnet of the primary IP address assigned to this network component.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      A primary IPv4 subnet routed on this VLAN, if accessible.
    • getPrimarySubnets
      All primary subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getPrimarySubnetVersion6
      The primary IPv6 subnet routed on this VLAN, if IPv6 is enabled.
    • getPrimaryVersion6IpAddressRecord
      The primary IPv6 Address record for a network component.
    • getPrivateIpAddress
      The private gateway IP address.
    • getPrivateNetworkGateway
      The network gateway appliance using this address as the private IP address.
    • getPrivateNetworkGateways
      The gateway devices with connectivity supported by this private VLAN.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyHardware
      The private network only hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getPrivateVlan
      The private VLAN for accessing this gateway.
    • getPrivateVlan
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves a private VLAN associated to one or more hosts also associated to this public VLAN.
    • getPrivateVlanByIpAddress
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieve the private network VLAN associated with an IP address.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this bandwidth pool for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this virtual server for the current billing cycle.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProperties
      Properties used for configuration of a schedule.
    • getProtectedIpAddresses
    • getProtectedIpAddresses
      IP addresses routed on this VLAN which are actively associated with network protections.
    • getProtectionAddress
    • getProvider
      The Id of Direct Link provider.
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getPublicIpAddress
      The public gateway IP address.
    • getPublicIpAddress
      The public gateway IP address.
    • getPublicIpv6Address
      The public gateway IPv6 address.
    • getPublicNetworkGateway
      The network gateway appliance using this address as the public IP address.
    • getPublicNetworkGateways
      The gateway devices with connectivity supported by this public VLAN.
    • getPublicVlan
      The public VLAN for accessing this gateway.
    • getPublicVlanByFqdn
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves a public VLAN associated to the host matched by the given fully-qualified domain name.
    • getPurgeGroupByGroupId
      This method returns the purge group for a given domain and group ID.
    • getPurgeGroupQuota
      This method gets a purge group quota.
    • getPurgeHistoryPerMapping
      This method returns the purge history for a given domain and CDN account.
    • getPurgeStatus
      This method gets the status of a given purge path.
    • getQueryType
      The type of monitoring query that is executed when this hardware is monitored.
    • getRecentCommands
      The last five reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) commands issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRedundancyCapableFlag
      Indicates whether the network component is participating in a group of two or more components capable of being operationally redundant, if enabled.
    • getRedundancyEnabledFlag
      Indicates whether the network component is participating in a group of two or more components which is actively providing link redundancy.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
      The RIR which is authoritative over the network in which this subnet resides.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
      [Deprecated] The related Regional Internet Registry.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistryHandle
      [Deprecated] The RIR handle that this registration object belongs to. This field may not be populated until the registration is complete.
    • getRegistration
      [Deprecated] The related [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • getRegistrations
      The regional internet registrations that have been created for this subnet.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getRemoteManagementNetworkComponent
      An IPMI-based management network component of the IP address.
    • getRemoteManagementUsers
      User(s) credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getReplicaSnapshots
      Replica snapshots which have been created as the result of this schedule's execution.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getReport
      Get the vulnerability report for a scan request, formatted as HTML string. Previous scan reports are held indefinitely.
    • getRequest
      The request this key contact belongs to.
    • getRequestorOwnedFlag
      Flag whether the requestor owns the hardware the scan was run on. This flag will return for hardware servers only, virtual servers will result in a null return even if you have a request out for them.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Hardware object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResponseAction
      The action taken when a monitor fails.
    • getRetentionCount
      The number of snapshots this schedule is configured to retain.
    • getReverseDomain
      The reverse DNS domain associated with this subnet.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve all reverse DNS records associated with a subnet.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves DNS PTR records associated with IP addresses routed on this VLAN. Results will be grouped by DNS domain with the 'resourceRecords' property populated.
    • getRoleKeyName
      The role identifier that this subnet is participating in. Roles dictate how a subnet may be used.
    • getRoleName
      The name of the role the subnet is within. Roles dictate how a subnet may be used.
    • getRollbackSupport
      Returns the following statuses SUPPORTED - rollback is supported and perform automatically UNSUPPORTED - rollback is not supported MANUAL - rollback can be performed but
    • getRoutableEndpointIpAddresses
      Returns IP addresses which may be used as routing endpoints for a given subnet. IP address which are currently the network, gateway, or broadcast address of a Secondary Portable subnet, are an address in a Secondary Static subnet, or if the address is not assigned to a resource when part of a Primary Subnet will not be available as a routing endpoint.
    • getRouter
      A network component's routers.
    • getRoutingMethod
    • getRoutingMethod
    • getRoutingType
    • getRoutingTypeKeyName
      The product and route classifier for this routed subnet, with the following values: PRIMARY, SECONDARY, STATIC_TO_IP, GLOBAL_IP, IPSEC_STATIC_NAT.
    • getRoutingTypeName
      The description of the product and route classifier for this routed subnet, with the following values: Primary, Portable, Static, Global, IPSec Static NAT.
    • getRules
      The currently running rule set of this network component firewall.
    • getRules
      The currently running rule set of this context access control list firewall.
    • getRules
      The rule set that belongs to this firewall rules template.
    • getRules
      The group of rules contained within the update request.
    • getRules
      The rules for this security group.
    • getRules
      The currently running rule set of this network component firewall.
    • getSanStorageCapabilityFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN's pod has VSI SAN disk storage capability.
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getSecond
      The minute parameter of this schedule.
    • getSecondaryRouter
      [DEPRECATED] The secondary router device that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getSecondarySubnets
      All non-primary subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getSecureTransportCiphers
      The list of security ciphers enabled for this virtual IP address
    • getSecureTransportProtocols
      The list of secure transport protocols enabled for this virtual IP address
    • getSecurityCertificate
      The SSL certificate currently associated with the VIP.
    • getSecurityCertificateEntry
      The SSL certificate currently associated with the VIP. Provides chosen certificate visibility to unprivileged users.
    • getServiceGroup
    • getServiceGroups
    • getServiceProvider
    • getServiceReferences
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResource
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource this group is created on.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource this group is created on.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource this group is created on.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getServices
    • getServices
    • getServices
      the services on this load balancer.
    • getServiceSubnets
      Service subnets that can be access through the network tunnel.
    • getServiceType
      The Id of Direct Link service type.
    • getServiceType
    • getShipments
      The shipments of the request.
    • getSmtpAccess
      A flag that determines if a SendGrid e-mail delivery account has access to send mail through the SendGrid SMTP server.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshots
      Snapshots which have been created as the result of this schedule's execution.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSslCiphers
      list of preferred custom ciphers configured for the load balancer.
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStaticRouteSubnets
      Subnets used for a network tunnel's address translations.
    • getStatistics
    • getStatisticsGraph
    • getStatus
      The current status of the gateway.
    • getStatus
      Returns an array of SoftLayer_Container_Network_LoadBalancer_StatusEntry objects. A SoftLayer_Container_Network_LoadBalancer_StatusEntry object has two variables, 'Label' and 'Value' Calling this function executes a command on the physical load balancer itself, and therefore should be called infrequently. For a general idea of the load balancer service, use the 'peakConnections' variable on the Type Possible values for 'Label' are: * IP Address * Port * Server Status * Load Status * Current Connections * Total Hits Not all labels are guaranteed to be returned.
    • getStatus
      A security scan request's status.
    • getStatus
      The status of the request.
    • getStatus
      [Deprecated] The status of this registration.
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageNetworkFlag
      Whether a network component's primary ip address is from a storage network subnet or not. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getSubnet
      Subnet components accessible by a SoftLayer VPN portal user.
    • getSubnet
      An IP address' associated subnet.
    • getSubnet
      [Deprecated] The subnet that this registration pertains to.
    • getSubnet
      The subnet that this SWIP transaction was created for.
    • getSubnetForIpAddress
      Retrieve the subnet associated with an IP address. You may only retrieve subnets assigned to your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getSubnets
      A network application controller's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getSubnets
      A network component's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getSubnets
      The additional subnets linked to this network component firewall.
    • getSubnets
      All subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSummaryData
    • getSupportedDataCenters
      List the data centers that currently support the use of security groups.
    • getSwipTransaction
    • getSyslogEventsOneDay
      All events for this IP address stored in the datacenter syslogs from the last 24 hours
    • getSyslogEventsSevenDays
      All events for this IP address stored in the datacenter syslogs from the last 7 days
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
      The tags associated to this subnet.
    • getTagReferences
      The tags associated to this VLAN.
    • getTagReferences
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTicket
      Ticket that is attached to this mass data migration request.
    • getTickets
      All tickets that are attached to the mass data migration request.
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByDestinationPortOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by destination port, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByDestinationPortSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by destination port, for the last 7 days
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByProtocolsOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByProtocolsSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 7 days
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourceIpOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source ip address, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourceIpSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source ip address, for the last 7 days
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourcePortOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourcePortSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 7 days
    • getTotalBandwidthAllocated
      The combined allocated bandwidth for all servers in a virtual rack.
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalPrimaryIpAddressCount
      The number of primary IPv4 addresses routed on this VLAN.
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getTransactionHistory
    • getType
    • getType
    • getType
    • getType
      The message delivery type of a network message delivery account.
    • getType
      The message delivery type of a network message delivery account.
    • getType
      The type provides a standardized definition for a schedule.
    • getType
      The type for this VLAN, with the following values: STANDARD, GATEWAY, INTERCONNECT
    • getUnboundDescendants
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network gateways.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network message delivery.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network message delivery.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      A firewall's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUplinkComponent
      The network component linking this object to parent
    • getUplinkDuplexMode
      The duplex mode of the uplink network component linking to this object
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getUser
      SoftLayer VPN portal user.
