Items with tag product


    • acceptFromTicket
      Register the acceptance of the associated policy to product assignment, and link the created record to a Ticket.
    • approveChanges
      When a change is made to an upgrade by Sales, this method will approve the changes that were made. A customer must acknowledge the change and approve it so that the upgrade request can proceed.
    • checkItemAvailability
    • checkItemAvailabilityForImageTemplate
    • checkItemConflicts
      Check order items for conflicts
    • findByPromoCode
      Retrieves a promotion using its code.
    • getAccount
      The account that an order belongs to
    • getAccountRestrictedActivePresets
      The preset configurations available only for the authenticated account and this package.
    • getAccountRestrictedCategories
      The results from this call are similar to [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories), but these ONLY include account-restricted prices. Not all accounts have restricted pricing.
    • getAccountRestrictedPricesFlag
      The flag to indicate if there are any restricted prices in a package for the currently-active account.
    • getAccountRestrictions
      The account that the item price is restricted to.
    • getActiveItems
      Return a list of Items in the package with their active prices.
    • getActivePackagesByAttribute
      <strong>This method is deprecated and should not be used in production code.</strong> This method will return the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) objects from which you can order a bare metal server, virtual server, service (such as CDN or Object Storage) or other software filtered by an attribute type associated with the package. Once you have the package you want to order from, you may query one of various endpoints from that package to get specific information about its products and pricing. See [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories) or [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getItems](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getItems) for more information.
    • getActivePresaleEvents
    • getActivePresets
      The available preset configurations for this package.
    • getActivePrivateHostedCloudPackages
      [DEPRECATED] This method pulls all the active private hosted cloud packages. This will give you a basic description of the packages that are currently active and from which you can order private hosted cloud configurations.
    • getActiveRamItems
      A collection of valid RAM items available for purchase in this package.
    • getActiveServerItems
      A collection of valid server items available for purchase in this package.
    • getActiveSoftwareItems
      A collection of valid software items available for purchase in this package.
    • getActiveUsagePrices
      Active usage based prices.
    • getActiveUsagePrices
      A collection of [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) objects for pay-as-you-go usage.
    • getActiveUsageRatePrices
      This method returns a collection of active usage rate [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) objects for the current package and specified datacenter. Optionally you can retrieve the active usage rate prices for a particular [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category) by specifying a category code as the first parameter. This information is useful so that you can see 'pay as you go' rates (if any) for the current package, location and optionally category.
    • getAdditionalProductsForCategory
      Returns a list of of active Items in the 'Additional Services' package with their active prices for a given product item category and sorts them by price.
    • getAdditionalServiceFlag
      This flag indicates that the package is an additional service.
    • getAllObjects
      This method pulls all the active packages. This will give you a basic description of the packages that are currently active
    • getAllObjects
      This method returns all the active package presets.
    • getAllObjects
      This method will grab all the package servers.
    • getAllObjects
      This method will return all of the available package types.
    • getAllOptions
      This method will grab all the package server options.
    • getAttributes
      The attribute values for a product item. These are additional properties that give extra information about the product being sold.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
    • getAvailabilityAttributes
      Attributes that govern when an item may no longer be available.
    • getAvailableLocations
      A collection of valid locations for this package. (Deprecated - Use [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getRegions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getRegions))
    • getAvailablePackagesForImageTemplate
    • getAvailableStorageUnits
      The maximum number of available disk storage units associated with the servers in a package.
    • getAvailableStorageUnits
    • getBandwidthCategories
    • getBareMetalReservedCapacityFlag
      Signifies pricing that is only available on a bare metal reserved capacity order.
    • getBareMetalReservedFlag
      When true this preset is for ordering a Bare Metal Reserved server.
    • getBigDataOsJournalDiskFlag
      Whether the price is for Big Data OS/Journal disks only. (Deprecated)
    • getBillingItems
      The billing items associated with an account that share a category code with an item category's category code.
    • getBillingType
      An item's special billing type, if applicable.
    • getBundle
      An item's included product item references. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles objects. See the SoftLayer_Product_Item::bundleItems property for bundle of SoftLayer_Product_Item of objects.
    • getBundleItems
      An item's included products. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item objects.
    • getBundleReferences
      cross reference for bundles
    • getCapacityMaximum
      When the product capacity is best described as a range, this holds the ceiling of the range.
    • getCapacityMinimum
      When the product capacity is best described as a range, this holds the floor of the range.
    • getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag
      This flag indicates that this product is restricted by a capacity on a related product.
    • getCapacityRestrictionMaximum
      The maximum capacity value for which this price is suitable.
    • getCapacityRestrictionMinimum
      The minimum capacity value for which this price is suitable.
