Items with tag sldn



    • acceptFromTicket
      Register the acceptance of the associated policy to product assignment, and link the created record to a Ticket.
    • acknowledge
      Acknowledge the associated [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event) for this impacted user.
    • acknowledgeNotification
      <<<< EOT
    • acknowledgeSupportPolicy
    • acknowledgeSupportPolicy
    • acknowledgeSupportPolicy
    • activate
    • activateOpenIdConnectUser
      Completes invitation process for an OpenIdConnect user created by Bluemix Unified User Console.
    • activateOpenIdConnectUser
      Completes invitation process for an OpenIdConnect user created by Bluemix Unified User Console.
    • activatePartner
      This service enables a partner account that has been created but is currently inactive. This restricted service is only available for certain accounts. Please contact support for questions.
    • activatePrivatePort
      Activate a server's private network interface to the maximum available speed. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of -1 and a $redundancy of 'redundant' or unspecified (which results in the best available redundancy state). Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to activate the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already active, and thus no changes are pending.
    • activatePrivatePort
      Activate a server's private network interface to the maximum available speed. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of -1 and a $redundancy of 'redundant' or unspecified (which results in the best available redundancy state). Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to activate the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already active, and thus no changes are pending.
    • activatePrivatePort
      Activate a server's private network interface to the maximum available speed. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of -1 and a $redundancy of 'redundant' or unspecified (which results in the best available redundancy state). Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to activate the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already active, and thus no changes are pending.
    • activatePrivatePort
      Activate the private network port
    • activatePublicPort
      Activate a server's public network interface to the maximum available speed. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of -1 and a $redundancy of 'redundant' or unspecified (which results in the best available redundancy state). Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to activate the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already active, and thus no changes are pending.
    • activatePublicPort
      Activate a server's public network interface to the maximum available speed. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of -1 and a $redundancy of 'redundant' or unspecified (which results in the best available redundancy state). Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to activate the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already active, and thus no changes are pending.
    • activatePublicPort
      Activate a server's public network interface to the maximum available speed. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of -1 and a $redundancy of 'redundant' or unspecified (which results in the best available redundancy state). Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to activate the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already active, and thus no changes are pending.
    • activatePublicPort
      Activate the public network port
    • addAchInformation
    • addAction
      Assigns a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action object to the group.
    • addAllowedHost
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object to this group. This will automatically enable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • addAllowedHost
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object to this group. This will automatically enable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • addAllowedHost
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object to this group. This will automatically enable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • addApiAuthenticationKey
      Create a user's API authentication key, allowing that user access to query the SoftLayer API. addApiAuthenticationKey() returns the user's new API key. Each portal user is allowed only one API key.
    • addApiAuthenticationKey
      Create a user's API authentication key, allowing that user access to query the SoftLayer API. addApiAuthenticationKey() returns the user's new API key. Each portal user is allowed only one API key.
    • addApiAuthenticationKey
      Create a user's API authentication key, allowing that user access to query the SoftLayer API. addApiAuthenticationKey() returns the user's new API key. Each portal user is allowed only one API key.
    • addAssignedAgent
    • addAttachedAdditionalEmails
      Creates new additional emails for assigned user if new emails are provided. Attaches any newly created additional emails to ticket.
    • addAttachedDedicatedHost
      Attach the given Dedicated Host to a SoftLayer ticket. An attachment provides an easy way for SoftLayer's employees to quickly look up your records in the case of specific issues.
    • addAttachedFile
      Attach the given file to a SoftLayer ticket. A file attachment is a convenient way to submit non-textual error reports to SoftLayer employees in a ticket. File attachments to tickets must have a unique name.
    • addAttachedHardware
      Attach the given hardware to a SoftLayer ticket. A hardware attachment provides an easy way for SoftLayer's employees to quickly look up your hardware records in the case of hardware-specific issues.
    • addAttachedVirtualGuest
      Attach the given CloudLayer Computing Instance to a SoftLayer ticket. An attachment provides an easy way for SoftLayer's employees to quickly look up your records in the case of specific issues.
    • addBulkActions
      Assigns multiple SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action objects to the group.
    • addBulkDedicatedHostAccess
      Grants the user access to one or more dedicated host devices. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkDedicatedHostAccess
      Grants the user access to one or more dedicated host devices. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkDedicatedHostAccess
      Grants the user access to one or more dedicated host devices. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkHardwareAccess
      Add multiple hardware to a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. addBulkHardwareAccess() does not attempt to add hardware access if the given user already has access to that hardware object. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkHardwareAccess
      Add multiple hardware to a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. addBulkHardwareAccess() does not attempt to add hardware access if the given user already has access to that hardware object. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkHardwareAccess
      Add multiple hardware to a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. addBulkHardwareAccess() does not attempt to add hardware access if the given user already has access to that hardware object. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkPortalPermission
      Add multiple permissions to a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. addBulkPortalPermission() does not attempt to add permissions already assigned to the user. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
    • addBulkPortalPermission
      Add multiple permissions to a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. addBulkPortalPermission() does not attempt to add permissions already assigned to the user. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
    • addBulkPortalPermission
      Add multiple permissions to a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. addBulkPortalPermission() does not attempt to add permissions already assigned to the user. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
    • addBulkResourceObjects
      Links multiple SoftLayer_Hardware_Server, SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest, or SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost objects to the group. All objects must be of the same type.
    • addBulkRoles
    • addBulkRoles
    • addBulkRoles
    • addBulkVirtualGuestAccess
      Add multiple CloudLayer Computing Instances to a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. addBulkVirtualGuestAccess() does not attempt to add CloudLayer Computing Instance access if the given user already has access to that CloudLayer Computing Instance object. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set CloudLayer Computing Instance access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkVirtualGuestAccess
      Add multiple CloudLayer Computing Instances to a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. addBulkVirtualGuestAccess() does not attempt to add CloudLayer Computing Instance access if the given user already has access to that CloudLayer Computing Instance object. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set CloudLayer Computing Instance access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addBulkVirtualGuestAccess
      Add multiple CloudLayer Computing Instances to a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. addBulkVirtualGuestAccess() does not attempt to add CloudLayer Computing Instance access if the given user already has access to that CloudLayer Computing Instance object. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set CloudLayer Computing Instance access for any of the other users on their account.
    • addByolAttribute
      This method allows you to mark this image template as customer managed software license (BYOL)
    • addCloudInitAttribute
      This method allows you to mark this image template as cloud init
    • addCustomerSubnetToNetworkTunnel
      Associates a remote subnet to the network tunnel. When a remote subnet is associated, a network tunnel will allow the customer (remote) network to communicate with the private and service subnets on the SoftLayer network which are on the other end of this network tunnel. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the association described above to take effect.
    • addCustomerUpgradeWindow
      getMaintenceWindowForTicket() returns a boolean
    • addDedicatedHostAccess
      Grants the user access to a single dedicated host device. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addDedicatedHostAccess
      Grants the user access to a single dedicated host device. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addDedicatedHostAccess
      Grants the user access to a single dedicated host device. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addExternalBinding
    • addExternalBinding
    • addExternalBinding
    • addFinalComments
      As part of the customer service process SoftLayer has provided a quick feedback mechanism for its customers to rate their overall experience with SoftLayer after a ticket is closed. addFinalComments() sets these comments for a ticket update made by a SoftLayer employee. Final comments may only be set on closed tickets, can only be set once, and may not exceed 4000 characters in length. Once the comments are set ''addFinalComments()'' returns a boolean true.
    • addHardwareAccess
      Add hardware to a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user already has access to the hardware you're attempting to add then addHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addHardwareAccess
      Add hardware to a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user already has access to the hardware you're attempting to add then addHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addHardwareAccess
      Add hardware to a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user already has access to the hardware you're attempting to add then addHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addL7Policies
      This function creates multiple policies with rules for the given listener.
    • addL7PoolMembers
      Add server instances as members to a L7pool and return the LoadBalancer Object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • addL7Rules
      This function creates and adds multiple Rules to a given L7 policy with all the details provided for rules
    • addLoadBalancerMembers
      Add server instances as members to load balancer and return it with listeners, pools and members populated
    • addLocations
      This method will create transaction(s) to add available locations to an archive image template.
    • addNetworkVlanTrunks
      Add VLANs as trunks to a network component. The VLANs given must be assigned to your account and belong to the same pod in which this network component and its hardware reside. The current native VLAN cannot be added as a trunk. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which were added as trunks. Any requested VLANs which are already trunked will be ignored and will not be returned. Affected VLANs will not yet be operational as trunks on the network upon return of this call, but activation will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of an 'internal system error' some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for activation.
    • addNotificationSubscriber
      Create a notification subscription record for the user. If a subscription record exists for the notification, the record will be set to active, if currently inactive.
    • addNotificationSubscriber
      Create a notification subscription record for the user. If a subscription record exists for the notification, the record will be set to active, if currently inactive.
    • addNotificationSubscriber
      Create a notification subscription record for the user. If a subscription record exists for the notification, the record will be set to active, if currently inactive.
    • addPortalPermission
      Add a permission to a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. If the user already has the permission you're attempting to add then addPortalPermission() returns true. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are added based on the keyName property of the permission parameter.
    • addPortalPermission
      Add a permission to a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. If the user already has the permission you're attempting to add then addPortalPermission() returns true. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are added based on the keyName property of the permission parameter.
    • addPortalPermission
      Add a permission to a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. If the user already has the permission you're attempting to add then addPortalPermission() returns true. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are added based on the keyName property of the permission parameter.
    • addPrivateSubnetToNetworkTunnel
      Associates a private subnet to the network tunnel. When a private subnet is associated, the network tunnel will allow the customer (remote) network to access the private subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the association described above to take effect.
    • addReferralPartnerPaymentOption
    • addResourceObject
      Links a SoftLayer_Hardware_Server, SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest, or SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost object to the group.
    • addResponseRating
      As part of the customer service process SoftLayer has provided a quick feedback mechanism for its customers to rate the responses that its employees give on tickets. addResponseRating() sets the rating for a single ticket update made by a SoftLayer employee. Ticket ratings have the integer values 1 through 5, with 1 being the worst and 5 being the best. Once the rating is set ''addResponseRating()'' returns a boolean true.
    • addRole
    • addRole
    • addRole
    • addRules
      Add new rules to a security group by sending in an array of template [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule) objects to be created.
    • addScheduledAlert
    • addScheduledAutoClose
    • addServiceSubnetToNetworkTunnel
      Associates a service subnet to the network tunnel. When a service subnet is associated, a network tunnel will allow the customer (remote) network to communicate with the private and service subnets on the SoftLayer network which are on the other end of this network tunnel. Service subnets provide access to SoftLayer services such as the customer management portal and the SoftLayer API. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the association described above to take effect.
    • addSupportedBootMode
      This method allows you to mark this image's supported boot modes as 'HVM' or 'PV'.
    • addUnsubscribeEmailAddress
    • addUpdate
      Add an update to a ticket. A ticket update's entry has a maximum length of 4000 characters, so ''addUpdate()'' splits the ''entry'' property in the ''templateObject'' parameter into 3900 character blocks and creates one entry per 3900 character block. Once complete ''addUpdate()'' emails the ticket's owner and additional email addresses with an update message if the ticket's ''notifyUserOnUpdateFlag'' is set. If the ticket is a Legal or Abuse ticket, then the account's abuse emails are also notified when the updates are processed. Finally, ''addUpdate()'' returns an array of the newly created ticket updates.
    • addUser
      Assigns a SoftLayer_User_Customer object to the role.
    • addVirtualGuestAccess
      Add a CloudLayer Computing Instance to a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user already has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting to add then addVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set CloudLayer Computing Instance access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addVirtualGuestAccess
      Add a CloudLayer Computing Instance to a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user already has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting to add then addVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set CloudLayer Computing Instance access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • addVirtualGuestAccess
      Add a CloudLayer Computing Instance to a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user already has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting to add then addVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set CloudLayer Computing Instance access for any of the other users on their account. Only the USER_MANAGE permission is required to execute this.
    • advancedSearch
      This method allows for searching for SoftLayer resources by simple terms and operators. Fields that are used for searching will be available at It returns a collection or array of [SoftLayer_Container_Search_Result](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Search_Result) objects that have search metadata for each result and the resulting resource found. The advancedSearch() method recognizes the special <code>_objectType:</code></b> quantifier in search strings. See the documentation for the [SoftLayer_Search::search](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/search) method on how to restrict searches using object types. The advancedSearch() method recognizes [SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType_Property), which can also be used to limit searches. Example: <code>_objectType:Type_1 propertyA:</code><i><code>value</code></i> A search string can specify multiple properties, separated with spaces. Example: <code>_objectType:Type_1 propertyA:</code><i><code>value</code></i> <code>propertyB:</code><i><code>value</code></i> A collection of available object types and their properties can be retrieved by calling the [SoftLayer_Search::getObjectTypes](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/getObjectTypes) method. #### Exact Match on Text Fields To enforce an exact match on text fields, encapsulate the term in double quotes. For example, given a set of device host names: <ul> <li>baremetal-a</li> <li>baremetal-b</li> <li>a-virtual-guest</li> <li>b-virtual-guest</li> <li>edge-router</li> </ul> An exact search (double-quote) for 'baremetal-a' will return only the exact match of <u>baremetal-a</u>. A fuzzy search (no double-quote) for baremetal-a will return <u>baremetal</u>-<u>a</u>, <u>baremetal</u>-b, <u>a</u>-virtu<u>a</u>l-guest, b-virtu<u>a</u>l-guest but will omit edge-router.
    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHardwareList
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromIpAddressList
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromSubnetList
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to allow access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replica volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddress
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replicant volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replicant volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • allowDeleteConnection
    • API Reference
      List of Services, Methods, and Datatypes
    • applyConfigurationsToDevice
      An asynchronous task will be created to apply the IPSec network tunnel's configuration to network devices. During this time, an IPSec network tunnel cannot be modified in anyway. Only one network tunnel configuration task can be created at a time. If a task has already been created and has not completed, a new task cannot be created.
    • approveBypassRequest
      Approve a request from technical support to bypass the firewall. Once approved, support will be able to route and unroute the VLAN on the firewall.
    • approveChanges
      When a change is made to an upgrade by Sales, this method will approve the changes that were made. A customer must acknowledge the change and approve it so that the upgrade request can proceed.
    • approveModifiedOrder
      When an order has been modified, the customer will need to approve the changes. This method will allow the customer to approve the changes.
    • approveReview
      Allows a verified reviewer to approve a request
    • areVdrUpdatesBlockedForBilling
      This method indicates whether or not Bandwidth Pooling updates are blocked for the account so the billing cycle can run. Generally, accounts are restricted from moving servers in or out of Bandwidth Pools from 12:00 CST on the day prior to billing, until the billing batch completes, sometime after midnight the day of actual billing for the account.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignCredential
      This method will assign an existing credential to the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method. The volume type must support an additional credential.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • assignNewCredential
      This method will set up a new credential for the remote storage volume. The storage volume must support an additional credential. Once created, the credential will be automatically assigned to the current volume. If there are no volumes assigned to the credential it will be automatically deleted.
    • assignNewParentId
      This method can be used in place of [SoftLayer_User_Customer::editObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) to change the parent user of this user. The new parent must be a user on the same account, and must not be a child of this user. A user is not allowed to change their own parent. If the cascadeFlag is set to false, then an exception will be thrown if the new parent does not have all of the permissions that this user possesses. If the cascadeFlag is set to true, then permissions will be removed from this user and the descendants of this user as necessary so that no children of the parent will have permissions that the parent does not possess. However, setting the cascadeFlag to true will not remove the access all device permissions from this user. The customer portal will need to be used to remove these permissions.
    • assignNewParentId
      This method can be used in place of [SoftLayer_User_Customer::editObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) to change the parent user of this user. The new parent must be a user on the same account, and must not be a child of this user. A user is not allowed to change their own parent. If the cascadeFlag is set to false, then an exception will be thrown if the new parent does not have all of the permissions that this user possesses. If the cascadeFlag is set to true, then permissions will be removed from this user and the descendants of this user as necessary so that no children of the parent will have permissions that the parent does not possess. However, setting the cascadeFlag to true will not remove the access all device permissions from this user. The customer portal will need to be used to remove these permissions.
    • assignNewParentId
      This method can be used in place of [SoftLayer_User_Customer::editObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) to change the parent user of this user. The new parent must be a user on the same account, and must not be a child of this user. A user is not allowed to change their own parent. If the cascadeFlag is set to false, then an exception will be thrown if the new parent does not have all of the permissions that this user possesses. If the cascadeFlag is set to true, then permissions will be removed from this user and the descendants of this user as necessary so that no children of the parent will have permissions that the parent does not possess. However, setting the cascadeFlag to true will not remove the access all device permissions from this user. The customer portal will need to be used to remove these permissions.
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • assignSubnetsToAcl
    • attachDiskImage
      Creates a transaction to attach a guest's disk image. If the disk image is already attached it will be ignored. WARNING: SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::checkHostDiskAvailability should be called before this method. If the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::checkHostDiskAvailability method is not called before this method, the guest migration will happen automatically.
    • attachNetworkComponents
      Attach virtual guest network components to a security group by creating [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) objects.
    • attachToVolume
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume to this group. This will automatically enable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • attachToVolume
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume to this group. This will automatically enable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • attachToVolume
      Use this method to attach a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume to this group. This will automatically enable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • autoComplete
      This function is responsible for setting the Tags values. The internal flag is set to 0 if the user is a customer, and 1 otherwise. AccountId is set to the account bound to the user, and the tags name is set to the clean version of the tag inputted by the user.
    • BluePages_Container_EmployeeProfile
    • BluePages_Search
      Searches BluePages for an employee and returns a container representing the employee. Note that this service is not available to customers, despite being visible, and will return an error response.
    • BluePages_Search
      Searches BluePages for an employee and returns a container representing the employee. Note that this service is not available to customers, despite being visible, and will return an error response.
    • BMS_Container_Country
    • bootToRescueLayer
      The Rescue Kernel is designed to provide you with the ability to bring a server online in order to troubleshoot system problems that would normally only be resolved by an OS Reload. The correct Rescue Kernel will be selected based upon the currently installed operating system. When the rescue kernel process is initiated, the server will shutdown and reboot on to the public network with the same IP's assigned to the server to allow for remote connections. It will bring your server offline for approximately 10 minutes while the rescue is in progress. The root/administrator password will be the same as what is listed in the portal for the server.
    • bootToRescueLayer
      The Rescue Kernel is designed to provide you with the ability to bring a server online in order to troubleshoot system problems that would normally only be resolved by an OS Reload. The correct Rescue Kernel will be selected based upon the currently installed operating system. When the rescue kernel process is initiated, the server will shutdown and reboot on to the public network with the same IP's assigned to the server to allow for remote connections. It will bring your server offline for approximately 10 minutes while the rescue is in progress. The root/administrator password will be the same as what is listed in the portal for the server.
    • bootToRescueLayer
      The Rescue Kernel is designed to provide you with the ability to bring a server online in order to troubleshoot system problems that would normally only be resolved by an OS Reload. The correct Rescue Kernel will be selected based upon the currently installed operating system. When the rescue kernel process is initiated, the server will shutdown and reboot on to the public network with the same IP's assigned to the server to allow for remote connections. It will bring your server offline for approximately 10 minutes while the rescue is in progress. The root/administrator password will be the same as what is listed in the portal for the server.
    • bypass
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass/unroute the VLAN from this gateway.
    • bypassAllVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass all VLANs. Any VLANs that are already bypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • bypassVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to bypass the provided VLANs. The VLANs must already be attached. Any VLANs that are already bypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • cancelIsolationForDestructiveAction
      Reopens the public and/or private ports to reverse the changes made when the server was isolated for a destructive action.
    • cancelItem
      Cancel the resource or service for a billing Item. By default the billing item will be canceled on the next bill date and reclaim of the resource will begin shortly after the cancellation. Setting the 'cancelImmediately' property to true will start the cancellation immediately if the item is eligible to be canceled immediately. The reason parameter could be from the list below: * 'No longer needed' * 'Business closing down' * 'Server / Upgrade Costs' * 'Migrating to larger server' * 'Migrating to smaller server' * 'Migrating to a different SoftLayer datacenter' * 'Network performance / latency' * 'Support response / timing' * 'Sales process / upgrades' * 'Moving to competitor'
    • cancelItem
      Cancel the resource or service for a billing Item. By default the billing item will be canceled on the next bill date and reclaim of the resource will begin shortly after the cancellation. Setting the 'cancelImmediately' property to true will start the cancellation immediately if the item is eligible to be canceled immediately. The reason parameter could be from the list below: * 'No longer needed' * 'Business closing down' * 'Server / Upgrade Costs' * 'Migrating to larger server' * 'Migrating to smaller server' * 'Migrating to a different SoftLayer datacenter' * 'Network performance / latency' * 'Support response / timing' * 'Sales process / upgrades' * 'Moving to competitor'
    • cancelLoadBalancer
      Cancel a load balancer with the given uuid. The billing system will execute the deletion of load balancer and all objects associated with it such as load balancer appliances, listeners, pools and members in the background.
    • cancelPayPalTransaction
      Cancel the PayPal Payment Request process. During the process of submitting a PayPal payment request, the customer is redirected to PayPal to confirm the request. If the customer elects to cancel the payment from PayPal, they are returned to SoftLayer where the manual payment record is updated to a status of canceled.
    • cancelRequest
      Will cancel a lockdown request scheduled in the future. Once canceled, the lockdown request cannot be reconciled and new requests must be made for subsequent actions on the account.
    • cancelService
      Cancel the resource or service (excluding bare metal servers) for a billing Item. The billing item will be cancelled immediately and reclaim of the resource will begin shortly.
    • cancelService
      Cancel the resource or service (excluding bare metal servers) for a billing Item. The billing item will be cancelled immediately and reclaim of the resource will begin shortly.
    • cancelServiceOnAnniversaryDate
      Cancel the resource or service for a billing Item
    • cancelServiceOnAnniversaryDate
      Cancel the resource or service for a billing Item
    • cancelSslOrder
      Cancels a pending SSL certificate order at the Certificate Authority
    • captureImage
      Captures an Image of the hard disk on the physical machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • captureImage
      Captures an Image of the hard disk on the physical machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • captureImage
      Captures an Image of the hard disk on the physical machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • captureImage
      Captures an Image of the hard disk on the physical machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • captureImage
      Captures an Image of the hard disk on the physical machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • captureImage
      Captures a Flex Image of the hard disk on the virtual machine, based on the capture template parameter. Returns the image template group containing the disk image.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • changePassword
      The method will change the password for the given Storage/Virtual Server Storage account.
    • changePreference
      Select a type of preference you would like to modify using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreferenceTypes](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and invoke this method using that preference type key name.
    • changePreference
      Select a type of preference you would like to modify using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreferenceTypes](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and invoke this method using that preference type key name.
    • changePreference
      Select a type of preference you would like to modify using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreferenceTypes](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and invoke this method using that preference type key name.
    • changeRedfishPowerState
      Changes the power state for the server. The server's power status is changed from its remote management card.
    • changeRedfishPowerState
      Changes the power state for the server. The server's power status is changed from its remote management card.
    • changeRedfishPowerState
      Changes the power state for the server. The server's power status is changed from its remote management card.
    • checkConnection
      DEPRECATED. Checks if a monitoring robot can communicate with SoftLayer monitoring management system via the private network. TCP port 48000 - 48002 must be open on your server or your virtual server in order for this test to succeed.
    • checkHostDiskAvailability
      Checks the associated host for available disk space to determine if guest migration is necessary. This method is only used with local disks. If this method returns false, calling attachDiskImage($imageId) will automatically migrate the destination guest to a new host before attaching the portable volume.
    • checkItemAvailability
    • checkItemAvailabilityForImageTemplate
    • checkItemConflicts
      Check order items for conflicts
    • claim
      This method is used to transfer an anonymous quote to the active user and associated account. An anonymous quote is one that was created by a user without being authenticated. If a quote was created anonymously and then the customer attempts to access that anonymous quote via the API (which requires authentication), the customer will be unable to retrieve the quote due to the security restrictions in place. By providing the ability for a customer to claim a quote, s/he will be able to pull the anonymous quote onto his/her account and successfully view the quote. To claim a quote, both the quote id and the quote key (the 32-character random string) must be provided.
    • claim
      This method is used to transfer an anonymous quote to the active user and associated account. An anonymous quote is one that was created by a user without being authenticated. If a quote was created anonymously and then the customer attempts to access that anonymous quote via the API (which requires authentication), the customer will be unable to retrieve the quote due to the security restrictions in place. By providing the ability for a customer to claim a quote, s/he will be able to pull the anonymous quote onto his/her account and successfully view the quote. To claim a quote, both the quote id and the quote key (the 32-character random string) must be provided.
    • clearNetworkVlanTrunks
      Remove all VLANs currently attached as trunks to this network component. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which will be removed as trunks. Affected VLANs will not yet be removed as trunks upon return of this call, but deactivation and removal will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of a 'pending API request' error some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for deactivation.
    • clearRegistration
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. This method will initiate the removal of a subnet registration.
    • clearRoute
      This interface allows you to remove the route of your secondary subnets. The result will be a subnet that is no longer routed on the network. Remove the route of subnets you are not actively using, as it will make it easier to identify available subnets later. '''Important:''' When removing the route of ''Portable'' subnets, know that any subnet depending on an IP address provided by the Portable subnet will also have their routes removed! To review what subnets are routed to IP addresses provided by a ''Portable'' subnet, you can utilize the following object mask: 'mask[ipAddresses[endpointSubnets]]'. Any subnet present in conjunction with ''endpointSubnets'' is a subnet which depends on the respective IP address. The behavior of this interface is such that either true or false is returned. A result of false can be interpreted as the clear route request having already been completed. In contrast, a result of true means the subnet is currently routed and will be transitioned. This route change is asynchronous to the request. A response of true does not mean the subnet's route has changed, but simply that it will change. In order to monitor for the completion of the change, you may either attempt a clear route again until the result is false, or monitor one or more SoftLayer_Network_Subnet properties: subnetType, networkVlanId, and or endPointIpAddress to determine if routing of the subnet has been removed.
    • clearSnoozeTimer
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBandwidth
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBandwidth() Retrieve the bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • collectBytesUsed
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} collectBytesUsed() retrieves the number of bytes capacity currently in use on a Storage account.
    • completeInvitationAfterLogin
      Completes invitation processing after logging on an existing OpenIdConnect user identity and return an access token
    • completeInvitationAfterLogin
      Completes invitation processing after logging on an existing OpenIdConnect user identity and return an access token
    • completePayPalTransaction
      Complete the PayPal Payment Request process and receive confirmation message. During the process of submitting a PayPal payment request, the customer is redirected to PayPal to confirm the request. Once confirmed, PayPal returns the customer to SoftLayer where an attempt is made to finalize the transaction. A status message regarding the attempt is returned to the calling function.
    • configureMetadataDisk
      Creates a transaction to configure the guest's metadata disk. If the guest has user data associated with it, the transaction will create a small virtual drive and write the metadata to a file on the drive; if the drive already exists, the metadata will be rewritten. If the guest has no user data associated with it, the transaction will remove the virtual drive if it exists. WARNING: The transaction created by this service will shut down the guest while the metadata disk is configured. The guest will be turned back on once this process is complete.
    • connectPrivateEndpointService
      Initiate the automated process to establish connectivity granting the account private back-end network access to the services available through IBM Cloud Service Endpoint. Once initiated, the configuration process occurs asynchronously in the background. <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The request to connect was successfully initiated. <code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are already connected. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • convertCloneDependentToIndependent
      Splits a clone from its parent allowing it to be an independent volume.
    • convertToPrimary
      A secondary DNS record may be converted to a primary DNS record. By converting a secondary DNS record, the SoftLayer name servers will be the authoritative nameserver for this domain and will be directly editable in the SoftLayer API and Portal. Primary DNS record conversion performs the following steps: * The SOA record is updated with SoftLayer's primary name server. * All NS records are removed and replaced with SoftLayer's NS records. * The secondary DNS record is removed. After the DNS records are converted, the following restrictions will apply to the new domain record: * You will need to manage the zone record using the [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain) service. * You may not edit the SOA or NS records. * You may only edit the following resource records: A, AAAA, CNAME, MX, TX, SRV. This change can not be undone, and the record can not be converted back into a secondary DNS record once the conversion is complete.
    • copyTemplate
      Copy a configuration template and returns a newly created template copy
    • copyToExternalSource
      Create a transaction to export/copy a template to an external source.
    • copyToIcos
      Create a transaction to export/copy a template to an ICOS.
    • countHourlyInstances
      Retrieve the number of hourly services on an account that are active, plus any pending orders with hourly services attached.
    • createAaaaRecord
      Create an AAAA record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. createARecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AaaaType.
    • createAddressTranslation
      Create an address translation for a network tunnel. To create an address translation, ip addresses from an assigned /30 static route subnet are used. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer (remote) subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be created.
    • createAddressTranslations
      This has the same functionality as the SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context::createAddressTranslation. However, it allows multiple translations to be passed in for creation. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the address translations to be created.
    • createAdministrativeTicket
      Create an administrative support ticket. Use an administrative ticket if you require SoftLayer's assistance managing your server or content. If you are experiencing an issue with SoftLayer's hardware, network, or services then please open a standard support ticket. Support tickets may only be created in the open state. The SoftLayer API defaults new ticket properties ''userEditableFlag'' to true, ''accountId'' to the id of the account that your API user belongs to, and ''statusId'' to 1001 (or 'open'). You may not assign your new to ticket to users that your API user does not have access to. Once your ticket is created it is placed in a queue for SoftLayer employees to work. As they update the ticket new [SoftLayer_Ticket_Update](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Ticket_Update) entries are added to the ticket object. Administrative support tickets add a one-time $3USD charge to your account.
    • createArchiveTemplate
      Create a transaction to archive a computing instance's block devices
    • createArchiveTransaction
      Create a transaction to archive a computing instance's block devices
    • createARecord
      Create an A record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. createARecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AType.
    • createCancelServerTicket
      A cancel server request creates a ticket to cancel the resource on next bill date. The hardware ID parameter is required to determine which server is to be cancelled. NOTE: Hourly bare metal servers will be cancelled on next bill date. The reason parameter could be from the list below: * 'No longer needed' * 'Business closing down' * 'Server / Upgrade Costs' * 'Migrating to larger server' * 'Migrating to smaller server' * 'Migrating to a different SoftLayer datacenter' * 'Network performance / latency' * 'Support response / timing' * 'Sales process / upgrades' * 'Moving to competitor' The content parameter describes further the reason for cancelling the server.
    • createCancelServiceTicket
      A cancel service request creates a sales ticket. The hardware ID parameter is required to determine which server is to be cancelled. The reason parameter could be from the list below: * 'No longer needed' * 'Business closing down' * 'Server / Upgrade Costs' * 'Migrating to larger server' * 'Migrating to smaller server' * 'Migrating to a different SoftLayer datacenter' * 'Network performance / latency' * 'Support response / timing' * 'Sales process / upgrades' * 'Moving to competitor' The content parameter describes further the reason for cancelling service.
    • createCart
      When creating a new cart, the order data is sent through SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder to make sure that the cart contains valid data. If an issue is found with the order, an exception will be thrown and you will receive the same response as if SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder were called directly. Once the order verification is complete, the cart will be created. The response is the new cart id.
    • createCnameRecord
      Create a CNAME record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. createCnameRecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_CnameType.
    • createComplianceReportRequestorContact
    • createConnection
    • createCustomerAccount
      Create a new customer account record. By default, the newly created account will be associated to a platform (PaaS) account. To skip the automatic creation and linking to a new platform account, set the <em>bluemixLinkedFlag</em> to <strong>false</strong> on the account template.
    • createDomainMapping
      SOAP API will create a new CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
    • createFirmwareReflashTransaction
      You can launch firmware reflash by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the flashes are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createFirmwareReflashTransaction
      You can launch firmware reflash by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the flashes are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createFirmwareReflashTransaction
      You can launch firmware reflash by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the flashes are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createFirmwareUpdateTransaction
      You can launch firmware updates by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createFirmwareUpdateTransaction
      You can launch firmware updates by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createFirmwareUpdateTransaction
      You can launch firmware updates by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createFolder
      Create a new folder in the root directory.
    • createFromExternalSource
      Create a transaction to import a disk image from an external source and create a standard image template.
    • createFromIcos
      Create a process to import a disk image from ICOS and create a standard
    • createGeoblocking
    • createHotlinkProtection
    • createHyperThreadingUpdateTransaction
      You can launch hyper-threading update by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the update is in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createHyperThreadingUpdateTransaction
      You can launch hyper-threading update by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the update is in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createHyperThreadingUpdateTransaction
      You can launch hyper-threading update by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the update is in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • createL7Pool
      Create a backend to be used for L7 load balancing. This L7 pool has backend protocol, L7 members, L7 health monitor and session affinity. L7 pool is associated with L7 policies.
    • createLiveLoadBalancer
      Create or add to an application delivery controller based load balancer service. The loadBalancer parameter must have its ''name'', ''type'', ''sourcePort'', and ''virtualIpAddress'' properties populated. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • createModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will create modify response header for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • createMxRecord
      Create an MX record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. MX records are created with a default priority of 10. createMxRecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType.
    • createNotificationSubscriber
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • createNotificationSubscriber
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • createNotificationSubscriber
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • createNsRecord
      Create an NS record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. createNsRecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_NsType.
    • createObject
      Create a new address record. The ''typeId'', ''accountId'', ''description'', ''address1'', ''city'', ''state'', ''country'', and ''postalCode'' properties in the templateObject parameter are required properties and may not be null or empty. Users will be restricted to creating addresses for their account.
    • createObject
      Create a new affiliation to associate with an existing account.
    • createObject
    • createObject
      This method creates an account contact. The accountId is fixed, other properties can be set during creation. The typeId indicates the SoftLayer_Account_Contact_Type for the contact. This method returns the SoftLayer_Account_Contact object that is created.
    • createObject
    • createObject
      The subnet registration detail service has been deprecated. <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> This method will create a new SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail object. <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>detailTypeId</code> <div>The [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Type) of this detail object</div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> <li><code>regionalInternetRegistryHandleId</code> <div> The id of the [SoftLayer_Account_Rwhois_Handle](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Rwhois_Handle) object. This is only to be used for detailed registrations, where a subnet is registered to an organization. The associated handle will be required to be a valid organization object id at the relevant registry. In this case, the detail object will only be valid for the registry the organization belongs to. </div> <ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
    • createObject
      The subnet registration detail property service has been deprecated. <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> This method will create a new SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property object. <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>registrationDetailId</code> <div>The numeric ID of the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) this property belongs to</div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> <li><code>propertyTypeId</code> <div> The numeric ID of the associated [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type) object </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> <li><code>sequencePosition</code> <div> When more than one property of the same type exists on a detail object, this value determines the position in that collection. This can be thought of more as a sort order. </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> <li><code>value</code> <div> The actual value of the property. </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
    • createObject
      Create a new shipment tracking data. The ''shipmentId'', ''sequence'', and ''trackingData'' properties in the templateObject parameter are required parameters to create a tracking data record.
    • createObject
      This method creates a service cancellation request. You need to have 'Cancel Services' privilege to create a cancellation request. You have to provide at least one SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request_Item in the 'items' property. Make sure billing item's category code belongs to the cancelable product codes. You can retrieve the cancelable product category by the [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category::getValidCancelableServiceItemCategories](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) service.
    • createObject
      createObject() allows the creation of a new brand. This will also create an `account` to serve as the owner of the brand. In order to create a brand, a template object must be sent in with several required values. ### Input [SoftLayer_Brand](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Brand) - `name` + Name of brand + Required + Type: string - `keyName` + Reference key name + Required + Type: string - `longName` + More descriptive name of brand + Required + Type: string - `account.firstName` + First Name of account contact + Required + Type: string - `account.lastName` + Last Name of account contact + Required + Type: string - `account.address1` + Street Address of company + Required + Type: string - `account.address2` + Street Address of company + Optional + Type: string - `` + City of company + Required + Type: string - `account.state` + State of company (if applicable) + Conditionally Required + Type: string - `account.postalCode` + Postal Code of company + Required + Type: string - `` + Country of company + Required + Type: string - `account.officePhone` + Office Phone number of Company + Required + Type: string - `account.alternatePhone` + Alternate Phone number of Company + Optional + Type: string - `account.companyName` + Name of company + Required + Type: string - `` + Email address of account contact + Required + Type: string REST Example: ``` curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[{ 'name': 'Brand Corp', 'keyName': 'BRAND_CORP', 'longName': 'Brand Corporation', 'account': { 'firstName': 'Gloria', 'lastName': 'Brand', 'address1': '123 Drive', 'city': 'Boston', 'state': 'MA', 'postalCode': '02107', 'country': 'US', 'companyName': 'Brand Corp', 'officePhone': '857-111-1111', 'email': '' } }] }' ```
    • createObject
      Create a new domain on the SoftLayer name servers. The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain object passed to this function must have at least one A or AAAA resource record. createObject creates a default SOA record with the data: * '''host''': '@' * '''data''': '' * '''responsible person''': 'root.[your domain name].' * '''expire''': 604800 seconds * '''refresh''': 3600 seconds * '''retry''': 300 seconds * '''minimum''': 3600 seconds If your new domain uses the .de top-level domain then SOA refresh is set to 10000 seconds, retry is set to 1800 seconds, and minimum to 10000 seconds. If your domain doesn't contain NS resource records for or then ''createObject'' will create them for you. ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your domain was unable to be created..
    • createObject
      createObject creates a new domain resource record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for '@', '_', '.', '*', and '-'. The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for '.' and '-'. Creating a resource record updates the serial number of the domain the resource record is associated with. ''createObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful create or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • createObject
      createObject creates a new MX record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for '@', '_', '.', '*', and '-'. The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for '.' and '-'. Creating an MX record updates the serial number of the domain the resource record is associated with.
    • createObject
      createObject creates a new SRV record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for '@', '_', '.', '*', and '-'. The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for '.' and '-'. Creating an SRV record updates the serial number of the domain the resource record is associated with.
    • createObject
      Create a secondary DNS record. The ''zoneName'', ''masterIpAddress'', and ''transferFrequency'' properties in the templateObject parameter are required parameters to create a secondary DNS record.
    • createObject
      <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> createObject() enables the creation of servers on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a server, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a server of the specified configuration. To determine when the server is available you can poll the server via [SoftLayer_Hardware::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getObject), checking the <code>provisionDate</code> property. When <code>provisionDate</code> is not null, the server will be ready. Be sure to use the <code>globalIdentifier</code> as your initialization parameter. <b>Warning:</b> Servers created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Hardware::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/generateOrderTemplate). <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>hostname</code> <div>Hostname for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>domain</code> <div>Domain for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>processorCoreAmount</code> <div>The number of logical CPU cores to allocate.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>memoryCapacity</code> <div>The amount of memory to allocate in gigabytes.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>hourlyBillingFlag</code> <div>Specifies the billing type for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li>When true the server will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>operatingSystemReferenceCode</code> <div>An identifier for the operating system to provision the server with.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies which datacenter the server is to be provisioned in.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>The <code>datacenter</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) structure with the <code>name</code> field set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'datacenter': { 'name': 'dal05' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.maxSpeed</code> <div>Specifies the connection speed for the server's network components.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The highest available zero cost port speed will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. The <code>maxSpeed</code> property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the server.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'maxSpeed': 1000 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.redundancyEnabledFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server's network components should be in redundancy groups.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - bool</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. When the <code>redundancyEnabledFlag</code> property is true the server's network components will be in redundancy groups.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'redundancyEnabledFlag': false } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>privateNetworkOnlyFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server only has access to the private network</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li>When true this flag specifies that a server is to only have access to the private network.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 1 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryBackendNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 2 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>fixedConfigurationPreset.keyName</code> <div></div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>fixedConfigurationPreset</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) structure. The <code>keyName</code> property must be set to specify preset to use.</li> <li>If a fixed configuration preset is used <code>processorCoreAmount</code>, <code>memoryCapacity</code> and <code>hardDrives</code> properties must not be set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'fixedConfigurationPreset': { 'keyName': 'SOME_KEY_NAME' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>userData.value</code> <div>Arbitrary data to be made available to the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>userData</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute) structure with the <code>value</code> property set to an arbitrary value.</li> <li>This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the server. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the server and configured to execute upon first boot.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'userData': [ { 'value': 'someValue' } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>hardDrives</code> <div>Hard drive settings for the server</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - SoftLayer_Hardware_Component</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The largest available capacity for a zero cost primary disk will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>hardDrives</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component) structures.</i> <li>Each hard drive must specify the <code>capacity</code> property.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'hardDrives': [ { 'capacity': 500 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li id='hardware-create-object-ssh-keys'><code>sshKeys</code> <div>SSH keys to install on the server upon provisioning.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>sshKeys</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the <code>id</code> property set to the value of an existing SSH key.</li> <li>To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject) on the [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) service.</li> <li>To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) on the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service. </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'sshKeys': [ { 'id': 123 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>postInstallScriptUri</code> <div>Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> </ul> <h1>REST Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'processorCoreAmount': 2, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'bareMetalInstanceFlag': null, 'domain': '', 'hardwareStatusId': null, 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': null, 'serviceProviderId': null, 'serviceProviderResourceId': null, 'globalIdentifier': 'f5a3fcff-db1d-4b7c-9fa0-0349e41c29c5', 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'processorCoreAmount': 2 } </http>
    • createObject
      <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> createObject() enables the creation of servers on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a server, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a server of the specified configuration. To determine when the server is available you can poll the server via [SoftLayer_Hardware::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getObject), checking the <code>provisionDate</code> property. When <code>provisionDate</code> is not null, the server will be ready. Be sure to use the <code>globalIdentifier</code> as your initialization parameter. <b>Warning:</b> Servers created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Hardware::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/generateOrderTemplate). <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>hostname</code> <div>Hostname for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>domain</code> <div>Domain for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>processorCoreAmount</code> <div>The number of logical CPU cores to allocate.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>memoryCapacity</code> <div>The amount of memory to allocate in gigabytes.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>hourlyBillingFlag</code> <div>Specifies the billing type for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li>When true the server will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>operatingSystemReferenceCode</code> <div>An identifier for the operating system to provision the server with.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies which datacenter the server is to be provisioned in.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>The <code>datacenter</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) structure with the <code>name</code> field set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'datacenter': { 'name': 'dal05' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.maxSpeed</code> <div>Specifies the connection speed for the server's network components.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The highest available zero cost port speed will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. The <code>maxSpeed</code> property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the server.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'maxSpeed': 1000 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.redundancyEnabledFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server's network components should be in redundancy groups.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - bool</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. When the <code>redundancyEnabledFlag</code> property is true the server's network components will be in redundancy groups.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'redundancyEnabledFlag': false } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>privateNetworkOnlyFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server only has access to the private network</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li>When true this flag specifies that a server is to only have access to the private network.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 1 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryBackendNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 2 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>fixedConfigurationPreset.keyName</code> <div></div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>fixedConfigurationPreset</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) structure. The <code>keyName</code> property must be set to specify preset to use.</li> <li>If a fixed configuration preset is used <code>processorCoreAmount</code>, <code>memoryCapacity</code> and <code>hardDrives</code> properties must not be set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'fixedConfigurationPreset': { 'keyName': 'SOME_KEY_NAME' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>userData.value</code> <div>Arbitrary data to be made available to the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>userData</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute) structure with the <code>value</code> property set to an arbitrary value.</li> <li>This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the server. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the server and configured to execute upon first boot.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'userData': [ { 'value': 'someValue' } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>hardDrives</code> <div>Hard drive settings for the server</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - SoftLayer_Hardware_Component</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The largest available capacity for a zero cost primary disk will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>hardDrives</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component) structures.</i> <li>Each hard drive must specify the <code>capacity</code> property.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'hardDrives': [ { 'capacity': 500 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li id='hardware-create-object-ssh-keys'><code>sshKeys</code> <div>SSH keys to install on the server upon provisioning.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>sshKeys</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the <code>id</code> property set to the value of an existing SSH key.</li> <li>To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject) on the [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) service.</li> <li>To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) on the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service. </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'sshKeys': [ { 'id': 123 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>postInstallScriptUri</code> <div>Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> </ul> <h1>REST Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'processorCoreAmount': 2, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'bareMetalInstanceFlag': null, 'domain': '', 'hardwareStatusId': null, 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': null, 'serviceProviderId': null, 'serviceProviderResourceId': null, 'globalIdentifier': 'f5a3fcff-db1d-4b7c-9fa0-0349e41c29c5', 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'processorCoreAmount': 2 } </http>
    • createObject
      <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> createObject() enables the creation of servers on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a server, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a server of the specified configuration. To determine when the server is available you can poll the server via [SoftLayer_Hardware::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getObject), checking the <code>provisionDate</code> property. When <code>provisionDate</code> is not null, the server will be ready. Be sure to use the <code>globalIdentifier</code> as your initialization parameter. <b>Warning:</b> Servers created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Hardware::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/generateOrderTemplate). <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>hostname</code> <div>Hostname for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>domain</code> <div>Domain for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>processorCoreAmount</code> <div>The number of logical CPU cores to allocate.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>memoryCapacity</code> <div>The amount of memory to allocate in gigabytes.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>hourlyBillingFlag</code> <div>Specifies the billing type for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li>When true the server will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>operatingSystemReferenceCode</code> <div>An identifier for the operating system to provision the server with.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies which datacenter the server is to be provisioned in.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>The <code>datacenter</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) structure with the <code>name</code> field set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'datacenter': { 'name': 'dal05' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.maxSpeed</code> <div>Specifies the connection speed for the server's network components.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The highest available zero cost port speed will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. The <code>maxSpeed</code> property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the server.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'maxSpeed': 1000 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.redundancyEnabledFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server's network components should be in redundancy groups.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - bool</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. When the <code>redundancyEnabledFlag</code> property is true the server's network components will be in redundancy groups.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'redundancyEnabledFlag': false } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>privateNetworkOnlyFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server only has access to the private network</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li>When true this flag specifies that a server is to only have access to the private network.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 1 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryBackendNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 2 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>fixedConfigurationPreset.keyName</code> <div></div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>fixedConfigurationPreset</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) structure. The <code>keyName</code> property must be set to specify preset to use.</li> <li>If a fixed configuration preset is used <code>processorCoreAmount</code>, <code>memoryCapacity</code> and <code>hardDrives</code> properties must not be set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'fixedConfigurationPreset': { 'keyName': 'SOME_KEY_NAME' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>userData.value</code> <div>Arbitrary data to be made available to the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>userData</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute) structure with the <code>value</code> property set to an arbitrary value.</li> <li>This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the server. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the server and configured to execute upon first boot.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'userData': [ { 'value': 'someValue' } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>hardDrives</code> <div>Hard drive settings for the server</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - SoftLayer_Hardware_Component</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The largest available capacity for a zero cost primary disk will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>hardDrives</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component) structures.</i> <li>Each hard drive must specify the <code>capacity</code> property.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'hardDrives': [ { 'capacity': 500 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li id='hardware-create-object-ssh-keys'><code>sshKeys</code> <div>SSH keys to install on the server upon provisioning.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>sshKeys</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the <code>id</code> property set to the value of an existing SSH key.</li> <li>To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject) on the [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) service.</li> <li>To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) on the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service. </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'sshKeys': [ { 'id': 123 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>postInstallScriptUri</code> <div>Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> </ul> <h1>REST Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'processorCoreAmount': 2, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'bareMetalInstanceFlag': null, 'domain': '', 'hardwareStatusId': null, 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': null, 'serviceProviderId': null, 'serviceProviderResourceId': null, 'globalIdentifier': 'f5a3fcff-db1d-4b7c-9fa0-0349e41c29c5', 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'processorCoreAmount': 2 } </http>
    • createObject
      <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> createObject() enables the creation of servers on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a server, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a server of the specified configuration. To determine when the server is available you can poll the server via [SoftLayer_Hardware::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getObject), checking the <code>provisionDate</code> property. When <code>provisionDate</code> is not null, the server will be ready. Be sure to use the <code>globalIdentifier</code> as your initialization parameter. <b>Warning:</b> Servers created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Hardware::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/generateOrderTemplate). <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>hostname</code> <div>Hostname for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>domain</code> <div>Domain for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>processorCoreAmount</code> <div>The number of logical CPU cores to allocate.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>memoryCapacity</code> <div>The amount of memory to allocate in gigabytes.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>hourlyBillingFlag</code> <div>Specifies the billing type for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li>When true the server will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>operatingSystemReferenceCode</code> <div>An identifier for the operating system to provision the server with.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies which datacenter the server is to be provisioned in.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>The <code>datacenter</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) structure with the <code>name</code> field set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'datacenter': { 'name': 'dal05' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.maxSpeed</code> <div>Specifies the connection speed for the server's network components.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The highest available zero cost port speed will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. The <code>maxSpeed</code> property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the server.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'maxSpeed': 1000 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.redundancyEnabledFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server's network components should be in redundancy groups.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - bool</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. When the <code>redundancyEnabledFlag</code> property is true the server's network components will be in redundancy groups.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'redundancyEnabledFlag': false } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>privateNetworkOnlyFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server only has access to the private network</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li>When true this flag specifies that a server is to only have access to the private network.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 1 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryBackendNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 2 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>fixedConfigurationPreset.keyName</code> <div></div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>fixedConfigurationPreset</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) structure. The <code>keyName</code> property must be set to specify preset to use.</li> <li>If a fixed configuration preset is used <code>processorCoreAmount</code>, <code>memoryCapacity</code> and <code>hardDrives</code> properties must not be set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'fixedConfigurationPreset': { 'keyName': 'SOME_KEY_NAME' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>userData.value</code> <div>Arbitrary data to be made available to the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>userData</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute) structure with the <code>value</code> property set to an arbitrary value.</li> <li>This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the server. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the server and configured to execute upon first boot.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'userData': [ { 'value': 'someValue' } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>hardDrives</code> <div>Hard drive settings for the server</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - SoftLayer_Hardware_Component</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The largest available capacity for a zero cost primary disk will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>hardDrives</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component) structures.</i> <li>Each hard drive must specify the <code>capacity</code> property.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'hardDrives': [ { 'capacity': 500 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li id='hardware-create-object-ssh-keys'><code>sshKeys</code> <div>SSH keys to install on the server upon provisioning.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>sshKeys</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the <code>id</code> property set to the value of an existing SSH key.</li> <li>To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject) on the [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) service.</li> <li>To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) on the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service. </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'sshKeys': [ { 'id': 123 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>postInstallScriptUri</code> <div>Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> </ul> <h1>REST Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'processorCoreAmount': 2, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'bareMetalInstanceFlag': null, 'domain': '', 'hardwareStatusId': null, 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': null, 'serviceProviderId': null, 'serviceProviderResourceId': null, 'globalIdentifier': 'f5a3fcff-db1d-4b7c-9fa0-0349e41c29c5', 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'processorCoreAmount': 2 } </http>
    • createObject
      <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> createObject() enables the creation of servers on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a server, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a server of the specified configuration. To determine when the server is available you can poll the server via [SoftLayer_Hardware::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getObject), checking the <code>provisionDate</code> property. When <code>provisionDate</code> is not null, the server will be ready. Be sure to use the <code>globalIdentifier</code> as your initialization parameter. <b>Warning:</b> Servers created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Hardware::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/generateOrderTemplate). <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>hostname</code> <div>Hostname for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>domain</code> <div>Domain for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>processorCoreAmount</code> <div>The number of logical CPU cores to allocate.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>memoryCapacity</code> <div>The amount of memory to allocate in gigabytes.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>hourlyBillingFlag</code> <div>Specifies the billing type for the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li>When true the server will be billed on hourly usage, otherwise it will be billed on a monthly basis.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code>operatingSystemReferenceCode</code> <div>An identifier for the operating system to provision the server with.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies which datacenter the server is to be provisioned in.</div><ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li>The <code>datacenter</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) structure with the <code>name</code> field set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'datacenter': { 'name': 'dal05' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.maxSpeed</code> <div>Specifies the connection speed for the server's network components.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The highest available zero cost port speed will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. The <code>maxSpeed</code> property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the server.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'maxSpeed': 1000 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>networkComponents.redundancyEnabledFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server's network components should be in redundancy groups.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - bool</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>networkComponents</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure. When the <code>redundancyEnabledFlag</code> property is true the server's network components will be in redundancy groups.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'networkComponents': [ { 'redundancyEnabledFlag': false } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>privateNetworkOnlyFlag</code> <div>Specifies whether or not the server only has access to the private network</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - boolean</li> <li><b>Default</b> - <code>false</code></li> <li>When true this flag specifies that a server is to only have access to the private network.</li> </ul> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 1 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code></code> <div>Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - int</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>primaryBackendNetworkComponent</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Component) structure with the <code>networkVlan</code> property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The <code>id</code> property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the server.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'networkVlan': { 'id': 2 } } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>fixedConfigurationPreset.keyName</code> <div></div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>fixedConfigurationPreset</code> property is a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) structure. The <code>keyName</code> property must be set to specify preset to use.</li> <li>If a fixed configuration preset is used <code>processorCoreAmount</code>, <code>memoryCapacity</code> and <code>hardDrives</code> properties must not be set.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'fixedConfigurationPreset': { 'keyName': 'SOME_KEY_NAME' } }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>userData.value</code> <div>Arbitrary data to be made available to the server.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>userData</code> property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute) structure with the <code>value</code> property set to an arbitrary value.</li> <li>This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the server. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the server and configured to execute upon first boot.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'userData': [ { 'value': 'someValue' } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>hardDrives</code> <div>Hard drive settings for the server</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - SoftLayer_Hardware_Component</li> <li><b>Default</b> - The largest available capacity for a zero cost primary disk will be used.</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>hardDrives</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component) structures.</i> <li>Each hard drive must specify the <code>capacity</code> property.</li> <li>See [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options.</li> </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'hardDrives': [ { 'capacity': 500 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li id='hardware-create-object-ssh-keys'><code>sshKeys</code> <div>SSH keys to install on the server upon provisioning.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)</li> <li><b>Description</b> - The <code>sshKeys</code> property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the <code>id</code> property set to the value of an existing SSH key.</li> <li>To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject) on the [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) service.</li> <li>To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) on the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service. </ul> <http title='Example'>{ 'sshKeys': [ { 'id': 123 } ] }</http> <br /> </li> <li><code>postInstallScriptUri</code> <div>Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete.</div><ul> <li><b>Optional</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - string</li> </ul> <br /> </li> </ul> <h1>REST Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'processorCoreAmount': 2, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'bareMetalInstanceFlag': null, 'domain': '', 'hardwareStatusId': null, 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': null, 'serviceProviderId': null, 'serviceProviderResourceId': null, 'globalIdentifier': 'f5a3fcff-db1d-4b7c-9fa0-0349e41c29c5', 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'memoryCapacity': 2, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST', 'processorCoreAmount': 2 } </http>
    • createObject
      This method creates a new layout profile object.
    • createObject
      Associate a layout container with a profile
    • createObject
      This method creates a new layout profile object.
    • createObject
      Create a allotment for servers to pool bandwidth and avoid overages in billing if they use more than there allocated bandwidth.
    • createObject
      For IPSec network tunnels, customers can create their local subnets using this method. After the customer is created successfully, the customer subnet can then be added to the IPSec network tunnel.
    • createObject
      Create a new firewall update request. If the SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object passed to this function has no rule, the firewall be set to bypass state and all the existing firewall rule(s) will be deleted. ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your firewall update request was unable to be created.
    • createObject
      Create a new firewall update request. The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object passed to this function must have at least one rule. ''createObject'' returns a Boolean ''true'' on successful object creation or ''false'' if your firewall update request was unable to be created..
    • createObject
      Create a new hardware member on the gateway. This also asynchronously sets up the network for this member. Progress of this process can be monitored via the gateway status. All members created with this object must have no VLANs attached.
    • createObject
      Create a new VLAN attachment. If the bypassFlag is false, this will also create an asynchronous process to route the VLAN through the gateway.
    • createObject
      Passing in an unsaved instances of a Query_Host object into this function will create the object and return the results to the user.
    • createObject
      Create a new vulnerability scan request. New scan requests are picked up every five minutes, and the time to complete an actual scan may vary. Once the scan is finished, it can take up to another five minutes for the report to be generated and accessible.
    • createObject
      Create a new security group.
    • createObject
    • createObject
    • createObject
    • createObject
      Create a nas volume schedule
    • createObject
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. Create registration with a global registrar to associate an assigned subnet with the provided contact details. Contact information is provided in the form of a [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail), which reference can be provided when the registration is created or afterwards. Registrations without an associated person detail will remain in the ``OPEN`` status. To specify a person detail when creating a registration, the ``detailReferences`` property should be populated with a list item providing a ``detailId`` value referencing the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail). The same applies to [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail), though these references need not be provided. The system will create a reference to the network described by the registration's subnet in the absence of a provided network detail reference. However, if a specific detail is referenced, it must describe the same subnet as the registration. A template containing the following properties will create a subnet registration: * networkIdentifier * cidr * detailReferences ``networkIdentifier`` is the base address of the public, SoftLayer owned subnet which is being registered. ``cidr`` must be an integer representing the CIDR of the subnet to be registered. The ``networkIdentifier``/``cidr`` must represent an assigned subnet. ``detailReferences`` tie the registration to SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail objects.
    • createObject
      The subnet registration details service has been deprecated. <style type='text/css'>.create_object > li > div { padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .5em}</style> This method will create a new SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details object. <b>Input</b> - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details) <ul class='create_object'> <li><code>detailId</code> <div> The numeric ID of the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) object to relate. </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> <li><code>registrationId</code> <div> The numeric ID of the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object to relate. </div> <ul> <li><b>Required</b></li> <li><b>Type</b> - integer</li> </ul> </li> </ul>
    • createObject
      Use the method to create a new subscription for a notification. This method is the entry method to the notification system. Certain properties are required to create a subscription while others are optional. The required property is the resourceRecord property which is type SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Resource. For the resourceRecord property, the only property that needs to be populated is the resourceTableId. The resourceTableId is the unique identifier of a SoftLayer service to create the subscription for. For example, the unique identifier of the Storage Evault service to create the subscription on. Optional properties that can be set is the preferences property. The preference property is an array SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Preference. By default, the system will populate the preferences with the default values if no preferences are passed in. The preferences passed in must be the preferences related to the notification subscribing to. The notification preferences and preference details (such as minimum and maximum values) can be retrieved using the SoftLayer_Notification service. The properties that need to be populated for preferences are the notificationPreferenceId and value. For example to create a subscriber for a Storage EVault service to be notified 15 times during a billing cycle and to be notified when the vault usage reaches 85% of its allowed capacity use the following structure: *userRecordId = 1111 *notificationId = 3 *resourceRecord **resourceTableId = 1234 *preferences[1] **notificationPreferenceId = 2 **value = 85 *preference[2] **notificationPreferenceId = 3 **value = 15
    • createObject
      Use the method to create a new subscription for a notification. This method is the entry method to the notification system. Certain properties are required to create a subscription while others are optional. The required property is the resourceRecord property which is type SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Resource. For the resourceRecord property, the only property that needs to be populated is the resourceTableId. The resourceTableId is the unique identifier of a SoftLayer service to create the subscription for. For example, the unique identifier of the Storage Evault service to create the subscription on. Optional properties that can be set is the preferences property. The preference property is an array SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Preference. By default, the system will populate the preferences with the default values if no preferences are passed in. The preferences passed in must be the preferences related to the notification subscribing to. The notification preferences and preference details (such as minimum and maximum values) can be retrieved using the SoftLayer_Notification service. The properties that need to be populated for preferences are the notificationPreferenceId and value. For example to create a subscriber for a Storage EVault service to be notified 15 times during a billing cycle and to be notified when the vault usage reaches 85% of its allowed capacity use the following structure: *userRecordId = 1111 *notificationId = 3 *resourceRecord **resourceTableId = 1234 *preferences[1] **notificationPreferenceId = 2 **value = 85 *preference[2] **notificationPreferenceId = 3 **value = 15
    • createObject
      Use the method to create a new subscription for a notification. This method is the entry method to the notification system. Certain properties are required to create a subscription while others are optional. The required property is the resourceRecord property which is type SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Resource. For the resourceRecord property, the only property that needs to be populated is the resourceTableId. The resourceTableId is the unique identifier of a SoftLayer service to create the subscription for. For example, the unique identifier of the Storage Evault service to create the subscription on. Optional properties that can be set is the preferences property. The preference property is an array SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Preference. By default, the system will populate the preferences with the default values if no preferences are passed in. The preferences passed in must be the preferences related to the notification subscribing to. The notification preferences and preference details (such as minimum and maximum values) can be retrieved using the SoftLayer_Notification service. The properties that need to be populated for preferences are the notificationPreferenceId and value. For example to create a subscriber for a Storage EVault service to be notified 15 times during a billing cycle and to be notified when the vault usage reaches 85% of its allowed capacity use the following structure: *userRecordId = 1111 *notificationId = 3 *resourceRecord **resourceTableId = 1234 *preferences[1] **notificationPreferenceId = 2 **value = 85 *preference[2] **notificationPreferenceId = 3 **value = 15
    • createObject
      Use the method to create a new notification preference for a subscriber
    • createObject
    • createObject
      Add a certificate to your account for your records, or for use with various services. Only the certificate and private key are usually required. If your issuer provided an intermediate certificate, you must also provide that certificate. Details will be extracted from the certificate. Validation will be performed between the certificate and the private key as well as the certificate and the intermediate certificate, if provided. The certificate signing request is not required, but can be provided for your records.
    • createObject
      Add a ssh key to your account for use during server provisioning and os reloads.
    • createObject
      Create a password for a software component.
    • createObject
      Create a new user in the SoftLayer customer portal. It is not possible to set up SLL enable flags during object creation. These flags are ignored during object creation. You will need to make a subsequent call to edit object in order to enable VPN access. An account's master user and sub-users who have the User Manage permission can add new users. Users are created with a default permission set. After adding a user it may be helpful to set their permissions and device access. secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays will be set to the system configured default value if the attribute is not provided or the attribute is not a valid value. Note, neither password nor vpnPassword parameters are required. Password When a new user is created, an email will be sent to the new user's email address with a link to a url that will allow the new user to create or change their password for the SoftLayer customer portal. If the password parameter is provided and is not null, then that value will be validated. If it is a valid password, then the user will be created with this password. This user will still receive a portal password email. It can be used within 24 hours to change their password, or it can be allowed to expire, and the password provided during user creation will remain as the user's password. If the password parameter is not provided or the value is null, the user must set their portal password using the link sent in email within 24 hours.  If the user fails to set their password within 24 hours, then a non-master user can use the 'Reset Password' link on the login page of the portal to request a new email. A master user can use the link to retrieve a phone number to call to assist in resetting their password. The password parameter is ignored for VPN_ONLY users or for IBMid authenticated users. vpnPassword If the vpnPassword is provided, then the user's vpnPassword will be set to the provided password.  When creating a vpn only user, the vpnPassword MUST be supplied.  If the vpnPassword is not provided, then the user will need to use the portal to edit their profile and set the vpnPassword. IBMid considerations When a SoftLayer account is linked to a Platform Services (PaaS, formerly Bluemix) account, AND the trait on the SoftLayer Account indicating IBMid authentication is set, then SoftLayer will delegate the creation of an ACTIVE user to PaaS. This means that even though the request to create a new user in such an account may start at the IMS API, via this delegation we effectively turn it into a request that is driven by PaaS. In particular this means that any 'invitation email' that comes to the user, will come from PaaS, not from IMS via IBMid. Users created in states other than ACTIVE (for example, a VPN_ONLY user) will be created directly in IMS without delegation (but note that no invitation is sent for a user created in any state other than ACTIVE).
    • createObject
      Passing in an unsaved instances of a Customer_Notification_Hardware object into this function will create the object and return the results to the user.
    • createObject
      Passing in an unsaved instance of a SoftLayer_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest object into this function will create the object and return the results to the user.
    • createObject
      Create a new user in the SoftLayer customer portal. It is not possible to set up SLL enable flags during object creation. These flags are ignored during object creation. You will need to make a subsequent call to edit object in order to enable VPN access. An account's master user and sub-users who have the User Manage permission can add new users. Users are created with a default permission set. After adding a user it may be helpful to set their permissions and device access. secondaryPasswordTimeoutDays will be set to the system configured default value if the attribute is not provided or the attribute is not a valid value. Note, neither password nor vpnPassword parameters are required. Password When a new user is created, an email will be sent to the new user's email address with a link to a url that will allow the new user to create or change their password for the SoftLayer customer portal. If the password parameter is provided and is not null, then that value will be validated. If it is a valid password, then the user will be created with this password. This user will still receive a portal password email. It can be used within 24 hours to change their password, or it can be allowed to expire, and the password provided during user creation will remain as the user's password. If the password parameter is not provided or the value is null, the user must set their portal password using the link sent in email within 24 hours.  If the user fails to set their password within 24 hours, then a non-master user can use the 'Reset Password' link on the login page of the portal to request a new email. A master user can use the link to retrieve a phone number to call to assist in resetting their password. The password parameter is ignored for VPN_ONLY users or for IBMid authenticated users. vpnPassword If the vpnPassword is provided, then the user's vpnPassword will be set to the provided password.  When creating a vpn only user, the vpnPassword MUST be supplied.  If the vpnPassword is not provided, then the user will need to use the portal to edit their profile and set the vpnPassword. IBMid considerations When a SoftLayer account is linked to a Platform Services (PaaS, formerly Bluemix) account, AND the trait on the SoftLayer Account indicating IBMid authentication is set, then SoftLayer will delegate the creation of an ACTIVE user to PaaS. This means that even though the request to create a new user in such an account may start at the IMS API, via this delegation we effectively turn it into a request that is driven by PaaS. In particular this means that any 'invitation email' that comes to the user, will come from PaaS, not from IMS via IBMid. Users created in states other than ACTIVE (for example, a VPN_ONLY user) will be created directly in IMS without delegation (but note that no invitation is sent for a user created in any state other than ACTIVE).
    • createObject
    • createObject
      Customer created permission groups must be of type NORMAL. The SYSTEM type is reserved for internal use. The account id supplied in the template permission group must match account id of the user who is creating the permission group. The user who is creating the permission group must have the permission to manage users.
    • createObject
      Customer created permission roles must set the systemFlag attribute to false. The SYSTEM type is reserved for internal use. The account id supplied in the template permission group must match account id of the user who is creating the permission group. The user who is creating the permission group must have the permission to manage users.
    • createObject
    • createObject
    • createObject
      createObject() enables the creation of computing instances on an account. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a computing instance, a template object must be sent in with a few required values. When this method returns an order will have been placed for a computing instance of the specified configuration. To determine when the instance is available you can poll the instance via [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getObject), with an object mask requesting the `provisionDate` relational property. When `provisionDate` is not `null`, the instance will be ready. > **Warning:** Computing instances created via this method will incur charges on your account. For testing input parameters see [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/generateOrderTemplate). ### Required Input [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) - `Hostname` String **Required** + Hostname for the computing instance. - `Domain` String **Required** + Domain for the computing instance. - `startCpus` Integer **Required** + The number of CPU cores to allocate. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `maxMemory` Integer **Required** + The amount of memory to allocate in megabytes. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `` *String* **Required** + Specifies which datacenter the instance is to be provisioned in. Needs to be a nested object. + Example: `'datacenter': {'name': 'dal05'}` + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `hourlyBillingFlag` Boolean **Required** + Specifies the billing type for the instance. + True for hourly billing, False for monthly billing. - `localDiskFlag` Boolean **Required** + Specifies the disk type for the instance. + True for local to the instance disks, False for SAN disks. - `dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag` Boolean + When true this flag specifies that a compute instance is to run on hosts that only have guests from the same account. + Default: False - `operatingSystemReferenceCode` String **Conditionally required** + An identifier for the operating system to provision the computing instance with. + Not required when using a `blockDeviceTemplateGroup.globalIdentifier`, as the template will have its own operating system. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. + **Notice**: Some operating systems are billed based on the number of CPUs the guest has. The price which is used can be determined by calling [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/generateOrderTemplate) with your desired device specifications. - `blockDeviceTemplateGroup.globalIdentifier` String + The GUID for the template to be used to provision the computing instance. + Conflicts with `operatingSystemReferenceCode` + **Notice**: Some operating systems are billed based on the number of CPUs the guest has. The price which is used can be determined by calling [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::generateOrderTemplate](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/generateOrderTemplate) with your desired device specifications. + A list of public images may be obtained via a request to [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group::getPublicImages](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group/getPublicImages) + A list of private images may be obtained via a request to [SoftLayer_Account::getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups) + Example: `'blockDeviceTemplateGroup': { globalIdentifier': '07beadaa-1e11-476e-a188-3f7795feb9fb'` - `networkComponents.maxSpeed` Integer + Specifies the connection speed for the instance's network components. + The `networkComponents` property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure. The `maxSpeed` property must be set to specify the network uplink speed, in megabits per second, of the computing instance. + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. + Default: 10 + Example: `'networkComponents': [{'maxSpeed': 1000}]` - `privateNetworkOnlyFlag` Boolean + When true this flag specifies that a compute instance is to only have access to the private network. + Default: False - `` Integer + Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the frontend interface of the computing instance. + The `primaryNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `networkVlan` property populated with a i [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The `id` property must be set to specify the frontend network vlan of the computing instance. + *NOTE* This is the VLAN `id`, NOT the vlan number. + Example: `'primaryNetworkComponent':{'networkVlan': {'id': 1234567}}` - `` Integer + Specifies the network vlan which is to be used for the backend interface of the computing instance. + The `backendNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `networkVlan` property populated with a [SoftLayer_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan) structure. The `id` property must be set to specify the backend network vlan of the computing instance. + *NOTE* This is the VLAN `id`, NOT the vlan number. + Example: `'backendNetworkComponent':{'networkVlan': {'id': 1234567}}` - `primaryNetworkComponent.securityGroupBindings` [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding)[] + Specifies the security groups to be attached to this VSI's frontend network adapter + The `primaryNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `securityGroupBindings` property populated with an array of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) structures. The `securityGroup` property in each must be set to specify the security group to be attached to the primary frontend network component. + Example: ``` 'primaryNetworkComponent': { 'securityGroupBindings': [ {'securityGroup':{'id': 5555555}}, {'securityGroup':{'id': 1112223}}, ] } ``` - `primaryBackendNetworkComponent.securityGroupBindings` [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding)[] + Specifies the security groups to be attached to this VSI's backend network adapter + The `primaryNetworkComponent` property is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) structure with the `securityGroupBindings` property populated with an array of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) structures. The `securityGroup` property in each must be set to specify the security group to be attached to the primary frontend network component. + Example: ``` 'primaryBackendNetworkComponent': { 'securityGroupBindings': [ {'securityGroup':{'id': 33322211}}, {'securityGroup':{'id': 77777222}}, ] } ``` - `blockDevices` [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device)[] + Block device and disk image settings for the computing instance + The `blockDevices` property is an array of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device) structures. Each block device must specify the `device` property along with the `diskImage` property, which is a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) structure with the `capacity` property set. The `device` number `'1'` is reserved for the SWAP disk attached to the computing instance. + Default: The smallest available capacity for the primary disk will be used. If an image template is specified the disk capacity will be be provided by the template. + Example: ``` 'blockDevices':[{'device': '0', 'diskImage': {'capacity': 100}}], 'localDiskFlag': true ``` + See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) for available options. - `userData.value` String + Arbitrary data to be made available to the computing instance. + The `userData` property is an array with a single [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute) structure with the `value` property set to an arbitrary value. This value can be retrieved via the [SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata::getUserMetadata](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata/getUserMetadata) method from a request originating from the computing instance. This is primarily useful for providing data to software that may be on the instance and configured to execute upon first boot. + Example: `'userData':[{'value': 'testData'}]` - `sshKeys` [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key)[] + The `sshKeys` property is an array of [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key) structures with the `id` property set to the value of an existing SSH key. + To create a new SSH key, call [SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key/createObject). + To obtain a list of existing SSH keys, call [SoftLayer_Account::getSshKeys](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Account/getSshKeys) + Example: `'sshKeys':[{'id': 1234567}]` - `postInstallScriptUri` String + Specifies the uri location of the script to be downloaded and run after installation is complete. Only scripts from HTTPS servers are executed on startup. REST Example: ``` curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'startCpus': 1, 'maxMemory': 1024, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'localDiskFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } }' HTTP/1.1 201 Created Location: { 'accountId': 232298, 'createDate': '2012-11-30T16:28:17-06:00', 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag': false, 'domain': '', 'hostname': 'host1', 'id': 1301396, 'lastPowerStateId': null, 'lastVerifiedDate': null, 'maxCpu': 1, 'maxCpuUnits': 'CORE', 'maxMemory': 1024, 'metricPollDate': null, 'modifyDate': null, 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag': false, 'startCpus': 1, 'statusId': 1001, 'globalIdentifier': '2d203774-0ee1-49f5-9599-6ef67358dd31' } ```
    • createObject
      Create a boot parameter record to be used at next boot
    • createObject
      Add a placement group to your account for use during VSI provisioning.
    • createObjects
      The subnet registration detail property service has been deprecated. Edit multiple [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property) objects.
    • createObjects
      Create a new shipment tracking data. The ''shipmentId'', ''sequence'', and ''trackingData'' properties of each templateObject in the templateObjects array are required parameters to create a tracking data record.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple domains on the SoftLayer name servers. Each domain record passed to ''createObjects'' follows the logic in the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain ''createObject'' method.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple resource records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this resource record is updated upon creation. ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple MX records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon creation. ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple SRV records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this SRV record is updated upon creation. ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple secondary DNS records. Each record passed to ''createObjects'' follows the logic in the SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary [SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary::createObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple new hardware members on the gateway. This also asynchronously sets up the network for the members. Progress of this process can be monitored via the gateway status. All members created with this object must have no VLANs attached.
    • createObjects
      Create multiple new VLAN attachments. If the bypassFlag is false, this will also create an asynchronous process to route the VLANs through the gateway.
    • createObjects
      Passing in a collection of unsaved instances of Query_Host objects into this function will create all objects and return the results to the user.
    • createObjects
      Create new security groups.
    • createObjects
      Create Softlayer portal user VPN overrides.
    • createObjects
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. Create registrations with respective registrars to associate multiple assigned subnets with the provided contact details.
    • createObjects
      Create more than one password for a software component.
    • createObjects
      Passing in a collection of unsaved instances of Customer_Notification_Hardware objects into this function will create all objects and return the results to the user.
    • createObjects
      Passing in a collection of unsaved instances of SoftLayer_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest objects into this function will create all objects and return the results to the user.
    • createObjects
      createObjects() enables the creation of multiple computing instances on an account in a single call. This method is a simplified alternative to interacting with the ordering system directly. In order to create a computing instance a set of template objects must be sent in with a few required values. <b>Warning:</b> Computing instances created via this method will incur charges on your account. See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of each template object. <h1>Example</h1> <http title='Request'>curl -X POST -d '{ 'parameters':[ [ { 'hostname': 'host1', 'domain': '', 'startCpus': 1, 'maxMemory': 1024, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'localDiskFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' }, { 'hostname': 'host2', 'domain': '', 'startCpus': 1, 'maxMemory': 1024, 'hourlyBillingFlag': true, 'localDiskFlag': true, 'operatingSystemReferenceCode': 'UBUNTU_LATEST' } ] ] }' </http> <http title='Response'>HTTP/1.1 200 OK [ { 'accountId': 232298, 'createDate': '2012-11-30T23:56:48-06:00', 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag': false, 'domain': '', 'hostname': 'ubuntu1', 'id': 1301456, 'lastPowerStateId': null, 'lastVerifiedDate': null, 'maxCpu': 1, 'maxCpuUnits': 'CORE', 'maxMemory': 1024, 'metricPollDate': null, 'modifyDate': null, 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag': false, 'startCpus': 1, 'statusId': 1001, 'globalIdentifier': 'fed4c822-48c0-45d0-85e2-90476aa0c542' }, { 'accountId': 232298, 'createDate': '2012-11-30T23:56:49-06:00', 'dedicatedAccountHostOnlyFlag': false, 'domain': '', 'hostname': 'ubuntu2', 'id': 1301457, 'lastPowerStateId': null, 'lastVerifiedDate': null, 'maxCpu': 1, 'maxCpuUnits': 'CORE', 'maxMemory': 1024, 'metricPollDate': null, 'modifyDate': null, 'privateNetworkOnlyFlag': false, 'startCpus': 1, 'statusId': 1001, 'globalIdentifier': 'bed4c686-9562-4ade-9049-dc4d5b6b200c' } ] </http>
    • createOpenIdConnectUserAndCompleteInvitation
      Completes invitation processing when a new OpenIdConnect user must be created.
    • createOpenIdConnectUserAndCompleteInvitation
      Completes invitation processing when a new OpenIdConnect user must be created.
    • createOriginPath
      SOAP API will create Origin Path for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createOrUpdateLunId
      The LUN ID only takes effect during the Host Authorization process. It is required to de-authorize all hosts before using this method.
    • createOSDomain
    • createOSProject
    • createPostSoftwareInstallTransaction
    • createPostSoftwareInstallTransaction
    • createPostSoftwareInstallTransaction
    • createPostSoftwareInstallTransaction
    • createProspect
      Create a new Referral Partner Prospect
    • createPtrRecord
      setPtrRecordForIpAddress() sets a single reverse DNS record for a single IP address and returns the newly created or edited [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord) record. Currently this method only supports IPv4 addresses and performs no operation when given an IPv6 address.
    • createPublicArchiveTransaction
      Create a transaction to copy archived block devices into public repository
    • createPurge
      This method creates a purge record in the purge table, and also initiates the create purge call.
    • createPurgeGroup
      This method creates a purge group record in the table, and also initiates the purge action based on the input option value. The unsaved groups will be deleted after 15 days if no purge actions executed. The possible input option value can be: 1: (Default) Only purge the paths in the group, don't save the group as favorite. 2: Only save the group as favorite, don't purge the paths. 3: Save the group as favorite and also purge the paths in the group.
    • createRequest
    • createReverseDomainRecords
      Create the default PTR records for this subnet
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • createSnapshot
      Manually create a new snapshot of a storage volume.
    • createSpfRecord
      Create an SPF record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. createARecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SpfType.
    • createStandardTicket
      Create a standard support ticket. Use a standard support ticket if you need to work out a problem related to SoftLayer's hardware, network, or services. If you require SoftLayer's assistance managing your server or content then please open an administrative ticket. Support tickets may only be created in the open state. The SoftLayer API defaults new ticket properties ''userEditableFlag'' to true, ''accountId'' to the id of the account that your API user belongs to, and ''statusId'' to 1001 (or 'open'). You may not assign your new to ticket to users that your API user does not have access to. Once your ticket is created it is placed in a queue for SoftLayer employees to work. As they update the ticket new [SoftLayer_Ticket_Update](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Ticket_Update) entries are added to the ticket object.
    • createSubnetRouteUpdateTransaction
      ***DEPRECATED*** This endpoint is deprecated in favor of the more expressive and capable SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route, to which this endpoint now proxies. Refer to it for more information. Similarly, unroute requests are proxied to SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute.