    • getUtilizedIpAddressCount
      The total number of utilized IP addresses on this subnet. The primary consumer of IP addresses are compute resources, which can consume more than one address. This value is only supported for primary subnets.
    • getUuid
      Unique identifier for an IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getValidCountriesForRegion
      Returns countries assigned to the region having pricing info set.
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getVdrMemberRecurringFee
      Gets the monthly recurring fee of a pooled server.
    • getVendor
      The vendor for a network message delivery account.
    • getVendor
      The vendor for a network message delivery account.
    • getVendorName
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVip
      The load balancer that this service belongs to.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      A virtual guest that this IP address is routed to.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The Virtual Server contained within a virtual rack.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The Virtual Server devices which have been assigned a primary IP address from this subnet.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The VSIs with network interfaces connected to this VLAN.
    • getVirtualIpAddress
    • getVirtualIpAddresses
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Virtual licenses allocated for an IP Address.
    • getVirtualServer
    • getVirtualServers
    • getVirtualServers
    • getVlanForIpAddress
      Retrieves the VLAN on which the given IP address is routed.
    • getVolume
      The associated volume for a schedule.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebCCAuthenticationDetails
      Retrieve WebCC authentication details value. This value is required for the login process associated to the session information for WebCC.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getZoneName
    • hasActiveTransactions
      Check for active transactions for the shared Firewall.
    • hasActiveTransactions
      Check for active transactions for the Firewall.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • initiateBareMetalRestore
      Evault Bare Metal Restore is a special version of Rescue Kernel designed specifically for making full system restores made with Evault's BMR backup. This process works very similar to Rescue Kernel, except only the Evault restore program is available. The process takes approximately 10 minutes. Once completed you will be able to access your server to do a restore through VNC or your servers KVM-over-IP. IP information and credentials can be found on the hardware page of the customer portal. The Evault Application will be running automatically upon startup, and will walk you through the restore process.
    • initiateBareMetalRestoreForServer
      This method operates the same as the initiateBareMetalRestore() method. However, using this method, the Bare Metal Restore can be initiated on any Windows server under the account.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • isAccountAllowed
      Checks if the account is allowed to use some features of FSA1G and Hardware firewall (Dedicated)
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isConnectedToPrivateEndpointService
      Accessing select IBM Cloud services attached to the private back-end network is made possible by establishing a network relationship between an account's private network and the Service Endpoint network. <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are currently connected. <code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are not connected; both networks are properly configured to connect. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isHighAvailabilityUpgradeAvailable
      Whether this firewall qualifies for High Availability upgrade.
    • isLicenseServerAllowed
    • isVolumeActive
    • isVolumeActive
    • isVolumeActive
    • kickAllConnections
    • kickAllConnections
      Quickly remove all active external connections to a Virtual IP Address.
    • licenseManagementPrecheck
      Used to create a License Management Network Gateway Precheck transaction.
    • listCapabilities
      A capability is simply a string literal that denotes the availability of a feature. Capabilities are generally self describing, but any additional details concerning the implications of a capability will be documented elsewhere; usually by the Service or Operation related to it.
    • listDomainMappingByUniqueId
      SOAP API will return the domain mapping based on the uniqueId.
    • listDomainMappings
      SOAP API will return all domains for a particular customer.
    • listFavoriteGroup
      This method returns the list of favorite purge groups.
    • listModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will list modify response headers for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • listOriginPath
      SOAP API will list origin path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • listPurgeGroupHistory
      This method returns the list of purge group histories
    • listTimeToLive
    • listTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will list token authentication paths for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • listUnfavoriteGroup
      This method returns the list of unsaved purge groups.
    • listVendors
      SOAP API will return all CDN vendors available.
    • manageLicenses
      Used to manage gateway require and add on licenses. If license request is valid for the gateway type a Gateway License Manage process will be created if licenses need to be adjusted on the gateway. requiredItemKeyname - Item Key Name of the required license to be used on the gateway addOnLicenses - Json string containing an Add On license Item Key Name and requested total quantity to exist on each gateway member. Item Key Name must be associated with an Add On license product item and Item Key Name can only exist once in the json structure. Example : {'ADD_ON_ITEM_KEYNAME_TYPE1':3,'ADD_ON_ITEM_KEYNAME_TYPE2':4} Note, the quantity is not the requested change but total licences. For example, if current licenses for an Add On e.g. Remote VPN is 3 and the request is to add 1 more license then the quantity would be 4. If the request was to remove 1 license then the quantity would be 2.
    • osReloadPrecheck
      Create an OS Reload Network Gateway Precheck transaction.
    • purgeByGroupIds
      This method purges the content from purge groups.
    • reassignServers
      This method will reassign a collection of SoftLayer hardware to a bandwidth allotment Bandwidth Pool.
    • rebuildHACluster
      Rebuild a virtual gateway with HA cluster by destroying existing member gateway os and installing new os on both gateway members, then creating HA cluster between 2 members. This is a destructive process which will remove existing configuration and stop all gateway capabilities. vSRX will need to be re-configured after this operation.
    • rebuildvSRXHACluster
      Rebuild a vSRX gateway with HA cluster by destroying existing vSRX and installing new vSRX on both gateway servers, then creating HA cluster between 2 vSRX. This is a destructive process which will remove existing vSRX configuration and stop all gateway capabilities. vSRX will need to be re-configured after this operation.
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • refreshGatewayLicense
      Used to refresh the all licenses (Required and add ons) for Virtual gateways. License precheck must be ready.
    • rejectApprovalRequests
    • rejectBypassRequest
      Reject a request from technical support to bypass the firewall. Once rejected, IBM support will not be able to route and unroute the VLAN on the firewall.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      Removes access to multiple devices and replicas this subnet has been granted access to.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to remove access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replica volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage replica volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replica volume.
    • removeAllowedHost
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object from this group. This will automatically disable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • removeAllowedHost
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object from this group. This will automatically disable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • removeAllowedHost
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object from this group. This will automatically disable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • removeAllSubnetSwips
      **DEPRECATED** This method finds all subnets attached to your account that are in OK status and starts 'DELETE' transactions with ARIN, allowing you to remove your SWIP registration information.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • removeCustomerSubnetFromNetworkTunnel
      Disassociate a customer subnet (remote) from a network tunnel. When a remote subnet is disassociated, that subnet will not able to communicate with private and service subnets on the SoftLayer network. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the disassociation described above to take effect.
    • removeFromVolume
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this group. This will automatically disable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • removeFromVolume
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this group. This will automatically disable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • removeFromVolume
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this group. This will automatically disable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • removeNetworkVlanTrunks
      Remove one or more VLANs currently attached as trunks to this network component. If any VLANs are given which are not attached as trunks, they will be ignored. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which will be removed as trunks. Any requested VLANs which were not trunked will be ignored and will not be returned. Affected VLANs will not yet be removed as trunks upon return of this call, but deactivation and removal will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of a 'pending API request' error some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for deactivation.
    • removePrivateSubnetFromNetworkTunnel
      Disassociate a private subnet from a network tunnel. When a private subnet is disassociated, the customer (remote) subnet on the other end of the tunnel will not able to communicate with the private subnet that was just disassociated. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the disassociation described above to take effect.
    • removePurgeGroupFromFavorite
      This method removes a purge group from favorite.
    • removeRules
      Remove rules from a security group.
    • removeServiceSubnetFromNetworkTunnel
      Disassociate a service subnet from a network tunnel. When a service subnet is disassociated, that customer (remote) subnet on the other end of the network tunnel will not able to communicate with that service subnet on the SoftLayer network. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the disassociation described above to take effect.
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSwipData
      **DEPRECATED** This function, when called on an instantiated SWIP transaction, will allow you to start a 'DELETE' transaction with ARIN, allowing you to remove your SWIP registration information.
    • rename
      Edit the name of this gateway.
    • requestVdrCancellation
      This will remove a bandwidth pooling from a customer's allotments by cancelling the billing item. All servers in that allotment will get moved to the account's vpr.
    • requestVdrContentUpdates
      This will move servers into a bandwidth pool, removing them from their previous bandwidth pool and optionally remove the bandwidth pool on completion.
    • resendSwipData
      **DEPRECATED** This function will allow you to update ARIN's registration data for a subnet to your current RWHOIS data.
    • resetPeakConnections
      Calling resetPeakConnections will set the peakConnections variable to zero on this particular object. Peak connections will continue to increase normally after this method call, it will only temporarily reset the statistic to zero, until the next time it is polled.
    • restoreBaseConfiguration
      Restore an application delivery controller's base configuration state. The configuration will be set to what it was when initially provisioned.
    • restoreConfiguration
      Restore an application delivery controller's configuration state.
    • restoreDefaults
      This will completely reset the firewall to factory settings. If the firewall is not a FSA 10G appliance an error will occur. Note, this process is performed asynchronously. During the process all traffic will not be routed through the firewall.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • retryHttpsActionRequest
      For specific mappings in HTTPS-related error states, this SOAP API will determine whether it needs to re-attempt an enable or disable HTTPS.