    • getCapacityRestrictionType
      The type of capacity restriction by which this price must abide.
    • getCatalog
    • getCategories
      An item's associated item categories.
    • getCategories
      All categories which this item is a member.
    • getCategories
      This is a collection of categories ([SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category)) associated with a package which can be used for ordering. These categories have several objects prepopulated which are useful when determining the available products for purchase. The categories contain groups ([SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Category_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Category_Group)) that organize the products and prices by similar features. For example, operating systems will be grouped by their manufacturer and virtual server disks will be grouped by their disk type (SAN vs. local). Each group will contain prices ([SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price)) which you can use determine the cost of each product. Each price has a product ([SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item)) which provides the name and other useful information about the server, service or software you may purchase.
    • getCategories
      The item categories that are included in this package preset configuration.
    • getCdnItems
    • getCloudStorageItems
    • getCompletedFlag
      Indicates that the upgrade request has completed or has been cancelled.
    • getComputeGroup
      The compute family this configuration belongs to.
    • getComputingCategories
      This method returns a collection of computing categories. These categories are also top level items in a service offering.
    • getConfiguration
      The item categories associated with a package, including information detailing which item categories are required as part of a SoftLayer product order.
    • getConfiguration
      The preset configuration (category and price).
    • getConfigurationTemplates
      Some product items have configuration templates which can be used to during provisioning of that product.
    • getConflicts
      An item's conflicts. For example, McAfee LinuxShield cannot be ordered with Windows. It was not meant for that operating system and as such is a conflict.
    • getCoreRestrictedItemFlag
      This flag indicates that this product is restricted by the number of cores on the compute instance. This is deprecated. Use [SoftLayer_Product_Item::getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item/getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag)
    • getCustomUsageRatesCategories
    • getDedicatedHostInstanceFlag
      Signifies pricing that is only available on a dedicated host virtual server order.
    • getDefaultBootCategoryCode
      The default boot category code for the package.
    • getDefaultRamItems
      A collection of valid RAM items available for purchase in this package.
    • getDefinedSoftwareLicenseFlag
      Whether this price defines a software license for its product item.
    • getDeploymentNodeType
      The node type for a package in a solution deployment.
    • getDeploymentPackages
      The packages that are allowed in a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • getDeployments
      The package that represents a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • getDeploymentType
      The solution deployment type.
    • getDisallowCustomDiskPartitions
      This flag indicates the package does not allow custom disk partitions.
    • getDisallowedComputeGroupUpgradeFlag
      When true this preset is only allowed to upgrade/downgrade to other presets in the same compute family.
    • getDowngradeItem
      Some product items have a downgrade path. This is the first product item in the downgrade path.
    • getDowngradeItems
      Some product items have a downgrade path. These are those product items.
    • getEligibilityStrategy
      Eligibility strategy to assess if a customer can order using this price.
    • getExternalPaymentAuthorizationReceipt
      This method simply returns a receipt for a previously finalized payment authorization from PayPal. The response matches the response returned from placeOrder when the order was originally placed with PayPal as the payment type.
    • getExternalResourceCategories
    • getFirstOrderStep
      The Softlayer order step is optionally step-based. This returns the first SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Step in the step-based order process.
    • getFixedConfigurationFlag
      A package preset with this flag set will not allow the price's defined in the preset configuration to be overriden during order placement.
    • getGatewayApplianceFlag
      Whether the package is a specialized network gateway appliance package.
    • getGlobalCategoryConflicts
      An item's category conflicts. For example, 10 Gbps redundant network functionality cannot be ordered with a secondary GPU and as such is a conflict.
    • getGpuFlag
      This flag indicates that the package supports GPUs.
    • getGroup
      This invoice item's 'item category group'.
    • getGroups
      A collection of service offering category groups. Each group contains a collection of items associated with this category.
    • getHardwareGenericComponentModel
      The generic hardware component that this item represents.
    • getHideFromPortalFlag
    • getHourlyBillingAvailableFlag
      Determines whether the package contains prices that can be ordered hourly.
    • getHourlyOnlyOrders
      Packages with this flag do not allow monthly orders.
    • getIneligibleForAccountDiscountFlag
    • getInventory
      DEPRECATED. An item's inventory status per datacenter.
    • getInvoice
      This is the invoice associated with the upgrade request. For hourly servers or services, an invoice will not be available.
    • getIsEngineeredServerProduct
      Flag to indicate the server product is engineered for a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • getItem
      The product item a price is tied to.