    • createSubscriberDeliveryMethods
      Create delivery methods for a notification that the user is subscribed to. Multiple delivery method keyNames can be supplied to create multiple delivery methods for the specified notification. Available delivery methods - 'EMAIL'. Available notifications - 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE', 'UNPLANNED_INCIDENT'.
    • createSubscriberDeliveryMethods
      Create delivery methods for a notification that the user is subscribed to. Multiple delivery method keyNames can be supplied to create multiple delivery methods for the specified notification. Available delivery methods - 'EMAIL'. Available notifications - 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE', 'UNPLANNED_INCIDENT'.
    • createSubscriberDeliveryMethods
      Create delivery methods for a notification that the user is subscribed to. Multiple delivery method keyNames can be supplied to create multiple delivery methods for the specified notification. Available delivery methods - 'EMAIL'. Available notifications - 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE', 'UNPLANNED_INCIDENT'.
    • createSubscriberForMobileDevice
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • createSwipTransaction
      ***DEPRECATED*** This function is used to create a new SoftLayer SWIP transaction to register your RWHOIS data with ARIN. SWIP transactions can only be initiated on subnets that contain more than 8 IP addresses.
    • createTimeToLive
      Creates a Time To Live object and inserts it into the database
    • createTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will create Token authentication Path for an existing CDN mapping and for a particular customer.
    • createTxtRecord
      Create a TXT record on a SoftLayer domain. This is a shortcut method, meant to take the work out of creating a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord if you already have a domain record available. createARecord returns the newly created SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_TxtType.
    • createUpgradeTicket
      Create a ticket for the SoftLayer sales team to perform a hardware or service upgrade. Our sales team will work with you on upgrade feasibility and pricing and then send the upgrade ticket to the proper department to perform the actual upgrade. Service affecting upgrades, such as server hardware or CloudLayer Computing Instance upgrades that require the server powered down must have a two hour maintenance specified for our datacenter engineers to perform your upgrade. Account level upgrades, such as adding PPTP VPN users, CDNLayer accounts, and monitoring services are processed much faster and do not require a maintenance window.
    • createUser
      Create a new Customer user record in the SoftLayer customer portal. This is a wrapper around the Customer::createObject call, please see the documentation of that API. This wrapper adds the feature of the 'silentlyCreate' option, which bypasses the IBMid invitation email process. False (the default) goes through the IBMid invitation email process, which creates the IBMid/SoftLayer Single-Sign-On (SSO) user link when the invitation is accepted (meaning the email has been received, opened, and the link(s) inside the email have been clicked to complete the process). True will silently (no email) create the IBMid/SoftLayer user SSO link immediately. Either case will use the value in the template object 'email' field to indicate the IBMid to use. This can be the username or, if unique, the email address of an IBMid. In the silent case, the IBMid must already exist. In the non-silent invitation email case, the IBMid can be created during this flow, by specifying an email address to be used to create the IBMid.All the features and restrictions of createObject apply to this API as well. In addition, note that the 'silentlyCreate' flag is ONLY valid for IBMid-authenticated accounts.
    • credentialCreate
      Create credentials for an IBM Cloud Object Storage Account
    • credentialDelete
      Delete a credential
    • deactivate
    • deactivateNotificationSubscriber
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • deactivateNotificationSubscriber
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • deactivateNotificationSubscriber
      Create a new subscriber for a given resource.
    • declineInvitation
      Declines an invitation to link an OpenIdConnect identity to a SoftLayer (Atlas) identity and account. Note that this uses a registration code that is likely a one-time-use-only token, so if an invitation has already been processed (accepted or previously declined) it will not be possible to process it a second time.
    • declineInvitation
      Declines an invitation to link an OpenIdConnect identity to a SoftLayer (Atlas) identity and account. Note that this uses a registration code that is likely a one-time-use-only token, so if an invitation has already been processed (accepted or previously declined) it will not be possible to process it a second time.
    • deleteAddressTranslation
      Remove an existing address translation from a network tunnel. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer subnet (remote). NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be deleted.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete all files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteByolAttribute
      This method allows you to remove BYOL attribute for a given image template.
    • deleteCart
      If a cart is no longer needed, it can be deleted using this service. Once a cart has been deleted, it cannot be retrieved again.
    • deleteCloudInitAttribute
      This method allows you to remove cloud init attribute for a given image template.
    • deleteConnection
    • deleteDomainMapping
      SOAP API will delete CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
    • deleteEmailListEntries
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete an individual file within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting a file either deletes the file permanently or sends the file to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the file is in the account's recycle bin. If the file exist in the recycle bin, then it is permanently deleted. Please note, a file can not be restored once it is permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Delete multiple files within a Storage account. Depending on the type of Storage account, Deleting either deletes files permanently or sends files to your account's recycle bin. Currently, Virtual Server storage is the only type of Storage account that sends files to a recycle bin when deleted. When called against a Virtual Server storage account , this method also determines if the files are in the account's recycle bin. If the files exist in the recycle bin, then they are permanently deleted. Please note, files can not be restored once they are permanently deleted.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteFolder
      Delete a folder in the root directory.
    • deleteGeoblocking
    • deleteHotlinkProtection
    • deleteL7PoolMembers
      Delete given members from load balancer and return load balancer object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • deleteL7Rules
      This function deletes multiple rules aassociated with the same policy.
    • deleteLiveLoadBalancer
      Remove a virtual IP address from an application delivery controller based load balancer. Only the ''name'' property in the loadBalancer parameter must be populated. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • deleteLiveLoadBalancerService
      Remove an entire load balancer service, including all virtual IP addresses, from and application delivery controller based load balancer. The ''name'' property the and ''name'' property within the ''vip'' property of the service parameter must be provided. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • deleteLoadBalancerMembers
      Delete given members from load balancer and return load balancer object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • deleteLoadBalancerProtocols
      Delete load balancers front- and backend protocols and return load balancer object with listeners (frontend), pools (backend), server instances (members) and datacenter populated.
    • deleteModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will delete modify response header for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes an account affiliation
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes an account contact
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes an account link and all of it's associated keystone data (including users for the associated project). '''This cannot be undone.''' Be wary of running this method. If you remove an account link in error you will need to re-create it by creating a new SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack object.
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      The subnet registration detail service has been deprecated. This method will delete an existing SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail object.
    • deleteObject
      The subnet registration detail property service has been deprecated. This method will delete an existing SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property object.
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes a shipment tracking datum (number)
    • deleteObject
      Deletes a customer configuration template.
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes a domain and all of it's associated resource records from the softlayer name servers. '''This cannot be undone.''' Be wary of running this method. If you remove a domain in error you will need to re-create it by creating a new SoftLayer_Dns_Domain object.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a domain's resource record. '''This cannot be undone.''' Be wary of running this method. If you remove a resource record in error you will need to re-create it by creating a new SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object. The serial number of the domain associated with this resource record is updated upon deletion. You may not delete SOA, NS, or PTR resource records. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a domain's MX record. '''This cannot be undone.''' Be wary of running this method. If you remove a resource record in error you will need to re-create it by creating a new SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType object. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon deletion. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a domain's SRV record. '''This cannot be undone.''' Be wary of running this method. If you remove a resource record in error you will need to re-create it by creating a new SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType object. The serial number of the domain associated with this SRV record is updated upon deletion. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a secondary DNS Record. This will also remove any associated domain records and resource records on the SoftLayer nameservers that were created as a result of the zone transfers. This action cannot be undone.
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a server effective immediately. For servers billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a server effective immediately. For servers billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a server effective immediately. For servers billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a server effective immediately. For servers billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a server effective immediately. For servers billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteObject
      This method deletes an existing layout profile and associated custom preferences
    • deleteObject
      This method deletes an existing layout profile and associated custom preferences
    • deleteObject
      deleteObject permanently removes a configuration history record
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      Start the asynchronous process to detach this VLANs from the gateway.
    • deleteObject
      Deletes a l7 policy instance and the rules associated with the policy
    • deleteObject
      Deletes an existing L7 pool along with L7 members, L7 health monitor, and L7 session affinity.
    • deleteObject
      Calling deleteObject on a particular server will remove it from the load balancer. This is the only way to remove a service from your load balancer. If you wish to remove a server, first call this function, then reload the virtualIpAddress object and edit the remaining services to reflect the other changes that you wish to make.
    • deleteObject
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a security group for an account. A security group cannot be deleted if any network components are attached or if the security group is a remote security group for a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule).
    • deleteObject
      Use this method to delete a single SoftLayer portal VPN user subnet override.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage volume. '''This cannot be undone.''' At this time only network storage snapshots may be deleted with this method. ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a volume;
    • deleteObject
      Delete a network storage schedule. '''This cannot be undone.''' ''deleteObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a schedule;
    • deleteObject
      The subnet registration details service has been deprecated. This method will delete an existing SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail object.
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      Remove a certificate from your account. You may not remove a certificate with associated services.
    • deleteObject
      Remove a ssh key from your account.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a password from a software component.
    • deleteObject
      Delete an external authentication binding. If the external binding currently has an active billing item associated you will be prevented from deleting the binding. The alternative method to remove an external authentication binding is to use the service cancellation form.
    • deleteObject
      Delete an external authentication binding. If the external binding currently has an active billing item associated you will be prevented from deleting the binding. The alternative method to remove an external authentication binding is to use the service cancellation form.
    • deleteObject
      Delete a VeriSign external binding. The only VeriSign external binding that can be deleted through this method is the free VeriSign external binding for the master user of a SoftLayer account. All other external bindings must be canceled using the SoftLayer service cancellation form. When a VeriSign external binding is deleted the credential is deactivated in VeriSign's system for use on the SoftLayer site and the $0 billing item associated with the free VeriSign external binding is cancelled.
    • deleteObject
      Delete an external authentication binding. If the external binding currently has an active billing item associated you will be prevented from deleting the binding. The alternative method to remove an external authentication binding is to use the service cancellation form.
    • deleteObject
      Customer users can only delete permission groups of type NORMAL. The SYSTEM type is reserved for internal use. The user who is creating the permission group must have the permission to manage users.
    • deleteObject
      Customer users can only delete permission roles with systemFlag set to false. The SYSTEM type is reserved for internal use. The user who is creating the permission role must have the permission to manage users.
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a dedicated host immediately.
    • deleteObject
      This method will cancel a computing instance effective immediately. For instances billed hourly, the charges will stop immediately after the method returns.
    • deleteObject
      Deleting a block device template group is different from the deletion of other objects. A block device template group can contain several gigabytes of data in its disk images. This may take some time to delete and requires a transaction to be created. This method creates a transaction that will delete all resources associated with the block device template group.
    • deleteObject
      Removes a boot parameter
    • deleteObject
      Delete a placement group from your account.
    • deleteObjects
      Remove multiple resource records from a domain. This follows the same logic as ''deleteObject'' and '''cannot be undone'''. The serial number of the domain associated with this resource record is updated upon deletion. You may not delete SOA records, PTR records, or NS resource records that point to or ''deleteObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
    • deleteObjects
      Remove multiple MX records from a domain. This follows the same logic as ''deleteObject'' and '''cannot be undone'''. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon deletion. ''deleteObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
    • deleteObjects
      Remove multiple SRV records from a domain. This follows the same logic as ''deleteObject'' and '''cannot be undone'''. The serial number of the domain associated with this SRV record is updated upon deletion. ''deleteObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful deletion or ''false'' if it was unable to remove a resource record.
    • deleteObjects
      Detach several VLANs. This will not detach them right away, but rather start an asynchronous process to detach.
    • deleteObjects
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteObjects
      Delete security groups for an account. A security group cannot be deleted if any network components are attached or if the security group is a remote security group for a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule).
    • deleteObjects
      Use this method to delete a collection of SoftLayer portal VPN user subnet overrides.
    • deleteObjects
      Delete more than one passwords from a software component.
    • deleteObjects
      Like any other API object, the customer notification objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteObjects
      Like any other API object, the customer notification objects can be deleted by passing an instance of them into this function. The ID on the object must be set.
    • deleteOriginPath
      SOAP API will delete Origin Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • deleteOSDomain
    • deleteOSProject
    • deleteQuote
      Account master users and sub-users in the SoftLayer customer portal can delete the quote of an order.
    • deleteQuote
      Account master users and sub-users in the SoftLayer customer portal can delete the quote of an order.
    • deleteSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Delete software component passwords.
    • deleteSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Delete software component passwords.
    • deleteSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Delete software component passwords.
    • deleteSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Delete software component passwords.
    • deleteSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Delete software component passwords.
    • deleteTag
      Delete an existing tag. If there are any references on the tag, an exception will be thrown.
    • deleteTag
      Delete an existing tag. If there are any references on the tag, an exception will be thrown.
    • deleteTag
      Delete an existing tag. If there are any references on the tag, an exception will be thrown.
    • deleteTag
      Delete an existing tag. If there are any references on the tag, an exception will be thrown.
    • deleteTag
      Delete an existing tag. If there are any references on the tag, an exception will be thrown.
    • deleteTag
      Delete a tag for an object.
    • deleteTag
      Delete a tag
    • deleteTasks
      This method can be used to help maintain the storage space on a vault. When a job is removed from the Webcc, the task and stored usage still exists on the vault. This method can be used to delete the associated task and its usage. All that is required for the use of the method is to pass in an integer array of task(s).
    • deleteTimeToLive
    • deleteTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will delete token authentication Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • deleteTransientWebhook
    • denyReview
      Allows verified reviewer to deny a request
    • denySharingAccess
      This method will deny another SoftLayer customer account's previously given access to provision CloudLayer Computing Instances from an image template group. Template access should only be removed from the parent template group object, not the child.
    • detachDiskImage
      Creates a transaction to detach a guest's disk image. If the disk image is already detached it will be ignored. WARNING: The transaction created by this service will shut down the guest while the disk image is attached. The guest will be turned back on once this process is complete.
    • detachNetworkComponents
      Detach virtual guest network components from a security group by deleting its [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding).
    • disable
      Disable email subscription.
    • disable
      Disable a Virtual IP Address, removing it from load balancer rotation and denying all connections to that IP address.
    • disable
      Disabling an external binding will allow you to keep the external binding on your SoftLayer account, but will not require you to authentication with our trusted 2 form factor vendor when logging into the SoftLayer customer portal. You may supply one of the following reason when you disable an external binding: *Unspecified *TemporarilyUnavailable *Lost *Stolen
    • disable
      Disabling an external binding will allow you to keep the external binding on your SoftLayer account, but will not require you to authentication with our trusted 2 form factor vendor when logging into the SoftLayer customer portal. You may supply one of the following reason when you disable an external binding: *Unspecified *TemporarilyUnavailable *Lost *Stolen
    • disable
      Disabling an external binding will allow you to keep the external binding on your SoftLayer account, but will not require you to authentication with our trusted 2 form factor vendor when logging into the SoftLayer customer portal. You may supply one of the following reason when you disable an external binding: *Unspecified *TemporarilyUnavailable *Lost *Stolen
    • disable
      Completely restrict all incoming and outgoing bandwidth traffic to a network component
    • disableAccount
      Disable an account associated with this Brand. Anything that would disqualify the account from being disabled will cause an exception to be raised.
    • disableEuSupport
      <p style='color:red'><strong>Warning</strong>: If you remove the EU Supported account flag, you are removing the restriction that limits Processing activities to EU personnel.</p>
    • disableLockedAccount
      Takes the original lockdown request ID. The account will be disabled immediately. All hardware will be reclaimed and all accounts permanently disabled.
    • disableSmtpAccess
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Disable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include 'INTERVAL', HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules.
    • disableVpnConfigRequiresVpnManageAttribute
      Disables the VPN_CONFIG_REQUIRES_VPN_MANAGE attribute on the account. If the attribute does not exist for the account, it will be created and set to false.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • disasterRecoveryFailoverToReplicant
      If a volume (with replication) becomes inaccessible due to a disaster event, this method can be used to immediately failover to an available replica in another location. This method does not allow for fail back via the API. To fail back to the original volume after using this method, open a support ticket. To test failover, use [SoftLayer_Network_Storage::failoverToReplicant](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) instead.
    • disconnectCompute
      Takes an account ID. Note the disconnection will happen immediately. A brand account request ID will be returned and will then be updated when the disconnection occurs.
    • disconnectPrivateEndpointService
      Initiate the automated process to revoke mutual connectivity from the account network and IBM Cloud Service Endpoint network. Once initiated, the configuration process occurs asynchronously in the background. <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The request to disconnect was successfully initiated. <code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are already disconnected. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
    • downloadAddressTranslationConfigurations
      Provides all of the address translation configurations for an IPSec VPN tunnel in a text file
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • downloadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Download a file from a Storage account. This method returns a file's details including the file's raw content.
    • downloadParameterConfigurations
      Provides all of the configurations for an IPSec VPN network tunnel in a text file
    • edit
      Edit a SoftLayer ticket. The edit method is two-fold. You may either edit a ticket itself, add an update to a ticket, attach up to two files to a ticket, or perform all of these tasks. The SoftLayer API ignores changes made to the ''userEditableFlag'' and ''accountId'' properties. You may not assign a ticket to a user that your API account does not have access to. You may not enter a custom title for standard support tickets, buy may do so when editing an administrative ticket. Finally, you may not close a ticket using this method. Please contact SoftLayer if you need a ticket closed. If you need to only add an update to a ticket then please use the [SoftLayer_Ticket::addUpdate](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method in this service. Likewise if you need to only attach a file to a ticket then use the [SoftLayer_Ticket::addAttachedFile](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method. The edit method exists as a convenience if you need to perform all these tasks at once.
    • editAccount
      This method will edit the account's information. Pass in a SoftLayer_Account template with the fields to be modified. Certain changes to the account will automatically create a ticket for manual review. This will be returned with the SoftLayer_Container_Account_Update_Response.<br> <br> The following fields are editable:<br> <br> <ul> <li>companyName</li> <li>firstName</li> <li>lastName</li> <li>address1</li> <li>address2</li> <li>city</li> <li>state</li> <li>country</li> <li>postalCode</li> <li>email</li> <li>officePhone</li> <li>alternatePhone</li> <li>faxPhone</li> <li></li> <li>billingInfo.vatId</li> </ul>
    • editAddressTranslation
      Edit name, source (SoftLayer IP) ip address and/or destination (Customer IP) ip address for an existing address translation for a network tunnel. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer (remote) subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be created.
    • editAddressTranslations
      Edit name, source (SoftLayer IP) ip address and/or destination (Customer IP) ip address for existing address translations for a network tunnel. Address translations deliver packets to a destination ip address that is on a customer (remote) subnet. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for an address translation to be modified.
    • editConnection
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editCredential
      This method will change the password of a credential created using the 'addNewCredential' method. If the credential exists on multiple storage volumes it will change for those volumes as well.
    • editNote
      Edit the note for this subnet.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of an address record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Account_Address object. Users will be restricted to modifying addresses for their account.
    • editObject
      Edit an affiliation that is associated to an existing account.
    • editObject
      Edit the object by passing in a modified instance of the object
    • editObject
      This method allows you to modify an account contact. Only master users are permitted to modify an account contact.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a media record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Account_Media object.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a data transfer request record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request object.
    • editObject
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified. Modifying the EVault passwords here will also update the password the Webcc interface will use.
    • editObject
      The subnet registration detail service has been deprecated. This method will edit an existing SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail object. For more detail, see [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail::createObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2).
    • editObject
      The subnet registration detail property service has been deprecated. This method will edit an existing SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property object. For more detail, see [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property::createObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2).
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a shipment record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment object.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a shipment record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item object.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a tracking data record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Tracking_Data object.
    • editObject
      Edit the object by passing in a modified instance of the object. Use this method to modify configuration template name or description.
    • editObject
      editObject edits an existing domain resource record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for '@', '_', '.', '*', and '-'. The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for '.' and '-'. Editing a resource record updates the serial number of the domain the resource record is associated with. ''editObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on a successful edit or ''false'' if it was unable to edit the resource record.
    • editObject
      editObject edits an existing MX resource record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for '@', '_', '.', '*', and '-'. The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for '.' and '-'. Editing an MX record updates the serial number of the domain the record is associated with. ''editObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on a successful edit or ''false'' if it was unable to edit the resource record.
    • editObject
      editObject edits an existing SRV resource record. The ''host'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alpha numeric characters except for '@', '_', '.', '*', and '-'. The ''data'' property of the templateObject parameter is scrubbed to remove all non-alphanumeric characters for '.' and '-'. Editing an SRV record updates the serial number of the domain the record is associated with. ''editObject'' returns Boolean ''true'' on a successful edit or ''false'' if it was unable to edit the resource record.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a secondary DNS record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary object. You may only edit the ''masterIpAddress'' and ''transferFrequency'' properties of your secondary DNS record. ''ZoneName'' may not be altered after a secondary DNS record has been created. Please remove and re-create the record if you need to make changes to your zone name.
    • editObject
      Edit a server's properties
    • editObject
      Edit a server's properties
    • editObject
      Edit a server's properties
    • editObject
      This method edits an existing layout profile object by passing in a modified instance of the object.
    • editObject
      Edit the object by passing in a modified instance of the object
    • editObject
      This method edits an existing layout profile object by passing in a modified instance of the object.
    • editObject
      Edit an applications delivery controller record. Currently only a controller's notes property is editable.
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the load balancers can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object. The load balancer object also can modify its services in this way. Simply request the load balancer object you wish to edit, then modify the objects in the services array and pass the modified object to this function. WARNING: Services cannot be deleted in this manner, you must call deleteObject() on the service to physically remove them from the load balancer.
    • editObject
      Edit a bandwidth allotment's local properties. Currently you may only change an allotment's name. Use the [SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment::reassignServers](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and [SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment::unassignServers](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) methods to move servers in and out of your allotments.
    • editObject
      Edit this member, only manufacturer and version can be changed
    • editObject
      Edit a l7 policy instance's properties
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the load balancers can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object. The load balancer object also can modify its services in this way. Simply request the load balancer object you wish to edit, then modify the objects in the services array and pass the modified object to this function. WARNING: Services cannot be deleted in this manner, you must call deleteObject() on the service to physically remove them from the load balancer.
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object.
    • editObject
      Edit a security group.
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      The password and/or notes may be modified for the Storage service except evault passwords and notes.
    • editObject
      Edit a nas volume schedule
    • editObject
      Edit a subnet IP address.
    • editObject
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. This method will edit an existing SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration object. For more detail, see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration::createObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2).
    • editObject
      Edit the RWHOIS record by passing in a modified version of the record object. All fields are editable.
    • editObject
      Negotiation parameters for both phases one and two are editable. Here are the phase one and two parameters that can modified: *Phase One **Authentication ***Default value is set to MD5. ***Valid Options are: MD5, SHA1, SHA256. **Encryption ***Default value is set to 3DES. ***Valid Options are: DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256. **Diffie-Hellman Group ***Default value is set to 2. ***Valid Options are: 0 (None), 1, 2, 5. **Keylife ***Default value is set to 3600. ***Limits are: MIN = 120, MAX = 172800 **Preshared Key *Phase Two **Authentication ***Default value is set to MD5. ***Valid Options are: MD5, SHA1, SHA256. **Encryption ***Default value is set to 3DES. ***Valid Options are: DES, 3DES, AES128, AES192, AES256. **Diffie-Hellman Group ***Default value is set to 2. ***Valid Options are: 0 (None), 1, 2, 5. **Keylife ***Default value is set to 28800. ***Limits are: MIN = 120, MAX = 172800 **Perfect Forward Secrecy ***Valid Options are: Off = 0, On = 1. ***NOTE: If perfect forward secrecy is turned On (set to 1), then a phase 2 diffie-hellman group is required. The remote peer address for the network tunnel may also be modified if needed. Invalid options will not be accepted and will cause an exception to be thrown. There are properties that provide valid options and limits for each negotiation parameter. Those properties are as follows: * encryptionDefault * encryptionOptions * authenticationDefault * authenticationOptions * diffieHellmanGroupDefault * diffieHellmanGroupOptions * phaseOneKeylifeDefault * phaseTwoKeylifeDefault * keylifeLimits Configurations cannot be modified if a network tunnel's requires complex manual setups/configuration modifications by the SoftLayer Network department. If the former is required, the configurations for the network tunnel will be locked until the manual configurations are complete. A network tunnel's configurations are applied via a transaction. If a network tunnel configuration change transaction is currently running, the network tunnel's setting cannot be modified until the running transaction completes. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the modifications made to take effect.
    • editObject
      Updates this VLAN using the provided VLAN template. The following properties may be modified. - 'name' - A description no more than 20 characters in length.
    • editObject
      The subscriber's subscription status can be 'turned off' or 'turned on' if the subscription is not required. Subscriber preferences may also be edited. To edit the preferences, you must pass in the id off the preferences to edit. Here is an example of structure to pass in. In this example, the structure will set the subscriber status to active and the threshold preference to 90 and the limit preference to 20 *id = 1111 *active = 1 *preferences[1] **id = 11 **value = 90 *preference[2] **id = 12 **value = 20
    • editObject
      The subscriber's subscription status can be 'turned off' or 'turned on' if the subscription is not required. Subscriber preferences may also be edited. To edit the preferences, you must pass in the id off the preferences to edit. Here is an example of structure to pass in. In this example, the structure will set the subscriber status to active and the threshold preference to 90 and the limit preference to 20 *id = 1111 *active = 1 *preferences[1] **id = 11 **value = 90 *preference[2] **id = 12 **value = 20
    • editObject
      The subscriber's subscription status can be 'turned off' or 'turned on' if the subscription is not required. Subscriber preferences may also be edited. To edit the preferences, you must pass in the id off the preferences to edit. Here is an example of structure to pass in. In this example, the structure will set the subscriber status to active and the threshold preference to 90 and the limit preference to 20 *id = 1111 *active = 1 *preferences[1] **id = 11 **value = 90 *preference[2] **id = 12 **value = 20
    • editObject
    • editObject
    • editObject
      Update a certificate. Modifications are restricted to the note and CSR if the are any services associated with the certificate. There are no modification restrictions for a certificate with no associated services.
    • editObject
      Update a ssh key.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of a software component password such as the username, password, port, and notes.
    • editObject
      Account master users and sub-users who have the User Manage permission in the SoftLayer customer portal can update other user's information. Use editObject() if you wish to edit a single user account. Users who do not have the User Manage permission can only update their own information.
    • editObject
      Edit the properties of customer ApiAuthentication record by passing in a modified instance of a SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication object. Only the ipAddressRestriction property can be modified.
    • editObject
      Account master users and sub-users who have the User Manage permission in the SoftLayer customer portal can update other user's information. Use editObject() if you wish to edit a single user account. Users who do not have the User Manage permission can only update their own information.
    • editObject
      Account master users and sub-users who have the User Manage permission in the SoftLayer customer portal can update other user's information. Use editObject() if you wish to edit a single user account. Users who do not have the User Manage permission can only update their own information.
    • editObject
      Allows a user to modify the name and description of an existing customer permission group. Customer permission groups must be of type NORMAL. The SYSTEM type is reserved for internal use. The account id supplied in the template permission group must match account id of the user who is creating the permission group. The user who is creating the permission group must have the permission to manage users.
    • editObject
      Allows a user to modify the name and description of an existing customer permission role. Customer permission roles must set the systemFlag attribute to false. The SYSTEM type is reserved for internal use. The account id supplied in the template permission role must match account id of the user who is creating the permission role. The user who is creating the permission role must have the permission to manage users.
    • editObject
      Edit a dedicated host's properties.
    • editObject
    • editObject
      Edit a computing instance's properties
    • editObject
      Edit an image template group's associated name and note. All other properties in the SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group data type are read-only.
    • editObject
      Edits a single boot parameter
    • editObject
      Update a placement group.
    • editObject
      Update a reserved capacity group.
    • editObjects
      The subnet registration detail property service has been deprecated. Edit multiple [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property) objects.
    • editObjects
      Edit multiple resource records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this resource record is updated upon creation. ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • editObjects
      Edit multiple MX records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this MX record is updated upon creation. ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • editObjects
      Edit multiple SRV records on a domain. This follows the same logic as ''createObject'. The serial number of the domain associated with this SRV record is updated upon creation. ''createObjects'' returns Boolean ''true'' on successful creation or ''false'' if it was unable to create a resource record.
    • editObjects
      Like any other API object, the monitoring objects can have their exposed properties edited by passing in a modified version of the object.
    • editObjects
      Edit security groups.
    • editObjects
      This function is used to edit multiple objects at the same time.
    • editObjects
    • editObjects
      Edit more than one password from a software component.
    • editObjects
      Account master users and sub-users who have the User Manage permission in the SoftLayer customer portal can update other user's information. Use editObjects() if you wish to edit multiple users at once. Users who do not have the User Manage permission can only update their own information.
    • editObjects
      Account master users and sub-users who have the User Manage permission in the SoftLayer customer portal can update other user's information. Use editObjects() if you wish to edit multiple users at once. Users who do not have the User Manage permission can only update their own information.
    • editObjects
      Account master users and sub-users who have the User Manage permission in the SoftLayer customer portal can update other user's information. Use editObjects() if you wish to edit multiple users at once. Users who do not have the User Manage permission can only update their own information.
    • editRegistrationAttachedDetails
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. This method modifies a single registration by modifying the current [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details) objects that are linked to that registration.
    • editRules
      Edit rules that belong to the security group. An array of skeleton [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule) objects must be sent in with only the properties defined that you want to change. To edit a property to null, send in -1 for integer properties and '' for string properties. Unchanged properties are left alone.
    • editSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Edit the properties of a software component password such as the username, password, and notes.
    • editSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Edit the properties of a software component password such as the username, password, and notes.
    • editSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Edit the properties of a software component password such as the username, password, and notes.
    • editSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Edit the properties of a software component password such as the username, password, and notes.
    • editSoftwareComponentPasswords
      Edit the properties of a software component password such as the username, password, and notes.
    • emailInvoices
      Create a transaction to email PDF and/or Excel invoice links to the requesting user's email address. You must have a PDF reader installed in order to view these files.
    • enable
      Enable email subscription.
    • enable
      Enable a disabled Virtual IP Address, allowing connections back to the IP address.
    • enable
      Enabling an external binding will activate the binding on your account and require you to authenticate with our trusted 3rd party 2 form factor vendor when logging into the SoftLayer customer portal. Please note that API access will be disabled for users that have an active external binding.
    • enable
      Enabling an external binding will activate the binding on your account and require you to authenticate with our trusted 3rd party 2 form factor vendor when logging into the SoftLayer customer portal. Please note that API access will be disabled for users that have an active external binding.
    • enable
      Enabling an external binding will activate the binding on your account and require you to authenticate with our trusted 3rd party 2 form factor vendor when logging into the SoftLayer customer portal. Please note that API access will be disabled for users that have an active external binding.
    • enable
      Allow incoming and outgoing bandwidth traffic to a network component
    • enableEuSupport
      <p> If you select the EU Supported option, the most common Support issues will be limited to IBM Cloud staff located in the EU. In the event your issue requires non-EU expert assistance, it will be reviewed and approval given prior to any non-EU intervention. Additionally, in order to support and update the services, cross-border Processing of your data may still occur. Please ensure you take the necessary actions to allow this Processing, as detailed in the <strong><a href=''>Cloud Service Terms</a></strong>. A standard Data Processing Addendum is available <strong><a href=''>here</a></strong>. </p> <p> <strong>Important note (you will only see this once):</strong> Orders using the API will proceed without additional notifications. The terms related to selecting products, services, or locations outside the EU apply to API orders. Users you create and API keys you generate will have the ability to order products, services, and locations outside of the EU. It is your responsibility to educate anyone you grant access to your account on the consequences and requirements if they make a selection that is not in the EU Supported option. In order to meet EU Supported requirements, the current PPTP VPN solution will no longer be offered or supported. </p> <p> If PPTP has been selected as an option for any users in your account by itself (or in combination with another VPN offering), you will need to disable PPTP before selecting the EU Supported account feature. For more information on VPN changes, click <strong><a href=''> here</a></strong>. </p>
    • enableOrDisableDataLogs
      When enabled, data log would be forwarded to logging service.
    • enableSmtpAccess
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • enableSnapshots
      This method is not valid for Legacy iSCSI Storage Volumes. Enable scheduled snapshots of this storage volume. Scheduling options include HOURLY, DAILY and WEEKLY schedules. For HOURLY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount and $minute. For DAILY schedules, provide relevant data for $scheduleType, $retentionCount, $minute, and $hour. For WEEKLY schedules, provide relevant data for all parameters of this method.
    • enableVpnConfigRequiresVpnManageAttribute
      Enables the VPN_CONFIG_REQUIRES_VPN_MANAGE attribute on the account. If the attribute does not exist for the account, it will be created and set to true.
    • enableVrf
      Initiate the change of the private network to VRF, which will cause a brief private network outage. @SLDNDocumentation Method Permissions NETWORK_VLAN_SPANNING <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The request to change the private network has been accepted and the change will begin immediately. <code>False</code> The request had no change because the private network is already in a VRF or in the process of converting to VRF. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current private network cannot be converted to VRF without specialized assistance.
    • enroll
      Create a new Service Provider Enrollment
    • executeIderaBareMetalRestore
      Reboot a guest into the Idera Bare Metal Restore image.
    • executeR1SoftBareMetalRestore
      Reboot a guest into the R1Soft Bare Metal Restore image.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on the hardware.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on the hardware.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on the hardware.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on the hardware.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on the hardware.
    • executeRemoteScript
      Download and run remote script from uri on virtual guests.
    • executeRescueLayer
      Reboot a Linux guest into the Xen rescue image.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failbackFromReplicant
      Failback from a volume replicant. In order to failback the volume must have already been failed over to a replicant.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • failoverToReplicant
      Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • finalizeExternalBillingForAccount
      Calling this method signals that the account with the provided account id is ready to be billed by the external billing system.
    • findAllSubnetsAndActiveSwipTransactionStatus
      ***DEPRECATED*** Retrieve a list of a SoftLayer customer's subnets along with their SWIP transaction statuses. This is a shortcut method that combines the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet retrieval methods along with [[object masks]] to retrieve their subnets' associated SWIP transactions as well. This is a special function built for SoftLayer's use on the SWIP section of the customer portal, but may also be useful for API users looking for the same data.
    • findBluePagesProfile
      Given an IBM email address, searches BluePages and returns the employee's details. Note that this method is not available to customers, despite being visible, and will return an error response.
    • findByCommonName
      Locate certificates by their common name, traditionally a domain name.
    • findByGuestId
      This method returns all SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest objects associated with the passed in ID as long as that Virtual Guest ID is owned by the current user's account. This behavior can also be accomplished by simply tapping monitoringUserNotification on the Virtual_Guest object.
    • findByHardwareId
      This method returns all Query_Host objects associated with the passed in hardware ID as long as that hardware ID is owned by the current user's account. This behavior can also be accomplished by simply tapping networkMonitors on the Hardware_Server object.
    • findByHardwareId
      This method returns all Customer_Notification_Hardware objects associated with the passed in hardware ID as long as that hardware ID is owned by the current user's account. This behavior can also be accomplished by simply tapping monitoringUserNotification on the Hardware_Server object.
    • findByHostname
      Find VSIs by hostname.
    • findByIpAddress
      The '''findByIpAddress''' method finds hardware using its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses that have a secondary subnet tied to the hardware will not return the hardware. If no hardware is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • findByIpAddress
      The '''findByIpAddress''' method finds hardware using its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses that have a secondary subnet tied to the hardware will not return the hardware. If no hardware is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • findByIpAddress
      The '''findByIpAddress''' method finds hardware using its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses that have a secondary subnet tied to the hardware will not return the hardware. If no hardware is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • findByIpAddress
      The '''findByIpAddress''' method finds hardware using its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses that have a secondary subnet tied to the hardware will not return the hardware. If no hardware is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • findByIpAddress
      The '''findByIpAddress''' method finds hardware using its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses that have a secondary subnet tied to the hardware will not return the hardware. If no hardware is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • findByIpAddress
      Find CCI by only its primary public or private IP address. IP addresses within secondary subnets tied to the CCI will not return the CCI. If no CCI is found, no errors are generated and no data is returned.
    • findByIpv4Address
      Search for an IP address record by IPv4 address.
    • findByPromoCode
      Retrieves a promotion using its code.
    • findGcImagesByCurrentUser
      Find block device template groups containing a GC enabled cloudinit image for the current active user. A sorted collection of groups is returned. The Caller can optionally specify data center or region names to retrieve GC images from only those locations.
    • findMyTransactions
      **DEPRECATED** This function will return an array of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction objects, one for each SWIP that is currently in transaction with ARIN. This includes all swip registrations, swip removal requests, and SWIP objects that are currently OK.
    • findUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets and their IP addresses. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data. Callers may provide a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress object filter as search criteria. A result limit and offset may also be provided. A maximum of 1024 results can be retrieved at a time.
    • findUserPreference
    • findUserPreference
    • findUserPreference
    • forceRebuildCluster
      Purpose is to rebuild the target Gateway cluster with the specified OS price id. Method will remove the current OS and apply the default configuration settings. This will result in an extended OUTAGE!! Any custom configuration settings must be re-applied after the forced rebuild is completed. This is a DESTRUCTIVE action, use with caution.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • generateOrderTemplate
      Obtain an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest) that can be sent to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) or [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder). This is primarily useful when there is a necessity to confirm the price which will be charged for an order. See [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) for specifics on the requirements of the template object parameter.
    • generateSecretKey
    • getAbuseEmail
      An email address that is responsible for abuse and legal inquiries on behalf of an account. For instance, new legal and abuse tickets are sent to this address.
    • getAbuseEmails
      Email addresses that are responsible for abuse and legal inquiries on behalf of an account. For instance, new legal and abuse tickets are sent to these addresses.
    • getAccount
      The account to which this address belongs.
    • getAccount
      The account that an affiliation belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with this saml configuration.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      Account associated with the business partner data
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The account to which the media belongs.
    • getAccount
      The account to which the request belongs.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      [Deprecated] The account that this detail object belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The account to which the shipment belongs.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account associated with this billing information.
    • getAccount
      The account that an invoice belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a billing item belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer account that a service cancellation request belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a billing item belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) to which an order belongs.
    • getAccount
      A quote's corresponding account.
    • getAccount
      A quote's corresponding account.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that owns a domain.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer account that owns a secondary DNS record.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a piece of hardware.
    • getAccount
      Information regarding a benchmark certification result's associated SoftLayer customer account.
    • getAccount
      A partition template's associated [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account).
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a piece of hardware.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a piece of hardware.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a piece of hardware.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a piece of hardware.
    • getAccount
      The account that a billing item belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that owns an application delivery controller record.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The account associated with this virtual rack.
    • getAccount
      SoftLayer account to which the CDN account belongs.
    • getAccount
      The account for this gateway.
    • getAccount
      The account that owns this load balancer.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that a network message delivery account belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account that a network message delivery account belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account associated with a security scan request.
    • getAccount
      The account this security group belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account which owns this group.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account which owns this group.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer_Account which owns this group.
    • getAccount
      SoftLayer account to which an IBM Cloud Object Storage account belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a Storage services belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account to which the request belongs.
    • getAccount
      The request this key contact belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      [Deprecated] The account that this registration belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account associated with this reverse WHOIS data.
    • getAccount
      The Account whose RWHOIS data was used to SWIP this subnet
    • getAccount
      The account that a network tunnel belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account this VLAN is associated with.
    • getAccount
      The account that an order belongs to
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The account to which a SSL certificate request belongs.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The customer account this Account License belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The customer account this Virtual License belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account to which the tag is tied.
    • getAccount
      The SoftLayer customer account associated with a ticket.
    • getAccount
      The customer account that a user belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The customer account that a user belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The customer account that a user belongs to.
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
    • getAccount
      The account that the dedicated host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that a virtual guest belongs to.
    • getAccount
      A block device template group's [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account).
    • getAccount
      The account which a virtual host belongs to.
    • getAccount
      The account that the placement group is implemented on.
    • getAccount
      The account that the reserved capacity group is implemented on.
    • getAccount
      The [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) that a storage repository belongs to.
    • getAccountAffiliationsByAffiliateId
      Get account affiliation information associated with affiliate id.
    • getAccountBackupHistory
      This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_JobDetails objects for the given start and end dates. Start and end dates should be be valid ISO 8601 dates. The backupStatus can be one of null, 'success', 'failed', or 'conflict'. The 'success' backupStatus returns jobs with a status of 'COMPLETED', the 'failed' backupStatus returns jobs with a status of 'FAILED', while the 'conflict' backupStatus will return jobs that are not 'COMPLETED' or 'FAILED'.
    • getAccountContact
      A request's corresponding external contact, if one exists.
    • getAccountContacts
      The account contacts on an account.
    • getAccountContacts
    • getAccountHistory
      Provides a history of an account's lockdown requests and their status.
    • getAccountHostUptimeSummary
    • getAccountId
    • getAccountId
      The getAccountId retrieves the ID for the account on which the resource is located.
    • getAccountLicenses
      The account software licenses owned by an account
    • getAccountLinks
    • getAccountOverview
    • getAccountOwnedPoolFlag
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getAccountPassword
      Other usernames and passwords associated with a Storage volume.
    • getAccountReferences
      The accounts which may have read-only access to an image template group. Will only be populated for parent template group objects.
    • getAccountReservations
    • getAccountRestrictedActivePresets
      The preset configurations available only for the authenticated account and this package.
    • getAccountRestrictedCategories
      The results from this call are similar to [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories), but these ONLY include account-restricted prices. Not all accounts have restricted pricing.
    • getAccountRestrictedPricesFlag
      The flag to indicate if there are any restricted prices in a package for the currently-active account.
    • getAccountRestrictions
      The account that the item price is restricted to.
    • getAccountStatus
      An account's status presented in a more detailed data type.
    • getAccountTraitValue
      This method pulls an account trait by its key.
    • getAccountTypes
      Validates request and, if the request is approved, returns a list of allowed uses for an automatically created IBMer IaaS account.
    • getAccountUrlUptimeSummary
    • getAchInformation
    • getAcknowledgedFlag
      Indicates whether or not this event has been acknowledged by the user.
    • getActions
    • getActions
    • getActions
    • getActions
    • getActions
    • getActivationCodeForMobileClient
      An activation code is required when provisioning a new mobile credential from Verisign. This method will return the required activation code.
    • getActiveAccountDiscountBillingItem
      The billing item associated with an account's monthly discount.
    • getActiveAccountLicenses
      The active account software licenses owned by an account
    • getActiveAddresses
      The active address(es) that belong to an account.
    • getActiveAgreement
    • getActiveAgreement
    • getActiveAgreementFlag
      A flag indicating that the billing item is under an active agreement.
    • getActiveAgreementFlag
      A flag indicating that the billing item is under an active agreement.
    • getActiveAgreements
      All active agreements for an account
    • getActiveAssociatedChildren
      A billing item's active associated child billing items. This includes 'floating' items that are not necessarily child items of this billing item.
    • getActiveAssociatedChildren
      A billing item's active associated child billing items. This includes 'floating' items that are not necessarily child items of this billing item.
    • getActiveAssociatedGuestDiskBillingItems
    • getActiveAssociatedGuestDiskBillingItems
    • getActiveBillingAgreements
      All billing agreements for an account
    • getActiveBundledItems
      A Billing Item's active bundled billing items.
    • getActiveBundledItems
      A Billing Item's active bundled billing items.
    • getActiveCancellationItem
      A service cancellation request item that corresponds to the billing item.
    • getActiveCancellationItem
      A service cancellation request item that corresponds to the billing item.
    • getActiveCatalystEnrollment
    • getActiveChildren
      A Billing Item's active child billing items.
    • getActiveChildren
      A Billing Item's active child billing items.
    • getActiveColocationContainers
    • getActiveCommand
      Reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) command currently executing by the server's remote management card.
    • getActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active physical components.
    • getActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active physical components.
    • getActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active physical components.
    • getActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active physical components.
    • getActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active physical components.
    • getActiveDetails
      The bandwidth allotment detail records associated with this virtual rack.
    • getActiveExternalAuthenticationVendors
      The getActiveExternalAuthenticationVendors method will return a list of available external vendors that a SoftLayer user can authenticate against. The list will only contain vendors for which the user has at least one active external binding.
    • getActiveExternalAuthenticationVendors
      The getActiveExternalAuthenticationVendors method will return a list of available external vendors that a SoftLayer user can authenticate against. The list will only contain vendors for which the user has at least one active external binding.
    • getActiveExternalAuthenticationVendors
      The getActiveExternalAuthenticationVendors method will return a list of available external vendors that a SoftLayer user can authenticate against. The list will only contain vendors for which the user has at least one active external binding.
    • getActiveFlag
    • getActiveFlag
    • getActiveFlag
      A flag to indicate that the presale event is currently active. A presale event is active if the current time is between the start and end dates.
    • getActiveFlexibleCreditEnrollment
      [Deprecated] Please use SoftLayer_Account::activeFlexibleCreditEnrollments.
    • getActiveFlexibleCreditEnrollments
    • getActiveItemPresaleEvents
    • getActiveItems
      Return a list of Items in the package with their active prices.
    • getActiveNetworkFirewallBillingItem
      The billing item for a server's attached network firewall.
    • getActiveNetworkFirewallBillingItem
      The billing item for a server's attached network firewall.
    • getActiveNetworkFirewallBillingItem
      The billing item for a server's attached network firewall.
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveNetworkMonitorIncident
      A virtual guest's currently active network monitoring incidents.
    • getActiveNotificationSubscribers
    • getActiveOutletPackages
      This is deprecated and will not return any results.
    • getActivePackages
      This method will return the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) objects from which you can order a bare metal server, virtual server, service (such as CDN or Object Storage) or other software. Once you have the package you want to order from, you may query one of various endpoints from that package to get specific information about its products and pricing. See [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories) or [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getItems](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getItems) for more information. Packages that have been retired will not appear in this result set.
    • getActivePackagesByAttribute
      <strong>This method is deprecated and should not be used in production code.</strong> This method will return the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) objects from which you can order a bare metal server, virtual server, service (such as CDN or Object Storage) or other software filtered by an attribute type associated with the package. Once you have the package you want to order from, you may query one of various endpoints from that package to get specific information about its products and pricing. See [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories) or [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getItems](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getItems) for more information.
    • getActivePackagesByAttribute
      <strong>This method is deprecated and should not be used in production code.</strong> This method will return the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) objects from which you can order a bare metal server, virtual server, service (such as CDN or Object Storage) or other software filtered by an attribute type associated with the package. Once you have the package you want to order from, you may query one of various endpoints from that package to get specific information about its products and pricing. See [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories) or [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getItems](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getItems) for more information.
    • getActivePresaleEvents
    • getActivePresaleEvents
    • getActivePresaleEvents
    • getActivePresets
      The available preset configurations for this package.
    • getActivePrivateHostedCloudPackages
      [DEPRECATED] This method pulls all the active private hosted cloud packages. This will give you a basic description of the packages that are currently active and from which you can order private hosted cloud configurations.
    • getActivePrivateHostedCloudPackages
      [DEPRECATED] This method pulls all the active private hosted cloud packages. This will give you a basic description of the packages that are currently active and from which you can order private hosted cloud configurations.
    • getActiveQuotes
      An account's non-expired quotes.
    • getActiveRamItems
      A collection of valid RAM items available for purchase in this package.
    • getActiveRegistration
      The active regional internet registration for this subnet.
    • getActiveReservedCapacityAgreements
      Active reserved capacity agreements for an account
    • getActiveServerItems
      A collection of valid server items available for purchase in this package.
    • getActiveSoftwareItems
      A collection of valid software items available for purchase in this package.
    • getActiveSparePoolAssociatedGuestDiskBillingItems
    • getActiveSparePoolAssociatedGuestDiskBillingItems
    • getActiveSparePoolBundledItems
      A Billing Item's spare pool bundled billing items.
    • getActiveSparePoolBundledItems
      A Billing Item's spare pool bundled billing items.
    • getActiveSurveyByType
      Provides survey details for the given type
    • getActiveSwipTransaction
    • getActiveTickets
      The active tickets that are attached to the data transfer request.
    • getActiveTickets
    • getActiveTickets
    • getActiveTickets
    • getActiveTickets
      The active tickets that are attached to the MDMS request.
    • getActiveTickets
    • getActiveTransaction
      Transaction currently running for server.
    • getActiveTransaction
      Transaction currently running for server.
    • getActiveTransaction
      Transaction currently running for server.
    • getActiveTransaction
    • getActiveTransaction
    • getActiveTransaction
    • getActiveTransaction
      A transaction that is still be performed on a cloud server.
    • getActiveTransactions
      Any active transaction(s) that are currently running for the server (example: os reload).
    • getActiveTransactions
      Any active transaction(s) that are currently running for the server (example: os reload).
    • getActiveTransactions
      Any active transaction(s) that are currently running for the server (example: os reload).
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getActiveTransactions
      The currently active transactions on a network storage volume.
    • getActiveTransactions
      Any active transaction(s) that are currently running for the server (example: os reload).
    • getActiveUsagePrices
      Active usage based prices.
    • getActiveUsagePrices
      A collection of [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) objects for pay-as-you-go usage.
    • getActiveUsageRatePrices
      This method returns a collection of active usage rate [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) objects for the current package and specified datacenter. Optionally you can retrieve the active usage rate prices for a particular [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category) by specifying a category code as the first parameter. This information is useful so that you can see 'pay as you go' rates (if any) for the current package, location and optionally category.
    • getActiveVirtualLicenses
      The virtual software licenses controlled by an account
    • getAdcLoadBalancers
      An account's associated load balancers.
    • getAdditionalEmails
      A portal user's additional email addresses. These email addresses are contacted when updates are made to support tickets.
    • getAdditionalEmails
      A portal user's additional email addresses. These email addresses are contacted when updates are made to support tickets.
    • getAdditionalEmails
      A portal user's additional email addresses. These email addresses are contacted when updates are made to support tickets.
    • getAdditionalPrimarySubnets
      The primary IPv4 subnets routed on this VLAN, excluding the primarySubnet.
    • getAdditionalProductsForCategory
      Returns a list of of active Items in the 'Additional Services' package with their active prices for a given product item category and sorts them by price.
    • getAdditionalRequiredPricesForOsReload
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects for an OS reload
    • getAdditionalServiceFlag
      This flag indicates that the package is an additional service.
    • getAddress
      The customer address where the device is shipped to.
    • getAddresses
      All the address(es) that belong to an account.
    • getAddressSpace
      The classifier of IP addresses this subnet represents, generally PUBLIC or PRIVATE. This does not necessarily correlate with the network on which the subnet is used.
    • getAddressTranslationConfigurations
      The address translations will be returned. All the translations will be formatted so that the configurations can be copied into a host file. Format: {address translation SoftLayer IP Address} {address translation name}
    • getAddressTranslations
      A network tunnel's address translations.
    • getAdministratorEmailDomains
      Gets the email domains that can be used to validate a certificate to a domain.
    • getAdministratorEmailPrefixes
      Gets the email accounts that can be used to validate a certificate to a domain.
    • getAffiliate
    • getAffiliateId
      An affiliate identifier associated with the customer account.
    • getAffiliates
    • getAffiliatesAvailableForSelfEnrollmentByVerificationType
    • getAgentImpersonationToken
    • getAgentImpersonationToken
    • getAgentImpersonationToken
    • getAgreementType
      The type of agreement.
    • getAllAvailableCompatiblePlatformNames
      Get all available compatible platform names that can be added to a template group.
    • getAllAvailableServiceSubnets
      Subnets that provide access to SoftLayer services such as the management portal and the SoftLayer API.
    • getAllBillingItems
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getAllCancellationReasonCategories
      getAllCancellationReasonCategories() retrieves a list of all cancellation reason categories
    • getAllCancellationReasons
      getAllCancellationReasons() retrieves a list of all cancellation reasons that a server/service may be assigned to.
    • getAllCancellationRequests
      This method returns all service cancellation requests. Make sure to include the 'resultLimit' in the SOAP request header for quicker response. If there is no result limit header is passed, it will return the latest 25 results by default.
    • getAllCommissionBillingItems
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getAllConnections
    • getAllContactTypes
      This method will return an array of SoftLayer_Account_Contact_Type objects which can be used when creating or editing an account contact.
    • getAllCouriers
      Retrieve a list of available shipping couriers.
    • getAllCouriersByType
      Retrieve a list of available shipping couriers.
    • getAllCurrencyExchangeRates
    • getAllDataCenters
      Retrieve a list of SoftLayer datacenter addresses.
    • getAllEventNames
      This all indexed event names.
    • getAllEventObjectNames
      This all indexed event object names.
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFiles
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllFilesByFilter
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date for all files matching the filter's criteria in a Storage account's root directory. This does not download file content.
    • getAllGroups
      Get all configuration definition group objects. ''getAllGroups'' returns an array of SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Group objects upon success.
    • getAllHookTypes
    • getAllMediaTypes
      Retrieve a list supported media types for SoftLayer's Data Transfer Service.
    • getAllObjects
      Returns a list of all Integrated Offering Team regions. Note that this method, despite being visible, is not accessible by customers and attempting to use it will result in an error response.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieves a list of reviewers
    • getAllObjects
      This method will retrieve all SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Campaign_Code objects. Use the `code` field when submitting a request on the [SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Request_Opportunity](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Request_Opportunity) container.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve an array of SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency data types, which contain all notification events regardless of status.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      This will get all billing orders for your account.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieves all available configuration templates
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Return the event log data
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all active layout containers that can be customized.
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve all timezone objects.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Get all pricing location groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Get all regional groups.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Return all existing Direct Link location.
    • getAllObjects
      Get all available firewall template objects. ''getAllObjects'' returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template objects upon success.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Return all existing load balancers
    • getAllObjects
      Returns all supported cipher list
    • getAllObjects
      Filtering is supported for ``datacenterName`` and ``capabilities``. When filtering on capabilities, use the ``in`` operation. Pods fulfilling all capabilities provided will be returned. ``datacenterName`` represents an operation against ```, such as dal05 when referring to Dallas 5. ```Examples:``` List Pods in a specific datacenter. <pre> datacenterName.operation = 'dal06' </pre> List Pods in a geographical area. <pre> datacenterName.operation = '^= dal' </pre> List Pods in a region fulfilling capabilities. <pre> datacenterName.operation = '^= dal' capabilities.operation = 'in' capabilities.options = [ { name = data, value = [SOME_CAPABILITY, ANOTHER_CAPABILITY] } ] </pre>
    • getAllObjects
      Get all security groups.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage groups.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all storage group types available.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all iSCSI OS Types.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all network storage schedule property types.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all active notifications that can be subscribed to.
    • getAllObjects
      Use this method to retrieve all active notifications that can be subscribed to.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Returns a collection of impacted users, an account master user has the ability to see all impacted users under the account.
    • getAllObjects
      This method pulls all the active packages. This will give you a basic description of the packages that are currently active
    • getAllObjects
      This method returns all the active package presets.
    • getAllObjects
      This method will grab all the package servers.
    • getAllObjects
      This method will return all of the available package types.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Returns all SSL certificate server types, which are passed in on a [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate).
    • getAllObjects
      Return all account licenses
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve all possible ticket subjects. The SoftLayer customer portal uses this method in the add standard support ticket form.
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve all ticket subject categories.
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve all available permissions.
    • getAllObjects
      getAllObjects() will return a list of the available external binding vendors that SoftLayer supports. Use this list to select the appropriate vendor when creating a new external binding.
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve all user status objects.
    • getAllObjects
      getAllObjects() will return a list of the available external binding vendors that SoftLayer supports. Use this list to select the appropriate vendor when creating a new external binding.
    • getAllObjects
      Object filters and result limits are enabled on this method.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve an array of SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type objects.
    • getAllObjects
      Retrieve all viewable security questions.
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
    • getAllObjects
      Get all placement group rules.
    • getAllocationStatus
      The container that represents allocations on the dedicated host.
    • getAllOptions
      This method will grab all the package server options.
    • getAllotment
      The bandwidth allotment that the reservation belongs to.
    • getAllotment
      The bandwidth allotment that the reservation belongs to.
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableHardware
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Hardware that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableIpAddresses
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableSubnets
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowableVirtualGuests
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Storage.
    • getAllowAccountCreationFlag
      This flag indicates if creation of accounts is allowed.
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailback
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowDisasterRecoveryFailover
    • getAllowedDedicatedHostIds
    • getAllowedDedicatedHostIds
    • getAllowedDedicatedHostIds
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedHardwareIds
    • getAllowedHardwareIds
    • getAllowedHardwareIds
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this server to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this server to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this server to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this server to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this server to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The link from this subnet to network storage devices supporting access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this IP Address to Network Storage supporting access control lists.
    • getAllowedHost
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host information to connect this Virtual Guest to Network Storage volumes that require access control lists.
    • getAllowedHosts
      The allowed hosts list for this group.
    • getAllowedHosts
      The allowed hosts list for this group.
    • getAllowedHosts
      The allowed hosts list for this group.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedHostsLimit
      Retrieves the total number of allowed hosts limit per volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The network storage devices this subnet has been granted access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects that this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The network storage device replicas this subnet has been granted access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Hardware has access to.
    • getAllowedNetworkStorageReplicas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage objects whose Replica that this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest has access to.
    • getAllowedOsPriceIds
      Used to get a list of OS prices (ids) which are allowed for the Gateway.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationHardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationIpAddresses
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedReplicationVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which are allowed access to this storage volume's Replicant.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedSubnets
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuestIds
    • getAllowedVirtualGuestIds
    • getAllowedVirtualGuestIds
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowedVirtualGuests
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which are allowed access to this storage volume.
    • getAllowIbmIdSilentMigrationFlag
      Indicates whether this account is allowed to silently migrate to use IBMid Authentication.
    • getAllOwnedAccounts
      All accounts owned by the brand.
    • getAllowsBluemixAccountLinkingFlag
      Flag indicating if this account can be linked with Bluemix.
    • getAllPortLabelsWithCurrentUsage
    • getAllPowerComponents
    • getAllPowerComponents
    • getAllPowerComponents
    • getAllPowerComponents
    • getAllPowerComponents
    • getAllPublishedPartners
    • getAllQueryTypes
      Calling this function returns all possible query type objects. These objects are to be used to set the values on the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host when creating new monitoring instances.
    • getAllRecurringTopLevelBillingItems
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getAllRecurringTopLevelBillingItemsUnfiltered
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice. Does not consider associated items.
    • getAllRequestStatuses
      Retrieves a list of all the possible statuses to which a request may be set.
    • getAllRequestStatuses
      Retrieves a list of all the possible statuses to which a request may be set.
    • getAllResponseTypes
      Calling this function returns all possible response type objects. These objects are to be used to set the values on the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host when creating new monitoring instances.
    • getAllShipmentStatuses
      Retrieve a a list of shipment statuses.
    • getAllShipmentTypes
      Retrieve a a list of shipment types.
    • getAllSubnetBillingItems
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getAllTagTypes
      Returns all tags of a given object type.
    • getAllTicketGroups
      getAllTicketGroups() retrieves a list of all groups that a ticket may be assigned to. Ticket groups represent the internal department at SoftLayer who a ticket is assigned to. Every SoftLayer ticket has groupId and ticketGroup properties that correspond to one of the groups returned by getAllTicketGroups().
    • getAllTicketStatuses
      getAllTicketStatuses() retrieves a list of all statuses that a ticket may exist in. Ticket status represent the current state of a ticket, usually 'open', 'assigned', and 'closed'. Every SoftLayer ticket has statusId and status properties that correspond to one of the statuses returned by getAllTicketStatuses().
    • getAllTicketSubjects
      (DEPRECATED) Use [SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method.
    • getAllTopLevelBillingItems
      All billing items of an account.
    • getAllTopLevelBillingItemsUnfiltered
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice. Does not consider associated items.
    • getAllUpgradesByGatewayId
    • getAllUserTypes
      Returns all possible event log user types
    • getAllVatCountryCodesAndVatIdRegexes
      This method is to get the collection of VAT country codes and VAT ID Regexes.
    • getAlternateCreditCardData
    • getAmount
      This is the amount of this invoice.
    • getAncestorGroups
      A resource group's associated group ancestors.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding an antivirus/spyware software component object.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding an antivirus/spyware software component object.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding an antivirus/spyware software component object.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding an antivirus/spyware software component object.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding an antivirus/spyware software component object.
    • getAntivirusSpywareSoftwareComponent
      A antivirus / spyware software component object.
    • getApiAuthenticationKeys
      A portal user's API Authentication keys. There is a max limit of one API key per user.
    • getApiAuthenticationKeys
      A portal user's API Authentication keys. There is a max limit of one API key per user.
    • getApiAuthenticationKeys
      A portal user's API Authentication keys. There is a max limit of one API key per user.
    • getAppliances
      Get the load balancer appliances for the given lb id.
    • getApplicationDeliveryController
      A virtual IP address's associated application delivery controller.
    • getApplicationDeliveryController
      The application delivery controller using this address.
    • getApplicationDeliveryController
    • getApplicationDeliveryControllers
      An account's associated application delivery controller records.
    • getApplicationDeliveryControllers
      A virtual IP address's associated application delivery controllers.
    • getApplicationDeliveryControllers
      The Application Delivery Controller contained within a virtual rack.
    • getApplyServerRuleSubnets
      The additional subnets linked to this network component firewall, that inherit rules from the host that the context slot is attached to.
    • getApprovers
    • getApprovers
    • getApproverTypes
    • getArchitectureType
    • getArchiveDiskUsageRatePerGb
      Returns the archive storage disk usage fee rate per gigabyte.
    • getAssignedAgents
    • getAssignedEmployees
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedGroups
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group objects this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is present in.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedIscsiVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedNfsVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedReplicationVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage primary volumes whose replicas are allowed access.
    • getAssignedUser
      The portal user that a ticket is assigned to.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssignedVolumes
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes to which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is allowed access.
    • getAssociatedBillingItem
      A billing item's associated parent. This is to be used for billing items that are 'floating', and therefore are not child items of any parent billing item. If it is desired to associate an item to another, populate this with the SoftLayer_Billing_Item ID of that associated parent item.
    • getAssociatedBillingItem
      A billing item's associated parent. This is to be used for billing items that are 'floating', and therefore are not child items of any parent billing item. If it is desired to associate an item to another, populate this with the SoftLayer_Billing_Item ID of that associated parent item.
    • getAssociatedBillingItemHistory
      A history of billing items which a billing item has been associated with.
    • getAssociatedBillingItemHistory
      A history of billing items which a billing item has been associated with.
    • getAssociatedChildren
      An Invoice Item's associated child invoice items. Only parent invoice items have associated children. For instance, a server invoice item may have associated children.
    • getAssociatedChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items. This includes 'floating' items that are not necessarily child billing items of this billing item.
    • getAssociatedChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items. This includes 'floating' items that are not necessarily child billing items of this billing item.
    • getAssociatedChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items. This includes 'floating' items that are not necessarily child billing items of this billing item.
    • getAssociatedInvoiceItem
      An Invoice Item's associated invoice item. If this is populated, it means this is an orphaned invoice item, but logically belongs to the associated invoice item.
    • getAssociatedParent
      A billing item's associated parent billing item. This object will be the same as the parent billing item if parentId is set.
    • getAssociatedParent
      A billing item's associated parent billing item. This object will be the same as the parent billing item if parentId is set.
    • getAssociatedServiceCount
      The number of services currently associated with the certificate.
    • getAttachedAdditionalEmails
      The list of additional emails to notify when a ticket update is made.
    • getAttachedBillingAgreementFiles
      The files attached to an agreement.
    • getAttachedDedicatedHosts
      The Dedicated Hosts associated with a ticket. This is used in cases where a ticket is directly associated with one or more Dedicated Hosts.
    • getAttachedFile
      Retrieve the contents of the file attached to a SoftLayer event by it's given identifier.
    • getAttachedFile
      Retrieve the file attached to a SoftLayer ticket by it's given identifier. To retrieve a list of files attached to a ticket either call the SoftLayer_Ticket::getAttachedFiles method or call SoftLayer_Ticket::getObject with ''attachedFiles'' defined in an object mask.
    • getAttachedFiles
      The files attached to a ticket.
    • getAttachedHardware
      The hardware associated with a ticket. This is used in cases where a ticket is directly associated with one or more pieces of hardware.
    • getAttachedHardwareCount
    • getAttachedNetworkGateway
      The gateway device this VLAN is associated with for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkGatewayFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a gateway device for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkGatewayVlan
      The gateway device VLAN context this VLAN is associated with for routing purposes.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      Retrieves the combination of network storage devices and replicas this subnet has been granted access to. Allows for filtering based on storage device type.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress.
    • getAttachedNetworkStorages
      This method is retrieve a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that are authorized access to this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.
    • getAttachedResources
    • getAttachedTagsForCurrentUser
      Get all tags with at least one reference attached to it for the current account. The total items header for this method contains the total number of attached tags even if a result limit is applied.
    • getAttachedVirtualGuests
      The virtual guests associated with a ticket. This is used in cases where a ticket is directly associated with one or more virtualized guests installations or Virtual Servers.
    • getAttachedVolumes
      The network storage volumes this group is attached to.
    • getAttachedVolumes
      The network storage volumes this group is attached to.
    • getAttachedVolumes
      The network storage volumes this group is attached to.
    • getAttachments
    • getAttachments
      A collection of attachments for this event which provide supplementary information to impacted users some examples are RFO (Reason For Outage) and root cause analysis documents.
    • getAttributeByType
      Retrieve a single [SoftLayer_Account_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Attribute) record by its [SoftLayer_Account_Attribute_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Attribute_Type) key name.
    • getAttributes
      The account attribute values for a SoftLayer customer account.
    • getAttributes
      The saml attribute values for a SoftLayer customer account.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's specific attributes.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's specific attributes.
    • getAttributes
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's specific attributes.
    • getAttributes
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's specific attributes.
    • getAttributes
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's specific attributes.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
      The attributes for this member.
    • getAttributes
      The attribute values for a product item. These are additional properties that give extra information about the product being sold.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
      A resource group's associated attributes.
    • getAttributes
    • getAttributes
      Attributes of an external authentication binding.
    • getAttributes
      Attributes of an external authentication binding.
    • getAttributes
      Attributes of an external authentication binding.
    • getAttributes
      Attributes of an external authentication binding.
    • getAttributes
    • getAuthenticationDefault
      The default authentication type used for both phases of the negotiation process. The default value is set to MD5.
    • getAuthenticationOptions
      Authentication options available for both phases of the negotiation process. The authentication options are as follows: * MD5 * SHA1 * SHA256
    • getAuthenticationRecord
      The SoftLayer account authentication that has an attribute.
    • getAuthenticationToken
      This method generate user authentication token and return [SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token) object which will be used to authenticate user to login to SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getAuthenticationToken
      This method generate user authentication token and return [SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token) object which will be used to authenticate user to login to SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getAuthenticationToken
      This method generate user authentication token and return [SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token) object which will be used to authenticate user to login to SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getAuthenticationUrl
      Returns URL used to authenticate reviewers
    • getAuthorizationUrl
      Gets the URL used to perform manager validation.
    • getAuthorizingUser
      The user that authorized this firewall update request.
    • getAuxiliaryNotifications
    • getAvailabilityAttributes
      Attributes that govern when an item may no longer be available.
    • getAvailableBillingTermChangePrices
      Retrieves a list of available term prices to this hardware. Currently, price terms are only available for increasing term length to monthly billed servers.
    • getAvailableBillingTermChangePrices
      Retrieves a list of available term prices to this hardware. Currently, price terms are only available for increasing term length to monthly billed servers.
    • getAvailableBillingTermChangePrices
      Retrieves a list of available term prices to this hardware. Currently, price terms are only available for increasing term length to monthly billed servers.
    • getAvailableBillingTermChangePrices
      Retrieves a list of available term prices to this hardware. Currently, price terms are only available for increasing term length to monthly billed servers.
    • getAvailableBillingTermChangePrices
      Retrieves a list of available term prices to this hardware. Currently, price terms are only available for increasing term length to monthly billed servers.
    • getAvailableBlockDevicePositions
    • getAvailableBootModes
      Returns a collection of boot modes that are supported for primary disks.
    • getAvailableCountries
      Use this method to retrieve a list of countries and locale information available to the current user.
    • getAvailableFlag
      Flag to indecate whether or not the reserved instance is available or not.
    • getAvailableInstances
      The instances available for guest provisions on this reserved capacity group.
    • getAvailableLocations
      A collection of valid locations for this package. (Deprecated - Use [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getRegions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getRegions))
    • getAvailableMatchingVlans
    • getAvailableMatchingVlans
    • getAvailableMonitoring
      An object that stores the maximum level for the monitoring query types and response types.
    • getAvailableMonitoring
      An object that stores the maximum level for the monitoring query types and response types.
    • getAvailableMonitoring
      An object that stores the maximum level for the monitoring query types and response types.
    • getAvailableMonitoring
      An object that stores the maximum level for the monitoring query types and response types.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      Retrieves the combination of network storage devices and replicas this subnet has NOT been granted access to. Allows for filtering based on storage device type.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress.
    • getAvailableNetworkStorages
      This method retrieves a list of SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that can be authorized to this SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.
    • getAvailableObjectStorageDatacenters
      Object Storage is only available in select datacenters. This method will return all the datacenters where object storage is available.
    • getAvailableObjectStorageDatacenters
      Object Storage is only available in select datacenters. This method will return all the datacenters where object storage is available.
    • getAvailablePackagesForImageTemplate
    • getAvailablePublicNetworkVlans
      The public network VLANs assigned to an account.
    • getAvailableRouters
      This method will get the available backend routers to order a dedicated host.
    • getAvailableRouters
      Returns all routers available for use with placement groups. If a datacenter location ID is provided, this method will further restrict the list of routers to ones contained within that datacenter.
    • getAvailableSecureTransportCiphers
      Yields a list of the SSL/TLS encryption ciphers that are currently supported on this virtual IP address instance.
    • getAvailableSecureTransportProtocols
      Yields a list of the secure communication protocols that are currently supported on this virtual IP address instance. The list of supported ciphers for each protocol is culled to match availability.
    • getAvailableSlots
    • getAvailableStorageUnits
      The maximum number of available disk storage units associated with the servers in a package.
    • getAvailableStorageUnits
    • getAverageArchiveUsageMetricDataByDate
      Returns the average disk space usage for all archive repositories.
    • getAverageDailyBandwidthUsage
      The average daily total bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyBandwidthUsage
      The average daily total bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyBandwidthUsage
      The average daily total bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The average daily private bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The average daily private bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The average daily private bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The average daily private bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDailyPublicBandwidthUsage
      The average daily public bandwidth usage for the current billing cycle.
    • getAverageDiskUsageMetricDataFromInfluxByDate
      Returns the average disk space usage for a storage repository.
    • getAverageInstallationDuration
      The average amount of time that a software component takes to install.
    • getAverageInstallationDuration
      The average amount of time that a software component takes to install.
    • getAverageInstallationDuration
      The average amount of time that a software component takes to install.
    • getAverageInstallationDuration
      The average amount of time that a software component takes to install.
    • getAverageInstallationDuration
      The average amount of time that a software description takes to install.
    • getAveragePublicUsageMetricDataByDate
      Returns the average disk space usage for all public repositories.
    • getAverageUsageMetricDataByDate
      Returns the average disk space usage for a storage repository.
    • getAwaitingUserResponseFlag
      Ticket is waiting on a response from a customer flag.
    • getBackendBandwidthUsage
      Use this method to return an array of private bandwidth utilization records between a given date range. This method represents the NEW version of getFrontendBandwidthUse
    • getBackendBandwidthUsage
      Use this method to return an array of private bandwidth utilization records between a given date range. This method represents the NEW version of getFrontendBandwidthUse
    • getBackendBandwidthUsage
      Use this method to return an array of private bandwidth utilization records between a given date range. This method represents the NEW version of getFrontendBandwidthUse
    • getBackendHardwareRouters
    • getBackendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendMacAddresses
      The getBackendMacAddresses method retrieves a list of backend MAC addresses for the resource
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's back-end or private network components.
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's back-end or private network components.
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's back-end or private network components.
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's back-end or private network components.
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's back-end or private network components.
    • getBackendNetworkComponents
      A guests's backend network components.
    • getBackendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getBackendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing private network traffic used between the given start date and end date parameters. When entering start and end dates, only the month, day and year are used to calculate bandwidth totals - the time (HH:MM:SS) is ignored and defaults to midnight. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes.
    • getBackendRouter
      The backend router behind dedicated host's pool of resources.
    • getBackendRouter
      The router the placement group is implemented on.
    • getBackendRouter
      The router the reserved capacity group is implemented on.
    • getBackendRouters
      A hardware's backend or private router.
    • getBackendRouters
      A hardware's backend or private router.
    • getBackendRouters
      A hardware's backend or private router.
    • getBackendRouters
      A hardware's backend or private router.
    • getBackendRouters
      A hardware's backend or private router.
    • getBackendRouters
      A guest's backend or private router.
    • getBalance
      The account balance of a SoftLayer customer account. An account's balance is the amount of money owed to SoftLayer by the account holder, returned as a floating point number with two decimal places, measured in US Dollars ($USD). A negative account balance means the account holder has overpaid and is owed money by SoftLayer.
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      The bandwidth allocation for a billing item.
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      The bandwidth allocation for a billing item.
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A firewall's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllocation
      A computing instance's allotted bandwidth (measured in GB).
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A hardware's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A hardware's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A hardware's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A hardware's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A hardware's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentDetail
      A computing instance's allotted detail record. Allotment details link bandwidth allocation with allotments.
    • getBandwidthAllotments
      The bandwidth allotments for an account.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentsOverAllocation
      The bandwidth allotments for an account currently over allocation.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentsProjectedOverAllocation
      The bandwidth allotments for an account projected to go over allocation.
    • getBandwidthAllotmentType
      The bandwidth allotment type of this virtual rack.
    • getBandwidthCategories
    • getBandwidthData
      Retrieve a collection of raw bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Raw data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthDataByDate
    • getBandwidthDataByDate
      Use this method when needing the metric data for bandwidth for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters based on the date ranges
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of bandwidth data from an individual public or private network tracking object. Data is ideal if you with to employ your own traffic storage and graphing systems.
    • getBandwidthGraph
      Retrieve a PNG image of a bandwidth graph representing the bandwidth usage over time recorded by SofTLayer's bandwidth pollers.
    • getBandwidthImage
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single server. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified. Use the $draw flag to suppress the generation of the actual binary PNG image.
    • getBandwidthImage
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single server. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified. Use the $draw flag to suppress the generation of the actual binary PNG image.
    • getBandwidthImage
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single server. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified. Use the $draw flag to suppress the generation of the actual binary PNG image.
    • getBandwidthImage
      This method recurses through all servers on a Bandwidth Pool for a given snapshot range, gathers the necessary parameters, and then calls the bandwidth graphing server. The return result is a container that includes the min and max dates for all servers to be used in the query, as well as an image in PNG format. This method uses the new and improved drawing routines which should return in a reasonable time frame now that the new backend data warehouse is used.
    • getBandwidthImage
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified.
    • getBandwidthImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single application delivery controller. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getBandwidthImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a bandwidth image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getBandwidthList
    • getBandwidthTotal
      Retrieve the total amount of bandwidth recorded by a tracking object within the given date range. This method will only work on SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object for SoftLayer_Hardware objects, and SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects.
    • getBandwidthTotal
      Returns the total amount of bandwidth used during the time specified for a computing instance.
    • getBareMetalInstances
      An account's associated bare metal server objects.
    • getBareMetalInstances
      The bare metal server instances contained within a virtual rack.
    • getBareMetalReservedCapacityFlag
      Signifies pricing that is only available on a bare metal reserved capacity order.
    • getBareMetalReservedFlag
      When true this preset is for ordering a Bare Metal Reserved server.
    • getBenchmarkCertifications
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's benchmark certifications.
    • getBenchmarkCertifications
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's benchmark certifications.
    • getBenchmarkCertifications
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's benchmark certifications.
    • getBenchmarkCertifications
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's benchmark certifications.
    • getBenchmarkCertifications
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's benchmark certifications.
    • getBgpIpRange
    • getBigDataOsJournalDiskFlag
      Whether the price is for Big Data OS/Journal disks only. (Deprecated)
    • getBillableChildren
      A billing item's recurring child items that have once been billed and are scheduled to be billed in the future.
    • getBillableChildren
      A billing item's recurring child items that have once been billed and are scheduled to be billed in the future.
    • getBillingAgreements
      All billing agreements for an account
    • getBillingCancellationReasonCategory
      An billing cancellation reason category.
    • getBillingCancellationReasons
      The corresponding billing cancellation reasons having the specific billing cancellation reason category.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle. One object is returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this firewall is attached to.
    • getBillingCycleBandwidthUsage
      The raw bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle. One object will be returned for each network this server is attached to.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw private network bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePrivateBandwidthUsage
      The raw private bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      A virtual rack's raw public network bandwidth usage data for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicBandwidthUsage
      The raw public bandwidth usage data for the current billing cycle.
    • getBillingCyclePublicUsageTotal
      The total public bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getBillingInfo
      An account's billing information.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for the original request.
    • getBillingItem
      An Invoice Item's billing item, from which this item was generated.
    • getBillingItem
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item tied to the order item.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a server.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a server.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a server.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a server.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a server.
    • getBillingItem
      The bandwidth allotment that the reservation belongs to.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Application Delivery Controller.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for the load balancer virtual IP. This is only valid when dedicatedFlag is false. This is an independent virtual IP, and if canceled, will only affect the associated virtual IP.
    • getBillingItem
      A virtual rack's billing item.
    • getBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which is active.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Hardware Firewall (Dedicated).
    • getBillingItem
      The active billing item for a network interconnect.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for the Load Balancer.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a network message delivery account.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a network message delivery account.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which is active. Includes billing items which are scheduled to be cancelled in the future.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a Storage volume.
    • getBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which is active. Includes billing items which are scheduled to be cancelled in the future.
    • getBillingItem
      The active billing item for this subnet.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for this Global IP.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for network tunnel.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for this VLAN.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a Hardware Firewall (Dedicated).
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software account license.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software component.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software component.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software component.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software component.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a software virtual license.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for external authentication.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for external authentication.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for external authentication.
    • getBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for external authentication.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for the dedicated host.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a virtual disk image.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for a CloudLayer Compute Instance.
    • getBillingItem
      The billing item for the reserved capacity group instance.
    • getBillingItem
      The current billing item for a storage repository.
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBillingItemCategory
    • getBillingItemFlag
      A flag indicating that a billing item exists.
    • getBillingItemFlag
      A flag indicating that a billing item exists.
    • getBillingItemFlag
      A flag indicating that a billing item exists.
    • getBillingItemFlag
      A flag indicating that a billing item exists.
    • getBillingItemFlag
      A flag indicating that a billing item exists.
    • getBillingItems
      The billing items associated with an agreement.
    • getBillingItems
      The corresponding billing items having the specific cancellation reason.
    • getBillingItems
      The billing items associated with an account that share a category code with an item category's category code.
    • getBillingItemSnapshots
      Returns snapshots of billing items recorded periodically given an account ID owned by the brand those billing items belong to. Retrieving billing item snapshots is more performant than retrieving billing items directly and performs less relational joins improving retrieval efficiency. The downside is, they are not real time, and do not share relational parity with the original billing item.