    • route
      This interface allows you to change the route of your secondary subnets. It accommodates a number of ways to identify your desired routing destination through the use of a 'type' and 'identifier'. Subnets may be routed as either Static or Portable, and that designation is dictated by the routing destination specified. Static subnets have an ultimate routing destination of a single IP address but may not be routed to an existing subnet's IP address whose subnet is routed as a Static. Portable subnets have an ultimate routing destination of a VLAN. A subnet can be routed to any resource within the same 'routing region' as the subnet itself. A subnet's routing region can be diverse but is usually limited to a single data center. The following identifier 'type' values will result in Static routing: <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress</li> <li>SoftLayer_Hardware_Server</li> <li>SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest</li> </ul> The following identifier 'type' values will result in Portable routing: <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Network_Vlan</li> </ul> For each identifier type, one or more 'identifier' formats are possible. ''SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired IP address object.</li> <li>A dotted-quad IPv4 address.</li> <li>A full or compressed IPv6 address.</li> </ul> ''SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired VLAN object.</li> <li>A semantic VLAN identifier of the form &lt;data center short name&gt;.&lt;router&gt;.&lt;vlan number&gt;, where &lt; and &gt; are literal, eg. dal13.fcr01.1234 - the router name may optionally contain the 'a' or 'b' redundancy qualifier (which has no meaning in this context).</li> </ul> ''SoftLayer_Hardware_Server'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired server.</li> <li>A UUID corresponding to a server's SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.globalIdentifier.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.hostname.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique fully-qualified domain name in the format 'hostname&lt;domain&gt;' where &lt; and &gt; are literal, e.g. myhost&lt;;, hostname refers to SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.hostname and domain to SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.domain, respectively.</li> </ul> ''SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired server.</li> <li>A UUID corresponding to a server's SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.globalIdentifier.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.hostname.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique fully-qualified domain name in the format 'hostname&lt;domain&gt;' where &lt; and &gt; are literal, e.g. myhost&lt;;, hostname refers to SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.hostname and domain to SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.domain, respectively.</li> </ul> The routing destination result of specifying a SoftLayer_Hardware_Server or SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest type will be the primary IP address of the server for the same network segment the subnet is on. Thus, a public subnet will be routed to the server's public, primary IP address. Additionally, this IP address resolution will match the subnet's IP version; routing a IPv6 subnet to a server will result in selection of the primary IPv6 address of the respective network segment, if available. Subnets may only be routed to the IP version they themselves represent. That means an IPv4 subnet can only be routed to IPv4 addresses. Any type/identifier combination that resolves to an IP address must be able to locate an IP address of the same version as the subnet being routed. When routing to an IP address on a Primary subnet, only those addresses actively assigned to resources may be targeted. Additionally, the network, gateway, or broadcast address of any Portable subnet may not be a routing destination. For some VLANs utilizing the HSRP redundancy strategy, there are additional addresses which cannot be a route destination. When routing a subnet that is already routed, note that the subnet first has its route removed; this procedure is the same as what will occur when using SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute. Special consideration should be made for subnets routed as Portable. Please refer to the documentation for SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute for details. The behavior of this interface is such that either true or false is returned. A response of false indicates the route request would not result in the route of the subnet changing; attempts to route the subnet to the same destination, even if identified by differing means, will result in no changes. A result of false can be interpreted as the route request having already been completed. In contrast, a result of true means the requested destination is different from the current destination and the subnet's routing will be transitioned. This route change is asynchronous to the request. A response of true does not mean the subnet's route has changed, but simply that it will change. In order to monitor for the completion of the change, you may either attempt a route change again until the result is false, or monitor one or more SoftLayer_Network_Subnet properties: subnetType, networkVlanId, and or endPointIpAddress to determine if routing of the subnet has become the desired route destination. Use of this operation is limited to a single active request per subnet. If a previous route request is not yet complete, a 'not ready' message will be returned upon subsequent requests.
    • route
      ***DEPRECATED*** This endpoint is deprecated in favor of the more expressive and capable SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route, to which this endpoint now proxies. Refer to it for more information. Similarly, unroute requests are proxied to SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute.
    • saveCurrentConfiguration
      Save an application delivery controller's configuration state. The notes property for this method is optional.
    • saveOrUnsavePurgePath
      Creates a new saved purge if a purge path is saved. Deletes a saved purge record if the path is unsaved.
    • savePurgeGroupAsFavorite
      This method saves a purge group as favorite.
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • serviceDNS
    • serviceLoadBalancer
      Service function for a load balancer.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setGatewayPassword
      Returns true if password change is successful, false if not successful
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • setTags
      Tag a subnet by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Any existing tags you wish to keep should be included in the set of tags, as any missing tags will be removed. To remove all tags from the subnet, send an empty string.
    • setTags
      Tag a VLAN by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Tag references are cleared out every time this method is called. If your VLAN is already tagged you will need to pass the current tags along with any new ones. To remove all tag references pass an empty string. To remove one or more tags omit them from the tag list.
    • setTags
      This method will associate a comma separated list of tags with this object.
    • setVdrContent
      This will update the bandwidth pool to the servers provided. Servers currently in the bandwidth pool not provided on update will be removed. Servers provided on update not currently in the bandwidth pool will be added. If all servers are removed, this removes the bandwidth pool on completion.
    • singleSignOn
    • SoftLayer_Network
      Provides services oriented to network-centric discovery and manipulation.
    • SoftLayer_Network
      Provides services oriented to network-centric discovery and manipulation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      The SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller data type models a single instance of an application delivery controller. Local properties are read only, except for a ''notes'' property, which can be used to describe your application delivery controller service. The type's relational properties provide more information to the service's function and login information to the controller's backend management if advanced view is enabled.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller controls a single instance of SoftLayer's application delivery controller offerings. Application delivery controllers are capable of application filtering, layer 4 and layer 7 load balancing, and many other functions. Currently SoftLayer employs them as high power load balancers. Load balancing is accomplished similarly to SoftLayer's other load balancer options, through a collection of virtual IP address interfaces. Application delivery controllers support an 'advanced' configuration scheme, enabling access directly to the controller's backend management interface. Enable access to this interface via the [SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller::enableAdvancedView](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method in this service. Use the username 'root' and password retrieved from this service along with the management IP address retrieved from this service. Be warned that direct access to the application delivery controller exposes a high degree of functionality. Be careful when directly editing your service to avoid interruption via misconfiguration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History
      The SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History data type models a single instance of a configuration history entry for an application delivery controller. The configuration history entries are used to support creating backups of an application delivery controller's configuration state in order to restore them later if needed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History
      SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History provides access to view or delete existing configuration history records. Configuration content may not be viewed as it may contain sensitive information. The configuration history entries are used to support creating backups of an application delivery controller's configuration state in order to restore them later if needed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Method
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Method
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group_CrossReference
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress_SecureTransportCipher
      A single cipher configured for a load balancer virtual IP address instance. Instances of this class are immutable and should reflect a cipher that is configurable on a load balancer device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress_SecureTransportProtocol
      Links a SSL transport protocol with a virtual IP address instance. Instances of this class are immutable and should reflect a protocol that is configurable on a load balancer device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualServer
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualServer
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Usage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Usage data type contains specific information relating to bandwidth utilization at a specific point in time on a given network interface.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allocation
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allocation data type contains general information relating to a single bandwidth allocation record.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment class provides methods and data structures necessary to work with an array of hardware objects associated with a single Bandwidth Pooling.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment
      Every SoftLayer Bandwidth Pooling, Virtual Datacenter, Virtual Private Rack(VPR) is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment service as an allotment. SoftLayer allotments are a collection of servers that share all of the servers allocated bandwidth together. Virtual Private Rack Each server is by default a part of your Virtual Private Rack. Bandwidth overages are billed individually per server for all hardware in your Virtual Private Rack. If any one server uses more bandwidth than it is allocated, an overage charge will result. Bandwidth Pooling Bandwidth Pooling allow you to optimize your bandwidth usage by 'pooling' all of the bandwidth together for servers in a Bandwidth Pooling. Bandwidth overages for servers in a Bandwidth Pooling are summed up as a whole and overages are calculated only if the total bandwidth of all servers exceeds the total allocated bandwidth for all servers. For example, if you had 5 servers, each with 2000 GB of bandwidth, and one server used 3000 GB of bandwidth while the other used only 1500 GB of bandwidth, you would not be billed for an overage because your total usage would be 9000 GB and your total allocated would be 10000 GB.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Detail
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Detail data type contains specific information relating to a single bandwidth allotment record.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Type
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Type contains a description of the associated SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail data type contains specific information relating to bandwidth utilization at a specific point in time on a given network interface.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail_Type
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail_Type data type contains generic information relating to the types of bandwidth records available, currently just public and private.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account
      The SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account data type models an individual CDN account. CDN accounts contain the SoftLayer account ID of the customer, the vendor ID the account belongs to, the customer ID provided by the vendor, and a CDN account's status.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account
      The SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account service allows customers to create, and delete CDN accounts. A SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account record is created when the customer configures a CDN account for the first time. A customer will be able to create multiple CDN accounts, but each account will be bound to a single vendor.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_HotlinkProtection
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_HotlinkProtection
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader
      This service manages the modify response headers for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader
      This service manages the modify response headers for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge
      This data type models a purge event that occurs in caching server. It contains a reference to a mapping configuration, the path to execute the purge on, the status of the purge, and flag that enables saving the purge information for future use.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge
      This service manages purges associated with a CDN mapping Configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup
      This data type models a purge group event that occurs in caching server. It contains a reference to a mapping configuration and the path to execute the purge on.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup
      This service manages purge group associated with a CDN mapping Configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory
      This data type models a purge history event that occurs in caching server. The purge group history will be deleted after 15 days. The possible purge status of each history can be 'SUCCESS', 'FAILED' or 'IN_PROGRESS'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory
      This service manages purge history associated with a CDN mapping Configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive
      This data type models a purge event that occurs repetitively and automatically in caching server after a set interval of time. A time to live instance contains a reference to a mapping configuration, the path to execute the purge on, the result of the purge, and the time interval after which the purge will be executed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive
      This service manages Times To Live (TTLs) associated with a CDN mapping Configuration. A time to live represents the time a purge will occur at a given path.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping
      This data type represents the mapping Configuration settings for enabling CDN services. Each instance contains a reference to a CDN account, and CDN configuration properties such as a domain, an origin host and its port, a cname we generate, a cname the vendor generates, and a status. Other properties include the type of content to be cached (static or dynamic), the origin type (a host server or an object storage account), and the protocol to be used for caching.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping
      This service manages domain mapping configurations for enabling CDN services.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics
      This Metrics class provides methods to get CDN metrics based on account or mapping unique id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics
      This Service class will describe in detail each Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) API call used in the Content Delivery Network (CDN) metrics. These APIs will allow callers to collect metrics for the CDN service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Utils_Response
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor
      The SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor contains information regarding a CDN Vendor. This class is associated with SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor_Attribute class.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor
      This service allows internal users to create, read, update, and delete vendor instances.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component
      Every piece of hardware running in SoftLayer's datacenters connected to the public, private, or management networks (where applicable) have a corresponding network component. These network components are modeled by the SoftLayer_Network_Component data type. These data types reflect the servers' local ethernet and remote management interfaces.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Duplex_Mode
      Duplex Mode allows finer grained control over networking options and settings.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer network component firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer network component firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule
      A SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule object type represents a currently running firewall rule and contains relative information. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Subnets
      A SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Subnets object type represents the current linked subnets and contains relative information. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to the binding of a single network component to a single SoftLayer IP address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Network_Vlan_Trunk
      Represents the association between a Network_Component and Network_Vlan in the manner of a 'trunk'. Trunking a VLAN to a port allows that ports to receive and send packets tagged with the corresponding VLAN number.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_RemoteManagement
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_RemoteManagement data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer remote management network component.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Uplink_Hardware
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Uplink_Hardware data type abstracts information related to network connections between SoftLayer hardware and SoftLayer network components. It is populated via triggers on the network_connection table (SoftLayer_Network_Connection), so you shouldn't have to delete or insert records into this table, ever.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet
      The SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet data type contains general information relating to a single customer subnet (remote).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet
      Every Customer subnet is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet service. SoftLayer keeps track of subnets outside of the SoftLayer Network that are associated to SoftLayer subnets or systems. For example, customer subnets are tracked for proper management of network tunnels. This service allows for managing subnets on the remote end of the network tunnel.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to a single Customer Subnet (Remote) IPv4 address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location presents a structure containing attributes of a Direct Link location, and its related object SoftLayer location.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location service allows users to create, update, delete, get details of a Direct Link location and retrieve all existing details.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider presents a structure containing attributes of a Direct Link provider.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider service allows users to create, update, delete, get details of a Direct Link provider and retrieve all existing details. Provider like 'Equinix', 'Telestra' etc.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType presents a structure containing attributes of a Direct Link Service Type.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType service allows users to create, update, delete, get details of a Direct Link Service Type and retrieve all existing details. Service Types can be EXCHANGE, NSP, COLO or CONNECT
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall access to controll list. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific context. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall access control list. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific context. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall interface. This is the object which ties the firewall context access control list to a firewall. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall interface. This is the object which ties the firewall context access control list to a firewall. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template type contains general information for a SoftLayer network firewall template. Firewall templates are recommend rule sets for use with SoftLayer Hardware Firewall (Dedicated). These optimized templates are designed to balance security restriction with application availability. The templates given may be altered to provide custom network security, or may be used as-is for basic security. At least one rule set MUST be applied for the firewall to block traffic. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template service can be used to retrieve recommended SoftLayer network firewall templates and template rules. The provided firewall templates are recommend rule sets for use with SoftLayer Hardware Firewall (Dedicated). These optimized templates are designed to balance security restriction with application availability. The templates given may be altered to provide custom network security, or may be used as-is for basic security. At least one rule set MUST be applied for the firewall to block traffic. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall template rule. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request data type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request service can be used to create SoftLayer network component firewall rules update requests. Update requests are added to a transaction queue and are typically posted in about 60 seconds. After they are posted, they are listed as current rules via the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Customer
      A SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Customer is a single update made by a customer to a ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Employee
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Employee data type returns a user object for the SoftLayer employee that created the request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule service accesses information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6 type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule for IPv6. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway
      A network gateway is a set of members which have a configurable set of VLANs trunked through them. This is helpful for creating proxies. Each network gateway can have a configurable set of hardware and VLANs within the same pod routed to it. Gateways can be bypassed or unbypassed either as a whole or for specific VLANs. They are also provided gateway VLANs for management that are never bypassed. Members cannot be simply removed once attached to a gateway, they must be reclaimed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway
      A network gateway is a set of members which have a configurable set of VLANs trunked through them. This is helpful for creating proxies. Each network gateway can have a configurable set of hardware and VLANs within the same pod routed to it. Gateways can be bypassed or unbypassed either as a whole or for specific VLANs. They are also provided gateway VLANs for management that are never bypassed. Members cannot be simply removed once attached to a gateway, they must be reclaimed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Licenses
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member
      A network gateway member is a device that serves as a gateway. Once the hardware becomes a member of the gateway, only a reclaim can remove it. A reclaim on the last member of the gateway triggers a reclaim of the entire gateway.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member
      A network gateway member is a device that serves as a gateway. Once the hardware becomes a member of the gateway, only a reclaim can remove it. A reclaim on the last member of the gateway triggers a reclaim of the entire gateway.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Attribute
      A network gateway member attribute is the attributes associated with a network gateway member.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Attribute
      A network gateway member attribute is the attributes associated with a network gateway member.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Licenses
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Passwords
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Precheck
      A network gateway precheck is the precheck codes for member(s) of a gateway
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Precheck
      A network gateway precheck is the precheck codes for member(s) of a gateway
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Status
      A network gateway status is a value representing the state of a network gateway. The possible values are 'ACTIVE' for when the gateway is ready for normal use and 'UPDATING' for when the gateway is being updated.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Status
      A network gateway status is a value representing the state of a network gateway. The possible values are 'ACTIVE' for when the gateway is ready for normal use and 'UPDATING' for when the gateway is being updated.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_VersionUpgrade
      A gateway software version upgrade reference provides pairing for possible upgrades from a given versin.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_VersionUpgrade
      A gateway software version upgrade reference provides pairing for possible upgrades from a given versin.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan
      An inside VLAN is a VLAN which is attached to a network gateway and can be routed or bypassed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan
      An inside VLAN is a VLAN which is attached to a network gateway and can be routed or bypassed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Interconnect_Tenant
      A network interconnect tenant defines an IP routing path through a network interconnect. Each network interconnect requires a single primary tenant, indicated by the primaryFlag
    • SoftLayer_Network_Interconnect_Tenant
      A network interconnect tenant defines an IP routing path through a network interconnect. Each network interconnect requires a single primary tenant, indicated by the primaryFlag
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor type presents a structure containing attributes of a health monitor object associated with load balancer instance. Note that the relationship between backend (pool) and health monitor is N-to-1, especially that the pools object associated with a health monitor must have the same pair of protocol and port. Example: frontend FA: http, 80 - backend BA: tcp, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_tcp3456 frontend FB: https, 443 - backend BB: tcp, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_tcp3456 In above example both backends BA and BB share the same healthmonitor HM_tcp3456
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7HealthMonitor
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7HealthMonitor type presents a structure containing attributes of a health monitor object associated with a L7 pool instance. Note that the relationship between backend (L7 pool) and health monitor is 1-to-1, pools object associated with a health monitor must have the same pair of protocol and port. Example: frontend FA: http, 80 - backend BA: http, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_http3456 frontend FB: https, 443 - backend BB: http, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_http3456
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member represents the backend member for a L7 pool. It can be either a virtual server or a bare metal machine.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member service allows consumers to manage (backend) members for L7 pools. A load balancer may have one or more L7 backend pools. A member can be added to one or more L7 backend pools. Deleting a backend member from one L7 pool will not remove it from other L7 pools to which it is associated. Weight of the backend member is a value between 1 and 256 but only applicable when the load balancing method configured is 'Weighted Round Robin'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy represents the policy for a listener.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy service allows consumers to manage the Policies associated with a Listener. A Listener can have multiple policies. Polices are associated with priorities. The priorities indicate the order in which policies are evaluated. Each policy is configured with an action which is applied when http traffic matches rules associated with the policy. A policy can be configured with one of the following actions: redirect to pool, redirect to url, or reject. Policies configured with reject are always evaluated first irrespective of the priority followed by redirect to url, after which policies with action set to redirect to pool are evaluated. if policies are configured with redirect to https and reject also, then reject always evaluated first. Polices have multiple rules, each rule is evaluated to true or false. If all the rules of the policy evaluate to true then the action associated with that policy is applied to the request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool type presents a structure containing attributes of a load balancer's L7 pool such as the protocol, and the load balancing algorithm used. L7 pool is used for redirect_pool action of the L7 policy and is different from the default pool
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7PoolMembersHealth
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7PoolMembersHealth provides statistics of members belonging to a particular L7 pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule represents the Rules that can be attached to a a L7 policy.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule service allows consumers to manage the Rules associated with a Policy.Polices have multiple rules, each rule is evaluated to true or false. If all the rules of the policies are evaluated to true then action of that policy will be applied to the request. Rules have types, which can be HOST_NAME, FILE_TYPE, HEADER, COOKIE, PATH and rules also have a comparison type which indicates how how rules are evaluated. Rules can have following comparison types: REGEX, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, and EQUAL_TO.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7SessionAffinity