    • getItem
    • getItemAvailabilityTypes
      Returns a collection of SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type objects. These item attribute types specifically deal with when an item, SoftLayer_Product_Item, from the product catalog may no longer be available. The keynames for these attribute types start with 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_*', where the '*' may represent any string. For example, 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_NEW_ORDERS', signifies that the item is not available for new orders. There is a catch all attribute type, 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_ALL'. If an item has one of these availability attributes set, the value should be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY, indicating the date after which the item will no longer be available.
    • getItemCategory
      An item's primary item category.
    • getItemConflicts
      The item-item conflicts associated with a package.
    • getItemLocationConflicts
      The item-location conflicts associated with a package.
    • getItemPrice
    • getItemPrice
    • getItemPriceReferences
      cross reference for item prices
    • getItemPrices
      A collection of SoftLayer_Product_Item_Prices that are valid for this package.
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getItems
      A collection of valid items available for purchase in this package.
    • getItemsFromImageTemplate
      Return a collection of [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) objects from a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group) object
    • getLocalDiskFlag
    • getLocation
    • getLocationConflicts
      An item's location conflicts. For example, Dual Path network functionality cannot be ordered in WDC and as such is a conflict.
    • getLocations
      A collection of valid locations for this package. (Deprecated - Use [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getRegions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getRegions))
    • getLocations
      The locations this preset configuration is available in. If empty the preset is available in all locations the package is available in.
    • getLowestPresetServerPrice
      The lowest server prices related to this package preset.
    • getLowestServerPrice
      The lowest server [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) related to this package.
    • getM2ControllerFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a M.2 disk controller.
    • getM2DriveFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a M.2 drive.
    • getMaximumPortSpeed
      The maximum available network speed associated with the package.
    • getMessageQueueItems
    • getMinimumNvmeBays
      The minimum number of bays that support NVMe SSDs.
    • getMinimumPortSpeed
      The minimum available network speed associated with the package.
    • getMongoDbEngineeredFlag
      This flag indicates that this is a MongoDB engineered package. (Deprecated)
    • getNetworks
      This method is deprecated and always returns nothing.
    • getNonEuCompliantFlag
      Whether the package is not in compliance with EU support.
    • getNoUpgradesFlag
      Services ordered from this package cannot have upgrades or downgrades performed.
    • getNvmeDiskFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a NVMe SSD.
    • getObject
      Product Items are the products SoftLayer sells. Items have many properties that help describe what each is for. Each product items holds within it a description, tax rate information, status, and upgrade downgrade path information.
    • getObject
      Each product item price must be tied to a category for it to be sold. These categories describe how a particular product item is sold. For example, the 250GB hard drive can be sold as disk0, disk1, ... disk11. There are different prices for this product item depending on which category it is. This keeps down the number of products in total.
    • getObject
      Each product item category must be tied to a category group. These category groups describe how a particular product item category is categorized. For example, the disk0, disk1, ... disk11 can be categorized as Server and Attached Services. There are different groups for each of this product item category depending on the function of the item product in the subject category.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Policy_Assignment record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Premium record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Promotion record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves a SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request object on your account whose ID corresponds to the ID of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request service.
    • getObjectStorageCategories
    • getObjectStorageClusterGeolocationType
    • getObjectStorageDatacenters
      This method will return a collection of [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub_Datacenter](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub_Datacenter) objects which contain a datacenter location and all the associated active usage rate prices where object storage is available. This method is really only applicable to the object storage additional service package which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of '''ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE'''. This information is useful so that you can see the 'pay as you go' rates per datacenter.
    • getObjectStorageItemFlag
    • getObjectStorageLocationGroups
      This method will return a collection of [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_ObjectStorage_LocationGroup](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_ObjectStorage_LocationGroup) objects which contain a location group and all the associated active usage rate prices where object storage is available. This method is really only applicable to the object storage additional service package which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of '''ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE'''. This information is useful so that you can see the 'pay as you go' rates per location group.
    • getObjectStorageServiceClass
    • getOptions
      This method will grab all the package server options for the specified type.
    • getOrder
      An order record associated to the upgrade request
    • getOrderOptions
      Any unique options associated with an item category.
    • getOrderPremiums
    • getOrderPremiums
      The premium price modifiers associated with the [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) and [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) objects in a package.
    • getPackage
    • getPackage
      The package this preset belongs to.
    • getPackage
    • getPackageConfiguration
      The item categories associated with a package preset, including information detailing which item categories are required as part of a SoftLayer product order.
    • getPackageConfigurations
      A list of configuration available in this category.'
    • getPackageReferences
      cross reference for packages
    • getPackages
      A collection of all the SoftLayer_Product_Package(s) in which this item exists.
    • getPackages
      A price's packages under which this item is sold.
    • getPackages
      All the packages associated with the given package type.
    • getPcieDriveFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a PCIe drive.
    • getPhysicalCoreCapacity
      The number of cores that a processor has.