    • getBillingItemSnapshotsForSingleOwnedAccount
      This service returns the snapshots of billing items recorded periodically given an account ID. The provided account ID must be owned by the brand that calls this service. In this context, it can be interpreted that the billing items snapshots belong to both the account and that accounts brand. Retrieving billing item snapshots is more performant than retrieving billing items directly and performs less relational joins improving retrieval efficiency. The downside is, they are not real time, and do not share relational parity with the original billing item.
    • getBillingItemSnapshotsWithExternalAccountId
      This service returns the snapshots of billing items recorded periodically given an account ID owned by the brand those billing items belong to. Retrieving billing item snapshots is more performant than retrieving billing items directly and performs less relational joins improving retrieval efficiency. The downside is, they are not real time, and do not share relational parity with the original billing item.
    • getBillingType
      An item's special billing type, if applicable.
    • getBiosPasswordNullFlag
      Determine if BIOS password should be left as null.
    • getBiosPasswordNullFlag
      Determine if BIOS password should be left as null.
    • getBiosPasswordNullFlag
      Determine if BIOS password should be left as null.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the hardware is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the hardware is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the hardware is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the hardware is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the hardware is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockCancelBecauseDisconnectedFlag
      Determines whether the instance is ineligible for cancellation because it is disconnected.
    • getBlockDevices
      The block devices that a disk image is attached to. Block devices connect computing instances to disk images.
    • getBlockDevices
      A computing instance's block devices. Block devices link [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) to computing instances.
    • getBlockDevices
      The block devices that are part of an image template group
    • getBlockDevicesDiskSpaceTotal
      The total disk space of all images in a image template group.
    • getBlockDeviceTemplateGroup
      The global identifier for the image template that was used to provision or reload a guest.
    • getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      Private template group objects (parent and children) and the shared template group objects (parent only) for an account.
    • getBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      The image template groups that are linked to an SSH key.
    • getBlockSelfServiceBrandMigration
      Flag indicating whether this account is restricted from performing a self-service brand migration by updating their credit card details.
    • getBluemixAccountId
    • getBluemixAccountLink
      The Platform account link associated with this SoftLayer account, if one exists.
    • getBluemixLinkedFlag
      Returns true if this account is linked to IBM Bluemix, false if not.
    • getBmsCountries
    • getBmsCountryList
    • getBnppCompliantFlag
      A flag indicating whether or not the datacenter/location is BNPP compliant.
    • getBnppCompliantFlag
      A flag indicating whether or not the datacenter/location is BNPP compliant.
    • getBnppSupportedFlag
      A ticket's associated BNPP compliant record
    • getBootableVolumeFlag
    • getBootMode
      Retrieves the boot mode of the VSI.
    • getBootMode
      This method returns the boot mode, if any, set on a given image template.
    • getBootModeOptions
      Retrieve the valid boot modes for this server
    • getBootModeOptions
      Retrieve the valid boot modes for this server
    • getBootModeOptions
      Retrieve the valid boot modes for this server
    • getBootOrder
    • getBoundDescendants
    • getBoundRouterFlag
      Indicates whether this subnet is associated to a network router and is routable on the network.
    • getBoundRouters
      The list of network routers that this subnet is directly associated with, defining where this subnet may be routed on the network.
    • getBoundSubnets
      Associated subnets for a router object.
    • getBoundSubnets
      Subnets which are directly bound to one or more routers in a given datacenter, and currently allow routing.
    • getBrand
    • getBrand
    • getBrand
      Brand associated with the business partner data
    • getBrand
      This references the brand that has a brand-location-country restriction setup.
    • getBrandAccountFlag
    • getBrandAtInvoiceCreation
    • getBrandCountryRestrictions
      This references relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on this brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
    • getBrandKeyName
      The brand keyName.
    • getBrowserConsoleAccessLogs
      A virtual guest's browser access logs.
    • getBuckets
      Get buckets
    • getBundle
      An item's included product item references. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles objects. See the SoftLayer_Product_Item::bundleItems property for bundle of SoftLayer_Product_Item of objects.
    • getBundledItems
      A Billing Item's bundled billing items.
    • getBundledItems
      A Billing Item's bundled billing items.
    • getBundledItems
      The other items included with an ordered item.
    • getBundleItems
      An item's included products. Some items have other items included in them that we specifically detail. They are here called Bundled Items. An example is Plesk unlimited. It as a bundled item labeled 'SiteBuilder'. These are the SoftLayer_Product_Item objects.
    • getBundleReferences
      cross reference for bundles
    • getBusinessContinuanceInsuranceFlag
      Status indicating whether or not a piece of hardware has business continuance insurance.
    • getBusinessContinuanceInsuranceFlag
      Status indicating whether or not a piece of hardware has business continuance insurance.
    • getBusinessContinuanceInsuranceFlag
      Status indicating whether or not a piece of hardware has business continuance insurance.
    • getBusinessContinuanceInsuranceFlag
      Status indicating whether or not a piece of hardware has business continuance insurance.
    • getBusinessContinuanceInsuranceFlag
      Status indicating whether or not a piece of hardware has business continuance insurance.
    • getBusinessPartner
      The Business Partner details for the account. Country Enterprise Code, Channel, Segment, Reseller Level.
    • getBusinessPartner
      Business Partner details for the brand. Country Enterprise Code, Channel, Segment, Reseller Level.
    • getBusinessPartnerFlag
      Flag indicating if the brand is a business partner.
    • getByDescription
      The '''getByDescription''' method retrieves all possible partition templates based on the description (required parameter) entered when calling the method. The description is typically the operating system's name. Current recognized values include 'linux', 'windows', 'freebsd', and 'Debian'.
    • getByDomainName
      Search for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain) records by domain name. getByDomainName() performs an inclusive search for domain records, returning multiple records based on partial name matches. Use this method to locate domain records if you don't have access to their id numbers.
    • getByDomainName
      Search for [SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary) records by domain name. getByDomainName() performs an inclusive search for secondary domain records, returning multiple records based on partial name matches. Use this method to locate secondary domain records if you don't have access to their id numbers.
    • getByIpAddress
      Search for an IP address record by IP address.
    • getByolFlag
      A flag indicating that customer is providing the software licenses.
    • getBypassRequestStatus
      Administrative bypass request status.
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume, in bytes.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getByUsername
      Retrieve network storage accounts by username and storage account type. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by username rather than by id. The ''type'' parameter must correspond to one of the available ''nasType'' values in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type.
    • getCanceledChildren
      A Billing Item's active child billing items.
    • getCanceledChildren
      A Billing Item's active child billing items.
    • getCancelFailureReasons
      Evaluates this VLAN for cancellation and returns a list of descriptions why this VLAN may not be cancelled. If the result is empty, this VLAN may be cancelled.
    • getCancellationCutoffDate
      Services can be canceled 2 or 3 days prior to your next bill date. This service returns the time by which a cancellation request submission is permitted in the current billing cycle. If the current time falls into the cut off date, this will return next earliest cancellation cut off date. Available category codes are: service, server
    • getCancellationReason
      The billing item's cancellation reason.
    • getCancellationReason
      The billing item's cancellation reason.
    • getCancellationRequest
      A service cancellation request.
    • getCancellationRequests
      This will return any cancellation requests that are associated with this billing item.
    • getCancellationRequests
      This will return any cancellation requests that are associated with this billing item.
    • getCancelledBillingItem
      An associated parent billing item which has been cancelled.
    • getCanOrderAdditionalVlansFlag
      [DEPRECATED] All accounts may order VLANs.
    • getCapabilities
      Provides the list of capabilities a Pod fulfills. See [SoftLayer_Network_Pod::listCapabilities](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Pod/listCapabilities) for more information on capabilities.
    • getCapacity
      Returns the Gbps capacity of the gateway object
    • getCapacityMaximum
      When the product capacity is best described as a range, this holds the ceiling of the range.
    • getCapacityMinimum
      When the product capacity is best described as a range, this holds the floor of the range.
    • getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag
      This flag indicates that this product is restricted by a capacity on a related product.
    • getCapacityRestrictionMaximum
      The maximum capacity value for which this price is suitable.
    • getCapacityRestrictionMinimum
      The minimum capacity value for which this price is suitable.
    • getCapacityRestrictionType
      The type of capacity restriction by which this price must abide.
    • getCapacityUsage
      Returns the capacity usage for an IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getCaptureEnabledFlag
      Determine if the server is able to be image captured. If unable to image capture a reason will be provided.
    • getCaptureEnabledFlag
      Determine if the server is able to be image captured. If unable to image capture a reason will be provided.
    • getCaptureEnabledFlag
      Determine if the server is able to be image captured. If unable to image capture a reason will be provided.
    • getCart
      A cart is similar to a quote, except that it can be continually modified by the customer and does not have locked-in prices. Not all orders will have a cart associated with them. See [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart) for more information.
    • getCartByCartKey
      Retrieve a valid cart record of a SoftLayer order.
    • getCarts
      An account's active carts.
    • getCatalog
      The Product Catalog for the Brand
    • getCatalog
    • getCatalystEnrollments
    • getCategories
      An item's associated item categories.
    • getCategories
      All categories which this item is a member.
    • getCategories
      This is a collection of categories ([SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category)) associated with a package which can be used for ordering. These categories have several objects prepopulated which are useful when determining the available products for purchase. The categories contain groups ([SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Category_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Category_Group)) that organize the products and prices by similar features. For example, operating systems will be grouped by their manufacturer and virtual server disks will be grouped by their disk type (SAN vs. local). Each group will contain prices ([SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price)) which you can use determine the cost of each product. Each price has a product ([SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item)) which provides the name and other useful information about the server, service or software you may purchase.
    • getCategories
      The item categories that are included in this package preset configuration.
    • getCategory
      This invoice item's 'item category'.
    • getCategory
      The item category to which the billing item's item belongs.
    • getCategory
      The item category to which the billing item's item belongs.
    • getCategory
      The item category tied to an order item.
    • getCategory
    • getCdnItems
    • getCdnUrls
    • getCdnUrls
    • getCdnUrls
    • getChangeOwnerActivity
    • getChannel
      Channel indicator used to categorize business partner revenue.
    • getChannel
      Channel indicator used to categorize business partner revenue.
    • getChargebackType
      Chargeback type for invoice.
    • getChat
      The chat between the Customer and Agent
    • getChildren
      An Invoice Item's child invoice items. Only parent invoice items have children. For instance, a server invoice item will have children.
    • getChildren
      A Billing Item's child billing items'
    • getChildren
      A Billing Item's child billing items'
    • getChildren
      The child order items for an order item. All server order items should have children. These children are considered a part of the server.
    • getChildren
      Members of the rack.
    • getChildren
      The immediate descendants of this subnet.
    • getChildren
    • getChildren
      A child subject
    • getChildren
      The image template groups that are clones of an image template group.
    • getChildrenHardware
      Child hardware.
    • getChildrenHardware
      Child hardware.
    • getChildrenHardware
      Child hardware.
    • getChildrenHardware
      Child hardware.
    • getChildrenHardware
      Child hardware.
    • getChildrenWithActiveAgreement
      A Billing Item's active child billing items.
    • getChildrenWithActiveAgreement
      A Billing Item's active child billing items.
    • getChildUsers
      A portal user's child users. Some portal users may not have child users.
    • getChildUsers
      A portal user's child users. Some portal users may not have child users.
    • getChildUsers
      A portal user's child users. Some portal users may not have child users.
    • getClosedTickets
      All closed tickets associated with an account.
    • getClosedTickets
      An user's associated closed tickets.
    • getClosedTickets
      An user's associated closed tickets.
    • getClosedTickets
      An user's associated closed tickets.
    • getClosestToLanguageTag
      Get the closest locale for the language tag (ISO 639-1 & 3166-1) format.
    • getCloudInitFlag
      Check if cloud-init is enabled.
    • getCloudObjectStorageMetrics
      Makes a request to Cloud Object Storage metricsAPI service and when successful, returns an associative array with two elements: if 200: [ <response Status Code String>, <JSON from metricsAPI as outlined below as String> ] if not 200: [ <response Status Code String>, <response body as String> ] { 'start': '<timeInMilliseconds>', 'errors': [], 'end': '<timeInMilliseconds>', 'resource_type': 'account', 'warnings': [], 'resources': [{'metrics' : [{'name': 'retrieval', 'value': '<number>'}]}] } Notes: 1) When no data is found for a particular triplet (resource_id, storage_location, storage_class) a JSON element is inserted to the warnings Array. 2) If all queried triplets find data, only the resources Array will be populated, errors and warnings will remain empty.
    • getCloudStorageItems
    • getClusterResource
    • getClusterResource
    • getClusterResource
    • getCoalescedDiskImages
    • getCompanyType
    • getCompanyType
      Catalyst company types.
    • getCompanyTypes
    • getCompanyTypes
    • getCompatibleArrayTypes
    • getCompatibleChildComponentModels
      All the component models that are compatible with a hardware component model.
    • getCompatibleParentComponentModels
      All the component models that a hardware component model is compatible with.
    • getCompatibleSoftwareDescriptions
      A list of the software descriptions that are compatible with this software description.
    • getCompletedFlag
      Indicates that the upgrade request has completed or has been cancelled.
    • getComponentDetailsXML
    • getComponentDetailsXML
    • getComponentDetailsXML
    • getComponentDetailsXML
    • getComponentDetailsXML
    • getComponents
      A piece of hardware's components.
    • getComponents
      A piece of hardware's components.
    • getComponents
      A piece of hardware's components.
    • getComponents
      A piece of hardware's components.
    • getComponents
      A piece of hardware's components.
    • getComputeGroup
      The compute family this configuration belongs to.
    • getComputingCategories
      This method returns a collection of computing categories. These categories are also top level items in a service offering.
    • getConfiguration
      The item categories associated with a package, including information detailing which item categories are required as part of a SoftLayer product order.
    • getConfiguration
      The preset configuration (category and price).
    • getConfigurationHistory
      Previous configurations for an Application Delivery Controller.
    • getConfigurationSection
    • getConfigurationSections
    • getConfigurationTemplates
      Some product items have configuration templates which can be used to during provisioning of that product.
    • getConflicts
      An item's conflicts. For example, McAfee LinuxShield cannot be ordered with Windows. It was not meant for that operating system and as such is a conflict.
    • getConnection
    • getConsoleAccessLog
      Gets the console access logs for a computing instance
    • getConsoleData
      A container for a guest's console data
    • getConsoleIpAddressFlag
      A flag indicating a computing instance's console IP address is assigned.
    • getConsoleIpAddressRecord
      A record containing information about a computing instance's console IP and port number.
    • getContactInformation
      Retrieve the contact information for the brand such as the corporate or support contact. This will include the contact name, telephone number, fax number, email address, and mailing address of the contact.
    • getContacts
      The contacts for the brand.
    • getContainerList
      This method returns a collection of container objects.
    • getContainsSolidStateDrivesFlag
    • getContainsSolidStateDrivesFlag
    • getContainsSolidStateDrivesFlag
    • getContextTunnelTranslations
      An IPSec network tunnel's address translations. These translations use a SoftLayer ip address from an assigned static NAT subnet to deliver the packets to the remote (customer) destination.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection/server backup software component object.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection/server backup software component object.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection/server backup software component object.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection/server backup software component object.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection/server backup software component object.
    • getContinuousDataProtectionSoftwareComponent
      A continuous data protection software component object.
    • getController
      The application delivery controller that a configuration history record belongs to.
    • getControlPanel
      A server's control panel.
    • getControlPanel
      A server's control panel.
    • getControlPanel
      A server's control panel.
    • getControlPanel
      A guest's control panel.
    • getCopyOnWriteFlag
    • getCoreRestrictedItemFlag
      This flag indicates that this product is restricted by the number of cores on the compute instance. This is deprecated. Use [SoftLayer_Product_Item::getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item/getCapacityRestrictedProductFlag)
    • getCoreRestrictedItems
      The [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item) that are core restricted
    • getCoreRestrictedOperatingSystemPrice
      If the virtual server currently has an operating system that has a core capacity restriction, return the associated core-restricted operating system item price. Some operating systems (e.g., Red Hat Enterprise Linux) may be billed by the number of processor cores, so therefore require that a certain number of cores be present on the server.
    • getCost
      The total cost of a server, measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • getCost
      The total cost of a server, measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • getCost
      The total cost of a server, measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • getCountries
      Use this method to retrieve a list of countries and locale information such as country code and state/provinces.
    • getCountriesAndStates
      This method will return a collection of [SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_CountryCode](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_CountryCode) objects. If the country has states, a [SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_StateCode](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_StateCode) collection will be provided with the country.
    • getCountriesWithListOfEligibleCurrencies
      Get map between countries and what currencies can be supported for customers in that country.
    • getCountry
      SoftLayer_Locale_Country Id.
    • getCourier
      The courier handling the shipment.
    • getCourier
    • getCpuMetricDataByDate
      Use this method when needing the metric data for a single guest's CPUs. It will gather the correct input parameters based on the date ranges
    • getCpuMetricImage
      Use this method when needing a cpu usage image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified.
    • getCpuMetricImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a CPU usage image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getCreateEmployee
      The employee who created the shipment.
    • getCreateEmployee
      The employee who created the tracking datum.
    • getCreateEmployee
      The employee user who created the request.
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a server, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration).
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a server, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration).
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a server, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration).
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a server, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration).
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a server, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration).
    • getCreateObjectOptions
      There are many options that may be provided while ordering a computing instance, this method can be used to determine what these options are. Detailed information on the return value can be found on the data type page for [SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration).
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created this address.
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created the media object.
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created the request.
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created the shipment.
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created the tracking datum.
    • getCreateUser
      The customer user who created the request.
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCreationScheduleId
      The schedule id which was executed to create a snapshot.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential this allowed host uses.
    • getCredentialExpirationDate
      The date that a VeriSign credential expires.
    • getCredentialLastUpdateDate
      The last time a VeriSign credential was updated.
    • getCredentialLimit
      Returns credential limits for this IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getCredentials
    • getCredentials
    • getCredentials
      Credentials used for generating an AWS signature. Max of 2.
    • getCredentials
    • getCredentialState
      The current state of a VeriSign credential. This can be 'Enabled', 'Disabled', or 'Locked'.
    • getCredentialType
      The type of VeriSign credential. This can be either 'Hardware' or 'Software'.
    • getCreditCardTransactions
      All credit card transactions associated with this order. If this order was not placed with a credit card, this will be empty.
    • getCurrencies
    • getCurrency
    • getCurrency
      Currency to be used by this customer account.
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBandwidthSummary
      An object that provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBenchmarkCertificationResultFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with the current benchmark certification result, if such a file exists. If there is no file for this benchmark certification result, calling this method throws an exception.
    • getCurrentBenchmarkCertificationResultFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with the current benchmark certification result, if such a file exists. If there is no file for this benchmark certification result, calling this method throws an exception.
    • getCurrentBenchmarkCertificationResultFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with the current benchmark certification result, if such a file exists. If there is no file for this benchmark certification result, calling this method throws an exception.
    • getCurrentBillableBandwidthUsage
      The current billable public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBillableBandwidthUsage
      The current billable public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBillableBandwidthUsage
      The current billable public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBillableBandwidthUsage
      The current billable public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBillableBandwidthUsage
      The current billable public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentBillingCycle
      Information related to an account's current and previous billing cycles.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this hardware for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this hardware for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this hardware for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this hardware for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this hardware for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingDetail
      Get the billing detail for this instance for the current billing period. This does not include bandwidth usage.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this hardware in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point the method is called on the hardware.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this hardware in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point the method is called on the hardware.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this hardware in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point the method is called on the hardware.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this hardware in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point the method is called on the hardware.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this hardware in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point the method is called on the hardware.
    • getCurrentBillingTotal
      Get the total bill amount in US Dollars ($) for this instance in the current billing period. This includes all bandwidth used up to the point this method is called on the instance.
    • getCurrentCompatiblePlatformNames
      Get compatible platform names currently set on the template group.
    • getCurrentCyclePeakUsage
      Peak number of bytes used in the vault for the current billing cycle.
    • getCurrentExchangeRate
      The current exchange rate
    • getCurrentHostIpsPolicies
      Get the current Host IPS policies.
    • getCurrentHostIpsPolicies
      Get the current Host IPS policies.
    • getCurrentNotifications
      Retrieve an array of SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency data types, which contain all current notification events.
    • getCurrentUser
      Retrieve the user record of the user calling the SoftLayer API.
    • getCustomer
    • getCustomerCountryLocationRestrictions
      This references relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on this brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
    • getCustomerInstalledOperatingSystemFlag
      Indicates if a server has a Customer Installed OS
    • getCustomerInstalledOperatingSystemFlag
      Indicates if a server has a Customer Installed OS
    • getCustomerInstalledOperatingSystemFlag
      Indicates if a server has a Customer Installed OS
    • getCustomerInvoicingMetrics
      Get the static & dynamic bandwidth and mapping hits of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account over a given period of time. Frequency can be 'day', 'aggregate'. If the value 'day' is specified for Frequency, return data will be ordered based on startDate to endDate, and if the value 'aggregate' is specified for Frequency, aggregated data from startDate to endDate will be returned. There is a delay within 3 days(including today) for fetching the metrics data.
    • getCustomerManagedFlag
      If false, this VIP and associated services may be edited via the portal or the API. If true, you must configure this VIP manually on the device.
    • getCustomerOwnedFlag
      Indicates if a server is a customer owned device.
    • getCustomerOwnedFlag
      Indicates if a server is a customer owned device.
    • getCustomerOwnedFlag
      Indicates if a server is a customer owned device.
    • getCustomerOwnedLicenseDescriptions
    • getCustomerRealTimeMetrics
      Get the realtime metrics data for the current account. Takes the startTime and endTime and returns the total metrics data and line graph metrics data divided by the timeInterval.
    • getCustomerSubnets
      Remote subnets that are allowed access through a network tunnel.
    • getCustomerUsageMetrics
      Get the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account over a given period of time
    • getCustomUsageRatesCategories
    • getDailyAverage
      The '''getDailyAverage''' method calculates the average daily network traffic used by the selected server. Using the required parameter ''dateTime'' to enter a start and end date, the user retrieves this average, measure in gigabytes (GB) for the specified date range. When entering parameters, only the month, day and year are required - time entries are omitted as this method defaults the time to midnight in order to account for the entire day.
    • getDailyAverage
      The '''getDailyAverage''' method calculates the average daily network traffic used by the selected server. Using the required parameter ''dateTime'' to enter a start and end date, the user retrieves this average, measure in gigabytes (GB) for the specified date range. When entering parameters, only the month, day and year are required - time entries are omitted as this method defaults the time to midnight in order to account for the entire day.
    • getDailyAverage
      The '''getDailyAverage''' method calculates the average daily network traffic used by the selected server. Using the required parameter ''dateTime'' to enter a start and end date, the user retrieves this average, measure in gigabytes (GB) for the specified date range. When entering parameters, only the month, day and year are required - time entries are omitted as this method defaults the time to midnight in order to account for the entire day.
    • getDailyAverage
      The '''getDailyAverage''' method calculates the average daily network traffic used by the selected server. Using the required parameter ''dateTime'' to enter a start and end date, the user retrieves this average, measure in gigabytes (GB) for the specified date range. When entering parameters, only the month, day and year are required - time entries are omitted as this method defaults the time to midnight in order to account for the entire day.
    • getDailyAverage
      The '''getDailyAverage''' method calculates the average daily network traffic used by the selected server. Using the required parameter ''dateTime'' to enter a start and end date, the user retrieves this average, measure in gigabytes (GB) for the specified date range. When entering parameters, only the month, day and year are required - time entries are omitted as this method defaults the time to midnight in order to account for the entire day.
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getDailySchedule
      The Daily Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getData
      An individual partition for a partition template. This is identical to 'partitionTemplatePartition' except this will sort unix partitions.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter where the media resides.
    • getDatacenter
      Information regarding the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenter
      Information regarding the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenter
      Information regarding the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenter
      Information regarding the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenter
      Information regarding the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that the application delivery controller resides in.
    • getDatacenter
      Datacenter, where load balancer is located.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter this subnet is primarily associated with.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter location for one end of the network tunnel that allows access to account's private subnets.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter this VLAN is associated with.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that the firewall resides in.
    • getDatacenter
      The getDatacenter method retrieves the name of the datacenter in which the resource is located.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that the dedicated host resides in.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that a virtual guest resides in.
    • getDatacenter
      The location containing this image template group. Will only be populated for child template group objects.
    • getDatacenter
      The datacenter that a virtual storage repository resides in.
    • getDatacenterId
      The getDatacenterId retrieves the ID for the datacenter in which the resource is located.
    • getDatacenterName
      The name of the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenterName
      The name of the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenterName
      The name of the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenterName
      The name of the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenterName
      The name of the datacenter in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getDatacenterName
    • getDatacenters
      Retrieve all datacenter locations. SoftLayer's datacenters exist in various cities and each contain one or more server rooms which house network and server infrastructure.
    • getDatacenters
      Retrieve all datacenter locations. SoftLayer's datacenters exist in various cities and each contain one or more server rooms which house network and server infrastructure.
    • getDatacenters
      The datacenters in a group.
    • getDatacenters
      A collection of locations containing a copy of this image template group. Will only be populated for parent template group objects.
    • getDatacentersWithSubnetAllocations
      Datacenters which contain subnets that the account has access to route.
    • getDatacentersWithVirtualImageStoreServiceResourceRecord
    • getDatacentersWithVirtualImageStoreServiceResourceRecord
    • getDay
      The hour parameter of this schedule.
    • getDayOfMonth
      The day of the month parameter of this schedule.
    • getDayOfWeek
      The day of the week parameter of this schedule.
    • getDaysInSparePool
      Number of day(s) a server have been in spare pool.
    • getDaysInSparePool
      Number of day(s) a server have been in spare pool.
    • getDaysInSparePool
      Number of day(s) a server have been in spare pool.
    • getDaysInSparePool
      Number of day(s) a server have been in spare pool.
    • getDaysInSparePool
      Number of day(s) a server have been in spare pool.
    • getDedicatedBillingItem
      The current billing item for the load balancing device housing the virtual IP. This billing item represents a device which could contain other virtual IPs. Caution should be taken when canceling. This is only valid when dedicatedFlag is true.
    • getDedicatedClusterList
    • getDedicatedFirewallFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a firewall device. This does not include Hardware Firewalls.
    • getDedicatedHost
      The dedicated host associated with this guest.
    • getDedicatedHostInstanceFlag
      Signifies pricing that is only available on a dedicated host virtual server order.
    • getDedicatedHosts
      An account's associated virtual dedicated host objects.
    • getDedicatedHosts
      The dedicated hosts to which the user has been granted access.
    • getDedicatedHosts
      The dedicated hosts to which the user has been granted access.
    • getDedicatedHosts
      The dedicated hosts to which the user has been granted access.
    • getDedicatedHostsForImageTemplate
      This returns a collection of dedicated hosts that are valid for a given image template.
    • getDefaultAccount
      This method is not applicable to legacy SoftLayer-authenticated users and can only be invoked for IBMid-authenticated users.
    • getDefaultAccount
      This API gets the account associated with the default user for the OpenIdConnect identity that is linked to the current active SoftLayer user identity. When a single active user is found for that IAMid, it becomes the default user and the associated account is returned. When multiple default users are found only the first is preserved and the associated account is returned (remaining defaults see their default flag unset). If the current SoftLayer user identity isn't linked to any OpenIdConnect identity, or if none of the linked users were found as defaults, the API returns null. Invoke this only on IAMid-authenticated users.
    • getDefaultAccount
      This API gets the account associated with the default user for the OpenIdConnect identity that is linked to the current active SoftLayer user identity. When a single active user is found for that IAMid, it becomes the default user and the associated account is returned. When multiple default users are found only the first is preserved and the associated account is returned (remaining defaults see their default flag unset). If the current SoftLayer user identity isn't linked to any OpenIdConnect identity, or if none of the linked users were found as defaults, the API returns null. Invoke this only on IAMid-authenticated users.
    • getDefaultBootCategoryCode
      The default boot category code for the package.
    • getDefaultBootMode
      This method returns the default boot mode set by the software description
    • getDefaultPool
    • getDefaultPreference
      Details such name, keyname, minimum and maximum values for the preference.
    • getDefaultRamItems
      A collection of valid RAM items available for purchase in this package.
    • getDefaultValue
    • getDefaultValues
    • getDefinedSoftwareLicenseFlag
      Whether this price defines a software license for its product item.
    • getDefinition
    • getDefinitions
    • getDefinitions
    • getDeliveryMethods
      The delivery methods used to send the subscribed notification.
    • getDeliveryMethods
      The delivery methods used to send the subscribed notification.
    • getDeliveryMethods
      The delivery methods used to send the subscribed notification.
    • getDepartment
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicate
      Whether or not a network storage volume is a dependent duplicate.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDependentDuplicates
      The network storage volumes configured to be dependent duplicates of a volume.
    • getDeploymentNodeType
      The node type for a package in a solution deployment.
    • getDeploymentPackages
      The packages that are allowed in a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • getDeployments
      The package that represents a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • getDeploymentType
      The solution deployment type.
    • getDescendants
      The descendants of this subnet, including all parents and children.
    • getDescription
      A brief description of an application delivery controller record.
    • getDestinationAddress
      The address at which the shipment is received.
    • getDestinationBrand
    • getDestinationIpAddress
    • getDetail
      [Deprecated] The [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) object this property belongs to
    • getDetail
      [Deprecated] The related [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail).
    • getDetailedPdfGeneratedFlag
      A flag that will reflect whether the detailed version of the pdf has been generated.
    • getDetailReferences
      [Deprecated] The cross-reference records that tie the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) objects to the registration object.
    • getDetails
      [Deprecated] References to the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) that consume this detail object.
    • getDetails
      The bandwidth allotment detail records associated with this virtual rack.
    • getDetailsForDateRange
      Retrieve a collection of detailed metric data over a date range. Ideal if you want to employ your own graphing systems. Note not all metrics support this method. Those that do not return null.
    • getDetailType
      [Deprecated] The associated type of this detail object.
    • getDeviceConfiguration
      The device configurations.
    • getDeviceModel
      The model of device assigned to this request.
    • getDeviceStatus
      The device status of this virtual guest.
    • getDiffieHellmanGroupDefault
      The default Diffie-Hellman group used for both phases of the negotiation process. The default value is set to 2.
    • getDiffieHellmanGroupOptions
      The Diffie-Hellman group options used for both phases of the negotiation process. The diffie-hellman group options are as follows: * 0 (None) * 1 * 2 * 5
    • getDirectLinkSpeeds
    • getDisablePaymentProcessingFlag
      A flag indicating whether payments are processed for this account.
    • getDisallowCustomDiskPartitions
      This flag indicates the package does not allow custom disk partitions.
    • getDisallowedComputeGroupUpgradeFlag
      When true this preset is only allowed to upgrade/downgrade to other presets in the same compute family.
    • getDisallowedDeletionFlag
    • getDiskFileExtension
      Return disk file extension
    • getDiskImages
      The [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) that are in a storage repository. Disk images are the virtual hard drives for a virtual guest.
    • getDiskImageStorageGroup
    • getDisplayLabel
      [DEPRECATED] The description of this subnet.
    • getDisplaySupportRepresentativeAssignments
      The SoftLayer employees that an account is assigned to.
    • getDistributor
    • getDistributorChildFlag
    • getDistributorFlag
    • getDomain
      The domain that a resource record belongs to.
    • getDomain
      The domain that a resource record belongs to.
    • getDomain
      The domain that a resource record belongs to.
    • getDomain
      The domain record created by zone transfer from a secondary DNS record.
    • getDomain
      The getDomain method retrieves the hostname for the resource.
    • getDomains
      The DNS domains associated with an account.
    • getDomainsWithoutSecondaryDnsRecords
      The DNS domains associated with an account that were not created as a result of a secondary DNS zone transfer.
    • getDoNotContactFlag
      Indicates whether the owner of the quote chosen to no longer be contacted.
    • getDoNotContactFlag
      Indicates whether the owner of the quote chosen to no longer be contacted.
    • getDowngradeItem
      Some product items have a downgrade path. This is the first product item in the downgrade path.
    • getDowngradeItems
      For product items which have a downgrade path defined, this will return those product items.
    • getDowngradeItems
      For product items which have a downgrade path defined, this will return those product items.
    • getDowngradeItems
      Some product items have a downgrade path. These are those product items.
    • getDownlinkComponent
      The network component linking this object to a child device
    • getDownlinkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkNetworkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkNetworkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkNetworkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkNetworkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkNetworkHardware
      All hardware that has uplink network connections to a piece of hardware.
    • getDownlinkServers
      Information regarding all servers attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkServers
      Information regarding all servers attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkServers
      Information regarding all servers attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkServers
      Information regarding all servers attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkServers
      Information regarding all servers attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownlinkVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamHardwareBindings
      All hardware downstream from a network device.
    • getDownstreamHardwareBindings
      All hardware downstream from a network device.
    • getDownstreamHardwareBindings
      All hardware downstream from a network device.
    • getDownstreamHardwareBindings
      All hardware downstream from a network device.
    • getDownstreamHardwareBindings
      All hardware downstream from a network device.
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardware
      All network hardware downstream from the selected piece of hardware.
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardware
      All network hardware downstream from the selected piece of hardware.
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardware
      All network hardware downstream from the selected piece of hardware.
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardware
      All network hardware downstream from the selected piece of hardware.
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardware
      All network hardware downstream from the selected piece of hardware.
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardwareWithIncidents
      All network hardware with monitoring warnings or errors that are downstream from the selected piece of hardware. [DEPRECATED]
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardwareWithIncidents
      All network hardware with monitoring warnings or errors that are downstream from the selected piece of hardware. [DEPRECATED]
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardwareWithIncidents
      All network hardware with monitoring warnings or errors that are downstream from the selected piece of hardware. [DEPRECATED]
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardwareWithIncidents
      All network hardware with monitoring warnings or errors that are downstream from the selected piece of hardware. [DEPRECATED]
    • getDownstreamNetworkHardwareWithIncidents
      All network hardware with monitoring warnings or errors that are downstream from the selected piece of hardware. [DEPRECATED]
    • getDownstreamServers
      Information regarding all servers attached downstream to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamServers
      Information regarding all servers attached downstream to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamServers
      Information regarding all servers attached downstream to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamServers
      Information regarding all servers attached downstream to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamServers
      Information regarding all servers attached downstream to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDownstreamVirtualGuests
      Information regarding all virtual guests attached to a piece of network hardware.
    • getDPart
      This is the DPart for invoice item.
    • getDriveControllers
      The drive controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getDriveControllers
      The drive controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getDriveControllers
      The drive controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getDriveControllers
      The drive controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getDriveControllers
      The drive controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getDriveRetentionItemPrice
      Return a drive retention SoftLayer_Item_Price object for a guest.
    • getDuplexMode
      The duplex mode of a network component.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getDuplicateConversionStatus
      This method is used to check, if for the given classic file block storage volume, a transaction performing dependent to independent duplicate conversion is active. If yes, then this returns the current percentage of its progress along with its start time as [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation] object with its name, percentage and transaction start timestamp.
    • getEditor
      The user or SoftLayer employee who created a ticket update.
    • getEligibilityStrategy
      Eligibility strategy to assess if a customer can order using this price.
    • getEmailAddress
      The contact e-mail address used by SendGrid.
    • getEmailList
    • getEmployeeAccessToken
      Exchanges a code for a token during manager validation.
    • getEmployeeAttachments
    • getEnabled
    • getEncryptionAttributes
      This method returns an array of encryption values, or empty array if none are found
    • getEncryptionDefault
      The default encryption type used for both phases of the negotiation process. The default value is set to 3DES.
    • getEncryptionOptions
      Encryption options available for both phases of the negotiation process. The valid encryption options are as follows: * DES * 3DES * AES128 * AES192 * AES256
    • getEndPointIpAddress
      The IP address target of this statically routed subnet.
    • getEndpoints
      Returns a collection of endpoint URLs available to this IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getEndpointSubnets
      All the subnets routed to an IP address.
    • getEndpointsWithRefetch
      Returns a collection of endpoint URLs available to this IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getEnrollmentRequestAnnualRevenueOptions
    • getEnrollmentRequestUserCountOptions
    • getEnrollmentRequestYearsInOperationOptions
    • getErrorMessages
      The error messages created during secondary DNS record transfer.
    • getEuCompliantFlag
      A flag indicating whether or not the datacenter/location is EU compliant.
    • getEuCompliantFlag
      A flag indicating whether or not the datacenter/location is EU compliant.
    • getEuSupportedFlag
      Boolean flag dictating whether or not this account has the EU Supported flag. This flag indicates that this account uses IBM Cloud services to process EU citizen's personal data.
    • getEuSupportedFlag
      A ticket's associated EU compliant record
    • getEvaultCapacityGB
      The total capacity of Legacy EVault Volumes on an account, in GB.
    • getEvaultMasterUsers
      An account's master EVault user. This is only used when an account has EVault service.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      An account's associated EVault storage volumes.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getEvaultNetworkStorage
      A guest's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getEvents
      The events which have taken place on a network storage volume.
    • getEvents
      Events which have been created as the result of a schedule execution.
    • getEvents
      [Deprecated] The related registration events.
    • getExcel
      Retrieve a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet of a SoftLayer invoice. You must have a Microsoft Excel reader installed in order to view these invoice files.
    • getExcel
      Return an account's next invoice in a Microsoft excel format.
    • getExchangeRate
    • getExchangeRate
    • getExpireDate
    • getExpiredFlag
      A flag to indicate that the presale event is expired. A presale event is expired if the current time is after the end date.
    • getExpiredSecurityCertificates
      Stored security certificates that are expired (ie. SSL)
    • getExtensionRouter
      [DEPRECATED] The extension router that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getExtensionWhitelist
    • getExtensionWhitelist
    • getExternalBindings
      The external authentication bindings that link an external identifier to a SoftLayer user.
    • getExternalBindings
      The external authentication bindings that link an external identifier to a SoftLayer user.
    • getExternalBindings
      The external authentication bindings that link an external identifier to a SoftLayer user.
    • getExternalPaymentAuthorizationReceipt
      This method simply returns a receipt for a previously finalized payment authorization from PayPal. The response matches the response returned from placeOrder when the order was originally placed with PayPal as the payment type.
    • getExternalResourceCategories
    • getFacilityLogs
      Logs of who entered a colocation area which is assigned to this account, or when a user under this account enters a datacenter.
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailbackNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failback
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFailoverNotAllowed
      Determines whether the volume is allowed to failover
    • getFeaturedPartners
    • getFeatures
      The feature attributes of a software description.
    • getFile
      Gets a File Entity container with the user's account's current MSA PDF. Gets a translation if one is available. Otherwise, gets the master document.
    • getFile
    • getFile
      This method returns a file object given the file's full name.
    • getFileAttachment
      The files attached to a ticket update.
    • getFileBlockBetaAccessFlag
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileBlockEncryptedLocations
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve details such as id, name, size, create date of a file within a Storage account. This does not download file content.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the file number of files in a Virtual Server Storage account's root directory. This does not include the files stored in the recycle bin.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileList
      This method returns a collection of the file objects within a container and the given path.
    • getFileList
      Retrieve list of files in a given folder for this account.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFileNetworkMountAddress
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Address Name for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilePendingDeleteCount
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the number of files pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFilesPendingDelete
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve a list of files that are pending deletion in a Storage account's recycle bin. Files in an account's recycle bin may either be restored to the account's root directory or permanently deleted. This method does not download file content.
    • getFilteredAssociatedChildren
      An Invoice Item's associated child invoice items, excluding some items with a $0.00 recurring fee. Only parent invoice items have associated children. For instance, a server invoice item may have associated children.
    • getFilteredNextInvoiceChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items, excluding some items with a $0.00 recurring fee.
    • getFilteredNextInvoiceChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items, excluding some items with a $0.00 recurring fee.
    • getFirewallContextAccessControlLists
    • getFirewallContextAccessControlLists
    • getFirewallFirmwareVersion
      Retrieve the firewall device firmware version from database.
    • getFirewallGuestNetworkComponents
      The VSI network interfaces connected to this VLAN and associated with a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallInterfaces
      The context for the firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getFirewallNetworkComponents
      The uplinks of the hardware network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN and associated with a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves the IP addresses routed on this VLAN that are protectable by a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      Get the subnets associated with this server that are protectable by a network component firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      Get the subnets associated with this server that are protectable by a network component firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      Get the subnets associated with this server that are protectable by a network component firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves the subnets routed on this VLAN that are protectable by a Hardware Firewall.
    • getFirewallProtectableSubnets
      Get the subnets associated with this CloudLayer computing instance that are protectable by a network component firewall.
    • getFirewallRules
      The access rules for the firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's firewall services.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's firewall services.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's firewall services.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's firewall services.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's firewall services.
    • getFirewallServiceComponent
      A computing instance's hardware firewall services.
    • getFirewallType
      The firewall device type.
    • getFirewallUpdateRequest
      The update request that this rule belongs to.
    • getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes
      Get the possible attribute values for a firewall update request rule. These are the valid values which may be submitted as rule parameters for a firewall update request. ''getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes'' returns a SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Firewall_Rule_Attribute object upon success.
    • getFirmwareQuantity
    • getFirmwares
    • getFirstAttachedResource
      The first physical or virtual server attached to a ticket.
    • getFirstAvailableBlockDevicePosition
    • getFirstChild
      The first clone of the image template group
    • getFirstOrderStep
      The Softlayer order step is optionally step-based. This returns the first SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Step in the step-based order process.
    • getFirstUpdate
      The first update for this event.
    • getFirstUpdate
      The first update made to a ticket. This is typically the contents of a ticket when it's created.
    • getFixedConfigurationFlag
      A package preset with this flag set will not allow the price's defined in the preset configuration to be overriden during order placement.
    • getFixedConfigurationPreset
      Defines the fixed components in a fixed configuration bare metal server.
    • getFixedConfigurationPreset
      Defines the fixed components in a fixed configuration bare metal server.
    • getFixedConfigurationPreset
      Defines the fixed components in a fixed configuration bare metal server.
    • getFixedConfigurationPreset
      Defines the fixed components in a fixed configuration bare metal server.
    • getFixedConfigurationPreset
      Defines the fixed components in a fixed configuration bare metal server.
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFixReplicationCurrentStatus
    • getFlexibleCreditEnrollments
      All of the account's current and former Flexible Credit enrollments.
    • getFlexibleCreditProgramInfo
      [DEPRECATED] Please use SoftLayer_Account::getFlexibleCreditProgramsInfo. This method will return a [SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program) object containing the Flexible Credit Program information for this account. To be considered an active participant, the account must have an enrollment record with a monthly credit amount set and the current date must be within the range defined by the enrollment and graduation date. The forNextBillCycle parameter can be set to true to return a SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program object with information with relation to the next bill cycle. The forNextBillCycle parameter defaults to false. Please note that all discount amount entries are reported as pre-tax amounts and the legacy tax fields in the [SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program) are deprecated.
    • getFlexibleCreditProgramsInfo
      This method will return a [SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program_Collection](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program_Collection) object containing information on all of the Flexible Credit Programs your account is enrolled in. To be considered an active participant, the account must have at least one enrollment record with a monthly credit amount set and the current date must be within the range defined by the enrollment and graduation date. The forNextBillCycle parameter can be set to true to return a SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program_Collection object with information with relation to the next bill cycle. The forNextBillCycle parameter defaults to false. Please note that all discount amount entries are reported as pre-tax amounts.
    • getFlexImageFlag
      A flag indicating if this is a flex image.
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getFolderList
      Retrieve a list of level 1 folders for this account.
    • getForcePaasAccountLinkDate
      Timestamp representing the point in time when an account is required to link with PaaS.
    • getFrontendBandwidthUsage
      Use this method to return an array of public bandwidth utilization records between a given date range. This method represents the NEW version of getFrontendBandwidthUse
    • getFrontendBandwidthUsage
      Use this method to return an array of public bandwidth utilization records between a given date range. This method represents the NEW version of getFrontendBandwidthUse
    • getFrontendBandwidthUsage
      Use this method to return an array of public bandwidth utilization records between a given date range. This method represents the NEW version of getFrontendBandwidthUse
    • getFrontendHardwareRouters
    • getFrontendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. When entering the ''dateTime'' parameter, only the month, day and year of the start and end dates are required - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight by default and cannot be changed. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. When entering the ''dateTime'' parameter, only the month, day and year of the start and end dates are required - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight by default and cannot be changed. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. When entering the ''dateTime'' parameter, only the month, day and year of the start and end dates are required - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight by default and cannot be changed. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. When entering the ''dateTime'' parameter, only the month, day and year of the start and end dates are required - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight by default and cannot be changed. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendIncomingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendIncomingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of incoming public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. When entering the ''dateTime'' parameter, only the month, day and year of the start and end dates are required - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight by default and cannot be changed. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendMacAddresses
      The getFrontendMacAddresses method retrieves a list of frontend MAC addresses for the resource
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's front-end or public network components.
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's front-end or public network components.
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's front-end or public network components.
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's front-end or public network components.
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's front-end or public network components.
    • getFrontendNetworkComponents
      A guest's frontend network components.
    • getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. The ''dateTime'' parameter requires only the day, month and year to be entered - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight be default in order to gather the data for the entire start and end date indicated in the parameter. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. The ''dateTime'' parameter requires only the day, month and year to be entered - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight be default in order to gather the data for the entire start and end date indicated in the parameter. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. The ''dateTime'' parameter requires only the day, month and year to be entered - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight be default in order to gather the data for the entire start and end date indicated in the parameter. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. The ''dateTime'' parameter requires only the day, month and year to be entered - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight be default in order to gather the data for the entire start and end date indicated in the parameter. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth
      The '''getFrontendOutgoingBandwidth''' method retrieves the amount of outgoing public network traffic used by a server between the given start and end date parameters. The ''dateTime'' parameter requires only the day, month and year to be entered - the time (hour, minute and second) are set to midnight be default in order to gather the data for the entire start and end date indicated in the parameter. The amount of bandwidth retrieved is measured in gigabytes (GB).
    • getFrontendRouters
      A hardware's frontend or public router.
    • getFrontendRouters
      A hardware's frontend or public router.
    • getFrontendRouters
      A hardware's frontend or public router.
    • getFrontendRouters
      A hardware's frontend or public router.
    • getFrontendRouters
      A hardware's frontend or public router.
    • getFrontendRouters
      A guest's frontend or public router.
    • getFsboaSupportedFlag
      A ticket's associated FSBOA compliant record
    • getFullyQualifiedDomainName
      A name reflecting the hostname and domain of the firewall. This is created from the combined values of the firewall's logical name and vlan number automatically, and thus can not be edited directly.
    • getFullyQualifiedDomainName
      The getFullyQualifiedDomainName method provides the user with a combined return which includes the hostname and domain for the resource. Because this method returns multiple pieces of information, it avoids the need to use multiple methods to return the desired information.
    • getFundingCurrency
    • getFutureBillingItem
      Information regarding the future billing item for a server.
    • getFutureBillingItem
      Information regarding the future billing item for a server.
    • getFutureBillingItem
      Information regarding the future billing item for a server.
    • getFutureBillingItem
      Information regarding the future billing item for a server.
    • getFutureBillingItem
      Information regarding the future billing item for a server.
    • getGatewayApplianceFlag
      Whether the package is a specialized network gateway appliance package.
    • getGatewayMember
      The gateway member has these attributes.
    • getGatewaySoftwareDescription
      The gateway software description for the member.
    • getGenericComponentModelAvailability
      An API to retrieve Generic Components Model availability at data centers
    • getGeoblocking
    • getGeoblockingAllowedTypesAndRegions
    • getGlobalCategoryConflicts
      An item's category conflicts. For example, 10 Gbps redundant network functionality cannot be ordered with a secondary GPU and as such is a conflict.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A hardware's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A hardware's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A hardware's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A hardware's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A hardware's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A hardware's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      The getId getGlobalIdentifier retrieves the globalIdentifier for the resource
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      A guest's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIdentifier
      An image template's universally unique identifier.
    • getGlobalIpRecord
    • getGlobalIpRecords
    • getGlobalIpv4Records
    • getGlobalIpv6Records
    • getGpuCount
      The number of GPUs attached to the guest.
    • getGpuFlag
      This flag indicates that the package supports GPUs.
    • getGpuType
      The name of the GPU type attached to the guest.
    • getGraph
      Retrieve a PNG image of a metric in graph form.
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getGraph
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} getGraph() retrieves a Storage account's usage and returns a PNG graph image, title, and the minimum and maximum dates included in the graphed date range. Virtual Server storage accounts can also graph upload and download bandwidth usage.
    • getGraphImage
      Get the graph image for a load balancer service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getGraphImage
      Get the graph image for a load balancer service group based on the supplied graph type and metric. The only available graph type currently is: 'connections', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getGraphImage
      Get the graph image for a load balancer service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getGroup
    • getGroup
      This invoice item's 'item category group'.
    • getGroup
      The SoftLayer department that a ticket is assigned to.
    • getGroup
    • getGroupReferences
    • getGroups
      A location can be a member of 1 or more groups. This will show which groups to which a location belongs.
    • getGroups
      A location can be a member of 1 or more groups. This will show which groups to which a location belongs.
    • getGroups
    • getGroups
      A collection of service offering category groups. Each group contains a collection of items associated with this category.
    • getGroups
      The groups that are of this type.
    • getGroups
    • getGroupType
      The type which defines this group.
    • getGroupType
      The type which defines this group.
    • getGroupType
      The type which defines this group.
    • getGuest
      The downstream virtual server that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getGuest
      The virtual guest a security scan is run against.
    • getGuest
      The virtual guest object that will be monitored.
    • getGuest
    • getGuest
      The computing instance that this network component exists on.
    • getGuest
      The virtual guest associated with this reserved capacity group instance.
    • getGuestBootParameter
    • getGuestBootParameterType
    • getGuestNetworkComponent
      The network component of the guest virtual server that this network component firewall belongs to.
    • getGuestNetworkComponent
      A network component that is statically routed to an IP address.
    • getGuestNetworkComponentBinding
      A network component that is statically routed to an IP address.
    • getGuestNetworkComponents
      The VSI network interfaces connected to this VLAN.
    • getGuests
      The guests associated with the dedicated host.
    • getGuests
      The virtual guests that are members of the placement group.
    • getGuests
      The computing instances that have disk images in a storage repository.
    • getGwOrdersAllowedLicenses
    • getGwOrdersAllowedOS
      Used to get a list per package of prices ids for allowed vSRX or vFSA OS-es for new orders.
    • getHardDrives
      The hard drives contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getHardDrives
      The hard drives contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getHardDrives
      The hard drives contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getHardDrives
      The hard drives contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getHardDrives
      The hard drives contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getHardware
      An account's associated hardware objects.
    • getHardware
      An account's associated hardware objects.
    • getHardware
      Information regarding the piece of hardware on which a benchmark certification test was performed.
    • getHardware
      The hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getHardware
      The hardware that a network component resides in.
    • getHardware
      The downstream server that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getHardware
      The device for this member.
    • getHardware
      The hardware that is being monitored by this monitoring instance
    • getHardware
      The hardware object that these monitoring permissions applies to.
    • getHardware
      The hardware a security scan is run against.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardware
      When applicable, the hardware associated with a Storage service.
    • getHardware
      The Bare Metal devices which have been assigned a primary IP address from this subnet.
    • getHardware
      A server that this IP address is routed to.
    • getHardware
      The hardware with network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN.
    • getHardware
      The hardware this Software Component is installed upon.
    • getHardware
      The hardware this Software Component is installed upon.
    • getHardware
      The hardware this Software Component is installed upon.
    • getHardware
      The hardware this Software Component is installed upon.
    • getHardware
      A portal user's accessible hardware. These permissions control which hardware a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getHardware
      The hardware object that will be monitored.
    • getHardware
      A portal user's accessible hardware. These permissions control which hardware a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getHardware
      A portal user's accessible hardware. These permissions control which hardware a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getHardware
      The hardware record which a virtual host resides on.
    • getHardwareByIpAddress
      Retrieve a server by searching for the primary IP address.
    • getHardwareByIpAddress
      Retrieve a server by searching for the primary IP address.
    • getHardwareByIpAddress
      Retrieve a server by searching for the primary IP address.
    • getHardwareChassis
      The chassis that a piece of hardware is housed in.
    • getHardwareChassis
      The chassis that a piece of hardware is housed in.
    • getHardwareChassis
      The chassis that a piece of hardware is housed in.
    • getHardwareChassis
      The chassis that a piece of hardware is housed in.
    • getHardwareChassis
      The chassis that a piece of hardware is housed in.
    • getHardwareChild
    • getHardwareComponentModels
    • getHardwareComponents
      A hardware component model's physical components in inventory.
    • getHardwareCount
      Retrieve the number of servers that a portal user has access to. Portal users can have restrictions set to limit services for and to perform actions on hardware. You can set these permissions in the portal by clicking the 'administrative' then 'user admin' links.
    • getHardwareCount
      Retrieve the number of servers that a portal user has access to. Portal users can have restrictions set to limit services for and to perform actions on hardware. You can set these permissions in the portal by clicking the 'administrative' then 'user admin' links.
    • getHardwareCount
      Retrieve the number of servers that a portal user has access to. Portal users can have restrictions set to limit services for and to perform actions on hardware. You can set these permissions in the portal by clicking the 'administrative' then 'user admin' links.
    • getHardwareFirewalls
    • getHardwareFirewalls
    • getHardwareFunction
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunction
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunction
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunction
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunction
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      A hardware's function.
    • getHardwareFunctionDescription
      The object's function.
    • getHardwareGenericComponent
      The component type tied to an order item. All hardware-specific items should have a generic hardware component.
    • getHardwareGenericComponentModel
      The non-vendor specific generic component model for a hardware component model.
    • getHardwareGenericComponentModel
      The generic hardware component that this item represents.
    • getHardwareMembers
      A resource group's associated hardware members.
    • getHardwareNotifications
      Hardware notifications associated with this user. A hardware notification links a user to a piece of hardware, and that user will be notified if any monitors on that hardware fail, if the monitors have a status of 'Notify User'.
    • getHardwareNotifications
      Hardware notifications associated with this user. A hardware notification links a user to a piece of hardware, and that user will be notified if any monitors on that hardware fail, if the monitors have a status of 'Notify User'.
    • getHardwareNotifications
      Hardware notifications associated with this user. A hardware notification links a user to a piece of hardware, and that user will be notified if any monitors on that hardware fail, if the monitors have a status of 'Notify User'.
    • getHardwareOverBandwidthAllocation
      An account's associated hardware objects currently over bandwidth allocation.
    • getHardwareParent
    • getHardwarePools
      Return a collection of managed hardware pools.
    • getHardwareProjectedOverBandwidthAllocation
      An account's associated hardware objects projected to go over bandwidth allocation.
    • getHardwareRouters
    • getHardwareState
      A hardware's power/transaction state.
    • getHardwareState
      A hardware's power/transaction state.
    • getHardwareState
      A hardware's power/transaction state.
    • getHardwareState
      A hardware's power/transaction state.
    • getHardwareState
      A hardware's power/transaction state.
    • getHardwareStatus
      A hardware's status.
    • getHardwareStatus
      A hardware's status.
    • getHardwareStatus
      A hardware's status.
    • getHardwareStatus
      A hardware's status.
    • getHardwareStatus
      A hardware's status.
    • getHardwareWithCpanel
      All hardware associated with an account that has the cPanel web hosting control panel installed.
    • getHardwareWithEvaultFirst
      Retrieve a list of hardware associated with a SoftLayer customer account, placing all hardware with associated EVault storage accounts at the beginning of the list. The return type is SoftLayer_Hardware_Server[] contains the results; the number of items returned in the result will be returned in the soap header (totalItems). ''getHardwareWithEvaultFirst'' is useful in situations where you wish to search for hardware and provide paginated output. Results are only returned for hardware belonging to the account of the user making the API call. This method drives the backup page of the SoftLayer customer portal. It serves a very specific function, but we have exposed it as it may prove useful for API developers too.
    • getHardwareWithHelm
      All hardware associated with an account that has the Helm web hosting control panel installed.
    • getHardwareWithMcafee
      All hardware associated with an account that has McAfee Secure software components.
    • getHardwareWithMcafeeAntivirusRedhat
      All hardware associated with an account that has McAfee Secure AntiVirus for Redhat software components.
    • getHardwareWithMcafeeAntivirusWindows
      All hardware associated with an account that has McAfee Secure AntiVirus for Windows software components.
    • getHardwareWithMcafeeIntrusionDetectionSystem
      All hardware associated with an account that has McAfee Secure Intrusion Detection System software components.
    • getHardwareWithPlesk
      All hardware associated with an account that has the Plesk web hosting control panel installed.
    • getHardwareWithQuantastor
      All hardware associated with an account that has the QuantaStor storage system installed.
    • getHardwareWithUrchin
      All hardware associated with an account that has the Urchin web traffic analytics package installed.
    • getHardwareWithWindows
      All hardware associated with an account that is running a version of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
    • getHasAcknowledgedSupportPolicyFlag
      Whether or not a user has acknowledged the support policy.
    • getHasAcknowledgedSupportPolicyFlag
      Whether or not a user has acknowledged the support policy.
    • getHasAcknowledgedSupportPolicyFlag
      Whether or not a user has acknowledged the support policy.
    • getHasAgentAdvancedSupportFlag
    • getHasAgentSupportFlag
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHasEncryptionAtRest
    • getHasEvaultBareMetalRestorePluginFlag
      Return 1 if one of the account's hardware has the EVault Bare Metal Server Restore Plugin otherwise 0.
    • getHasFullDedicatedHostAccessFlag
      Permission granting the user access to all Dedicated Host devices on the account.
    • getHasFullDedicatedHostAccessFlag
      Permission granting the user access to all Dedicated Host devices on the account.
    • getHasFullDedicatedHostAccessFlag
      Permission granting the user access to all Dedicated Host devices on the account.
    • getHasFullHardwareAccessFlag
      Whether or not a portal user has access to all hardware on their account.
    • getHasFullHardwareAccessFlag
      Whether or not a portal user has access to all hardware on their account.
    • getHasFullHardwareAccessFlag
      Whether or not a portal user has access to all hardware on their account.
    • getHasFullVirtualGuestAccessFlag
      Whether or not a portal user has access to all virtual guests on their account.
    • getHasFullVirtualGuestAccessFlag
      Whether or not a portal user has access to all virtual guests on their account.
    • getHasFullVirtualGuestAccessFlag
      Whether or not a portal user has access to all virtual guests on their account.
    • getHasIderaBareMetalRestorePluginFlag
      Return 1 if one of the account's hardware has an installation of Idera Server Backup otherwise 0.
    • getHasPendingOrder
      The number of orders in a PENDING status for a SoftLayer customer account.
    • getHasR1softBareMetalRestorePluginFlag
      Return 1 if one of the account's hardware has an installation of R1Soft CDP otherwise 0.
    • getHasSingleRootVirtualizationBillingItemFlag
      Determine if hardware has Single Root IO VIrtualization (SR-IOV) billing item.
    • getHasSingleRootVirtualizationBillingItemFlag
      Determine if hardware has Single Root IO VIrtualization (SR-IOV) billing item.
    • getHasSingleRootVirtualizationBillingItemFlag
      Determine if hardware has Single Root IO VIrtualization (SR-IOV) billing item.
    • getHasTrustedPlatformModuleBillingItemFlag
      Determine in hardware object has TPM enabled.
    • getHasTrustedPlatformModuleBillingItemFlag
      Determine in hardware object has TPM enabled.
    • getHasTrustedPlatformModuleBillingItemFlag
      Determine in hardware object has TPM enabled.
    • getHasTrustedPlatformModuleBillingItemFlag
      Determine in hardware object has TPM enabled.
    • getHasTrustedPlatformModuleBillingItemFlag
      Determine in hardware object has TPM enabled.
    • getHealthCheck
    • getHealthCheck
    • getHealthChecks
    • getHealthMonitors
      Health monitors for the backend members.
    • getHideFromPortalFlag
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN is associated with a firewall device in a high availability configuration.
    • getHighAvailabilityFirewallFlag
    • getHighAvailabilityFlag
      Denotes whether the virtual IP is configured within a high availability cluster.
    • getHookType
    • getHost
      The virtual host on which a virtual guest resides (available only on private clouds).
    • getHostHardware
      The hardware record to which the software virtual license is assigned.
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding a host IPS software component object.
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding a host IPS software component object.
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding a host IPS software component object.
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding a host IPS software component object.
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      Information regarding a host IPS software component object.
    • getHostIpsSoftwareComponent
      A host IPS software component object.
    • getHostname
      The getHostname method retrieves the hostname for the resource.
    • getHostUptimeDetail
    • getHostUptimeGraphData
    • getHotlinkProtection
    • getHour
      The hour parameter of this schedule.
    • getHourlyBandwidth
      The '''getHourlyBandwidth''' method retrieves all bandwidth updates hourly for the specified hardware. Because the potential number of data points can become excessive, the method limits the user to obtain data in 24-hour intervals. The required ''dateTime'' parameter is used as the starting point for the query and will be calculated for the 24-hour period starting with the specified date and time. For example, entering a parameter of '02/01/2008 0:00' results in a return of all bandwidth data for the entire day of February 1, 2008, as 0:00 specifies a midnight start date. Please note that the time entered should be completed using a 24-hour clock (military time, astronomical time). For data spanning more than a single 24-hour period, refer to the getBandwidthData function on the metricTrackingObject for the piece of hardware.
    • getHourlyBandwidth
      The '''getHourlyBandwidth''' method retrieves all bandwidth updates hourly for the specified hardware. Because the potential number of data points can become excessive, the method limits the user to obtain data in 24-hour intervals. The required ''dateTime'' parameter is used as the starting point for the query and will be calculated for the 24-hour period starting with the specified date and time. For example, entering a parameter of '02/01/2008 0:00' results in a return of all bandwidth data for the entire day of February 1, 2008, as 0:00 specifies a midnight start date. Please note that the time entered should be completed using a 24-hour clock (military time, astronomical time). For data spanning more than a single 24-hour period, refer to the getBandwidthData function on the metricTrackingObject for the piece of hardware.
    • getHourlyBandwidth
      The '''getHourlyBandwidth''' method retrieves all bandwidth updates hourly for the specified hardware. Because the potential number of data points can become excessive, the method limits the user to obtain data in 24-hour intervals. The required ''dateTime'' parameter is used as the starting point for the query and will be calculated for the 24-hour period starting with the specified date and time. For example, entering a parameter of '02/01/2008 0:00' results in a return of all bandwidth data for the entire day of February 1, 2008, as 0:00 specifies a midnight start date. Please note that the time entered should be completed using a 24-hour clock (military time, astronomical time). For data spanning more than a single 24-hour period, refer to the getBandwidthData function on the metricTrackingObject for the piece of hardware.
    • getHourlyBandwidth
      The '''getHourlyBandwidth''' method retrieves all bandwidth updates hourly for the specified hardware. Because the potential number of data points can become excessive, the method limits the user to obtain data in 24-hour intervals. The required ''dateTime'' parameter is used as the starting point for the query and will be calculated for the 24-hour period starting with the specified date and time. For example, entering a parameter of '02/01/2008 0:00' results in a return of all bandwidth data for the entire day of February 1, 2008, as 0:00 specifies a midnight start date. Please note that the time entered should be completed using a 24-hour clock (military time, astronomical time). For data spanning more than a single 24-hour period, refer to the getBandwidthData function on the metricTrackingObject for the piece of hardware.
    • getHourlyBandwidth
      The '''getHourlyBandwidth''' method retrieves all bandwidth updates hourly for the specified hardware. Because the potential number of data points can become excessive, the method limits the user to obtain data in 24-hour intervals. The required ''dateTime'' parameter is used as the starting point for the query and will be calculated for the 24-hour period starting with the specified date and time. For example, entering a parameter of '02/01/2008 0:00' results in a return of all bandwidth data for the entire day of February 1, 2008, as 0:00 specifies a midnight start date. Please note that the time entered should be completed using a 24-hour clock (military time, astronomical time). For data spanning more than a single 24-hour period, refer to the getBandwidthData function on the metricTrackingObject for the piece of hardware.
    • getHourlyBareMetalInstances
      An account's associated hourly bare metal server objects.
    • getHourlyBillingAvailableFlag
      Determines whether the package contains prices that can be ordered hourly.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A server's hourly billing status.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A server's hourly billing status.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A server's hourly billing status.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A server's hourly billing status.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A server's hourly billing status.
    • getHourlyBillingFlag
      A guest's hourly billing status.
    • getHourlyFlag
      Indicating whether this invoice item is billed on an hourly basis.
    • getHourlyFlag
      A flag that will reflect whether this billing item is billed on an hourly basis or not.
    • getHourlyFlag
      A flag that will reflect whether this billing item is billed on an hourly basis or not.
    • getHourlyOnlyOrders
      Packages with this flag do not allow monthly orders.
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getHourlySchedule
      The Hourly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getHourlyServiceBillingItems
      Hourly service billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getHourlyVirtualGuests
      An account's associated hourly virtual guest objects.
    • getHubNetworkStorage
      An account's associated Virtual Storage volumes.
    • getIbmCustomerNumber
      Unique identifier for a customer used throughout IBM.
    • getIbmIdAuthenticationRequiredFlag
      Indicates whether this account requires IBMid authentication.
    • getIbmIdLink
      Specifically relating the Customer instance to an IBMid. A Customer instance may or may not have an IBMid link.
    • getIbmIdLink
      Specifically relating the Customer instance to an IBMid. A Customer instance may or may not have an IBMid link.
    • getIbmIdLink
      Specifically relating the Customer instance to an IBMid. A Customer instance may or may not have an IBMid link.
    • getIbmIdMigrationExpirationTimestamp
      This key is deprecated and should not be used.
    • getIcpBinding
    • getId
      The getId method retrieves the ID for the resource
    • getImageType
      The virtual disk image type of this template. Value will be populated on parent and child, but only supports object filtering on the parent.
    • getImageTypeKeyName
      The virtual disk image type keyname (e.g. SYSTEM, DISK_CAPTURE, ISO, etc) of this template. Value will be populated on parent and child, but only supports object filtering on the parent.
    • getImpactedAccountCount
      This method will return the number of impacted owned accounts associated with this event for the current user.
    • getImpactedAccounts
      A collection of accounts impacted by this event. Each impacted account record relates directly to a [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account).
    • getImpactedDeviceCount
      This method will return the number of impacted devices associated with this event for the current user.
    • getImpactedDeviceCount
      A count representing the number of the user's devices currently impacted by the associated event will be returned.
    • getImpactedDevices
      This method will return a collection of SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource objects which is a listing of the current users' impacted devices that are associated with this event.
    • getImpactedResources
      A collection of resources impacted by this event. Each record will relate to some physical resource that the user has access to such as [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) or [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest).
    • getImpactedResources
      A collection of resources impacted by the associated event.
    • getImpactedUsers
      A collection of users impacted by this event. Each impacted user record relates directly to a [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer).
    • getImpersonationToken
    • getImpersonationToken
    • getImpersonationToken
    • getImportedDiskType
      Return imported disk type
    • getInboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the inbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getInboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the inbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getInboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the inbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getInboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the inbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getInboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the inbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getInboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private inbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getInboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public inbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getIneligibleForAccountDiscountFlag
    • getInfinibandCompatibleAttribute
    • getInitialInvoice
    • getInProgressExternalAccountSetup
      An in progress request to switch billing systems.
    • getInsideVlans
      All VLANs trunked to this gateway.
    • getInstances
      The guest instances that are members of this reserved capacity group.
    • getInstancesCount
      The number of instances that are members of this reserved capacity group.
    • getInternalCciHostAccountFlag
      Account attribute flag indicating internal cci host account.
    • getInternalImageTemplateCreationFlag
      Account attribute flag indicating account creates internal image templates.
    • getInternalNotes
    • getInternalRestrictionFlag
      Account attribute flag indicating restricted account.
    • getInternalSubnets
      Private subnets that can be accessed through the network tunnel.
    • getInternalTagReferences
    • getInternalTagReferences
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getIntervalSchedule
      The Interval Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getInventory
      DEPRECATED. An item's inventory status per datacenter.
    • getInvoice
      The invoice to which this item belongs.
    • getInvoice
      This is the invoice associated with the upgrade request. For hourly servers or services, an invoice will not be available.
    • getInvoiceId
      Invoice ID
    • getInvoiceItem
      Invoice items associated with this billing item
    • getInvoiceItem
      Invoice items associated with this billing item
    • getInvoiceItems
      All invoice items associated with the billing item
    • getInvoiceItems
      All invoice items associated with the billing item
    • getInvoiceItems
      The invoice items associated with a ticket. Ticket based invoice items only exist when a ticket incurs a fee that has been invoiced.
    • getInvoices
      An account's associated billing invoices.
    • getInvoiceTopLevelItems
      A list of top-level invoice items that are on the currently pending invoice.
    • getInvoiceTotalAmount
      The total amount of this invoice.
    • getInvoiceTotalOneTimeAmount
      The total one-time charges for this invoice. This is the sum of one-time charges + setup fees + labor fees. This does not include taxes.
    • getInvoiceTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      A sum of all the taxes related to one time charges for this invoice.
    • getInvoiceTotalPreTaxAmount
      The total amount of this invoice. This does not include taxes.
    • getInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount
      The total Recurring amount of this invoice. This amount does not include taxes or one time charges.
    • getInvoiceTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      The total amount of the recurring taxes on this invoice.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIops
      The maximum number of IOPs selected for this volume.
    • getIpAddress
    • getIpAddress
    • getIpAddress
    • getIpAddressBindings
      The records of all IP addresses bound to a network component.
    • getIpAddressBindings
      The records of all IP addresses bound to a computing instance's network component.
    • getIpAddresses
    • getIpAddresses
    • getIpAddresses
      All ip addresses associated with a subnet.
    • getIpAddresses
      The IP address records belonging to this subnet.
    • getIpAddressesByHardware
      This will return an arrayObject of objects containing the ipaddresses. Using an string parameter you can send a partial ipaddress to search within a given ipaddress. You can also set the max limit as well using the setting the resultLimit.
    • getIpAddressesByVirtualGuest
      This will return an arrayObject of objects containing the ipaddresses. Using an string parameter you can send a partial ipaddress to search within a given ipaddress. You can also set the max limit as well using the setting the resultLimit.
    • getIpAddressRecord
      The IP Address record associated with a virtual license.
    • getIpAddressUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data.
    • getIpAddressUsage
      Returns a list of IP address assignment details. Only assigned IP addresses are reported on. IP address assignments are presently only recorded and available for Primary Subnets. Details on the resource assigned to each IP address will only be provided to users with access to the underlying resource. If the user cannot access the resource, a detail record will still be returned for the assignment but without any accompanying resource data.
    • getIsActiveFlag
    • getIsBillingTermChangeAvailableFlag
      Whether or not this hardware object is eligible to change to term billing.
    • getIsBillingTermChangeAvailableFlag
      Whether or not this hardware object is eligible to change to term billing.
    • getIsBillingTermChangeAvailableFlag
      Whether or not this hardware object is eligible to change to term billing.
    • getIsBillingTermChangeAvailableFlag
      Whether or not this hardware object is eligible to change to term billing.
    • getIsBillingTermChangeAvailableFlag
      Whether or not this hardware object is eligible to change to term billing.
    • getIsCloudReadyNodeCertified
      Determine if hardware object has the IBM_CLOUD_READY_NODE_CERTIFIED attribute.
    • getIsCloudReadyNodeCertified
      Determine if hardware object has the IBM_CLOUD_READY_NODE_CERTIFIED attribute.
    • getIsCloudReadyNodeCertified
      Determine if hardware object has the IBM_CLOUD_READY_NODE_CERTIFIED attribute.
    • getIsCloudReadyNodeCertified
      Determine if hardware object has the IBM_CLOUD_READY_NODE_CERTIFIED attribute.
    • getIsCloudReadyNodeCertified
      Determine if hardware object has the IBM_CLOUD_READY_NODE_CERTIFIED attribute.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIsConvertToIndependentTransactionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active convert dependent clone to Independent transaction.
    • getIscsiIsolationDisabled
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiLuns
      Relationship between a container volume and iSCSI LUNs.
    • getIscsiNetworkStorage
      An account's associated iSCSI storage volumes.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of this volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIscsiTargetIpAddresses
      Returns the target IP addresses of an iSCSI volume.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsDependentDuplicateProvisionCompleted
      Determines whether dependent volume provision is completed on background.
    • getIsEncrypted
      Return if image is encrypted
    • getIsEngineeredServerProduct
      Flag to indicate the server product is engineered for a multi-server solution. (Deprecated)
    • getIsFlexSkuCompatible
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsInDedicatedServiceResource
    • getIsInfinibandCompatible
    • getIsIpmiDisabled
      Determine if remote management has been disabled due to port speed.
    • getIsIpmiDisabled
      Determine if remote management has been disabled due to port speed.
    • getIsIpmiDisabled
      Determine if remote management has been disabled due to port speed.
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsMagneticStorage
    • getIsNfsOnly
      A server that has nfs only drive.
    • getIsNfsOnly
      A server that has nfs only drive.
    • getIsNfsOnly
      A server that has nfs only drive.
    • getIsoBootImage
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsProvisionInProgress
      Determines whether network storage volume has an active provision transaction.
    • getIsQeInternalServer
      Determine if hardware object has the QE_INTERNAL_SERVER attribute.
    • getIsQeInternalServer
      Determine if hardware object has the QE_INTERNAL_SERVER attribute.
    • getIsQeInternalServer
      Determine if hardware object has the QE_INTERNAL_SERVER attribute.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyForSnapshot
      Determines whether a volume is ready to order snapshot space, or, if snapshot space is already available, to assign a snapshot schedule, or to take a manual snapshot.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getIsReadyToMount
      Determines whether a volume is ready to have Hosts authorized to access it. This does not indicate whether another operation may be blocking, please refer to this volume's volumeStatus property for details.
    • getIsVirtualPrivateCloudNode
      Determine if hardware object is a Virtual Private Cloud node.
    • getIsVirtualPrivateCloudNode
      Determine if hardware object is a Virtual Private Cloud node.
    • getIsVirtualPrivateCloudNode
      Determine if hardware object is a Virtual Private Cloud node.
    • getItem
      The entry in the SoftLayer product catalog that a billing item is based upon.
    • getItem
      The entry in the SoftLayer product catalog that a billing item is based upon.
    • getItem
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item tied to an order item. The item is the actual definition of the product being sold.
    • getItem
    • getItem
      The product item a price is tied to.
    • getItem
    • getItem
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) associated with the presale event.
    • getItemAvailabilityTypes
      Returns a collection of SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type objects. These item attribute types specifically deal with when an item, SoftLayer_Product_Item, from the product catalog may no longer be available. The keynames for these attribute types start with 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_*', where the '*' may represent any string. For example, 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_NEW_ORDERS', signifies that the item is not available for new orders. There is a catch all attribute type, 'UNAVAILABLE_AFTER_DATE_ALL'. If an item has one of these availability attributes set, the value should be a valid date in MM/DD/YYYY, indicating the date after which the item will no longer be available.
    • getItemCategories
    • getItemCategory
      An item's primary item category.
    • getItemCategoryAnswers
      This is an item's category answers.
    • getItemConflicts
      The item-item conflicts associated with a package.
    • getItemLocationConflicts
      The item-location conflicts associated with a package.
    • getItemPrice
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price tied to an order item. The item price object describes the cost of an item.
    • getItemPrice
    • getItemPrice
    • getItemPriceReferences
      cross reference for item prices
    • getItemPrices
      A collection of SoftLayer_Product_Item_Prices that are valid for this package.
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getItemPricesFromSoftwareDescriptions
      Return a collection of SoftLayer_Item_Price objects from a collection of SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • getItems
      The items that belong to this invoice.
    • getItems
      A collection of service cancellation items.
    • getItems
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_items included in an order.
    • getItems
      A collection of valid items available for purchase in this package.
    • getItemsFromImageTemplate
      Return a collection of [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) objects from a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group) object
    • getKeyContacts
      The key contacts for this requests.
    • getKeylifeLimits
      The keylife limits. Keylife max limit is set to 120. Keylife min limit is set to 172800.
    • getL7HealthMonitor
    • getL7Members
    • getL7Policies
    • getL7Policies
    • getL7PoolMemberHealth
      Returns the health of all L7 pool's members which are created under load balancer. L7 members health status is available only after a L7 pool is associated with the L7 policy and that L7 policy has at least one L7 rule.
    • getL7Pools
      L7Pools for load balancer.
    • getL7Rules
    • getL7SessionAffinity
    • getLargestAllowedSubnetCidr
      Computes the number of available public secondary IP addresses, aligned to a subnet size.
    • getLastActivity
    • getLastBillDate
      The date on which an account was last billed.
    • getLastCanceledBillingItem
      The most recently canceled billing item.
    • getLastCancelledServerBillingItem
      The most recent cancelled server billing item.
    • getLastCommand
      Last reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) command issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getLastEditor
    • getLastFiveClosedAbuseTickets
      The five most recently closed abuse tickets associated with an account.
    • getLastFiveClosedAccountingTickets
      The five most recently closed accounting tickets associated with an account.
    • getLastFiveClosedOtherTickets
      The five most recently closed tickets that do not belong to the abuse, accounting, sales, or support groups associated with an account.
    • getLastFiveClosedSalesTickets
      The five most recently closed sales tickets associated with an account.
    • getLastFiveClosedSupportTickets
      The five most recently closed support tickets associated with an account.
    • getLastFiveClosedTickets
      The five most recently closed tickets associated with an account.
    • getLastKnownPowerState
      The last known power state of a virtual guest in the event the guest is turned off outside of IMS or has gone offline.
    • getLastOperatingSystemReload
      The last transaction that a server's operating system was loaded.
    • getLastOperatingSystemReload
      The last transaction that a server's operating system was loaded.
    • getLastOperatingSystemReload
      The last transaction that a server's operating system was loaded.
    • getLastOperatingSystemReload
      The last transaction that a cloud server's operating system was loaded.
    • getLastResult
      The most recent result for this particular monitoring instance.
    • getLastTransaction
      Information regarding the last transaction a server performed.
    • getLastTransaction
      Information regarding the last transaction a server performed.
    • getLastTransaction
      Information regarding the last transaction a server performed.
    • getLastTransaction
      Information regarding the last transaction a server performed.
    • getLastTransaction
      Information regarding the last transaction a server performed.
    • getLastTransaction
      The last transaction a cloud server had performed.
    • getLastUpdate
      The last update for this event.
    • getLastUpdate
      The last update made to a ticket.
    • getLatestBillDate
      An account's most recent billing date.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A piece of hardware's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLatestNetworkMonitorIncident
      A virtual guest's latest network monitoring incident.
    • getLatestRecurringInvoice
      An account's latest recurring invoice.
    • getLatestRecurringPendingInvoice
      An account's latest recurring pending invoice.
    • getLatestVersion
      The latest version of a software description.
