This example below lists a few of the common ways of interacting with VLANs, including how to order, list, cancel Vlan, and list routers by datacenter.
This references relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on this brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
Retrieve all datacenter locations. SoftLayer's datacenters exist in various cities and each contain one or more server rooms which house network and server infrastructure.
Retrieve a graph of a SoftLayer datacenter's last 48 hours of network activity. Statistics graphs show traffic outbound from a datacenter on top and inbound traffic on the bottom followed by a legend of the network services tracked in the graph. getStatisticsGraphImage returns a PNG image of variable width and height depending on the number of services reported in the image.
Retrieve all datacenter locations. SoftLayer's datacenters exist in various cities and each contain one or more server rooms which house network and server infrastructure.
SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include datacenter-specific properties.
SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter exposes functionality to access datacenter-specific portions of SoftLayer's backend network. SoftLayer maintains datacenters within it's location hierarchy. Datacenters are located in city locations and each contain server room locations, racks, then slots. Each slot location houses a piece of SoftLayer hardware.