"SoftLayer_" prefix removed for readability.
Get the datacenters where object storage is available
A flag indicating whether or not the datacenter/location is BNPP compliant.
Subnets which are directly bound in a given datacenter, and currently allow routing.
This references relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user’s account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on this brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
Retrieve all datacenter locations
A flag indicating whether or not the datacenter/location is EU compliant.
A location can be a member of 1 or more groups. This will show which groups to which a location belongs.
A location’s physical address.
A location’s physical addresses.
A location’s Dedicated Rack member
The current locations status.
[DEPRECATED] - A location’s metric tracking object.
Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter record.
The total number of users online using SoftLayer’s SSL VPN service for a location.
A location can be a member of 1 or more Price Groups. This will show which groups to which a location belongs.
The regional group this datacenter belongs to.
A location can be a member of 1 or more regions. This will show which regions to which a location belongs.
[DEPRECATED] Retrieve all subnets that are eligible to be routed; those which the account has permission to associate with a vlan.
Retrieve a graph of a SoftLayer datacenter’s last 48 hours of network activity.
A location can be a member of 1 Bandwidth Pooling Group. This will show which group to which a location belongs.
Retrieve all datacenter locations
Retrieve viewable pops and datacenters in a combined list.
Retrieve viewable network locations
Retrieve all points of presence locations