Remove multiple permissions from a portal user’s permission set.
Remove (revoke) multiple permissions from a portal user’s permission set. SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user’s permission will affect that user’s portal and API access. removePortalPermission() does not attempt to remove permissions that are not assigned to the user.
Users can grant or revoke permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account’s master has all portal permissions and can grant permissions for any of the other users on their account.
If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permissions from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permissions from this user along with all child users who also have the permission.
If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not provided or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user.
Use the SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
Name | Type | Description |
permissions | SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission[] | A collection of permissions to remove from this user. |
cascadePermissionsFlag | boolean |
curl -g -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission, boolean]}' \