The SoftLayer_Billing_Order service controls the orders that are created whenever a SoftLayer customer’s places a purchase. Orders exist in several states. The ones of concern are: *‘‘‘QUOTE_PENDING’’’: Orders which have not been paid yet. Orders pending approval from a Softlayer customer.
Once an order is paid it moves from QUOTE_PENDING to PENDING_APPROVAL state.
Orders are created with contact information duplicated from the SoftLayer_Account or by manual entry. We do this in order to maintain a history of an account’s contact information as orders are generated.
Query the SoftLayer_Account service to get a list of orders for your account.
Approve the changes of a modified order
The SoftLayer_Account to which an order belongs.
Get all billing orders for your account
A cart is similar to a quote, except that it can be continually modified by the customer and does not have locked-in prices. Not all orders will have a cart associated with them. See SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart for more information.
The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item that are core restricted
All credit card transactions associated with this order. If this order was not placed with a credit card, this will be empty.
The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_items included in an order.
Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Order record.
An order’s non-server items total monthly fee.
An order’s server items total monthly fee.
Get a list of SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status objects.
An order’s top level items. This normally includes the server line item and any non-server additional services such as NAS or ISCSI.
This amount represents the order’s initial charge including set up fee and taxes.
An order’s total one time amount summing all the set up fees, the labor fees and the one time fees. Taxes will be applied for non-tax-exempt. This amount represents the initial fees that will be charged.
An order’s total one time amount. This amount represents the initial fees before tax.
An order’s total one time tax amount. This amount represents the tax that will be applied to the total charge, if the SoftLayer_Account tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_Order is a taxable account.
An order’s total recurring amount. Taxes will be applied for non-tax-exempt. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
An order’s total recurring amount. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
The total tax amount of the recurring fees, if the SoftLayer_Account tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_Order is a taxable account.
An order’s total setup fee.
The type of an order. This lets you know where this order was generated from.
All PayPal transactions associated with this order. If this order was not placed with PayPal, this will be empty.
Retrieve a PDF copy of a quote.
Retrieve the default name of the PDF
The quote of an order. This quote holds information about its expiration date, creation date, name and status. This information is tied to an order having the status ‘QUOTE’
Generate an SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order from a billing order.
Generate and return an order receipt.
The Referral Partner who referred this order. (Only necessary for new customer orders)
This flag indicates an order is an upgrade.
The SoftLayer_User_Customer object tied to an order.
Determine if the existing order is pending edit approval