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7SessionAffinity represents the session affinity, aka session persistence, configuration for a load balancer backend L7 pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener type presents a data structure for a load balancers listener, also called frontend.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener API service allows consumers to add, edit and delete load balancers protocols for front- and backends. In order to retrieve list of front- and backends protocols please refer to [SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer) service. A listener object specifies the protocol and port of allowed incoming network requests and the maximum number of accepted connections. It has references to its associated load balancer and default pool object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer type presents a structure containing attributes of a load balancer, and its related objects including listeners, pools and members.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer service allows customers to create, edit, delete, get details of a load balancer instance and retrieve all existing load balancer instances. The most common use case of a load balancer instance is to improve performance and high availability of customers application services by distributing the incoming requests across multiple servers. Thus, clients using customers application services will only need to know the load balancer instances host name respective IP address in order to submit their requests. Note that SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer provides the load balancing functionality only, while it is customers responsibility to implement their application services and deploy them to respective servers, typically virtual servers or bare metal systems hosted by IBM SoftLayer. Conceptually a load balancer instance consists of a set of listeners, also called frontends, pools, also called backends, and members (application servers). A listener (frontend) represents basically the network protocol and port for requests coming from clients applications and is always associated with a pool (backend) defined by a network protocol, port and load balancing algorithm. The pools network protocol and port specify how incoming requests will be forwarded to application servers, while the load balancing algorithm (round-robin, weighted round-robin or least connections) determines the distribution scheme of incoming requests among the members, ie application servers. Note that members of a load balancer instance are assigned implicitly to all pools (backends) of that load balancer.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerAppliance
      This class represents the load balancers appliances, ie virtual servers, on which the actual load balancer service is running. The relationship between load balancer and appliance is 1-to-N with N=2 for beta and very likely N=3 for post beta. Note that this class is for internal use only.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerAppliance
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerHealthMonitorConfiguration
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerHealthMonitorConfiguration specifies the check method to be used for health monitoring backend members.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerMonitoringMetricDataPoint
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerMonitoringMetricDataPoint is a collection of datapoints retrieved from a load balancer instance. The available metrics are: <ul> <li>The metric value </li> <li>The timestamp when the metric value was obtained </li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerProtocolConfiguration
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerProtocolConfiguration specifies the protocol, port, maximum number of allowed connections and session stickiness for load balancer's front- and backend.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerServerInstanceInfo
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerServerInstanceInfo specifies the application server, usually an IBM SoftLayer virtual server or bare metal system, to be assigned to a load balancer.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerStatistics
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerStatistics is a collection of metrics retrieved from a load balancer instance. The available metrics are: <ul> <li>NUmber of members up</li> <li>Number of members down</li> <li>Total number of active connections</li> <li>Throughput</li> <li>Data processed by month</li> <li>Connection rate</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member represents the backend member for a load balancer. It can be either a virtual server or a bare metal machine.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member service allows consumers to manage (backend) members for a given load balancer. A load balancer may have one or more backend pools. Adding a backend member to the load balancer will add that member to all the backend pools. Similarly, deleting a backend member from the load balancer will remove that member from all associated backend pools. Weight of the backend member is a value between 1 and 256 but only applicable when the load balancing method configured is 'Weighted Round Robin'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_MemberHealth
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_MemberHealth is a collection member metrics retrieved from a LBaaS VSI instance. The available metrics are: <ul> <li>Name of the member</li> <li>Status of the member up or down</li> <li>Uuid of the member</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PolicyRule
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PolicyRule This class contains layer 7 policy specifications and an array of associated rules An array of objects of this class must be passed to the API in order to create a policy and its associated rules. <ul> <li>The layer 7 policy object </li> <li>An array of layer 7 rules </li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Pool
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Pool type presents a structure containing attributes of a load balancer pool such as the protocol, protocol port and the load balancing algorithm used.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PoolMembersHealth
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PoolMembersHealth provides statistics of members belonging to a particular pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SessionAffinity
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SessionAffinity represents the session affinity, aka session persistence, configuration for a load balancer backend pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher type presents a structure that contains attributes of load balancer cipher suites.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service
      The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service data type contains all the information relating to a specific service (destination) on a particular load balancer. Information retained on the object itself is the the source and destination of the service, routing type, weight, and whether or not the service is currently enabled.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service
      Load balancer services represent the 'routes' that the load balancer will have available to route requests. Each service has a source port (located on the load balancer itself), and a destination IP address and port. Any services that share a source port will be used as potential routes for traffic coming into the load balancer on that port. For instance, if there are two services that both have a source port of 80, both of those services will be used as balanced servers for traffic coming into your virtual IP on port 80. For a more complete example, consider the following scenario: :Virtual IP Address: :Servers on your account: : : :You want to set up both HTTP(port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) on each of those servers. :You will need four services: {| |- ! SourcePort ! DestinationIpAddress ! DestinationPort |- | 80 | | 80 |- | 80 | | 80 |- | 443 | | 443 |- | 443 | | 443 |} The services also have a routing type, these ALSO need to be the same for services that share the same port. For this example, the services with a source port of 80 should have HTTP as their type. The other two services should have TCP as their type. The affect of other variables are listed in their individual documentation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress data type contains all the information relating to a specific load balancer assigned to a customer account. Information retained on the object itself is the virtual IP address, load balancing method, and any notes that are related to the load balancer. There is also an array of SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service objects, which represent the load balancer services, explained more fully in the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service documentation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      Each SoftLayer customer that has purchased a load balancer will have one defined in the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress service. Load balancers have a virtual IP address and a number of SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service objects associated with them. The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress object is the only way for a customer to make changes to their load balancer service. Load balancers can be upgraded by using the upgradeConnectionLimit function, but this will upgrade your billing accordingly. Downgrades are currently not supported, please open a ticket to accomplish a downgrade.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Logging_Syslog
      The Syslog class holds a single line from the Networking Firewall 'Syslog' record, for firewall detected and blocked attempts on a server.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Vendor
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Incident
      The SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Incident data type models a single virtual server or physical hardware network monitoring event. SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Incidents are created when the SoftLayer monitoring system detects a service down on your hardware of virtual server. As the incident is resolved it's status changes from 'SERVICE FAILURE' to 'COMPLETED'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host
      The Monitoring_Query_Host type represents a monitoring instance. It consists of a hardware ID to monitor, an IP address attached to that hardware ID, a method of monitoring, and what to do in the instance that the monitor ever fails.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host
      The Query_Host service is the core of the monitoring system. Each instance of this service represents a monitoring instance. Each monitoring instance consists of a hardware ID to monitor, an IP address attached to that hardware ID, a method of monitoring, and what to do in the instance that the monitor ever fails. The monitoring services are scheduled jobs, and cannot be initiated by the user. Simply creating the object is enough, the monitor will begin working in 5-10 minutes. Deleting a monitor will immediately remove it from the monitoring queue. Modifications will take effect in 5-10 minutes. If the user wishes to be notified, or have other users on the account notified when a monitoring instance fails, a response type that includes 'notify users' must be included on the query host object, and a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware instance must be saved linking the desired users to the hardware being monitored. In order for users to be notified, a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware object MUST exist linking them to a hardware object, and a monitoring instance on that hardware object must be set to 'notify users'
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum
      The monitoring stratum type stores the maximum level of the various components of the monitoring system that a particular hardware object has access to. This object cannot be accessed by ID, and cannot be modified. The user can access this object through Hardware_Server->availableMonitoring. There are two values on this object that are important: # monitorLevel determines the highest level of SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Type object that can be placed in a monitoring instance on this server # responseLevel determines the highest level of SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_ResponseType object that can be placed in a monitoring instance on this server Also note that the query type and response types are available through getAllQueryTypes and getAllResponseTypes, respectively.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum
      This service is for reference only. It can be changed by purchasing higher monitoring levels through the portal.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_ResponseType
      The ResponseType type stores only an ID and a description of the response type. The only use for this object is in reference. The user chooses a response action that would be appropriate for a monitoring instance, and sets the ResponseTypeId to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host->responseActionId value. The user can retrieve all available ResponseTypes with the getAllObjects method on this service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Result
      The monitoring result object is used to show the status of the actions taken by the monitoring system. In general, only the responseStatus variable is needed, as it holds the information on the status of the service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Type
      The MonitorType type stores a name, long description, and default arguments for the monitor types. The only use for this object is in reference. The user chooses a monitoring type that would be appropriate for their server, and sets the id of the Query_Type to SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host->queryTypeId The user can retrieve all available Query Types with the getAllObjects method on this service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Pod
      SoftLayer_Network_Pod refers to a portion of a data center that share a Backend Customer Router (BCR) and usually a front-end counterpart known as a Frontend Customer Router (FCR). A Pod primarily denotes a logical location within the network and the physical aspects that support networks. This is in contrast to representing a specific physical location. A ``Pod`` is identified by a ``name``, which is unique. A Pod name follows the format 'dddnn.podii', where 'ddd' is a data center code, 'nn' is the data center number, 'pod' is a literal string and 'ii' is a two digit, left-zero- padded number which corresponds to a Backend Customer Router (BCR) of the desired data center. Examples: <ul> <li>dal09.pod01 = Dallas 9, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> <li>sng01.pod02 = Singapore 1, Pod 2 (ie. bcr02)</li> <li>par01.pod01 = Paris 1, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Pod
      SoftLayer_Network_Pod refers to a portion of a data center that share a Backend Customer Router (BCR) and usually a front-end counterpart known as a Frontend Customer Router (FCR). A Pod primarily denotes a logical location within the network and the physical aspects that support networks. This is in contrast to representing a specific physical location. A ``Pod`` is identified by a ``name``, which is unique. A Pod name follows the format 'dddnn.podii', where 'ddd' is a data center code, 'nn' is the data center number, 'pod' is a literal string and 'ii' is a two digit, left-zero- padded number which corresponds to a Backend Customer Router (BCR) of the desired data center. Examples: <ul> <li>dal09.pod01 = Dallas 9, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> <li>sng01.pod02 = Singapore 1, Pod 2 (ie. bcr02)</li> <li>par01.pod01 = Paris 1, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Protection_Address
    • SoftLayer_Network_Regional_Internet_Registry
      Regional Internet Registries are the organizations who delegate IP address blocks to other groups or organizations around the Internet. The information contained in this data type is used throughout the networking-related services in our systems.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request data type represents a single vulnerability scan request. It provides information on when the scan was created, last updated, and the current status. The status messages are as follows: *Scan Pending *Scan Processing *Scan Complete *Scan Cancelled *Generating Report.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request