    • getPolicyDocumentContents
      Retrieve the binary contents of the associated PDF policy document.
    • getPolicyName
      The name of the assigned policy.
    • getPopLocationAvailabilityFlag
      This flag indicates if the package may be available in PoP locations in addition to Datacenters.
    • getPreconfiguredFlag
      This flag indicates the package is pre-configured. (Deprecated)
    • getPresaleEvents
    • getPreset
    • getPresetConfigurationRequiredFlag
      Whether the package requires the user to define a preset configuration.
    • getPresetConfigurations
      A list of preset configurations this category is used in.'
    • getPresetConfigurations
      A list of preset configurations this price is used in.'
    • getPreventVlanSelectionFlag
      Whether the package prevents the user from specifying a Vlan.
    • getPrices
      A product item's prices.
    • getPrices
      The item prices that are included in this package preset configuration.
    • getPriceType
      The type keyname of this price which can be STANDARD, TIERED, or TERM.
    • getPricingLocationGroup
      The pricing location group that this price is applicable for. Prices that have a pricing location group will only be available for ordering with the locations specified on the location group.
    • getPrivateHostedCloudPackageFlag
      This flag indicates the package is for a private hosted cloud deployment. (Deprecated)
    • getPrivateHostedCloudPackageType
      The server role of the private hosted cloud deployment. (Deprecated)
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the package only has access to the private network.
    • getProduct
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) for this policy assignment.
    • getQuantaStorPackageFlag
      Whether the package is a specialized mass storage QuantaStor package. (Deprecated)
    • getQuestionReferences
      The question references that are associated with an item category.
    • getQuestions
      The questions that are associated with an item category.
    • getRaidDiskRestrictionFlag
      This flag indicates the package does not allow different disks with RAID.
    • getRedundantPowerFlag
      This flag determines if the package contains a redundant power supply product.
    • getRegions
      The regional locations that a package is available in.
    • getRequiredCoreCount
      The number of server cores required to order this item. This is deprecated. Use [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price::getCapacityRestrictionMinimum](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price/getCapacityRestrictionMinimum) and [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price::getCapacityRestrictionMaximum](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price/getCapacityRestrictionMaximum)
    • getRequirements
      If an item must be ordered with another item, it will have a requirement item here.
    • getResellerOrder
      When the account is on an external reseller brand, this service will provide a SoftLayer_Product_Order with the the pricing adjusted by the external reseller.
    • getReservedCapacityInstanceFlag
      Signifies pricing that is only available on a reserved capacity virtual server order.
    • getRules
      An item's rules. This includes the requirements and conflicts to resources that an item has.
    • getServer
      A server object associated with the upgrade request if any.
    • getSoftwareCategories
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description tied to this item. This will only be populated for software items.
    • getSpeedSelectServerCoreCount
      The total number of cores for a speed select server product.
    • getSpeedSelectServerFlag
      Indicates a speed select server item.
    • getStandardCategories
      This call is similar to [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories), except that it does not include account-restricted pricing. Not all accounts have restricted pricing.
    • getStatus
      The current status of the upgrade request.
    • getStorageGroupTemplateArrays
      Describes how all disks in this preset will be configured.
    • getSubnetCategories
      This method returns a list of subnet categories.
    • getTaxCalculationResult
      Sometimes taxes cannot be calculated immediately, so we start the calculations and let them run in the background. This method will return the current progress and information related to a specific tax calculation, which allows real-time progress updates on tax calculations.
    • getTaxCategory
      An item's tax category, if applicable.
    • getThirdPartyPolicyAssignments
      Third-party policy assignments for this product.
    • getThirdPartySupportVendor
      The 3rd party vendor for a support subscription item. (Deprecated)
    • getTicket
      The ticket that is used to coordinate the upgrade process.
    • getTopLevelCategories
      This method returns a collection of computing categories. These categories are also top level items in a service offering.
    • getTopLevelItemCategoryCode
      The top level category code for this service offering.
    • getTotalMinimumHourlyFee
      The starting hourly price for this configuration. Additional options not defined in the preset may increase the cost.
    • getTotalMinimumRecurringFee
      The starting monthly price for this configuration. Additional options not defined in the preset may increase the cost.
    • getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity
      The total number of physical processing cores (excluding virtual cores / hyperthreads) for this server.
    • getTotalPhysicalCoreCount
      Shows the total number of cores. This is deprecated. Use [SoftLayer_Product_Item::getCapacity](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item/getCapacity) for guest_core products and [SoftLayer_Product_Item::getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item/getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity) for server products
    • getTotalProcessorCapacity
      The total number of processors for this server.
    • getType
      The type of service offering. This property can be used to help filter packages.