    • getLayoutContainer
    • getLayoutContainers
    • getLayoutContainers
    • getLayoutContainerType
      The type of the layout container object
    • getLayoutContainerType
      The container to be contained
    • getLayoutItem
    • getLayoutItemPreferences
      The layout preferences assigned to this layout item
    • getLayoutItems
      The layout items assigned to this layout container
    • getLayoutItemType
      The type of the layout item object
    • getLayoutPreference
    • getLayoutPreferences
    • getLayoutPreferences
    • getLayoutProfile
      The profile containing this container
    • getLayoutProfile
    • getLayoutProfiles
      Contains the definition of the layout profile.
    • getLayoutProfiles
      Contains the definition of the layout profile.
    • getLayoutProfiles
      Contains the definition of the layout profile.
    • getLbaasListeners
      Cloud Load Balancer [LBaaS] listeners currently associated with the certificate.
    • getLegacyBandwidthAllotments
      [DEPRECATED] The legacy bandwidth allotments for an account.
    • getLegacyIscsiCapacityGB
      The total capacity of Legacy iSCSI Volumes on an account, in GB.
    • getLicenseExpirationDate
      The date in which the license for this application delivery controller will expire.
    • getLicenseFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with a software component. If the software component does not support downloading license files an exception will be thrown.
    • getLicenseFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with a software component. If the software component does not support downloading license files an exception will be thrown.
    • getLicenseFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with a software component. If the software component does not support downloading license files an exception will be thrown.
    • getLicenseFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with a software component. If the software component does not support downloading license files an exception will be thrown.
    • getLicenseFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with a virtual license, if such a file exists. If there is no file for this virtual license, calling this method will either throw an exception or return false.
    • getLicenses
      The gateway licenses for this member.
    • getLimits
      List the current security group limits
    • getLinkedSectionReferences
    • getLinkedTemplate
    • getLinkedTemplateReference
    • getListeners
      Listeners assigned to load balancer.
    • getListenerTimeSeriesData
      Return listener time series datapoints. The time series data is available for Throughput, ConnectionRate and ActiveConnections. Throughput is in bits per second. The values are an average over the time range. The time series data is available for 1hour, 6hours, 12hours, 1day, 1week or 2weeks.
    • getLiveLoadBalancerServiceGraphImage
      Get the graph image for an application delivery controller service based on the supplied graph type and metric. The available graph types are: 'connections' and 'status', and the available metrics are: 'day', 'week' and 'month'. This method returns the raw binary image data.
    • getLoadBalancer
      Get the load balancer object with given uuid.
    • getLoadBalancerHardware
    • getLoadBalancerMemberHealth
      Return load balancer members health
    • getLoadBalancers
      An account's associated load balancers.
    • getLoadBalancers
      The virtual IP address records that belong to an application delivery controller based load balancer.
    • getLoadBalancers
      Get the load balancer objects for the given user accounts.
    • getLoadBalancerStatistics
      Return load balancers statistics such as total number of current sessions and total number of accumulated connections.
    • getLoadBalancerVirtualIpAddresses
      The load balancers virtual IP addresses currently associated with the certificate.
    • getLocalCurrency
    • getLocalCurrencyExchangeRate
      Exchange rate used for billing this invoice.
    • getLocalDiskFlag
    • getLocalDiskFlag
    • getLocalDiskFlag
      A flag indicating that the virtual guest has at least one disk which is local to the host it runs on. This does not include a SWAP device.
    • getLocalDiskStorageCapabilityFlag
      A flag indicating that a VLAN on the router can be assigned to a host that has local disk functionality.
    • getLocalDiskStorageCapabilityFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN's pod has VSI local disk storage capability.
    • getLocale
      A user's locale. Locale holds user's language and region information.
    • getLocale
      A user's locale. Locale holds user's language and region information.
    • getLocale
      A user's locale. Locale holds user's language and region information.
    • getLocation
      The location of this address.
    • getLocation
      An invoice item's location, if one exists.'
    • getLocation
      The location of the billing item. Some billing items have physical properties such as the server itself. For items such as these, we provide location information.
    • getLocation
      The location of the billing item. Some billing items have physical properties such as the server itself. For items such as these, we provide location information.
    • getLocation
      The location of an ordered item. This is usually the same as the server it is being ordered with. Otherwise it describes the location of the additional service being ordered.
    • getLocation
      This references the datacenter that has a brand-location-country restriction setup. For example, if a datacenter is listed with a restriction for Canada, a Canadian customer may not be eligible to order services at that location.
    • getLocation
      Where a piece of hardware is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getLocation
      Where a piece of hardware is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getLocation
      Where a piece of hardware is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getLocation
      Where a piece of hardware is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getLocation
      Where a piece of hardware is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getLocation
      The datacenter location that the reservation belongs to.
    • getLocation
    • getLocation
      Location relation for the rack member
    • getLocation
      The location of Direct Link facility.
    • getLocation
    • getLocation
      The [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) associated with the presale event.
    • getLocation
      A ticket's associated location within the SoftLayer location hierarchy.
    • getLocation
      Where guest is located within SoftLayer's location hierarchy.
    • getLocationAddress
      A location's physical address.
    • getLocationAddress
      A location's physical address.
    • getLocationAddresses
      A location's physical addresses.
    • getLocationAddresses
      A location's physical addresses.
    • getLocationConflicts
      An item's location conflicts. For example, Dual Path network functionality cannot be ordered in WDC and as such is a conflict.
    • getLocationGroup
      The location group associated with this virtual rack.
    • getLocationGroup
      Location Group ID of CleverSafe cross region.
    • getLocationGroupType
      The type for this location group.
    • getLocationGroupType
      The type for this location group.
    • getLocationGroupType
      The type for this location group.
    • getLocationPathString
    • getLocationPathString
    • getLocationPathString
    • getLocationPathString
    • getLocationPathString
    • getLocationReservation
    • getLocationReservationMember
      A location's Dedicated Rack member
    • getLocationReservationMember
      A location's Dedicated Rack member
    • getLocationReservationRack
      Rack information for the reservation
    • getLocationReservationRack
    • getLocations
      The locations in a group.
    • getLocations
      The locations in a group.
    • getLocations
      The locations in a group.
    • getLocations
      A collection of valid locations for this package. (Deprecated - Use [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getRegions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getRegions))
    • getLocations
      The locations this preset configuration is available in. If empty the preset is available in all locations the package is available in.
    • getLocationStatus
      The current locations status.
    • getLocationStatus
      The current locations status.
    • getLockboxCapacityGB
      The total capacity of Legacy lockbox Volumes on an account, in GB.
    • getLockboxNetworkStorage
      An account's associated Lockbox storage volumes.
    • getLockboxNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a lockbox account associated with a server.
    • getLockboxNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a lockbox account associated with a server.
    • getLockboxNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a lockbox account associated with a server.
    • getLockboxNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a lockbox account associated with a server.
    • getLockboxNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a lockbox account associated with a server.
    • getLogicalVolumeStorageGroups
      Returns a list of logical volumes on the physical machine.
    • getLogicalVolumeStorageGroups
      Returns a list of logical volumes on the physical machine.
    • getLogicalVolumeStorageGroups
      Returns a list of logical volumes on the physical machine.
    • getLoginAccountInfoOpenIdConnect
      Validates a supplied OpenIdConnect access token to the SoftLayer customer portal and returns the default account name and id for the active user. An exception will be thrown if no matching customer is found.
    • getLoginAccountInfoOpenIdConnect
      Validates a supplied OpenIdConnect access token to the SoftLayer customer portal and returns the default account name and id for the active user. An exception will be thrown if no matching customer is found.
    • getLoginAttempts
      A user's attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getLoginAttempts
      A user's attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getLoginAttempts
      A user's attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getLoginToken
      Attempt to authenticate a user to the SoftLayer customer portal using the provided authentication container. Depending on the specific type of authentication container that is used, this API will leverage the appropriate authentication protocol. If authentication is successful then the API returns a list of linked accounts for the user, a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getLoginToken
      Attempt to authenticate a user to the SoftLayer customer portal using the provided authentication container. Depending on the specific type of authentication container that is used, this API will leverage the appropriate authentication protocol. If authentication is successful then the API returns a list of linked accounts for the user, a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getLoginToken
      Attempt to authenticate a user to the SoftLayer customer portal using the provided authentication container. Depending on the specific type of authentication container that is used, this API will leverage the appropriate authentication protocol. If authentication is successful then the API returns a list of linked accounts for the user, a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getLogoMedium
    • getLogoMediumTemp
    • getLogoSmall
    • getLogoSmallTemp
    • getLowestPresetServerPrice
      The lowest server prices related to this package preset.
    • getLowestServerPrice
      The lowest server [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) related to this package.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getLunId
      The ID of the LUN volume.
    • getM2ControllerFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a M.2 disk controller.
    • getM2DriveFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a M.2 drive.
    • getMaintenanceClass
    • getMaintenanceClassification
      Retrieve an array of SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification data types, which contain all maintenance classifications.
    • getMaintenanceClassification
    • getMaintenanceClassifications
      Returns all the maintenance classifications.
    • getMaintenanceClassificationsByItemCategory
      Retrieve an array of SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification data types, which contain all maintenance classifications.
    • getMaintenanceStartEndTime
      getMaintenanceStartEndTime() returns a specific maintenance window
    • getMaintenanceWindowForTicket
      Returns a specific maintenance window.
    • getMaintenanceWindows
      This method returns a list of available maintenance windows
    • getMaintenanceWindowTicketsByTicketId
      getMaintenanceWindowTicketsByTicketId() returns a list maintenance window ticket records by ticket id
    • getMaintenceWindows
      (DEPRECATED) Use [SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window::getMaintenanceWindows](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method.
    • getManagedBareMetalInstances
      The managed bare metal server instances contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagedHardware
      The managed hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the dns domain record is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the hardware is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the hardware is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the hardware is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the hardware is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the hardware is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that this Application Delivery Controller is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the load balancer is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the load balancer is a managed resource.
    • getManagedResourceFlag
      A flag indicating that the virtual guest is a managed resource.
    • getManagedVirtualGuests
      The managed Virtual Server contained within a virtual rack.
    • getManagementCredentials
      The credentials to log in to a firewall device. This is only present for dedicated appliances.
    • getManagementIpAddress
      An application delivery controller's management ip address.
    • getManagementNetworkComponent
      Retrieve the remote management network component attached with this server.
    • getManagementNetworkComponent
      Retrieve the remote management network component attached with this server.
    • getManagementNetworkComponent
      Retrieve the remote management network component attached with this server.
    • getManagerPreview
      After validating the requesting user through the access token, generates a container with the relevant request information and returns it.
    • getManualPaymentsUnderReview
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getManualSnapshots
      The manually-created snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. Does not support pagination by result limit and offset.
    • getManufacturer
      Returns manufacturer name for a given gateway object.
    • getMappedAccounts
      An OpenIdConnect identity, for example an IBMid, can be linked or mapped to one or more individual SoftLayer users, but no more than one SoftLayer user per account. This effectively links the OpenIdConnect identity to those accounts. This API returns a list of all the accounts for which there is a link between the OpenIdConnect identity and a SoftLayer user. Invoke this only on IBMid-authenticated users.
    • getMappedAccounts
      An OpenIdConnect identity, for example an IAMid, can be linked or mapped to one or more individual SoftLayer users, but no more than one SoftLayer user per account. This effectively links the OpenIdConnect identity to those accounts. This API returns a list of all active accounts for which there is a link between the OpenIdConnect identity and a SoftLayer user. Invoke this only on IAMid-authenticated users.
    • getMappedAccounts
      An OpenIdConnect identity, for example an IAMid, can be linked or mapped to one or more individual SoftLayer users, but no more than one SoftLayer user per account. This effectively links the OpenIdConnect identity to those accounts. This API returns a list of all active accounts for which there is a link between the OpenIdConnect identity and a SoftLayer user. Invoke this only on IAMid-authenticated users.
    • getMappingBandwidthByRegionMetrics
      Get the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display (no graph) for a customer's account over a given period of time
    • getMappingBandwidthMetrics
      Get the amount of edge hits for an individual mapping.
    • getMappingHitsByTypeMetrics
      Get the total number of hits at a certain frequency over a given range of time. Frequency can be day, week, and month where each interval is one plot point for a graph. Return Data must be ordered based on startDate, endDate and frequency
    • getMappingHitsMetrics
      Get the total number of hits at a certain frequency over a given range of time per domain mapping. Frequency can be day, week, and month where each interval is one plot point for a graph. Return Data will be ordered based on startDate, endDate and frequency.
    • getMappingIntegratedMetrics
      Get the integrated metrics data for the given mapping. You can get the the hits, bandwidth, hits by type and bandwidth by region. It will return both the total data and the detail data.
    • getMappingRealTimeMetrics
      Get the real time metrics data for the given mapping
    • getMappingUsageMetrics
      Get the total number of predetermined statistics for direct display for the given mapping
    • getMasterTrackingData
      The one master tracking data for the shipment.
    • getMasterUser
      An account's master user.
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMaximumExpansionSize
      Returns the maximum volume expansion size in GB.
    • getMaximumPortSpeed
      The maximum available network speed associated with the package.
    • getMedia
      The media of the request.
    • getMediaDataTransferRequests
      An account's media transfer service requests.
    • getMemberGatewayImagesMatch
      Returns true if no mismatch is found, gateway is not Juniper vSRX or SA gateway
    • getMembers
      The members for this gateway.
    • getMembers
      Members assigned to load balancer.
    • getMembers
      A resource group's associated members.
    • getMembers
    • getMemory
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's memory.
    • getMemory
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's memory.
    • getMemory
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's memory.
    • getMemory
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's memory.
    • getMemory
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's memory.
    • getMemoryCapacity
      The amount of memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getMemoryCapacity
      The amount of memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getMemoryCapacity
      The amount of memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getMemoryCapacity
      The amount of memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getMemoryCapacity
      The amount of memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getMemoryMetricDataByDate
      Use this method when needing the metric data for memory for a single computing instance.
    • getMemoryMetricImage
      Use this method when needing a memory usage image for a single guest. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility automatically based on the snapshot specified.
    • getMemoryMetricImageByDate
      Use this method when needing a image displaying the amount of memory used over time for a single computing instance. It will gather the correct input parameters for the generic graphing utility based on the date ranges
    • getMerchantName
      Get the payment processor merchant name.
    • getMessageQueueItems
    • getMetadata
      This method will return the service provider metadata in XML format.
    • getMetadataFlag
      Whether this disk image is meant for storage of custom user data supplied with a Cloud Computing Instance order.
    • getMetricData
    • getMetricDataTypes
      Returns a collection of metric data types that can be retrieved for a metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      [DEPRECATED] - An accounts metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this account.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A piece of hardware's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A piece of hardware's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A piece of hardware's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A piece of hardware's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A piece of hardware's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A virtual rack's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this rack.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      The metric tracking object for this network component.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      Provides an interface to various metrics relating to the usage of an IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A network storage volume's metric tracking object. This object records all periodic polled data available to this volume.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A firewall's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      A guest's metric tracking object.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
      The metric tracking object for this virtual host.
    • getMetricTrackingObject
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this server.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this server.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this server.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this allotment.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object ID for this firewall.
    • getMetricTrackingObjectId
      The metric tracking object id for this guest.
    • getMigratedToIbmCloudPortalFlag
      Flag indicating whether this account is restricted to the IBM Cloud portal.
    • getMinimumNvmeBays
      The minimum number of bays that support NVMe SSDs.
    • getMinimumPortSpeed
      The minimum available network speed associated with the package.
    • getMinute
      The minute parameter of this schedule.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified this address.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified the media.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified the request.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified the shipment.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified the tracking datum.
    • getModifyEmployee
      The employee who last modified the request.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified this address.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified the media.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified the request.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified the shipment.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified the tracking datum.
    • getModifyUser
      The customer user who last modified the request.
    • getModules
    • getModules
    • getModules
    • getModules
    • getModules
    • getMongoDbEngineeredFlag
      This flag indicates that this is a MongoDB engineered package. (Deprecated)
    • getMonitoringDataFlag
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringRobot
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceComponent
      A virtual guest's network monitoring services.
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringServiceEligibilityFlag
    • getMonitoringUserNotification
      The monitoring notification objects for this hardware. Each object links this hardware instance to a user account that will be notified if monitoring on this hardware object fails
    • getMonitoringUserNotification
      The monitoring notification objects for this hardware. Each object links this hardware instance to a user account that will be notified if monitoring on this hardware object fails
    • getMonitoringUserNotification
      The monitoring notification objects for this hardware. Each object links this hardware instance to a user account that will be notified if monitoring on this hardware object fails
    • getMonitoringUserNotification
      The monitoring notification objects for this guest. Each object links this guest instance to a user account that will be notified if monitoring on this guest object fails
    • getMonthlyBareMetalInstances
      An account's associated monthly bare metal server objects.
    • getMonthlyVirtualGuests
      An account's associated monthly virtual guest objects.
    • getMonthOfYear
      The month of the year parameter of this schedule.
    • getMotherboard
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's motherboard.
    • getMotherboard
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's motherboard.
    • getMotherboard
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's motherboard.
    • getMotherboard
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's motherboard.
    • getMotherboard
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's motherboard.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountableFlag
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMountPath
      Retrieves the NFS Network Mount Path for a given File Storage Volume.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getMoveAndSplitStatus
      The current status of split or move operation as a part of volume duplication.
    • getNasNetworkStorage
      An account's associated NAS storage volumes.
    • getNetAppActiveAccountLicenseKeys
      This returns a collection of active NetApp software account license keys.
    • getNetworkAddress
      Retrieve a list of SoftLayer datacenter addresses.
    • getNetworkCards
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network cards.
    • getNetworkCards
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network cards.
    • getNetworkCards
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network cards.
    • getNetworkCards
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network cards.
    • getNetworkCards
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network cards.
    • getNetworkComponent
      The network component of the switch interface that this network component firewall belongs to.
    • getNetworkComponent
      A network component that is statically routed to an IP address.
    • getNetworkComponentBindings
      The network component bindings for this security group.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The upstream network component firewall.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The network component firewall that the rule set will be applied to.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The hardware firewall associated to this subnet via access control list.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewall
      The upstream network component firewall.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      Get the IP addresses associated with this server that are protectable by a network component firewall. Note, this may not return all values for IPv6 subnets for this server. Please use getFirewallProtectableSubnets to get all protectable subnets.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      Get the IP addresses associated with this server that are protectable by a network component firewall. Note, this may not return all values for IPv6 subnets for this server. Please use getFirewallProtectableSubnets to get all protectable subnets.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      Get the IP addresses associated with this server that are protectable by a network component firewall. Note, this may not return all values for IPv6 subnets for this server. Please use getFirewallProtectableSubnets to get all protectable subnets.
    • getNetworkComponentFirewallProtectableIpAddresses
      Get the IP addresses associated with this CloudLayer computing instance that are protectable by a network component firewall. Note, this may not return all values for IPv6 subnets for this CloudLayer computing instance. Please use getFirewallProtectableSubnets to get all protectable subnets.
    • getNetworkComponentGroup
      A network component's associated group.
    • getNetworkComponents
      Returns a hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkComponents
      Returns a hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkComponents
      Returns a hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkComponents
      Returns a hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkComponents
      Returns a hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkComponents
      The hardware network interfaces connected natively to this VLAN.
    • getNetworkComponents
      A guests's network components.
    • getNetworkComponentsTrunkable
      The viable hardware network interface trunking targets of this VLAN. Viable targets include accessible components of assigned hardware in the same pod and network as this VLAN, which are not already connected, either natively or trunked.
    • getNetworkComponentTrunks
      The hardware network interfaces connected via trunk to this VLAN.
    • getNetworkConfigurationAttribute
    • getNetworkConfigurationAttribute
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Use this method to retrieve network connection information for SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects within this group.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Use this method to retrieve network connection information for SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects within this group.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Use this method to retrieve network connection information for SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects within this group.
    • getNetworkConnectionDetails
      Retrieve network connection details for complex network storage volumes.
    • getNetworkCreationFlag
      [Deprecated] Whether or not this account can define their own networks.
    • getNetworkDetail
      [Deprecated] The 'network' detail object.
    • getNetworkFirewall
      The firewall associated with this gateway, if any.
    • getNetworkFirewallFlag
      Whether or not there is a firewall associated with this gateway.
    • getNetworkFirewallUpdateRequest
      The update requests made for this firewall.
    • getNetworkFirewallUpdateRequests
      The update requests made for this firewall.
    • getNetworkFirewallUpdateRequests
      The update requests made for this firewall.
    • getNetworkGateway
      The gateway this member belongs to.
    • getNetworkGateway
      The gateway this VLAN is attached to.
    • getNetworkGateway
      The gateway associated with this firewall, if any.
    • getNetworkGatewayMember
      The gateway member if this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMember
      The gateway member if this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMember
      The gateway member if this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMember
      The gateway member if this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMember
      The gateway member if this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMemberFlag
      Whether or not this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMemberFlag
      Whether or not this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMemberFlag
      Whether or not this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMemberFlag
      Whether or not this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGatewayMemberFlag
      Whether or not this device is part of a network gateway.
    • getNetworkGateways
      All network gateway devices on this account.
    • getNetworkHardware
      An account's associated network hardware.
    • getNetworkHardware
      All network devices in SoftLayer's network hierarchy that this device is connected to.
    • getNetworkManagementIpAddress
      A piece of hardware's network management IP address.
    • getNetworkManagementIpAddress
      A piece of hardware's network management IP address.
    • getNetworkManagementIpAddress
      A piece of hardware's network management IP address.
    • getNetworkManagementIpAddress
      A piece of hardware's network management IP address.
    • getNetworkManagementIpAddress
      A piece of hardware's network management IP address.
    • getNetworkMessageDeliveryAccounts
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownHardware
      All servers with failed monitoring that are attached downstream to a piece of hardware.
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownHardware
      All servers with failed monitoring that are attached downstream to a piece of hardware.
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownHardware
      All servers with failed monitoring that are attached downstream to a piece of hardware.
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownHardware
      All servers with failed monitoring that are attached downstream to a piece of hardware.
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownHardware
      All servers with failed monitoring that are attached downstream to a piece of hardware.
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownVirtualGuests
      Virtual guests that are attached downstream to a hardware that have failed monitoring
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownVirtualGuests
      Virtual guests that are attached downstream to a hardware that have failed monitoring
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownVirtualGuests
      Virtual guests that are attached downstream to a hardware that have failed monitoring
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownVirtualGuests
      Virtual guests that are attached downstream to a hardware that have failed monitoring
    • getNetworkMonitorAttachedDownVirtualGuests
      Virtual guests that are attached downstream to a hardware that have failed monitoring
    • getNetworkMonitorDownHardware
      Hardware which is currently experiencing a service failure.
    • getNetworkMonitorDownVirtualGuests
      Virtual guest which is currently experiencing a service failure.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      The status of all of a piece of hardware's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      The status of all of a piece of hardware's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      The status of all of a piece of hardware's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      The status of all of a piece of hardware's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      The status of all of a piece of hardware's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitorIncidents
      All of a virtual guest's network monitoring incidents.
    • getNetworkMonitorRecoveringHardware
      Hardware which is currently recovering from a service failure.
    • getNetworkMonitorRecoveringVirtualGuests
      Virtual guest which is currently recovering from a service failure.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitors.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitors.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitors.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitors.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's network monitors.
    • getNetworkMonitors
      A guests's network monitors.
    • getNetworkMonitorUpHardware
      Hardware which is currently online.
    • getNetworkMonitorUpVirtualGuests
      Virtual guest which is currently online.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountAddress
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkMountPath
      Displays the mount path of a storage volume.
    • getNetworkProtectionAddresses
    • getNetworks
      This method is deprecated and always returns nothing.
    • getNetworkSpace
      The network that this VLAN is on, either PUBLIC or PRIVATE, if applicable.
    • getNetworkStatus
    • getNetworkStatus
      The value of a hardware's network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatus
      The value of a hardware's network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatus
      The value of a hardware's network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatus
      The value of a hardware's network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatus
      The value of a hardware's network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatusAttribute
      The hardware's related network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatusAttribute
      The hardware's related network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatusAttribute
      The hardware's related network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatusAttribute
      The hardware's related network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStatusAttribute
      The hardware's related network status attribute. [DEPRECATED]
    • getNetworkStorage
      An account's associated storage volumes. This includes Lockbox, NAS, EVault, and iSCSI volumes.
    • getNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated network storage service account.
    • getNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated network storage service account.
    • getNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated network storage service account.
    • getNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated network storage service account.
    • getNetworkStorage
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's associated network storage service account.
    • getNetworkStorage
      A guest's associated network storage accounts.
    • getNetworkStorageGroups
      An account's Network Storage groups.
    • getNetworkTunnelContexts
      IPSec network tunnels for an account.
    • getNetworkTunnelContexts
      The IPSec VPN tunnels associated to this subnet.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The network VLAN that an application delivery controller resides on.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN that a network component's subnet is associated with.
    • getNetworkVlan
    • getNetworkVlan
    • getNetworkVlan
    • getNetworkVlan
      The network VLAN record.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN this subnet is associated with.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN object that a firewall is associated with and protecting.
    • getNetworkVlan
      The VLAN that a computing instance network component's subnet is associated with.
    • getNetworkVlanFirewall
      The firewall device associated with this VLAN.
    • getNetworkVlans
      All network VLANs assigned to an account.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network virtual LANs (VLANs) associated with a piece of hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network virtual LANs (VLANs) associated with a piece of hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network virtual LANs (VLANs) associated with a piece of hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network virtual LANs (VLANs) associated with a piece of hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network virtual LANs (VLANs) associated with a piece of hardware's network components.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network VLANs that an application delivery controller resides on.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The VLAN objects that a firewall is associated with and protecting.
    • getNetworkVlans
      The network Vlans that a guest's network components are associated with.
    • getNetworkVlanSpan
      Whether or not an account has automatic private VLAN spanning enabled.
    • getNetworkVlansTrunkable
      The viable trunking targets of this component. Viable targets include accessible VLANs in the same pod and network as this component, which are not already natively attached nor trunked to this component.
    • getNetworkVlanTrunks
      The VLANs that are trunked to this network component.
    • getNetworkZones
    • getNewUpdatesFlag
      True if there are new, unread updates to this ticket for the current user, False otherwise.
    • getNextBillDate
      The date on which an account will be billed next.
    • getNextBillingCycleBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth for the next billing cycle (measured in GB).
    • getNextBillingCycleBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth for the next billing cycle (measured in GB).
    • getNextBillingCycleBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth for the next billing cycle (measured in GB).
    • getNextBillingCycleBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth for the next billing cycle (measured in GB).
    • getNextBillingCycleBandwidthAllocation
      A hardware's allotted bandwidth for the next billing cycle (measured in GB).
    • getNextBillingPublicAllotmentHardwareBandwidthDetails
      DEPRECATED - This information can be pulled directly through tapping keys now - DEPRECATED. The allotments for this account and their servers for the next billing cycle. The public inbound and outbound bandwidth is calculated for each server in addition to the daily average network traffic since the last billing date.
    • getNextGenFlag
      A flag indicating if this is a next generation image.
    • getNextInvoiceChildren
      A Billing Item's child billing items and associated items'
    • getNextInvoiceChildren
      A Billing Item's child billing items and associated items'
    • getNextInvoiceExcel
      Return an account's next invoice in a Microsoft excel format. The 'next invoice' is what a customer will be billed on their next invoice, assuming no changes are made. Currently this does not include Bandwidth Pooling charges.
    • getNextInvoiceIncubatorExemptTotal
      The pre-tax total amount exempt from incubator credit for the account's next invoice. This field is now deprecated and will soon be removed. Please update all references to instead use nextInvoiceTotalAmount
    • getNextInvoicePdf
      Return an account's next invoice in PDF format. The 'next invoice' is what a customer will be billed on their next invoice, assuming no changes are made. Currently this does not include Bandwidth Pooling charges.
    • getNextInvoicePdfDetailed
      Return an account's next invoice detailed portion in PDF format. The 'next invoice' is what a customer will be billed on their next invoice, assuming no changes are made. Currently this does not include Bandwidth Pooling charges.
    • getNextInvoicePlatformServicesTotalAmount
      The pre-tax platform services total amount of an account's next invoice.
    • getNextInvoiceRecurringAmountEligibleForAccountDiscount
      The total recurring charge amount of an account's next invoice eligible for account discount measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTopLevelBillingItems
      The billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalAmount
      The pre-tax total amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalOneTimeAmount
      The total one-time charge amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalOneTimeAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items if they exist.'
    • getNextInvoiceTotalOneTimeAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items if they exist.'
    • getNextInvoiceTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      The total one-time tax amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items if they exist.'
    • getNextInvoiceTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items if they exist.'
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount
      The total recurring charge amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items and associated billing items if they exist.'
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items and associated billing items if they exist.'
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringAmountBeforeAccountDiscount
      The total recurring charge amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      The total recurring tax amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      This is deprecated and will always be zero. Because tax is calculated in real-time, previewing the next recurring invoice is pre-tax only.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      This is deprecated and will always be zero. Because tax is calculated in real-time, previewing the next recurring invoice is pre-tax only.
    • getNextInvoiceTotalTaxableRecurringAmount
      The total recurring charge amount of an account's next invoice measured in US Dollars ($USD), assuming no changes or charges occur between now and time of billing.
    • getNextInvoiceZeroFeeItemCounts
    • getNextOrderChildren
    • getNonEuCompliantFlag
      Whether the package is not in compliance with EU support.
    • getNonZeroAssociatedChildren
      An Invoice Item's associated child invoice items, excluding ALL items with a $0.00 recurring fee. Only parent invoice items have associated children. For instance, a server invoice item may have associated children.
    • getNonZeroNextInvoiceChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items, excluding ALL items with a $0.00 recurring fee.
    • getNonZeroNextInvoiceChildren
      A Billing Item's associated child billing items, excluding ALL items with a $0.00 recurring fee.
    • getNote
      An optional note for identifying the external binding.
    • getNote
      An optional note for identifying the external binding.
    • getNote
      An optional note for identifying the external binding.
    • getNote
      An optional note for identifying the external binding.
    • getNoteHistory
    • getNotesHistory
    • getNotesHistory
    • getNotesHistory
    • getNotesHistory
    • getNotesHistory
    • getNotification
      Notification subscribed to.
    • getNotification
      Notification subscribed to.
    • getNotification
      Notification subscribed to.
    • getNotificationOccurrenceEvent
      The associated event.
    • getNotificationOccurrenceEventType
      The type of event such as planned or unplanned maintenance.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      The subscribers that will be notified for usage amount warnings and overages.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      Notification subscription records for the user.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      Notification subscription records for the user.
    • getNotificationSubscribers
      Notification subscription records for the user.
    • getNotificationUserSubscriber
      Details of the subscriber tied to the preference.
    • getNoUpgradesFlag
      Services ordered from this package cannot have upgrades or downgrades performed.
    • getNvmeDiskFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a NVMe SSD.
    • getNvRamCapacity
      The amount of non-volatile memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getNvRamCapacity
      The amount of non-volatile memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getNvRamCapacity
      The amount of non-volatile memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getNvRamCapacity
      The amount of non-volatile memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getNvRamCapacity
      The amount of non-volatile memory a piece of hardware has, measured in gigabytes.
    • getNvRamComponentModels
    • getNvRamComponentModels
    • getNvRamComponentModels
    • getNvRamComponentModels
    • getNvRamComponentModels
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Account object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Account service. You can only retrieve the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Address record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Address_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Affiliation record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Agreement record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Saml record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Brand_Migration_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Business_Partner record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Contact record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_External_Setup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Link_Bluemix record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Lockdown_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_MasterServiceAgreement record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Media record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Note record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Partner_Referral_Prospect record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Account_Password object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Account_Password service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver_Role record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Campaign_Code record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Funding_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Reports_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Resource_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Tracking_Data record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Account_Status_Change_Reason record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency object, it can be used to check for current notifications being broadcast by SoftLayer.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Shipping_Courier_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Currency record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_Country record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_ExchangeRate record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Info object whose data corresponds to the account to which your portal user is tied.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice service. You can only retrieve invoices that are assigned to your portal user's account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item service. You can only retrieve the items tied to the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Type record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Item object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Item service. You can only retrieve billing items tied to the account that your portal user is assigned to. Billing items are an account's items of billable items. There are 'parent' billing items and 'child' billing items. The server billing item is generally referred to as a parent billing item. The items tied to a server, such as ram, harddrives, and operating systems are considered 'child' billing items.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason_Category record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request service. You can only retrieve cancellation request records that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Chronicle record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_DedicatedHost record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Order object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Order service. You can only retrieve orders that are assigned to your portal user's account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Item object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Item service. You can only retrieve billing items tied to the account that your portal user is assigned to. Billing items are an account's items of billable items. There are 'parent' billing items and 'child' billing items. The server billing item is generally referred to as a parent billing item. The items tied to a server, such as ram, harddrives, and operating systems are considered 'child' billing items.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote service. You can only retrieve quotes that are assigned to your portal user's account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Brand record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Brand_Business_Partner record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Business_Partner_Channel record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Business_Partner_Segment record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Catalyst_Company_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Catalyst_Enrollment record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Compliance_Report_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group_Array_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Value record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Profile record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Reference record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Type record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain service. You can only retrieve domains that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord service. You can only retrieve resource records belonging to domains that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType service. You can only retrieve resource records belonging to domains that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType service. You can only retrieve resource records belonging to domains that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init paramater passed to the SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary service. You can only retrieve a secondary DNS record that is assigned to your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Email_Subscription record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Email_Subscription_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_FlexibleCredit_Program record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Hardware object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware service. You can only retrieve the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Hardware_Blade record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model object.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem service.s
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template service. You can only retrieve the partition templates that your account created or the templates predefined by SoftLayer.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Hardware_Router record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Hardware_SecurityModule record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Hardware_SecurityModule750 record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Hardware_Server object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware service. You can only retrieve servers from the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Container record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Item record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Customer record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Locale record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Locale_Country record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Locale_Timezone object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Locale_Timezone service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Group_Pricing record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Group_Regional record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Reservation record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Reservation_Rack record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Location_Reservation_Rack_Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object service. You can only tracking objects that are associated with your SoftLayer account or services.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Bandwidth_Summary record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Monitoring_Robot record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller service. You can only retrieve application delivery controllers that are associated with your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Method record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualServer record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Hardware service. You can only retrieve an allotment associated with the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_HotlinkProtection record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Component record.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface_AccessControlList_Network_Component object. You can only get objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet service. You can only retrieve the subnet whose account matches the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType record.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList object. You can only get objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface object. You can only get objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface record.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template object. You can retrieve all available firewall templates. getAllObjects returns an array of all available SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template objects. You can use these templates to generate a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. @SLDNDocumentation Service See Also SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
    • getObject
      ''getObject'' returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object. You can only get historical objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. ''createObject'' inserts a new SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request object. You can only insert requests for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. ''getFirewallUpdateRequestRuleAttributes'' Get the possible attribute values for a firewall update request rule.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object. You can only get historical objects for servers attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled. createObject inserts a new SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule object. Use the SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request to create groups of rules for an update request.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Attribute record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Precheck record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_VersionUpgrade record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Interconnect_Tenant record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerAppliance record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service service. You can only retrieve services on load balancers assigned to your account, and it is recommended that you simply retrieve the entire load balancer, as an individual service has no explicit purpose without its 'siblings'.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress service. You can only retrieve Load Balancers assigned to your account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host service. You can only retrieve query hosts attached to hardware that belong to your account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum service. You can only retrieve strata attached to hardware that belong to your account.
    • getObject
      Set the initialization parameter to the ``name`` of the Pod to retrieve.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request service. You can only retrieve requests and reports that are assigned to your SoftLayer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Storage object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Storage service. Please use the associated methods in the [SoftLayer_Network_Storage](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage) service to retrieve a Storage account's id.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Hardware record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_IpAddress record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Subnet record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_VirtualGuest record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_DedicatedCluster record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Iscsi record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Nfs record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Cleversafe_Account record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieves a subnet by its id value. Only subnets assigned to your account are accessible.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress service. You can only retrieve the IP address whose subnet is associated with a VLAN that is associated with the account that your portal user is assigned to.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Status record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data service. The best way to get Rwhois Data for an account is through getRhwoisData on the Account service.
    • getObject
      **DEPRECATED** getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_transaction service. You can only retrieve Swip transactions tied to the account.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context service. The IPSec network tunnel will be returned if it is associated with the account and the user has proper permission to manage network tunnels.
    • getObject
      Retrieves a VLAN by its id value. Only VLANs assigned to your account are accessible.
    • getObject
      getObject returns a SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall object. You can only get objects for vlans attached to your account that have a network firewall enabled.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_Mobile record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_User record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Billing record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Mobile record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Preference record.
    • getObject
      Product Items are the products SoftLayer sells. Items have many properties that help describe what each is for. Each product items holds within it a description, tax rate information, status, and upgrade downgrade path information.
    • getObject
      Each product item price must be tied to a category for it to be sold. These categories describe how a particular product item is sold. For example, the 250GB hard drive can be sold as disk0, disk1, ... disk11. There are different prices for this product item depending on which category it is. This keeps down the number of products in total.
    • getObject
      Each product item category must be tied to a category group. These category groups describe how a particular product item category is categorized. For example, the disk0, disk1, ... disk11 can be categorized as Server and Attached Services. There are different groups for each of this product item category depending on the function of the item product in the subject category.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Policy_Assignment record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Premium record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Product_Promotion record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves a SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request object on your account whose ID corresponds to the ID of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification_Item_Category record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Slots record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Ticket record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Group object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Group service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_OrderTracking record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_OrderTrackingState record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Resource_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Template record.
    • getObject
      '''getObject''' retrieves the [SoftLayer_Sales_Presale_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Sales_Presale_Event) object whose id number corresponds to the id number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Sales_Presale_Event service. Customers may only retrieve presale events that are currently active.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Security_Certificate record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_ServerType record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_Status record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Software_Component object whose ID corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Software_Component service. The best way to get software components is through getSoftwareComponents from the Hardware service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_Component_Password record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_Component_Trellix record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Software_Description record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense service. You can only retrieve Virtual Licenses assigned to your account number.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Survey object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Survey service. You can only retrieve the survey that your portal user has taken.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Tag record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Ticket object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Ticket service. You can only retrieve tickets that are associated with your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File_ServiceNow record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject_Category record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Employee object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Employee service. You can only retrieve employee updates to tickets that your API account has access to.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer service. You can only retrieve users that are assigned to the customer account belonging to the user making the API call.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication service.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Totp record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Vendor record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Verisign record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Invitation record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware service. You can only retrieve hardware notifications attached to hardware and users that belong to your account
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest service. You can only retrieve guest notifications attached to virtual guests and users that belong to your account
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_TrustedProfile record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Prospect_ServiceProvider_EnrollRequest record.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Security_Answer object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Security_Answer service.
    • getObject
      getObject retrieves the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status object whose ID number corresponds to the ID number of the init parameter passed to the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status service.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_External_Binding record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Vendor record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Department record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role record.
    • getObject
      getAllObjects retrieves all the SoftLayer_User_Security_Question objects where it is set to be viewable.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Verify_Api_HttpObj record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Verify_Api_HttpsObj record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Boot_Parameter record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Boot_Parameter_Type record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Host record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup_Instance record.
    • getObject
      Retrieve a SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository record.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectsByCredential
      Retrieve network storage accounts by SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential object. Use this method if you wish to retrieve a storage record by a credential rather than by id.
    • getObjectStorageCategories
    • getObjectStorageClusterGeolocationType
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getObjectStorageConnectionInformation
      Retrieve all object storage details for connection
    • getObjectStorageDatacenters
      This method will return a collection of [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub_Datacenter](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub_Datacenter) objects which contain a datacenter location and all the associated active usage rate prices where object storage is available. This method is really only applicable to the object storage additional service package which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of '''ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE'''. This information is useful so that you can see the 'pay as you go' rates per datacenter.
    • getObjectStorageItemFlag
    • getObjectStorageLocationGroups
      This method will return a collection of [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_ObjectStorage_LocationGroup](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_ObjectStorage_LocationGroup) objects which contain a location group and all the associated active usage rate prices where object storage is available. This method is really only applicable to the object storage additional service package which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of '''ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE'''. This information is useful so that you can see the 'pay as you go' rates per location group.
    • getObjectStorageServiceClass
    • getObjectTypes
      This method returns a collection of [SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType) containers that specify which indexed object types and properties are exposed for the current user. These object types can be used to discover searchable data and to create or validate object index search strings. Refer to the [SoftLayer_Search::search](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/search) and [SoftLayer_Search::advancedSearch](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/advancedSearch) methods for information on using object types and properties in search strings.
    • getOccupiedInstances
      The instances already occupied by a guest on this reserved capacity group.
    • getOfferingsList
    • getOldBillingItem
      This is only populated when an upgrade order is placed. The old billing item represents what the billing was before the upgrade happened.
    • getOnlineSslVpnUserCount
      The total number of users online using SoftLayer's SSL VPN service for a location.
    • getOnlineSslVpnUserCount
      The total number of users online using SoftLayer's SSL VPN service for a location.
    • getOpenAbuseTickets
      The open abuse tickets associated with an account.
    • getOpenAccountingTickets
      The open accounting tickets associated with an account.
    • getOpenBillingTickets
      The open billing tickets associated with an account.
    • getOpenCancellationRequests
      An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
    • getOpenCancellationTicket
      An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
    • getOpenCancellationTicket
      An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
    • getOpenCancellationTicket
      An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
    • getOpenCancellationTicket
      An open ticket requesting cancellation of this server, if one exists.
    • getOpenIdConnectMigrationState
      This API returns a SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_MigrationState object containing the necessary information to determine what migration state the user is in. If the account is not OpenIdConnect authenticated, then an exception is thrown.
    • getOpenIdConnectMigrationState
      This API returns a SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_MigrationState object containing the necessary information to determine what migration state the user is in. If the account is not OpenIdConnect authenticated, then an exception is thrown.
    • getOpenIdConnectMigrationState
      This API returns a SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_MigrationState object containing the necessary information to determine what migration state the user is in. If the account is not OpenIdConnect authenticated, then an exception is thrown.
    • getOpenIdRegistrationInfoFromCode
      Get OpenId User Registration details from the provided email code
    • getOpenIdRegistrationInfoFromCode
      Get OpenId User Registration details from the provided email code
    • getOpenOtherTickets
      The open tickets that do not belong to the abuse, accounting, sales, or support groups associated with an account.
    • getOpenRecurringInvoices
      An account's recurring invoices.
    • getOpenSalesTickets
      The open sales tickets associated with an account.
    • getOpenStackAccountLinks
    • getOpenStackObjectStorage
      An account's associated Openstack related Object Storage accounts.
    • getOpenSupportTickets
      The open support tickets associated with an account.
    • getOpenTickets
      All open tickets associated with an account.
    • getOpenTickets
    • getOpenTickets
      An user's associated open tickets.
    • getOpenTickets
      An user's associated open tickets.
    • getOpenTickets
      An user's associated open tickets.
    • getOpenTicketsWaitingOnCustomer
      All open tickets associated with an account last edited by an employee.
    • getOperatingSystem
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystem
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystem
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystem
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystem
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystem
      A guest's operating system.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A hardware's operating system software description.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A hardware's operating system software description.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A hardware's operating system software description.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A hardware's operating system software description.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A hardware's operating system software description.
    • getOperatingSystemReferenceCode
      A guest's operating system software description.
    • getOptions
      This method will grab all the package server options for the specified type.
    • getOrder
      This order contains the records for which products were selected for this quote.
    • getOrder
      The order to which this item belongs. The order contains all the information related to the items included in an order
    • getOrder
      This order contains the records for which products were selected for this quote.
    • getOrder
      An order record associated to the upgrade request
    • getOrder
      The order contains the information related to a SSL certificate request.
    • getOrderApprovalDate
    • getOrderApprovalDate
    • getOrderBindings
      The order bindings for this security group
    • getOrderedPackageId
      The original package id provided with the order for a Cloud Computing Instance.
    • getOrderItem
      A billing item's original order item. Simply a reference to the original order from which this billing item was created.
    • getOrderItem
      A billing item's original order item. Simply a reference to the original order from which this billing item was created.
    • getOrderItem
      The associated order item for this SSL certificate request.
    • getOrderNonServerMonthlyAmount
      An order's non-server items total monthly fee.
    • getOrderOptions
      Any unique options associated with an item category.
    • getOrderPremiums
    • getOrderPremiums
      The premium price modifiers associated with the [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) and [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) objects in a package.
    • getOrders
      An account's associated billing orders excluding upgrades.
    • getOrders
      The orders ([SoftLayer_Billing_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order)) associated with this presale event that were created for the customer's account.
    • getOrderServerMonthlyAmount
      An order's server items total monthly fee.
    • getOrdersFromQuote
      These are all the orders that were created from this quote.
    • getOrdersFromQuote
      These are all the orders that were created from this quote.
    • getOrderStatuses
      Get a list of [SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status) objects.
    • getOrderTemplate
      Obtain an order container that is ready to be sent to the [[SoftLayer_Product_Order#placeOrder|SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder]] method. This container will include all services that the selected computing instance has. If desired you may remove prices which were returned.
    • getOrderTopLevelItems
      An order's top level items. This normally includes the server line item and any non-server additional services such as NAS or ISCSI.
    • getOrderTotalAmount
      This amount represents the order's initial charge including set up fee and taxes.
    • getOrderTotalOneTime
      An order's total one time amount summing all the set up fees, the labor fees and the one time fees. Taxes will be applied for non-tax-exempt. This amount represents the initial fees that will be charged.
    • getOrderTotalOneTimeAmount
      An order's total one time amount. This amount represents the initial fees before tax.
    • getOrderTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      An order's total one time tax amount. This amount represents the tax that will be applied to the total charge, if the SoftLayer_Account tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_Order is a taxable account.
    • getOrderTotalRecurring
      An order's total recurring amount. Taxes will be applied for non-tax-exempt. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
    • getOrderTotalRecurringAmount
      An order's total recurring amount. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
    • getOrderTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      The total tax amount of the recurring fees, if the SoftLayer_Account tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_Order is a taxable account.
    • getOrderTotalSetupAmount
      An order's total setup fee.
    • getOrderTrackingState
    • getOrderType
      The type of an order. This lets you know where this order was generated from.
    • getOriginalLocation
      The original physical location for this billing item--may differ from current.
    • getOriginalLocation
      The original physical location for this billing item--may differ from current.
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalSnapshotName
      The name of the snapshot that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeId
      Volume id of the origin volume from which this volume is been cloned.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeName
      The name of the volume that this volume was duplicated from.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOriginalVolumeSize
      The size (in GB) of the volume or LUN before any size expansion, or of the volume (before any possible size expansion) from which the duplicate volume or LUN was created.
    • getOriginationAddress
      The address from which the shipment is sent.
    • getOrphanBillingItems
      The billing items that have no parent billing item. These are items that don't necessarily belong to a single server.
    • getOSProject
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsType
      The OS Type this group is configured for.
    • getOsType
      The OS Type this group is configured for.
    • getOsType
      The OS Type this group is configured for.
    • getOsType
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getOsTypeId
      A volume's configured SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type ID.
    • getOutboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the outbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getOutboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the outbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getOutboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the outbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getOutboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the outbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getOutboundBandwidthUsage
      The sum of all the outbound network traffic data for the last 30 days.
    • getOutboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPrivateBandwidthUsage
      The total private outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth used in this virtual rack for an account's current billing cycle.
    • getOutboundPublicBandwidthUsage
      The total public outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this hardware for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this hardware for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this hardware for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this bandwidth pool for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this computing instance for the current billing cycle exceeds the allocation.
    • getOverrides
      A portal user's vpn accessible subnets.
    • getOverrides
      A portal user's vpn accessible subnets.
    • getOverrides
      A portal user's vpn accessible subnets.
    • getOwnedAccounts
      Active accounts owned by the brand.
    • getOwnedBrands
    • getOwnedHardwareGenericComponentModels
    • getPackage
      The package under which this billing item was sold. A Package is the general grouping of products as seen on our order forms.
    • getPackage
      The package under which this billing item was sold. A Package is the general grouping of products as seen on our order forms.
    • getPackage
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package an order item is a part of.
    • getPackage
    • getPackage
      The package this preset belongs to.
    • getPackage
    • getPackageConfiguration
      The item categories associated with a package preset, including information detailing which item categories are required as part of a SoftLayer product order.
    • getPackageConfigurations
      A list of configuration available in this category.'
    • getPackageItemsAvailability
      Retrieve availability of specified product package's GPUs and drives
    • getPackageReferences
      cross reference for packages
    • getPackages
      A collection of all the SoftLayer_Product_Package(s) in which this item exists.
    • getPackages
      A price's packages under which this item is sold.
    • getPackages
      All the packages associated with the given package type.
    • getParameterConfigurationsForCustomerView
      All of the IPSec VPN tunnel's configurations will be returned. It will list all of phase one and two negotiation parameters. Both remote and local subnets will be provided as well. This is useful when the configurations need to be passed on to another team and/or company for internal network configuration.
    • getParent
      Every item tied to a server should have a parent invoice item which is the server line item. This is how we associate items to a server.
    • getParent
      A billing item's parent item. If a billing item has no parent item then this value is null.
    • getParent
      A billing item's parent item. If a billing item has no parent item then this value is null.
    • getParent
      The parent order item ID for an item. Items that are associated with a server will have a parent. The parent will be the server item itself.
    • getParent
    • getParent
    • getParent
      A parent subject
    • getParent
      A portal user's parent user. If a SoftLayer_User_Customer has a null parentId property then it doesn't have a parent user.
    • getParent
      A portal user's parent user. If a SoftLayer_User_Customer has a null parentId property then it doesn't have a parent user.
    • getParent
      A portal user's parent user. If a SoftLayer_User_Customer has a null parentId property then it doesn't have a parent user.
    • getParent
      The image template group that another image template group was cloned from.
    • getParentBay
      Blade Bay
    • getParentBay
      Blade Bay
    • getParentBay
      Blade Bay
    • getParentBay
      Blade Bay
    • getParentBay
      Blade Bay
    • getParentHardware
      Parent Hardware.
    • getParentHardware
      Parent Hardware.
    • getParentHardware
      Parent Hardware.
    • getParentHardware
      Parent Hardware.
    • getParentHardware
      Parent Hardware.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume in a parental role.
    • getParentVirtualGuestBillingItem
      A billing item's parent item. If a billing item has no parent item then this value is null.
    • getParentVirtualGuestBillingItem
      A billing item's parent item. If a billing item has no parent item then this value is null.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getParentVolume
      The parent volume of a volume in a complex storage relationship.
    • getPartitionOperatingSystem
      A partition template's associated [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem).
    • getPartitions
    • getPartitions
    • getPartitions
    • getPartitionTemplatePartition
      An individual partition for a partition template.
    • getPartitionTemplates
      Information regarding an operating system's [SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template).
    • getPartnerByUrlIdentifier
    • getPartnership
      The associated partnership for a schedule.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPartnerships
      The volumes or snapshots partnered with a network storage volume.
    • getPassword
      The password used to connect to an application delivery controller's management interface when it is operating in advanced view mode.
    • getPasswordHistory
      History Records for Software Passwords.
    • getPasswordHistory
      History Records for Software Passwords.
    • getPasswordHistory
      History Records for Software Passwords.
    • getPasswordHistory
      History Records for Software Passwords.
    • getPasswordRequirements
    • getPasswordRequirements
    • getPasswordRequirements
    • getPasswords
      The gateway passwords for this member.
    • getPasswords
      Username/Password pairs used for access to this Software Installation.
    • getPasswords
      Username/Password pairs used for access to this Software Installation.
    • getPasswords
      Username/Password pairs used for access to this Software Installation.
    • getPasswords
      Username/Password pairs used for access to this Software Installation.
    • getPathString
    • getPathString
    • getPayment
      This is the total payment made on this invoice.
    • getPaymentProcessors
    • getPayments
      The payments for the invoice.
    • getPaypalTransactions
      All PayPal transactions associated with this order. If this order was not placed with PayPal, this will be empty.
    • getPciDeviceAllocationStatus
      The container that represents PCI device allocations on the dedicated host.
    • getPciDevices
      A collection of SoftLayer_Virtual_Host_PciDevice objects on the host.
    • getPciDevices
    • getPcieDriveFlag
      Indicates whether an item is a PCIe drive.
    • getPdf
      Retrieve a PDF record of a SoftLayer invoice. SoftLayer keeps PDF records of all closed invoices for customer retrieval from the portal and API. You must have a PDF reader installed in order to view these invoice files.
    • getPdf
      Return an account's next invoice in PDF format.
    • getPdf
      Retrieve a PDF record of a SoftLayer quote. If the order is not a quote, an error will be thrown.
    • getPdf
      Retrieve a PDF copy of the cart.
    • getPdf
      Retrieve a PDF record of a SoftLayer quoted order. SoftLayer keeps PDF records of all quoted orders for customer retrieval from the portal and API. You must have a PDF reader installed in order to view these quoted order files.
    • getPdfDetailed
      Retrieve a PDF record of a SoftLayer detailed invoice summary. SoftLayer keeps PDF records of all closed invoices for customer retrieval from the portal and API. You must have a PDF reader installed in order to view these files.
    • getPdfDetailed
      Return an account's next invoice detailed portion in PDF format.
    • getPdfDetailedFilename
      Get the name of the detailed version of the PDF.
    • getPdfFilename
    • getPdfFilename
      Retrieve the default filename of an order PDF.
    • getPdfFileSize
      Retrieve the size of a PDF record of a SoftLayer invoice. SoftLayer keeps PDF records of all closed invoices for customer retrieval from the portal and API.
    • getPemFormat
      Retrieve the certificate in PEM (Privacy Enhanced Mail) format, which is a string containing all base64 encoded (DER) certificates delimited by -----BEGIN/END *----- clauses.
    • getPendingCancellationFlag
      This flag indicates whether a billing item is scheduled to be canceled or not.
    • getPendingCancellationFlag
      This flag indicates whether a billing item is scheduled to be canceled or not.
    • getPendingCreditCardChangeRequestData
      Before being approved for general use, a credit card must be approved by a SoftLayer agent. Once a credit card change request has been either approved or denied, the change request will no longer appear in the list of pending change requests. This method will return a list of all pending change requests as well as a portion of the data from the original request.
    • getPendingEvents
    • getPendingInvoice
      An account's latest open (pending) invoice.
    • getPendingInvoiceTopLevelItems
      A list of top-level invoice items that are on an account's currently pending invoice.
    • getPendingInvoiceTotalAmount
      The total amount of an account's pending invoice, if one exists.
    • getPendingInvoiceTotalOneTimeAmount
      The total one-time charges for an account's pending invoice, if one exists. In other words, it is the sum of one-time charges, setup fees, and labor fees. It does not include taxes.
    • getPendingInvoiceTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      The sum of all the taxes related to one time charges for an account's pending invoice, if one exists.
    • getPendingInvoiceTotalRecurringAmount
      The total recurring amount of an account's pending invoice, if one exists.
    • getPendingInvoiceTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      The total amount of the recurring taxes on an account's pending invoice, if one exists.
    • getPendingMaintenanceActions
      Returns a list of all the pending maintenance actions affecting this guest.
    • getPendingMigrationFlag
      When true this virtual guest must be migrated using SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::migrate.
    • getPendingOrderItem
      The new order item that will replace this billing item.
    • getPendingOrderItem
      The new order item that will replace this billing item.
    • getPendingRequests
      Returns placeholder MDMS requests for any MDMS order pending approval.
    • getPermissionGroups
      An account's permission groups.
    • getPermissionRoles
      An account's user roles.
    • getPermissions
      A portal user's permissions. These permissions control that user's access to functions within the SoftLayer customer portal and API.
    • getPermissions
      A portal user's permissions. These permissions control that user's access to functions within the SoftLayer customer portal and API.
    • getPermissions
      A portal user's permissions. These permissions control that user's access to functions within the SoftLayer customer portal and API.
    • getPermissions
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPermissionsGroups
      All permissions group(s) this volume is in.
    • getPersonDetail
      [Deprecated] The 'person' detail object.
    • getPhaseOneKeylifeDefault
      The default phase 1 keylife used if a value is not provided. The default value is set to 3600.
    • getPhaseTwoKeylifeDefault
      The default phase 2 keylife used if a value is not provided. The default value is set to 28800.
    • getPhysicalCoreCapacity
      The number of cores that a processor has.
    • getPlacementGroup
      The placement group that a virtual guest belongs to.
    • getPlacementGroups
      An account's associated virtual placement groups.
    • getPMInfo
      Retrieve a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures system temperatures, voltages, and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 seconds. Calls made to getSensorData for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will return the same data. Subsequent calls will return new data once the cache expires.
    • getPMInfo
      Retrieve a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures system temperatures, voltages, and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 seconds. Calls made to getSensorData for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will return the same data. Subsequent calls will return new data once the cache expires.
    • getPMInfo
      Retrieve a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures system temperatures, voltages, and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 seconds. Calls made to getSensorData for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will return the same data. Subsequent calls will return new data once the cache expires.
    • getPodName
      The pod in which this subnet is currently routed.
    • getPodName
      The pod this VLAN is associated with.
    • getpointOfPresence
      Retrieve all point of presence locations.
    • getpointOfPresence
      Retrieve all point of presence locations.
    • getPointOfPresenceLocation
      Information regarding the Point of Presence (PoP) location in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getPointOfPresenceLocation
      Information regarding the Point of Presence (PoP) location in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getPointOfPresenceLocation
      Information regarding the Point of Presence (PoP) location in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getPointOfPresenceLocation
      Information regarding the Point of Presence (PoP) location in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getPointOfPresenceLocation
      Information regarding the Point of Presence (PoP) location in which a piece of hardware resides.
    • getPolicyDocumentContents
      Retrieve the binary contents of the associated PDF policy document.
    • getPolicyName
      The name of the assigned policy.
    • getPopLocationAvailabilityFlag
      This flag indicates if the package may be available in PoP locations in addition to Datacenters.
    • getPortableStorageVolumes
    • getPortalLoginToken
      Attempt to authenticate a username and password to the SoftLayer customer portal. Many portal user accounts are configured to require answering a security question on login. In this case getPortalLoginToken() also verifies the given security question ID and answer. If authentication is successful then the API returns a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getPortalLoginToken
      Attempt to authenticate a username and password to the SoftLayer customer portal. Many portal user accounts are configured to require answering a security question on login. In this case getPortalLoginToken() also verifies the given security question ID and answer. If authentication is successful then the API returns a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getPortalLoginToken
      Attempt to authenticate a username and password to the SoftLayer customer portal. Many portal user accounts are configured to require answering a security question on login. In this case getPortalLoginToken() also verifies the given security question ID and answer. If authentication is successful then the API returns a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getPortalLoginTokenOpenIdConnect
      Attempt to authenticate a supplied OpenIdConnect access token to the SoftLayer customer portal. If authentication is successful then the API returns a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getPortalLoginTokenOpenIdConnect
      Attempt to authenticate a supplied OpenIdConnect access token to the SoftLayer customer portal. If authentication is successful then the API returns a token containing the ID of the authenticated user and a hash key used by the SoftLayer customer portal to maintain authentication.
    • getPortLabel
    • getPorts
    • getPortStatistics
      **DEPRECATED - This operation will cease to function after April 4th, 2016 and will be removed from v3.2** Retrieve various network statistics. The network statistics are retrieved from the network device using snmpget. Below is a list of statistics retrieved: * Administrative Status * Operational Status * Maximum Transmission Unit * In Octets * Out Octets * In Unicast Packets * Out Unicast Packets * In Multicast Packets * Out Multicast Packets
    • getPossibleInsideVlans
      Get all VLANs that can become inside VLANs on this gateway. This means the VLAN must not already be an inside VLAN, on the same router as this gateway, not a gateway transit VLAN, and not firewalled.
    • getPostalCodeRequiredCountryCodes
      This method will return an array of country codes that require postal code
    • getPostProvisioningHooks
      Customer specified URIs that are downloaded onto a newly provisioned or reloaded server. If the URI is sent over https it will be executed directly on the server.
    • getPowerComponents
      The power components for a hardware object.
    • getPowerComponents
      The power components for a hardware object.
    • getPowerComponents
      The power components for a hardware object.
    • getPowerComponents
      The power components for a hardware object.
    • getPowerComponents
      The power components for a hardware object.
    • getPowerState
      The current power state of a virtual guest.
    • getPowerSupply
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's power supply.
    • getPowerSupply
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's power supply.
    • getPowerSupply
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's power supply.
    • getPowerSupply
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's power supply.
    • getPowerSupply
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's power supply.
    • getPptpVpnAllowedFlag
      (Deprecated) Boolean flag dictating whether or not this account supports PPTP VPN Access.
    • getPptpVpnUsers
      An account's associated portal users with PPTP VPN access. (Deprecated)
    • getPrecheckStatus
      Get the precheck status for all Virtual (Juniper, Fortigate vFSA) Gateway Action categories which require a readiness check before executing. Reference documentation for more details. Possible precheck readiness values include: Ready (0): The member or Gateway category is ready. The only state that will be allowed to execute the Action. Not Ready (1): The member or Gateway category is not ready. This could occur because of several reasons. Either a precheck error occur, or the precheck has not run within the precheck timeout window. Check the returnCode for details on the specific error. Reference the documentation for recovery details. Running (2): The precheck is currently running with no errors. Incomplete (3): The other member in the Gateway failed, therefore the current member could not complete it's precheck. Unsupported (4): The category is unsupported for the given member or Gateway. Expired (5) : The precheck record has expired so will need to be run again. Unchecked (6) : The precheck for the category has never been run. Current (7) : The gateway state is current so running precheck is not required. This commonly relates to version upgrade if gateway is in most update version. Return Values: Array of objects Object Definition: category : String : The precheck category which corresponds to one or more executeable actions. Current categories include: upgrade_precheck : Required for major and minor upgrade version actions. license_precheck : Required for license upgrade and downgrade actions. reload_precheck : Required for OS Reload action. rollback_precheck : Optional and related to upgrade_precheck. Only returned if getRollbackPrecheck is provided and set to True (1). memberId : Integer : The softlayer member id. memberReadinessValue : String : The precheck readiness state for the member. See possible readiness values above. gatewayReadinessValue : String : The precheck readiness state for the gateway : See possible readiness values above. returnCode : Integer : The return code. 0 if no error. Reference documentation for details.
    • getPreconfiguredFlag
      This flag indicates the package is pre-configured. (Deprecated)
    • getPreference
      (DEPRECATED) To opt in or out of future surveys, please follow the link found in the email survey.
    • getPreference
      Select a type of preference you would like to get using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreferenceTypes](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and invoke this method using that preference type key name.
    • getPreference
      Select a type of preference you would like to get using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreferenceTypes](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and invoke this method using that preference type key name.
    • getPreference
      Select a type of preference you would like to get using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreferenceTypes](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) and invoke this method using that preference type key name.
    • getPreferences
      The preferences related to the notification. These are preferences are configurable and optional for subscribers to use.
    • getPreferences
      The preferences related to the notification. These are preferences are configurable and optional for subscribers to use.
    • getPreferences
      Associated subscriber preferences used for the notification subscription. For example, preferences include number of deliveries (limit) and threshold.
    • getPreferences
      Associated subscriber preferences used for the notification subscription. For example, preferences include number of deliveries (limit) and threshold.
    • getPreferences
      Associated subscriber preferences used for the notification subscription. For example, preferences include number of deliveries (limit) and threshold.
    • getPreferences
      Data type contains a single user preference to a specific preference type.
    • getPreferences
      Data type contains a single user preference to a specific preference type.
    • getPreferences
      Data type contains a single user preference to a specific preference type.
    • getPreferencesDetails
      Preference details such as description, minimum and maximum limits, default value and unit of measure.
    • getPreferencesDetails
      Preference details such as description, minimum and maximum limits, default value and unit of measure.
    • getPreferencesDetails
      Preference details such as description, minimum and maximum limits, default value and unit of measure.
    • getPreferenceTypes
      Use any of the preference types to fetch or modify user preferences using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) or [SoftLayer_User_Customer::changePreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), respectively.
    • getPreferenceTypes
      Use any of the preference types to fetch or modify user preferences using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) or [SoftLayer_User_Customer::changePreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), respectively.
    • getPreferenceTypes
      Use any of the preference types to fetch or modify user preferences using [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getPreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) or [SoftLayer_User_Customer::changePreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), respectively.
    • getPreferredDatacenter
      The preferred datacenters of a group.
    • getPreliminaryExcel
      Retrieve a Microsoft Excel record of a SoftLayer invoice. SoftLayer generates Microsoft Excel records of all closed invoices for customer retrieval from the portal and API. You must have a Microsoft Excel reader installed in order to view these invoice files.
    • getPreliminaryPdf
      Retrieve a PDF record of a SoftLayer invoice. SoftLayer keeps PDF records of all closed invoices for customer retrieval from the portal and API. You must have a PDF reader installed in order to view these invoice files.
    • getPreliminaryPdfDetailed
      Retrieve a PDF record of the detailed version of a SoftLayer invoice. SoftLayer keeps PDF records of all closed invoices for customer retrieval from the portal and API.
    • getPreOpenRecurringInvoices
      An account's invoices in the PRE_OPEN status.
    • getPresaleEvent
    • getPresaleEvents
    • getPresaleEvents
    • getPreset
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset related to this order item.
    • getPreset
    • getPresetConfigurationRequiredFlag
      Whether the package requires the user to define a preset configuration.
    • getPresetConfigurations
      A list of preset configurations this category is used in.'
    • getPresetConfigurations
      A list of preset configurations this price is used in.'
    • getPreventVlanSelectionFlag
      Whether the package prevents the user from specifying a Vlan.
    • getPreviousCyclePeakUsage
      Peak number of bytes used in the vault for the previous billing cycle.
    • getPreviousOrderData
      Returns previous SSL certificate order data. You can use this data for to place a renewal order for a completed SSL certificate.
    • getPreviousRecurringRevenue
      The total recurring amount for an accounts previous revenue.
    • getPrice
    • getPrice
    • getPriceGroups
      A location can be a member of 1 or more Price Groups. This will show which groups to which a location belongs.
    • getPriceGroups
      A location can be a member of 1 or more Price Groups. This will show which groups to which a location belongs.
    • getPriceRestrictions
      The item price that an account is restricted to.
    • getPrices
      The prices that this pricing location group limits. All of these prices will only be available in the locations defined by this pricing location group.
    • getPrices
      A product item's prices.
    • getPrices
      The item prices that are included in this package preset configuration.
    • getPriceType
      The type keyname of this price which can be STANDARD, TIERED, or TERM.
    • getPricingLocationGroup
      The pricing location group that this price is applicable for. Prices that have a pricing location group will only be available for ordering with the locations specified on the location group.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The hardware's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The hardware's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The hardware's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The hardware's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The hardware's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      The getPrimaryBackendIpAddress method retrieves the primary backend IP address for the resource
    • getPrimaryBackendIpAddress
      A guest's primary private IP address.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary back-end network component.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary back-end network component.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary back-end network component.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary back-end network component.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary back-end network component.
    • getPrimaryBackendNetworkComponent
      A guest's primary backend network component.
    • getPrimaryDriveSize
    • getPrimaryDriveSize
    • getPrimaryDriveSize
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The hardware's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The hardware's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The hardware's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The hardware's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The hardware's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      An application delivery controller's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The getPrimaryIpAddress method retrieves the primary IP address for the resource. For resources with a frontend network, the frontend IP address will be returned. For resources that have been provisioned with only a backend network, the backend IP address will be returned, as a frontend address will not exist.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      The guest's primary public IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddress
      A computing instance network component's primary IP address.
    • getPrimaryIpAddressRecord
      The primary IPv4 Address record for a network component.
    • getPrimaryIpAddressRecord
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary public network component.
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary public network component.
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary public network component.
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary public network component.
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      Information regarding the hardware's primary public network component.
    • getPrimaryNetworkComponent
      A guest's primary public network component.
    • getPrimaryRouter
      The router device that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      The subnet of the primary IP address assigned to this network component.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      A primary IPv4 subnet routed on this VLAN, if accessible.
    • getPrimarySubnet
      A network component's subnet for its primary IP address
    • getPrimarySubnets
      All primary subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getPrimarySubnetVersion6
      The primary IPv6 subnet routed on this VLAN, if IPv6 is enabled.
    • getPrimaryVersion6IpAddressRecord
      The primary IPv6 Address record for a network component.
    • getPrimaryVersion6IpAddressRecord
      A network component's primary IPv6 IP address record.
    • getPriorities
      Obtain a container of valid ticket priority values with value/name key pairs.
    • getPriorityOneTickets
      All priority one tickets associated with an account.
    • getPrivateAllotmentHardwareBandwidthDetails
      DEPRECATED - This information can be pulled directly through tapping keys now - DEPRECATED. The allotments for this account and their servers. The private inbound and outbound bandwidth is calculated for each server in addition to the daily average network traffic since the last billing date.
    • getPrivateBackendNetworkComponents
      A collection of backendNetwork components
    • getPrivateBackendNetworkComponents
      A collection of backendNetwork components
    • getPrivateBackendNetworkComponents
      A collection of backendNetwork components
    • getPrivateBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPrivateBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPrivateBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPrivateBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPrivateBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPrivateBandwidthDataSummary
      Retrieve a brief summary of a server's private network bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthDataSummary retrieves a server's bandwidth allocation for its billing period, its estimated usage during its billing period, and an estimation of how much bandwidth it will use during its billing period based on its current usage. A server's projected bandwidth usage increases in accuracy as it progresses through its billing period.
    • getPrivateBandwidthDataSummary
      Retrieve a brief summary of a server's private network bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthDataSummary retrieves a server's bandwidth allocation for its billing period, its estimated usage during its billing period, and an estimation of how much bandwidth it will use during its billing period based on its current usage. A server's projected bandwidth usage increases in accuracy as it progresses through its billing period.
    • getPrivateBandwidthDataSummary
      Retrieve a brief summary of a server's private network bandwidth usage. getPrivateBandwidthDataSummary retrieves a server's bandwidth allocation for its billing period, its estimated usage during its billing period, and an estimation of how much bandwidth it will use during its billing period based on its current usage. A server's projected bandwidth usage increases in accuracy as it progresses through its billing period.
    • getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image
    • getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image
    • getPrivateBandwidthGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a server's private network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image
    • getPrivateBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      Private and shared template group objects (parent only) for an account.
    • getPrivateHostedCloudPackageFlag
      This flag indicates the package is for a private hosted cloud deployment. (Deprecated)
    • getPrivateHostedCloudPackageType
      The server role of the private hosted cloud deployment. (Deprecated)
    • getPrivateIpAddress
      A server's primary private IP address.
    • getPrivateIpAddress
      A server's primary private IP address.
    • getPrivateIpAddress
      A server's primary private IP address.
    • getPrivateIpAddress
      The private gateway IP address.
    • getPrivateIpAddresses
    • getPrivateNetworkComponent
      Retrieve the private network component attached with this server.
    • getPrivateNetworkComponent
      Retrieve the private network component attached with this server.
    • getPrivateNetworkComponent
      Retrieve the private network component attached with this server.
    • getPrivateNetworkGateway
      The network gateway appliance using this address as the private IP address.
    • getPrivateNetworkGateways
      The gateway devices with connectivity supported by this private VLAN.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the hardware only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the hardware only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the hardware only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the hardware only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the hardware only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the package only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyFlag
      Whether the computing instance only has access to the private network.
    • getPrivateNetworkOnlyHardware
      The private network only hardware contained within a virtual rack.
    • getPrivateNetworkVlans
      The private network VLANs assigned to an account.
    • getPrivateSubnets
      All private subnets associated with an account.
    • getPrivateVlan
      Retrieve the backend VLAN for the primary IP address of the server
    • getPrivateVlan
      Retrieve the backend VLAN for the primary IP address of the server
    • getPrivateVlan
      Retrieve the backend VLAN for the primary IP address of the server
    • getPrivateVlan
      The private VLAN for accessing this gateway.
    • getPrivateVlan
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves a private VLAN associated to one or more hosts also associated to this public VLAN.
    • getPrivateVlanByIpAddress
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieve a backend network VLAN by searching for an IP address
    • getPrivateVlanByIpAddress
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieve a backend network VLAN by searching for an IP address
    • getPrivateVlanByIpAddress
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieve a backend network VLAN by searching for an IP address
    • getPrivateVlanByIpAddress
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieve the private network VLAN associated with an IP address.
    • getProcessorCoreAmount
      The total number of processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorCoreAmount
      The total number of processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorCoreAmount
      The total number of processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorCoreAmount
      The total number of processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorCoreAmount
      The total number of processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorPhysicalCoreAmount
      The total number of physical processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorPhysicalCoreAmount
      The total number of physical processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorPhysicalCoreAmount
      The total number of physical processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorPhysicalCoreAmount
      The total number of physical processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessorPhysicalCoreAmount
      The total number of physical processor cores, summed from all processors that are attached to a piece of hardware
    • getProcessors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's processors.
    • getProcessors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's processors.
    • getProcessors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's processors.
    • getProcessors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's processors.
    • getProcessors
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's processors.
    • getProduct
      The entry in the product catalog that a invoice item is based upon.
    • getProduct
      The entry in the product catalog that the underlying billing item is based on.
    • getProduct
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) for this policy assignment.
    • getProductItems
      The various product items to which this software description is linked.
    • getProfiles
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this hardware for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this hardware for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this hardware for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this bandwidth pool for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedOverBandwidthAllocationFlag
      Whether the bandwidth usage for this computing instance for the current billing cycle is projected to exceed the allocation.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this hardware for the current billing cycle.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for the current billing cycle.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this virtual server for the current billing cycle.
    • getProjectedPublicBandwidthUsage
      The projected public outbound bandwidth for this computing instance for the current billing cycle.
    • getPromoCode
    • getProofOfConceptAccountFlag
      Boolean flag indicating whether or not this account is a Proof of Concept account.
    • getProperties
      [Deprecated] The individual properties that define this detail object's values.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProperties
      The properties used to provide additional details about a network storage volume.
    • getProperties
      Properties used for configuration of a schedule.
    • getPropertyType
      [Deprecated] The [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type) object this property belongs to
    • getProtectedIpAddresses
    • getProtectedIpAddresses
      IP addresses routed on this VLAN which are actively associated with network protections.
    • getProtectionAddress
    • getProvider
      The Id of Direct Link provider.
    • getProvisionDate
    • getProvisionDate
    • getProvisionDate
    • getProvisionDate
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getProvisionedIops
      The number of IOPs provisioned for this volume.
    • getProvisionState
      The getProvisionState method retrieves the provision state of the resource. The provision state may be used to determine when it is considered safe to perform additional setup operations. The method returns 'PROCESSING' to indicate the provision is in progress and 'COMPLETE' when the provision is complete.
    • getProvisionTransaction
      Provisioning transaction for this billing item
    • getProvisionTransaction
      Provisioning transaction for this billing item
    • getProvisionTransactionGroup
      This details the provisioning transaction group for this software. This is only valid for Operating System software.
    • getPublicAllotmentHardwareBandwidthDetails
      DEPRECATED - This information can be pulled directly through tapping keys now - DEPRECATED. The allotments for this account and their servers. The public inbound and outbound bandwidth is calculated for each server in addition to the daily average network traffic since the last billing date.
    • getPublicBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPublicBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPublicBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPublicBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPublicBandwidthData
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified timeframe. If no timeframe is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels.
    • getPublicBandwidthDataSummary
      Retrieve a brief summary of a server's public network bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthDataSummary retrieves a server's bandwidth allocation for its billing period, its estimated usage during its billing period, and an estimation of how much bandwidth it will use during its billing period based on its current usage. A server's projected bandwidth usage increases in accuracy as it progresses through its billing period.
    • getPublicBandwidthDataSummary
      Retrieve a brief summary of a server's public network bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthDataSummary retrieves a server's bandwidth allocation for its billing period, its estimated usage during its billing period, and an estimation of how much bandwidth it will use during its billing period based on its current usage. A server's projected bandwidth usage increases in accuracy as it progresses through its billing period.
    • getPublicBandwidthDataSummary
      Retrieve a brief summary of a server's public network bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthDataSummary retrieves a server's bandwidth allocation for its billing period, its estimated usage during its billing period, and an estimation of how much bandwidth it will use during its billing period based on its current usage. A server's projected bandwidth usage increases in accuracy as it progresses through its billing period.
    • getPublicBandwidthGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels. THIS METHOD GENERATES GRAPHS BASED ON THE NEW DATA WAREHOUSE REPOSITORY.
    • getPublicBandwidthGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels. THIS METHOD GENERATES GRAPHS BASED ON THE NEW DATA WAREHOUSE REPOSITORY.
    • getPublicBandwidthGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a server's public network bandwidth usage over the specified time frame. If no time frame is specified then getPublicBandwidthGraphImage retrieves the last 24 hours of public bandwidth usage. getPublicBandwidthGraphImage returns a PNG image measuring 827 pixels by 293 pixels. THIS METHOD GENERATES GRAPHS BASED ON THE NEW DATA WAREHOUSE REPOSITORY.
    • getPublicBandwidthTotal
      Retrieve the total number of bytes used by a server over a specified time period via the data warehouse tracking objects for this hardware.
    • getPublicBandwidthTotal
      Retrieve the total number of bytes used by a server over a specified time period via the data warehouse tracking objects for this hardware.
    • getPublicBandwidthTotal
      Retrieve the total number of bytes used by a server over a specified time period via the data warehouse tracking objects for this hardware.
    • getPublicCustomerOwnedImages
      This method gets all public customer owned image templates that the user is allowed to see.
    • getPublicImageBillingItem
      The current billing item for a public storage repository.
    • getPublicImageDiskUsageRatePerGb
      Returns the public image storage disk usage fee rate per gigabyte.
    • getPublicImages
      This method gets all public image templates that the user is allowed to see.
    • getPublicIpAddress
      The public gateway IP address.
    • getPublicIpAddress
      The public gateway IP address.
    • getPublicIpAddresses
    • getPublicIpv6Address
      The public gateway IPv6 address.
    • getPublicIsoImages
      Retrieves images from the public ISO repository
    • getPublicNetworkComponent
      Retrieve a SoftLayer server's public network component. Some servers are only connected to the private network and may not have a public network component. In that case getPublicNetworkComponent returns a null object.
    • getPublicNetworkComponent
      Retrieve a SoftLayer server's public network component. Some servers are only connected to the private network and may not have a public network component. In that case getPublicNetworkComponent returns a null object.
    • getPublicNetworkComponent
      Retrieve a SoftLayer server's public network component. Some servers are only connected to the private network and may not have a public network component. In that case getPublicNetworkComponent returns a null object.
    • getPublicNetworkGateway
      The network gateway appliance using this address as the public IP address.
    • getPublicNetworkGateways
      The gateway devices with connectivity supported by this public VLAN.
    • getPublicNetworkVlans
      The public network VLANs assigned to an account.
    • getPublicSubnets
      All public network subnets associated with an account.
    • getPublicVlan
      Retrieve the frontend VLAN for the primary IP address of the server
    • getPublicVlan
      Retrieve the frontend VLAN for the primary IP address of the server
    • getPublicVlan
      Retrieve the frontend VLAN for the primary IP address of the server
    • getPublicVlan
      The public VLAN for accessing this gateway.