      SoftLayer gives customers the ability to manage vulnerability scans for each of their servers. This service provides the ability to create a new scan request, view the status of a current request, and finally view the report of a finished scan. A vulnerability scan attempts to find potential security problems on a server by first searching for open ports and the services that run on them. If any services are found the scanner will then check for version and patch information of each service found. Lastly, the scanner will use the information gathered to search its database of known vulnerabilities and generate a report. Reports typically take five to ten minutes to run but allow for up to thirty minutes in rare cases. A vulnerability report will typically include the following information: *Number of security holes and warnings. *The hosts that were scanned. *The port/service and the corresponding issue. *Detailed information about the issue, risk factor, and possible fixes. If you have a firewall, SoftLayer's administrative networks need to be allowed for the vulnerability scan to be effective. If a firewall is blocking all ports, the report may not show any problems even if some exist. In addition you may have some indication in your firewall logs of the scan taking place as ports on your system are investigated.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request_Status data type represents the current status of a vulnerability scan. The status messages are as follows: *Scan Pending *Scan Processing *Scan Complete *Scan Cancelled *Generating Report. The status of a vulnerability scan will change over the course of a scan's execution.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup data type contains general information for a single security group. A security group contains a set of IP filter [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule) that define how to handle incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic to both the public and private interfaces of a virtual server instance and a set of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) to associate virtual guest network components with the security group.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup
      The Security Group service provides a common interface to interact with an account's security groups, their rules, and virtual guest instances associated with the groups. A security group contains a set of IP filter rules that define how to handle incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic to both the public and private interfaces of a virtual server instance. The rules that you add to a security group are known as [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule). Security groups can be assigned to one or more virtual servers by attaching virtual guest network components through [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding). Additional information can be found in IBM Cloud Docs and SoftLayer API Examples
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_OrderBinding
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_OrderBinding data type contains links between security groups and product orders.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Request data type contains the ID of a specific request sent to the API. This ID is used to identify specific calls to attach and detach network components, as well as add, edit, and remove security group rules.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_RequestRules
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_RequestRules data type contains the ID of a specific request sent to the API, as well as an associative array of the rules that were created, edited, or removed by the request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule data type contains general information for a single rule that belongs to a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup). By default, all traffic (both inbound and
outbound) to a virtual server instance is blocked. Security group rules are permissive, and define the allowed incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic to both the public and private interfaces of a
virtual server instance. The order of rules within a security group does not matter and priority always falls to the least restrictive rule.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource
      The SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource is used to store information related to a service. It is used for determining the correct resource to connect to for a given service, like NAS, Evault, etc.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_CosStor
      The SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_CosStor is used to store information related to COS service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Hub
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Hub_Swift
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides
      The SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides data type contains information relating user ids to subnet ids when VPN access is manually configured. It is essentially an entry in a 'white list' of subnets a SoftLayer portal VPN user may access.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides
      Use to manually decide which subnets within your virtual private address space a SoftLayer portal VPN user may access. Stores a 'white list' consisting of a collection of subnet ids matched up against user ids. This class will reject any subnets or users, that don't belong to the account holder. Note that simply assigning overrides to a user does not enforce the rule change. You must set the manual override flag for the VPN user in the SoftLayer_User_Customer class. It is recommended that before you create new VPN subnet overrides, you delete any old ones for a user, since the VPN authentication system limits the number of accessible subnets by a single user to sixty four. This holds true regardless of whether the VPN user accesses the network via SSL or PPTP. After making any changes to a user's VPN settings, you should call SoftLayer_User_Customer::updateVpnUser() on that customer object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type contains general information regarding a Storage product such as account id, access username and password, the Storage product type, and the server the Storage service is associated with. Currently, only EVault backup storage has an associated server.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage
      SoftLayer customers may have a Storage volume associated with their account. Storage types include NAS, Lockbox, iSCSI, EVault backup, and Hub cloud storage. Information such as the account the Storage volume is associated to, username and password to access the Storage volume, related server (EVault only) and the capacity used are some of the details that may be retrieved using this service. Information regarding the Storage's resource that is useful in reconfiguring and mounting a StorageLayer volume may also be retrieved from this service. For the EVault Storage services, the username and passwords in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage services are used to register the EVault server agent with the vault. Please see the [SoftLayer_Account_Password](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Password) service to edit the passwords and notes for the EVault Webcc tool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Hardware
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Hardware
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_IpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_IpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_VirtualGuest
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_VirtualGuest
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup contains general information regarding a Storage backup service such as account id, username, maximum capacity, password, Storage's product type and the server id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault contains general information regarding an EVault Storage service such as account id, username, maximum capacity, password, Storage's product type and the server id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault
      SoftLayer provides the EVault backup system as a part of it's Storage service offerings. EVault is an incremental and automated backup solution with Windows and web-based management clients. The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault service allows portal and API users to work with their EVault accounts. The large majority of EVault functionality is implemented in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6 service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6 contains the same properties as the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault. Additional properties available for the EVault Storage type: softwareComponent, totalBytesUsed, backupJobDetails, restoreJobDetails and agentStatuses
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential data type will give you an overview of the usernames that are currently attached to your storage device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Daily_Usage
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_DedicatedCluster
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_DedicatedCluster
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Event
      Storage volumes can create various events to keep track of what has occurred to the volume. Events provide an audit trail that can be used to verify that various tasks have occurred, such as snapshots to be created by a schedule or remote replication synchronization.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Event_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Iscsi
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Iscsi
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Nfs
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Nfs
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_History
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_History contains the username/password past history for Storage services except Evault. Information such as the username, passwords, notes and the date of the password change may be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub data type models Virtual Server type Storage storage offerings.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Cleversafe_Account
      This class provides an interface for the management of IBM Cloud Object Storage Accounts and Credentials.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Cleversafe_Account
      This class provides an interface for the management of IBM Cloud Object Storage Accounts and Credentials.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Container
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Metrics
      This service provides summarization functionality for Swift based accounts. It uses influxDB as a backend
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Metrics
      This service provides summarization functionality for Swift based accounts. It uses influxDB as a backend
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Share
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Share
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Version1
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi
      The iscsi data type provides access to additional information about an iscsi volume such as the snapshot capacity limit and replication partners.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi
      SoftLayer's iscsi product extends upon the base functionality of SoftLayer offerings by providing snapshot and replication capabilities. An iscsi volume is mounted through SoftLayer's private network and allows for block level additional storage on a highly redundant disk array. SoftLayer's iscsi offering is capable of taking volume snapshots which can be mounted read-only or used for an immediate volume data restore. This high-end Storage offering is also capable of being configured for remote data replication to any of SoftLayer's datacenters to provide a solid disaster recovery solution.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref
      MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref provides a list of countries where Mass Data Migration Device could be shipped for each CleverSafe Object Storage Region.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref
      MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref provides a list of countries where Mass Data Migration Device could be shipped for each CleverSafe Object Storage Region.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request data type contains information on a single Mass Data Migration request. Creation of these requests is limited to SoftLayer customers through the SoftLayer Customer Portal.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request
      Mass Data Migration Request Service allows users to request Massive storage device to copy onsite data. Once user has copied their data onto device, they ship it back to SoftLayer where device is connected to network and data is transferred to Object Storage bucket. Currently, the initial usage period is two weeks . Additional time for maintaining the media for continued may be purchased. Please contact sales for additional information regarding this. Once the usage period has elapsed. SoftLayer will disconnect the device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_DeviceConfiguration
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_DeviceConfiguration data type contains settings such networking, COS account, which needs to be configured on device for a Mass Data Migration Request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact data type contains name, email, and phone for key contact at customer location who will handle Mass Data Migration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact data type contains name, email, and phone for key contact at customer location who will handle Mass Data Migration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status data type contains general information relating to the statuses to which a Mass Data Migration Request may be set.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Nas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Nas contains general information regarding a NAS Storage service such as account id, username, password, maximum capacity, Storage's product type and capacity.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Partnership
      A network storage partnership is used to link multiple volumes to each other. These partnerships describe replication hierarchies or link volume snapshots to their associated storage volume.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Partnership_Type
      A network storage partnership type is used to define the link between two volumes.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Property
      A property provides additional information about a volume which it is assigned to. This information can range from 'Mountable' flags to utilized snapshot space.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Property_Type
      The storage property types provide standard definitions for properties which can be used with any type for Storage offering. The properties provide additional information about a volume which they are assigned to.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Replicant
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule
      Schedules can be created for select Storage services, such as iscsi. These schedules are used to perform various tasks such as scheduling snapshots or synchronizing replicants.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule
      Schedules can be created for select Storage services, such as iscsi. These schedules are used to perform various tasks such as scheduling snapshots or synchronizing replicants. The schedule service can be used to create, edit, or delete a schedule. Schedules are defined by the properties associated with them to specify values such as the start date, interval, or end date of the schedule.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property
      Schedule properties provide attributes such as start date, end date, interval, and other properties to a storage schedule.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property_Type
      A schedule property type is used to allow for a standardized method of defining network storage schedules.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Type
      A schedule type is used to define what a schedule was created to do. When creating a schedule to take snapshots of a volume, the 'Snapshot' schedule type would be used.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Snapshot
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Type
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Type contains a description of the associated SoftLayer_Network_Storage object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet
      A subnet represents a continguous range of IP addresses. The range is represented by the networkIdentifer and cidr/netmask properties. The version of a subnet, whether IPv4 or IPv6, is represented by the version property. When routed, a subnet is associated to a VLAN on your account, which defines its scope on the network. Depending on a subnet's route type, IP addresses may be reserved for network and internal functions, the most common of which is the allocation of network, gateway and broadcast IP addresses. An unrouted subnet is not active on the network and may generally be routed within the datacenter in which it resides. [Subnetwork at Wikipedia]( [RFC950:Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure](
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet
      This service enables interaction with subnets assigned to your account. IP addresses used on your network are drawn from your assigned subnets. Primary subnets are assigned as needed and are reclaimed when no longer in use. Primary IP addresses assigned to your devices are drawn from your primary subnets, and the consumption of these IP addresses is tracked and discoverable herein. Secondary subnets are assigned when ordered and are reclaimed when canceled. The consumption of IP addresses is not tracked. Both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets are supported via this service. Subnets can be tagged for discoverability and tracking purposes.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer IPv4 address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress
      Every SoftLayer IP address is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress service. SoftLayer IP addresses are assigned to a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress service gives you information about an IP address such if it is reserved, a network address, or a gateway. Use the data returned by these methods with other API services to get more detailed information about your services. SoftLayer customers can order and manage IP addresses through the customer portal. If you need to cancel a subnet please open a sales ticket in our customer portal and our account management staff will assist you.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global
      Global IP Addresses are static IP addresses that can be routed to any server within the SoftLayer network. Global IP Addresses are not restricted to routing within the same datacenter.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global
      Global IP Addresses are static IP addresses that can be routed to any server within the SoftLayer network. Global IP Addresses are not restricted to routing within the same datacenter.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_UsageDetail
      Describes an IP address assigned to a resource on your network. Details on the associated resource are also provided, described below. Details include the resource's type, unique identifier, name, fully qualified name, and context, the contents of which depends on the resource's type. If the fully qualified name is not included for a resource type below, the resource's name will apply. The following resource types and associated dependent properties are supported: * <b>HARDWARE</b>: A [Bare Metal Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the server. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the server. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The name of the network component or network component group assigned to the IP address, <i>e.g. eth0/2</i>. * <b>GUEST</b>: A [Virtual Server Instance](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the guest. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the guest. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The name of the virtual network component assigned to the IP address, <i>e.g. eth0</i>. * <b>GATEWAY</b>: A [Network Gateway](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Gateway) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The name of the gateway. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: Either the term 'virtual' to indicate a gateway IP address, or the name of the network component or network component group assigned to the IP address followed by the id-value of the [Bare Metal Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server) gateway member surrounded by '<', '>', <i>e.g. eth1/3<123456></i>. - <b>FIREWALL_MULTIVLAN</b>: A [Multi-VLAN Firewall](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The name of the firewall. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The term 'virtual' to indicate a firewall IP address. - <b>LBAAS</b>: A [Cloud Load Balancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The name of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The full DNS address of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The term 'ephemeral' to indicate a currently assigned IP address, subject to change. Users are strongly encouraged to access the service by the fully qualified DNS name and not the underlying IP addresses. The UUID of the load balancer is also provided, surrounded by '<' and '>', e.g. ephemeral<84f0affb-0d5e-40f1-ad87-a92d6544936a> - <b>NETSCALER_VPX</b>: A [Netscaler VPX Load Balancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: Either the term 'nsip' to indicate the management IP address, or the name of the network component assigned to the IP address followed by the id-value of the [Virtual Server Instance](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) load balancer host surrounded by '<', '>', <i>e.g. eth1<123456></i>. - <b>NETSCALER_MPX</b>: A [Netscaler MPX Load Balancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_LoadBalancer) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The name of the network component or network component group assigned to the IP address, <i>e.g. eth0/2</i>.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer IPv6 address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. The subnet registration data type contains general information relating to a single subnet registration instance. These registration instances can be updated to reflect changes, and will record the changes in the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. Subnet registration objects are used to request and track registration of the subnet with the appropriate Regional Internet Registry (RIR). Registration for public subnets can be requested any time after assignment of the subnet. Subnet Registration objects can be updated any time after they are created. This will result in the information being submitted to the RIR and the records on their end being refreshed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Apnic
      The APNIC subnet registration type has been deprecated. APNIC-specific registration object. For more detail see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Arin
      The ARIN subnet registration type has been deprecated. ARIN-specific registration object. For more detail see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details
      The subnet registration details type has been deprecated. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details objects are used to relate [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) objects to a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object. This allows for easy reuse of registration details. It is important to note that only one detail object per type may be associated to a registration object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event
      The subnet registration event type has been deprecated. Each time a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object is created or modified, the system will generate an event for it. Additional actions that would create an event include RIR responses and error cases. *
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event_Type
      The subnet registration event type type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Event Type objects describe the nature of a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event) The standard values for these objects are as follows: <ul> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_CREATED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been created</li> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_UPDATED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been updated</li> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_CANCELLED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been cancelled</li> <li><strong>RIR_RESPONSE</strong> - Indicates that an action taken against the RIR has produced a response. More details will be provided in the event message.</li> <li><strong>ERROR</strong> - Indicates that an error has been encountered. More details will be provided in the event message.</li> <li><strong>NOTE</strong> - An employee or other system has entered a note regarding the registration. The note content will be provided in the event message.</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Ripe
      The RIPE subnet registration type has been deprecated. RIPE-specific registration object. For more detail see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Status
      The subnet registration status type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Status objects describe the current status of a subnet registration. The standard values for these objects are as follows: <ul> <li><strong>OPEN</strong> - Indicates that the registration object is new and has yet to be submitted to the RIR</li> <li><strong>PENDING</strong> - Indicates that the registration object has been submitted to the RIR and is awaiting response</li> <li><strong>COMPLETE</strong> - Indicates that the RIR action has completed</li> <li><strong>DELETED</strong> - Indicates that the registration object has been gracefully removed is no longer valid</li> <li><strong>CANCELLED</strong> - Indicates that the registration object has been abruptly removed is no longer valid</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Status
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data
      Every SoftLayer customer account has contact information associated with it for reverse WHOIS purposes. An account's RWHOIS data, modeled by the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data data type, is used by SoftLayer's reverse WHOIS server as well as for SWIP transactions. SoftLayer's reverse WHOIS servers respond to WHOIS queries for IP addresses belonging to a customer's servers, returning this RWHOIS data. A SoftLayer customer's RWHOIS data may not necessarily match their account or portal users' contact information.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data
      **DEPRECATED** Use SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail and SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration instead. Every SoftLayer customer account has a RWHOIS record tied to it. This RWHOIS record is used by SoftLayer's Reverse Whois system as well as SoftLayer's Automated SWIP system. This service allows you to update your stored RWHOIS record. Changing this record automatically updates the RWHOIS record in 24 hours, but does NOT update SWIP data. You will need to use the SWIP service to do that.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction
      **DEPRECATED** The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction data type contains basic information tracked at SoftLayer to allow automation of Swip creation, update, and removal requests. A specific transaction is attached to an accountId and a subnetId. This also contains a 'Status Name' which tells the customer what the transaction is doing: * REQUEST QUEUED: Request is queued up to be sent to ARIN * REQUEST SENT: The email request has been sent to ARIN * REQUEST CONFIRMED: ARIN has confirmed that the request is good, and should be available in 24 hours * OK: The subnet has been checked with WHOIS and it the SWIP transaction has completed correctly * REMOVE QUEUED: A subnet is queued to be removed from ARIN's systems * REMOVE SENT: The removal email request has been sent to ARIN * REMOVE CONFIRMED: ARIN has confirmed that the removal request is good, and the subnet should be clear in WHOIS in 24 hours * DELETED: This specific SWIP Transaction has been removed from ARIN and is no longer in effect * SOFTLAYER MANUALLY PROCESSING: Sometimes a request doesn't go through correctly and has to be manually processed by SoftLayer. This may take some time.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction
      **DEPRECATED** SoftLayer's Automated Swip System is a finite state machine; it works by locally tracking a transaction between SoftLayer and the relevant Regional Internet Registry (RIR), assigning responsibility of a subnet to a customer. Transactions are dictated by the RIR's processing system, and the nature of the communication medium with each RIR, namely their REST API. Using this API, SoftLayer Customers are able to initiate, monitor, update, and remove Swip system transactions with ARIN and RIPE.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context
      The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer network tunnel. The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context is useful to gather information such as related customer subnets (remote) and internal subnets (local) associated with the network tunnel as well as other information needed to manage the network tunnel. Account and billing information related to the network tunnel can also be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context
      A SoftLayer network tunnel allows customer to authenticate and encrypt all IP traffic between two locations. Manage the entire network tunnel using this service. The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context allows customers to manage subnets on both ends of the network tunnel. Address translations can also be managed. SoftLayer also provides the ability to apply the network tunnel configurations on the SoftLayer network devices.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context_Address_Translation
      The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context_Address_Translation data type contains general information relating to a single address translation. Information such as notes, ip addresses, along with record information, and network tunnel data may be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan
      VLANs comprise the fundamental segmentation model on the network, isolating customer networks from one another. VLANs are scoped to a single network, generally public or private, and a pod. Through association to a single VLAN, assigned subnets are routed on the network to provide IP address connectivity. Compute devices are associated to a single VLAN per active network, to which the Primary IP Address and containing Primary Subnet belongs. Additional VLANs may be associated to bare metal devices using VLAN trunking. [VLAN at Wikipedia](
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan
      This service enables interaction with VLANs assigned to your account. Automatic VLANs are assigned as needed and are reclaimed when no longer in use. Premium VLANs are assigned when ordered and are reclaimed when cancelled. VLANs can be tagged for discoverability and tracking purposes. Refer to the following services and methods for related concepts and actions involving VLANs. - [SoftLayer_Network_Pod](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Pod) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet/route) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet/clearRoute) - [SoftLayer_Network_Component::addNetworkVlanTrunks](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Component/addNetworkVlanTrunks) - [SoftLayer_Network_Component::removeNetworkVlanTrunks](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Component/removeNetworkVlanTrunks)
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer VLAN firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer VLAN firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall_Rule
      A SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule object type represents a currently running firewall rule and contains relative information. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Type
      A network VLAN type is a value representing the type of a network VLAN. The possible values are: * STANDARD - A VLAN for normal server or guest use * GATEWAY - A VLAN designated for use as a network gateway VLAN
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Type
      A network VLAN type is a value representing the type of a network VLAN. The possible values are: * STANDARD - A VLAN for normal server or guest use * GATEWAY - A VLAN designated for use as a network gateway VLAN
    • startDomainMapping
      SOAP API will start CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
    • startSsl
      Start SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS). This action should be taken only after configuring an SSL certificate for the virtual IP.