    • getUpgradeItem
      Some product items have an upgrade path. This is the next product item in the upgrade path.
    • getUpgradeItems
      Some product items have an upgrade path. These are those upgrade product items.
    • getUsageRatePrices
      Returns a collection of rate-based [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) objects associated with the [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) objects and the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) specified. The location is required to get the appropriate rate-based prices because the usage rates may vary from datacenter to datacenter.
    • getUser
      The user that placed the order.
    • getValidCancelableServiceItemCategories
      This method returns service product categories that can be canceled via API. You can use these categories to find the billing items you wish to cancel.
    • getVirtualGuest
      A virtual server object associated with the upgrade request if any.
    • getVlanCategories
    • getVlans
      Return collections of public and private VLANs that are available during ordering. If a location ID is provided, the resulting VLANs will be limited to that location. If the Virtual Server package id (46) is provided, the VLANs will be narrowed down to those locations that contain routers with the VIRTUAL_IMAGE_STORE data attribute. For the selectedItems parameter, this is a comma-separated string of category codes and item values. For example: - `port_speed=10,guest_disk0=LOCAL_DISK` - `port_speed=100,disk0=SAN_DISK` - `port_speed=100,private_network_only=1,guest_disk0=LOCAL_DISK` This parameter is used to narrow the available results down even further. It's not necessary when selecting a VLAN, but it will help avoid errors when attempting to place an order. The only acceptable category codes are: - `port_speed` - A disk category, such as `guest_disk0` or `disk0`, with values of either `LOCAL_DISK` or `SAN_DISK` - `private_network_only` - `dual_path_network` For most customers, it's sufficient to only provide the first 2 parameters.
    • placeOrder
      Use this method to place bare metal server, virtual server and additional service orders with SoftLayer. Upon success, your credit card or PayPal account will incur charges for the monthly order total (or prorated value if ordered mid billing cycle). If all products on the order are only billed hourly, you will be charged on your billing anniversary date, which occurs monthly on the day you ordered your first service with SoftLayer. For new customers, you are required to provide billing information when you place an order. For existing customers, the credit card on file will be charged. If you're a PayPal customer, a URL will be returned from the call to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) which is to be used to finish the authorization process. This authorization tells PayPal that you indeed want to place an order with SoftLayer. From PayPal's web site, you will be redirected back to SoftLayer for your order receipt. When an order is placed, your order will be in a 'pending approval' state. When all internal checks pass, your order will be automatically approved. For orders that may need extra attention, a Sales representative will review the order and contact you if necessary. Once the order is approved, your server or service will be provisioned and available to you shortly thereafter. Depending on the type of server or service ordered, provisioning times will vary. ## Order Containers When placing API orders, it's important to order your server and services on the appropriate [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). Failing to provide the correct container may delay your server or service from being provisioned in a timely manner. Some common order containers are included below. **Note:** `SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_` has been removed from the containers in the table below for readability. | Product | Order Container | Package Type | | ------- | --------------- | ------------ | | Bare metal server by CPU | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) | BARE_METAL_CPU | | Bare metal server by core | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) | BARE_METAL_CORE | | Virtual server | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest) | VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE | | Local & dedicated load balancers | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_LoadBalancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_LoadBalancer) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_LOAD_BALANCER | | Content delivery network | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_CDN | | Content delivery network Addon | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account_Addon](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account_Addon) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_CDN_ADDON | | Hardware & software firewalls | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_FIREWALL | | Dedicated firewall | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_FIREWALL | | Object storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Object](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Object) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE | | Object storage (hub) | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE | | Network attached storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Nas](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Nas) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_NETWORK_ATTACHED_STORAGE | | Iscsi storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Iscsi](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Iscsi) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_ISCSI_STORAGE | | Evault | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Vault](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Vault) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Evault Plugin | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Plugin](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Plugin) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Application delivery appliance | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_APPLICATION_DELIVERY_APPLIANCE | | Network subnet | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Global IPv4 | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_GLOBAL_IP_ADDRESSES | | Global IPv6 | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_GLOBAL_IP_ADDRESSES | | Network VLAN | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_NETWORK_VLAN | | Portable storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Disk_Image) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_PORTABLE_STORAGE | | SSL certificate | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_SSL_CERTIFICATE | | External authentication | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_User_Customer_External_Binding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_User_Customer_External_Binding) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Dedicated Host | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_DedicatedHost](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_DedicatedHost) | DEDICATED_HOST | ## Server example This example includes a single bare metal server being ordered with monthly billing. **Warning:** the price ids provided below may be outdated or unavailable, so you will need to determine the available prices from the bare metal server [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getAllObjects), which have a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of `BARE_METAL_CPU` or `BARE_METAL_CORE`. You