    • getPublicVlanByFqdn
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves a public VLAN associated to the host matched by the given fully-qualified domain name.
    • getPublicVlanByHostname
      Retrieve the frontend network Vlan by searching the hostname of a server
    • getPublicVlanByHostname
      Retrieve the frontend network Vlan by searching the hostname of a server
    • getPublicVlanByHostname
      Retrieve the frontend network Vlan by searching the hostname of a server
    • getPurgeGroupByGroupId
      This method returns the purge group for a given domain and group ID.
    • getPurgeGroupQuota
      This method gets a purge group quota.
    • getPurgeHistoryPerMapping
      This method returns the purge history for a given domain and CDN account.
    • getPurgeStatus
      This method gets the status of a given purge path.
    • getQualifiedFirmwares
    • getQuantaStorPackageFlag
      Whether the package is a specialized mass storage QuantaStor package. (Deprecated)
    • getQueryType
      The type of monitoring query that is executed when this hardware is monitored.
    • getQuestion
      The question the security answer is associated with.
    • getQuestionReferences
      The question references that are associated with an item category.
    • getQuestions
      The questions that are associated with an item category.
    • getQuestions
      The questions for a survey.
    • getQuote
      The quote of an order. This quote holds information about its expiration date, creation date, name and status. This information is tied to an order having the status 'QUOTE'
    • getQuoteByQuoteKey
      This method will return a [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote) that is identified by the quote key specified. If you do not have access to the quote or it does not exist, an exception will be thrown indicating so.
    • getQuoteByQuoteKey
      This method will return a [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote) that is identified by the quote key specified. If you do not have access to the quote or it does not exist, an exception will be thrown indicating so.
    • getQuotes
      An account's quotes.
    • getQuotes
    • getRack
    • getRack
    • getRack
    • getRack
    • getRack
    • getRaidControllers
      The RAID controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getRaidControllers
      The RAID controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getRaidControllers
      The RAID controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getRaidControllers
      The RAID controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getRaidControllers
      The RAID controllers contained within a piece of hardware.
    • getRaidDiskRestrictionFlag
      This flag indicates the package does not allow different disks with RAID.
    • getReadyNodeFlag
      Determine if hardware object is vSan Ready Node.
    • getReadyNodeFlag
      Determine if hardware object is vSan Ready Node.
    • getReadyNodeFlag
      Determine if hardware object is vSan Ready Node.
    • getRebootTime
      A motherboard's average reboot time.
    • getRecalculatedOrderContainer
      Generate an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) from a billing order. This will take into account promotions, reseller status, estimated taxes and all other standard order verification processes.
    • getRecalculatedOrderContainer
      This method allows the customer to retrieve a saved cart and put it in a format that's suitable to be sent to SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart::createCart to create a new cart or to SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart::updateCart to update an existing cart.
    • getRecalculatedOrderContainer
      Generate an [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) from the previously-created quote. This will take into account promotions, reseller status, estimated taxes and all other standard order verification processes.
    • getReceipt
      Generate a [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt) object with all the order information.
    • getRecentCommands
      The last five reboot/power (rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) commands issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getRecentEvents
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this hardware.
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this hardware.
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this hardware.
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this hardware.
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this hardware.
    • getRecentEvents
      Recent events that impact this computing instance.
    • getRecentMetricData
      Recent metric data for a guest
    • getRecentRemoteManagementCommands
      The last five commands issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getRecentRemoteManagementCommands
      The last five commands issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getRecentRemoteManagementCommands
      The last five commands issued to the server's remote management card.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRecycleBinFileByIdentifier
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Retrieve the details of a file that is pending deletion in a Storage account's a recycle bin.
    • getRedfishPowerState
      Retrieves the power state for the server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This will return 'on' or 'off'.
    • getRedfishPowerState
      Retrieves the power state for the server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This will return 'on' or 'off'.
    • getRedfishPowerState
      Retrieves the power state for the server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This will return 'on' or 'off'.
    • getRedundancyCapableFlag
      Indicates whether the network component is participating in a group of two or more components capable of being operationally redundant, if enabled.
    • getRedundancyEnabledFlag
      Indicates whether the network component is participating in a group of two or more components which is actively providing link redundancy.
    • getRedundantPowerFlag
      This flag determines if the package contains a redundant power supply product.
    • getRedundantPowerSupplyCount
      A count of power supplies contained within this SoftLayer_Billing_Order
    • getReferences
      References that tie object to the tag.
    • getReferralPartner
      The Referral Partner for this account, if any.
    • getReferralPartner
      The Referral Partner who referred this order. (Only necessary for new customer orders)
    • getReferralPartnerCommissionForecast
    • getReferralPartnerCommissionHistory
    • getReferralPartnerCommissionPending
    • getReferredAccountFlag
      Flag indicating if the account was referred.
    • getReferredAccounts
      If this is a account is a referral partner, the accounts this referral partner has referred
    • getRegion
    • getRegionalGroup
      The regional group this datacenter belongs to.
    • getRegionalGroup
      The regional group this guest is in.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
      The RIR which is authoritative over the network in which this subnet resides.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
      [Deprecated] The related Regional Internet Registry.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistry
    • getRegionalInternetRegistryHandle
      [Deprecated] The associated RWhois handle of this detail object. Used only when detailed reassignments are necessary.
    • getRegionalInternetRegistryHandle
      [Deprecated] The RIR handle that this registration object belongs to. This field may not be populated until the registration is complete.
    • getRegionLeads
      Returns a list of all Integrated Offering Team region leads. Note that this method, despite being visible, is not accessible by customers and attempting to use it will result in an error response.
    • getRegions
      A location can be a member of 1 or more regions. This will show which regions to which a location belongs.
    • getRegions
      A location can be a member of 1 or more regions. This will show which regions to which a location belongs.
    • getRegions
      The regional locations that a package is available in.
    • getRegions
    • getRegistration
      [Deprecated] The related [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • getRegistrations
      The regional internet registrations that have been created for this subnet.
    • getRegulatedWorkloads
    • getReloadTransactionGroup
      The transaction group that a software description belongs to. A transaction group is a sequence of transactions that must be performed in a specific order for the installation of software.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHosts
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts per volume.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getRemainingAllowedHostsForReplicant
      Retrieves the remaining number of allowed hosts for a volume's replicant.
    • getRemoteManagement
      A server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagement
      A server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagement
      A server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementAccounts
      User credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementAccounts
      User credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementAccounts
      User credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementAccounts
      User credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementAccounts
      User credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementCommandRequests
      Remote management command requests for an account
    • getRemoteManagementComponent
      A hardware's associated remote management component. This is normally IPMI.
    • getRemoteManagementComponent
      A hardware's associated remote management component. This is normally IPMI.
    • getRemoteManagementComponent
      A hardware's associated remote management component. This is normally IPMI.
    • getRemoteManagementComponent
      A hardware's associated remote management component. This is normally IPMI.
    • getRemoteManagementComponent
      A hardware's associated remote management component. This is normally IPMI.
    • getRemoteManagementNetworkComponent
      An IPMI-based management network component of the IP address.
    • getRemoteManagementUsers
      User(s) who have access to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementUsers
      User(s) who have access to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementUsers
      User(s) who have access to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getRemoteManagementUsers
      User(s) credentials to issue commands and/or interact with the server's remote management card.
    • getReplicaSnapshots
      Replica snapshots which have been created as the result of this schedule's execution.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingLuns
      The iSCSI LUN volumes being replicated by this network storage volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicatingVolume
      The network storage volume being replicated by a volume.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The Replication events for all Network Storage volumes on an account.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationEvents
      The volume replication events.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationPartners
      The network storage volumes configured to be replicants of a volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationSchedule
      The Replication Schedule associated with a network storage volume.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationStatus
      The current replication status of a network storage volume. Indicates Failover or Failback status.
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getReplicationTimestamp
      An API call to fetch the last timestamp of the replication process
    • getReport
      Get the vulnerability report for a scan request, formatted as HTML string. Previous scan reports are held indefinitely.
    • getReportType
      Type of the report customer is requesting for.
    • getRepresentative
    • getRequest
      The request to which the media belongs.
    • getRequest
      The request this key contact belongs to.
    • getRequestByRequestKey
    • getRequestorContact
      A request's corresponding requestor contact, if one exists.
    • getRequestorOwnedFlag
      Flag whether the requestor owns the hardware the scan was run on. This flag will return for hardware servers only, virtual servers will result in a null return even if you have a request out for them.
    • getRequestsPendingIntegratedOfferingTeamReview
      Retrieves a list of requests that are pending review in the specified regions
    • getRequestsPendingOverThresholdReview
      Retrieves a list of requests that are pending over threshold review
    • getRequiredCoreCount
      The number of server cores required to order this item. This is deprecated. Use [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price::getCapacityRestrictionMinimum](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price/getCapacityRestrictionMinimum) and [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price::getCapacityRestrictionMaximum](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price/getCapacityRestrictionMaximum)
    • getRequiredPreferences
      The required preferences related to the notification. While configurable, the subscriber does not have the option whether to use the preference.
    • getRequiredPreferences
      The required preferences related to the notification. While configurable, the subscriber does not have the option whether to use the preference.
    • getRequiredUser
      The default user created for a given a software description.
    • getRequirements
      If an item must be ordered with another item, it will have a requirement item here.
    • getRequirementsForPasswordSet
      Retrieve the authentication requirements for an outstanding password set/reset request. The requirements returned in the same SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container which is provided as a parameter into this request. The SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet::authenticationMethods array will contain an entry for each authentication method required for the user. See SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet for more details. If the user has required authentication methods, then authentication information will be supplied to the SoftLayer_User_Customer::processPasswordSetRequest method within this same SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container. All existing information in the container must continue to exist in the container to complete the password set/reset process.
    • getRequirementsForPasswordSet
      Retrieve the authentication requirements for an outstanding password set/reset request. The requirements returned in the same SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container which is provided as a parameter into this request. The SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet::authenticationMethods array will contain an entry for each authentication method required for the user. See SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet for more details. If the user has required authentication methods, then authentication information will be supplied to the SoftLayer_User_Customer::processPasswordSetRequest method within this same SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container. All existing information in the container must continue to exist in the container to complete the password set/reset process.
    • getRequirementsForPasswordSet
      Retrieve the authentication requirements for an outstanding password set/reset request. The requirements returned in the same SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container which is provided as a parameter into this request. The SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet::authenticationMethods array will contain an entry for each authentication method required for the user. See SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet for more details. If the user has required authentication methods, then authentication information will be supplied to the SoftLayer_User_Customer::processPasswordSetRequest method within this same SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container. All existing information in the container must continue to exist in the container to complete the password set/reset process.
    • getRequireSilentIBMidUserCreation
      Indicates whether newly created users under this account will be associated with IBMid via an email requiring a response, or not.
    • getResellerOrder
      When the account is on an external reseller brand, this service will provide a SoftLayer_Product_Order with the the pricing adjusted by the external reseller.
    • getReservedCapacityAgreements
      All reserved capacity agreements for an account
    • getReservedCapacityGroup
      The reserved capacity group the guest is associated with.
    • getReservedCapacityGroup
      The reserved instances that are members of this reserved capacity group.
    • getReservedCapacityGroupFlag
      Flag to indicate whether or not a guest is part of a reserved capacity group.
    • getReservedCapacityGroupInstance
      The reserved capacity group instance the guest is associated with.
    • getReservedCapacityGroups
      The reserved capacity groups owned by this account.
    • getReservedCapacityInstanceFlag
      Signifies pricing that is only available on a reserved capacity virtual server order.
    • getResource
      The resource for a virtual dedicated host billing item.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Hardware object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResource
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest object which this SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host is referencing.
    • getResourceConfigurations
    • getResourceConfigurations
    • getResourceConfigurations
    • getResourceConfigurations
    • getResourceConfigurations
    • getResourceGroupMemberReferences
    • getResourceGroupMemberReferences
    • getResourceGroupMemberReferences
    • getResourceGroupMemberReferences
    • getResourceGroupMemberReferences
    • getResourceGroupRoles
    • getResourceGroupRoles
    • getResourceGroupRoles
    • getResourceGroupRoles
    • getResourceGroupRoles
    • getResourceGroups
      The resource groups in which this hardware is a member.
    • getResourceGroups
      The resource groups in which this hardware is a member.
    • getResourceGroups
      The resource groups in which this hardware is a member.
    • getResourceGroups
      The resource groups in which this hardware is a member.
    • getResourceGroups
      The resource groups in which this hardware is a member.
    • getResourceRecord
      The subscriber id to resource id mapping.
    • getResourceRecord
      The subscriber id to resource id mapping.
    • getResourceRecord
      The subscriber id to resource id mapping.
    • getResourceRecords
      The individual records contained within a domain record. These include but are not limited to A, AAAA, MX, CTYPE, SPF and TXT records.
    • getResponseAction
      The action taken when a monitor fails.
    • getResultFile
      Attempt to retrieve the file associated with a benchmark certification result, if such a file exists. If there is no file for this benchmark certification result, calling this method throws an exception. The 'getResultFile' method attempts to retrieve the file associated with a benchmark certification result, if such a file exists. If no file exists for the benchmark certification, an exception is thrown.
    • getRetentionCount
      The number of snapshots this schedule is configured to retain.
    • getReverseDomain
      The reverse DNS domain associated with this subnet.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve the reverse domain records associated with this server.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve the reverse domain records associated with this server.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve the reverse domain records associated with this server.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve all reverse DNS records associated with a subnet.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      *** DEPRECATED *** Retrieves DNS PTR records associated with IP addresses routed on this VLAN. Results will be grouped by DNS domain with the 'resourceRecords' property populated.
    • getReverseDomainRecords
      Retrieve the reverse domain records associated with this server.
    • getReviewerAccessToken
      Exchanges a code for a token during reviewer validation.
    • getReviewerEmailFromAccessToken
      Finds a reviewer's email using the access token
    • getRiasAccount
    • getRole
    • getRoleKeyName
      The role identifier that this subnet is participating in. Roles dictate how a subnet may be used.
    • getRoleName
      The name of the role the subnet is within. Roles dictate how a subnet may be used.
    • getRoles
    • getRoles
    • getRoles
    • getRoles
    • getRollbackSupport
      Returns the following statuses SUPPORTED - rollback is supported and perform automatically UNSUPPORTED - rollback is not supported MANUAL - rollback can be performed but
    • getRootResourceGroup
      A resource group's associated root resource group.
    • getRoutableBoundSubnets
      Retrieve all subnets that are eligible to be routed; those which the account has permission to associate with a vlan.
    • getRoutableEndpointIpAddresses
      Returns IP addresses which may be used as routing endpoints for a given subnet. IP address which are currently the network, gateway, or broadcast address of a Secondary Portable subnet, are an address in a Secondary Static subnet, or if the address is not assigned to a resource when part of a Primary Subnet will not be available as a routing endpoint.
    • getRouter
      A network component's routers.
    • getRouter
      The getRouter method will return the router associated with a network component. When the router is redundant, the hostname of the redundant group will be returned, rather than the router hostname.
    • getRouter
      A network component's routers.
    • getRouters
      All Routers that an accounts VLANs reside on
    • getRouters
      A hardware's routers.
    • getRouters
      A hardware's routers.
    • getRouters
      A hardware's routers.
    • getRouters
      A hardware's routers.
    • getRouters
      A hardware's routers.
    • getRoutingMethod
    • getRoutingMethod
    • getRoutingType
    • getRoutingTypeKeyName
      The product and route classifier for this routed subnet, with the following values: PRIMARY, SECONDARY, STATIC_TO_IP, GLOBAL_IP, IPSEC_STATIC_NAT.
    • getRoutingTypeName
      The description of the product and route classifier for this routed subnet, with the following values: Primary, Portable, Static, Global, IPSec Static NAT.
    • getRule
      The placement rule that the placement group is implementing.
    • getRules
      The currently running rule set of this network component firewall.
    • getRules
      The currently running rule set of this context access control list firewall.
    • getRules
      The rule set that belongs to this firewall rules template.
    • getRules
      The group of rules contained within the update request.
    • getRules
      The rules for this security group.
    • getRules
      The currently running rule set of this network component firewall.
    • getRules
      An item's rules. This includes the requirements and conflicts to resources that an item has.
    • getRwhoisData
    • getSamlAuthentication
      The SAML configuration for this account.
    • getSanStorageCapabilityFlag
      A flag indicating that a VLAN on the router can be assigned to a host that has SAN disk functionality.
    • getSanStorageCapabilityFlag
      A value of '1' indicates this VLAN's pod has VSI SAN disk storage capability.
    • getScheduledActions
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getSchedules
      The schedules which are associated with a network storage volume.
    • getSecond
      The minute parameter of this schedule.
    • getSecondary
      The secondary DNS record that defines this domain as being managed through zone transfers.
    • getSecondaryDomains
      The secondary DNS records for a SoftLayer customer account.
    • getSecondaryRouter
      [DEPRECATED] The secondary router device that this VLAN is associated with.
    • getSecondarySubnets
      All non-primary subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getSection
    • getSection
    • getSectionType
    • getSectionTypeName
    • getSecureTransportCiphers
      The list of security ciphers enabled for this virtual IP address
    • getSecureTransportProtocols
      The list of secure transport protocols enabled for this virtual IP address
    • getSecurityAnswers
      A portal user's security question answers. Some portal users may not have security answers or may not be configured to require answering a security question on login.
    • getSecurityAnswers
      A portal user's security question answers. Some portal users may not have security answers or may not be configured to require answering a security question on login.
    • getSecurityAnswers
      A portal user's security question answers. Some portal users may not have security answers or may not be configured to require answering a security question on login.
    • getSecurityCertificate
      The SSL certificate currently associated with the VIP.
    • getSecurityCertificateEntry
      The SSL certificate currently associated with the VIP. Provides chosen certificate visibility to unprivileged users.
    • getSecurityCertificates
      Stored security certificates (ie. SSL)
    • getSecurityGroupBindings
      The bindings associating security groups to this network component
    • getSecurityGroups
      The security groups belonging to this account.
    • getSecurityLevel
    • getSecurityLevel
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      An account's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSecurityScanRequests
      A guest's vulnerability scan requests.
    • getSegment
      Segment indicator used to categorize business partner revenue.
    • getSegment
      Segment indicator used to categorize business partner revenue.
    • getSellerRegistration
      This is the seller's tax registration.
    • getSensorData
      The '''getSensorData''' method retrieves a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures various information, including system temperatures, voltages and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 second; calls made to this method for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will result in the same data being returned. To ensure that the data retrieved retrieves snapshot of varied data, make calls greater than 30 seconds apart.
    • getSensorData
      The '''getSensorData''' method retrieves a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures various information, including system temperatures, voltages and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 second; calls made to this method for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will result in the same data being returned. To ensure that the data retrieved retrieves snapshot of varied data, make calls greater than 30 seconds apart.
    • getSensorData
      Retrieve a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures system temperatures, voltages, and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 seconds. Calls made to getSensorData for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will return the same data. Subsequent calls will return new data once the cache expires.
    • getSensorData
      Retrieve a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures system temperatures, voltages, and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 seconds. Calls made to getSensorData for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will return the same data. Subsequent calls will return new data once the cache expires.
    • getSensorData
      Retrieve a server's hardware state via its internal sensors. Remote sensor data is transmitted to the SoftLayer API by way of the server's remote management card. Sensor data measures system temperatures, voltages, and other local server settings. Sensor data is cached for 30 seconds. Calls made to getSensorData for the same server within 30 seconds of each other will return the same data. Subsequent calls will return new data once the cache expires.
    • getSensorDataWithGraphs
      The '''getSensorDataWithGraphs''' method retrieves the raw data returned from the server's remote management card. Along with raw data, graphs for the CPU and system temperatures and fan speeds are also returned. For more details on what information is returned, refer to the ''getSensorData'' method.
    • getSensorDataWithGraphs
      The '''getSensorDataWithGraphs''' method retrieves the raw data returned from the server's remote management card. Along with raw data, graphs for the CPU and system temperatures and fan speeds are also returned. For more details on what information is returned, refer to the ''getSensorData'' method.
    • getSensorDataWithGraphs
      Retrieves the raw data returned from the server's remote management card. For more details of what is returned please refer to the getSensorData method. Along with the raw data, graphs for the cpu and system temperatures and fan speeds are also returned.
    • getSensorDataWithGraphs
      Retrieves the raw data returned from the server's remote management card. For more details of what is returned please refer to the getSensorData method. Along with the raw data, graphs for the cpu and system temperatures and fan speeds are also returned.
    • getSensorDataWithGraphs
      Retrieves the raw data returned from the server's remote management card. For more details of what is returned please refer to the getSensorData method. Along with the raw data, graphs for the cpu and system temperatures and fan speeds are also returned.
    • getServer
      A server object associated with the upgrade request if any.
    • getServerAdministrationBillingInvoice
      The invoice associated with a ticket. Only tickets with an associated administrative charge have an invoice.
    • getServerAdministrationRefundInvoice
      The refund invoice associated with a ticket. Only tickets with a refund applied in them have an associated refund invoice.
    • getServerDetails
      Retrieve a server's hardware components, software, and network components. getServerDetails is an aggregation function that combines the results of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getComponents](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getSoftware](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), and [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getNetworkComponents](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) in a single container.
    • getServerDetails
      Retrieve a server's hardware components, software, and network components. getServerDetails is an aggregation function that combines the results of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getComponents](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getSoftware](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), and [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getNetworkComponents](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) in a single container.
    • getServerDetails
      Retrieve a server's hardware components, software, and network components. getServerDetails is an aggregation function that combines the results of [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getComponents](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getSoftware](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2), and [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::getNetworkComponents](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) in a single container.
    • getServerFanSpeedGraphs
      The '''getServerFanSpeedGraphs''' method retrieves the server's fan speeds and displays the speeds using tachometer graphs. data used to construct these graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. Each graph returned will have an associated title.
    • getServerFanSpeedGraphs
      The '''getServerFanSpeedGraphs''' method retrieves the server's fan speeds and displays the speeds using tachometer graphs. data used to construct these graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. Each graph returned will have an associated title.
    • getServerFanSpeedGraphs
      Retrieve the server's fan speeds and displays them using tachometer graphs. Data used to construct graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have a title associated with it.
    • getServerFanSpeedGraphs
      Retrieve the server's fan speeds and displays them using tachometer graphs. Data used to construct graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have a title associated with it.
    • getServerFanSpeedGraphs
      Retrieve the server's fan speeds and displays them using tachometer graphs. Data used to construct graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have a title associated with it.
    • getServerPackageAvailability
      An API to retrieve server package availability at data centers
    • getServerPowerState
      The '''getPowerState''' method retrieves the power state for the selected server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This method returns 'on', for a server that has been powered on, or 'off' for servers powered off.
    • getServerPowerState
      The '''getPowerState''' method retrieves the power state for the selected server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This method returns 'on', for a server that has been powered on, or 'off' for servers powered off.
    • getServerPowerState
      Retrieves the power state for the server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This will return 'on' or 'off'.
    • getServerPowerState
      Retrieves the power state for the server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This will return 'on' or 'off'.
    • getServerPowerState
      Retrieves the power state for the server. The server's power status is retrieved from its remote management card. This will return 'on' or 'off'.
    • getServerRoom
      Information regarding the server room in which the hardware is located.
    • getServerRoom
      Information regarding the server room in which the hardware is located.
    • getServerRoom
      Information regarding the server room in which the hardware is located.
    • getServerRoom
      Information regarding the server room in which the hardware is located.
    • getServerRoom
      Information regarding the server room in which the hardware is located.
    • getServerRoom
      The server room that a guest is located at. There may be more than one server room for every data center.
    • getServerTemperatureGraphs
      The '''getServerTemperatureGraphs''' retrieves the server's temperatures and displays the various temperatures using thermometer graphs. Temperatures retrieved are CPU temperature(s) and system temperatures. Data used to construct the graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have an associated title.
    • getServerTemperatureGraphs
      The '''getServerTemperatureGraphs''' retrieves the server's temperatures and displays the various temperatures using thermometer graphs. Temperatures retrieved are CPU temperature(s) and system temperatures. Data used to construct the graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have an associated title.
    • getServerTemperatureGraphs
      Retrieve the server's temperature and displays them using thermometer graphs. Temperatures retrieved are CPU(s) and system temperatures. Data used to construct graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have a title associated with it.
    • getServerTemperatureGraphs
      Retrieve the server's temperature and displays them using thermometer graphs. Temperatures retrieved are CPU(s) and system temperatures. Data used to construct graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have a title associated with it.
    • getServerTemperatureGraphs
      Retrieve the server's temperature and displays them using thermometer graphs. Temperatures retrieved are CPU(s) and system temperatures. Data used to construct graphs is retrieved from the server's remote management card. All graphs returned will have a title associated with it.
    • getServiceBillingItems
      The service billing items that will be on an account's next invoice.
    • getServiceBillingItemsByCategory
      This service returns billing items of a specified category code. This service should be used to retrieve billing items that you wish to cancel. Some billing items can be canceled via [SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request) service. In order to find billing items for cancellation, use [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category::getValidCancelableServiceItemCategories](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) service to retrieve category codes that are eligible for cancellation.
    • getServiceBillingItemsByCategory
      This service returns billing items of a specified category code. This service should be used to retrieve billing items that you wish to cancel. Some billing items can be canceled via [SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request) service. In order to find billing items for cancellation, use [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category::getValidCancelableServiceItemCategories](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) service to retrieve category codes that are eligible for cancellation.
    • getServiceGroup
    • getServiceGroups
    • getServiceProvider
    • getServiceProvider
    • getServiceProvider
      Information regarding the piece of hardware's service provider.
    • getServiceProvider
      Information regarding the piece of hardware's service provider.
    • getServiceProvider
      Information regarding the piece of hardware's service provider.
    • getServiceProvider
      Information regarding the piece of hardware's service provider.
    • getServiceProvider
      Information regarding the piece of hardware's service provider.
    • getServiceProvider
    • getServiceProvider
    • getServiceReferences
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResource
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource this group is created on.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource this group is created on.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource this group is created on.
    • getServiceResource
      The network resource a Storage service is connected to.
    • getServiceResource
      The getServiceResource method retrieves a specific service resource associated with the resource. Service resources are additional resources that may be used by this resource.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceBackendIpAddress
      The IP address of a Storage resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getServiceResourceName
      The name of a Storage's network resource.
    • getServiceResources
      The getServiceResources method retrieves all service resources associated with the resource. Service resources are additional resources that may be used by this resource. The output format is <type>=<address> for each service resource.
    • getServices
    • getServices
    • getServices
      the services on this load balancer.
    • getServiceSubnets
      Service subnets that can be access through the network tunnel.
    • getServiceType
      The Id of Direct Link service type.
    • getServiceType
    • getSharedBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      This method returns the [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group) objects that have been shared with this account
    • getShipment
      The shipment to which this item belongs.
    • getShipment
      The shipment of the tracking datum.
    • getShipmentItems
      The items in the shipment.
    • getShipmentItemType
      The type of this shipment item.
    • getShipments
      Shipments that belong to the customer's account.
    • getShipments
      The shipments of the request.
    • getShipments
      The shipments of the request.
    • getSignature
      The signature of the SoftLayer employee department associated with this notification.
    • getSmtpAccess
      A flag that determines if a SendGrid e-mail delivery account has access to send mail through the SendGrid SMTP server.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCapacityGb
      A volume's configured snapshot space size.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotCreationTimestamp
      The creation timestamp of the snapshot on the storage platform.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotDeletionThresholdPercentage
      The percentage of used snapshot space after which to delete automated snapshots.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshotNotificationStatus
      Whether or not a network storage volume may be mounted.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshots
      The snapshots associated with this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume.
    • getSnapshots
      Snapshots which have been created as the result of this schedule's execution.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotsForVolume
      Retrieves a list of snapshots for this SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume. This method works with the result limits and offset to support pagination.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSizeBytes
      The snapshot size in bytes.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getSnapshotSpaceAvailable
      A volume's available snapshot reservation space.
    • getSoaResourceRecord
      The start of authority (SOA) record contains authoritative and propagation details for a DNS zone. This property is not considered in requests to createObject and editObject.
    • getSoftware
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component instance that this username/password pair is valid for.
    • getSoftwareCategories
    • getSoftwareComponents
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's installed software.
    • getSoftwareComponents
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's installed software.
    • getSoftwareComponents
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's installed software.
    • getSoftwareComponents
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's installed software.
    • getSoftwareComponents
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's installed software.
    • getSoftwareComponents
      A guest's installed software.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      A friendly description of software component
    • getSoftwareDescription
      A friendly description of software component
    • getSoftwareDescription
      For ordered items that are software items, a full description of that software can be found with this property.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description tied to this item. This will only be populated for software items.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description that this account license is for.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The Software Description of this Software Component.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The Software Description of this Software Component.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The Software Description of this Software Component.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The Software Description of this Software Component.
    • getSoftwareDescription
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description that this virtual license is for.
    • getSoftwareGuardExtensionEnabled
      Determine if hardware object has Software Guard Extension (SGX) enabled.
    • getSoftwareGuardExtensionEnabled
      Determine if hardware object has Software Guard Extension (SGX) enabled.
    • getSoftwareGuardExtensionEnabled
      Determine if hardware object has Software Guard Extension (SGX) enabled.
    • getSoftwareLicense
      The License this Software Component uses.
    • getSoftwareLicense
      The License this Software Component uses.
    • getSoftwareLicense
      The License this Software Component uses.
    • getSoftwareLicense
      The License this Software Component uses.
    • getSoftwareLicenses
      Software Licenses that govern this Software Description.
    • getSoftwarePasswords
      The OS root users that are linked to an SSH key.
    • getSoftwareReferences
      References to the software that resides on a disk image.
    • getSourceBrand
    • getSourceDiskImage
      The original disk image that the current disk image was cloned from.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSourceSubnet
      Connections to a target with a source IP in this subnet prefix are allowed.
    • getSparePoolBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a spare pool server.
    • getSparePoolBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a spare pool server.
    • getSparePoolBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a spare pool server.
    • getSparePoolBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a spare pool server.
    • getSparePoolBillingItem
      Information regarding the billing item for a spare pool server.
    • getSpeedSelectServerCoreCount
      The total number of cores for a speed select server product.
    • getSpeedSelectServerFlag
      Indicates a speed select server item.
    • getSprintContainer
      Will return a container with information for a PACT or WBS account ID and BMS country ID.
    • getSshKeys
      Customer specified SSH keys that can be implemented onto a newly provisioned or reloaded server.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      SSH keys to be installed on the server during provisioning or an OS reload.
    • getSshKeys
      The ssh keys to be implemented on the server when provisioned or reloaded from an image template group.
    • getSslCertificateRequests
      Returns all the SSL certificate requests.
    • getSslCiphers
      list of preferred custom ciphers configured for the load balancer.
    • getSslRequestStatuses
      Returns all SSL certificate request status objects
    • getSslVpnUsers
      An account's associated portal users with SSL VPN access.
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStaasVersion
    • getStandardCategories
      This call is similar to [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getCategories](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getCategories), except that it does not include account-restricted pricing. Not all accounts have restricted pricing.
    • getStandardPoolVirtualGuests
      An account's virtual guest objects that are hosted on a user provisioned hypervisor.
    • getState
    • getStates
      States that belong to this country.
    • getStaticRouteSubnets
      Subnets used for a network tunnel's address translations.
    • getStatistics
    • getStatisticsGraph
    • getStatisticsGraphImage
      Retrieve a graph of a SoftLayer datacenter's last 48 hours of network activity. Statistics graphs show traffic outbound from a datacenter on top and inbound traffic on the bottom followed by a legend of the network services tracked in the graph. getStatisticsGraphImage returns a PNG image of variable width and height depending on the number of services reported in the image.
    • getStatisticsRemoteManagement
      A server's remote management card used for statistics.
    • getStatisticsRemoteManagement
      A server's remote management card used for statistics.
    • getStatisticsRemoteManagement
      A server's remote management card used for statistics.
    • getStatus
      The status of the agreement.
    • getStatus
      The status of the request.
    • getStatus
      The status of the shipment.
    • getStatus
      The status of this notification.
    • getStatus
      The status of a service cancellation request.
    • getStatus
      The current status of the secondary DNS zone.
    • getStatus
      The current status of the gateway.
    • getStatus
      Returns an array of SoftLayer_Container_Network_LoadBalancer_StatusEntry objects. A SoftLayer_Container_Network_LoadBalancer_StatusEntry object has two variables, 'Label' and 'Value' Calling this function executes a command on the physical load balancer itself, and therefore should be called infrequently. For a general idea of the load balancer service, use the 'peakConnections' variable on the Type Possible values for 'Label' are: * IP Address * Port * Server Status * Load Status * Current Connections * Total Hits Not all labels are guaranteed to be returned.
    • getStatus
      A security scan request's status.
    • getStatus
      The status of the request.
    • getStatus
      [Deprecated] The status of this registration.
    • getStatus
      The current status of the upgrade request.
    • getStatus
      The status of a SSL certificate request.
    • getStatus
      The status of the survey
    • getStatus
      A ticket's status.
    • getStatus
      A computing instance's status.
    • getStatus
      A template group's status.
    • getStatusCode
    • getStorageGroupDetails
      Return storage group details for symantec disk
    • getStorageGroups
      The drive storage groups that are attached to this billing order item.
    • getStorageGroups
    • getStorageGroups
    • getStorageGroups
    • getStorageGroups
    • getStorageGroups
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroups
      The network storage groups this volume is attached to.
    • getStorageGroups
      The storage group for a virtual disk image.
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageGroupsNetworkConnectionDetails
    • getStorageGroupTemplateArrays
      Describes how all disks in this preset will be configured.
    • getStorageLocations
      Returns the image storage locations.
    • getStorageLocations
      Returns the public image storage locations.
    • getStorageNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's private storage network components. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's private storage network components. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's private storage network components. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's private storage network components. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageNetworkComponents
      A piece of hardware's private storage network components. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageNetworkFlag
      Whether a network component's primary ip address is from a storage network subnet or not. [Deprecated]
    • getStorageRepository
      The storage repository that a disk image resides in.
    • getStorageRepository
      The storage repository that an image template group resides on.
    • getStorageRepositoryType
      The type of storage repository that a disk image resides in.
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageTierLevel
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getStorageType
      A description of the Storage object.
    • getSubject
      A ticket's subject. Only standard support tickets have an associated subject. A standard support ticket's title corresponds with it's subject's name.
    • getSubjects
    • getSubmittedRequest
      Allows authorized IBMer to pull all the details of a single proof of concept account request.
    • getSubmittedRequests
      Allows authorized IBMer to retrieve a list summarizing all previously submitted proof of concept requests. Note that the proof of concept system is for internal IBM employees only and is not applicable to users outside the IBM organization.
    • getSubnet
      Subnet components accessible by a SoftLayer VPN portal user.
    • getSubnet
      An IP address' associated subnet.
    • getSubnet
      [Deprecated] The subnet that this registration pertains to.
    • getSubnet
      The subnet that this SWIP transaction was created for.
    • getSubnet
      The subnet this Virtual License's IP address belongs to.
    • getSubnetCategories
      This method returns a list of subnet categories.
    • getSubnetForIpAddress
      Retrieve the subnet associated with an IP address. You may only retrieve subnets assigned to your SoftLayer customer account.
    • getSubnetMembers
      A resource group's associated subnet members.
    • getSubnetRegistrationDetails
    • getSubnetRegistrations
    • getSubnets
      All network subnets associated with an account.
    • getSubnets
      A network application controller's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getSubnets
      A network component's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getSubnets
      The additional subnets linked to this network component firewall.
    • getSubnets
      All subnets routed on this VLAN.
    • getSubnets
      A network component's subnets. A subnet is a group of IP addresses
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubnetsInAcl
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet records assigned to the ACL for this allowed host.
    • getSubscribers
      A user's notification subscription records.
    • getSubscribers
      A user's notification subscription records.
    • getSubscribers
      A user's notification subscription records.
    • getSubscriptions
      All email subscriptions associated with this group.
    • getSubSections
    • getSuccessfulLogins
      A user's successful attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSuccessfulLogins
      A user's successful attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSuccessfulLogins
      A user's successful attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSummary
      Retrieve a metric summary. Ideal if you want to employ your own graphing systems. Note not all metric types contain a summary. These return null.
    • getSummaryData
      Returns summarized metric data for the date range, metric type and summary period provided.
    • getSummaryData
    • getSupportedBootModes
      This method indicates which boot modes are supported by the image.
    • getSupportedDataCenters
      List the data centers that currently support the use of security groups.
    • getSupportedHardware
      Return supported hardware component IDs for symantec disk
    • getSupportedLocales
      Returns all supported locales for the current user
    • getSupportedLocales
      Returns all supported locales for the current user
    • getSupportedLocales
      Returns all supported locales for the current user
    • getSupportEmailAddress
      Gets email address users can use to ask for help/support
    • getSupportPolicyAcknowledgementRequiredFlag
      Whether or not a user is required to acknowledge the support policy for portal access.
    • getSupportPolicyAcknowledgementRequiredFlag
      Whether or not a user is required to acknowledge the support policy for portal access.
    • getSupportPolicyAcknowledgementRequiredFlag
      Whether or not a user is required to acknowledge the support policy for portal access.
    • getSupportPolicyDocument
    • getSupportPolicyDocument
    • getSupportPolicyDocument
    • getSupportPolicyName
    • getSupportPolicyName
    • getSupportPolicyName
    • getSupportRepresentatives
      The SoftLayer employees that an account is assigned to.
    • getSupportSubscriptions
      The active support subscriptions for this account.
    • getSupportTier
    • getSupportTierType
    • getSuppressInvoicesFlag
      A flag indicating to suppress invoices.
    • getSurveyQuestions
      Retrieves Questions for a Referral Partner Survey
    • getSurveyRequiredFlag
      Whether or not a user must take a brief survey the next time they log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSurveyRequiredFlag
      Whether or not a user must take a brief survey the next time they log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSurveyRequiredFlag
      Whether or not a user must take a brief survey the next time they log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSurveys
      The surveys that a user has taken in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSurveys
      The surveys that a user has taken in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSurveys
      The surveys that a user has taken in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getSwipTransaction
    • getSyslogEventsOneDay
      All events for this IP address stored in the datacenter syslogs from the last 24 hours
    • getSyslogEventsSevenDays
      All events for this IP address stored in the datacenter syslogs from the last 7 days
    • getTagByTagName
      Returns the Tag object with a given name. The user types in the tag name and this method returns the tag with that name.
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
      The tags associated to this subnet.
    • getTagReferences
      The tags associated to this VLAN.
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
    • getTagReferences
      The tags associated with this image template group.
    • getTags
    • getTags
      The getTags method retrieves all tags associated with the resource. Tags are single keywords assigned to a resource that assist the user in identifying the resource and its roles when performing a simple search. Tags are assigned by any user with access to the resource.
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTargetIpAddresses
    • getTaxCalculationResult
      Sometimes taxes cannot be calculated immediately, so we start the calculations and let them run in the background. This method will return the current progress and information related to a specific tax calculation, which allows real-time progress updates on tax calculations.
    • getTaxCategory
      An item's tax category, if applicable.
    • getTaxInfo
      This is the tax information that applies to tax auditing. This is the official tax record for this invoice.
    • getTaxInfoHistory
      This is the set of tax information for any tax calculation for this invoice. Note that not all of these are necessarily official, so use the taxInfo key to get the final information.
    • getTaxMessage
      This is a message explaining the tax treatment for this invoice.
    • getTaxType
      This is the strategy used to calculate tax on this invoice.
    • getTechIncubatorProgramInfo
      This method will return a SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program object containing the Technology Incubator Program information for this account. To be considered an active participant, the account must have an enrollment record with a monthly credit amount set and the current date must be within the range defined by the enrollment and graduation date. The forNextBillCycle parameter can be set to true to return a SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program object with information with relation to the next bill cycle. The forNextBillCycle parameter defaults to false.
    • getTemplate
    • getTemplate
    • getTemplate
    • getTemplate
      A resource group's associated template.
    • getTemplateBlockDevice
      The template that attaches a disk image to a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group).
    • getTemplateDataCenterName
      This method allows you to grab the first data center that the image(s) reside on so we can pull it from there.
    • getTestAccountAttributeFlag
      Account attribute flag indicating test account.
    • getThirdPartyPoliciesAcceptanceStatus
      Returns multiple [SoftLayer_Container_Policy_Acceptance](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Policy_Acceptance) that represent the acceptance status of the applicable third-party policies for this account.
    • getThirdPartyPolicyAssignments
      Third-party policy assignments for this product.
    • getThirdPartySupportVendor
      The 3rd party vendor for a support subscription item. (Deprecated)
    • getTicket
    • getTicket
      The ticket that is associated with the service cancellation request.
    • getTicket
      Ticket that is attached to this mass data migration request.
    • getTicket
      The ticket that is used to coordinate the upgrade process.
    • getTicket
    • getTicket
    • getTicket
    • getTicket
      The ticket that a ticket update belongs to.
    • getTicketGroups
    • getTickets
      An account's associated tickets.
    • getTickets
      All tickets that are attached to the data transfer request.
    • getTickets
    • getTickets
      All tickets that are attached to the mass data migration request.
    • getTickets
      An user's associated tickets.
    • getTickets
      An user's associated tickets.
    • getTickets
      An user's associated tickets.
    • getTicketsClosedInTheLastThreeDays
      Tickets closed within the last 72 hours or last 10 tickets, whichever is less, associated with an account.
    • getTicketsClosedSinceDate
      Retrieve all tickets closed since a given date.
    • getTicketsClosedToday
      Tickets closed today associated with an account.
    • getTimezone
    • getTimezone
    • getTimezone
      A portal user's time zone.
    • getTimezone
      A portal user's time zone.
    • getTimezone
      A portal user's time zone.
    • getToken
      (DEPRECATED) Use [SoftLayer_User_Customer::getImpersonationToken](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method.
    • getTopFiveKnowledgeLayerQuestions
      SoftLayer maintains relationships between the generic subjects for standard administration and the top five commonly asked questions about these subjects. getTopFileKnowledgeLayerQuestions() retrieves the top five questions and answers from the SoftLayer KnowledgeLayer related to the given ticket subject.
    • getTopLevelBillingItems
      The top level billing item associated with an agreement.
    • getTopLevelCategories
      This method returns a collection of computing categories. These categories are also top level items in a service offering.
    • getTopLevelItemCategoryCode
      The top level category code for this service offering.
    • getTopLevelLocation
    • getTopLevelLocation
    • getTopLevelLocation
    • getTopLevelLocation
    • getTopLevelLocation
    • getTopLevelProductGroupName
      A string representing the name of parent level product group of an invoice item.
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByDestinationPortOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by destination port, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByDestinationPortSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by destination port, for the last 7 days
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByProtocolsOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsByProtocolsSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 7 days
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourceIpOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source ip address, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourceIpSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source ip address, for the last 7 days
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourcePortOneDay
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 24 hours
    • getTopTenSyslogEventsBySourcePortSevenDays
      Top Ten network datacenter syslog events, grouped by source port, for the last 7 days
    • getTotalBandwidthAllocated
      The combined allocated bandwidth for all servers in a virtual rack.
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalBytesUsed
      The amount of space used by the volume.
    • getTotalMinimumHourlyFee
      The starting hourly price for this configuration. Additional options not defined in the preset may increase the cost.
    • getTotalMinimumRecurringFee
      The starting monthly price for this configuration. Additional options not defined in the preset may increase the cost.
    • getTotalOneTimeAmount
      An invoice Item's total, including any child invoice items if they exist.
    • getTotalOneTimeTaxAmount
      An invoice Item's total, including any child invoice items if they exist.
    • getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity
      The total number of physical processing cores (excluding virtual cores / hyperthreads) for this server.
    • getTotalPhysicalCoreCount
      Shows the total number of cores. This is deprecated. Use [SoftLayer_Product_Item::getCapacity](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item/getCapacity) for guest_core products and [SoftLayer_Product_Item::getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Item/getTotalPhysicalCoreCapacity) for server products
    • getTotalPrimaryIpAddressCount
      The number of primary IPv4 addresses routed on this VLAN.
    • getTotalProcessorCapacity
      The total number of processors for this server.
    • getTotalRecurringAmount
      An invoice Item's total, including any child invoice items if they exist.
    • getTotalRecurringAmount
      The recurring fee of an ordered item. This amount represents the fees that will be charged on a recurring (usually monthly) basis.
    • getTotalRecurringTaxAmount
      A Billing Item's total, including any child billing items if they exist.'
    • getTotalRequestsPendingIntegratedOfferingTeamReview
    • getTotalRequestsPendingOverThresholdReviewCount
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getTotalScheduleSnapshotRetentionCount
      The total snapshot retention count of all schedules on this network storage volume.
    • getTrackingData
      All tracking data for the shipment and packages.
    • getTransaction
    • getTransaction
      A transaction that is being performed on a image template group.
    • getTransactionHistory
      This method will query transaction history for a piece of hardware.
    • getTransactionHistory
      This method will query transaction history for a piece of hardware.
    • getTransactionHistory
      This method will query transaction history for a piece of hardware.
    • getTransactionHistory
      This method will query transaction history for a piece of hardware.
    • getTransactionHistory
      This method will query transaction history for a piece of hardware.
    • getTransactionHistory
    • getTransientGuestFlag
      Whether or not a computing instance is a Transient Instance.
    • getTransientWebhookURI
      The endpoint used to notify customers their transient guest is terminating.
    • getTranslatedReason
    • getType
      An account address' type.
    • getType
      The type of attribute assigned to a SoftLayer account authentication.
    • getType
    • getType
      The media's type.
    • getType
    • getType
      The service that an account/password combination is tied to.
    • getType
    • getType
      The type of shipment (e.g. for Data Transfer Service or Colocation Service).
    • getType
      A hardware component model's type.
    • getType
      The type of data that a tracking object polls.
    • getType
    • getType
    • getType
    • getType
      The message delivery type of a network message delivery account.
    • getType
      The message delivery type of a network message delivery account.
    • getType
      The type provides a standardized definition for a schedule.
    • getType
      The type for this VLAN, with the following values: STANDARD, GATEWAY, INTERCONNECT
    • getType
      The type of service offering. This property can be used to help filter packages.
    • getType
      The type of survey
    • getType
      The Type of update to this ticket
    • getType
      The type of external authentication binding.
    • getType
      The type of external authentication binding.
    • getType
      The type of external authentication binding.
    • getType
      The type of external authentication binding.
    • getType
      The type of the permission group.
    • getType
      A virtual disk image's type.
    • getType
      The type of this virtual guest.
    • getType
      A storage repository's [SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository_Type).
    • getTypeByKeyName
    • getUefiBootFlag
      Whether to use UEFI boot instead of BIOS.
    • getUefiBootFlag
      Whether to use UEFI boot instead of BIOS.
    • getUefiBootFlag
      Whether to use UEFI boot instead of BIOS.
    • getUnattachedTagsForCurrentUser
      Get all tags with no references attached to it for the current account. The total items header for this method contains the total number of unattached tags even if a result limit is applied.
    • getUnboundDescendants
    • getUnsuccessfulLogins
      A user's unsuccessful attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getUnsuccessfulLogins
      A user's unsuccessful attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getUnsuccessfulLogins
      A user's unsuccessful attempts to log into the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getUpdate
      The ticket that a file is attached to.
    • getUpdate
      The ticket that a file is attached to.
    • getUpdateRatingFlag
      Whether employees' updates of this ticket could be rated by customer
    • getUpdates
      All updates for this event.
    • getUpdates
      A ticket's updates.
    • getUpgradeableActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active upgradeable physical components.
    • getUpgradeableActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active upgradeable physical components.
    • getUpgradeableActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active upgradeable physical components.
    • getUpgradeableActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active upgradeable physical components.
    • getUpgradeableActiveComponents
      A piece of hardware's active upgradeable physical components.
    • getUpgradeItem
      Billing items whose product item has an upgrade path defined in our system will return the next product item in the upgrade path.
    • getUpgradeItem
      Billing items whose product item has an upgrade path defined in our system will return the next product item in the upgrade path.
    • getUpgradeItem
      The next SoftLayer_Product_Item in the upgrade path for this order item.
    • getUpgradeItem
      Some product items have an upgrade path. This is the next product item in the upgrade path.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradeable items available to this piece of hardware. Currently, getUpgradeItemPrices retrieves upgrades available for a server's memory, hard drives, network port speed, bandwidth allocation and GPUs.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradeable items available to this piece of hardware. Currently, getUpgradeItemPrices retrieves upgrades available for a server's memory, hard drives, network port speed, bandwidth allocation and GPUs.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradeable items available to this piece of hardware. Currently, getUpgradeItemPrices retrieves upgrades available for a server's memory, hard drives, network port speed, bandwidth allocation and GPUs.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradeable items available to this piece of hardware. Currently, getUpgradeItemPrices retrieves upgrades available for a server's memory, hard drives, network port speed, bandwidth allocation and GPUs.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradeable items available to this piece of hardware. Currently, getUpgradeItemPrices retrieves upgrades available for a server's memory, hard drives, network port speed, bandwidth allocation and GPUs.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network gateways.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network message delivery.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieve a list of upgradable items available for network message delivery.
    • getUpgradeItemPrices
      Retrieves a list of all upgrades available to a virtual server. Upgradeable items include, but are not limited to, number of cores, amount of RAM, storage configuration, and network port speed. This method exclude downgrade item prices by default. You can set the 'includeDowngradeItemPrices' parameter to true so that it can include downgrade item prices.
    • getUpgradeItems
      Billing items whose product item has an upgrade path defined in our system will return all the product items in the upgrade path.
    • getUpgradeItems
      Billing items whose product item has an upgrade path defined in our system will return all the product items in the upgrade path.
    • getUpgradeItems
      Some product items have an upgrade path. These are those upgrade product items.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      An account's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      An account's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      An account's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      An account's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      An account's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      A firewall's associated upgrade request object, if any.
    • getUpgradeRequest
      A computing instance's associated upgrade request object if any.
    • getUpgradeRequestFlag
      This flag indicates an order is an upgrade.
    • getUpgradeRequests
      An account's associated upgrade requests.
    • getUpgradeSoftwareDescription
      A suggestion for an upgrade path from this Software Description
    • getUpgradeSwDesc
      A suggestion for an upgrade path from this Software Description (Deprecated - Use upgradeSoftwareDescription)
    • getUplinkComponent
      The network component linking this object to parent
    • getUplinkDuplexMode
      The duplex mode of the uplink network component linking to this object
    • getUplinkHardware
      The network device connected to a piece of hardware.
    • getUplinkHardware
      The network device connected to a piece of hardware.
    • getUplinkHardware
      The network device connected to a piece of hardware.
    • getUplinkHardware
      The network device connected to a piece of hardware.
    • getUplinkHardware
      The network device connected to a piece of hardware.
    • getUplinkNetworkComponents
      Information regarding the network component that is one level higher than a piece of hardware on the network infrastructure.
    • getUplinkNetworkComponents
      Information regarding the network component that is one level higher than a piece of hardware on the network infrastructure.
    • getUplinkNetworkComponents
      Information regarding the network component that is one level higher than a piece of hardware on the network infrastructure.
    • getUplinkNetworkComponents
      Information regarding the network component that is one level higher than a piece of hardware on the network infrastructure.
    • getUplinkNetworkComponents
      Information regarding the network component that is one level higher than a piece of hardware on the network infrastructure.
    • getUrlUptimeDetail
    • getUrlUptimeGraphData
    • getUsageChargeFlag
      Indicating whether this invoice item is for the usage charge.
    • getUsageMetricDataByDate
      Retrieve disk usage data on a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) image for the time range you provide. Each data entry objects contain ''dateTime'' and ''counter'' properties. ''dateTime'' property indicates the time that the disk usage data was measured and ''counter'' property holds the disk usage in bytes.
    • getUsageMetricImageByDate
      Returns a disk usage image based on disk usage specified by the input parameters.
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getUsageNotification
      The usage notification for SL Storage services.
    • getUsageRatePrices
      Returns a collection of rate-based [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) objects associated with the [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) objects and the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) specified. The location is required to get the appropriate rate-based prices because the usage rates may vary from datacenter to datacenter.
    • getUser
    • getUser
      The customer user that initiated a report request.
    • getUser
      The user that initiated a service cancellation request.
    • getUser
    • getUser
    • getUser
      SoftLayer VPN portal user.
    • getUser
      The impacted user.
    • getUser
      The user that placed the order.
    • getUser
      The user who owns the api authentication key.
    • getUser
      The SoftLayer user that the external authentication binding belongs to.
    • getUser
      The SoftLayer user that the external authentication binding belongs to.
    • getUser
      The SoftLayer user that the external authentication binding belongs to.
    • getUser
    • getUser
      The user that will be notified when the associated hardware object fails a monitoring instance.
    • getUser
      The user that will be notified when the associated virtual guest object fails a monitoring instance.
    • getUser
      The user who the security answer belongs to.
    • getUserData
      An array containing a single string of custom user data for a hardware order. Max size is 16 kb.
    • getUserData
      An array containing a single string of custom user data for a hardware order. Max size is 16 kb.
    • getUserData
      An array containing a single string of custom user data for a hardware order. Max size is 16 kb.
    • getUserData
      An array containing a single string of custom user data for a hardware order. Max size is 16 kb.
    • getUserData
      An array containing a single string of custom user data for a hardware order. Max size is 16 kb.
    • getUserData
      A base64 encoded string containing custom user data for a Cloud Computing Instance order.
    • getUserForUnifiedInvitation
      Returns an IMS User Object from the provided OpenIdConnect User ID or IBMid Unique Identifier for the Account of the active user. Enforces the User Management permissions for the Active User. An exception will be thrown if no matching IMS User is found. NOTE that providing IBMid Unique Identifier is optional, but it will be preferred over OpenIdConnect User ID if provided.
    • getUserForUnifiedInvitation
      Returns an IMS User Object from the provided OpenIdConnect User ID or IBMid Unique Identifier for the Account of the active user. Enforces the User Management permissions for the Active User. An exception will be thrown if no matching IMS User is found. NOTE that providing IBMid Unique Identifier is optional, but it will be preferred over OpenIdConnect User ID if provided.
    • getUserIdForPasswordSet
      Retrieve a user id using a password token provided to the user in an email generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::initiatePortalPasswordChange request. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they're generated. When a new user is created or when a user has requested a password change using initiatePortalPasswordChange, they will have received an email that contains a url with a token. That token is used as the parameter for getUserIdForPasswordSet. Once the user id is known, then the SoftLayer_User_Customer object can be retrieved which is necessary to complete the process to set or reset a user's password.
    • getUserIdForPasswordSet
      Retrieve a user id using a password token provided to the user in an email generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::initiatePortalPasswordChange request. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they're generated. When a new user is created or when a user has requested a password change using initiatePortalPasswordChange, they will have received an email that contains a url with a token. That token is used as the parameter for getUserIdForPasswordSet. Once the user id is known, then the SoftLayer_User_Customer object can be retrieved which is necessary to complete the process to set or reset a user's password.
    • getUserIdForPasswordSet
      Retrieve a user id using a password token provided to the user in an email generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::initiatePortalPasswordChange request. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they're generated. When a new user is created or when a user has requested a password change using initiatePortalPasswordChange, they will have received an email that contains a url with a token. That token is used as the parameter for getUserIdForPasswordSet. Once the user id is known, then the SoftLayer_User_Customer object can be retrieved which is necessary to complete the process to set or reset a user's password.
    • getUserLinks
      User customer link with IBMid and IAMid.
    • getUserLinks
      User customer link with IBMid and IAMid.
    • getUserLinks
      User customer link with IBMid and IAMid.
    • getUserMetadata
      The getUserMetadata method retrieves metadata completed by users who interact with the resource. Metadata gathered using this method is unique to parameters set using the '''setUserMetadata''' method, which must be executed prior to completing this method. User metadata may also be provided while placing an order for a resource.
    • getUserPreferences
    • getUserPreferences
    • getUserPreferences
    • getUserRecord
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer object tied to an order.
    • getUserRecord
    • getUserRecord
      User record for the subscription.
    • getUserRecord
      User record for the subscription.
    • getUserRecord
      User record for the subscription.
    • getUsers
      An account's portal users.
    • getUsers
    • getUsers
      A list of users that have access to this computing instance.
    • getUsers
      A list of users that have access to this computing instance.
    • getUsers
      A list of users that have access to this computing instance.
    • getUsers
    • getUsers
      A list of users that have access to this computing instance.
    • getUserStatus
      A portal user's status, which controls overall access to the SoftLayer customer portal and VPN access to the private network.
    • getUserStatus
      A portal user's status, which controls overall access to the SoftLayer customer portal and VPN access to the private network.
    • getUserStatus
      A portal user's status, which controls overall access to the SoftLayer customer portal and VPN access to the private network.
    • getUtilizedIpAddressCount
      The total number of utilized IP addresses on this subnet. The primary consumer of IP addresses are compute resources, which can consume more than one address. This value is only supported for primary subnets.
    • getUuid
      Unique identifier for an IBM Cloud Object Storage account.
    • getValidAttributeTypes
      The types of attributes that are allowed for a given hardware component model.
    • getValidBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      This method will return the list of block device template groups that are valid to the host. For instance, it will only retrieve FLEX images.
    • getValidBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      This method will return the list of block device template groups that are valid to the host. For instance, it will only retrieve FLEX images.
    • getValidBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      This method will return the list of block device template groups that are valid to the host. For instance, it will only retrieve FLEX images.
    • getValidBlockDeviceTemplateGroups
      This method will return the list of block device template groups that are valid to the host. For instance, it will validate that the template groups returned are compatible with the size and number of disks on the host.
    • getValidCancelableServiceItemCategories
      This method returns service product categories that can be canceled via API. You can use these categories to find the billing items you wish to cancel.
    • getValidCountriesForRegion
      Returns countries assigned to the region having pricing info set.
    • getValidFilesystemTypes
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getValidReplicationTargetDatacenterLocations
    • getValidSecurityCertificateEntries
      Retrieve a list of valid (non-expired) security certificates without the sensitive certificate information. This allows non-privileged users to view and select security certificates when configuring associated services.
    • getValidSecurityCertificates
      Stored security certificates that are not expired (ie. SSL)
    • getValueType
    • getVatCountries
      This method will return an array of ISO 3166 Alpha-2 country codes that use a Value-Added Tax (VAT) ID. Note the difference between [SoftLayer_Locale_Country::getVatRequiredCountryCodes](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Locale_Country/getVatRequiredCountryCodes) - this method will provide <strong>all</strong> country codes that use VAT ID, including those which are required.
    • getVatRequiredCountryCodes
      This method will return an array of ISO 3166 Alpha-2 country codes that use a Value-Added Tax (VAT) ID. Note the difference between [SoftLayer_Locale_Country::getVatCountries](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Locale_Country/getVatCountries) - this method will provide country codes where a VAT ID is required for onboarding to IBM Cloud.
    • getVdrGroup
      A location can be a member of 1 Bandwidth Pooling Group. This will show which group to which a location belongs.
    • getVdrGroup
      A location can be a member of 1 Bandwidth Pooling Group. This will show which group to which a location belongs.
    • getVdrMemberRecurringFee
      Gets the monthly recurring fee of a pooled server.
    • getVdrUpdatesInProgressFlag
      DEPRECATED - Return 0 if VDR updates are currently in progress on this account otherwise 1.
    • getVendor
      The vendor for a network message delivery account.
    • getVendor
      The vendor for a network message delivery account.
    • getVendor
      The vendor of an external authentication binding.
    • getVendor
      The vendor of an external authentication binding.
    • getVendor
      The vendor of an external authentication binding.
    • getVendor
      The vendor of an external authentication binding.
    • getVendorName
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVendorName
      The type of network storage service.
    • getVendorSetUpConfiguration
    • getVendorSetUpConfiguration
    • getVendorSetUpConfiguration
    • getVendorSetUpConfiguration
    • getVerifyCardTransaction
      The transaction information related to verifying the customer credit card.
    • getVhdImportSoftwareDescriptions
      Returns an array of SoftLayer_Software_Description that are supported for VHD imports.
    • getViaAddress
      The address at which the shipment is received.
    • getViewableDatacenters
      Retrieve all datacenter locations. SoftLayer's datacenters exist in various cities and each contain one or more server rooms which house network and server infrastructure.
    • getViewableDatacenters
      Retrieve all datacenter locations. SoftLayer's datacenters exist in various cities and each contain one or more server rooms which house network and server infrastructure.
    • getViewablepointOfPresence
      Retrieve all viewable network locations.
    • getViewablepointOfPresence
      Retrieve all viewable network locations.
    • getViewablePopsAndDataCenters
      Retrieve all viewable pop and datacenter locations.
    • getViewablePopsAndDataCenters
      Retrieve all viewable pop and datacenter locations.
    • getVip
      The load balancer that this service belongs to.
    • getVirtualChassis
      Information regarding the virtual chassis for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassis
      Information regarding the virtual chassis for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassis
      Information regarding the virtual chassis for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassis
      Information regarding the virtual chassis for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassis
      Information regarding the virtual chassis for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassisSiblings
      Information regarding the virtual chassis siblings for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassisSiblings
      Information regarding the virtual chassis siblings for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassisSiblings
      Information regarding the virtual chassis siblings for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassisSiblings
      Information regarding the virtual chassis siblings for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualChassisSiblings
      Information regarding the virtual chassis siblings for a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualDedicatedRacks
      The bandwidth pooling for this account.
    • getVirtualDiskImages
      An account's associated virtual server virtual disk images.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      When applicable, the virtual guest associated with a Storage service.
    • getVirtualGuest
      A virtual guest that this IP address is routed to.
    • getVirtualGuest
      A virtual server object associated with the upgrade request if any.
    • getVirtualGuest
      The virtual guest this software component is installed upon.
    • getVirtualGuest
      The virtual guest this software component is installed upon.
    • getVirtualGuest
      The virtual guest this software component is installed upon.
    • getVirtualGuest
      The virtual guest this software component is installed upon.
    • getVirtualGuestCount
      Retrieve the number of CloudLayer Computing Instances that a portal user has access to. Portal users can have restrictions set to limit services for and to perform actions on CloudLayer Computing Instances. You can set these permissions in the portal by clicking the 'administrative' then 'user admin' links.
    • getVirtualGuestCount
      Retrieve the number of CloudLayer Computing Instances that a portal user has access to. Portal users can have restrictions set to limit services for and to perform actions on CloudLayer Computing Instances. You can set these permissions in the portal by clicking the 'administrative' then 'user admin' links.
    • getVirtualGuestCount
      Retrieve the number of CloudLayer Computing Instances that a portal user has access to. Portal users can have restrictions set to limit services for and to perform actions on CloudLayer Computing Instances. You can set these permissions in the portal by clicking the 'administrative' then 'user admin' links.
    • getVirtualGuests
      An account's associated virtual guest objects.
    • getVirtualGuests
      An account's associated virtual guest objects.
    • getVirtualGuests
      [DEPRECATED] A hardware server's virtual servers.
    • getVirtualGuests
      [DEPRECATED] A hardware server's virtual servers.
    • getVirtualGuests
      [DEPRECATED] A hardware server's virtual servers.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The Virtual Server contained within a virtual rack.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The Virtual Server devices which have been assigned a primary IP address from this subnet.
    • getVirtualGuests
      The VSIs with network interfaces connected to this VLAN.
    • getVirtualGuests
      A portal user's accessible CloudLayer Computing Instances. These permissions control which CloudLayer Computing Instances a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getVirtualGuests
      A portal user's accessible CloudLayer Computing Instances. These permissions control which CloudLayer Computing Instances a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getVirtualGuests
      A portal user's accessible CloudLayer Computing Instances. These permissions control which CloudLayer Computing Instances a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • getVirtualGuestsOverBandwidthAllocation
      An account's associated virtual guest objects currently over bandwidth allocation.
    • getVirtualGuestsProjectedOverBandwidthAllocation
      An account's associated virtual guest objects currently over bandwidth allocation.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithCpanel
      All virtual guests associated with an account that has the cPanel web hosting control panel installed.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithMcafee
      All virtual guests associated with an account that have McAfee Secure software components.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithMcafeeAntivirusRedhat
      All virtual guests associated with an account that have McAfee Secure AntiVirus for Redhat software components.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithMcafeeAntivirusWindows
      All virtual guests associated with an account that has McAfee Secure AntiVirus for Windows software components.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithMcafeeIntrusionDetectionSystem
      All virtual guests associated with an account that has McAfee Secure Intrusion Detection System software components.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithPlesk
      All virtual guests associated with an account that has the Plesk web hosting control panel installed.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithQuantastor
      All virtual guests associated with an account that have the QuantaStor storage system installed.
    • getVirtualGuestsWithUrchin
      All virtual guests associated with an account that has the Urchin web traffic analytics package installed.
    • getVirtualHost
      A piece of hardware's virtual host record.
    • getVirtualHost
      A piece of hardware's virtual host record.
    • getVirtualHost
      A piece of hardware's virtual host record.
    • getVirtualHost
      A piece of hardware's virtual host record.
    • getVirtualHost
      A piece of hardware's virtual host record.
    • getVirtualIpAddress
    • getVirtualIpAddresses
    • getVirtualizationPlatform
      A piece of hardware's virtualization platform software.
    • getVirtualizationPlatform
      A piece of hardware's virtualization platform software.
    • getVirtualizationPlatform
      A piece of hardware's virtualization platform software.
    • getVirtualizationPlatform
      A piece of hardware's virtualization platform software.
    • getVirtualizationPlatform
      A piece of hardware's virtualization platform software.
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's virtual software licenses.
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's virtual software licenses.
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's virtual software licenses.
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's virtual software licenses.
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Information regarding a piece of hardware's virtual software licenses.
    • getVirtualLicenses
      Virtual licenses allocated for an IP Address.
    • getVirtualPrivateRack
      The bandwidth pooling for this account.
    • getVirtualRack
      Information regarding the bandwidth allotment to which a piece of hardware belongs.
    • getVirtualRack
      Information regarding the bandwidth allotment to which a piece of hardware belongs.
    • getVirtualRack
      Information regarding the bandwidth allotment to which a piece of hardware belongs.
    • getVirtualRack
      Information regarding the bandwidth allotment to which a piece of hardware belongs.
    • getVirtualRack
      Information regarding the bandwidth allotment to which a piece of hardware belongs.
    • getVirtualRack
      The name of the bandwidth allotment that a hardware belongs too.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackId
      The id of the bandwidth allotment that a computing instance belongs too.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment belonging to a piece of hardware.
    • getVirtualRackName
      The name of the bandwidth allotment that a computing instance belongs too.
    • getVirtualServer
    • getVirtualServers
    • getVirtualServers
    • getVirtualStorageArchiveRepositories
      An account's associated virtual server archived storage repositories.
    • getVirtualStoragePublicRepositories
      An account's associated virtual server public storage repositories.
    • getVlanCategories
    • getVlanForIpAddress
      Retrieves the VLAN on which the given IP address is routed.
    • getVlanIds
      The getVlanIds method returns a list of VLAN IDs for the network component matching the provided MAC address associated with the resource. For each return, the native VLAN will appear first, followed by any trunked VLANs associated with the network component.
    • getVlanMembers
      A resource group's associated VLAN members.
    • getVlans
      Return collections of public and private VLANs that are available during ordering. If a location ID is provided, the resulting VLANs will be limited to that location. If the Virtual Server package id (46) is provided, the VLANs will be narrowed down to those locations that contain routers with the VIRTUAL_IMAGE_STORE data attribute. For the selectedItems parameter, this is a comma-separated string of category codes and item values. For example: - `port_speed=10,guest_disk0=LOCAL_DISK` - `port_speed=100,disk0=SAN_DISK` - `port_speed=100,private_network_only=1,guest_disk0=LOCAL_DISK` This parameter is used to narrow the available results down even further. It's not necessary when selecting a VLAN, but it will help avoid errors when attempting to place an order. The only acceptable category codes are: - `port_speed` - A disk category, such as `guest_disk0` or `disk0`, with values of either `LOCAL_DISK` or `SAN_DISK` - `private_network_only` - `dual_path_network` For most customers, it's sufficient to only provide the first 2 parameters.
    • getVlans
      The getVlans method returns a list of VLAN numbers for the network component matching the provided MAC address associated with the resource. For each return, the native VLAN will appear first, followed by any trunked VLANs associated with the network component.
    • getVmWareActiveAccountLicenseKeys
      This returns a collection of active VMware software account license keys.
    • getVmwareQualifiedFirmwares
    • getVolume
      A guest's associated EVault network storage service account.
    • getVolume
      The associated volume for a schedule.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeCountLimits
      Retrieves an array of volume count limits per location and globally.
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeDuplicateParameters
      This method returns the parameters for cloning a volume
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeHistory
      The username and password history for a Storage service.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getVolumeStatus
      The current status of a network storage volume.
    • getVpcVirtualGuests
      An account's associated VPC configured virtual guest objects.
    • getVpnConfigRequiresVPNManageFlag
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebccAccount
      The account username and password for the EVault webCC interface.
    • getWebCCAuthenticationDetails
      Retrieve WebCC authentication details value. This value is required for the login process associated to the session information for WebCC.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getWeeklySchedule
      The Weekly Schedule which is associated with this network storage volume.
    • getWindowsUpdateAvailableUpdates
      Retrieve a list of Windows updates available for a server from the local SoftLayer Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Windows servers provisioned by SoftLayer are configured to use the local WSUS server via the private network by default.
    • getWindowsUpdateAvailableUpdates
      Retrieve a list of Windows updates available for a server from the local SoftLayer Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Windows servers provisioned by SoftLayer are configured to use the local WSUS server via the private network by default.
    • getWindowsUpdateAvailableUpdates
      Retrieve a list of Windows updates available for a server from the local SoftLayer Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Windows servers provisioned by SoftLayer are configured to use the local WSUS server via the private network by default.
    • getWindowsUpdateInstalledUpdates
      Retrieve a list of Windows updates installed on a server as reported by the local SoftLayer Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Windows servers provisioned by SoftLayer are configured to use the local WSUS server via the private network by default.
    • getWindowsUpdateInstalledUpdates
      Retrieve a list of Windows updates installed on a server as reported by the local SoftLayer Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Windows servers provisioned by SoftLayer are configured to use the local WSUS server via the private network by default.
    • getWindowsUpdateInstalledUpdates
      Retrieve a list of Windows updates installed on a server as reported by the local SoftLayer Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Windows servers provisioned by SoftLayer are configured to use the local WSUS server via the private network by default.
    • getWindowsUpdateStatus
      Retrieve a list of an account's hardware's Windows Update status. This list includes which servers have available updates, which servers require rebooting due to updates, which servers have failed retrieving updates, and which servers have failed to communicate with the SoftLayer private Windows Software Update Services server.
    • getWindowsUpdateStatus
      This method returns an update status record for this server. That record will specify if the server is missing updates, or has updates that must be reinstalled or require a reboot to go into affect.
    • getWindowsUpdateStatus
      This method returns an update status record for this server. That record will specify if the server is missing updates, or has updates that must be reinstalled or require a reboot to go into affect.
    • getWindowsUpdateStatus
      This method returns an update status record for this server. That record will specify if the server is missing updates, or has updates that must be reinstalled or require a reboot to go into affect.
    • getXlsFilename
    • getZeroFeeItemCounts
    • getZoneFileContents
      Return a SoftLayer hosted domain and resource records' data formatted as zone file.
    • getZoneName
    • hasActiveTransactions
      Check for active transactions for the shared Firewall.
    • hasActiveTransactions
      Check for active transactions for the Firewall.
    • hasAttribute
      Determine if an account has an [SoftLayer_Account_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Attribute) associated with it. hasAttribute() returns false if the attribute does not exist or if it does not have a value.
    • hasExistingRequest
      Checks for an existing request which would block an IBMer from submitting a new request. Such a request could be denied, approved, or awaiting manager action.
    • hasSubSections
      Returns true if the object has sub-sections
    • hourlyInstanceLimit
      This method will return the limit (number) of hourly services the account is allowed to have.
    • hourlyServerLimit
      This method will return the limit (number) of hourly bare metal servers the account is allowed to have.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • immediateFailoverToReplicant
      Immediate Failover to a volume replicant. During the time which the replicant is in use the local nas volume will not be available.
    • importVirtualHost
      The '''importVirtualHost''' method attempts to import the host record for the virtualization platform running on a server.
    • importVirtualHost
      The '''importVirtualHost''' method attempts to import the host record for the virtualization platform running on a server.
    • importVirtualHost
      The '''importVirtualHost''' method attempts to import the host record for the virtualization platform running on a server.
    • importVirtualHost
      The '''importVirtualHost''' method attempts to import the host record for the virtualization platform running on a server.
    • importVirtualHost
      The '''importVirtualHost''' method attempts to import the host record for the virtualization platform running on a server.
    • initiateBareMetalRestore
      Evault Bare Metal Restore is a special version of Rescue Kernel designed specifically for making full system restores made with Evault's BMR backup. This process works very similar to Rescue Kernel, except only the Evault restore program is available. The process takes approximately 10 minutes. Once completed you will be able to access your server to do a restore through VNC or your servers KVM-over-IP. IP information and credentials can be found on the hardware page of the customer portal. The Evault Application will be running automatically upon startup, and will walk you through the restore process.
    • initiateBareMetalRestoreForServer
      This method operates the same as the initiateBareMetalRestore() method. However, using this method, the Bare Metal Restore can be initiated on any Windows server under the account.
    • initiateIderaBareMetalRestore
      Idera Bare Metal Server Restore is a backup agent designed specifically for making full system restores made with Idera Server Backup.
    • initiateIderaBareMetalRestore
      Idera Bare Metal Server Restore is a backup agent designed specifically for making full system restores made with Idera Server Backup.
    • initiateIderaBareMetalRestore
      Idera Bare Metal Server Restore is a backup agent designed specifically for making full system restores made with Idera Server Backup.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiateOriginVolumeReclaim
      Initiates Origin Volume Reclaim to delete volume from NetApp.
    • initiatePayerAuthentication
      Initiates Payer Authentication and provides data that is required for payer authentication enrollment and device data collection.
    • initiatePortalPasswordChange
      Sends password change email to the user containing url that allows the user the change their password. This is the first step when a user wishes to change their password. The url that is generated contains a one-time use token that is valid for only 24-hours. If this is a new master user who has never logged into the portal, then password reset will be initiated. Once a master user has logged into the portal, they must setup their security questions prior to logging out because master users are required to answer a security question during the password reset process. Should a master user not have security questions defined and not remember their password in order to define the security questions, then they will need to contact support at live chat or Revenue Services for assistance. Due to security reasons, the number of reset requests per username are limited within a undisclosed timeframe.
    • initiatePortalPasswordChange
      Sends password change email to the user containing url that allows the user the change their password. This is the first step when a user wishes to change their password. The url that is generated contains a one-time use token that is valid for only 24-hours. If this is a new master user who has never logged into the portal, then password reset will be initiated. Once a master user has logged into the portal, they must setup their security questions prior to logging out because master users are required to answer a security question during the password reset process. Should a master user not have security questions defined and not remember their password in order to define the security questions, then they will need to contact support at live chat or Revenue Services for assistance. Due to security reasons, the number of reset requests per username are limited within a undisclosed timeframe.
    • initiatePortalPasswordChange
      Sends password change email to the user containing url that allows the user the change their password. This is the first step when a user wishes to change their password. The url that is generated contains a one-time use token that is valid for only 24-hours. If this is a new master user who has never logged into the portal, then password reset will be initiated. Once a master user has logged into the portal, they must setup their security questions prior to logging out because master users are required to answer a security question during the password reset process. Should a master user not have security questions defined and not remember their password in order to define the security questions, then they will need to contact support at live chat or Revenue Services for assistance. Due to security reasons, the number of reset requests per username are limited within a undisclosed timeframe.
    • initiatePortalPasswordChangeByBrandAgent
      A Brand Agent that has permissions to Add Customer Accounts will be able to request the password email be sent to the Master User of a Customer Account created by the same Brand as the agent making the request. Due to security reasons, the number of reset requests are limited within an undisclosed timeframe.
    • initiatePortalPasswordChangeByBrandAgent
      A Brand Agent that has permissions to Add Customer Accounts will be able to request the password email be sent to the Master User of a Customer Account created by the same Brand as the agent making the request. Due to security reasons, the number of reset requests are limited within an undisclosed timeframe.
    • initiatePortalPasswordChangeByBrandAgent
      A Brand Agent that has permissions to Add Customer Accounts will be able to request the password email be sent to the Master User of a Customer Account created by the same Brand as the agent making the request. Due to security reasons, the number of reset requests are limited within an undisclosed timeframe.
    • initiateR1SoftBareMetalRestore
      R1Soft Bare Metal Server Restore is an R1Soft disk agent designed specifically for making full system restores made with R1Soft CDP Server backup.
    • initiateR1SoftBareMetalRestore
      R1Soft Bare Metal Server Restore is an R1Soft disk agent designed specifically for making full system restores made with R1Soft CDP Server backup.
    • initiateR1SoftBareMetalRestore
      R1Soft Bare Metal Server Restore is an R1Soft disk agent designed specifically for making full system restores made with R1Soft CDP Server backup.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • initiateVolumeCutover
      Initiates Volume Cutover to remove access from the old volume.
    • IntegratedOfferingTeam_Container_Region
    • IntegratedOfferingTeam_Container_Region_Lead
    • IntegratedOfferingTeam_Region
      This class represents an Integrated Offering Team region.
    • IntegratedOfferingTeam_Region
      This class represents an Integrated Offering Team region.
    • inTerminalStatus
    • inTerminalStatus
    • inTerminalStatus
    • inviteUserToLinkOpenIdConnect
      Send email invitation to a user to join a SoftLayer account and authenticate with OpenIdConnect. Throws an exception on error.
    • inviteUserToLinkOpenIdConnect
      Send email invitation to a user to join a SoftLayer account and authenticate with OpenIdConnect. Throws an exception on error.
    • inviteUserToLinkOpenIdConnect
      Send email invitation to a user to join a SoftLayer account and authenticate with OpenIdConnect. Throws an exception on error.
    • isAccountAllowed
      Checks if the account is allowed to use some features of FSA1G and Hardware firewall (Dedicated)
    • isActiveVmwareCustomer
      Determines if the account is considered an active VMware customer and as such eligible to order VMware restricted products. This result is cached for up to 60 seconds.
    • isBackendPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isBackendPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isBackendPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isBackendPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isBlockingOperationInProgress
    • isByol
      This method indicates whether or not this image is a customer supplied license image.
    • isByolCapableOperatingSystem
      This method indicates whether or not this image uses an operating system capable of using a customer supplied license image.
    • isByolOnlyOperatingSystem
      This method indicates whether or not this image uses an operating system that requires using a customer supplied license image
    • isCloudInit
      Determines if the virtual guest was provisioned from a cloud-init enabled image.
    • isCloudInit
      This method indicates whether or not this image is a cloud-init image.
