Release Notes

April 12, 2019


  • GEP enrollment request form page cache should be cleared, so that the form can generate an unique device finger print


  • Enabling object masks on the SoftLayer_Product_Promotion.findByPromoCode API
  • Add UEFI boot message to order API response
  • Change SoftLayer_User_Customer::ibmIdLink ORM key definition to be more efficient
  • Add more information to a storage group template exception message


  • Removed location from DTS request since the location used was no longer in the package the request uses.
  • Fixed bug where tracking for a shipment was being set on the wrong shipment.
  • Fix Account Summary Data in Archive Disk Usag
  • Enable MZR support for Cloud Load Balancer in VRF based accounts

April 5, 2019


  • Fix issue where the order forms were unhelpful in handling paypal payments that were cancelled.


  • Prevent placing an order for more than one private cloud service at a time.
  • This issue lets copy to ICOS actions automatically refresh their IAM access token before it expires during large exports.

March 29, 2019


  • Fixed an error message being displayed when editing a Dedicated Host
  • Fixed an issue with selecting more PCIe components on the order forms.


  • Expose enable data logs api in SLDN
  • Adds the ability to look up a promotion and it’s requirements by promotion code from the SLDN API with SoftLayer_Product_Promotion class.


  • Sanitized Cos Imports/Exports source/target paths


  • Changing the Micro VSI product to its new name Variable Compute.
  • Added some new discounts:
  • Add Package 257 to DAL13
  • Remove VMware OS from the Single Proc 911 package
  • Enable Package 911 in SAO01
  • Enable Package 555 in SAO01
  • Veeam Backup and Replication 9.5 Update 4
  • Mmove the EOS SAP presets to Inactive
      • Preset 137 (SAP_HANA_E74890V2_1TB)
      • Preset 139 (SAP_HANA_E74890V2_2TB)
      • Preset 141 (SAP_HANA_E74890V2_512GB) ​ + Package 861 (4U_BI_S2_H8000)
      • Preset 197 (BI_S2_H8000)
      • Preset 321 (BI_S2_H8400)
      • Preset 383 (SAP_HANA_8U_8TB) ​Package 885 (8U_BI_S2_H4000)
      • Preset 327 (BI_S2_H4100)
      • Preset 329 (BI_S2_H4200)
      • Preset 331 (BI_S2_H4400)
  • RHEL Stock Images - VSIs for VPC
  • Apply the updated pricing for the M.2 SATA drive in the following packages 1051, 1053
  • GPU - NVIDIA Tesla V100 for SoftLayer Federal
  • Update the pricing for preset 1019 in package 1075
  • Hourly pricing for LUNA HSM

March 22, 2019


  • When ordering from quotes, it is no longer possible to select a different country or currency than what the quote was generated with. The order was always ordered from the original quote, this only affects the interface.
  • Correct being able to select hourly hardware security modules when ordering.


  • Fixed a bug in which erroneous input to Server.toggleManagementInterface could cause the generation of transactions which did nothing.
  • Force volume modification of magnetic to not unselect magnetic clusters
  • Improve performance of removeHardwareAccess methods
  • Return correct authenticationKey from SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication::editObject method
  • SL_Storage_Allowed_Host exposing additional orm key iscsiAclCredentials.
  • Created imported disk image type key


  • Added support for vmdk images for ICOS
  • Prevents hardware upgrades on Bare Metal Reserved servers.
  • Fixed an issue where users using the getSummaryData API may experience time outs when querying large VDRs

March 15, 2019


  • Adding Ticket integration for adding watch list users from control


  • Permission logs are returning null when there is only one record
  • Restrict access to only accounts user owns when using getSummaryData()
  • Gracefully handle case when network component is not attached to guest during detach vlan


  • Refactors the monitoring metrics to be read from influxdb.
  • Fix major bug regarding image template transactions.

March 8, 2019


  • Added some missing translations for the checkout page


  • Cleanup SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource when there are no groups referencing it.
  • Refactored SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Metrics::getSummaryData to use improved data source.
  • Deprecate the allowedPptpVpnQuantity property on the Account.class
  • Deprecate the pptpVpnAllowedFlag on the Customer.class
  • Update implementation of getAllObjects() on SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status
  • Fix User_Customer_Status and Locale_Timezone SLDN exposed getAllObjects to return properly if request is REST
  • Soap response restructuring - When the API fetches no results for virtual guest the soap response should not send empty collection


  • Fix issue delaying provisioning of HSM offerings.
  • Don’t overwrite master user IP address restriction when completing IBMid linking.
  • Direct Link: Restrict local-only routing tenants to local markets.
  • Finalize deprecation of subnet item specification during VLAN ordering. VLAN orders with a subnet item specified will begin emitting an error; the compatibility period is over.
  • Fix major bug regarding image template transactions
  • Correct price validation on OS reloads with multiple prices in the same category
  • Magnetic storage replicant provisions currently fail in production from trying to choose flash drives instead. This issue implements logic to re-include magnetic aggregates.


  • Allows ordering of Bare Metal Reserved servers. ( Package 837, Preset 984 )

  • Provide support for hourly pricing of SAP certified infrastructure

  • Pricing Update: 7.68TB SATA SSDs

  • Preset 985 vCS Digital Play 6.7 in the 1075 package

  • Add hourly billing to the following presets in package 1075. Presets 931, 933, 935, 937, 939.