can get a full list of package types with [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type/getAllObjects). ### Bare Metal Ordering ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server'> <hardware SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Hardware[1]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_HardwareArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Hardware'> <domain xsi:type='xsd:string'></domain> <hostname xsi:type='xsd:string'>server1</hostname> </item> </hardware> <location xsi:type='xsd:string'>138124</location> <packageId xsi:type='xsd:int'>142</packageId> <prices SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price[14]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_PriceArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>58</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>22337</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21189</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>876</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>57</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>55</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21190</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>36381</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>22013</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>906</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>420</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>418</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>342</id> </item> </prices> <useHourlyPricing xsi:type='xsd:boolean'>false</useHourlyPricing> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ``` ## Virtual server example This example includes 2 identical virtual servers (except for hostname) being ordered for hourly billing. It includes an optional image template id and VLAN data specified on the virtualGuest objects - `primaryBackendNetworkComponent` and `primaryNetworkComponent`. **Warning:** the price ids provided below may be outdated or unavailable, so you will need to determine the available prices from the virtual server package with [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getAllObjects), which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of `VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE`. #### Virtual Ordering ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest'> <imageTemplateId xsi:type='xsd:int'>13251</imageTemplateId> <location xsi:type='xsd:string'>37473</location> <packageId xsi:type='xsd:int'>46</packageId> <prices SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price[13]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_PriceArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>2159</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>55</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>13754</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>1641</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>905</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>1800</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>58</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>1645</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>272</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>57</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>418</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>420</id> </item> </prices> <quantity xsi:type='xsd:int'>2</quantity> <useHourlyPricing xsi:type='xsd:boolean'>true</useHourlyPricing> <virtualGuests SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest[1]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_GuestArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest'> <domain xsi:type='xsd:string'></domain> <hostname xsi:type='xsd:string'>server1</hostname> <primaryBackendNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>12345</id> </networkVlan> </primaryBackendNetworkComponent> <primaryNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>67890</id> </networkVlan> </primaryNetworkComponent> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest'> <domain xsi:type='xsd:string'></domain> <hostname xsi:type='xsd:string'>server2</hostname> <primaryBackendNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>12345</id> </networkVlan> </primaryBackendNetworkComponent> <primaryNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>67890</id> </networkVlan> </primaryNetworkComponent> </item> </virtualGuests> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ``` ## VLAN example **Warning:** the price ids provided below may be outdated or unavailable, so you will need to determine the available prices from the additional services pacakge with [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getAllObjects), which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of `ADDITIONAL_SERVICES`. You can get a full list of [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type/getAllObjects) to find other available additional service packages.<br/><br/> ### VLAN Ordering ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan'> <location xsi:type='xsd:string'>154820</location> <packageId xsi:type='xsd:int'>0</packageId> <prices SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price[2]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_PriceArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>2021</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>2018</id> </item> </prices> <useHourlyPricing xsi:type='xsd:boolean'>true</useHourlyPricing> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ``` ## Multiple products example This example includes a combination of the above examples in a single order. Note that all the configuration options for each individual order container are the same as above, except now we encapsulate each one within the `orderContainers` property on the base [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). **Warning:** not all products are available to be ordered with other products. For example, since SSL certificates require validation from a 3rd party, the approval process may take days or even weeks, and this would not be acceptable when you need your hourly virtual server right now. To better accommodate customers, we restrict several products to be ordered individually. ### Bare metal server + virtual server + VLAN ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order'> <orderContainers SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order[3]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_OrderArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server'> ... </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest'> ... </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan'> ... </item> </orderContainers> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ```
    • placeQuote
      Use this method for placing server quotes and additional services quotes. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server quotes. After placing the quote, you must go to this URL to finish the order process. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process. After this, it will go to sales for final approval.
    • processExternalPaymentAuthorization
      This method simply finalizes an authorization from PayPal. It tells SoftLayer that the customer has completed the PayPal process. This is ONLY needed if you, the customer, have your own API into PayPal and wish to automate authorizations from PayPal and our system. For most, this method will not be needed. Once an order is placed using placeOrder() for PayPal customers, a URL is given back to the customer. In it is the token and PayerID. If you want to systematically pay with PayPal, do so then call this method with the token and PayerID.