    • isCloudInitOnlyOperatingSystem
      This method indicates whether or not this image uses an operating system that requires cloud init
    • isConnectedToPrivateEndpointService
      Accessing select IBM Cloud services attached to the private back-end network is made possible by establishing a network relationship between an account's private network and the Service Endpoint network. <h2>Responses</h2> <code>True</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are currently connected. <code>False</code> The account and Service Endpoint networks are not connected; both networks are properly configured to connect. <h2>Exceptions</h2> <code>SoftLayer_Exception_NotReady</code> Thrown when the current network configuration will not support connection alteration.
    • isCurrentReviewer
      Determines if the user is one of the reviewers currently able to act
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyForSnapshot
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready for snapshot.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isDuplicateReadyToMount
      This method returns a boolean indicating whether the clone volume is ready to mount.
    • isEligibleForLocalCurrencyProgram
      Returns true if this account is eligible for the local currency program, false otherwise.
    • isEligibleToLinkWithPaas
      Returns true if this account is eligible to link with PaaS. False otherwise.
    • isEncrypted
      This method indicates whether this image template contains an encrypted disk image.
    • isEuropeanUnionCountry
      Returns true if the country code is in the European Union (EU), false otherwise.
    • isHighAvailabilityUpgradeAvailable
      Whether this firewall qualifies for High Availability upgrade.
    • isIbmSlicBrand
      Check if the brand is IBM SLIC top level brand or sub brand.
    • isIntegratedOfferingTeamReviewer
      Indicates whether or not a reviewer belongs to the integrated offering team
    • isLicenseServerAllowed
    • isMasterUser
      Portal users are considered master users if they don't have an associated parent user. The only users who don't have parent users are users whose username matches their SoftLayer account name. Master users have special permissions throughout the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • isMasterUser
      Portal users are considered master users if they don't have an associated parent user. The only users who don't have parent users are users whose username matches their SoftLayer account name. Master users have special permissions throughout the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • isMasterUser
      Portal users are considered master users if they don't have an associated parent user. The only users who don't have parent users are users whose username matches their SoftLayer account name. Master users have special permissions throughout the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • isolateInstanceForDestructiveAction
      Closes the public or private ports to isolate the instance before a destructive action.
    • isOverThresholdReviewer
      Indicates whether or not a reviewer belongs to the threshold team.
    • isPendingEditApproval
      When an order has been modified, it will contain a status indicating so. This method checks that status and also verifies that the active user's account is the same as the account on the order.
    • isPingable
      The '''isPingable''' method issues a ping command to the selected server and returns the result of the ping command. This boolean return value displays ''true'' upon successful ping or ''false'' for a failed ping.
    • isPingable
      The '''isPingable''' method issues a ping command to the selected server and returns the result of the ping command. This boolean return value displays ''true'' upon successful ping or ''false'' for a failed ping.
    • isPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isPingable
      Issues a ping command and returns the success (true) or failure (false) of the ping command.
    • isPlatformServicesBrand
      Check if the alternate billing system of brand is Bluemix.
    • isValidPortalPassword
      Determine if a string is the given user's login password to the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • isValidPortalPassword
      Determine if a string is the given user's login password to the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • isValidPortalPassword
      Determine if a string is the given user's login password to the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • isVolumeActive
    • isVolumeActive
    • isVolumeActive
    • isWindowsServer
      Determine if the server runs any version of the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Return ''true'' if it does and ''false if otherwise.
    • isWindowsServer
      Determine if the server runs any version of the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Return ''true'' if it does and ''false if otherwise.
    • isWindowsServer
      Determine if the server runs any version of the Microsoft Windows operating systems. Return ''true'' if it does and ''false if otherwise.
    • kickAllConnections
    • kickAllConnections
      Quickly remove all active external connections to a Virtual IP Address.
    • licenseManagementPrecheck
      Used to create a License Management Network Gateway Precheck transaction.
    • linkExternalAccount
      This method will link this SoftLayer account with the provided external account.
    • linkGroup
      Links a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group object to the role.
    • linkRole
      Links a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role object to the group.
    • listCapabilities
      A capability is simply a string literal that denotes the availability of a feature. Capabilities are generally self describing, but any additional details concerning the implications of a capability will be documented elsewhere; usually by the Service or Operation related to it.
    • listDomainMappingByUniqueId
      SOAP API will return the domain mapping based on the uniqueId.
    • listDomainMappings
      SOAP API will return all domains for a particular customer.
    • listFavoriteGroup
      This method returns the list of favorite purge groups.
    • listModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will list modify response headers for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • listOriginPath
      SOAP API will list origin path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • listOSProjects
    • listPurgeGroupHistory
      This method returns the list of purge group histories
    • listTimeToLive
    • listTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will list token authentication paths for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • listUnfavoriteGroup
      This method returns the list of unsaved purge groups.
    • listVendors
      SOAP API will return all CDN vendors available.
    • manageLicenses
      Used to manage gateway require and add on licenses. If license request is valid for the gateway type a Gateway License Manage process will be created if licenses need to be adjusted on the gateway. requiredItemKeyname - Item Key Name of the required license to be used on the gateway addOnLicenses - Json string containing an Add On license Item Key Name and requested total quantity to exist on each gateway member. Item Key Name must be associated with an Add On license product item and Item Key Name can only exist once in the json structure. Example : {'ADD_ON_ITEM_KEYNAME_TYPE1':3,'ADD_ON_ITEM_KEYNAME_TYPE2':4} Note, the quantity is not the requested change but total licences. For example, if current licenses for an Add On e.g. Remote VPN is 3 and the request is to add 1 more license then the quantity would be 4. If the request was to remove 1 license then the quantity would be 2.
    • managerApprove
      Applies manager approval to a pending internal IBM account request. If cost recovery is already configured, this will create an account. If not, this will remind the internal team to configure cost recovery and create the account when possible.
    • managerDeny
      Denies a pending request and prevents additional requests from the same applicant for as long as the manager remains the same.
    • markAsViewed
      Mark a ticket as viewed. All currently posted updates will be marked as viewed. The lastViewedDate property will be updated to the current time.
    • massFirmwareReflash
      You can launch firmware reflashes by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the reflashes are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online. They will be contact you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massFirmwareReflash
      You can launch firmware reflashes by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the reflashes are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online. They will be contact you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massFirmwareReflash
      You can launch firmware reflashes by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the reflashes are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online. They will be contact you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massFirmwareUpdate
      You can launch firmware updates by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massFirmwareUpdate
      You can launch firmware updates by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massFirmwareUpdate
      You can launch firmware updates by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massHyperThreadingUpdate
      You can launch hyper-threading update by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this update our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online. They will be in contact with you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massHyperThreadingUpdate
      You can launch hyper-threading update by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this update our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online. They will be in contact with you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massHyperThreadingUpdate
      You can launch hyper-threading update by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 60 minutes while the updates are in progress. In the event of a hardware failure during this update our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online. They will be in contact with you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • massReloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current or customer specified operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • massReloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current or customer specified operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • massReloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current or customer specified operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • massSparePool
      The ability to place multiple bare metal servers in a state where they are powered down and ports closed yet still allocated to the customer as a part of the Spare Pool program.
    • massSparePool
      The ability to place multiple bare metal servers in a state where they are powered down and ports closed yet still allocated to the customer as a part of the Spare Pool program.
    • massSparePool
      The ability to place multiple bare metal servers in a state where they are powered down and ports closed yet still allocated to the customer as a part of the Spare Pool program.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Agent_Details
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Agent_Details data type represents a virus scan agent and contains details about its version.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Agent_Parent_Details
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Agent_Parent_Details data type contains the name of an anti-virus policy.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Antivirus_Event
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Antivirus_Event data type represents a single anti-virus event. It contains details about the event such as the date the event occurred, the virus that is detected and the action that is taken.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Antivirus_Event_AccessProtection
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Antivirus_Event_AccessProtection data type represents an access protection event. It contains details about the event such as when it occurs, the process that caused it, and the rule that triggered the event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Antivirus_Event_Filter_Description
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Antivirus_Event_Filter_Description data type contains the name of the rule that was triggered by an anti-virus event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version6_BlockedApplicationEvent
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version6_BlockedApplicationEvent data type contains a single blocked application event. The details of the event are the time the event occurred, the process that generated the event and a brief description of the application that was blocked.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version6_Event_Signature
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version6_Event_Signature data type contains the signature name of a rule that generated an IPS event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version6_IPSEvent
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version6_IPSEvent data type represents a single IPS event. It contains details about the event such as the date the event occurred, the process that generated it, the severity of the event, and the action taken.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version7_BlockedApplicationEvent
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version7_BlockedApplicationEvent data type contains a single blocked application event. The details of the event are the time the event occurred, the process that generated the event and a brief description of the application that was blocked.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version7_Event_Signature
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version7_Event_Signature data type contains the signature name of a rule that generated an IPS event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version7_IPSEvent
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Hips_Version7_IPSEvent data type represents a single IPS event. It contains details about the event such as the date the event occurred, the process that generated it, the severity of the event, and the action taken.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Policy_Object
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Policy_Object data type contains the name of a policy that may be assigned to a server.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Product_Properties
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version36_Product_Properties data type contains the virus definition file version.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Agent_Details
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Agent_Details data type represents a virus scan agent and contains details about its version.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Agent_Parent_Details
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Agent_Parent_Details data type contains the name of an anti-virus policy.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event data type represents a single event. It contains details about the event such as the date the event occurred, the virus or intrusion that is detected and the action that is taken.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event_Filter_Description
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event_Filter_Description data type contains the name of the rule that was triggered by an event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event_Version7
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event_Version7 data type represents a single event. It contains details about the event such as the date the event occurred, the virus or intrusion that is detected and the action that is taken.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event_Version8
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Event_Version8 data type represents a single event. It contains details about the event such as the date the event occurred, the virus or intrusion that is detected and the action that is taken.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Hips_Event_Signature_Version7
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Hips_Event_Signature_Version7 data type contains the signature name of a rule that generated an IPS event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Hips_Event_Signature_Version8
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Hips_Event_Signature_Version8 data type contains the signature name of a rule that generated an IPS event.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Policy_Object
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Policy_Object data type contains the name of a policy that may be assigned to a server.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Product_Properties
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version45_Product_Properties data type contains the virus definition file version.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Agent_Details
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Agent_Details data type represents a virus scan agent and contains details about its version.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Policy_Object
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Policy_Object data type represents a virus scan agent and contains details about its version.
    • McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Product_Properties
      The McAfee_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Product_Properties data type represents the version of the virus data file
    • migrate
      Creates a transaction to migrate a virtual guest to a new host. NOTE: Will only migrate if SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest property pendingMigrationFlag = true
    • migrateDedicatedHost
      Create a transaction to migrate an instance from one dedicated host to another dedicated host
    • migrateExternalAccount
      Will attempt to migrate an external account to the brand in context.
    • modifyPreference
      This method modifies an existing associated [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) object. If the preference object being modified is a default value object, a new record is created to override the default value. Only preferences that are assigned to a profile may be updated. Attempts to update a non-existent preference object will result in an exception being thrown.
    • modifyPreference
      This method modifies an existing associated [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) object. If the preference object being modified is a default value object, a new record is created to override the default value. Only preferences that are assigned to a profile may be updated. Attempts to update a non-existent preference object will result in an exception being thrown.
    • modifyPreferences
      Using this method, multiple [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) objects may be updated at once. Refer to [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] for more information.
    • modifyPreferences
      Using this method, multiple [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference) objects may be updated at once. Refer to [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] for more information.
    • mountIsoImage
    • nsLookup
      A method used to return the nameserver information for a given address
    • optIn
      (DEPRECATED) To opt in of future surveys, please follow the link found in the email survey.
    • optOut
      (DEPRECATED) To opt out of future surveys, please follow the link found in the email survey.
    • osReloadPrecheck
      Create an OS Reload Network Gateway Precheck transaction.
    • pause
      Pause a virtual guest. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
    • performExternalAuthentication
      The perform external authentication method will authenticate the given external authentication container with an external vendor. The authentication container and its contents will be verified before an attempt is made to authenticate the contents of the container with an external vendor.
    • performExternalAuthentication
      The perform external authentication method will authenticate the given external authentication container with an external vendor. The authentication container and its contents will be verified before an attempt is made to authenticate the contents of the container with an external vendor.
    • performExternalAuthentication
      The perform external authentication method will authenticate the given external authentication container with an external vendor. The authentication container and its contents will be verified before an attempt is made to authenticate the contents of the container with an external vendor.
    • permitSharingAccess
      This method will permit another SoftLayer customer account access to provision CloudLayer Computing Instances from an image template group. Template access should only be given to the parent template group object, not the child.
    • ping
      Issues a ping command to the server and returns the ping response.
    • ping
      Issues a ping command to the server and returns the ping response.
    • ping
      Issues a ping command to the server and returns the ping response.
    • ping
      Issues a ping command to the server and returns the ping response.
    • ping
      Issues a ping command to the server and returns the ping response.
    • placeOrder
      Use this method for placing server orders and additional services orders. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server orders. In addition to verifying the order, placeOrder() also makes an initial authorization on the SoftLayer_Account tied to this order, if a credit card is on file. If the account tied to this order is a paypal customer, an URL will also be returned to the customer. After placing the order, you must go to this URL to finish the authorization process. This tells paypal that you indeed want to place the order. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process. After this, it will go to sales for final approval.
    • placeOrder
      Use this method for placing server orders and additional services orders. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server orders. In addition to verifying the order, placeOrder() also makes an initial authorization on the SoftLayer_Account tied to this order, if a credit card is on file. If the account tied to this order is a paypal customer, an URL will also be returned to the customer. After placing the order, you must go to this URL to finish the authorization process. This tells paypal that you indeed want to place the order. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process. After this, it will go to sales for final approval.
    • placeOrder
      Use this method to place bare metal server, virtual server and additional service orders with SoftLayer. Upon success, your credit card or PayPal account will incur charges for the monthly order total (or prorated value if ordered mid billing cycle). If all products on the order are only billed hourly, you will be charged on your billing anniversary date, which occurs monthly on the day you ordered your first service with SoftLayer. For new customers, you are required to provide billing information when you place an order. For existing customers, the credit card on file will be charged. If you're a PayPal customer, a URL will be returned from the call to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) which is to be used to finish the authorization process. This authorization tells PayPal that you indeed want to place an order with SoftLayer. From PayPal's web site, you will be redirected back to SoftLayer for your order receipt. When an order is placed, your order will be in a 'pending approval' state. When all internal checks pass, your order will be automatically approved. For orders that may need extra attention, a Sales representative will review the order and contact you if necessary. Once the order is approved, your server or service will be provisioned and available to you shortly thereafter. Depending on the type of server or service ordered, provisioning times will vary. ## Order Containers When placing API orders, it's important to order your server and services on the appropriate [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). Failing to provide the correct container may delay your server or service from being provisioned in a timely manner. Some common order containers are included below. **Note:** `SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_` has been removed from the containers in the table below for readability. | Product | Order Container | Package Type | | ------- | --------------- | ------------ | | Bare metal server by CPU | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) | BARE_METAL_CPU | | Bare metal server by core | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server) | BARE_METAL_CORE | | Virtual server | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest) | VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE | | Local & dedicated load balancers | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_LoadBalancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_LoadBalancer) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_LOAD_BALANCER | | Content delivery network | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_CDN | | Content delivery network Addon | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account_Addon](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_ContentDelivery_Account_Addon) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_CDN_ADDON | | Hardware & software firewalls | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_FIREWALL | | Dedicated firewall | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_FIREWALL | | Object storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Object](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Object) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE | | Object storage (hub) | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_OBJECT_STORAGE | | Network attached storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Nas](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Nas) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_NETWORK_ATTACHED_STORAGE | | Iscsi storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Iscsi](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Iscsi) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_ISCSI_STORAGE | | Evault | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Vault](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Vault) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Evault Plugin | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Plugin](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Plugin) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Application delivery appliance | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_APPLICATION_DELIVERY_APPLIANCE | | Network subnet | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Global IPv4 | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_GLOBAL_IP_ADDRESSES | | Global IPv6 | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_GLOBAL_IP_ADDRESSES | | Network VLAN | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_NETWORK_VLAN | | Portable storage | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Disk_Image) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_PORTABLE_STORAGE | | SSL certificate | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES_SSL_CERTIFICATE | | External authentication | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_User_Customer_External_Binding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_User_Customer_External_Binding) | ADDITIONAL_SERVICES | | Dedicated Host | [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_DedicatedHost](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_DedicatedHost) | DEDICATED_HOST | ## Server example This example includes a single bare metal server being ordered with monthly billing. **Warning:** the price ids provided below may be outdated or unavailable, so you will need to determine the available prices from the bare metal server [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getAllObjects), which have a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of `BARE_METAL_CPU` or `BARE_METAL_CORE`. You can get a full list of package types with [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type/getAllObjects). ### Bare Metal Ordering ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server'> <hardware SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Hardware[1]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_HardwareArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Hardware'> <domain xsi:type='xsd:string'></domain> <hostname xsi:type='xsd:string'>server1</hostname> </item> </hardware> <location xsi:type='xsd:string'>138124</location> <packageId xsi:type='xsd:int'>142</packageId> <prices SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price[14]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_PriceArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>58</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>22337</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21189</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>876</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>57</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>55</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21190</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>36381</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>22013</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>906</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>420</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>418</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>342</id> </item> </prices> <useHourlyPricing xsi:type='xsd:boolean'>false</useHourlyPricing> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ``` ## Virtual server example This example includes 2 identical virtual servers (except for hostname) being ordered for hourly billing. It includes an optional image template id and VLAN data specified on the virtualGuest objects - `primaryBackendNetworkComponent` and `primaryNetworkComponent`. **Warning:** the price ids provided below may be outdated or unavailable, so you will need to determine the available prices from the virtual server package with [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getAllObjects), which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of `VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE`. #### Virtual Ordering ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest'> <imageTemplateId xsi:type='xsd:int'>13251</imageTemplateId> <location xsi:type='xsd:string'>37473</location> <packageId xsi:type='xsd:int'>46</packageId> <prices SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price[13]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_PriceArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>2159</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>55</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>13754</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>1641</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>905</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>1800</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>58</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>21</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>1645</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>272</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>57</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>418</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>420</id> </item> </prices> <quantity xsi:type='xsd:int'>2</quantity> <useHourlyPricing xsi:type='xsd:boolean'>true</useHourlyPricing> <virtualGuests SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest[1]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_GuestArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest'> <domain xsi:type='xsd:string'></domain> <hostname xsi:type='xsd:string'>server1</hostname> <primaryBackendNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>12345</id> </networkVlan> </primaryBackendNetworkComponent> <primaryNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>67890</id> </networkVlan> </primaryNetworkComponent> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest'> <domain xsi:type='xsd:string'></domain> <hostname xsi:type='xsd:string'>server2</hostname> <primaryBackendNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>12345</id> </networkVlan> </primaryBackendNetworkComponent> <primaryNetworkComponent xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component'> <networkVlan xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>67890</id> </networkVlan> </primaryNetworkComponent> </item> </virtualGuests> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ``` ## VLAN example **Warning:** the price ids provided below may be outdated or unavailable, so you will need to determine the available prices from the additional services pacakge with [SoftLayer_Product_Package::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package/getAllObjects), which has a [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) of `ADDITIONAL_SERVICES`. You can get a full list of [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type::getAllObjects](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type/getAllObjects) to find other available additional service packages.<br/><br/> ### VLAN Ordering ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan'> <location xsi:type='xsd:string'>154820</location> <packageId xsi:type='xsd:int'>0</packageId> <prices SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price[2]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_PriceArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>2021</id> </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price'> <id xsi:type='xsd:int'>2018</id> </item> </prices> <useHourlyPricing xsi:type='xsd:boolean'>true</useHourlyPricing> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ``` ## Multiple products example This example includes a combination of the above examples in a single order. Note that all the configuration options for each individual order container are the same as above, except now we encapsulate each one within the `orderContainers` property on the base [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). **Warning:** not all products are available to be ordered with other products. For example, since SSL certificates require validation from a 3rd party, the approval process may take days or even weeks, and this would not be acceptable when you need your hourly virtual server right now. To better accommodate customers, we restrict several products to be ordered individually. ### Bare metal server + virtual server + VLAN ```xml <SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV='' xmlns:ns1='' xmlns:xsd='' xmlns:xsi='' xmlns:SOAP-ENC='' SOAP-ENV:encodingStyle=''> <SOAP-ENV:Header> <ns1:authenticate> <username>your username</username> <apiKey>your api key</apiKey> </ns1:authenticate> </SOAP-ENV:Header> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <ns1:placeOrder> <orderData xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order'> <orderContainers SOAP-ENC:arrayType='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order[3]' xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_OrderArray'> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server'> ... </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest'> ... </item> <item xsi:type='ns1:SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan'> ... </item> </orderContainers> </orderData> <saveAsQuote xsi:nil='true' /> </ns1:placeOrder> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> ```
    • placeQuote
      Use this method for placing server quotes and additional services quotes. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server quotes. In addition to verifying the quote, placeQuote() also makes an initial authorization on the SoftLayer_Account tied to this order, if a credit card is on file. If the account tied to this order is a paypal customer, an URL will also be returned to the customer. After placing the order, you must go to this URL to finish the authorization process. This tells paypal that you indeed want to place the order. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process.
    • placeQuote
      Use this method for placing server quotes and additional services quotes. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server quotes. In addition to verifying the quote, placeQuote() also makes an initial authorization on the SoftLayer_Account tied to this order, if a credit card is on file. If the account tied to this order is a paypal customer, an URL will also be returned to the customer. After placing the order, you must go to this URL to finish the authorization process. This tells paypal that you indeed want to place the order. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process.
    • placeQuote
      Use this method for placing server quotes and additional services quotes. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server quotes. After placing the quote, you must go to this URL to finish the order process. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process. After this, it will go to sales for final approval.
    • populateServerRam
    • populateServerRam
    • populateServerRam
    • powerCycle
      The '''powerCycle''' method completes a power off and power on of the server successively in one command. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the power strip and then plugging the server back in. '''This method should only be used when all other options have been exhausted'''. Additional remote management commands may not be executed if this command was successfully issued within the last 20 minutes to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • powerCycle
      The '''powerCycle''' method completes a power off and power on of the server successively in one command. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the power strip and then plugging the server back in. '''This method should only be used when all other options have been exhausted'''. Additional remote management commands may not be executed if this command was successfully issued within the last 20 minutes to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • powerCycle
      Power off then power on the server via powerstrip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the powerstrip and then plugging the server back into the powerstrip. This should only be used as a last resort. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • powerCycle
      Power off then power on the server via powerstrip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the powerstrip and then plugging the server back into the powerstrip. This should only be used as a last resort. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • powerCycle
      Power off then power on the server via powerstrip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the powerstrip and then plugging the server back into the powerstrip. This should only be used as a last resort. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • powerCycle
      Power cycle a virtual guest
    • powerOff
      This method will power off the server via the server's remote management card.
    • powerOff
      This method will power off the server via the server's remote management card.
    • powerOff
      This method will power off the server via the server's remote management card.
    • powerOff
      This method will power off the server via the server's remote management card.
    • powerOff
      This method will power off the server via the server's remote management card.
    • powerOff
      Power off a virtual guest
    • powerOffSoft
      Power off a virtual guest
    • powerOn
      The '''powerOn''' method powers on a server via its remote management card. This boolean return value returns ''true'' upon successful execution and ''false'' if unsuccessful. Other remote management commands may not be issued in this command was successfully completed within the last 20 minutes to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • powerOn
      The '''powerOn''' method powers on a server via its remote management card. This boolean return value returns ''true'' upon successful execution and ''false'' if unsuccessful. Other remote management commands may not be issued in this command was successfully completed within the last 20 minutes to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • powerOn
      Power on server via its remote management card. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • powerOn
      Power on server via its remote management card. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • powerOn
      Power on server via its remote management card. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • powerOn
      Power on a virtual guest
    • processExternalPaymentAuthorization
      This method simply finalizes an authorization from PayPal. It tells SoftLayer that the customer has completed the PayPal process. This is ONLY needed if you, the customer, have your own API into PayPal and wish to automate authorizations from PayPal and our system. For most, this method will not be needed. Once an order is placed using placeOrder() for PayPal customers, a URL is given back to the customer. In it is the token and PayerID. If you want to systematically pay with PayPal, do so then call this method with the token and PayerID.
    • processPasswordSetRequest
      Set the password for a user who has an outstanding password request. A user with an outstanding password request will have an unused and unexpired password key. The password key is part of the url provided to the user in the email sent to the user with information on how to set their password. The email was generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::initiatePortalPasswordRequest request. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they're generated. If the user has required authentication methods as specified by in the SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container returned from the SoftLayer_User_Customer::getRequirementsForPasswordSet request, then additional requests must be made to processPasswordSetRequest to authenticate the user before changing the password. First, if the user has security questions set on their profile, they will be required to answer one of their questions correctly. Next, if the user has Verisign or Google Authentication on their account, they must authenticate according to the two-factor provider. All of this authentication is done using the SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container. User portal passwords must match the following restrictions. Portal passwords must... * over eight characters long. * under twenty characters long. * ...contain at least one uppercase letter * ...contain at least one lowercase letter * ...contain at least one number * ...contain one of the special characters _ - | @ . , ? / ! ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] + = * ...not match your username
    • processPasswordSetRequest
      Set the password for a user who has an outstanding password request. A user with an outstanding password request will have an unused and unexpired password key. The password key is part of the url provided to the user in the email sent to the user with information on how to set their password. The email was generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::initiatePortalPasswordRequest request. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they're generated. If the user has required authentication methods as specified by in the SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container returned from the SoftLayer_User_Customer::getRequirementsForPasswordSet request, then additional requests must be made to processPasswordSetRequest to authenticate the user before changing the password. First, if the user has security questions set on their profile, they will be required to answer one of their questions correctly. Next, if the user has Verisign or Google Authentication on their account, they must authenticate according to the two-factor provider. All of this authentication is done using the SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container. User portal passwords must match the following restrictions. Portal passwords must... * over eight characters long. * under twenty characters long. * ...contain at least one uppercase letter * ...contain at least one lowercase letter * ...contain at least one number * ...contain one of the special characters _ - | @ . , ? / ! ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] + = * ...not match your username
    • processPasswordSetRequest
      Set the password for a user who has an outstanding password request. A user with an outstanding password request will have an unused and unexpired password key. The password key is part of the url provided to the user in the email sent to the user with information on how to set their password. The email was generated by the SoftLayer_User_Customer::initiatePortalPasswordRequest request. Password recovery keys are valid for 24 hours after they're generated. If the user has required authentication methods as specified by in the SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container returned from the SoftLayer_User_Customer::getRequirementsForPasswordSet request, then additional requests must be made to processPasswordSetRequest to authenticate the user before changing the password. First, if the user has security questions set on their profile, they will be required to answer one of their questions correctly. Next, if the user has Verisign or Google Authentication on their account, they must authenticate according to the two-factor provider. All of this authentication is done using the SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet container. User portal passwords must match the following restrictions. Portal passwords must... * over eight characters long. * under twenty characters long. * ...contain at least one uppercase letter * ...contain at least one lowercase letter * ...contain at least one number * ...contain one of the special characters _ - | @ . , ? / ! ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] + = * ...not match your username
    • purgeByGroupIds
      This method purges the content from purge groups.
    • reactivateAccount
      Reactivate an account associated with this Brand. Anything that would disqualify the account from being reactivated will cause an exception to be raised.
    • reassignServers
      This method will reassign a collection of SoftLayer hardware to a bandwidth allotment Bandwidth Pool.
    • rebootDefault
      The '''rebootDefault''' method attempts to reboot the server by issuing a soft reboot, or reset, command to the server's remote management card. if the reset attempt is unsuccessful, a power cycle command will be issued via the power strip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the power strip and then plugging the server back in. If the reset was successful within the last 20 minutes, another remote management command cannot be completed to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • rebootDefault
      The '''rebootDefault''' method attempts to reboot the server by issuing a soft reboot, or reset, command to the server's remote management card. if the reset attempt is unsuccessful, a power cycle command will be issued via the power strip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the power strip and then plugging the server back in. If the reset was successful within the last 20 minutes, another remote management command cannot be completed to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • rebootDefault
      Attempts to reboot the server by issuing a reset (soft reboot) command to the server's remote management card. If the reset (soft reboot) attempt is unsuccessful, a power cycle command will be issued via the powerstrip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the powerstrip and then plugging the server back into the powerstrip. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootDefault
      Attempts to reboot the server by issuing a reset (soft reboot) command to the server's remote management card. If the reset (soft reboot) attempt is unsuccessful, a power cycle command will be issued via the powerstrip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the powerstrip and then plugging the server back into the powerstrip. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootDefault
      Attempts to reboot the server by issuing a reset (soft reboot) command to the server's remote management card. If the reset (soft reboot) attempt is unsuccessful, a power cycle command will be issued via the powerstrip. The power cycle command is equivalent to unplugging the server from the powerstrip and then plugging the server back into the powerstrip. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootDefault
      Power cycle a virtual guest
    • rebootHard
      The '''rebootHard''' method reboots the server by issuing a cycle command to the server's remote management card. A hard reboot is equivalent to pressing the ''Reset'' button on a server - it is issued immediately and will not allow processes to shut down prior to the reboot. Completing a hard reboot may initiate system disk checks upon server reboot, causing the boot up to take longer than normally expected. Remote management commands are unable to be executed if a reboot has been issued successfully within the last 20 minutes to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • rebootHard
      The '''rebootHard''' method reboots the server by issuing a cycle command to the server's remote management card. A hard reboot is equivalent to pressing the ''Reset'' button on a server - it is issued immediately and will not allow processes to shut down prior to the reboot. Completing a hard reboot may initiate system disk checks upon server reboot, causing the boot up to take longer than normally expected. Remote management commands are unable to be executed if a reboot has been issued successfully within the last 20 minutes to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • rebootHard
      Reboot the server by issuing a cycle command to the server's remote management card. This is equivalent to pressing the 'Reset' button on the server. This command is issued immediately and will not wait for processes to shutdown. After this command is issued, the server may take a few moments to boot up as server may run system disks checks. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootHard
      Reboot the server by issuing a cycle command to the server's remote management card. This is equivalent to pressing the 'Reset' button on the server. This command is issued immediately and will not wait for processes to shutdown. After this command is issued, the server may take a few moments to boot up as server may run system disks checks. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootHard
      Reboot the server by issuing a cycle command to the server's remote management card. This is equivalent to pressing the 'Reset' button on the server. This command is issued immediately and will not wait for processes to shutdown. After this command is issued, the server may take a few moments to boot up as server may run system disks checks. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootHard
      Power cycle a guest.
    • rebootSoft
      The '''rebootSoft''' method reboots the server by issuing a reset command to the server's remote management card via soft reboot. When executing a soft reboot, servers allow all processes to shut down completely before rebooting. Remote management commands are unable to be issued within 20 minutes of issuing a successful soft reboot in order to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • rebootSoft
      The '''rebootSoft''' method reboots the server by issuing a reset command to the server's remote management card via soft reboot. When executing a soft reboot, servers allow all processes to shut down completely before rebooting. Remote management commands are unable to be issued within 20 minutes of issuing a successful soft reboot in order to avoid server failure. Remote management commands include: rebootSoft rebootHard powerOn powerOff powerCycle
    • rebootSoft
      Reboot the server by issuing a reset command to the server's remote management card. This is a graceful reboot. The servers will allow all process to shutdown gracefully before rebooting. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootSoft
      Reboot the server by issuing a reset command to the server's remote management card. This is a graceful reboot. The servers will allow all process to shutdown gracefully before rebooting. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootSoft
      Reboot the server by issuing a reset command to the server's remote management card. This is a graceful reboot. The servers will allow all process to shutdown gracefully before rebooting. If a reboot command has been issued successfully in the past 20 minutes, another remote management command (rebootSoft, rebootHard, powerOn, powerOff and powerCycle) will not be allowed. This is to avoid any type of server failures.
    • rebootSoft
      Attempt to complete a soft reboot of a guest by shutting down the operating system.
    • rebuildHACluster
      Rebuild a virtual gateway with HA cluster by destroying existing member gateway os and installing new os on both gateway members, then creating HA cluster between 2 members. This is a destructive process which will remove existing configuration and stop all gateway capabilities. vSRX will need to be re-configured after this operation.
    • rebuildvSRXHACluster
      Rebuild a vSRX gateway with HA cluster by destroying existing vSRX and installing new vSRX on both gateway servers, then creating HA cluster between 2 vSRX. This is a destructive process which will remove existing vSRX configuration and stop all gateway capabilities. vSRX will need to be re-configured after this operation.
    • receiveEventDirect
      Modifies linked Paas user data based on changes initiated by Bluemix.
    • reconfigureConsole
    • reconnectCompute
      Takes the original disconnected lockdown request ID. The account reconnection will happen immediately. The associated lockdown event will be unlocked and closed at that time.
    • refreshBillingItemSnapshot
      When this service is called given an IBM Cloud infrastructure account ID owned by the calling brand, the process is started to refresh the billing item snapshots belonging to that account. This refresh is async and can take an undetermined amount of time. Even if this endpoint returns an OK, it doesn't guarantee that refresh did not fail or encounter issues.
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDependentDuplicate
      Refreshes a duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent. This is deprecated now.
    • refreshDeviceStatus
    • refreshDeviceStatus
    • refreshDeviceStatus
    • refreshDeviceStatus
    • refreshDeviceStatus
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • refreshDuplicate
      Refreshes any duplicate volume with a snapshot taken from its parent.
    • refreshGatewayLicense
      Used to refresh the all licenses (Required and add ons) for Virtual gateways. License precheck must be ready.
    • rejectApprovalRequests
    • rejectBypassRequest
      Reject a request from technical support to bypass the firewall. Once rejected, IBM support will not be able to route and unroute the VLAN on the firewall.
    • reloadCurrentOperatingSystemConfiguration
      Reloads current operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • reloadCurrentOperatingSystemConfiguration
      Reloads current operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • reloadCurrentOperatingSystemConfiguration
      Reloads current operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • reloadCurrentOperatingSystemConfiguration
      Create a transaction to perform an OS reload
    • reloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current or customer specified operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • reloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current or customer specified operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • reloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current or customer specified operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the server to the current specifications on record. The reload will take AT MINIMUM 66 minutes.
    • reloadOperatingSystem
      Reloads current operating system configuration. This service has a confirmation protocol for proceeding with the reload. To proceed with the reload without confirmation, simply pass in 'FORCE' as the token parameter. To proceed with the reload with confirmation, simply call the service with no parameter. A token string will be returned by this service. The token will remain active for 10 minutes. Use this token as the parameter to confirm that a reload is to be performed for the server. As a precaution, we strongly recommend backing up all data before reloading the operating system. The reload will format the primary disk and will reconfigure the computing instance to the current specifications on record. If reloading from an image template, we recommend first getting the list of valid private block device template groups, by calling the getOperatingSystemReloadImages method.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardware
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHost
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromHostList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The [[SoftLayer_Hardware|SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress]] objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the [[allowedHardware|allowedVirtualGuests|allowedSubnets|allowedIpAddresses]] property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromIpAddress
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromIpAddressList
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnet
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromSubnetList
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuest
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to s SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to s SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to s SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to s SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to s SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorage
      This method is used to remove access to a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume that supports host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      Removes access to multiple devices and replicas this subnet has been granted access to.
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to remove access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes
    • removeAccessToNetworkStorageList
      This method is used to allow access to multiple SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes that support host- or network-level access control.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationHardware property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromHardwareList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Hardware objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedHardware property of this storage replica volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationIpAddresses property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromIpAddressList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedIpAddresses property of this storage replica volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnet
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromSubnetList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationSubnets property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage volume's replica. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage volume's replica will be listed in the allowedReplicationVirtualGuests property of this storage volume.
    • removeAccessToReplicantFromVirtualGuestList
      This method is used to modify the access control list for this Storage replica volume. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest objects which have been allowed access to this storage will be listed in the allowedVirtualGuests property of this storage replica volume.
    • removeAction
      Unassigns a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action object from the group.
    • removeAllDedicatedHostAccessForThisUser
      Revoke access to all dedicated hosts on the account for this user. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllDedicatedHostAccessForThisUser
      Revoke access to all dedicated hosts on the account for this user. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllDedicatedHostAccessForThisUser
      Revoke access to all dedicated hosts on the account for this user. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllHardwareAccessForThisUser
      Remove all hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllHardwareAccessForThisUser
      Remove all hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllHardwareAccessForThisUser
      Remove all hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllowedHost
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object from this group. This will automatically disable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • removeAllowedHost
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object from this group. This will automatically disable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • removeAllowedHost
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object from this group. This will automatically disable access from this host to any SoftLayer_Network_Storage volumes currently attached to this group.
    • removeAllSubnetSwips
      **DEPRECATED** This method finds all subnets attached to your account that are in OK status and starts 'DELETE' transactions with ARIN, allowing you to remove your SWIP registration information.
    • removeAllVirtualAccessForThisUser
      Remove all cloud computing instances from a portal user's instance access list. A user's instance access list controls which of an account's computing instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllVirtualAccessForThisUser
      Remove all cloud computing instances from a portal user's instance access list. A user's instance access list controls which of an account's computing instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAllVirtualAccessForThisUser
      Remove all cloud computing instances from a portal user's instance access list. A user's instance access list controls which of an account's computing instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. If the current user does not have administrative privileges over this user, an inadequate permissions exception will get thrown. Users can call this function on child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all users permissions on their account.
    • removeAlternateCreditCard
    • removeApiAuthenticationKey
      Remove a user's API authentication key, removing that user's access to query the SoftLayer API.
    • removeApiAuthenticationKey
      Remove a user's API authentication key, removing that user's access to query the SoftLayer API.
    • removeApiAuthenticationKey
      Remove a user's API authentication key, removing that user's access to query the SoftLayer API.
    • removeAssignedAgent
    • removeAssociationId
      Remove the association from a billing item.
    • removeAssociationId
      Remove the association from a billing item.
    • removeAttachedAdditionalEmails
      removeAttachedAdditionalEmails() removes the specified email addresses from a ticket's notification list. If one of the provided email addresses is not attached to the ticket then ''removeAttachedAdditiaonalEmails()'' ignores it and continues to the next one. Once the email addresses are removed ''removeAttachedAdditiaonalEmails()'' returns a boolean true.
    • removeAttachedHardware
      detach the given hardware from a SoftLayer ticket. Removing a hardware attachment may delay ticket processing time if the hardware removed is relevant to the ticket's issue. Return a boolean true upon successful hardware detachment.
    • removeAttachedVirtualGuest
      Detach the given CloudLayer Computing Instance from a SoftLayer ticket. Removing an attachment may delay ticket processing time if the instance removed is relevant to the ticket's issue. Return a boolean true upon successful detachment.
    • removeBulkActions
      Unassigns multiple SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action objects from the group.
    • removeBulkDedicatedHostAccess
      Revokes access for the user to one or more dedicated host devices. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account. If the user has full dedicatedHost access, then it will provide access to 'ALL but passed in' dedicatedHost ids.
    • removeBulkDedicatedHostAccess
      Revokes access for the user to one or more dedicated host devices. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account. If the user has full dedicatedHost access, then it will provide access to 'ALL but passed in' dedicatedHost ids.
    • removeBulkDedicatedHostAccess
      Revokes access for the user to one or more dedicated host devices. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account. If the user has full dedicatedHost access, then it will provide access to 'ALL but passed in' dedicatedHost ids.
    • removeBulkHardwareAccess
      Remove multiple hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the hardware you're attempting to remove then removeBulkHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account. If the user has full hardware access, then it will provide access to 'ALL but passed in' hardware ids.
    • removeBulkHardwareAccess
      Remove multiple hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the hardware you're attempting to remove then removeBulkHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account. If the user has full hardware access, then it will provide access to 'ALL but passed in' hardware ids.
    • removeBulkHardwareAccess
      Remove multiple hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the hardware you're attempting to remove then removeBulkHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account. If the user has full hardware access, then it will provide access to 'ALL but passed in' hardware ids.
    • removeBulkPortalPermission
      Remove (revoke) multiple permissions from a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user's permission will affect that user's portal and API access. removePortalPermission() does not attempt to remove permissions that are not assigned to the user. Users can grant or revoke permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can grant permissions for any of the other users on their account. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permissions from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permissions from this user along with all child users who also have the permission. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not provided or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
    • removeBulkPortalPermission
      Remove (revoke) multiple permissions from a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user's permission will affect that user's portal and API access. removePortalPermission() does not attempt to remove permissions that are not assigned to the user. Users can grant or revoke permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can grant permissions for any of the other users on their account. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permissions from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permissions from this user along with all child users who also have the permission. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not provided or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
    • removeBulkPortalPermission
      Remove (revoke) multiple permissions from a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user's permission will affect that user's portal and API access. removePortalPermission() does not attempt to remove permissions that are not assigned to the user. Users can grant or revoke permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can grant permissions for any of the other users on their account. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permissions from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permissions from this user along with all child users who also have the permission. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not provided or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission objects within the permissions parameter.
    • removeBulkResourceObjects
      Unlinks multiple SoftLayer_Hardware_Server, SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest, or SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost objects from the group. All objects must be of the same type.
    • removeBulkRoles
    • removeBulkRoles
    • removeBulkRoles
    • removeBulkVirtualGuestAccess
      Remove multiple CloudLayer Computing Instances from a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting remove add then removeBulkVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeBulkVirtualGuestAccess
      Remove multiple CloudLayer Computing Instances from a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting remove add then removeBulkVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeBulkVirtualGuestAccess
      Remove multiple CloudLayer Computing Instances from a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's CloudLayer Computing Instance objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting remove add then removeBulkVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeCancellationItem
      This method removes a cancellation item from a cancellation request that is in 'Pending' or 'Approved' status.
    • removeCompatiblePlatforms
      Removes compatible platforms on the template group.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • removeCredential
      This method will remove a credential from the current volume. The credential must have been created using the 'addNewCredential' method.
    • removeCustomerSubnetFromNetworkTunnel
      Disassociate a customer subnet (remote) from a network tunnel. When a remote subnet is disassociated, that subnet will not able to communicate with private and service subnets on the SoftLayer network. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the disassociation described above to take effect.
    • removeDedicatedHostAccess
      Revokes access for the user to a single dedicated host device. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeDedicatedHostAccess
      Revokes access for the user to a single dedicated host device. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeDedicatedHostAccess
      Revokes access for the user to a single dedicated host device. The user will only be allowed to see and access devices in both the portal and the API to which they have been granted access. If the user's account has devices to which the user has not been granted access or the access has been revoked, then 'not found' exceptions are thrown if the user attempts to access any of these devices. Users can assign device access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all devices on their customer account and can set dedicated host access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeExternalBinding
      Remove an external binding from this user.
    • removeExternalBinding
      Remove an external binding from this user.
    • removeExternalBinding
      Remove an external binding from this user.
    • removeFromVolume
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this group. This will automatically disable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • removeFromVolume
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this group. This will automatically disable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • removeFromVolume
      Use this method to remove a SoftLayer_Network_Storage volume from this group. This will automatically disable access to this volume for any SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host objects currently attached to this group.
    • removeHardwareAccess
      Remove hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the hardware you're attempting remove add then removeHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeHardwareAccess
      Remove hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the hardware you're attempting remove add then removeHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeHardwareAccess
      Remove hardware from a portal user's hardware access list. A user's hardware access list controls which of an account's hardware objects a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Hardware does not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the hardware you're attempting remove add then removeHardwareAccess() returns true. Users can assign hardware access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all hardware on their customer account and can set hardware access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeLocations
      This method will create transaction(s) to remove available locations from an archive image template.
    • removeMediaFromList
      Remove a media from a SoftLayer account's list of media. The media record is not deleted.
    • removeNetworkVlanTrunks
      Remove one or more VLANs currently attached as trunks to this network component. If any VLANs are given which are not attached as trunks, they will be ignored. This method should be called on a network component of assigned hardware. A current list of VLAN trunks for a network component on a customer server can be found at 'uplinkComponent->networkVlanTrunks'. This method returns an array of SoftLayer_Network_Vlans which will be removed as trunks. Any requested VLANs which were not trunked will be ignored and will not be returned. Affected VLANs will not yet be removed as trunks upon return of this call, but deactivation and removal will have been scheduled and should be considered imminent. The trunking records associated with the affected VLANs will maintain an 'isUpdating' value of '1' so long as this is the case. Note that in the event of a 'pending API request' error some VLANs may still have been affected and scheduled for deactivation.
    • removePortalPermission
      Remove (revoke) a permission from a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user's permission will affect that user's portal and API access. If the user does not have the permission you're attempting to remove then removePortalPermission() returns true. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permission from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permission from this user and all child users who also have the permission. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not set or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission parameter.
    • removePortalPermission
      Remove (revoke) a permission from a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user's permission will affect that user's portal and API access. If the user does not have the permission you're attempting to remove then removePortalPermission() returns true. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permission from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permission from this user and all child users who also have the permission. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not set or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission parameter.
    • removePortalPermission
      Remove (revoke) a permission from a portal user's permission set. [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission) control which features in the SoftLayer customer portal and API a user may use. Removing a user's permission will affect that user's portal and API access. If the user does not have the permission you're attempting to remove then removePortalPermission() returns true. Users can assign permissions to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has all portal permissions and can set permissions for any of the other users on their account. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is set to true, then removing the permission from a user will cascade down the child hierarchy and remove the permission from this user and all child users who also have the permission. If the cascadePermissionsFlag is not set or is set to false and the user has children users who have the permission, then an exception will be thrown, and the permission will not be removed from this user. Use the [SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission::getAllObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method to retrieve a list of all permissions available in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. Permissions are removed based on the keyName property of the permission parameter.
    • removePrivateSubnetFromNetworkTunnel
      Disassociate a private subnet from a network tunnel. When a private subnet is disassociated, the customer (remote) subnet on the other end of the tunnel will not able to communicate with the private subnet that was just disassociated. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the disassociation described above to take effect.
    • removePurgeGroupFromFavorite
      This method removes a purge group from favorite.
    • removeResourceObject
      Unlinks a SoftLayer_Hardware_Server, SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest, or SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost object from the group.
    • removeRole
    • removeRole
    • removeRole
    • removeRules
      Remove rules from a security group.
    • removeScheduledAlert
    • removeScheduledAutoClose
    • removeSecurityAnswers
    • removeSecurityAnswers
    • removeSecurityAnswers
    • removeServiceSubnetFromNetworkTunnel
      Disassociate a service subnet from a network tunnel. When a service subnet is disassociated, that customer (remote) subnet on the other end of the network tunnel will not able to communicate with that service subnet on the SoftLayer network. NOTE: A network tunnel's configurations must be applied to the network device in order for the disassociation described above to take effect.
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSubnetsFromAcl
    • removeSupportedBootMode
      This method allows you to remove a supported boot mode attribute for a given image template.
    • removeSwipData
      **DEPRECATED** This function, when called on an instantiated SWIP transaction, will allow you to start a 'DELETE' transaction with ARIN, allowing you to remove your SWIP registration information.
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • removeTags
      Remove a tag reference
    • removeUser
      Unassigns a SoftLayer_User_Customer object from the role.
    • removeVirtualGuestAccess
      Remove a CloudLayer Computing Instance from a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's computing instances a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting remove add then removeVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set instance access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeVirtualGuestAccess
      Remove a CloudLayer Computing Instance from a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's computing instances a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting remove add then removeVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set instance access for any of the other users on their account.
    • removeVirtualGuestAccess
      Remove a CloudLayer Computing Instance from a portal user's access list. A user's CloudLayer Computing Instance access list controls which of an account's computing instances a user has access to in the SoftLayer customer portal and API. CloudLayer Computing Instances do not exist in the SoftLayer portal and returns 'not found' exceptions in the API if the user doesn't have access to it. If a user does not has access to the CloudLayer Computing Instance you're attempting remove add then removeVirtualGuestAccess() returns true. Users can assign CloudLayer Computing Instance access to their child users, but not to themselves. An account's master has access to all CloudLayer Computing Instances on their customer account and can set instance access for any of the other users on their account.
    • rename
      Edit the name of this gateway.
    • requestAccount
      Validates request and kicks off the approval process.
    • requestAccountTeamFundedAccount
      Allows authorized IBMer's to apply for a proof of concept account using account team funding. Requests will be reviewed by multiple internal teams before an account is created. Note that the proof of concept system is for internal IBM employees only and is not applicable to users outside the IBM organization.
    • requestCreditCardChange
      Retrieve the record data associated with the submission of a Credit Card Change Request. Softlayer customers are permitted to request a change in Credit Card information. Part of the process calls for an attempt by SoftLayer to submit at $1.00 charge to the financial institution backing the credit card as a means of verifying that the information provided in the change request is valid. The data associated with this change request returned to the calling function. If the onlyChangeNicknameFlag parameter is set to true, the nickname of the credit card will be changed immediately without requiring approval by an agent. To change the nickname of the active payment method, pass the empty string for paymentRoleName. To change the nickname for the alternate credit card, pass ALTERNATE_CREDIT_CARD as the paymentRoleName. vatId must be set, but the value will not be used and the empty string is acceptable.
    • requestGlobalFundedAccount
      Allows authorized IBMer's to apply for a proof of concept account using global funding. Requests will be reviewed by multiple internal teams before an account is created. Note that the proof of concept system is for internal IBM employees only and is not applicable to users outside the IBM organization.
    • requestManualEnrollment
    • requestManualPayment
      Retrieve the record data associated with the submission of a Manual Payment Request. Softlayer customers are permitted to request a manual one-time payment at a minimum amount of $2.00. Customers may submit a Credit Card Payment (Mastercard, Visa, American Express) or a PayPal payment. For Credit Card Payments, SoftLayer engages the credit card financial institution to submit the payment request. The financial institution's response and other data associated with the transaction are returned to the calling function. In the case of PayPal Payments, SoftLayer engages the PayPal system to initiate the PayPal payment sequence. The applicable data generated during the request is returned to the calling function.
    • requestManualPaymentUsingCreditCardOnFile
      Retrieve the record data associated with the submission of a Manual Payment Request for a manual payment using a credit card which is on file and does not require an approval process. Softlayer customers are permitted to request a manual one-time payment at a minimum amount of $2.00. Customers may use an existing Credit Card on file (Mastercard, Visa, American Express). SoftLayer engages the credit card financial institution to submit the payment request. The financial institution's response and other data associated with the transaction are returned to the calling function. The applicable data generated during the request is returned to the calling function.
    • requestSelfEnrollment
    • requestVdrCancellation
      This will remove a bandwidth pooling from a customer's allotments by cancelling the billing item. All servers in that allotment will get moved to the account's vpr.
    • requestVdrContentUpdates
      This will move servers into a bandwidth pool, removing them from their previous bandwidth pool and optionally remove the bandwidth pool on completion.
    • requiredItems
      Get list of items that are required with the item prices provided
    • resendEmail
      A Certificate Authority sends out various emails to your domain administrator or your technical contact. Use this service to have these emails re-sent.
    • resendSwipData
      **DEPRECATED** This function will allow you to update ARIN's registration data for a subnet to your current RWHOIS data.
    • resetOpenIdConnectLink
      This method will change the IBMid that a SoftLayer user is linked to, if we need to do that for some reason. It will do this by modifying the link to the desired new IBMid. NOTE: This method cannot be used to 'un-link' a SoftLayer user. Once linked, a SoftLayer user can never be un-linked. Also, this method cannot be used to reset the link if the user account is already Bluemix linked. To reset a link for the Bluemix-linked user account, use resetOpenIdConnectLinkUnifiedUserManagementMode.
    • resetOpenIdConnectLink
      This method will change the IBMid that a SoftLayer user is linked to, if we need to do that for some reason. It will do this by modifying the link to the desired new IBMid. NOTE: This method cannot be used to 'un-link' a SoftLayer user. Once linked, a SoftLayer user can never be un-linked. Also, this method cannot be used to reset the link if the user account is already Bluemix linked. To reset a link for the Bluemix-linked user account, use resetOpenIdConnectLinkUnifiedUserManagementMode.
    • resetOpenIdConnectLink
      This method will change the IBMid that a SoftLayer user is linked to, if we need to do that for some reason. It will do this by modifying the link to the desired new IBMid. NOTE: This method cannot be used to 'un-link' a SoftLayer user. Once linked, a SoftLayer user can never be un-linked. Also, this method cannot be used to reset the link if the user account is already Bluemix linked. To reset a link for the Bluemix-linked user account, use resetOpenIdConnectLinkUnifiedUserManagementMode.
    • resetOpenIdConnectLinkUnifiedUserManagementMode
      This method will change the IBMid that a SoftLayer master user is linked to, if we need to do that for some reason. It will do this by unlinking the new owner IBMid from its current user association in this account, if there is one (note that the new owner IBMid is not required to already be a member of the IMS account). Then it will modify the existing IBMid link for the master user to use the new owner IBMid-realm IAMid. At this point, if the new owner IBMid isn't already a member of the PaaS account, it will attempt to add it. As a last step, it will call PaaS to modify the owner on that side, if necessary. Only when all those steps are complete, it will commit the IMS-side DB changes. Then, it will clean up the SoftLayer user that was linked to the new owner IBMid (this user became unlinked as the first step in this process). It will also call BSS to delete the old owner IBMid. NOTE: This method cannot be used to 'un-link' a SoftLayer user. Once linked, a SoftLayer user can never be un-linked. Also, this method cannot be used to reset the link if the user account is not Bluemix linked. To reset a link for the user account not linked to Bluemix, use resetOpenIdConnectLink.
    • resetOpenIdConnectLinkUnifiedUserManagementMode
      This method will change the IBMid that a SoftLayer master user is linked to, if we need to do that for some reason. It will do this by unlinking the new owner IBMid from its current user association in this account, if there is one (note that the new owner IBMid is not required to already be a member of the IMS account). Then it will modify the existing IBMid link for the master user to use the new owner IBMid-realm IAMid. At this point, if the new owner IBMid isn't already a member of the PaaS account, it will attempt to add it. As a last step, it will call PaaS to modify the owner on that side, if necessary. Only when all those steps are complete, it will commit the IMS-side DB changes. Then, it will clean up the SoftLayer user that was linked to the new owner IBMid (this user became unlinked as the first step in this process). It will also call BSS to delete the old owner IBMid. NOTE: This method cannot be used to 'un-link' a SoftLayer user. Once linked, a SoftLayer user can never be un-linked. Also, this method cannot be used to reset the link if the user account is not Bluemix linked. To reset a link for the user account not linked to Bluemix, use resetOpenIdConnectLink.
    • resetOpenIdConnectLinkUnifiedUserManagementMode
      This method will change the IBMid that a SoftLayer master user is linked to, if we need to do that for some reason. It will do this by unlinking the new owner IBMid from its current user association in this account, if there is one (note that the new owner IBMid is not required to already be a member of the IMS account). Then it will modify the existing IBMid link for the master user to use the new owner IBMid-realm IAMid. At this point, if the new owner IBMid isn't already a member of the PaaS account, it will attempt to add it. As a last step, it will call PaaS to modify the owner on that side, if necessary. Only when all those steps are complete, it will commit the IMS-side DB changes. Then, it will clean up the SoftLayer user that was linked to the new owner IBMid (this user became unlinked as the first step in this process). It will also call BSS to delete the old owner IBMid. NOTE: This method cannot be used to 'un-link' a SoftLayer user. Once linked, a SoftLayer user can never be un-linked. Also, this method cannot be used to reset the link if the user account is not Bluemix linked. To reset a link for the user account not linked to Bluemix, use resetOpenIdConnectLink.
    • resetPeakConnections
      Calling resetPeakConnections will set the peakConnections variable to zero on this particular object. Peak connections will continue to increase normally after this method call, it will only temporarily reset the statistic to zero, until the next time it is polled.
    • restoreBaseConfiguration
      Restore an application delivery controller's base configuration state. The configuration will be set to what it was when initially provisioned.
    • restoreConfiguration
      Restore an application delivery controller's configuration state.
    • restoreDefaults
      This will completely reset the firewall to factory settings. If the firewall is not a FSA 10G appliance an error will occur. Note, this process is performed asynchronously. During the process all traffic will not be routed through the firewall.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Restore an individual file so that it may be used as it was before it was deleted. If a file is deleted from a Virtual Server Storage account, the file is placed into the account's recycle bin and not permanently deleted. Therefore, restoreFile can be used to place the file back into your Virtual Server account's root directory.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • restoreFromSnapshot
      Restore the volume from a snapshot that was previously taken.
    • resume
      Resume a virtual guest, this can only be called when a VSI is in Suspended state.
    • retryHttpsActionRequest
      For specific mappings in HTTPS-related error states, this SOAP API will determine whether it needs to re-attempt an enable or disable HTTPS.
    • route
      This interface allows you to change the route of your secondary subnets. It accommodates a number of ways to identify your desired routing destination through the use of a 'type' and 'identifier'. Subnets may be routed as either Static or Portable, and that designation is dictated by the routing destination specified. Static subnets have an ultimate routing destination of a single IP address but may not be routed to an existing subnet's IP address whose subnet is routed as a Static. Portable subnets have an ultimate routing destination of a VLAN. A subnet can be routed to any resource within the same 'routing region' as the subnet itself. A subnet's routing region can be diverse but is usually limited to a single data center. The following identifier 'type' values will result in Static routing: <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress</li> <li>SoftLayer_Hardware_Server</li> <li>SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest</li> </ul> The following identifier 'type' values will result in Portable routing: <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Network_Vlan</li> </ul> For each identifier type, one or more 'identifier' formats are possible. ''SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired IP address object.</li> <li>A dotted-quad IPv4 address.</li> <li>A full or compressed IPv6 address.</li> </ul> ''SoftLayer_Network_Vlan'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired VLAN object.</li> <li>A semantic VLAN identifier of the form &lt;data center short name&gt;.&lt;router&gt;.&lt;vlan number&gt;, where &lt; and &gt; are literal, eg. dal13.fcr01.1234 - the router name may optionally contain the 'a' or 'b' redundancy qualifier (which has no meaning in this context).</li> </ul> ''SoftLayer_Hardware_Server'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired server.</li> <li>A UUID corresponding to a server's SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.globalIdentifier.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.hostname.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique fully-qualified domain name in the format 'hostname&lt;domain&gt;' where &lt; and &gt; are literal, e.g. myhost&lt;;, hostname refers to SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.hostname and domain to SoftLayer_Hardware_Server.domain, respectively.</li> </ul> ''SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest'' will accept the following identifier formats: <ul> <li>An entirely numeric value will be treated as a value of the desired server.</li> <li>A UUID corresponding to a server's SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.globalIdentifier.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.hostname.</li> <li>A value corresponding to a unique fully-qualified domain name in the format 'hostname&lt;domain&gt;' where &lt; and &gt; are literal, e.g. myhost&lt;;, hostname refers to SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.hostname and domain to SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest.domain, respectively.</li> </ul> The routing destination result of specifying a SoftLayer_Hardware_Server or SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest type will be the primary IP address of the server for the same network segment the subnet is on. Thus, a public subnet will be routed to the server's public, primary IP address. Additionally, this IP address resolution will match the subnet's IP version; routing a IPv6 subnet to a server will result in selection of the primary IPv6 address of the respective network segment, if available. Subnets may only be routed to the IP version they themselves represent. That means an IPv4 subnet can only be routed to IPv4 addresses. Any type/identifier combination that resolves to an IP address must be able to locate an IP address of the same version as the subnet being routed. When routing to an IP address on a Primary subnet, only those addresses actively assigned to resources may be targeted. Additionally, the network, gateway, or broadcast address of any Portable subnet may not be a routing destination. For some VLANs utilizing the HSRP redundancy strategy, there are additional addresses which cannot be a route destination. When routing a subnet that is already routed, note that the subnet first has its route removed; this procedure is the same as what will occur when using SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute. Special consideration should be made for subnets routed as Portable. Please refer to the documentation for SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute for details. The behavior of this interface is such that either true or false is returned. A response of false indicates the route request would not result in the route of the subnet changing; attempts to route the subnet to the same destination, even if identified by differing means, will result in no changes. A result of false can be interpreted as the route request having already been completed. In contrast, a result of true means the requested destination is different from the current destination and the subnet's routing will be transitioned. This route change is asynchronous to the request. A response of true does not mean the subnet's route has changed, but simply that it will change. In order to monitor for the completion of the change, you may either attempt a route change again until the result is false, or monitor one or more SoftLayer_Network_Subnet properties: subnetType, networkVlanId, and or endPointIpAddress to determine if routing of the subnet has become the desired route destination. Use of this operation is limited to a single active request per subnet. If a previous route request is not yet complete, a 'not ready' message will be returned upon subsequent requests.
    • route
      ***DEPRECATED*** This endpoint is deprecated in favor of the more expressive and capable SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route, to which this endpoint now proxies. Refer to it for more information. Similarly, unroute requests are proxied to SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute.
    • runPassmarkCertificationBenchmark
      You can launch a new Passmark hardware test by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the testing is in progress, and will publish a certificate with the results to your hardware details page. While the hard drives are tested for the initial deployment, the Passmark Certificate utility will not test the hard drives on your live server. This is to ensure that no data is overwritten. If you would like to test the server's hard drives, you can have the full Passmark suite installed to your server free of charge through a new Support ticket. While the test itself does not overwrite any data on the server, it is recommended that you make full off-server backups of all data prior to launching the test. The Passmark hardware test is designed to force any latent hardware issues to the surface, so hardware failure is possible. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • runPassmarkCertificationBenchmark
      You can launch a new Passmark hardware test by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the testing is in progress, and will publish a certificate with the results to your hardware details page. While the hard drives are tested for the initial deployment, the Passmark Certificate utility will not test the hard drives on your live server. This is to ensure that no data is overwritten. If you would like to test the server's hard drives, you can have the full Passmark suite installed to your server free of charge through a new Support ticket. While the test itself does not overwrite any data on the server, it is recommended that you make full off-server backups of all data prior to launching the test. The Passmark hardware test is designed to force any latent hardware issues to the surface, so hardware failure is possible. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • runPassmarkCertificationBenchmark
      You can launch a new Passmark hardware test by selecting from your server list. It will bring your server offline for approximately 20 minutes while the testing is in progress, and will publish a certificate with the results to your hardware details page. While the hard drives are tested for the initial deployment, the Passmark Certificate utility will not test the hard drives on your live server. This is to ensure that no data is overwritten. If you would like to test the server's hard drives, you can have the full Passmark suite installed to your server free of charge through a new Support ticket. While the test itself does not overwrite any data on the server, it is recommended that you make full off-server backups of all data prior to launching the test. The Passmark hardware test is designed to force any latent hardware issues to the surface, so hardware failure is possible. In the event of a hardware failure during this test our datacenter engineers will be notified of the problem automatically. They will then replace any failed components to bring your server back online, and will be contacting you to ensure that impact on your server is minimal.
    • samlAuthenticate
    • samlAuthenticate
    • samlAuthenticate
    • samlBeginAuthentication
    • samlBeginAuthentication
    • samlBeginAuthentication
    • samlBeginLogout
    • samlBeginLogout
    • samlBeginLogout
    • samlLogout
    • samlLogout
    • samlLogout
    • saveCurrentConfiguration
      Save an application delivery controller's configuration state. The notes property for this method is optional.
    • saveInternalCostRecovery
    • saveOrUnsavePurgePath
      Creates a new saved purge if a purge path is saved. Deletes a saved purge record if the path is unsaved.
    • savePurgeGroupAsFavorite
      This method saves a purge group as favorite.
    • saveQuote
      Account master users and sub-users in the SoftLayer customer portal can save the quote of an order to avoid its deletion after 5 days or its expiration after 2 days.
    • saveQuote
      Account master users and sub-users in the SoftLayer customer portal can save the quote of an order to avoid its deletion after 5 days or its expiration after 2 days.
    • search
      This method allows for searching for SoftLayer resources by simple phrase. It returns a collection or array of [SoftLayer_Container_Search_Result](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Search_Result) objects that have search metadata for each result and the resulting resource found. This method recognizes the special <b><code>_objectType:</code></b> quantifier in search strings. This quantifier can be used to restrict a search to specific object types. Example usage: <code>_objectType:Type_1 </code><i><code>(other search terms...)</code></i> A search string can specify multiple object types, separated by commas (no spaces are permitted between the type names). Example: <code>_objectType:Type_1,Type_2,Type_3 </code><i><code>(other search terms...)</code></i> If the list of object types is prefixed with a hyphen or minus sign (-), then the specified types are excluded from the search. Example: <code>_objectType:-Type_4,Type_5 </code><i><code>(other search terms...)</code></i> A collection of available object types can be retrieved by calling the [SoftLayer_Search::getObjectTypes](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/getObjectTypes) method. #### Exact Match on Text Fields To enforce an exact match on text fields, encapsulate the term in double quotes. For example, given a set of device host names: <ul> <li>baremetal-a</li> <li>baremetal-b</li> <li>a-virtual-guest</li> <li>b-virtual-guest</li> <li>edge-router</li> </ul> An exact search (double-quote) for 'baremetal-a' will return only the exact match of <u>baremetal-a</u>. A fuzzy search (no double-quote) for baremetal-a will return <u>baremetal</u>-<u>a</u>, <u>baremetal</u>-b, <u>a</u>-virtu<u>a</u>l-guest, b-virtu<u>a</u>l-guest but will omit edge-router.
    • securityGroupsReady
    • selfEnrollNewAccount
    • selfPasswordChange
    • selfPasswordChange
    • selfPasswordChange
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • sendPasswordReminderEmail
      The method will retrieve the password for the StorageLayer or Virtual Server Storage Account and email the password. The Storage Account passwords will be emailed to the master user. For Virtual Server Storage, the password will be sent to the email address used as the username.
    • sendReportEmail
    • sendTestReclaimScheduledAlert
    • serviceDNS
    • serviceLoadBalancer
      Service function for a load balancer.
    • setAbuseEmails
      Set this account's abuse emails. Takes an array of email addresses as strings.
    • setAssociationId
      Set an associated billing item to an orphan billing item. Associations allow you to tie an 'orphaned' billing item, any non-server billing item that doesn't have a parent item such as secondary IP subnets or StorageLayer accounts, to a server billing item. You may only set an association for an orphan to a server. You cannot associate a server to an orphan if the either the server or orphan billing items have a cancellation date set.
    • setAssociationId
      Set an associated billing item to an orphan billing item. Associations allow you to tie an 'orphaned' billing item, any non-server billing item that doesn't have a parent item such as secondary IP subnets or StorageLayer accounts, to a server billing item. You may only set an association for an orphan to a server. You cannot associate a server to an orphan if the either the server or orphan billing items have a cancellation date set.
    • setAvailableLocations
      Create transaction(s) to set the archived block device available locations
    • setBootMode
      This method allows you to specify the boot mode for a given image template.
    • setCompatiblePlatforms
      Sets compatible platforms on the template group.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setCredentialPassword
      Use this method to modify the credential password for a SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host object.
    • setDefaultAccount
      An OpenIdConnect identity, for example an IBMid, can be linked or mapped to one or more individual SoftLayer users, but no more than one per account. If an OpenIdConnect identity is mapped to multiple accounts in this manner, one such account should be identified as the default account for that identity. Invoke this only on IBMid-authenticated users.
    • setDefaultAccount
      An OpenIdConnect identity, for example an IAMid, can be linked or mapped to one or more individual SoftLayer users, but no more than one per account. If an OpenIdConnect identity is mapped to multiple accounts in this manner, one such account should be identified as the default account for that identity. Invoke this only on IBMid-authenticated users.
    • setDefaultAccount
      An OpenIdConnect identity, for example an IAMid, can be linked or mapped to one or more individual SoftLayer users, but no more than one per account. If an OpenIdConnect identity is mapped to multiple accounts in this manner, one such account should be identified as the default account for that identity. Invoke this only on IBMid-authenticated users.
    • setGatewayPassword
      Returns true if password change is successful, false if not successful
    • setManagedPoolQuantity
      Set the total number of servers that are to be maintained in the given pool. When a server is ordered a new server will be put in the pool to replace the server that was removed to fill an order to maintain the desired pool availability quantity.
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setMountable
      Enable or disable the mounting of a Storage volume. When mounting is enabled the Storage volume will be mountable or available for use. For Virtual Server volumes, disabling mounting will deny access to the Virtual Server Account, remove published material and deny all file interaction including uploads and downloads. Enabling or disabling mounting for Storage volumes is not possible if mounting has been disabled by SoftLayer or a parent account.
    • setOperatingSystemPassword
      Changes the password that we have stored in our database for a servers' Operating System
    • setOperatingSystemPassword
      Changes the password that we have stored in our database for a servers' Operating System
    • setOperatingSystemPassword
      Changes the password that we have stored in our database for a servers' Operating System
    • setOsPasswordFromEncrypted
      The setOsPasswordFromEncrypted method is used to set the operating system password from a key/pair encrypted password signed by SoftLayer.
    • setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Set the private network interface speed and redundancy configuration. Possible $newSpeed values are -1 (maximum available), 0 (disconnect), 10, 100, 1000, and 10000; not all values are available to every server. The maximum speed is limited by the speed requested during provisioning. All intermediate speeds are limited by the capability of the pod the server is deployed in. No guarantee is made that a speed other than what was requested during provisioning will be available. If specified, possible $redundancy values are either 'redundant' or 'degraded'. Not specifying a redundancy mode will use the best possible redundancy available to the server. However, specifying a redundacy mode that is not available to the server will result in an error. 'redundant' indicates all available interfaces should be active. 'degraded' indicates only the primary interface should be active. Irrespective of the number of interfaces available to a server, it is only possible to have either a single interface or all interfaces active. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to achieve the desired interface configuration; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the current interface configuration matches the desired configuration, and thus no changes are pending. <h4>Backwards Compatibility Until February 27th, 2019</h4> In order to provide a period of transition to the new API, some backwards compatible behaviors will be active during this period. <ul> <li> A 'doubled' (eg. 200) speed value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'redundant'. If a redundancy value is specified, it is assumed no translation is needed and will result in an error due to doubled speeds no longer being valid.</li> <li> A non-doubled (eg. 100) speed value <i>without</i> a redundancy value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'degraded'.</li> </ul> After the compatibility period, a doubled speed value will result in an error, and a non-doubled speed value without a redundancy value specified will result in the best available redundancy state. An exception is made for the new relative speed value -1. When using -1 without a redundancy value, the best possible redundancy will be used. Please transition away from using doubled speed values in favor of specifying redundancy (when applicable) or using relative speed values 0 and -1.
    • setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Set the private network interface speed and redundancy configuration. Possible $newSpeed values are -1 (maximum available), 0 (disconnect), 10, 100, 1000, and 10000; not all values are available to every server. The maximum speed is limited by the speed requested during provisioning. All intermediate speeds are limited by the capability of the pod the server is deployed in. No guarantee is made that a speed other than what was requested during provisioning will be available. If specified, possible $redundancy values are either 'redundant' or 'degraded'. Not specifying a redundancy mode will use the best possible redundancy available to the server. However, specifying a redundacy mode that is not available to the server will result in an error. 'redundant' indicates all available interfaces should be active. 'degraded' indicates only the primary interface should be active. Irrespective of the number of interfaces available to a server, it is only possible to have either a single interface or all interfaces active. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to achieve the desired interface configuration; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the current interface configuration matches the desired configuration, and thus no changes are pending. <h4>Backwards Compatibility Until February 27th, 2019</h4> In order to provide a period of transition to the new API, some backwards compatible behaviors will be active during this period. <ul> <li> A 'doubled' (eg. 200) speed value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'redundant'. If a redundancy value is specified, it is assumed no translation is needed and will result in an error due to doubled speeds no longer being valid.</li> <li> A non-doubled (eg. 100) speed value <i>without</i> a redundancy value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'degraded'.</li> </ul> After the compatibility period, a doubled speed value will result in an error, and a non-doubled speed value without a redundancy value specified will result in the best available redundancy state. An exception is made for the new relative speed value -1. When using -1 without a redundancy value, the best possible redundancy will be used. Please transition away from using doubled speed values in favor of specifying redundancy (when applicable) or using relative speed values 0 and -1.
    • setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Set the private network interface speed and redundancy configuration. Possible $newSpeed values are -1 (maximum available), 0 (disconnect), 10, 100, 1000, and 10000; not all values are available to every server. The maximum speed is limited by the speed requested during provisioning. All intermediate speeds are limited by the capability of the pod the server is deployed in. No guarantee is made that a speed other than what was requested during provisioning will be available. If specified, possible $redundancy values are either 'redundant' or 'degraded'. Not specifying a redundancy mode will use the best possible redundancy available to the server. However, specifying a redundacy mode that is not available to the server will result in an error. 'redundant' indicates all available interfaces should be active. 'degraded' indicates only the primary interface should be active. Irrespective of the number of interfaces available to a server, it is only possible to have either a single interface or all interfaces active. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to achieve the desired interface configuration; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the current interface configuration matches the desired configuration, and thus no changes are pending. <h4>Backwards Compatibility Until February 27th, 2019</h4> In order to provide a period of transition to the new API, some backwards compatible behaviors will be active during this period. <ul> <li> A 'doubled' (eg. 200) speed value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'redundant'. If a redundancy value is specified, it is assumed no translation is needed and will result in an error due to doubled speeds no longer being valid.</li> <li> A non-doubled (eg. 100) speed value <i>without</i> a redundancy value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'degraded'.</li> </ul> After the compatibility period, a doubled speed value will result in an error, and a non-doubled speed value without a redundancy value specified will result in the best available redundancy state. An exception is made for the new relative speed value -1. When using -1 without a redundancy value, the best possible redundancy will be used. Please transition away from using doubled speed values in favor of specifying redundancy (when applicable) or using relative speed values 0 and -1.
    • setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Sets the private network interface speed to the new speed. Speed values can only be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000. The new speed must be equal to or less than the max speed of the interface. It will take less than a minute to update the port speed.
    • setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Set the public network interface speed and redundancy configuration. Possible $newSpeed values are -1 (maximum available), 0 (disconnect), 10, 100, 1000, and 10000; not all values are available to every server. The maximum speed is limited by the speed requested during provisioning. All intermediate speeds are limited by the capability of the pod the server is deployed in. No guarantee is made that a speed other than what was requested during provisioning will be available. If specified, possible $redundancy values are either 'redundant' or 'degraded'. Not specifying a redundancy mode will use the best possible redundancy available to the server. However, specifying a redundacy mode that is not available to the server will result in an error. 'redundant' indicates all available interfaces should be active. 'degraded' indicates only the primary interface should be active. Irrespective of the number of interfaces available to a server, it is only possible to have either a single interface or all interfaces active. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to achieve the desired interface configuration; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the current interface configuration matches the desired configuration, and thus no changes are pending. <h4>Backwards Compatibility Until February 27th, 2019</h4> In order to provide a period of transition to the new API, some backwards compatible behaviors will be active during this period. <ul> <li> A 'doubled' (eg. 200) speed value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'redundant'. If a redundancy value is specified, it is assumed no translation is needed and will result in an error due to doubled speeds no longer being valid.</li> <li> A non-doubled (eg. 100) speed value <i>without</i> a redundancy value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'degraded'.</li> </ul> After the compatibility period, a doubled speed value will result in an error, and a non-doubled speed value without a redundancy value specified will result in the best available redundancy state. An exception is made for the new relative speed value -1. When using -1 without a redundancy value, the best possible redundancy will be used. Please transition away from using doubled speed values in favor of specifying redundancy (when applicable) or using relative speed values 0 and -1.
    • setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Set the public network interface speed and redundancy configuration. Possible $newSpeed values are -1 (maximum available), 0 (disconnect), 10, 100, 1000, and 10000; not all values are available to every server. The maximum speed is limited by the speed requested during provisioning. All intermediate speeds are limited by the capability of the pod the server is deployed in. No guarantee is made that a speed other than what was requested during provisioning will be available. If specified, possible $redundancy values are either 'redundant' or 'degraded'. Not specifying a redundancy mode will use the best possible redundancy available to the server. However, specifying a redundacy mode that is not available to the server will result in an error. 'redundant' indicates all available interfaces should be active. 'degraded' indicates only the primary interface should be active. Irrespective of the number of interfaces available to a server, it is only possible to have either a single interface or all interfaces active. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to achieve the desired interface configuration; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the current interface configuration matches the desired configuration, and thus no changes are pending. <h4>Backwards Compatibility Until February 27th, 2019</h4> In order to provide a period of transition to the new API, some backwards compatible behaviors will be active during this period. <ul> <li> A 'doubled' (eg. 200) speed value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'redundant'. If a redundancy value is specified, it is assumed no translation is needed and will result in an error due to doubled speeds no longer being valid.</li> <li> A non-doubled (eg. 100) speed value <i>without</i> a redundancy value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'degraded'.</li> </ul> After the compatibility period, a doubled speed value will result in an error, and a non-doubled speed value without a redundancy value specified will result in the best available redundancy state. An exception is made for the new relative speed value -1. When using -1 without a redundancy value, the best possible redundancy will be used. Please transition away from using doubled speed values in favor of specifying redundancy (when applicable) or using relative speed values 0 and -1.
    • setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Set the public network interface speed and redundancy configuration. Possible $newSpeed values are -1 (maximum available), 0 (disconnect), 10, 100, 1000, and 10000; not all values are available to every server. The maximum speed is limited by the speed requested during provisioning. All intermediate speeds are limited by the capability of the pod the server is deployed in. No guarantee is made that a speed other than what was requested during provisioning will be available. If specified, possible $redundancy values are either 'redundant' or 'degraded'. Not specifying a redundancy mode will use the best possible redundancy available to the server. However, specifying a redundacy mode that is not available to the server will result in an error. 'redundant' indicates all available interfaces should be active. 'degraded' indicates only the primary interface should be active. Irrespective of the number of interfaces available to a server, it is only possible to have either a single interface or all interfaces active. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to achieve the desired interface configuration; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the current interface configuration matches the desired configuration, and thus no changes are pending. <h4>Backwards Compatibility Until February 27th, 2019</h4> In order to provide a period of transition to the new API, some backwards compatible behaviors will be active during this period. <ul> <li> A 'doubled' (eg. 200) speed value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'redundant'. If a redundancy value is specified, it is assumed no translation is needed and will result in an error due to doubled speeds no longer being valid.</li> <li> A non-doubled (eg. 100) speed value <i>without</i> a redundancy value will be translated to a redundancy value of 'degraded'.</li> </ul> After the compatibility period, a doubled speed value will result in an error, and a non-doubled speed value without a redundancy value specified will result in the best available redundancy state. An exception is made for the new relative speed value -1. When using -1 without a redundancy value, the best possible redundancy will be used. Please transition away from using doubled speed values in favor of specifying redundancy (when applicable) or using relative speed values 0 and -1.
    • setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed
      Sets the public network interface speed to the new speed. Speed values can only be 0 (Disconnect), 10, 100, or 1000. The new speed must be equal to or less than the max speed of the interface. It will take less than a minute to update the port speed.
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotAllocation
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • setSnapshotNotification
      Function to enable/disable snapshot warning notification.
    • setSnoozeTimer
    • setTags
    • setTags
    • setTags
    • setTags
    • setTags
    • setTags
      Tag a subnet by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Any existing tags you wish to keep should be included in the set of tags, as any missing tags will be removed. To remove all tags from the subnet, send an empty string.
    • setTags
      Tag a VLAN by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Tag references are cleared out every time this method is called. If your VLAN is already tagged you will need to pass the current tags along with any new ones. To remove all tag references pass an empty string. To remove one or more tags omit them from the tag list.