  • Default category for the M.2 Drive needs to be changed to something other than disk0 (First Hard Drive) as it inhibits the assignment for up to 12 storage bays.

  • Replicate preset 929 in package 1075 and change the VMware OS from 6.5u1 to 6.7u1 in the new preset.

  • Hourly pricing for HSM

  • Rename VMware Server Virtualization 6.7 & add Price IDs to existing packages

  • New Packages Details

    Package ID Package Type Package Name
    1105 1U / 2 Socket Dual Intel Xeon Processor Cascade Lake Scalable Family (4 Drives)
    1107 2U / 2 Socket Dual Intel Xeon Processor Cascade Lake Scalable Family (12 Drives)
  • New Presets:

    ID Description Key Name
    533 DGold 6140 384GB 4X960GB SSD SED RAID 10 DGOLD_6140_384GB_4X960GB_SSD_SED_RAID_10
    785 DSilver 4110 96GB 1X960GB SSD SED NoRAID DSILVER_4110_96GB_1X960GB_SSD_SED_NORAID

February 26, 2019


  • Adds option for new customers to select if they are ordering on behalf of a business or as an individual. Also adds a checkbox allowing customers to specify they do not have a VAT ID.



  • Modified reclaim process to reset root/ADMIN IPMI passwords
  • Allow creation of array slices in the RAID BIOS
  • Fix secondary static IPv6 subnets ordered with servers not being correctly associated to billing.

February 20, 2019


  • Use URLs when sending emails to, or creating ticket updates for, linked customers.
  • Replace nonfunctional KnowledgeLayer links in emails and automated ticket updates with IBM Cloud docs links


  • Improved performance of SoftLayer_Account::getVirtualGuests() when using objectFilters
  • findGCImagesByCurrentUser is currently returning all the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Groups associated with a user’s account. This needs to be updated to return an array of only the applicable parent SVGBDTG
  • Improve Server.activatePublicPort, Server.activatePrivatePort, Server.shutdownPublicPort, and Server.shutdownPrivatePort documentation when referring to how they are aliases of Server.set*NetworkInterfaceSpeed operations.
  • Fixed a typo in the exception message for currentDate filter with SoftLayer_Event_Log::getAllObjects call


  • Adds a wait after a Bluemix timeout before attempting recovery
  • Add Preload Assign Network transaction step
  • Fixed issue with billing cycle start date incorrectly calculated
  • IBM unique ID should be used to get the user, instead of email
  • Bug fix for empty Nessus scan reports
  • support VRRP protocol in security groups


  • Remove Package 837 from Availability in Sao Paulo
  • 2Gbps and 5Gbps speeds for Direct Link Exchange offering

February 8, 2019


  • IAM User Management editor Role is now able to add VPN only user
  • Show suspend usage rates as hourly fees in order email
  • Replaces Bluemix URLs in email templates with IBM Cloud URLs
  • Fixed html being sent as plain text in notification emails.


  • Update SLDN doc for Customer::createObject


  • Restore ability to enable IPMI ports in select pods
  • Fix bug that would’ve prevented duplicate volume orders with an IOPS to space ratio of 0.3 IOPS per GB.
  • Fix bindVlan for LBaaS provisions
  • Fixed an issue preventing users with only IAM User Management that are not able to add an ACTIVE user on a linked account to Bluemix


  • VMware vSAN ReadyNode is now GA (packageId = 1053)
  • Create a catalog line item for Caveonix in pkg 907
  • Added Micro VSI U1.4x8
  • Add redundant power supply (50221 / 469) to the order form for the following packages (all 1U) - 837 (Skylake dual proc), 911 (Kabylake 1270), 551 (Broadwell dual proc), 253 (Haswell dual proc), 257 (Haswell 1270). 1091 Cascade dual proc)
    • Conflict the redundant power in the following DC’s that cannot handle it for the most part: AMS01, AMS03, DAL01, DAL05, DAL06, DAL07, DAL08, DAL09, FRA02, HKG02, HOU02, LON02, MEX01, MEL01, MIL01, MON01, PAR01, SEA01, SJC01, SNG01, SYD01, TOK02, TOR01, WDC01, WDC03

January 31, 2019


  • Two translation keys are not shown correctly when an sub user with ES language places a Bare Metal Server order from Manage portal


  • SoftLayer_Account::getEvaultNetworkStorage will now properly allow objectFilters using billingItem ids. Previously any filters on this method using a billing item would return empty result.
  • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::removeTag will return False if a tag could not be found to remove, previously this would return True
  • Fixed a bug preventing users who have migrated to IBMid being only able to see tags of hardware that their user or sub users have created. Users with the HARDWARE_DETAILS permission should now be able to see all hardware tags.
  • Skip validation when setting an autoscale group to suspended.
  • Implemented SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule::getAllObjects and exposed to the SLDN and internal API


  • Added the ability to order Windows VSIs from an image template with more than 1 CPU/1GB
  • LBaaS - Patch for MZR subnet filtering
  • When a customer deletes an auto-scale group member which causes an insufficient capacity error, it doesn’t incorrectly inform them that the cancellation could not be processed.
  • Send the password expired notification to customer when the expired date is exactly 3 days or 7 days or 14 days.