    • requiredItems
      Get list of items that are required with the item prices provided
    • SoftLayer_Product_Catalog
      A Catalog is defined as a set of prices for products that SoftLayer offers for sale. These prices are organized into packages which represent the different servers and services that SoftLayer offers.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Catalog_Item_Price
      The SoftLayer_Product_Catalog_Item_Price type assigns an Item Price to a Catalog. This relation defines the composition of Item Prices in a Catalog.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Group
      The SoftLayer_Product_Group data type contains product group relationship.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item
      Retrieve a product item and its details.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute) data type allows us to describe a [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) by attaching specific attributes, which may dictate how it interacts with other products and services. Most, if not all, of these attributes are geared towards internal usage, so customers should rarely be concerned with them.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type) data type defines the available type of product attributes that are available. This allows for convenient reference to a [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute) by a unique key name value.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Billing_Type
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Billing_Type data type models special billing types for non-monthly billed items in the SoftLayer product catalog.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles contains item to price cross references. Relates a category, price and item to a bundle. Match bundle ids to see all items and prices in a particular bundle.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category data type contains general category information for prices.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category
      Retrieve the category information for a product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Group
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Group data type contains general category group information.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Group
      Retrieve the category group information for a product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Order_Option_Type
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Order_Option_Type data type contains options that can be applied to orders for prices.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question data type represents a single question to be answered by an end user. The question may or may not be required which can be located by looking at the 'required' property on the item category references. The answerValueExpression property is a regular expression that is used to validate the answer to the question. The description and valueExample properties can be used to get an idea of the type of answer that should be provided.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Field_Type
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Field_Type data type represents the recommended type of field that should be rendered on an HTML form.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Xref
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Xref data type represents a link between an item category and an item category question. It also contains a 'required' field that designates if the question is required to be answered for the given item category.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Overage_Price
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Policy_Assignment
      Represents the assignment of a policy to a product. The existence of a record means that the associated product is subject to the terms defined in the document content of the policy.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Policy_Assignment
      Serves as a data source for additional information about the policy to product assignment.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product item price. You can find out what packages each price is in as well as which category under which this price is sold. All prices are returned in floating point values measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product item price. You can find out what packages each price is in as well as which category under which this price is sold. All prices are returned in floating point values measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Account_Restriction
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price data type gives more information about the item price restrictions. An item price may be restricted to one or more accounts. If the item price is restricted to an account, only that account will see the restriction details.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Premium
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Premium
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Requirement
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Requirement data type contains information relating to what requirements, if any, exist for an item. The requiredItemId local property is the item id that is required.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict_Item
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict_Item_Category
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict_Location
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule
      The item rule data type represents a rule that must be followed when the item assigned to the rule is ordered. The type and operation applied to the resources of the rule will affect how the rule is checked during ordering.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource
      The item rule resource data type represents a resource that is part of an item rule. The item rule resource is used when its item rule is checked on an order.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Item
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Item_Category
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Location
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Permission
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Type
      The item rule type data type represents the type of an item rule.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Server_Group
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Server_Group data type details the type of compute service a [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) or [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) belongs to.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Tax_Category
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Tax_Category data type contains the tax categories that are associated with products.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Order
      All orders (servers, virtual servers and services) pass through the [SoftLayer_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Order) service. This service provides the entry point for placing orders and quotes with SoftLayer. To place orders using these services, you must provide the appropriate container type as defined by [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). For server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server). For virtual server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest). For additional service orders, it will depend on the additional service (e.g., network attached storage, object storage) being purchased. See the data types documentation to get a list of all the available container types beginning with `SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_*`. There are several main entry points associated with ordering: - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) Order servers and services. Your credit card or PayPal account will get charged when successfully placed. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) Run verification on your order before it's actually placed to get additional information, like your total monthly or hourly recurring charges. You may also call this service to help ensure that your call to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) will succeed. **This service is called internally, so it is not required to verify before you call `placeOrder`.** No credit card or PayPal charges result from this call. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeQuote](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeQuote) Create a quote only. Subsequent orders may be placed from this quote. See [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote/placeOrder) for details on how to order from a quote. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::getVlans](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/getVlans) Get a list of available VLANs that can be supplied when placing an order. While this service provides detailed customization for ordering, some customers may find the simplified ordering system sufficient for their needs. For more information, see the following: - [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) - Simplified virtual server ordering - [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) - Simplified bare metal server ordering
    • SoftLayer_Product_Order