    • startSsl
      Start SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS). This action should be taken only after configuring an SSL certificate for the virtual IP.
    • stopDomainMapping
      SOAP API will stop CDN mapping for a particular customer.
    • stopSsl
      Stop SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS).
    • stopSsl
      Stop SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS).
    • swipAllSubnets
      **DEPRECATED** swipAllSubnets finds all subnets attached to your account and attempts to create a SWIP transaction for all subnets that do not already have a SWIP transaction in progress.
    • toggleStatus
    • unassignServers
      This method will reassign a collection of SoftLayer hardware to the virtual private rack
    • unbypass
      Start the asynchronous process to route the VLAN to this gateway.
    • unbypassAllVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to unbypass all VLANs. Any VLANs that are already unbypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • unbypassVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to unbypass the provided VLANs. The VLANs must already be attached. Any VLANs that are already unbypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • unroute
      ***DEPRECATED*** This endpoint is deprecated in favor of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute, to which this endpoint now proxies. Refer to it for more information.
    • updateAllSubnetSwips
      **DEPRECATED** This method finds all subnets attached to your account that are in 'OK' status and updates their data with ARIN. Use this function after you have updated your RWHOIS data if you want to keep SWIP up to date.
    • updateConnectionStatus
    • updateDomainMapping
      SOAP API will update the Domain Mapping identified by the Unique Id. Following fields are allowed to be changed: originHost, HttpPort/HttpsPort, RespectHeaders, ServeStale Additionally, bucketName and fileExtension if OriginType is Object Store
    • updateEmailAddress
    • updateFirewallIntraVlanCommunication
      *** DEPRECATED *** Updates the firewall associated to this VLAN to allow or disallow intra-VLAN communication.
    • updateGatewayUserPassword
      The method updates the Gateway password for the provided username. It does not perform any synchronization with the Gateway to update the credentials. The method only updates the IMS db with the username / password record for the Gateway. The 'username' and 'password' in the record template are required. 'username' must not be blank and must exist in the Gateway password records 'password' must not be blank Returns true if password change is successful, false if not successful
    • updateGeoblocking
    • updateHotlinkProtection
    • updateL7Pool
      Updates an existing L7 pool, L7 health monitor and L7 session affinity.
    • updateL7PoolMembers
      Update L7 members weight and port.
    • updateL7Rules
      This function updates multiple Rules to a given policy with all the details for rules.
    • updateLiveLoadBalancer
      Update the the virtual IP address interface within an application delivery controller based load balancer identified by the ''name'' property in the loadBalancer parameter. You only need to set the properties in the loadBalancer parameter that you wish to change. Any virtual IP properties omitted or left empty are ignored. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • updateLoadBalancer
      Update load balancer's description, and return the load balancer object containing all listeners, pools, members and datacenter.
    • updateLoadBalancerHealthMonitors
      Update load balancers health monitor and return load balancer object with listeners (frontend), pools (backend), health monitor server instances (members) and datacenter populated
    • updateLoadBalancerMembers
      Update members weight and return load balancer object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • updateLoadBalancerProtocols
      Update (create) load balancers front- and backend protocols and return load balancer object with listeners (frontend), pools (backend), server instances (members) and datacenter populated. Note if a protocolConfiguration has no listenerUuid set, this function will create the specified front- and backend accordingly. Otherwise the given front- and backend will be updated with the new protocol and port.
    • updateModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will update modify response header for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • updateNetScalerLicense
      Update the NetScaler VPX License. This service will create a transaction to update a NetScaler VPX License. After the license is updated the load balancer will reboot in order to apply the newly issued license The load balancer will be unavailable during the reboot.
    • updateOriginPath
      SOAP API will update Origin Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer. When passing the $input object as a parameter, it will expect the following properties to be set: $oldPath $uniqueId $originType, $path, $origin, $httpPort, $httpsPort, and if the path's origin type is object storage, the $bucketName and the $fileExtension. Out of the properties listed above only the following path properties are allowed to be changed: $path, $origin, $httpPort, $httpsPort These properties may not be changed: $originType
    • updateRouteBypass
      Enable or disable route bypass for this context. If enabled, this will bypass the firewall entirely and all traffic will be routed directly to the host(s) behind it. If disabled, traffic will flow through the firewall normally. This feature is only available for Hardware Firewall (Dedicated) and dedicated appliances.
    • updateRuleNote
    • updateSslCiphers
      Updates the load balancer with the new cipher list. All new connections going forward will use the new set of ciphers selected by the user.
    • updateTimeToLive
      Updates an existing Time To Live object. If the old and new inputs are equal, exits early.
    • updateTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will update Token authentication Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • upgrade
      Converts this VLAN to a paid resource. This can be done for any Automatic VLAN. This operation can only be executed on an Automatic VLAN, and will transition it to being a Premium VLAN. The VLAN will then provide the benefits of a Premium VLAN. A Premium VLAN will remain on the account until cancelled. This operation cannot be undone! Once a VLAN becomes Premium, it can only be removed through cancellation, which will result in it being reclaimed. This operation is a convenience for utilizing the SoftLayer_Product_Order.placeOrder operation. It will place an order to upgrade the VLAN it is executed against. It will take a few moments for the order to be processed and the upgrade to complete. Note that the order is placed in such a way that any account state which prevents automatic order approval will prevent the order from being placed. Thus, if no error is received, the order was placed and approved, and the VLAN will be upgraded shortly.
    • upgradeConnectionLimit
      Upgrades the connection limit on the Virtual IP to Address to the next, higher connection limit of the same product.
    • upgradeConnectionLimit
      Upgrades the connection limit on the VirtualIp and changes the billing item on your account to reflect the change. This function will only upgrade you to the next 'level' of service. The next level follows this pattern Current Level => Next Level 50 100 100 200 200 500 500 1000 1000 1200 1200 1500 1500 2000 2000 2500 2500 3000
    • upgradePrecheck
      Create a Upgrade Network Gateway Precheck transaction.
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.
    • validateRule
      Validate the supplied firewall request rule against the object it will apply to. For IPv4 rules, pass in an instance of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule. for IPv6 rules, pass in an instance of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6. The ID of the applied to object can either be applyToComponentId (an ID of a SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall) or applyToAclId (an ID of a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface_AccessControlList). One, and only one, of applyToComponentId and applyToAclId can be specified. If validation is successful, nothing is returned. If validation is unsuccessful, an exception is thrown explaining the nature of the validation error.
    • validateVersionChange
    • verifyCdnAccountExists
      Wrapper for UI to verify whether or not an account exists for user under specified vendor. Returns true if account exists, else false.
    • verifyCname
      Verifies the CNAME is Unique in the domain. The method will return true if CNAME is unique else returns false
    • verifyDomainMapping
      Verifies the status of the domain mapping by calling the rest api; will update the status, cname, and vendorCName if necessary and will return the updated values.
    • voidPendingServerMove
      This method will void a pending server removal from this bandwidth pooling. Pass in the id of the hardware object or virtual guest you wish to update. Assuming that object is currently pending removal from the bandwidth pool at the start of the next billing cycle, the bandwidth pool member status will be restored and the pending cancellation removed.
    • voidPendingVdrCancellation
      This method will void a pending cancellation on a bandwidth pool. Note however any servers that belonged to the rack will have to be restored individually using the method voidPendingServerMove($id, $type).