    • setTags
      This method will associate a comma separated list of tags with this object.
    • setTags
      Tag an object by passing in one or more tags separated by a comma. Tag references are cleared out every time this method is called. If your object is already tagged you will need to pass the current tags along with any new ones. To remove all tag references pass an empty string. To remove one or more tags omit them from the tag list. The characters permitted are A-Z, 0-9, whitespace, _ (underscore), - (hypen), . (period), and : (colon). All other characters will be stripped away. You must pass 3 string arguments into this method or you will receive an exception.
    • setTags
    • setTags
    • setTags
    • setTags
      Set the tags for this template group.
    • setTransientWebhook
    • setUserMetadata
      Sets the data that will be written to the configuration drive.
    • setUserMetadata
      Sets the data that will be written to the configuration drive.
    • setUserMetadata
      Sets the data that will be written to the configuration drive.
    • setUserMetadata
      Sets the data that will be written to the configuration drive.
    • setVdrContent
      This will update the bandwidth pool to the servers provided. Servers currently in the bandwidth pool not provided on update will be removed. Servers provided on update not currently in the bandwidth pool will be added. If all servers are removed, this removes the bandwidth pool on completion.
    • setVlanSpan
      Set the flag that enables or disables automatic private network VLAN spanning for a SoftLayer customer account. Enabling VLAN spanning allows an account's servers to talk on the same broadcast domain even if they reside within different private vlans.
    • shutdownPrivatePort
      Disconnect a server's private network interface. This operation is an alias for calling [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of 0 and unspecified $redundancy. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to disconnect the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already disconnected, and thus no changes are pending.
    • shutdownPrivatePort
      Disconnect a server's private network interface. This operation is an alias for calling [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of 0 and unspecified $redundancy. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to disconnect the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already disconnected, and thus no changes are pending.
    • shutdownPrivatePort
      Disconnect a server's private network interface. This operation is an alias for calling [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPrivateNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of 0 and unspecified $redundancy. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to disconnect the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already disconnected, and thus no changes are pending.
    • shutdownPrivatePort
      Shuts down the private network port
    • shutdownPublicPort
      Disconnect a server's public network interface. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of 0 and unspecified $redundancy. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to disconnect the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already disconnected, and thus no changes are pending.
    • shutdownPublicPort
      Disconnect a server's public network interface. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of 0 and unspecified $redundancy. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to disconnect the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already disconnected, and thus no changes are pending.
    • shutdownPublicPort
      Disconnect a server's public network interface. This operation is an alias for [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server::setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server/setPublicNetworkInterfaceSpeed) with a $newSpeed of 0 and unspecified $redundancy. Receipt of a response does not indicate completion of the configuration change. Any subsequent attempts to request the interface change speed or state, while changes are pending, will result in a busy error. A response of true indicates a change was required to disconnect the interface; thus changes are pending. A response of false indicates the interface was already disconnected, and thus no changes are pending.
    • shutdownPublicPort
      Shuts down the public network port
    • silentlyMigrateUserOpenIdConnect
      As master user, calling this api for the IBMid provider type when there is an existing IBMid for the email on the SL account will silently (without sending an invitation email) create a link for the IBMid. NOTE: If the SoftLayer user is already linked to IBMid, this call will fail. If the IBMid specified by the email of this user, is already used in a link to another user in this account, this call will fail. If there is already an open invitation from this SoftLayer user to this or any IBMid, this call will fail. If there is already an open invitation from some other SoftLayer user in this account to this IBMid, then this call will fail.
    • silentlyMigrateUserOpenIdConnect
      As master user, calling this api for the IBMid provider type when there is an existing IBMid for the email on the SL account will silently (without sending an invitation email) create a link for the IBMid. NOTE: If the SoftLayer user is already linked to IBMid, this call will fail. If the IBMid specified by the email of this user, is already used in a link to another user in this account, this call will fail. If there is already an open invitation from this SoftLayer user to this or any IBMid, this call will fail. If there is already an open invitation from some other SoftLayer user in this account to this IBMid, then this call will fail.
    • silentlyMigrateUserOpenIdConnect
      As master user, calling this api for the IBMid provider type when there is an existing IBMid for the email on the SL account will silently (without sending an invitation email) create a link for the IBMid. NOTE: If the SoftLayer user is already linked to IBMid, this call will fail. If the IBMid specified by the email of this user, is already used in a link to another user in this account, this call will fail. If there is already an open invitation from this SoftLayer user to this or any IBMid, this call will fail. If there is already an open invitation from some other SoftLayer user in this account to this IBMid, then this call will fail.
    • singleSignOn
    • SoftLayer_Abuse_Lockdown_Resource
    • SoftLayer_Account
      The SoftLayer_Account data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer customer account. Personal information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are assigned to the account only and not to users belonging to the account. The SoftLayer_Account data type contains a number of relational properties that are used by the SoftLayer customer portal to quickly present a variety of account related services to it's users. SoftLayer customers are unable to change their company account information in the portal or the API. If you need to change this information please open a sales ticket in our customer portal and our account management staff will assist you.
    • SoftLayer_Account
      Every SoftLayer customer has an account which is defined in the SoftLayer_Account service. SoftLayer accounts have users, hardware, and services such as storage and domains associated with them. The SoftLayer_Account service is a convenient way to obtain general information about your SoftLayer account. Use the data returned by these methods with other API services to get more detailed information about your services and to make changes to your servers and services. SoftLayer customers are unable to change their company account information in the portal or the API. If you need to change this information please open a sales ticket in our customer portal and our account management staff will assist you.
    • SoftLayer_Account_AbuseEmail
      An unfortunate facet of the hosting business is the necessity of with legal and network abuse inquiries. As these types of inquiries frequently contain sensitive information SoftLayer keeps a separate account contact email address for direct contact about legal and abuse matters, modeled by the SoftLayer_Account_AbuseEmail data type. SoftLayer will typically email an account's abuse email addresses in these types of cases, and an email is automatically sent to an account's abuse email addresses when a legal or abuse ticket is created or updated.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Address
      The SoftLayer_Account_Address data type contains information on an address associated with a SoftLayer account.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Address
      SoftLayer's address service allows you to access and manage addresses associated with your account.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Address_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Address_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Affiliation
      This service allows for a unique identifier to be associated to an existing customer account.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Affiliation
    • SoftLayer_Account_Agreement
    • SoftLayer_Account_Agreement
    • SoftLayer_Account_Agreement_Status
    • SoftLayer_Account_Agreement_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Attachment_Employee
      A SoftLayer_Account_Attachment_Employee models an assignment of a single [SoftLayer_User_Employee](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Employee) with a single [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account)
    • SoftLayer_Account_Attachment_Employee_Role
    • SoftLayer_Account_Attribute
      Many SoftLayer customer accounts have individual attributes assigned to them that describe features or special features for that account, such as special pricing, account statuses, and ordering instructions. The SoftLayer_Account_Attribute data type contains information relating to a single SoftLayer_Account attribute.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Attribute_Type
      SoftLayer_Account_Attribute_Type models the type of attribute that can be assigned to a SoftLayer customer account.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute
      Account authentication has many different settings that can be set. This class allows the customer or employee to set these settings.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute_Type
      SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute_Type models the type of attribute that can be assigned to a SoftLayer customer account authentication.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_OpenIdConnect_Option
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_OpenIdConnect_RegistrationInformation
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Saml
    • SoftLayer_Account_Authentication_Saml
    • SoftLayer_Account_Brand_Migration_Request
      Represents a request to migrate an account to the owned brand.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Brand_Migration_Request
      Retrieve a request to migrate an account to the owned brand. Note that the brand must be configured to allow migrations. The three statuses are 'PENDING', 'COMPLETE', and 'ERROR'. If the request is 'COMPLETE', then the account successfully migrated. If the request is 'PENDING', it will be migrated at the given `migrationDate.` The 'ERROR' status means an error occurred, and more information can be found in the `statusMessage`.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Business_Partner
      Contains business partner details associated with an account. Country Enterprise Identifier (CEID), Channel ID, Segment ID and Reseller Level.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Business_Partner
    • SoftLayer_Account_Classification_Group_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Contact
    • SoftLayer_Account_Contact
    • SoftLayer_Account_Contact_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_External_Setup
      This service class allows the user to set up an account to be billed by an external billing system.
    • SoftLayer_Account_External_Setup
      This service class allows the user to set up an account to be billed by an external billing system.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Historical_Report
      SoftLayer's account historical report service allows users to access a broad overview of devices for that account and historical details concerning the overall function and performance of the devices on that account
    • SoftLayer_Account_Historical_Report
      SoftLayer's account historical report service allows users to access a broad overview of devices for that account and historical details concerning the overall function and performance of the devices on that account
    • SoftLayer_Account_Internal_Ibm
      Processes requests by IBM employees to create an IaaS account tied to their email. Request process cannot be initiated directly and must go through the Bluemix IBMer account request form.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Internal_Ibm
      Processes requests by IBM employees to create an IaaS account tied to their email. Request process cannot be initiated directly and must go through the Bluemix IBMer account request form.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Internal_Ibm_CostRecovery_Validator
      Allows eligible utility users to verify internal cost recovery information.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Internal_Ibm_CostRecovery_Validator
      Allows eligible utility users to verify internal cost recovery information.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_Bluemix
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_Bluemix
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack
      Service for linking account to OpenStack project
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack
      Service for linking account to OpenStack project
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack_DomainCreationDetails
      OpenStack domain creation details
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack_LinkRequest
      Details required for OpenStack link request
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack_ProjectCreationDetails
      OpenStack project creation details
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_OpenStack_ProjectDetails
      OpenStack project details
    • SoftLayer_Account_Link_Vendor
    • SoftLayer_Account_Lockdown_Request
      The SoftLayer_Account_Lockdown_Request data type holds information on API requests from brand customers.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Lockdown_Request
      This service allows approved brands the ability to disconnect, reconnect, and disable customer accounts under that brand. Brand customers are able to make requests on their customers through an API call to this service. Disconnecting a customer will disable all hardware resources (servers and virtual machines) via a lockdown event. The customer will continue to have control portal access as well as access to their private ports. Reconnecting a customer will restore all previously disconnected public access. The original lockdown event will be closed. Disabling an account is a PERMANENT action. All billable items under the account will be canceled, access to the control portal, all resources, network access and hardware will be permanently disabled and reclaimed.
    • SoftLayer_Account_MasterServiceAgreement
    • SoftLayer_Account_MasterServiceAgreement
    • SoftLayer_Account_Media
      The SoftLayer_Account_Media data type contains information on a single piece of media associated with a Data Transfer Service request.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Media
      SoftLayer's data transfer request media service allows users to access and manage their media devices that they have submitted through SoftLayer's Data Transfer Service.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request
      The SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request data type contains information on a single Data Transfer Service request. Creation of these requests is limited to SoftLayer customers through the SoftLayer Customer Portal.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request
      SoftLayer's Data Transfer Request Service allows users to send SoftLayer media devices such as DVDs, CDs, USB hard drives or USB flash/thumb drives. These media can be connected to SoftLayer servers and presented as ISCSI targets for use by the user. Currently, the initial usage period is two weeks and there is no charge for this service. Additional time for maintaining the media for continued may be purchased. Please contact sales for additional information regarding this. Once the usage period has elapsed. SoftLayer will disconnect the media and return it to the user.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request_Status data type contains general information relating to the statuses to which a Data Transfer Request may be set.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Media_Type
      The SoftLayer_Account_Media_Type data type contains general information relating to the different types of media devices that SoftLayer currently supports, as part of the Data Transfer Request Service. Such devices as USB hard drives and flash drives, as well as optical media such as CD and DVD are currently supported.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Network_Vlan_Span
      The SoftLayer_Account_Network_Vlan_Span data type exposes the setting which controls the automatic spanning of private VLANs attached to a given customers account.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Note
    • SoftLayer_Account_Note
    • SoftLayer_Account_Note_History
    • SoftLayer_Account_Partner_Referral_Prospect
    • SoftLayer_Account_Partner_Referral_Prospect
    • SoftLayer_Account_Password
      The SoftLayer_Account_Password contains username, passwords and notes for services that may require for external applications such the Webcc interface for the EVault Storage service.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Password
      As a SoftLayer customer accumulates services they may accumulate usernames and passwords to those services. The SoftLayer_Account_Password data type stores a username and password combination for these services that are tied their customer account. This shouldn't be confused with username and password combinations for server-specific services. For instance, an account's EVault WebCC information is kept in a SoftLayer_Account_Password record, but a server's root or control panel password isn't. Server software specific usernames and passwords are handled by the SoftLayer_Hardware_Software_Password data type.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Password_Type
      Every username and password combination associated with a SoftLayer customer account belongs to a service that SoftLayer provides. The relationship between a username/password and it's service is provided by the SoftLayer_Account_Password_Type data type. Each username/password belongs to a single service type.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept
      Approved IBM sales representatives can use this service to request and manage temporary access on behalf of clients. This access is subject to multiple layers of approval and requires payment arrangement in advance. This service is unavailable to users outside of IBM and is not applicable to the majority of users.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept
      Approved IBM sales representatives can use this service to request and manage temporary access on behalf of clients. This access is subject to multiple layers of approval and requires payment arrangement in advance. This service is unavailable to users outside of IBM and is not applicable to the majority of users.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver
      This class represents a Proof of Concept account approver.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver
      This class represents a Proof of Concept account approver.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver_Role
      This class represents a Proof of Concept account approver type. The current roles are Primary and Backup approvers.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver_Role
      This class represents a Proof of Concept account approver role. The current roles are Primary and Backup approvers.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver_Type
      This class represents a Proof of Concept account approver type.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Approver_Type
      This class represents a Proof of Concept account approver type.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Campaign_Code
      A [SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Campaign_Code] provides a `code` and an optional `description`.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Campaign_Code
      This service provides Internal IBM Proof of Concept account campaign or promotion codes.
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Funding_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_ProofOfConcept_Funding_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail
      The subnet registration detail type has been deprecated.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail
      The subnet registration detail service has been deprecated. Regional Registry Detail objects are used to specify the information you wish to use when registering subnets with the appropriate Regional Internet Registries.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property
      The subnet registration detail property type has been deprecated. Subnet registration properties are used to define various attributes of the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail). These properties are defined by the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type) objects, which describe the available value formats.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property
      The subnet registration detail property service has been deprecated. The subnet registration property is used to define various attributes of [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail). For more information, please see the [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property).
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type
      The subnet registration detail property type type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Detail Property Type objects describe the nature of a [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property) object. These types use [ Perl-Compatible Regular Expressions] to validate the value of a property object.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Property_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Type
      The subnet registration detail type type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Detail Type objects describe the nature of a [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) object. The standard values for these objects are as follows: <ul> <li><strong>NETWORK</strong> - The detail object represents the information for a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet)</li> <li><strong>NETWORK6</strong> - The detail object represents the information for an [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Version6](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Version6)</li> <li><strong>PERSON</strong> - The detail object represents the information for a customer with the RIR</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Version4_Person_Default
      The subnet registration default person detail type has been deprecated. The SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Version4_Person_Default data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer RIR account. RIR account information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are assigned to the registry only and not to users belonging to the account.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Reports_Request
    • SoftLayer_Account_Reports_Request
    • SoftLayer_Account_Rwhois_Handle
      The subnet registration handle type has been deprecated. Provides a means of tracking handle identifiers at the various regional internet registries (RIRs). These objects are used by the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) objects to identify a customer or organization when a subnet is registered.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment
      The SoftLayer_Account_Shipment data type contains information relating to a shipment. Basic information such as addresses, the shipment courier, and any tracking information for as shipment is accessible with this data type.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment
      SoftLayer's shipment service allows the user to access information pertaining to a shipment from the user to SoftLayer or from SoftLayer to the user.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item
      The SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item data type contains information relating to a shipment's item. Basic information such as addresses, the shipment courier, and any tracking information for as shipment is accessible with this data type.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item
      SoftLayer's shipment item service allows the user to access information pertaining to a shipment's item from the user to SoftLayer or from SoftLayer to the user.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Item_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Resource_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Resource_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Status
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Status
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Tracking_Data
      The SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Tracking_Data data type contains information on a single piece of tracking information pertaining to a shipment. This tracking information tracking numbers by which the shipment may be tracked through the shipping courier.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Tracking_Data
      SoftLayer's tracking data service allows the user to access and manage tracking information on shipments sent from the user to SoftLayer or from SoftLayer to the user.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Shipment_Type
    • SoftLayer_Account_Status
    • SoftLayer_Account_Status_Change_Reason
      Represents a reason for changing the account status.
    • SoftLayer_Account_Status_Change_Reason
      Represents a reason for changing the account status.
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Network_Status
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Network_Status
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency
      A SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency data object represents a notification event being broadcast to the SoftLayer customer base. It is used to provide information regarding outages or current known issues.
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency
      The SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency service is associated with all actions pertaining to the notification system. It can be used to check for current network or service interruptions that effect SoftLayer services.
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency_Signature
      Every SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency has a signatureId that references a SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency_Signature data type. The signature is the user or group responsible for the current event.
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency_Status
      Every SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency has a statusId that references a SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Notification_Emergency_Status data type. The status is used to determine the current state of the event.
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Shipping_Courier
      The SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Shipping_Courier data type contains general information relating the different (major) couriers that SoftLayer may use for shipping.
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Shipping_Courier_Type
    • SoftLayer_Auxiliary_Shipping_Courier_Type
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Chargeback_Type
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Currency
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Currency
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_Country
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_Country data type maps what currencies are valid for specific countries. US Dollars are valid from any country, but other currencies are only available to customers in certain countries.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_Country
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_Country service provides information about what currencies a customer in a specific country is eligible to use.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_ExchangeRate
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Currency_ExchangeRate
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Info
      Every SoftLayer customer account has billing specific information which is kept in the SoftLayer_Billing_Info data type. This information is used by the SoftLayer accounting group when sending invoices and making billing inquiries.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Info
      SoftLayer billing info contains company billing information such as the last date a payment was made and the last time any billing information was update. Use the data returned by these methods with other API services to get more detailed information about your billing information. Due to the sensitivity of your billing information we don't allow changing this data through the API. Please open a sales ticket in our customer portal if you need to change this information.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Info_Ach
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Info_Cycle
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Info_Cycle data type models basic information concerning a SoftLayer account's previous and current billing cycles. The information in this class is only populated for SoftLayer customers who are billed monthly.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice data type contains general information relating to an individual invoice applied to a SoftLayer customer account. Personal information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are taken from the account's contact information at the time the invoice is generated.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice service controls the invoices that are created whenever a SoftLayer customer's account balance changes. Invoices exist in the following states: *'''OPEN''': Invoices which have not been paid yet. Invoices are created in the OPEN state. *'''CLOSED''': Invoices that SoftLayer has received payment for. *'''CLOSED_FAILED''': Invoices which were closed but were not paid for. Customers who are terminated for non-payment typically have invoices in this state. Once an invoice is paid it moves from OPEN to CLOSED state. Invoices are created under varying types, which are defined in the type property of the [SoftLayer_Invoice](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Invoice). Invoices are created under one of the following type categories: *'''NEW''': An invoice for new service. A SoftLayer customer's first invoice is of the NEW type. *'''RECURRING''': Invoices that are generated on a SoftLayer customer's anniversary billing date for monthly services. *'''ONE-TIME-CHARGE''': Invoices that are generated when one-time charges are applied to an account for fees incurred from products or services procured outside of the standard purchasing processes. *'''CREDIT''': Invoices that are generated whenever SoftLayer applies a credit against an account's balance. *'''REFUND''': Account credits that are applied against a customer's account balance along with the receivables on their account. REFUND type invoices are generated whenever a customer receives a service credit on their account balance and has their invoice items changed due to the credit. *'''MANUAL_PAYMENT_CREDIT''': Invoice credits that are generated whenever a customer makes a manual payment. Invoices are created with contact information duplicated from the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account). We do this in order to maintain a history of an account's contact information as invoices are generated. Likewise each invoice record keeps track of an account's balance as the invoice is opened and closed. Query the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service to get a list of invoices for your account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item
      Each billing invoice item makes up a record within an invoice. This provides you with a detailed record of everything related to an invoice item. When you are billed, our system takes active billing items and creates an invoice. These invoice items are a copy of your active billing items, and make up the contents of your invoice.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item
      Every invoice item is defined in the SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item service. Softlayer billing invoice items have details about the items that reside within an invoice. These items detail, for instance, the recurring and one time charges for each item billed.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item_Hardware
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item_Hardware data type contains a 'resource'. This resource is a link to the hardware tied to a SoftLayer_Billing_item whose category code is 'server'.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Item_Tax_Info
      Information about the tax rates that apply to a particular invoice item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Next
      Service for an account's next invoice. The 'next invoice' is what a customer will be billed on their next invoice, assuming no changes are made. Currently this does not include Bandwidth Pooling charges. Note, this should be considered preliminary as you may add, remove, or change billing items on your account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Next
      Service for an account's next invoice. The 'next invoice' is what a customer will be billed on their next invoice, assuming no changes are made. Currently this does not include Bandwidth Pooling charges. Note, this should be considered preliminary as you may add, remove, or change billing items on your account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Receivable_Payment
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Receivable_Payment data type contains general information relating to payments made against invoices.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Info
      Invoice tax information contains top-level information about the taxes recorded for a particular invoice.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Status
      The invoice tax status data type models a single status or state that an invoice can reflect in regard to an integration with a third-party tax calculation service.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Status
      Invoice tax status allows the SoftLayer system to track the status of an invoice if the related tax is being calculated by a third-party service. This allows us to know when tax has been calculated and applied successfully and when it has not.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Type
      The invoice tax type data type models a single strategy for handling tax calculations.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice_Tax_Type
      Invoice tax types allows the SoftLayer system to categorize the different strategies we use to calculate the tax for any invoice. There are three basic strategies in our system: don't calculate tax at all, use a basic, location-based set of rules, or offload the tax calculation to a third party that will take all related factors into account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item
      Every individual item that a SoftLayer customer is billed for is recorded in the SoftLayer_Billing_Item data type. Billing items range from server chassis to hard drives to control panels, bandwidth quota upgrades and port upgrade charges. Softlayer [SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice) are generated from the cost of a customer's billing items. Billing items are copied from the product catalog as they're ordered by customers to create a reference between an account and the billable items they own. Billing items exist in a tree relationship. Items are associated with each other by parent/child relationships. Component items such as CPU's, RAM, and software each have a parent billing item for the server chassis they're associated with. Billing Items with a null parent item do not have an associated parent item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item
      Every individual item that a SoftLayer customer is billed for is recorded in the SoftLayer_Billing_Item data type. Billing items range from server chassis to hard drives to control panels, bandwidth quota upgrades and port upgrade charges. Softlayer [SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice) are generated from the cost of a customer's billing items. Billing items are copied from the product catalog as they're ordered by customers to create a reference between an account and the billable items they own. Billing items exist in a tree relationship. Items are associated with each other by parent/child relationships. Component items such as CPU's, RAM, and software each have a parent billing item for the server chassis they're associated with. Billing Items with a null parent item do not have an associated parent item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a data transfer request.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Association_History
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Association_History type keeps a record of which server billing items an 'orphan' item has been associated with. Orphan billing items are billable items for secondary portable services (such as secondary subnets and StorageLayer accounts) that are not associated with a server and appear at the bottom of a SoftLayer invoice. The [SoftLayer_Billing_Item::setAssociationId](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method allows you to associate these kinds of items with servers, making them appear as a child item of the server on your invoice. A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Association_History record is created every time one of these associations are set.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason data type contains cancellation reasons.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason_Category
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason_Category data type contains cancellation reason categories.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Reason_Category
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request
      SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request data type is used to cancel service billing items.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request
      SoftLayer customers can use this API to submit a cancellation request. A single service cancellation can contain multiple cancellation items which contain a billing item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request_Item
      SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request_Item data type contains a billing item for cancellation. This data type is used to harness billing items to the associated service.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request_Status
      SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Cancellation_Request_Status data type represents the status of a service cancellation request.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Chronicle
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Chronicle
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Ctc_Account
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Ctc_Account data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a CTC client account creation
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Gateway_Appliance_Cluster
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Big_Data_Cluster data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a big data cluster.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Gateway_License
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Gateway_License data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a bare_metal_gateway_license
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware_Colocation
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware_Component
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for hardware components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware_Security_Module
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware_Security_Module data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a hardware security module.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware_Server
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware_Server data type contains billing information about a bare metal server and its relationship to a particular customer account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller data type describes the billing item related to a NetScaler VPX
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer represents the [SoftLayer_Billing_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Item) related to a single [SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress) instance.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Bandwidth
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Firewall data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is 'firewall'
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Firewall_Module_Context
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Firewall_Module_Context data type describes the billing items related to VLAN Firewalls.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Interconnect
      A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Interconnect represents the [SoftLayer_Billing_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Item) related to a network interconnect instance.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Interconnect_Routing
      A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Interconnect_Routing represents the [SoftLayer_Billing_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Item) related to a network interconnect global routing.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_LoadBalancer
      A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_LoadBalancer represents the [SoftLayer_Billing_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Item) related to a single [SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer) instance.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress represents the [SoftLayer_Billing_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Item) related to a single [SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress) instance.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Message_Delivery
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Message_Delivery data describes the related billing item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_PerformanceStorage_Iscsi
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_PerformanceStorage_Iscsi data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is 'performance_storage_iscsi'
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_PerformanceStorage_Nfs
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_PerformanceStorage_Nfs data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is 'performance_storage_nfs'
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage data type describes the billing items related to StorageLayer accounts.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage_Hub
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage_Hub models all billing items related to hub-based StorageLayer offerings, such as CloudLayer storage.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage_Hub_Bandwidth
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage_Hub_Bandwidth data type models the billing items created when a CloudLayer storage account generates a bandwidth overage charge.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Subnet
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Subnet data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is one of the following: * pri_ip_address * static_sec_ip_addresses (static secondary) * sov_sec_ip_addresses (secondary on vlan, also known as 'portable ips') * sov_sec_ip_addresses_pub (sov_sec_ip_addresses public only) * sov_sec_ip_addresses_priv (sov_sec_ip_addresses private only) * sec_ip_addresses (old style, secondary ip addresses) These item categories denote that the billing item has subnet information attached.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is one of the following: * global_ipv4 * global_ipv6 These item categories denote that the billing item has subnet information attached.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Tunnel
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Storage data type describes the billing items related to StorageLayer accounts.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Vlan
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Vlan data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is one of the following: * network_vlan These item categories denote that the billing item has network vlan information attached.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_NewCustomerSetup
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Private_Cloud
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Private_Cloud data type contains general information relating to a single billing item for a private cloud.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Hardware data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for hardware components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Analytics_Urchin
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Analytics_Urchin data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for Urchin software components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_ControlPanel
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_ControlPanel data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for control panel software components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Parallels_Plesk_Billing
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_ControlPanel data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for control panel software components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_OperatingSystem_Addon
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_OperatingSystem_Addon data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for operating system add-on software components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_OperatingSystem_Addon_Citrix_Essentials
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_OperatingSystem_Addon_Citrix_Essentials data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for Citrix Essentials software components.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Virtual_OperatingSystem
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Virtual_OperatingSystem data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for operating system software components on virtual machines.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Virtual_OperatingSystem_Microsoft
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Virtual_OperatingSystem_Microsoft data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a Microsoft operating system software components on virtual machines.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Virtual_OperatingSystem_Redhat
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_Component_Virtual_OperatingSystem_Microsoft data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a Microsoft operating system software components on virtual machines.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_License
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Software_License data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for a software license.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Support
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Support data type contains general information relating to a premium support offering
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_User_Customer_External_Binding
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller data type describes the billing item related to an external authentication binding
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Dedicated_Rack
      A SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Dedicated_Rack data type models the billing information for a single bandwidth pooling. Bandwidth pooling members share their public bandwidth allocations, and incur overage charges instead of the overages on individual rack members. Virtual rack billing items are the parent items for all of it's rack membership billing items.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_DedicatedHost
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_DedicatedHost
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Disk_Image
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Disk_Image data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for disk images.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Guest
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Guest data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for guests.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Host_Usage
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_Host_Usage data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item for virtual machine peak usage
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Virtual_ReservedCapacity
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Workspace
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Item_Workspace data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer billing item whose item category code is 'workspace'
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order data type contains general information relating to an individual order applied to a SoftLayer customer account or to a new customer. Personal information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are taken from the account's contact information at the time the order is generated for existing SoftLayer customer.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order service controls the orders that are created whenever a SoftLayer customer's places a purchase. Orders exist in several states. The ones of concern are: *'''QUOTE_PENDING''': Orders which have not been paid yet. Orders pending approval from a Softlayer customer. Once an order is paid it moves from QUOTE_PENDING to PENDING_APPROVAL state. Orders are created with contact information duplicated from the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) or by manual entry. We do this in order to maintain a history of an account's contact information as orders are generated. Query the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service to get a list of orders for your account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart
      The [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart) service allows customers to save their order in a state that can be continually modified. The difference between a cart and a quote is that a quote has locked-in prices while a cart does not. This allows customers to save their order configuration for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the cart is deleted and cannot be retrieved again.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart
      The [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart) service allows customers to save their order in a state that can be continually modified. The difference between a cart and a quote is that a quote has locked-in prices while a cart does not. This allows customers to save their order configuration for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the cart is deleted and cannot be retrieved again.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item
      Every individual item that a SoftLayer customer is billed for is recorded in the SoftLayer_Billing_Item data type. Billing items range from server chassis to hard drives to control panels, bandwidth quota upgrades and port upgrade charges. SoftLayer [SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice) are generated from the cost of a customer's billing items. Billing items are copied from the product catalog as they're ordered by customers to create a reference between an account and the billable items they own. Billing items exist in a tree relationship. Items are associated with each other by parent/child relationships. Component items such as CPU's, RAM, and software each have a parent billing item for the server chassis they're associated with. Billing Items with a null parent item do not have an associated parent item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item datatype provides information regarding a single ordered item. When a server order or any other order is placed, the information about that order is stored as SoftLayer_Billing_Order_items. This also provides information about software or hardware related to an ordered item,what package the item is in, and all pricing information related to this ordered item.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item_Category_Answer
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Item_Category_Answer data type represents a single answer to an item category question.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Oder_Quote data type contains general information relating to an individual order applied to a SoftLayer customer account or to a new customer. Personal information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are taken from the account's contact information at the time the quote is generated for existing SoftLayer customer.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote service controls the quoted orders that are created whenever a SoftLayer customer's places a purchase. Quotes exist in several states. The ones of concern are: *'''PENDING''': Quotes which have not been paid yet. Quotes pending approval from a Softlayer customer. Once an order is placed from a quote it moves from PENDING to EXPIRED state 2 days after its creation and it is removed from the system after 5 days unless otherwise the SoftLayer customer saved the quote. Quotes could are created with contact information duplicated from the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) or by manual entry. We do this in order to maintain a history of an account's contact information as quotes are generated. Query the [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account) service to get a list of quotes for your account.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Type
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Oder_Type data type contains general information relating to all the different types of orders that exist. This data pertains only to where an order was generated from, from any of the SoftLayer websites with ordering interfaces or directly through the SoftLayer API.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_ChangeRequest
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_ChangeRequest data type contains general information relating to attempted credit card information changes. This supports enablement of 3D Secure via Cardinal Cruise implementation that allows for credit card authentication and is currently limited to specified merchants.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_ManualPayment
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_ManualPayment data type contains general information related to requesting a manual payment. This supports enablement of 3D Secure via Cardinal Cruise implementation that allows for credit card authentication and is currently limited to specified merchants.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_PayerAuthentication_Setup
      This datatype payer authentication setup
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_PayerAuthentication_Setup_Information
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Account::initiatePayerAuthentication.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_Transaction
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Card_Transaction data type contains general information relating to attempted credit card transactions.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_PayPal_Transaction
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_PayPal_Transaction data type contains general information relating to attempted PayPal transactions.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Processor
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Processor_Method
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Processor_Type
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Transaction
      Implementation for payment transactions.
    • SoftLayer_Billing_Payment_Type
    • SoftLayer_Brand
      The SoftLayer_Brand data type contains brand information relating to the single SoftLayer customer account. IBM Cloud Infrastructure customers are unable to change their brand information in the portal or the API.
    • SoftLayer_Brand
      Every IBM Cloud Infrastructure customer account is associated to a brand. IBM Cloud Infrastructure customers are unable to change their brand information in the portal or the API.
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Business_Partner
      Contains business partner details associated with a brand. Country Enterprise Identifier (CEID), Channel ID, Segment ID and Reseller Level.
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Business_Partner
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Contact
      SoftLayer_Brand_Contact contains the contact information for the brand such as Corporate or Support contact information
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Contact_Type
      SoftLayer_Brand_Contact_Type contains the contact type information for the brand contacts such as Corporate or Support contact type
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Payment_Processor
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry
      The [SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry) data type defines the relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on the SoftLayer US brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
    • SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry
      The [SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Brand_Restriction_Location_CustomerCountry) service defines the relationship between brands, locations and countries associated with a user's account that are ineligible when ordering products. For example, the India datacenter may not be available on the SoftLayer US brand for customers that live in Great Britain.
    • SoftLayer_Business_Partner_Channel
      Contains business partner channel information
    • SoftLayer_Business_Partner_Channel
    • SoftLayer_Business_Partner_Segment
      Contains business partner segment information
    • SoftLayer_Business_Partner_Segment
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Affiliate
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Company_Type
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Company_Type
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Enrollment
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Enrollment
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Enrollment_Request
      Contains user information for Catalyst self-enrollment.
    • SoftLayer_Catalyst_Enrollment_Request_Container_AnswerOption
    • SoftLayer_Compliance_Report_Type
    • SoftLayer_Compliance_Report_Type
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Filesystem_Type
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group
      This class describes the base Storage Group for a Complex Drive Configuration
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group_Array_Type
      Supported hardware raid modes
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group_Array_Type
      Supported hardware raid modes
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group_Order
      Single storage group(array) used for a hardware server order. If a raid configuration is required this object will describe a single array that will be configured on the server. If the server requires more than one array, a storage group will need to be created for each array.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Storage_Group_Template_Group
      Single storage group(array) used in a storage group template. If a server configuration requires a raid configuration this object will describe a single array to be configured.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template
      The SoftLayer_Configuration_Template data type contains general information of an arbitrary resource.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template
      Configuration template class encapsulated an arbitrary configuration values for various resources.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Attribute
      Configuration template attribute class contains supplementary information for a configuration template.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section
      The SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section data type contains information of a configuration section. Configuration can contain sub-sections.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section
      Configuration section allow you to divide a large configuration values into a smaller pieces.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Attribute
      Configuration section attribute class contains supplementary information for a configuration section.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition
      Configuration definition gives you details of the value that you're setting. If value type is defined as 'Resource Specific Values', you will have to make an additional API call to retrieve your system specific values.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition
      Configuration definition gives you details of the value that you're setting.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Attribute
      Configuration definition attribute class contains supplementary information for a configuration definition.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Attribute_Type
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Attribute_Type models the type of attribute that can be assigned to a configuration definition.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Group
      Configuration definition group gives you details of the definition and allows extra functionality.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Group
      Configuration definition groups help categorize definitions.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Type
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Type further defines the value of a configuration definition.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Type
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Type further defines the value of a configuration definition.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Value
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Section_Value is used to set the value for a configuration definition
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Definition_Value
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Section_Value is used to set the value for a configuration definition
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Profile
      Some configuration templates let you create a unique configuration profiles. For example, you can create multiple configuration profiles to monitor multiple hard drives with 'CPU/Memory/Disk Monitoring Agent'. SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Profile help you keep track of custom configuration profiles.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Profile
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Profile help you keep track of custom configuration profiles.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Reference
      The SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Reference data type contains information of a configuration section and its associated configuration template.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Reference
      Configuration section reference allow you to reuse a configuration section from another configuration template.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Type
      The SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Type data type contains information of a configuration section type. Configuration can contain sub-sections.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Section_Type
      Configuration section type
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Type
      The SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Type data type contains configuration template type information.
    • SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Type
      SoftLayer_Configuration_Template_Type defines the types of configuration template. Template types can be custom, default and so on.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Authentication_OpenIdConnect_UsernameLookupContainer
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program
      SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program models a single outbound object for a graph of given data sets.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Discount_Program_Collection
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_External_Setup_ProvisioningHoldLifted
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_External_Setup_ProvisioningHoldLifted_Attributes
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Historical_Summary
      Historical Summary Container for account resource details
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Historical_Summary_Detail
      Historical Summary Details Container for a resource's data
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Historical_Summary_Detail_Uptime
      Historical Summary Details Container for a host resource uptime
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Historical_Summary_Uptime
      Historical Summary Container for account host's resource uptime details
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Internal_Ibm_CostRecovery
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Internal_Ibm_Request
      Contains data required to both request a new IaaS account for active IBM employees and review pending requests. Fields used exclusively in the review process are scrubbed of user input.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Payment_Method_CreditCard
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_PersonalInformation
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Contact_Customer
      The customer and prospective owner of a proof of concept account established by an IBMer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Contact_Ibmer_Requester
      IBMer who is submitting a proof of concept request on behalf of a prospective customer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Contact_Ibmer_Technical
      IBMer who will assist the requester with technical aspects of configuring the proof of concept account.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Request_AccountFunded
      Proof of concept request using the account team funding model. Note that proof of concept account request are available only to internal IBM employees.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Request_CostRecovery
      Funding codes for the department paying for the proof of concept account.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Request_GlobalFunded
      Proof of concept request using the global funding model. Note that proof of concept account request are available only to internal IBM employees.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Request_Opportunity
      Internal IBM opportunity codes required when applying for a Proof of Concept account.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Review
      Full details presented to reviewers when determining whether or not to accept a proof of concept request. Note that reviewers are internal IBM employees and reviews are not exposed to external users.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Review_Event
      Review event within proof of concept request review period.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Review_History
      Summary of review activity for a proof of concept request.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_ProofOfConcept_Review_Summary
      Summary presented to reviewers when determining whether or not to accept a proof of concept request. Note that reviewers are internal IBM employees and reviews are not exposed to external users.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Account_Update_Response
      Contains data related to an account after editing its information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Common
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Common data type contains common information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This is an abstract class that serves as a base that more specialized classes will derive from. For example, a request class specific to SoftLayer Native IMS Login (username and password).
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Contract
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Contract provides a common set of operations for implementing classes.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class is specific to the SoftLayer Native login (username/password). The request information will be verified to ensure it is valid, and then there will be an attempt to obtain a portal login token in authenticating the user with the provided information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native_External
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native_External data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class serves as a base class for more specialized external authentication classes to the SoftLayer Native login (username/password).
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native_External_Totp
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native_External_Totp data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class provides information to allow the user to submit a request to the native SoftLayer (username/password) login service for a portal login token, as well as submitting a request to the TOTP 2 factor authentication service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native_External_Verisign
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_Native_External_Verisign data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class provides information to allow the user to submit a request to the native SoftLayer (username/password) login service for a portal login token, as well as submitting a request to the Verisign 2 factor authentication service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class is specific to the SoftLayer Cloud Token login. The request information will be verified to ensure it is valid, and then there will be an attempt to obtain a portal login token in authenticating the user with the provided information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect_External
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect_External data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class serves as a base class for more specialized external authentication classes to the SoftLayer OpenIdConnect login service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect_External_Totp
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect_External_Totp data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class provides information to allow the user to submit a request to the SoftLayer OpenIdConnect (token) login service for a portal login token, as well as submitting a request to the TOTP 2 factor authentication service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect_External_Verisign
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Request_OpenIdConnect_External_Verisign data type contains information for requests to the getPortalLogin API. This class provides information to allow the user to submit a request to the SoftLayer OpenIdConnect (token) login service for a portal login token, as well as submitting a request to the Verisign 2 factor authentication service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_2FactorAuthenticationNeeded
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_2FactorAuthenticationNeeded data type contains information for specific responses from the getPortalLogin API. This class is indicative of a request that is missing the appropriate 2FA information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_Account
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_Account data type contains account information for responses from the getPortalLogin API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_AccountIdMissing
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_AccountIdMissing data type contains information for specific responses from the getPortalLogin API. This class is indicative of a request that is missing the account id.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_Common
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_Common data type contains common information for responses from the getPortalLogin API. This is an abstract class that serves as a base that more specialized classes will derive from. For example, a response class that is specific to a successful response from the getPortalLogin API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_IpAddressRestrictionCheckNeeded
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_IpAddressRestrictionCheckNeeded data type indicates that the caller (IAM presumably) needs to do an IP address check of the logging-in user against the restricted IP list kept in BSS. We don't know the IP address of the user here (only IAM does) so we return an indicator of which user matched the username and expect IAM to come back with another login call that will include a mini-JWT token that contains an assertion that the IP address was checked.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_LoginFailed
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_LOGIN_FAILED data type contains information for specific responses from the getPortalLogin API. This class is indicative of a request where there was an inability to login based on the information that was provided.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_Success
      The SoftLayer_Container_Authentication_Response_SUCCESS data type contains information for specific responses from the getPortalLogin API. This class is indicative of a request that was successful in obtaining a portal login token from the getPortalLogin API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Auxiliary_Network_Status_Reading
    • SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_GraphInputs
      SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_GraphInputs models a single inbound object for a given bandwidth graph.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_GraphOutputs
      SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_GraphOutputs models a single outbound object for a given bandwidth graph.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_Projection
      SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_Projection models projected bandwidth use over a time range.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Bandwidth_Usage
      When a customer uses SoftLayer_Account::getBandwidthUsage, this container is used to return their usage information in bytes
    • SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Currency_Country
    • SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Currency_Format
    • SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Info_Ach
    • SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Invoice_Email
      This container is used to provide all the options for [SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice::emailInvoices](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Billing_Invoice/emailInvoices) in order to have the necessary invoices generated and links sent to the user's email.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status
      SoftLayer_Container_Billing_Order_Status models an order status.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Catalyst_ManualEnrollmentRequest
      Contains user information used to request a manual Catalyst enrollment.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_CountryCode
      This container is used to hold country locale information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_StateCode
      This container is used to hold information regarding a state or province.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Locale_VatCountryCodeAndFormat
      This container is used to hold VAT information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Disk_Image_Capture_Template
    • SoftLayer_Container_Disk_Image_Capture_Template_Volume
    • SoftLayer_Container_Disk_Image_Capture_Template_Volume_Partition
    • SoftLayer_Container_Exception
      The SoftLayer_Container_Exception data type represents a SoftLayer_Exception.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Graph
    • SoftLayer_Container_Graph_Option
    • SoftLayer_Container_Graph_Plot
    • SoftLayer_Container_Graph_Plot_Coordinate
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_CaptureEnabled
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration
      The hardware configuration container is used to provide configuration options for servers. Each configuration option will include both an <code>itemPrice</code> and a <code>template</code>. The <code>itemPrice</code> value will provide hourly and monthly costs (if either are applicable), and a description of the option. The <code>template</code> will provide a fragment of the request with the properties and values that must be sent when creating a server with the option. The [SoftLayer_Hardware::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/getCreateObjectOptions) method returns this data structure. <style type='text/css'>#properties .views-field-body p { margin-top: 1.5em; };</style>
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration_Option
      An option found within a [SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Configuration) structure.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_DiskImageMap
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_MassUpdate
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Pool_Details
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Pool_Details_Router
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Server_Configuration
      The SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Server_Configuration data type contains information relating to a server's item price information, and hard drive partition information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Server_Details
      The SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Server_Details data type contains information relating to a server's component information, network information, and software information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Hardware_Server_Request
    • SoftLayer_Container_Image_StorageGroupDetails
    • SoftLayer_Container_Image_StorageGroupDetails_Drives
    • SoftLayer_Container_KnowledgeLayer_QuestionAnswer
      SoftLayer_Container_KnowledgeLayer_QuestionAnswer models a single question and answer pair from SoftLayer's KnowledgeLayer knowledge base. SoftLayer's backend network interfaces with the KnowledgeLayer to recommend helpful articles when support tickets are created.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Message
    • SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Data_Type
    • SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Details
      SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Details This container is a parent class for detailing diverse metrics.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Summary
      SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Summary This container is a parent class for summarizing diverse metrics.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Virtual_Host_Details
      SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Virtual_Host_Details This container details a virtual host's metric data.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Virtual_Host_Summary
      SoftLayer_Container_Metric_Tracking_Object_Virtual_Host_Summary This container summarizes a virtual host's metric data.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Monitoring_Alarm_History
      The SoftLayer_Container_Monitoring_Alarm_History data type contains information relating to SoftLayer monitoring alarm history.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Authentication_Data
      This object holds authentication data to a server.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Bandwidth_Data_Summary
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Bandwidth_Data_Summary models an interface's overall bandwidth usage during it's current billing cycle.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage models an hourly bandwidth record.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader data type contains information for specific responses from the modify response header API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth data type contains information for specific responses from the Token Authentication API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup data type contains information for specific responses from the Purge Group API. Each of the Purge Group APIs returns a collection of this type
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroupHistory
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroupHistory data type contains information for specific responses from the Purge Group API and Purge History API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Input
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Performance_DynamicContentAcceleration
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Directory_Listing
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Directory_Listing represents a single entry in a listing of files within a remote directory. API methods that return remote directory listings typically return arrays of SoftLayer_Container_Network_Directory_Listing objects.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_LoadBalancer_StatusEntry
      The LoadBalancer_StatusEntry object stores information about the current status of a particular load balancer service. It is a data container that cannot be edited, deleted, or saved. It is returned exclusively by the getStatus method on the [SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service) service
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email
      This datatype is deprecated and will be removed in API version 3.2.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Account
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Account_Offering
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Account_Overview
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Account_Profile
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Catalog_Item
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Catalog_Item_Entitlements
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Catalog_Item_Offering
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Customer_Profile
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_List_Entry
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Statistics
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Statistics_Graph
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid_Statistics_Options
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Port_Statistic
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_SecurityGroup_Limit
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Service_Resource_ObjectStorage_ConnectionInformation
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_WebCc_Authentication_Details
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DataCenterLimits_VolumeCountLimitContainer
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_DuplicateConversionStatusInformation
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_Vault_Task
      SoftLayer's StorageLayer Evault services provides details regarding the the purchased vault. When a job is created using the Webcc Console, the job created is identified as a task on the vault. Using this service, information regarding the task can be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_AgentStatus
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_AgentStatus will contain the timestamp of the last backup performed by the EVault agent. The agent status will also be returned.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_BackupResults
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_BackupResults will contain the timeframe of backups and the results will also be returned.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_JobDetails
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Evault_WebCc_JobDetails will contain basic details for all backup and restore jobs performed by the StorageLayer EVault service offering.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Host
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Host will contain the reference id field for the object associated with the host. The host object type will also be returned.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation
      The SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation will contain the reference id field for the object associated with the host. The host object type will also be returned.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Bucket
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Bucket provides description of a bucket
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_ContentDeliveryUrl
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_ContentDeliveryUrl provides specific details is a container which contains the cdn urls associated with an object storage account
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Endpoint
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Endpoint provides specific details on available endpoint URLs and locations.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_File
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_File provides specific details that only apply to files that are sent or received from CloudLayer storage resources.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Folder
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_Container provides details about containers which store collections of files.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Node
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Node provides detailed information for a particular object storage node
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Policy
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Policy provides specific details on available storage policies.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Provision
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_Hub_ObjectStorage_Provision provides description of a provision
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Address
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_NetworkConnectionInformation
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_VolumeDuplicateParameters
      Container for Volume Duplicate Information
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Subnet_IpAddress
      SoftLayer_Container_Subnet_IPAddress models an IP v4 address as it exists as a member of it's subnet, letting the user know if it is a network identifier, gateway, broadcast, or useable address. Addresses that are neither the network identifier nor the gateway nor the broadcast addresses are usable by SoftLayer servers.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Subnet_Registration_SubnetReference
      SoftLayer_Container_Network_Subnet_Registration_SubnetReference is provided to reference [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object and the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet) it references, in CIDR form.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Network_Subnet_Registration_TransactionDetails
      SoftLayer_Container_Subnet_Registration_TransactionDetails is provided to return details of a newly created Subnet Registration Transaction.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Policy_Acceptance
      Represents the acceptance status of a Policy.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category data type represents a single product item category.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category_Question_Answer
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category_Question_Answer data type represents an answer to an item category question. It contains the category, the question being answered, and the answer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category_ZeroFee_Count
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Category_ZeroFee_Count data type represents a count of zero fee billing/invoice items.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Discount_Program
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Item_Discount_Program data type represents the information about a discount that is related to a specific product item.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Account_Media_Data_Transfer_Request
      This datatype is to be used for data transfer requests.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Attribute_Address
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Attribute_Address datatype contains the address information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Attribute_Contact
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Attribute_Contact datatype contains the contact information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Attribute_Organization
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Attribute_Organization datatype contains the organization information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Billing_Information
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Gateway_Appliance_Cluster
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a Gateway Appliance Cluster order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Gateway_Appliance_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to upgrade a [SoftLayer_Network_Gateway](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Gateway).
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Security_Module
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a hardware security module order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server_Colocation
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server_Gateway_Appliance
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a Gateway Appliance order.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a hardware upgrade.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server_Upgrade_MigrateToReserved
      Use this datatype to upgrade your existing monthly-billed server to term based pricing. Only monthly to 1 year, and 1 year to 3 year migrations are available. A new billing agreement contract will be created upon order approval, starting at the next billing cycle. A price is required for each existing billing item and all term-based prices must match in length. Hourly billed servers are not eligible for this upgrade. Downgrading to a shorter term is not available. Multiple term upgrades per billing cycle are not allowed.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server_Vpc
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Monitoring_Package
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a Monitoring Package order with SoftLayer. This class is no longer available.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_MultiConfiguration
      This is a datatype used with multi-configuration deployments. Multi-configuration deployments also have a deployment specific datatype that should be used in lieu of this one.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_MultiConfiguration_Tornado
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network
      (DEPRECATED) This type contains the structure of network-related objects that may be specified when ordering services.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an application delivery controller order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Interconnect
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder when purchasing a Network Interconnect.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Interconnect_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an upgrade order for Direct Link.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_LoadBalancer
      This is the default container type for network load balancer orders.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_LoadBalancer_AsAService
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for a Load Balancer as a Service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Message_Delivery
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a network message delivery order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Message_Delivery_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an upgrade order for network message delivery.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage
      This is the base data type for Performance storage order containers. If you wish to place an order you must not use this class and instead use the appropriate child container for the type of storage you would like to order: [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage_Nfs](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage_Nfs) for File and [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage_Iscsi](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage_Iscsi) for Block storage.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage_Iscsi
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for iSCSI (Block) Performance Storage
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_PerformanceStorage_Nfs
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for NFS (File) Performance Storage
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a hardware firewall order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a hardware (dedicated) firewall order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Protection_Firewall_Dedicated_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_AsAService
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for Storage as a Service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_AsAService_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an upgrade order for Storage as a Service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Plugin
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for additional Evault plugins.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Vault
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an Evault order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Enterprise
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for Enterprise Storage
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Enterprise_SnapshotSpace
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for Enterprise Storage Snapshot Space.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Enterprise_SnapshotSpace_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an upgrade order for Enterprise Storage Snapshot Space.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub
      This datatype is to be used for object storage orders.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub_Datacenter
      This class is used to contain a datacenter location and its associated active usage rate prices for object storage ordering.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Iscsi
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an ISCSI order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request
      This datatype is to be used for mass data migration requests.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Modification
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Modification datatype has everything required to place a modification to an existing StorageLayer account with SoftLayer. Modifications, at present time, include upgrade and downgrades only. The ''volumeId'' property must be set to the network storage volume id to be upgraded. Once populated send this container to the [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method. The ''packageId'' property passed in for CloudLayer storage accounts must be set to 0 (zero) and the ''quantity'' property must be set to 1. The location does not have to be set. Please use the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) service to retrieve a list of CloudLayer items. NOTE: When upgrading CloudLayer storage service from a metered plan (pay as you go) to a non-metered plan, make sure the chosen plan's storage allotment has enough space to cover the current usage. If the chosen plan's usage allotment is less than the CloudLayer storage's usage the order will be rejected.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Nas
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder when placing network attached storage orders.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Object
      This datatype is to be used for ordering object storage products using the object_storage [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category). For object storage products using hub [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category) use the [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_Hub) order container.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Storage_ObjectStorage_LocationGroup
      This class is used to contain a location group and its associated active usage rate prices for object storage ordering.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Subnet
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a subnet order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Tunnel_Ipsec
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a network ipsec vpn order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlan
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a network vlan order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Network_Vlans
      This class contains the collections of public and private VLANs that are available during the ordering process.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_NewCustomerSetup
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder when linking a Bluemix account to a newly created SoftLayer account.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Private_Cloud
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order for Private Cloud.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Property
      This is used for storing various items about the order. Currently used for storing additional raid information when ordering servers. This is optional
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Receipt
      When an order is placed (SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder), a receipt is returned when the order is created successfully. The information in the receipt helps explain information about the order. It's order ID, and all the data within the order as well. For PayPal Orders, an URL is also returned to the user so that the user can complete the transaction. Users paying with PayPal must continue on to this URL, login and pay. When doing this, PayPal will redirect the user back to a SoftLayer page which will then 'finalize' the authorization process. From here, Sales will verify the order by contacting the user in some way, unless sales has already spoken to the user about approving the order. For users paying with a credit card, a receipt means the order has gone to sales and is awaiting approval.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype contains everything required to place a secure certificate order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Service
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Service_External
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Software_Component_Virtual
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a virtual license order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Software_License
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a hardware security module order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_SshKeys
      This object holds all of the ssh key ids that will allow authentication to a single server.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Storage_Group
      A single storage group container used for a hardware server order. This object describes a single storage group that can be added to an order container.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Storage_Group_Partition
      A storage group partition container used for a hardware server order. This object describes the partitions for a single storage group that can be added to an order container.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Support
      When ordering paid support this datatype needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_User_Customer_External_Binding
      This container type is used for placing orders for external authentication, such as phone-based authentication.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_DedicatedHost
      This is the default container type for Dedicated Virtual Host orders.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Disk_Image
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place a Portable Storage order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Upgrade
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Vpc
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Vpc_NetworkInterface
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Vpc_StorageVolume
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest_Vpc_Upgrade
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_ReservedCapacity
      This is the default container type for Reserved Capacity orders.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Vpc_IpAllocation
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Vpc_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Promotion
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Promotion data type contains information about a promotion and its requirements.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Product_Promotion_RequirementGroup
      The SoftLayer_Container_Product_Promotion_RequirementGroup data type contains the required options that must be present on an order for the promotion to be applied. At least one of the categories, presets, or prices must be on the order.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window
      This is the datatype that needs to be populated and sent to SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window::addCustomerUpgradeWindow. This datatype has everything required to place an order with SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Referral_Partner_Commission
    • SoftLayer_Container_Referral_Partner_Payment_Option
    • SoftLayer_Container_Referral_Partner_Prospect
    • SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_Graphs_SensorSpeed
      The SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_Graphs_SensorSpeed contains graphs to display speed for each of the server's fans. Fan speeds are gathered from the server's remote management card.
    • SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_Graphs_SensorTemperature
      The SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_Graphs_SensorTemperature contains graphs to display the cpu(s) and system temperatures retrieved from the management card using thermometer graphs.
    • SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_PmInfo
      The SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_PmInfo contains pminfo information retrieved from a server's remote management card.
    • SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_SensorReading
      The SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_SensorReadings contains sensor information retrieved from a server's remote management card.
    • SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_SensorReadingsWithGraphs
      The SoftLayer_Container_RemoteManagement_SensorReadingsWithGraphs contains the raw data retrieved from a server's remote management card. Along with the raw data, two sets of graphs will be returned. One set of graphs is used to display, using thermometer graphs, the temperatures (cpu(s) and system) retrieved from the management card. The other set is used to display speed for each of the server's fans.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Resource_Metadata_ServiceResource
      The metadata service resource container is used to store information about a single service resource.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType
      This data type is a container that stores information about a single indexed object type. Object type information can be used for discovery of searchable data and for creation or validation of object index search strings. Each of these containers holds a collection of <b>[SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType_Property](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType_Property)</b> objects, specifying which object properties are exposed for the current user. Refer to the the documentation for the <b>[SoftLayer_Search::search](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/search)</b> method for information on using object types in search strings.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType_Property
      This data type is a container that stores information about a single property of a searchable object type. Each <b>[SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Search_ObjectType)</b> object holds a collection of these properties. Property information can be used for discovery of searchable data and for the creation or validation of object index search strings. Note that properties are only understood by the <b>[SoftLayer_Search::advancedSearch](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Search/advancedSearch)</b> method. Refer to the <b>advancedSearch()</b> method for information on using properties in search strings.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Search_Result
      The SoftLayer_Container_Search_Result data type represents a result row from an execution of Search service.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Software_Component_HostIps_Policy
      The SoftLayer_Container_Software_Component_HostIps_Policy container holds the title and value of a current host ips policy.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Tax_Cache
      These are the results of a tax calculation. The tax calculation was kicked off but allowed to run in the background. This type stores the results so that an interface can be updated with up-to-date information.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Tax_Cache_Item
      This represents one order item in a tax calculation.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Tax_Rates
      This contains the four tax rates, one for each fee type.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Ticket_GraphInputs
      SoftLayer_Container_Ticket_GraphInputs models a single inbound object for a given ticket graph.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Ticket_GraphOutputs
      SoftLayer_Container_Ticket_GraphOutputs models a single outbound object for a given bandwidth graph.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Ticket_Priority
    • SoftLayer_Container_Ticket_Survey_Preference
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Authentication_Token
      Container class used to hold user authentication token
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_External_Binding
      Container classed used to hold external authentication information
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_External_Binding_Totp
      Container classed used to hold portal token
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_External_Binding_Vendor
      Container classed used to hold details about an external authentication vendor.
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_External_Binding_Verisign
      Container classed used to hold portal token
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_LoginAccountInfo
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_MigrationState
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_PasswordSet
      Container for holding information necessary for the setting and resetting of customer passwords
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_MobileToken
      Container classed used to hold mobile portal token
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token
      Container classed used to hold portal token
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Profile_Event_HyperWarp_ProfileChange
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Profile_Event_HyperWarp_ProfileChange_Context
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Profile_Event_HyperWarp_ProfileChange_EventProperties
    • SoftLayer_Container_User_Employee_External_Binding_Verisign
      Container classed used to hold portal token
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_File_Attachment
      At times,such as when attaching files to tickets, it is necessary to send files to SoftLayer API methods. The SoftLayer_Container_Utility_File_Attachment data type models a single file to upload to the API.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_File_Entity
      SoftLayer_Container_Utility_File_Entity data type models a single entity on a storage resource. Entities can include anything within a storage volume including files, folders, directories, and CloudLayer storage projects.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Message
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Microsoft_Windows_UpdateServices_Status
      SoftLayer customer servers that are purchased with the Microsoft Windows operating system are configured by default to retrieve updates from SoftLayer's local Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server. Periodically, these servers synchronize and check for new updates from their local WSUS server. SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Microsoft_Windows_UpdateServices_Status models the results of a server's last synchronization attempt as queried from SoftLayer's WSUS servers.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Microsoft_Windows_UpdateServices_UpdateItem
      SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Microsoft_Windows_UpdateServices_UpdateItem models a single Microsoft Update as reported by SoftLayer's private Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) services. All servers purchased with Microsoft Windows retrieve updates from SoftLayer's WSUS servers by default.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Firewall_Rule_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Firewall_Rule_Attribute data type contains information relating to a single firewall rule.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Subnet_Mask_Generic_Detail
      The SoftLayer_Container_Utility_Network_Subnet_Mask_Generic_Detail data type contains information relating to a subnet mask and details associated with that object.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_ConsoleData
      The SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_ConsoleData data type contains information used to access a VSIs console
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_DedicatedHost_AllocationStatus
      This data type represents the structure to hold the allocation properties of a [SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost).
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_DedicatedHost_Pci_Device_AllocationStatus
      This data type represents PCI device allocation properties of a [SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost).
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Configuration
      The SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Configuration data type contains information relating to a template's external location for importing and exporting
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group_RiasAccount
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration
      The guest configuration container is used to provide configuration options for creating computing instances. Each configuration option will include both an <code>itemPrice</code> and a <code>template</code>. The <code>itemPrice</code> value will provide hourly and monthly costs (if either are applicable), and a description of the option. The <code>template</code> will provide a fragment of the request with the properties and values that must be sent when creating a computing instance with the option. The [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::getCreateObjectOptions](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/getCreateObjectOptions) method returns this data structure. <style type='text/css'>#properties .views-field-body p { margin-top: 1.5em; };</style>
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration_Option
      An option found within a [SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_Configuration) structure.
    • SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_PendingMaintenanceAction
      The SoftLayer_Container_Virtual_Guest_PendingMaintenanceAction data type contains information relating to a SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest's pending maintenance actions.
    • SoftLayer_Device_Status
      SoftLayer_Device_Status is used to indicate the current status of a device
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain data type represents a single DNS domain record hosted on the SoftLayer nameservers. Domains contain general information about the domain name such as name and serial. Individual records such as A, AAAA, CTYPE, and MX records are stored in the domain's associated [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord) records.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain
      SoftLayer customers have the option of hosting DNS domains on the SoftLayer name servers. Individual domains hosted on the SoftLayer name servers are handled through the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain service. Domain changes are applied automatically by our nameservers, but changes may not be received by the other name servers on the Internet for 72 hours after your change. The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain service does not apply to customers who run their own nameservers on servers purchased from SoftLayer. SoftLayer provides secondary DNS hosting services if you wish to maintain DNS records on your name server, but have records replicated on SoftLayer's name servers. Use the [SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary) service to manage secondary DNS zones and transfers.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Forward
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Forward data type represents a single DNS domain record hosted on the SoftLayer nameservers. Domains contain general information about the domain name such as name and serial. Individual records such as A, AAAA, CTYPE, and MX records are stored in the domain's associated [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord) records.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord data type represents a single resource record entry in a SoftLayer hosted domain. Each resource record contains a ''host'' and ''data'' property, defining a resource's name and it's target data. Domains contain multiple types of resource records. The ''type'' property separates out resource records by type. ''Type'' can take one of the following values: * ''''a'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AType) records * ''''aaaa'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AaaaType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AaaaType) records * ''''cname'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_CnameType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_CnameType) records * ''''mx'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType) records * ''''ns'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_NsType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_NsType) records * ''''ptr'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_PtrType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_PtrType) records in reverse domains * ''''soa'''' for a domain's [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SoaType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SoaType) record * ''''spf'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SpfType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SpfType) records * ''''srv'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType) records * ''''txt'''' for [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_TxtType](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_TxtType) records As ''SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord'' objects are created and loaded, the API verifies the ''type'' property and casts the object as the appropriate type.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord
      Every domain record hosted on the SoftLayer name servers is comprised of a series or resource records that control how the domain operates, translates host names, and translates service location. Each of those resource records is controlled by the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord service. SoftLayer domains have the following resource records: * A single SOA record * A records * AAAA records * Optional CNAME records * At least one MX record * NS records for and * Optional TXT records * Optional SPF records The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecords service also controls the records contained in reverse DNS records. SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse records contain multiple PTR type resource records. As with domain changes, resource record changes happen immediately, but may take up to 72 hours to propagate to the rest of the Internet's name servers. The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord service only applies to domains hosted on the SoftLayer name servers.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AaaaType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AaaaType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'aaaa' and defines a DNS AAAA record on a SoftLayer hosted domain. An AAAA record directs a host name to an IPv6 address. For instance if the AAAA record for '' points to the IPv6 address 'fe80:0:0:0:0:0:a00:0' then the ''host'' property for the AAAA record equals 'host' and the ''data'' property equals 'fe80:0:0:0:0:0:a00:0'.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_AType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'a' and defines a DNS A record on a SoftLayer hosted domain. An A record directs a host name to an IP address. For instance if the A record for '' points to the IP address then the ''host'' property for the A record equals 'host' and the ''data'' property equals ''.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_CnameType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_CnameType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'cname' and defines a DNS CNAME record on a SoftLayer hosted domain. A CNAME record directs a host name to another host. For instance, if the CNAME record for '' points to the host '' then the ''host'' property equals 'alias' and the ''data'' property equals ''. DNS entries defined by CNAME should not be used as the data field for an MX record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'mx' and used to describe MX resource records. MX records control which hosts are responsible as mail exchangers for a domain. For instance, in the domain, an MX record whose host is '@' and data is 'mail' says that the host '' is responsible for handling mail for That means mail sent to users are delivered to Domains can have more than one MX record if it uses more than one server to send mail through. Multiple MX records are denoted by their priority, defined by the mxPriority property. MX records must be defined for hosts with accompanying A or AAAA resource records. They may not point mail towards a host defined by a CNAME record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_MxType service controls the creation, modification, and deletion of MX records within a domain hosted on SoftLayer's DNS servers. It exists separately from the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord to provide control for MX priority in addition to host, data, and time-to-live.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_NsType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_NsType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'ns' and defines a DNS NS record on a SoftLayer hosted domain. An NS record defines the authoritative name server for a domain. All SoftLayer hosted domains contain NS records for '' and '' . For instance, if is hosted on, then contains an NS record whose ''host'' property equals '@' and whose ''data'' property equals ''. NS resource records pointing to or many not be removed from a SoftLayer hosted domain.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_PtrType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_PtrType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'ptr' and defines a reverse DNS PTR record on the SoftLayer name servers. The format for a reverse DNS PTR record varies based on whether it is for an IPv4 or IPv6 address. For an IPv4 address the ''host'' property for every PTR record is the last octet of the IP address that the PTR record belongs to, while the ''data'' property is the canonical name of the host that the reverse lookup resolves to. Every PTR record belongs to a domain on the SoftLayer name servers named by the first three octets of an IP address in reverse order followed by ''. For instance, if the reverse DNS record for is '' then it's corresponding SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_PtrType host is '1', while it's data property equals ''. The full name of the reverse record for including the domain name is ''. For an IPv6 address the ''host'' property for every PTR record is the last four octets of the IP address that the PTR record belongs to. The last four octets need to be in reversed order and each digit separated by a period. The ''data'' property is the canonical name of the host that the reverse lookup resolves to. Every PTR record belongs to a domain on the SoftLayer name servers named by the first four octets of an IP address in reverse order, split up by digit with a period, and followed by ''. For instance, if the reverse DNS record for fe80:0000:0000:0000:0000:0000:0a00:0001 is '' then it's corresponding SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_PtrType host is '', while it's data property equals ''. The full name of the reverse record for including the domain name is ''. PTR record host names may not be changed by [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::editObject](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) or [SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord::editObjects](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2).
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SoaType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SoaType defines a domains' Start of Authority (or SOA) resource record. A domain's SOA record contains a domain's general and propagation information. Every domain must have one SOA record, and it is not possible to remove a domain's SOA record. SOA records typically contain a domain's serial number, but the SoftLayer API associates a domain's serial number directly with it's SoftLayer_Dns_Domain record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SpfType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SpfType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'spf' and defines a DNS SPF record on a SoftLayer hosted domain. An SPF record provides sender policy framework data for a host. For instance, if defining the SPF record 'v=spf1 ~all' for ''. then the ''host'' property equals 'host' and the ''data'' property equals 'v=spf1 ~all'. SPF records are commonly used in email verification methods such as Sender Policy Framework.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'srv' and defines a DNS SRV record on a SoftLayer hosted domain.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_SrvType service controls the creation, modification, and deletion of SRV records within a domain hosted on SoftLayer's DNS servers. It exists separately from the SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord to provide control for SRV priority, port, protocol, service, and weight in addition to host, data, and time-to-live.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_TxtType
      SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord_TxtType is a SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_ResourceRecord object whose ''type'' property is set to 'txt' and defines a DNS TXT record on a SoftLayer hosted domain. A TXT record provides a text description for a host. For instance, if defining the TXT record 'My test host' for ''. then the ''host'' property equals 'host' and the ''data'' property equals 'My test host'. TXT records are commonly used in email verification methods such as Sender Policy Framework.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse data type represents a reverse IP address record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse_Version4
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse_Version4 data type represents a reverse IPv4 address record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Domain_Reverse_Version6 data type represents a reverse IPv6 address record.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Message
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Message data type contains information for a single message generated by the SoftLayer DNS system. SoftLayer_Dns_Messages are typically created during the secondary DNS transfer process.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary data type contains information on a single secondary DNS zone which is managed through SoftLayer's zone transfer service. Domains created via zone transfer may not be modified by the SoftLayer portal or API.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary
      SoftLayer's secondary DNS service allows you to use SoftLayer's name servers as a secondary server to your domain's name servers. This is accomplished through the use of zone transfers. Each record created within the secondary DNS service defines which zone is transferred, what server it is transferred from, and the frequency that zone transfers occur at. Zone transfers are performed automatically based on the transfer frequency set on the secondary DNS record. Domains created via zone transfer may not be modified by the SoftLayer portal or API. The secondary DNS service also provides the ability to manually initiate a zone transfer through the [SoftLayer_Dns_Secondary::transferNow](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method. The daemon that performs zone transfers runs once a minute, therefore it could take a full minute for the zone transfer to be completed. Secondary DNS transfers may periodically generate notification or error messages. Please use the [SoftLayer_Dns_Message](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Dns_Message) service to retrieve these notifications.
    • SoftLayer_Dns_Status
      The SoftLayer_Dns_Status data type contains information for a DNS status
    • SoftLayer_Email_Subscription
      SoftLayer customers can use this service to manage or view all of the available email subscriptions that they can suppress.
    • SoftLayer_Email_Subscription
      SoftLayer customers can use this service to manage or view all of the available email subscriptions that they can suppress.
    • SoftLayer_Email_Subscription_Group
      SoftLayer customers can use this service to view the parent groups of the email subscriptions
    • SoftLayer_Email_Subscription_Group
      SoftLayer customers can use this service to view the parent groups of the email subscriptions
    • SoftLayer_Email_Subscription_Suppression_User
    • SoftLayer_Entity
    • SoftLayer_Event_Log
      The SoftLayer_Event_Log data type contains an event detail occurred upon various SoftLayer resources.
    • SoftLayer_Event_Log
      Event Log service lets you find interesting events related to various SoftLayer products and services such as hardware, virtual server or DNS.
    • SoftLayer_Exception_Brand_Creation
      Throw this exception if there are validation errors. The types are specified in SoftLayer_Brand_Creation_Input including: KEY_NAME, PREFIX, NAME, LONG_NAME, SUPPORT_POLICY, POLICY_ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_FLAG, etc.
    • SoftLayer_Exception_Brand_Creation
    • SoftLayer_Exception_Hardware_Component_Locator_ComponentLocatorException
      This exception is thrown if the component locator client cannot find or communicate with the component locator service.
    • SoftLayer_Exception_Hardware_Component_Locator_InvalidGenericComponentArgument
      This exception is thrown if the argument is of incorrect type.
    • SoftLayer_FlexibleCredit_Affiliate
    • SoftLayer_FlexibleCredit_Company_Type
    • SoftLayer_FlexibleCredit_Enrollment
    • SoftLayer_FlexibleCredit_Program
    • SoftLayer_FlexibleCredit_Program
    • SoftLayer_Hardware
      The SoftLayer_Hardware data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware
      Every SoftLayer hardware is defined in the SoftLayer_Hardware service. SoftLayer hardware has network components, software, monitoring services such as network monitoring, and hardware components such as hard drives. The SoftLayer_Hardware service is a convenient way to obtain general information about your SoftLayer hardware. Use the data returned by these methods with other API services to get more detailed information about your services and to make changes to your servers and services.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute type contains general information for a hardware attribute. Hardware attributes can be assigned to specific hardware objects to describe relatively arbitrary information.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute_Type
      Retrieve attributes associated with a hardware object.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Attribute_UserData
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer hardware benchmark certification document.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification
      This certification is used to indicate the date, time and validity of the benchmark certification process. The certification process includes running a battery of tests on all major sub-systems of a server in order to verify that all components of the server are functioning up to specification. Only after a server has passed each and every hardware and configuration test will it be provisioned for a customer. The 'SoftLayer_Hardware_Benchmark_Certification' class is used to indicate the date, time and validity of the benchmark certification process. This process includes running a battery of tests on all major sub-systems of a server to verify that all components of the server are functioning according to their specifications. Once each server has passed all hardware and configurations tests, it is provisioned to a SoftLayer customer.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Blade
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Blade service provides specific information about blade servers.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Blade
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Blade service provides specific information about blade servers.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Chassis
      Every piece of hardware in SoftLayer's datacenters, including customer servers, are housed in one of many hardware chassis. The SoftLayer_Hardware_Chassis data type defines these chassis.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component data type abstracts information related to a hardware component.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Attribute data type contains general information relating to a single hardware setting or attribute for a component model. For Example: A RAID controller may be setup for many different RAID configurations. A RAID controller with a configuration of RAID-1 will have a single attribute for this RAID setting.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Attribute_Type
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Attribute_Type data type contains general information for the type of an attribute for a hardware component.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_DriveController
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_DriveController data type abstracts information related to a drive controller.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware_Attribute data type contains general information for a hardware model's firmware.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware_Attribute_Type
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware_Attribute_Type data type defines attribute types for a hardware component model's firmware.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware_QualificationTypes
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Firmware_QualificationTypes data type describes the current qualification status for a particular firmware.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_HardDrive
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_HardDrive data type abstracts information related to a hard drive.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Locator
      SoftLayer public API to determine the availability of generic hardware component models at data centers
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Locator
      SoftLayer public API to determine the availability of generic hardware component models at data centers
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Locator_Result
      This object holds a generic component model id and the list of datacenter names where it is available.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer component model. A component model represents a vendor specific representation of a hardware component. Every piece of hardware on a server will have a specific hardware component model.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model
      Every hardware component is associated with a model. A hardware component model defines the type of hardware component to which it is associated. The '''SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model''' class provides detailed information regarding the hardware component.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Architecture_Type
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component__Model_Attribute data type contains general information relating to a single hardware setting or attribute for a component model.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Attribute_Type
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Attribute_Type data type contains general information for the type of an attribute for a hardware component model.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Generic
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Generic data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer generic component model. A generic component model represents a non-vendor specific representation of a hardware component. Frequently SoftLayer utilizes components from various vendors in the servers they provision. For Example: Several different vendors produce 6GB DDR2 memory. The generic component model for the 6GB stick of RAM encompasses every instance of this component regardless of make and model.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Generic_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Generic_Attribute data type contains information relating to a single SoftLayer generic component model. Generic component model attributes can hold any information to describe functionality of the model. For Example: The number of cores that a processor has.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Generic_MarketingFeature
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Model_Generic_MarketingFeature data type contains general information relating to all the advertising features of a single SoftLayer hardware generic component model.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Motherboard
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_DriveController data type abstracts information related to a motherboard.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Motherboard_Reboot_Time
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Motherboard_Reboot_Time contains the average reboot times for motherboards. There are two types of average times. One is for motherboards without raid, and the other is for motherboards with raid. These times are based on averages and have been gathered through numerous test cases.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_NetworkCard
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_NetworkCard data type abstracts information related to a network card.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition data type contains general information relating to a single hard drive partition.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer Operating System Partition Template.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem
      Every SoftLayer Operating System Partition Template is defined in the '''SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_OperatingSystem''' service. SoftLayer Operating System Partition Templates indicate which operating system a partition template may be used with to configure a hard drive.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer partition template. Partition templates group 1 or more partition configurations that can be used to predefine how a hard drive's partitions will be configured.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template
      Every SoftLayer Partition Template is defined in the SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template service. The '''SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template''' service defines all SoftLayer Partition Templates that exist. SoftLayer Partition Templates group together several partitions that define a configuration of templates for a particular hard drive.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template_Partition
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Partition_Template_Partition data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer Template Partition.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Processor
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Processor data type abstracts information related to a processor.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_PSID_Xref
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_PSID_Xref data type holds physical security ID information for hard drives
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Ram
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Ram data type abstracts information related to RAM.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_RemoteManagement
      This class adds functionality to the base SoftLayer_Hardware class for web servers (all server hardware)
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_RemoteManagement_Command
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Evault_Version6 contains the names of the remote management commands. Currently, only the reboot and power commands for the remote management card exist.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_RemoteManagement_Command_Request
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_RemoteManagement_Command_Request contains details for remote management commands issued to a server's remote management card. Details for remote management commands such as powerOn, powerOff, powerCycle, rebootDefault, rebootSoft, rebootHard can be retrieved. Details such as the user who issued the command, the id of the remote management card the command was issued, when the command was issued may be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_RemoteManagement_User
      The credentials used for remote management such as username, password, etc...
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Revision
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_SecurityDevice
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_SecurityDevice is used to determine the security devices attached to the hardware component.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_SecurityDevice_Infineon
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_SecurityDevice_Infineon is used to determine the Infineon security device attached to the hardware component.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Type
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Component_Type data type provides details on the type of component requested
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Firewall data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Function
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Function data type contains a generic object type for a piece of hardware, like switch, firewall, server, etc..
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Group
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_LoadBalancer
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Note
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Note_Type
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Power_Component
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Resource_Configuration
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Resource_Configuration_Property
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Resource_Configuration_Property_Type
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Resource_Configuration_Type
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Router
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Router data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer router.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Router
      This service provides access to the device responsible for routing a particular SoftLayer Router.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Router_Backend
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Router_Backend data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer router item for hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Router_Frontend
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Router_Frontend data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer router item for hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_SecurityModule
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_SecurityModule
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_SecurityModule750
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_SecurityModule750
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Server
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Server data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer server.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Server
      Every SoftLayer server is defined in the SoftLayer_Hardware_Server service. SoftLayer servers have all the functionality of SoftLayer_Hardware with the of server specific data and functionality such as Operating System reload dates and motherboard components. The SoftLayer_Hardware service is a convenient way to obtain general information about your SoftLayer server. Use the data returned by these methods with other API services to get more detailed information about your services and to make changes to your servers and services.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Server_Partition
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Server_Partition_Network_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_State
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_State type contains general information about the current state of it's associated hardware, including the current power state (i.e. Running or Stopped), and it's current transitioning state (e.g. Provisioning, Reloading).
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Status
      SoftLayer_Hardware_Status models the inventory state of any piece of hardware in SoftLayer's inventory. Most of these statuses are used by SoftLayer while a server is not provisioned or undergoing provisioning. SoftLayer uses the following status codes: *'''ACTIVE''': This server is active and in use. *'''DEPLOY''': Used during server provisioning. *'''DEPLOY2''': Used during server provisioning. *'''MACWAIT''': Used during server provisioning. *'''RECLAIM''': This server has been reclaimed by SoftLayer and is awaiting de-provisioning. Servers in production and in use should stay in the ACTIVE state. If a server's status ever reads anything else then please contact SoftLayer support.
