February 14, 2019

Working with Placement Groups

Collection of examples on how to work with placement groups.

Placement Groups


To create a group, we need to know a few pieces of information. With the slcli this can all be obtained with slcli vs placementgroup create-options

  1. Router (Pod in a datacenter) the group should be located behind.
curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X GET -H "Accept: */*" 'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup/getAvailableRouters.json'

Virtual_PlacementGroup::getAvailableRouters() will print a list of all routers that support placement groups. You will need the router ID listed.

  1. Rule which the group should enforce
curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X GET -H "Accept: */*" 'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule/getAllObjects.json'

SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule::getAllObjects() will print a list of rules useable, keep track of the Id. At the moment there is only the ‘SPREAD’ rule which ensures each VSI is on a different host.

  1. Name that we want to give the group. This is always the hardest part, sadly we don’t have an API to generate a name for you.

Next, create the instance.

SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup::createObject() takes as an argument a SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup datatype. You only need to supply backendRouterId, name, ruleId.

slcli vs placementgroup create --name test1234 -b bcr01.wdc01 -r SPREAD

curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST -d '{"parameters": [{"name": "test1234", "backendRouterId": 16358, "ruleId": 1}]}' 'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup/createObject.json'


slcli vs placementgroup list

To list out all the placement groups, we use SoftLayer_Account/getPlacementGroups with the mask mask[id, name, createDate, rule, guestCount, backendRouter[id, hostname]]

curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X GET 'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Account/getPlacementGroups.json?objectMask=mask%5Bid%2C+name%2C+createDate%2C+rule%2C+guestCount%2C+backendRouter%5Bid%2C+hostname%5D%5D'


slcli -vvv vs placementgroup delete test1234

Deleting is pretty easy, first you will need the PlacementGroup id, then just call SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup::deleteObject()

curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X GET -H "Accept: */*"  'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup/81435/deleteObject.json

To delete a PlacementGroup, it is required all servers in that group be delete. You can use slcli -vvv vs placementgroup delete test1234 --purge for that, or simply delete each VSI beforehand.

Adding VSIs to a group.

To create a VSI in a placement group, you need to supply the placementGroupId in your SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest container. This information is added at the same level hostname and domain are set.

slcli vs create -H test12345 -D test.com -f B1_1X2X25 -d mex01 -o DEBIAN_LATEST --placementgroup test12345

curl -u $SL_USER:$SL_APIKEY -X POST  -d '
{"parameters": [{
    "imageTemplateId": null,
    "location": "449600",
    "packageId": 1035,
    "presetId": 583,
    "prices": [{
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 202563,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Debian GNU/Linux 9.x Stretch/Stable - Minimal Install (64 bit) "
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 2202,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "25 GB (SAN)"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 905,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Reboot / Remote Console"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 210301,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "100 Mbps Public & Private Network Uplinks"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 1800,
        "item": {
            "description": "0 GB Bandwidth Allotment"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 21,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "1 IP Address"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 210349,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Host Ping and TCP Service Monitoring"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 57,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Email and Ticket"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 210353,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Automated Reboot from Monitoring"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 420,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Unlimited SSL VPN Users & 1 PPTP VPN User per account"
    }, {
        "hourlyRecurringFee": "0",
        "id": 418,
        "recurringFee": "0",
        "item": {
            "description": "Nessus Vulnerability Assessment & Reporting"
    "quantity": 1,
    "sourceVirtualGuestId": null,
    "sshKeys": [],
    "useHourlyPricing": true,
    "virtualGuests": [{
        "domain": "test.com",
        "hostname": "test12345",
        "placementGroupId": 12345
    "complexType": "SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest"
}]} 'https://api.softlayer.com/rest/v3.1/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder.json'