Items with tag softlayer_network_application_delivery_controller






    • createLiveLoadBalancer
      Create or add to an application delivery controller based load balancer service. The loadBalancer parameter must have its ''name'', ''type'', ''sourcePort'', and ''virtualIpAddress'' properties populated. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • deleteLiveLoadBalancer
      Remove a virtual IP address from an application delivery controller based load balancer. Only the ''name'' property in the loadBalancer parameter must be populated. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • deleteLiveLoadBalancerService
      Remove an entire load balancer service, including all virtual IP addresses, from and application delivery controller based load balancer. The ''name'' property the and ''name'' property within the ''vip'' property of the service parameter must be provided. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • editObject
      Edit an applications delivery controller record. Currently only a controller's notes property is editable.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that owns an application delivery controller record.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getBandwidthDataByDate
    • getBandwidthImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single application delivery controller. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Application Delivery Controller.
    • getConfigurationHistory
      Previous configurations for an Application Delivery Controller.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that the application delivery controller resides in.
    • getDescription
      A brief description of an application delivery controller record.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getLicenseExpirationDate
      The date in which the license for this application delivery controller will expire.
    • getLiveLoadBalancerServiceGraphImage
      Get the graph image for an application delivery controller service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getLoadBalancers
      The virtual IP address records that belong to an application delivery controller based load balancer.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that this Application Delivery Controller is a managed resource.
    • getManagementIpAddress
      An application delivery controller's management ip address.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The network VLAN that an application delivery controller resides on.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network VLANs that an application delivery controller resides on.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller service. You can only retrieve application delivery controllers that are associated with your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getPassword
      The password used to connect to an application delivery controller's management interface when it is operating in advanced view mode.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      An application delivery controller's primary public IP address.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getSubnets
      A network application controller's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getTagReferences
    • getType
    • getVirtualIpAddresses
    • restoreBaseConfiguration
      Restore an application delivery controller's base configuration state. The configuration will be set to what it was when initially provisioned.
    • restoreConfiguration
      Restore an application delivery controller's configuration state.
    • saveCurrentConfiguration
      Save an application delivery controller's configuration state. The notes property for this method is optional.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      The SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller data type models a single instance of an application delivery controller. Local properties are read only, except for a ''notes'' property, which can be used to describe your application delivery controller service. The type's relational properties provide more information to the service's function and login information to the controller's backend management if advanced view is enabled.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller controls a single instance of SoftLayer's application delivery controller offerings. Application delivery controllers are capable of application filtering, layer 4 and layer 7 load balancing, and many other functions. Currently SoftLayer employs them as high power load balancers. Load balancing is accomplished similarly to SoftLayer's other load balancer options, through a collection of virtual IP address interfaces. Application delivery controllers support an 'advanced' configuration scheme, enabling access directly to the controller's backend management interface. Enable access to this interface via the [SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller::enableAdvancedView](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method in this service. Use the username 'root' and password retrieved from this service along with the management IP address retrieved from this service. Be warned that direct access to the application delivery controller exposes a high degree of functionality. Be careful when directly editing your service to avoid interruption via misconfiguration.
    • updateLiveLoadBalancer
      Update the the virtual IP address interface within an application delivery controller based load balancer identified by the ''name'' property in the loadBalancer parameter. You only need to set the properties in the loadBalancer parameter that you wish to change. Any virtual IP properties omitted or left empty are ignored. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • updateNetScalerLicense
      Update the NetScaler VPX License. This service will create a transaction to update a NetScaler VPX License. After the license is updated the load balancer will reboot in order to apply the newly issued license The load balancer will be unavailable during the reboot.