      All orders (servers, virtual servers and services) pass through the [SoftLayer_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Order) service. This service provides the entry point for placing orders and quotes with SoftLayer. To place orders using these services, you must provide the appropriate container type as defined by [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). For server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server). For virtual server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest). For additional service orders, it will depend on the additional service (e.g., network attached storage, object storage) being purchased. See the data types documentation to get a list of all the available container types beginning with `SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_*`. There are several main entry points associated with ordering: - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) Order servers and services. Your credit card or PayPal account will get charged when successfully placed. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) Run verification on your order before it's actually placed to get additional information, like your total monthly or hourly recurring charges. You may also call this service to help ensure that your call to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) will succeed. **This service is called internally, so it is not required to verify before you call `placeOrder`.** No credit card or PayPal charges result from this call. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeQuote](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeQuote) Create a quote only. Subsequent orders may be placed from this quote. See [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote/placeOrder) for details on how to order from a quote. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::getVlans](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/getVlans) Get a list of available VLANs that can be supplied when placing an order. While this service provides detailed customization for ordering, some customers may find the simplified ordering system sufficient for their needs. For more information, see the following: - [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) - Simplified virtual server ordering - [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) - Simplified bare metal server ordering
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package data type contains information about packages from which orders can be generated. Packages contain general information regarding what is in them, where they are currently sold, availability, and pricing.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package
      Every SoftLayer_Product_Package contains information related products and services that SoftLayer sells. The configuration of this package reveals which categories are required to place an order for this package. Every package has items, item prices, locations, regions, and a configuration. This service is the starting point for ordering servers, and other services we provide.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Inventory
      This is deprecated.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Category_Group
      This class is used to organize categories for a service offering. A service offering (usually) contains multiple categories (e.g., server, os, disk0, ram). This class allows us to organize the prices into related item category groups.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Prices
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Prices contains price to package cross references Relates a category, price and item to a bundle. Match bundle ids to see all items and prices in a particular bundle.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Items
      This data type is a cross-reference between the SoftLayer_Product_Package and the SoftLayer_Product_Item(s) that belong in the SoftLayer_Product_Package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Locations
      Most packages are available in many locations. This object describes that availability for each package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration
      This datatype describes the item categories that are required for each package to be ordered. For instance, for package 2, there will be many required categories. When submitting an order for a server, there must be at most 1 price for each category whose 'isRequired' is set. Examples of required categories: - server - ram - bandwidth - disk0 There are others, but these are the main ones. For each required category, a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price must be chosen that is valid for the package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Step
      Each package has at least 1 step to the ordering process. For server orders, there are many. Each step has certain item categories which are displayed. This type describes the steps for each package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Step_Next
      This datatype simply describes which steps are next in line for ordering.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset
      Package presets are used to simplify ordering by eliminating the need for price ids when submitting orders. Orders submitted with a preset id defined will use the prices included in the package preset. Prices submitted on an order with a preset id will replace the prices included in the package preset for that prices category. If the package preset has a fixed configuration flag <em>(fixedConfigurationFlag)</em> set then the prices included in the preset configuration cannot be replaced by prices submitted on the order. The only exception to the fixed configuration flag would be if a price submitted on the order is an account-restricted price for the same product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Attribute
      Package preset attributes contain supplementary information for a package preset.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Attribute_Type
      SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Attribute_Type models the type of attribute that can be assigned to a package preset.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Configuration
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server data type contains summarized information for bare metal servers regarding pricing, processor stats, and feature sets.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option) data type contains various data points associated with package servers that can be used in selection criteria.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) object indicates the type for a service offering (package). The type can be used to filter packages. For example, if you are looking for the package representing virtual servers, you can filter on the type's key name of '''VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE'''. For bare metal servers by core or CPU, filter on '''BARE_METAL_CORE''' or '''BARE_METAL_CPU''', respectively.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) object indicates the type for a service offering (package). The type can be used to filter packages. To find all the available types, call `getAllObjects` on this class.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Promotion
      The promotion web service is used to find information regarding a specific promotion using a promotion code.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Promotion
      The promotion web service is used to find information regarding a specific promotion using a promotion code.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request
      The SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request data type contains general information relating to a hardware, virtual server, or service upgrade. It also relates a [SoftLayer_Billing_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order) to a [SoftLayer_Ticket](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Ticket).
    • SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request
      SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request tracks the progress of an upgrade, and allows modification of the maintenance window and other information.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request_Status data type contains detailed information relating to an hardware or software upgrade request.
    • updateMaintenanceWindow
      In case an upgrade cannot be performed, the maintenance window needs to be updated to a future date.
    • verifyOrder
      This service is used to verify that an order meets all the necessary requirements to purchase a server, virtual server or service from SoftLayer. It will verify that the products requested do not conflict. For example, you cannot order a Windows firewall with a Linux operating system. It will also check to make sure you have provided all the products that are required for the [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration) associated with the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) on each of the [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) specified.<br/><br/> This service returns the same container that was provided, but with additional information that can be used for debugging or validation. It will also contain pricing information (prorated if applicable) for each of the products on the order. If an exception occurs during verification, a container with the <code>SoftLayer_Exception_Order</code> exception type will be specified in the result.<br/><br/> <code>verifyOrder</code> accepts the same [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) as <code>placeOrder</code>, so see [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) for more details.