Items with tag softlayer_network_firewall_update_request




    • createObject
      Create a new firewall update request. If the SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object passed to this function has no rule, the firewall be set to bypass state and all the existing firewall rule(s) will be deleted. ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your firewall update request was unable to be created.
    • getAuthorizingUser
      The user that authorized this firewall update request.
    • getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes
      Get the possible attribute values for a firewall update request rule. These are the valid values which may be submitted as rule parameters for a firewall update request. ''getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes'' returns a SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Firewall_Rule_Attribute object upon success.
    • getGuest
      The downstream virtual server that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getHardware
      The downstream server that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The network component firewall that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getObject
      ''getObject'' returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object. You can only get historical objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. ''createObject'' inserts a new SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object. You can only insert requests for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. ''getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes'' Get the possible attribute values for a firewall update request rule.
    • getRules
      The group of rules contained within the update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request data type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request service can be used to create SoftLayer network component firewall rules update requests. Update requests are added to a transaction queue and are typically posted in about 60 seconds. After they are posted, they are listed as current rules via the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • updateRuleNote