    • SoftLayer_Hardware_Switch
      The SoftLayer_Hardware_Switch object extends the base functionality of the SoftLayer_Hardware service.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Container contains definitions for default page layouts
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container
      Layout containers are used in the customization of the Portal 4 customer experience. A single page in the portal can be thought of as a layout container. The container houses individual [SoftLayer_Layout_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Item), which are the elements of the page (e.g., Ticket list). Layout containers can be added to [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile), allowing for full customization of the container's related items.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Container_Type
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Container_Type contains definitions for container types
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Item contains definitions for default layout items
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item
      Layout items are used in the customization of the Portal 4 customer experience. Each [SoftLayer_Layout_Container](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Container) in the portal contains one or more layout items. These are used to describe elements such as ticket lists. Layout items typically have [SoftLayer_Layout_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Preference), which can be customized once the container is added to a [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile).
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Item_Type
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Item_Type contains definitions for item types
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Preference
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Preference contains definitions for default layout item preferences
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Preference_Type
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Preference_Type contains definitions for preference types
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Profile contains the definition of the layout profile
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile
      Layout profiles are the primary object used to tie customized portal experiences to the [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer). In order to take full advantage of the flexible customization of the portal, each user must be given one or more layout profiles. Each layout profile is then assigned one of the [SoftLayer_Layout_Container](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Container), thereby giving the user all [SoftLayer_Layout_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Item) and associated [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preferences](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preferences). These default preferences can be modified via the [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] method, giving the user their own customized configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Customer
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Customer
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference
      The SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference contains definitions for layout preferences
    • SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Preference
      The profile preferences are an aggregation of the default preferences and the customized preferences. For each [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile_Containers) on a [SoftLayer_Layout_Profile](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Profile), the [SoftLayer_Layout_Preference](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Layout_Preference) are inherited through the profile preferences. However, any one of these may be overridden through the [[SoftLayer_Layout_Profile::modifyPreference()]] method. Rather than maintaining two different sets of preferences, all preferences are grouped together through the profile preferences, presenting the customized preferences in place of the default preferences they are overriding.
    • SoftLayer_Legal_RegulatedWorkload
    • SoftLayer_Legal_RegulatedWorkload_Type
    • SoftLayer_Locale
    • SoftLayer_Locale
    • SoftLayer_Locale_Country
      This service provides methods to retrieve country locale information.
    • SoftLayer_Locale_Country
      This service provides methods to retrieve country locale information.
    • SoftLayer_Locale_StateProvince
      This object represents a state or province for a country.
    • SoftLayer_Locale_Timezone
      Each User is assigned a timezone allowing for a precise local timestamp.
    • SoftLayer_Locale_Timezone
      Each User is assigned a timezone allowing for a precise local timestamp.
    • SoftLayer_Location
      Every piece of hardware and network connection owned by SoftLayer is tracked physically by location and stored in the SoftLayer_Location data type. SoftLayer locations exist in parent/child relationships, a convenient way to track equipment from it's city, datacenter, server room, rack, then slot.
    • SoftLayer_Location
      The SoftLayer_Location API service queries SoftLayer's location tree to find locations for all softlayer resources including bare metal servers, virtual servers, storage repositories, datacenters, points of presence, and many more.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter
      SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include datacenter-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter
      SoftLayer_Location_Datacenter exposes functionality to access datacenter-specific portions of SoftLayer's backend network. SoftLayer maintains datacenters within it's location hierarchy. Datacenters are located in city locations and each contain server room locations, racks, then slots. Each slot location houses a piece of SoftLayer hardware.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group_Location_CrossReference
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group_Pricing
      A pricing location group relates a set of [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) to only be available to a set of [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) when used for [SoftLayer_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Order).
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group_Pricing
      A pricing location group relates a set of [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price) to only be available to a set of [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) when used for [SoftLayer_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Order).
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group_Regional
      A regional location group is a collection of datacenters for a region.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group_Regional
      A regional location group is a collection of datacenters for a region.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Group_Type
    • SoftLayer_Location_Inventory_Room
      SoftLayer_Location_Inventory_Room extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include inventory room-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Network_Operations_Center
      SoftLayer_Location_Network_Operations_Center extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include network operation center-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Office
      SoftLayer_Location_Office extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include office-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Rack
      SoftLayer_Location_Rack extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include rack-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Region
      A region is made up of a keyname and a description of that region. A region keyname can be used as part of an order. Check the SoftLayer_Product_Order service for more details.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Region_Location
      The SoftLayer_Location_Region_Location is very specific to the location where services will actually be provisioned. When accessed through a package, this location is the top priority location for a region. All new servers and services are provisioned at this location. When a server is ordered and a region is selected, this is the location within that region where the server will actually exist and have software/services installed.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Reservation
    • SoftLayer_Location_Reservation
    • SoftLayer_Location_Reservation_Rack
    • SoftLayer_Location_Reservation_Rack
    • SoftLayer_Location_Reservation_Rack_Member
    • SoftLayer_Location_Reservation_Rack_Member
    • SoftLayer_Location_Root
      SoftLayer_Location_Root extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include root-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Server_Room
      SoftLayer_Location_Server_Room extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include server room-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Slot
      SoftLayer_Location_Slot extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include slot-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Status
      SoftLayer_Location_Status models the state of any location. SoftLayer uses the following status codes: *'''ACTIVE''': The location is currently active and available for public usage. *'''PLANNED''': Used when a location is planned but not yet active. *'''RETIRED''': Used when a location has been retired and no longer active. Locations in use should stay in the ACTIVE state. If a locations status ever reads anything else and contains active hardware then please contact SoftLayer support.
    • SoftLayer_Location_Storage_Room
      SoftLayer_Location_Storage_Room extends the [SoftLayer_Location](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Location) data type to include storage room-specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_EmailDistribution
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner_Attachment
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner_Attachment_Type
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner_File
    • SoftLayer_Marketplace_Partner_File_Attributes
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object
      Metric tracking objects provides a common interface to all metrics provided by SoftLayer. These metrics range from network component traffic for a server to aggregated Bandwidth Pooling traffic and more. Every object within SoftLayer's range of objects that has data that can be tracked over time has an associated tracking object. Use the [SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object) service to retrieve raw and graph data from a tracking object.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object
      Metric tracking objects provides a common interface to all metrics provided by SoftLayer. These metrics range from network component traffic for a server to aggregated Bandwidth Pooling traffic and more. Every object within SoftLayer's range of objects that has data that can be tracked over time has an associated tracking object. The SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object service contains methods that allow users to retrieve data from these tracking objects in raw and graph form.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Abstract
      SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Abstract models a generic tracking object type. Typically a tracking object with a specific purpose has it's own data type defined within the SoftLayer API.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Bandwidth_Summary
      This data type provides commonly used bandwidth summary components for the current billing cycle.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Bandwidth_Summary
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Data
      SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Data models an individual unit of data tracked by a SoftLayer tracking object, including the type of data polled, the date it was polled at, and the counter value that was measured at polling time.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_HardwareServer
      SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_HardwareServer models tracking objects specific to physical hardware and the data that are recorded by those servers.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Type
      SoftLayer [SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object) can model various kinds of measured data, from server and virtual server bandwidth usage to CPU use to remote storage usage. SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Type models one of these types and is referred to in tracking objects to reflect what type of data they track.
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_Virtual_Storage_Repository
    • SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_VirtualDedicatedRack
      SoftLayer_Metric_Tracking_Object_VirtualDedicatedRack models tracking objects specific to virtual dedicated racks. Bandwidth Pooling aggregate the bandwidth used by multiple servers within the rack.
    • SoftLayer_Monitoring_Robot
      DEPRECATED. The SoftLayer_Monitoring_Robot data type contains general information relating to a monitoring robot.
    • SoftLayer_Monitoring_Robot
    • SoftLayer_Monitoring_Robot_Status
      DEPRECATED. Your monitoring robot will be in 'Active' status under normal circumstances. If you perform an OS reload, your robot will be in 'Reclaim' status until it's reloaded on your server or virtual server. Advanced monitoring system requires 'Nimsoft Monitoring (Advanced)' service running and TCP ports 48000 - 48020 to be open on your server or virtual server. Monitoring agents cannot be managed nor can the usage data be updated if these ports are closed. Your monitoring robot will be in 'Limited Connectivity' status if our monitoring management system cannot communicate with your system. See [SoftLayer_Monitoring_Robot::resetStatus](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) service for more details.
    • SoftLayer_Network
      Provides services oriented to network-centric discovery and manipulation.
    • SoftLayer_Network
      Provides services oriented to network-centric discovery and manipulation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      The SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller data type models a single instance of an application delivery controller. Local properties are read only, except for a ''notes'' property, which can be used to describe your application delivery controller service. The type's relational properties provide more information to the service's function and login information to the controller's backend management if advanced view is enabled.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller controls a single instance of SoftLayer's application delivery controller offerings. Application delivery controllers are capable of application filtering, layer 4 and layer 7 load balancing, and many other functions. Currently SoftLayer employs them as high power load balancers. Load balancing is accomplished similarly to SoftLayer's other load balancer options, through a collection of virtual IP address interfaces. Application delivery controllers support an 'advanced' configuration scheme, enabling access directly to the controller's backend management interface. Enable access to this interface via the [SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller::enableAdvancedView](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method in this service. Use the username 'root' and password retrieved from this service along with the management IP address retrieved from this service. Be warned that direct access to the application delivery controller exposes a high degree of functionality. Be careful when directly editing your service to avoid interruption via misconfiguration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History
      The SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History data type models a single instance of a configuration history entry for an application delivery controller. The configuration history entries are used to support creating backups of an application delivery controller's configuration state in order to restore them later if needed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History
      SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Configuration_History provides access to view or delete existing configuration history records. Configuration content may not be viewed as it may contain sensitive information. The configuration history entries are used to support creating backups of an application delivery controller's configuration state in order to restore them later if needed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Health_Check_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Method
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Method
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Routing_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_Service_Group_CrossReference
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress_SecureTransportCipher
      A single cipher configured for a load balancer virtual IP address instance. Instances of this class are immutable and should reflect a cipher that is configurable on a load balancer device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress_SecureTransportProtocol
      Links a SSL transport protocol with a virtual IP address instance. Instances of this class are immutable and should reflect a protocol that is configurable on a load balancer device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualServer
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualServer
    • SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Usage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Usage data type contains specific information relating to bandwidth utilization at a specific point in time on a given network interface.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allocation
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allocation data type contains general information relating to a single bandwidth allocation record.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment class provides methods and data structures necessary to work with an array of hardware objects associated with a single Bandwidth Pooling.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment
      Every SoftLayer Bandwidth Pooling, Virtual Datacenter, Virtual Private Rack(VPR) is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment service as an allotment. SoftLayer allotments are a collection of servers that share all of the servers allocated bandwidth together. Virtual Private Rack Each server is by default a part of your Virtual Private Rack. Bandwidth overages are billed individually per server for all hardware in your Virtual Private Rack. If any one server uses more bandwidth than it is allocated, an overage charge will result. Bandwidth Pooling Bandwidth Pooling allow you to optimize your bandwidth usage by 'pooling' all of the bandwidth together for servers in a Bandwidth Pooling. Bandwidth overages for servers in a Bandwidth Pooling are summed up as a whole and overages are calculated only if the total bandwidth of all servers exceeds the total allocated bandwidth for all servers. For example, if you had 5 servers, each with 2000 GB of bandwidth, and one server used 3000 GB of bandwidth while the other used only 1500 GB of bandwidth, you would not be billed for an overage because your total usage would be 9000 GB and your total allocated would be 10000 GB.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Detail
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Detail data type contains specific information relating to a single bandwidth allotment record.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Type
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment_Type contains a description of the associated SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Allotment object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage data type contains general information relating to a single bandwidth usage record.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail data type contains specific information relating to bandwidth utilization at a specific point in time on a given network interface.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail_Type
      The SoftLayer_Network_Bandwidth_Version1_Usage_Detail_Type data type contains generic information relating to the types of bandwidth records available, currently just public and private.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account
      The SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account data type models an individual CDN account. CDN accounts contain the SoftLayer account ID of the customer, the vendor ID the account belongs to, the customer ID provided by the vendor, and a CDN account's status.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account
      The SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account service allows customers to create, and delete CDN accounts. A SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Account record is created when the customer configures a CDN account for the first time. A customer will be able to create multiple CDN accounts, but each account will be bound to a single vendor.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_Geoblocking_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_HotlinkProtection
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_HotlinkProtection
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader
      This service manages the modify response headers for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_ModifyResponseHeader
      This service manages the modify response headers for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Behavior_TokenAuth
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge
      This data type models a purge event that occurs in caching server. It contains a reference to a mapping configuration, the path to execute the purge on, the status of the purge, and flag that enables saving the purge information for future use.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_Purge
      This service manages purges associated with a CDN mapping Configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup
      This data type models a purge group event that occurs in caching server. It contains a reference to a mapping configuration and the path to execute the purge on.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeGroup
      This service manages purge group associated with a CDN mapping Configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory
      This data type models a purge history event that occurs in caching server. The purge group history will be deleted after 15 days. The possible purge status of each history can be 'SUCCESS', 'FAILED' or 'IN_PROGRESS'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_PurgeHistory
      This service manages purge history associated with a CDN mapping Configuration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive
      This data type models a purge event that occurs repetitively and automatically in caching server after a set interval of time. A time to live instance contains a reference to a mapping configuration, the path to execute the purge on, the result of the purge, and the time interval after which the purge will be executed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Cache_TimeToLive
      This service manages Times To Live (TTLs) associated with a CDN mapping Configuration. A time to live represents the time a purge will occur at a given path.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping
      This data type represents the mapping Configuration settings for enabling CDN services. Each instance contains a reference to a CDN account, and CDN configuration properties such as a domain, an origin host and its port, a cname we generate, a cname the vendor generates, and a status. Other properties include the type of content to be cached (static or dynamic), the origin type (a host server or an object storage account), and the protocol to be used for caching.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping
      This service manages domain mapping configurations for enabling CDN services.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Configuration_Mapping_Path
      This service manages the paths for domain mapping configurations.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics
      This Metrics class provides methods to get CDN metrics based on account or mapping unique id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Metrics
      This Service class will describe in detail each Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) API call used in the Content Delivery Network (CDN) metrics. These APIs will allow callers to collect metrics for the CDN service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Utils_Response
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor
      The SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor contains information regarding a CDN Vendor. This class is associated with SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor_Attribute class.
    • SoftLayer_Network_CdnMarketplace_Vendor
      This service allows internal users to create, read, update, and delete vendor instances.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component
      Every piece of hardware running in SoftLayer's datacenters connected to the public, private, or management networks (where applicable) have a corresponding network component. These network components are modeled by the SoftLayer_Network_Component data type. These data types reflect the servers' local ethernet and remote management interfaces.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Duplex_Mode
      Duplex Mode allows finer grained control over networking options and settings.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer network component firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer network component firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule
      A SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule object type represents a currently running firewall rule and contains relative information. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Subnets
      A SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Subnets object type represents the current linked subnets and contains relative information. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to the binding of a single network component to a single SoftLayer IP address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Network_Vlan_Trunk
      Represents the association between a Network_Component and Network_Vlan in the manner of a 'trunk'. Trunking a VLAN to a port allows that ports to receive and send packets tagged with the corresponding VLAN number.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_RemoteManagement
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_RemoteManagement data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer remote management network component.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Component_Uplink_Hardware
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Uplink_Hardware data type abstracts information related to network connections between SoftLayer hardware and SoftLayer network components. It is populated via triggers on the network_connection table (SoftLayer_Network_Connection), so you shouldn't have to delete or insert records into this table, ever.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet
      The SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet data type contains general information relating to a single customer subnet (remote).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet
      Every Customer subnet is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet service. SoftLayer keeps track of subnets outside of the SoftLayer Network that are associated to SoftLayer subnets or systems. For example, customer subnets are tracked for proper management of network tunnels. This service allows for managing subnets on the remote end of the network tunnel.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_Customer_Subnet_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to a single Customer Subnet (Remote) IPv4 address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location presents a structure containing attributes of a Direct Link location, and its related object SoftLayer location.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Location service allows users to create, update, delete, get details of a Direct Link location and retrieve all existing details.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider presents a structure containing attributes of a Direct Link provider.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_Provider service allows users to create, update, delete, get details of a Direct Link provider and retrieve all existing details. Provider like 'Equinix', 'Telestra' etc.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType presents a structure containing attributes of a Direct Link Service Type.
    • SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType
      The SoftLayer_Network_DirectLink_ServiceType service allows users to create, update, delete, get details of a Direct Link Service Type and retrieve all existing details. Service Types can be EXCHANGE, NSP, COLO or CONNECT
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall access to controll list. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific context. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_AccessControlList service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall access control list. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific context. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall interface. This is the object which ties the firewall context access control list to a firewall. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Interface service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall interface. This is the object which ties the firewall context access control list to a firewall. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template type contains general information for a SoftLayer network firewall template. Firewall templates are recommend rule sets for use with SoftLayer Hardware Firewall (Dedicated). These optimized templates are designed to balance security restriction with application availability. The templates given may be altered to provide custom network security, or may be used as-is for basic security. At least one rule set MUST be applied for the firewall to block traffic. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template service can be used to retrieve recommended SoftLayer network firewall templates and template rules. The provided firewall templates are recommend rule sets for use with SoftLayer Hardware Firewall (Dedicated). These optimized templates are designed to balance security restriction with application availability. The templates given may be altered to provide custom network security, or may be used as-is for basic security. At least one rule set MUST be applied for the firewall to block traffic. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Template_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer firewall template rule. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request data type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request service can be used to create SoftLayer network component firewall rules update requests. Update requests are added to a transaction queue and are typically posted in about 60 seconds. After they are posted, they are listed as current rules via the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Customer
      A SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Customer is a single update made by a customer to a ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Employee
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Employee data type returns a user object for the SoftLayer employee that created the request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule service accesses information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6 type contains information relating to a SoftLayer network firewall update request rule for IPv6. This rule is a member of a [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]]. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Component Firewall]] service to view current rules. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway
      A network gateway is a set of members which have a configurable set of VLANs trunked through them. This is helpful for creating proxies. Each network gateway can have a configurable set of hardware and VLANs within the same pod routed to it. Gateways can be bypassed or unbypassed either as a whole or for specific VLANs. They are also provided gateway VLANs for management that are never bypassed. Members cannot be simply removed once attached to a gateway, they must be reclaimed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway
      A network gateway is a set of members which have a configurable set of VLANs trunked through them. This is helpful for creating proxies. Each network gateway can have a configurable set of hardware and VLANs within the same pod routed to it. Gateways can be bypassed or unbypassed either as a whole or for specific VLANs. They are also provided gateway VLANs for management that are never bypassed. Members cannot be simply removed once attached to a gateway, they must be reclaimed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Licenses
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member
      A network gateway member is a device that serves as a gateway. Once the hardware becomes a member of the gateway, only a reclaim can remove it. A reclaim on the last member of the gateway triggers a reclaim of the entire gateway.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member
      A network gateway member is a device that serves as a gateway. Once the hardware becomes a member of the gateway, only a reclaim can remove it. A reclaim on the last member of the gateway triggers a reclaim of the entire gateway.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Attribute
      A network gateway member attribute is the attributes associated with a network gateway member.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Attribute
      A network gateway member attribute is the attributes associated with a network gateway member.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Licenses
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Member_Passwords
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Precheck
      A network gateway precheck is the precheck codes for member(s) of a gateway
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Precheck
      A network gateway precheck is the precheck codes for member(s) of a gateway
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Status
      A network gateway status is a value representing the state of a network gateway. The possible values are 'ACTIVE' for when the gateway is ready for normal use and 'UPDATING' for when the gateway is being updated.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Status
      A network gateway status is a value representing the state of a network gateway. The possible values are 'ACTIVE' for when the gateway is ready for normal use and 'UPDATING' for when the gateway is being updated.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_VersionUpgrade
      A gateway software version upgrade reference provides pairing for possible upgrades from a given versin.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_VersionUpgrade
      A gateway software version upgrade reference provides pairing for possible upgrades from a given versin.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan
      An inside VLAN is a VLAN which is attached to a network gateway and can be routed or bypassed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Gateway_Vlan
      An inside VLAN is a VLAN which is attached to a network gateway and can be routed or bypassed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Interconnect_Tenant
      A network interconnect tenant defines an IP routing path through a network interconnect. Each network interconnect requires a single primary tenant, indicated by the primaryFlag
    • SoftLayer_Network_Interconnect_Tenant
      A network interconnect tenant defines an IP routing path through a network interconnect. Each network interconnect requires a single primary tenant, indicated by the primaryFlag
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor type presents a structure containing attributes of a health monitor object associated with load balancer instance. Note that the relationship between backend (pool) and health monitor is N-to-1, especially that the pools object associated with a health monitor must have the same pair of protocol and port. Example: frontend FA: http, 80 - backend BA: tcp, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_tcp3456 frontend FB: https, 443 - backend BB: tcp, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_tcp3456 In above example both backends BA and BB share the same healthmonitor HM_tcp3456
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_HealthMonitor
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7HealthMonitor
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7HealthMonitor type presents a structure containing attributes of a health monitor object associated with a L7 pool instance. Note that the relationship between backend (L7 pool) and health monitor is 1-to-1, pools object associated with a health monitor must have the same pair of protocol and port. Example: frontend FA: http, 80 - backend BA: http, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_http3456 frontend FB: https, 443 - backend BB: http, 3456 - healthmonitor HM_http3456
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member represents the backend member for a L7 pool. It can be either a virtual server or a bare metal machine.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Member service allows consumers to manage (backend) members for L7 pools. A load balancer may have one or more L7 backend pools. A member can be added to one or more L7 backend pools. Deleting a backend member from one L7 pool will not remove it from other L7 pools to which it is associated. Weight of the backend member is a value between 1 and 256 but only applicable when the load balancing method configured is 'Weighted Round Robin'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy represents the policy for a listener.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Policy service allows consumers to manage the Policies associated with a Listener. A Listener can have multiple policies. Polices are associated with priorities. The priorities indicate the order in which policies are evaluated. Each policy is configured with an action which is applied when http traffic matches rules associated with the policy. A policy can be configured with one of the following actions: redirect to pool, redirect to url, or reject. Policies configured with reject are always evaluated first irrespective of the priority followed by redirect to url, after which policies with action set to redirect to pool are evaluated. if policies are configured with redirect to https and reject also, then reject always evaluated first. Polices have multiple rules, each rule is evaluated to true or false. If all the rules of the policy evaluate to true then the action associated with that policy is applied to the request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool type presents a structure containing attributes of a load balancer's L7 pool such as the protocol, and the load balancing algorithm used. L7 pool is used for redirect_pool action of the L7 policy and is different from the default pool
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Pool
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7PoolMembersHealth
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7PoolMembersHealth provides statistics of members belonging to a particular L7 pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule represents the Rules that can be attached to a a L7 policy.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7Rule service allows consumers to manage the Rules associated with a Policy.Polices have multiple rules, each rule is evaluated to true or false. If all the rules of the policies are evaluated to true then action of that policy will be applied to the request. Rules have types, which can be HOST_NAME, FILE_TYPE, HEADER, COOKIE, PATH and rules also have a comparison type which indicates how how rules are evaluated. Rules can have following comparison types: REGEX, STARTS_WITH, ENDS_WITH, CONTAINS, and EQUAL_TO.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7SessionAffinity
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_L7SessionAffinity represents the session affinity, aka session persistence, configuration for a load balancer backend L7 pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener type presents a data structure for a load balancers listener, also called frontend.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Listener API service allows consumers to add, edit and delete load balancers protocols for front- and backends. In order to retrieve list of front- and backends protocols please refer to [SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer) service. A listener object specifies the protocol and port of allowed incoming network requests and the maximum number of accepted connections. It has references to its associated load balancer and default pool object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer type presents a structure containing attributes of a load balancer, and its related objects including listeners, pools and members.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer service allows customers to create, edit, delete, get details of a load balancer instance and retrieve all existing load balancer instances. The most common use case of a load balancer instance is to improve performance and high availability of customers application services by distributing the incoming requests across multiple servers. Thus, clients using customers application services will only need to know the load balancer instances host name respective IP address in order to submit their requests. Note that SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer provides the load balancing functionality only, while it is customers responsibility to implement their application services and deploy them to respective servers, typically virtual servers or bare metal systems hosted by IBM SoftLayer. Conceptually a load balancer instance consists of a set of listeners, also called frontends, pools, also called backends, and members (application servers). A listener (frontend) represents basically the network protocol and port for requests coming from clients applications and is always associated with a pool (backend) defined by a network protocol, port and load balancing algorithm. The pools network protocol and port specify how incoming requests will be forwarded to application servers, while the load balancing algorithm (round-robin, weighted round-robin or least connections) determines the distribution scheme of incoming requests among the members, ie application servers. Note that members of a load balancer instance are assigned implicitly to all pools (backends) of that load balancer.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerAppliance
      This class represents the load balancers appliances, ie virtual servers, on which the actual load balancer service is running. The relationship between load balancer and appliance is 1-to-N with N=2 for beta and very likely N=3 for post beta. Note that this class is for internal use only.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerAppliance
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerHealthMonitorConfiguration
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerHealthMonitorConfiguration specifies the check method to be used for health monitoring backend members.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerMonitoringMetricDataPoint
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerMonitoringMetricDataPoint is a collection of datapoints retrieved from a load balancer instance. The available metrics are: <ul> <li>The metric value </li> <li>The timestamp when the metric value was obtained </li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerProtocolConfiguration
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerProtocolConfiguration specifies the protocol, port, maximum number of allowed connections and session stickiness for load balancer's front- and backend.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerServerInstanceInfo
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerServerInstanceInfo specifies the application server, usually an IBM SoftLayer virtual server or bare metal system, to be assigned to a load balancer.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerStatistics
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancerStatistics is a collection of metrics retrieved from a load balancer instance. The available metrics are: <ul> <li>NUmber of members up</li> <li>Number of members down</li> <li>Total number of active connections</li> <li>Throughput</li> <li>Data processed by month</li> <li>Connection rate</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member represents the backend member for a load balancer. It can be either a virtual server or a bare metal machine.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Member service allows consumers to manage (backend) members for a given load balancer. A load balancer may have one or more backend pools. Adding a backend member to the load balancer will add that member to all the backend pools. Similarly, deleting a backend member from the load balancer will remove that member from all associated backend pools. Weight of the backend member is a value between 1 and 256 but only applicable when the load balancing method configured is 'Weighted Round Robin'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_MemberHealth
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_MemberHealth is a collection member metrics retrieved from a LBaaS VSI instance. The available metrics are: <ul> <li>Name of the member</li> <li>Status of the member up or down</li> <li>Uuid of the member</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PolicyRule
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PolicyRule This class contains layer 7 policy specifications and an array of associated rules An array of objects of this class must be passed to the API in order to create a policy and its associated rules. <ul> <li>The layer 7 policy object </li> <li>An array of layer 7 rules </li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Pool
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_Pool type presents a structure containing attributes of a load balancer pool such as the protocol, protocol port and the load balancing algorithm used.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PoolMembersHealth
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_PoolMembersHealth provides statistics of members belonging to a particular pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SessionAffinity
      SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SessionAffinity represents the session affinity, aka session persistence, configuration for a load balancer backend pool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher
      The SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher type presents a structure that contains attributes of load balancer cipher suites.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_SSLCipher
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service
      The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service data type contains all the information relating to a specific service (destination) on a particular load balancer. Information retained on the object itself is the the source and destination of the service, routing type, weight, and whether or not the service is currently enabled.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service
      Load balancer services represent the 'routes' that the load balancer will have available to route requests. Each service has a source port (located on the load balancer itself), and a destination IP address and port. Any services that share a source port will be used as potential routes for traffic coming into the load balancer on that port. For instance, if there are two services that both have a source port of 80, both of those services will be used as balanced servers for traffic coming into your virtual IP on port 80. For a more complete example, consider the following scenario: :Virtual IP Address: :Servers on your account: : : :You want to set up both HTTP(port 80) and HTTPS (port 443) on each of those servers. :You will need four services: {| |- ! SourcePort ! DestinationIpAddress ! DestinationPort |- | 80 | | 80 |- | 80 | | 80 |- | 443 | | 443 |- | 443 | | 443 |} The services also have a routing type, these ALSO need to be the same for services that share the same port. For this example, the services with a source port of 80 should have HTTP as their type. The other two services should have TCP as their type. The affect of other variables are listed in their individual documentation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress data type contains all the information relating to a specific load balancer assigned to a customer account. Information retained on the object itself is the virtual IP address, load balancing method, and any notes that are related to the load balancer. There is also an array of SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service objects, which represent the load balancer services, explained more fully in the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service documentation.
    • SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      Each SoftLayer customer that has purchased a load balancer will have one defined in the SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress service. Load balancers have a virtual IP address and a number of SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_Service objects associated with them. The SoftLayer_Network_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress object is the only way for a customer to make changes to their load balancer service. Load balancers can be upgraded by using the upgradeConnectionLimit function, but this will upgrade your billing accordingly. Downgrades are currently not supported, please open a ticket to accomplish a downgrade.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Logging_Syslog
      The Syslog class holds a single line from the Networking Firewall 'Syslog' record, for firewall detected and blocked attempts on a server.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Email_Sendgrid
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Message_Delivery_Vendor
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Incident
      The SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Incident data type models a single virtual server or physical hardware network monitoring event. SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Incidents are created when the SoftLayer monitoring system detects a service down on your hardware of virtual server. As the incident is resolved it's status changes from 'SERVICE FAILURE' to 'COMPLETED'.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host
      The Monitoring_Query_Host type represents a monitoring instance. It consists of a hardware ID to monitor, an IP address attached to that hardware ID, a method of monitoring, and what to do in the instance that the monitor ever fails.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host
      The Query_Host service is the core of the monitoring system. Each instance of this service represents a monitoring instance. Each monitoring instance consists of a hardware ID to monitor, an IP address attached to that hardware ID, a method of monitoring, and what to do in the instance that the monitor ever fails. The monitoring services are scheduled jobs, and cannot be initiated by the user. Simply creating the object is enough, the monitor will begin working in 5-10 minutes. Deleting a monitor will immediately remove it from the monitoring queue. Modifications will take effect in 5-10 minutes. If the user wishes to be notified, or have other users on the account notified when a monitoring instance fails, a response type that includes 'notify users' must be included on the query host object, and a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware instance must be saved linking the desired users to the hardware being monitored. In order for users to be notified, a SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware object MUST exist linking them to a hardware object, and a monitoring instance on that hardware object must be set to 'notify users'
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum
      The monitoring stratum type stores the maximum level of the various components of the monitoring system that a particular hardware object has access to. This object cannot be accessed by ID, and cannot be modified. The user can access this object through Hardware_Server->availableMonitoring. There are two values on this object that are important: # monitorLevel determines the highest level of SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Type object that can be placed in a monitoring instance on this server # responseLevel determines the highest level of SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_ResponseType object that can be placed in a monitoring instance on this server Also note that the query type and response types are available through getAllQueryTypes and getAllResponseTypes, respectively.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host_Stratum
      This service is for reference only. It can be changed by purchasing higher monitoring levels through the portal.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_ResponseType
      The ResponseType type stores only an ID and a description of the response type. The only use for this object is in reference. The user chooses a response action that would be appropriate for a monitoring instance, and sets the ResponseTypeId to the SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host->responseActionId value. The user can retrieve all available ResponseTypes with the getAllObjects method on this service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Result
      The monitoring result object is used to show the status of the actions taken by the monitoring system. In general, only the responseStatus variable is needed, as it holds the information on the status of the service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Type
      The MonitorType type stores a name, long description, and default arguments for the monitor types. The only use for this object is in reference. The user chooses a monitoring type that would be appropriate for their server, and sets the id of the Query_Type to SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host->queryTypeId The user can retrieve all available Query Types with the getAllObjects method on this service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Pod
      SoftLayer_Network_Pod refers to a portion of a data center that share a Backend Customer Router (BCR) and usually a front-end counterpart known as a Frontend Customer Router (FCR). A Pod primarily denotes a logical location within the network and the physical aspects that support networks. This is in contrast to representing a specific physical location. A ``Pod`` is identified by a ``name``, which is unique. A Pod name follows the format 'dddnn.podii', where 'ddd' is a data center code, 'nn' is the data center number, 'pod' is a literal string and 'ii' is a two digit, left-zero- padded number which corresponds to a Backend Customer Router (BCR) of the desired data center. Examples: <ul> <li>dal09.pod01 = Dallas 9, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> <li>sng01.pod02 = Singapore 1, Pod 2 (ie. bcr02)</li> <li>par01.pod01 = Paris 1, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Pod
      SoftLayer_Network_Pod refers to a portion of a data center that share a Backend Customer Router (BCR) and usually a front-end counterpart known as a Frontend Customer Router (FCR). A Pod primarily denotes a logical location within the network and the physical aspects that support networks. This is in contrast to representing a specific physical location. A ``Pod`` is identified by a ``name``, which is unique. A Pod name follows the format 'dddnn.podii', where 'ddd' is a data center code, 'nn' is the data center number, 'pod' is a literal string and 'ii' is a two digit, left-zero- padded number which corresponds to a Backend Customer Router (BCR) of the desired data center. Examples: <ul> <li>dal09.pod01 = Dallas 9, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> <li>sng01.pod02 = Singapore 1, Pod 2 (ie. bcr02)</li> <li>par01.pod01 = Paris 1, Pod 1 (ie. bcr01)</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Protection_Address
    • SoftLayer_Network_Regional_Internet_Registry
      Regional Internet Registries are the organizations who delegate IP address blocks to other groups or organizations around the Internet. The information contained in this data type is used throughout the networking-related services in our systems.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request data type represents a single vulnerability scan request. It provides information on when the scan was created, last updated, and the current status. The status messages are as follows: *Scan Pending *Scan Processing *Scan Complete *Scan Cancelled *Generating Report.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request
      SoftLayer gives customers the ability to manage vulnerability scans for each of their servers. This service provides the ability to create a new scan request, view the status of a current request, and finally view the report of a finished scan. A vulnerability scan attempts to find potential security problems on a server by first searching for open ports and the services that run on them. If any services are found the scanner will then check for version and patch information of each service found. Lastly, the scanner will use the information gathered to search its database of known vulnerabilities and generate a report. Reports typically take five to ten minutes to run but allow for up to thirty minutes in rare cases. A vulnerability report will typically include the following information: *Number of security holes and warnings. *The hosts that were scanned. *The port/service and the corresponding issue. *Detailed information about the issue, risk factor, and possible fixes. If you have a firewall, SoftLayer's administrative networks need to be allowed for the vulnerability scan to be effective. If a firewall is blocking all ports, the report may not show any problems even if some exist. In addition you may have some indication in your firewall logs of the scan taking place as ports on your system are investigated.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Network_Security_Scanner_Request_Status data type represents the current status of a vulnerability scan. The status messages are as follows: *Scan Pending *Scan Processing *Scan Complete *Scan Cancelled *Generating Report. The status of a vulnerability scan will change over the course of a scan's execution.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup data type contains general information for a single security group. A security group contains a set of IP filter [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule) that define how to handle incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic to both the public and private interfaces of a virtual server instance and a set of [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding) to associate virtual guest network components with the security group.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup
      The Security Group service provides a common interface to interact with an account's security groups, their rules, and virtual guest instances associated with the groups. A security group contains a set of IP filter rules that define how to handle incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic to both the public and private interfaces of a virtual server instance. The rules that you add to a security group are known as [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule). Security groups can be assigned to one or more virtual servers by attaching virtual guest network components through [SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding). Additional information can be found in IBM Cloud Docs and SoftLayer API Examples
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_OrderBinding
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_OrderBinding data type contains links between security groups and product orders.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Request data type contains the ID of a specific request sent to the API. This ID is used to identify specific calls to attach and detach network components, as well as add, edit, and remove security group rules.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_RequestRules
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_RequestRules data type contains the ID of a specific request sent to the API, as well as an associative array of the rules that were created, edited, or removed by the request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule
      The SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup_Rule data type contains general information for a single rule that belongs to a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup). By default, all traffic (both inbound and
outbound) to a virtual server instance is blocked. Security group rules are permissive, and define the allowed incoming (ingress) and outgoing (egress) traffic to both the public and private interfaces of a
virtual server instance. The order of rules within a security group does not matter and priority always falls to the least restrictive rule.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource
      The SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource is used to store information related to a service. It is used for determining the correct resource to connect to for a given service, like NAS, Evault, etc.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_CosStor
      The SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_CosStor is used to store information related to COS service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Hub
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Hub_Swift
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Resource_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides
      The SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides data type contains information relating user ids to subnet ids when VPN access is manually configured. It is essentially an entry in a 'white list' of subnets a SoftLayer portal VPN user may access.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Service_Vpn_Overrides
      Use to manually decide which subnets within your virtual private address space a SoftLayer portal VPN user may access. Stores a 'white list' consisting of a collection of subnet ids matched up against user ids. This class will reject any subnets or users, that don't belong to the account holder. Note that simply assigning overrides to a user does not enforce the rule change. You must set the manual override flag for the VPN user in the SoftLayer_User_Customer class. It is recommended that before you create new VPN subnet overrides, you delete any old ones for a user, since the VPN authentication system limits the number of accessible subnets by a single user to sixty four. This holds true regardless of whether the VPN user accesses the network via SSL or PPTP. After making any changes to a user's VPN settings, you should call SoftLayer_User_Customer::updateVpnUser() on that customer object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage data type contains general information regarding a Storage product such as account id, access username and password, the Storage product type, and the server the Storage service is associated with. Currently, only EVault backup storage has an associated server.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage
      SoftLayer customers may have a Storage volume associated with their account. Storage types include NAS, Lockbox, iSCSI, EVault backup, and Hub cloud storage. Information such as the account the Storage volume is associated to, username and password to access the Storage volume, related server (EVault only) and the capacity used are some of the details that may be retrieved using this service. Information regarding the Storage's resource that is useful in reconfiguring and mounting a StorageLayer volume may also be retrieved from this service. For the EVault Storage services, the username and passwords in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage services are used to register the EVault server agent with the vault. Please see the [SoftLayer_Account_Password](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Password) service to edit the passwords and notes for the EVault Webcc tool.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Hardware
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Hardware
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_IpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_IpAddress
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_VirtualGuest
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Allowed_Host_VirtualGuest
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup contains general information regarding a Storage backup service such as account id, username, maximum capacity, password, Storage's product type and the server id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault contains general information regarding an EVault Storage service such as account id, username, maximum capacity, password, Storage's product type and the server id.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault
      SoftLayer provides the EVault backup system as a part of it's Storage service offerings. EVault is an incremental and automated backup solution with Windows and web-based management clients. The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault service allows portal and API users to work with their EVault accounts. The large majority of EVault functionality is implemented in the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6 service.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault_Version6 contains the same properties as the SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Backup_Evault. Additional properties available for the EVault Storage type: softwareComponent, totalBytesUsed, backupJobDetails, restoreJobDetails and agentStatuses
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential data type will give you an overview of the usernames that are currently attached to your storage device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Credential_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Daily_Usage
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_DedicatedCluster
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_DedicatedCluster
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Event
      Storage volumes can create various events to keep track of what has occurred to the volume. Events provide an audit trail that can be used to verify that various tasks have occurred, such as snapshots to be created by a schedule or remote replication synchronization.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Event_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Iscsi
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Iscsi
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Nfs
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Nfs
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Group_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_History
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_History contains the username/password past history for Storage services except Evault. Information such as the username, passwords, notes and the date of the password change may be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub data type models Virtual Server type Storage storage offerings.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Cleversafe_Account
      This class provides an interface for the management of IBM Cloud Object Storage Accounts and Credentials.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Cleversafe_Account
      This class provides an interface for the management of IBM Cloud Object Storage Accounts and Credentials.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Container
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Metrics
      This service provides summarization functionality for Swift based accounts. It uses influxDB as a backend
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Metrics
      This service provides summarization functionality for Swift based accounts. It uses influxDB as a backend
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Share
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Share
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Hub_Swift_Version1
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi
      The iscsi data type provides access to additional information about an iscsi volume such as the snapshot capacity limit and replication partners.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi
      SoftLayer's iscsi product extends upon the base functionality of SoftLayer offerings by providing snapshot and replication capabilities. An iscsi volume is mounted through SoftLayer's private network and allows for block level additional storage on a highly redundant disk array. SoftLayer's iscsi offering is capable of taking volume snapshots which can be mounted read-only or used for an immediate volume data restore. This high-end Storage offering is also capable of being configured for remote data replication to any of SoftLayer's datacenters to provide a solid disaster recovery solution.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_OS_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref
      MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref provides a list of countries where Mass Data Migration Device could be shipped for each CleverSafe Object Storage Region.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref
      MassDataMigration_CrossRegion_Country_Xref provides a list of countries where Mass Data Migration Device could be shipped for each CleverSafe Object Storage Region.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request data type contains information on a single Mass Data Migration request. Creation of these requests is limited to SoftLayer customers through the SoftLayer Customer Portal.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request
      Mass Data Migration Request Service allows users to request Massive storage device to copy onsite data. Once user has copied their data onto device, they ship it back to SoftLayer where device is connected to network and data is transferred to Object Storage bucket. Currently, the initial usage period is two weeks . Additional time for maintaining the media for continued may be purchased. Please contact sales for additional information regarding this. Once the usage period has elapsed. SoftLayer will disconnect the device.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_DeviceConfiguration
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_DeviceConfiguration data type contains settings such networking, COS account, which needs to be configured on device for a Mass Data Migration Request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact data type contains name, email, and phone for key contact at customer location who will handle Mass Data Migration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_KeyContact data type contains name, email, and phone for key contact at customer location who will handle Mass Data Migration.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status data type contains general information relating to the statuses to which a Mass Data Migration Request may be set.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_MassDataMigration_Request_Status
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Nas
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Nas contains general information regarding a NAS Storage service such as account id, username, password, maximum capacity, Storage's product type and capacity.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Partnership
      A network storage partnership is used to link multiple volumes to each other. These partnerships describe replication hierarchies or link volume snapshots to their associated storage volume.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Partnership_Type
      A network storage partnership type is used to define the link between two volumes.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Property
      A property provides additional information about a volume which it is assigned to. This information can range from 'Mountable' flags to utilized snapshot space.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Property_Type
      The storage property types provide standard definitions for properties which can be used with any type for Storage offering. The properties provide additional information about a volume which they are assigned to.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Replicant
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule
      Schedules can be created for select Storage services, such as iscsi. These schedules are used to perform various tasks such as scheduling snapshots or synchronizing replicants.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule
      Schedules can be created for select Storage services, such as iscsi. These schedules are used to perform various tasks such as scheduling snapshots or synchronizing replicants. The schedule service can be used to create, edit, or delete a schedule. Schedules are defined by the properties associated with them to specify values such as the start date, interval, or end date of the schedule.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property
      Schedule properties provide attributes such as start date, end date, interval, and other properties to a storage schedule.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property_Type
      A schedule property type is used to allow for a standardized method of defining network storage schedules.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Property_Type
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Schedule_Type
      A schedule type is used to define what a schedule was created to do. When creating a schedule to take snapshots of a volume, the 'Snapshot' schedule type would be used.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Snapshot
    • SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Type
      The SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Type contains a description of the associated SoftLayer_Network_Storage object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet
      A subnet represents a continguous range of IP addresses. The range is represented by the networkIdentifer and cidr/netmask properties. The version of a subnet, whether IPv4 or IPv6, is represented by the version property. When routed, a subnet is associated to a VLAN on your account, which defines its scope on the network. Depending on a subnet's route type, IP addresses may be reserved for network and internal functions, the most common of which is the allocation of network, gateway and broadcast IP addresses. An unrouted subnet is not active on the network and may generally be routed within the datacenter in which it resides. [Subnetwork at Wikipedia]( [RFC950:Internet Standard Subnetting Procedure](
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet
      This service enables interaction with subnets assigned to your account. IP addresses used on your network are drawn from your assigned subnets. Primary subnets are assigned as needed and are reclaimed when no longer in use. Primary IP addresses assigned to your devices are drawn from your primary subnets, and the consumption of these IP addresses is tracked and discoverable herein. Secondary subnets are assigned when ordered and are reclaimed when canceled. The consumption of IP addresses is not tracked. Both IPv4 and IPv6 subnets are supported via this service. Subnets can be tagged for discoverability and tracking purposes.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer IPv4 address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress
      Every SoftLayer IP address is defined in the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress service. SoftLayer IP addresses are assigned to a SoftLayer_Network_Subnet. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress service gives you information about an IP address such if it is reserved, a network address, or a gateway. Use the data returned by these methods with other API services to get more detailed information about your services. SoftLayer customers can order and manage IP addresses through the customer portal. If you need to cancel a subnet please open a sales ticket in our customer portal and our account management staff will assist you.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global
      Global IP Addresses are static IP addresses that can be routed to any server within the SoftLayer network. Global IP Addresses are not restricted to routing within the same datacenter.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Global
      Global IP Addresses are static IP addresses that can be routed to any server within the SoftLayer network. Global IP Addresses are not restricted to routing within the same datacenter.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_UsageDetail
      Describes an IP address assigned to a resource on your network. Details on the associated resource are also provided, described below. Details include the resource's type, unique identifier, name, fully qualified name, and context, the contents of which depends on the resource's type. If the fully qualified name is not included for a resource type below, the resource's name will apply. The following resource types and associated dependent properties are supported: * <b>HARDWARE</b>: A [Bare Metal Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the server. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the server. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The name of the network component or network component group assigned to the IP address, <i>e.g. eth0/2</i>. * <b>GUEST</b>: A [Virtual Server Instance](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the guest. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the guest. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The name of the virtual network component assigned to the IP address, <i>e.g. eth0</i>. * <b>GATEWAY</b>: A [Network Gateway](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Gateway) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The name of the gateway. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: Either the term 'virtual' to indicate a gateway IP address, or the name of the network component or network component group assigned to the IP address followed by the id-value of the [Bare Metal Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server) gateway member surrounded by '<', '>', <i>e.g. eth1/3<123456></i>. - <b>FIREWALL_MULTIVLAN</b>: A [Multi-VLAN Firewall](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The name of the firewall. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The term 'virtual' to indicate a firewall IP address. - <b>LBAAS</b>: A [Cloud Load Balancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_LBaaS_LoadBalancer) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The name of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The full DNS address of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The term 'ephemeral' to indicate a currently assigned IP address, subject to change. Users are strongly encouraged to access the service by the fully qualified DNS name and not the underlying IP addresses. The UUID of the load balancer is also provided, surrounded by '<' and '>', e.g. ephemeral<84f0affb-0d5e-40f1-ad87-a92d6544936a> - <b>NETSCALER_VPX</b>: A [Netscaler VPX Load Balancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: Either the term 'nsip' to indicate the management IP address, or the name of the network component assigned to the IP address followed by the id-value of the [Virtual Server Instance](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) load balancer host surrounded by '<', '>', <i>e.g. eth1<123456></i>. - <b>NETSCALER_MPX</b>: A [Netscaler MPX Load Balancer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_LoadBalancer) -- <i>resourceName</i>: The hostname of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceFullyQualifiedName</i>: The fully qualified domain name of the load balancer. -- <i>resourceContext</i>: The name of the network component or network component group assigned to the IP address, <i>e.g. eth0/2</i>.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer IPv6 address.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. The subnet registration data type contains general information relating to a single subnet registration instance. These registration instances can be updated to reflect changes, and will record the changes in the [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration
      The subnet registration service has been deprecated. Subnet registration objects are used to request and track registration of the subnet with the appropriate Regional Internet Registry (RIR). Registration for public subnets can be requested any time after assignment of the subnet. Subnet Registration objects can be updated any time after they are created. This will result in the information being submitted to the RIR and the records on their end being refreshed.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Apnic
      The APNIC subnet registration type has been deprecated. APNIC-specific registration object. For more detail see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Arin
      The ARIN subnet registration type has been deprecated. ARIN-specific registration object. For more detail see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details
      The subnet registration details type has been deprecated. The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details objects are used to relate [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail) objects to a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object. This allows for easy reuse of registration details. It is important to note that only one detail object per type may be associated to a registration object.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Details
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event
      The subnet registration event type has been deprecated. Each time a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration) object is created or modified, the system will generate an event for it. Additional actions that would create an event include RIR responses and error cases. *
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event_Type
      The subnet registration event type type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Event Type objects describe the nature of a [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Event) The standard values for these objects are as follows: <ul> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_CREATED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been created</li> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_UPDATED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been updated</li> <li><strong>REGISTRATION_CANCELLED</strong> - Indicates that the registration has been cancelled</li> <li><strong>RIR_RESPONSE</strong> - Indicates that an action taken against the RIR has produced a response. More details will be provided in the event message.</li> <li><strong>ERROR</strong> - Indicates that an error has been encountered. More details will be provided in the event message.</li> <li><strong>NOTE</strong> - An employee or other system has entered a note regarding the registration. The note content will be provided in the event message.</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Ripe
      The RIPE subnet registration type has been deprecated. RIPE-specific registration object. For more detail see [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration).
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Status
      The subnet registration status type has been deprecated. Subnet Registration Status objects describe the current status of a subnet registration. The standard values for these objects are as follows: <ul> <li><strong>OPEN</strong> - Indicates that the registration object is new and has yet to be submitted to the RIR</li> <li><strong>PENDING</strong> - Indicates that the registration object has been submitted to the RIR and is awaiting response</li> <li><strong>COMPLETE</strong> - Indicates that the RIR action has completed</li> <li><strong>DELETED</strong> - Indicates that the registration object has been gracefully removed is no longer valid</li> <li><strong>CANCELLED</strong> - Indicates that the registration object has been abruptly removed is no longer valid</li> </ul>
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration_Status
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data
      Every SoftLayer customer account has contact information associated with it for reverse WHOIS purposes. An account's RWHOIS data, modeled by the SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data data type, is used by SoftLayer's reverse WHOIS server as well as for SWIP transactions. SoftLayer's reverse WHOIS servers respond to WHOIS queries for IP addresses belonging to a customer's servers, returning this RWHOIS data. A SoftLayer customer's RWHOIS data may not necessarily match their account or portal users' contact information.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Rwhois_Data
      **DEPRECATED** Use SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail and SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Registration instead. Every SoftLayer customer account has a RWHOIS record tied to it. This RWHOIS record is used by SoftLayer's Reverse Whois system as well as SoftLayer's Automated SWIP system. This service allows you to update your stored RWHOIS record. Changing this record automatically updates the RWHOIS record in 24 hours, but does NOT update SWIP data. You will need to use the SWIP service to do that.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction
      **DEPRECATED** The SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction data type contains basic information tracked at SoftLayer to allow automation of Swip creation, update, and removal requests. A specific transaction is attached to an accountId and a subnetId. This also contains a 'Status Name' which tells the customer what the transaction is doing: * REQUEST QUEUED: Request is queued up to be sent to ARIN * REQUEST SENT: The email request has been sent to ARIN * REQUEST CONFIRMED: ARIN has confirmed that the request is good, and should be available in 24 hours * OK: The subnet has been checked with WHOIS and it the SWIP transaction has completed correctly * REMOVE QUEUED: A subnet is queued to be removed from ARIN's systems * REMOVE SENT: The removal email request has been sent to ARIN * REMOVE CONFIRMED: ARIN has confirmed that the removal request is good, and the subnet should be clear in WHOIS in 24 hours * DELETED: This specific SWIP Transaction has been removed from ARIN and is no longer in effect * SOFTLAYER MANUALLY PROCESSING: Sometimes a request doesn't go through correctly and has to be manually processed by SoftLayer. This may take some time.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_Swip_Transaction
      **DEPRECATED** SoftLayer's Automated Swip System is a finite state machine; it works by locally tracking a transaction between SoftLayer and the relevant Regional Internet Registry (RIR), assigning responsibility of a subnet to a customer. Transactions are dictated by the RIR's processing system, and the nature of the communication medium with each RIR, namely their REST API. Using this API, SoftLayer Customers are able to initiate, monitor, update, and remove Swip system transactions with ARIN and RIPE.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context
      The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer network tunnel. The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context is useful to gather information such as related customer subnets (remote) and internal subnets (local) associated with the network tunnel as well as other information needed to manage the network tunnel. Account and billing information related to the network tunnel can also be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context
      A SoftLayer network tunnel allows customer to authenticate and encrypt all IP traffic between two locations. Manage the entire network tunnel using this service. The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context allows customers to manage subnets on both ends of the network tunnel. Address translations can also be managed. SoftLayer also provides the ability to apply the network tunnel configurations on the SoftLayer network devices.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context_Address_Translation
      The SoftLayer_Network_Tunnel_Module_Context_Address_Translation data type contains general information relating to a single address translation. Information such as notes, ip addresses, along with record information, and network tunnel data may be retrieved.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan
      VLANs comprise the fundamental segmentation model on the network, isolating customer networks from one another. VLANs are scoped to a single network, generally public or private, and a pod. Through association to a single VLAN, assigned subnets are routed on the network to provide IP address connectivity. Compute devices are associated to a single VLAN per active network, to which the Primary IP Address and containing Primary Subnet belongs. Additional VLANs may be associated to bare metal devices using VLAN trunking. [VLAN at Wikipedia](
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan
      This service enables interaction with VLANs assigned to your account. Automatic VLANs are assigned as needed and are reclaimed when no longer in use. Premium VLANs are assigned when ordered and are reclaimed when cancelled. VLANs can be tagged for discoverability and tracking purposes. Refer to the following services and methods for related concepts and actions involving VLANs. - [SoftLayer_Network_Pod](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Pod) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::route](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet/route) - [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Subnet/clearRoute) - [SoftLayer_Network_Component::addNetworkVlanTrunks](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Component/addNetworkVlanTrunks) - [SoftLayer_Network_Component::removeNetworkVlanTrunks](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Network_Component/removeNetworkVlanTrunks)
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer VLAN firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall
      The SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall service accesses general information relating to a single SoftLayer VLAN firewall. This is the object which ties the running rules to a specific downstream server. The current running rule set can be pulled from this service. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Firewall_Rule
      A SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall_Rule object type represents a currently running firewall rule and contains relative information. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Update Request]] service to submit a firewall update request. Use the [[SoftLayer Network Firewall Template]] service to pull SoftLayer recommended rule set templates.
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Type
      A network VLAN type is a value representing the type of a network VLAN. The possible values are: * STANDARD - A VLAN for normal server or guest use * GATEWAY - A VLAN designated for use as a network gateway VLAN
    • SoftLayer_Network_Vlan_Type
      A network VLAN type is a value representing the type of a network VLAN. The possible values are: * STANDARD - A VLAN for normal server or guest use * GATEWAY - A VLAN designated for use as a network gateway VLAN
    • SoftLayer_Notification
      Details provided for the notification are basic. Details such as the related preferences, name and keyname for the notification can be retrieved. The keyname property for the notification can be used to refer to a notification when integrating into the SoftLayer Notification system. The name property can used more for display purposes.
    • SoftLayer_Notification
      SoftLayer Customers can use this service to view all of the available notifications that can be subscribed to. Some of the notifications are required while others are not.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Delivery_Method
      Provides details for the delivery methods available.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Mobile
      This is an extension of the SoftLayer_Notification class. These are implementation details specific to those notifications which can be subscribed to and received on a mobile device.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Mobile
      SoftLayer Customers can use this service to view all of the available mobile notifications that can be subscribed to. No mobile notifications are required.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Account
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event
      The [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event) service represents all events with potential to cause a disruption in service.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event
      The [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event) service represents all events with potential to cause a disruption in service.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event_Attachment
      SoftLayer events can have have files attached to them by a SoftLayer employee. Attaching a file to a event is a way to provide supplementary information such as a RFO (reason for outage) document or root cause analysis. The SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event_Attachment data type models a single file attached to a event.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event_Type
      This represents the type of SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource
      This type contains general information relating to any hardware or services that may be impacted by a SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Hardware
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Hardware](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller_LoadBalancer_VirtualIpAddress) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Storage_Iscsi_NetApp
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_NetApp](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi_NetApp) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Storage_Lockbox
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Lockbox](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Lockbox) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Storage_Nas
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Nas](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Nas) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Storage_NetApp_Volume
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Storage](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Storage_NetApp_Volume_Replicant_Iscsi
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage_Iscsi) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Network_Storage_NetApp_Volume_Replicant_Nas
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Network_Storage_NetApp_Volume_Replicant_Nas](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_Storage_NetApp_Volume_Replicant_Nas) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Resource_Virtual
      This type contains general information related to a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) resource that is impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Status_Code
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Update
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_User
      This type contains general information relating to a user that may be impacted by a [SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_Event).
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Occurrence_User
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Preference
      Retrieve details for preferences. Preferences are used to allow the subscriber to modify their subscription in various ways. Details such as friendly name, keyname maximum and minimum values can be retrieved. These provide details to help configure subscriber preferences correctly.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Subscriber
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Subscriber_Customer
    • SoftLayer_Notification_Subscriber_Delivery_Method
      Provides details for the subscriber's delivery methods.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber
      A notification subscriber will have details pertaining to the subscriber's notification subscription. You can receive details such as preferences, details of the preferences, delivery methods and the delivery methods for the subscriber. NOTE: There are preferences and delivery methods that cannot be modified. Also, there are some subscriptions that are required.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber
      SoftLayer Customers can subscribe to receive notifications for various notification types. This service also allows you to 'turn on' or 'turn off' notification messages sent to a subscriber for certain notifications.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Billing
      A notification subscriber will have details pertaining to the subscriber's notification subscription. You can receive details such as preferences, details of the preferences, delivery methods and the delivery methods for the subscriber. NOTE: There are preferences and delivery methods that cannot be modified. Also, there are some subscriptions that are required.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Billing
      SoftLayer Customers can subscribe to receive notifications for various notification types. This service also allows you to 'turn on' or 'turn off' notification messages sent to a subscriber for certain notifications.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Delivery_Method
      Provides mapping details of how the subscriber's notification will be delivered. This maps the subscriber's id with all the delivery method ids used to delivery the notification.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Mobile
      A notification subscriber will have details pertaining to the subscriber's notification subscription. You can receive details such as preferences, details of the preferences, delivery methods and the delivery methods for the subscriber. NOTE: There are preferences and delivery methods that cannot be modified. Also, there are some subscriptions that are required.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Mobile
      SoftLayer Customers can subscribe to receive notifications for various notification types. This service also allows you to 'turn on' or 'turn off' notification messages sent to a subscriber for certain notifications.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Preference
      Preferences are settings that can be modified to change the behavior of the subscription. For example, modify the limit preference to only receive notifications 10 times instead of 1 during a billing cycle. NOTE: Some preferences have certain restrictions on values that can be set.
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Preference
    • SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Resource
      Retrieve identifier cross-reference information. SoftLayer_Notification_User_Subscriber_Resource provides the resource table id and subscriber id relation. The resource table id is the id of the service the subscriber receives alerts for. This resource table id could be the unique identifier for a Storage Evault service or CDN service.
    • SoftLayer_Policy_Document_Acceptance_Quote
      The SoftLayer_Billing_Oder_Quote data type records acceptance of policy documents for a quote.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Catalog
      A Catalog is defined as a set of prices for products that SoftLayer offers for sale. These prices are organized into packages which represent the different servers and services that SoftLayer offers.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Catalog_Item_Price
      The SoftLayer_Product_Catalog_Item_Price type assigns an Item Price to a Catalog. This relation defines the composition of Item Prices in a Catalog.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Group
      The SoftLayer_Product_Group data type contains product group relationship.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item
      Retrieve a product item and its details.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute) data type allows us to describe a [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) by attaching specific attributes, which may dictate how it interacts with other products and services. Most, if not all, of these attributes are geared towards internal usage, so customers should rarely be concerned with them.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute_Type) data type defines the available type of product attributes that are available. This allows for convenient reference to a [SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item_Attribute) by a unique key name value.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Billing_Type
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Billing_Type data type models special billing types for non-monthly billed items in the SoftLayer product catalog.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Bundles contains item to price cross references. Relates a category, price and item to a bundle. Match bundle ids to see all items and prices in a particular bundle.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category data type contains general category information for prices.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category
      Retrieve the category information for a product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Group
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Group data type contains general category group information.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Group
      Retrieve the category group information for a product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Order_Option_Type
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Order_Option_Type data type contains options that can be applied to orders for prices.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question data type represents a single question to be answered by an end user. The question may or may not be required which can be located by looking at the 'required' property on the item category references. The answerValueExpression property is a regular expression that is used to validate the answer to the question. The description and valueExample properties can be used to get an idea of the type of answer that should be provided.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Field_Type
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Field_Type data type represents the recommended type of field that should be rendered on an HTML form.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Xref
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Category_Question_Xref data type represents a link between an item category and an item category question. It also contains a 'required' field that designates if the question is required to be answered for the given item category.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Overage_Price
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Policy_Assignment
      Represents the assignment of a policy to a product. The existence of a record means that the associated product is subject to the terms defined in the document content of the policy.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Policy_Assignment
      Serves as a data source for additional information about the policy to product assignment.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product item price. You can find out what packages each price is in as well as which category under which this price is sold. All prices are returned in floating point values measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer product item price. You can find out what packages each price is in as well as which category under which this price is sold. All prices are returned in floating point values measured in US Dollars ($USD).
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Account_Restriction
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price data type gives more information about the item price restrictions. An item price may be restricted to one or more accounts. If the item price is restricted to an account, only that account will see the restriction details.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Premium
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price_Premium
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Requirement
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Requirement data type contains information relating to what requirements, if any, exist for an item. The requiredItemId local property is the item id that is required.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict_Item
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict_Item_Category
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Resource_Conflict_Location
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule
      The item rule data type represents a rule that must be followed when the item assigned to the rule is ordered. The type and operation applied to the resources of the rule will affect how the rule is checked during ordering.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource
      The item rule resource data type represents a resource that is part of an item rule. The item rule resource is used when its item rule is checked on an order.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Item
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Item_Category
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Location
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Resource_Permission
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Rule_Type
      The item rule type data type represents the type of an item rule.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Server_Group
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Server_Group data type details the type of compute service a [SoftLayer_Product_Item](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Item) or [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset) belongs to.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Item_Tax_Category
      The SoftLayer_Product_Item_Tax_Category data type contains the tax categories that are associated with products.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Order
      All orders (servers, virtual servers and services) pass through the [SoftLayer_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Order) service. This service provides the entry point for placing orders and quotes with SoftLayer. To place orders using these services, you must provide the appropriate container type as defined by [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). For server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server). For virtual server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest). For additional service orders, it will depend on the additional service (e.g., network attached storage, object storage) being purchased. See the data types documentation to get a list of all the available container types beginning with `SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_*`. There are several main entry points associated with ordering: - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) Order servers and services. Your credit card or PayPal account will get charged when successfully placed. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) Run verification on your order before it's actually placed to get additional information, like your total monthly or hourly recurring charges. You may also call this service to help ensure that your call to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) will succeed. **This service is called internally, so it is not required to verify before you call `placeOrder`.** No credit card or PayPal charges result from this call. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeQuote](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeQuote) Create a quote only. Subsequent orders may be placed from this quote. See [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote/placeOrder) for details on how to order from a quote. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::getVlans](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/getVlans) Get a list of available VLANs that can be supplied when placing an order. While this service provides detailed customization for ordering, some customers may find the simplified ordering system sufficient for their needs. For more information, see the following: - [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) - Simplified virtual server ordering - [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) - Simplified bare metal server ordering
    • SoftLayer_Product_Order
      All orders (servers, virtual servers and services) pass through the [SoftLayer_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Order) service. This service provides the entry point for placing orders and quotes with SoftLayer. To place orders using these services, you must provide the appropriate container type as defined by [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order). For server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server). For virtual server orders, you would use [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Virtual_Guest). For additional service orders, it will depend on the additional service (e.g., network attached storage, object storage) being purchased. See the data types documentation to get a list of all the available container types beginning with `SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_*`. There are several main entry points associated with ordering: - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) Order servers and services. Your credit card or PayPal account will get charged when successfully placed. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/verifyOrder) Run verification on your order before it's actually placed to get additional information, like your total monthly or hourly recurring charges. You may also call this service to help ensure that your call to [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) will succeed. **This service is called internally, so it is not required to verify before you call `placeOrder`.** No credit card or PayPal charges result from this call. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeQuote](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeQuote) Create a quote only. Subsequent orders may be placed from this quote. See [SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Quote/placeOrder) for details on how to order from a quote. - [SoftLayer_Product_Order::getVlans](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/getVlans) Get a list of available VLANs that can be supplied when placing an order. While this service provides detailed customization for ordering, some customers may find the simplified ordering system sufficient for their needs. For more information, see the following: - [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest/createObject) - Simplified virtual server ordering - [SoftLayer_Hardware::createObject](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Hardware/createObject) - Simplified bare metal server ordering
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package data type contains information about packages from which orders can be generated. Packages contain general information regarding what is in them, where they are currently sold, availability, and pricing.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package
      Every SoftLayer_Product_Package contains information related products and services that SoftLayer sells. The configuration of this package reveals which categories are required to place an order for this package. Every package has items, item prices, locations, regions, and a configuration. This service is the starting point for ordering servers, and other services we provide.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Inventory
      This is deprecated.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Category_Group
      This class is used to organize categories for a service offering. A service offering (usually) contains multiple categories (e.g., server, os, disk0, ram). This class allows us to organize the prices into related item category groups.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Prices
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package_Item_Prices contains price to package cross references Relates a category, price and item to a bundle. Match bundle ids to see all items and prices in a particular bundle.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Items
      This data type is a cross-reference between the SoftLayer_Product_Package and the SoftLayer_Product_Item(s) that belong in the SoftLayer_Product_Package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Locations
      Most packages are available in many locations. This object describes that availability for each package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration
      This datatype describes the item categories that are required for each package to be ordered. For instance, for package 2, there will be many required categories. When submitting an order for a server, there must be at most 1 price for each category whose 'isRequired' is set. Examples of required categories: - server - ram - bandwidth - disk0 There are others, but these are the main ones. For each required category, a SoftLayer_Product_Item_Price must be chosen that is valid for the package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Step
      Each package has at least 1 step to the ordering process. For server orders, there are many. Each step has certain item categories which are displayed. This type describes the steps for each package.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Step_Next
      This datatype simply describes which steps are next in line for ordering.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset
      Package presets are used to simplify ordering by eliminating the need for price ids when submitting orders. Orders submitted with a preset id defined will use the prices included in the package preset. Prices submitted on an order with a preset id will replace the prices included in the package preset for that prices category. If the package preset has a fixed configuration flag <em>(fixedConfigurationFlag)</em> set then the prices included in the preset configuration cannot be replaced by prices submitted on the order. The only exception to the fixed configuration flag would be if a price submitted on the order is an account-restricted price for the same product item.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Attribute
      Package preset attributes contain supplementary information for a package preset.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Attribute_Type
      SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Attribute_Type models the type of attribute that can be assigned to a package preset.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Preset_Configuration
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server
      The SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server data type contains summarized information for bare metal servers regarding pricing, processor stats, and feature sets.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option) data type contains various data points associated with package servers that can be used in selection criteria.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Server_Option
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) object indicates the type for a service offering (package). The type can be used to filter packages. For example, if you are looking for the package representing virtual servers, you can filter on the type's key name of '''VIRTUAL_SERVER_INSTANCE'''. For bare metal servers by core or CPU, filter on '''BARE_METAL_CORE''' or '''BARE_METAL_CPU''', respectively.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type
      The [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Type) object indicates the type for a service offering (package). The type can be used to filter packages. To find all the available types, call `getAllObjects` on this class.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Promotion
      The promotion web service is used to find information regarding a specific promotion using a promotion code.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Promotion
      The promotion web service is used to find information regarding a specific promotion using a promotion code.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request
      The SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request data type contains general information relating to a hardware, virtual server, or service upgrade. It also relates a [SoftLayer_Billing_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Billing_Order) to a [SoftLayer_Ticket](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Ticket).
    • SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request
      SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request tracks the progress of an upgrade, and allows modification of the maintenance window and other information.
    • SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request_Status
      The SoftLayer_Product_Upgrade_Request_Status data type contains detailed information relating to an hardware or software upgrade request.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook contains all the information needed to add a hook into a server/Virtual provision and os reload.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook_Type
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Hook_Type
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification represent a maintenance type for the specific hardware maintenance desired.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification service returns available maintenance classifications.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification_Item_Category
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Classification_Item_Category
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Slots
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Slots represent the available slots for a given maintenance window at a SoftLayer data center.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Slots
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Slots service returns available maintenance slots at SoftLayer data centers.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Ticket
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Ticket
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window represent a time window that SoftLayer performs a hardware or software maintenance and upgrades.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Maintenance_Window service returns available maintenance windows at SoftLayer data centers.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer hardware transaction. SoftLayer customers are unable to change their hardware transactions.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Group
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Group data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer hardware transaction group. SoftLayer customers are unable to change their hardware transactions or the hardware transaction group.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Group
      The service lists the different types of transactions. This includes operating system reloads and new operating system provisions.
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_History
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_OrderTracking
      Provisioning Order Tracking
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_OrderTracking
      Provisioning Order Tracking
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_OrderTrackingState
      Provisioning Order Tracking
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_OrderTrackingState
      Provisioning Order Tracking
    • SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Status
      The SoftLayer_Provisioning_Version1_Transaction_Status data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer hardware transaction status. SoftLayer customers are unable to change their hardware transaction status.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Configuration
      The Resource Configuration service enables the user to update data regarding a resource from which the request originates. It is a requirement that the request must have an authentication token as well as originate from the backend network of the resource.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Configuration
      The Resource Configuration service enables the user to update data regarding a resource from which the request originates. It is a requirement that the request must have an authentication token as well as originate from the backend network of the resource.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group
      SoftLayer's resource group service allows users to access a broad overview of the resource group and its members
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group
      SoftLayer's resource group service allows users to access a broad overview of the resource group and its members
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Descendant_Reference
      The SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Descendant_Reference data type simplifies the link between one SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member object and all of its parents.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_CloudStack_Version3_Cluster
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_CloudStack_Version3_Pod
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_CloudStack_Version3_Zone
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Hardware
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Network_Storage
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Network_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Network_Vlan
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Resource_Group
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Role_Link
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Software_Component_Password
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Type
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Member_Virtual_Host_Pool
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Role
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Template
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Template
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Group_Template_Member
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata
      The Resource Metadata service enables the user to obtain information regarding the resource from which the request originates. Due to the requirement that the request originate from the backend network of the resource, no API key is necessary to perform the request. The primary use of this service is to allow self-discovery for newly provisioned resources, enabling further automated setup by the user.
    • SoftLayer_Resource_Metadata
      The Resource Metadata service enables the user to obtain information regarding the resource from which the request originates. Due to the requirement that the request originate from the backend network of the resource, no API key is necessary to perform the request. The primary use of this service is to allow self-discovery for newly provisioned resources, enabling further automated setup by the user.
    • SoftLayer_Sales_Presale_Event
      The presale event data types indicate the information regarding an individual presale event. The '''locationId''' will indicate the datacenter associated with the presale event. The '''itemId''' will indicate the product item associated with a particular presale event - however these are more rare. The '''startDate''' and '''endDate''' will provide information regarding when the presale event is available for use. At the end of the presale event, the server or services purchased will be available once approved and provisioned.
    • SoftLayer_Sales_Presale_Event
      Presale events are related to datacenters or products that are not yet currently available, but will be in the near future. For example, if a new datacenter is opening in a month, a presale event may be created that allows customers to purchase server space in advance. When a presale order is placed, the server configuration is saved, but not provisioned until the presale end date - the server will not be available during this waiting period. Also, when a presale order is placed, the customer is not charged up front, but only when the presale order is actually approved and provisioned on the presale end date. This server allows customer to view the currently-active presale events and their date ranges. This may allow a customer to plan early for purchasing a new product or server in a new datacenter.
    • SoftLayer_Search
      SoftLayer's account historical service allows users to access a broad overview of devices for that account and historical details concerning the overall function and performance of the devices on that account
    • SoftLayer_Search
      SoftLayer's account historical service allows users to access a broad overview of devices for that account and historical details concerning the overall function and performance of the devices on that account
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Entry
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request
      The SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request data type is used to view details about your SSL certificate order. This contains data that is required by a Certificate Authority to place an SSL certificate order.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request
      SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request holds your SSL certificate request data. This data is used to manage your SSL certificate order with a Certificate Authority. To create an SSL certificate order, pass a completed SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Security_Certificate to SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_ServerType
      Represents a server type that can be specified when ordering an SSL certificate.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_ServerType
      Allows for retrieving the available SSL certificate server types.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_Status
      Represents the status of an SSL certificate request.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_Status
      SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request_Status indicates the status of your SSL certificate request. When you submit an SSL certificate order, the associated certificate request will be in the 'Pending CA Approval' status. This is the only status in which can cancel your order. Once the certificate authority (CA) approves your order, the status will change to 'Approved'. Once your order is approved, you will receive your fulfillment email from the CA. The email will contain your SSL certificate. SoftLayer does not store your SSL certificate in our system. If you lose the email from your CA, you can have the fulfillment email sent again via the SoftLayer customer portal or by using [SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request::resendEmail](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Security_Certificate_Request/resendEmail). Your approved order will be picked up by SoftLayer's billing system and it will complete the payment process. Finally, your order will change to 'Complete' status when the payment process is successful. There might be a chance that your SSL certificate order could rejected by a CA. Our automated system will put a rejected order into 'Canceled' status. You can contact SoftLayer Support for more details.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Directory_Service_Host_Xref_Hardware
      SoftLayer_Security_Directory_Service_Host_Xref_Hardware extends the [SoftLayer_Security_Directory_Service_Host_Xref](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Security_Directory_Service_Host_Xref) data type to include hardware specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Security_Level
      The SoftLayer_Security_Level data type contains the security level restriction for the account
    • SoftLayer_Security_SecureTransportCipher
      Encryption algorithm intended for use in SSL/TLS communications
    • SoftLayer_Security_SecureTransportProtocol
      Protocol intended for use in secure communications
    • SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key
    • SoftLayer_Security_Ssh_Key
    • SoftLayer_Service_External_Resource
      The SoftLayer_Service_External_Resource is a placeholder that references a service being provided outside of the standard SoftLayer system.
    • SoftLayer_Service_Provider
    • SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense
      SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense is a class that represents software licenses that are tied only to a customer's account and not to any particular hardware, IP address, etc.
    • SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense
      SoftLayer_Software_AccountLicense is the application class that handles a special type of Software License. Most software licenses are licensed to a specific hardware ID or IP address, this is tied to an account.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component
      A SoftLayer_Software_Component ties the installation of a specific piece of software onto a specific piece of hardware. SoftLayer_Software_Component works with SoftLayer_Software_License and SoftLayer_Software_Description to tie this all together. <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Software_Component is the installation of a specific piece of software onto a specific piece of hardware in accordance to a software license. <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Software_License dictates when and how a specific piece of software may be installed onto a piece of hardware. <ul> <li>SoftLayer_Software_Description describes a specific piece of software which can be installed onto hardware in accordance with it's license agreement. </li></ul></li></ul></li></ul>
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component
      Every installed piece of software is represented in the API as a 'Software Component.' This is the base class for software components, exposing basic functionality for software components. From any Software Component, through this service, you can get the hardware a component is installed upon, the license that this component is governed by, the current access passwords for a component, and the history of previous passwords for a component.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Analytics
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: An analytics instance. Analytics installations have a specific default ports and patterns for usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Analytics_Urchin
      This object specifies a specific Software Component: An Urchin instance. Urchin installations have a specific default port (9999) and a pattern for usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: An Anti-virus/spyware instance. Anti-virus/spyware installations have specific properties and methods such as SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware::updateAntivirusSpywarePolicy. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: An Anti-virus/spyware instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee represents a single anti-virus/spyware software component.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee_Epo_Version36
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee_Epo_Version36 data type represents a single McAfee Secure anti-virus/spyware software component that uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 3.6 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee_Epo_Version45
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee_Epo_Version45 data type represents a single McAfee Secure anti-virus/spyware software component that uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 4.5 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee_Epo_Version51
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_AntivirusSpyware_Mcafee_Epo_Version51 data type represents a single McAfee Secure anti-virus/spyware software component that contacts the McAfee ePO Server version 5.1 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A control panel instance. Control panel installations have a specific default ports and patterns for usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Cpanel
      This object specifies a specific Software Component: A cPanel instance. cPanel installations have a specific default port (2086) and a pattern for usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Idera
      This object specifies a specific type of control panel Software Component: An Idera instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Idera_ServerBackup
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A Idera Server Backup instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Microsoft
      This object is a parent class for Microsoft Products, like Web Matrix
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Microsoft_WebPlatform
      This object specifies a specific Software Component: A WebPlatform instance. WebPlatform installations have a specific xml config with usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Parallels
      This object is a parent class for SWSoft Products, like Plesk
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Parallels_Plesk
      This object specifies a specific Software Component: A Plesk instance produced by SWSoft. SWSoft Plesk installations have a specific default port (8443) and a pattern for usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_R1soft
      This object specifies a specific type of control panel Software Component: A R1soft instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_R1soft_Cdp
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A R1soft continuous data protection instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_R1soft_ServerBackup
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A R1Soft Server Backup instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_Swsoft
      This object is a parent class for SWSoft Products, like Plesk
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_ControlPanel_WebhostAutomation
      This object specifies a specific Software Component: A Helm instance produced by Webhost Automation. WEbhost Automation's Helm installations have a specific default port (8086) and a pattern for usernames and passwords. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A Host Intrusion Protection System instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps
      This service specifies a specific type of Software Component: A Host Intrusion Protection System instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee represents a single host IPS software component.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version36_Hips
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version36_Hips data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component that uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 3.6 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version36_Hips_Version6
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version36_Hips_Version6 data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component for version 6 of the Host IPS client and uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 3.6 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version36_Hips_Version7
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version36_Hips_Version7 data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component for version 7 of the Host IPS client and uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 3.6 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version45_Hips
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version45_Hips data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component that uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 4.5 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version45_Hips_Version7
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version45_Hips_Version7 data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component for version 7 of the Host IPS client and uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 4.5 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version45_Hips_Version8
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version45_Hips_Version8 data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component for version 8 of the Host IPS client and uses the ePolicy Orchestrator version 4.5 backend.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version51
      The SoftLayer_Software_Component_HostIps_Mcafee_Epo_Version51 data type represents a single McAfee Secure Host IPS software component that uses the ePO Server.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_OperatingSystem
      SoftLayer_Software_Component_OperatingSystem extends the [SoftLayer_Software_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Software_Component) data type to include operating system specific properties.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Package
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A package instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Package_Management
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A package management instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Package_Management_Ksplice
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A Ksplice instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Password
      This SoftLayer_Software_Component_Password data type contains a password for a specific software component instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Password
      The software component password service represents the passwords for a software component, such as an operating system or a control panel. Updating the passwords here will NOT update them on the server itself.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Password_History
      This object allows you to find the history of password changes for a specific SoftLayer_Software Component
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Security
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: A security instance. Security installations have custom configurations for password requirements.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Security_SafeNet
      This object specifies a specific Software Component: A SafeNet instance. SafeNet installations have custom configurations for password requirements.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Trellix
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: An Trellix instance. Trellix installations have specific properties and methods such as SoftLayer_Software_Component_Trellix::updateTrellixPolicy. Defaults are initiated by this object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Component_Trellix
      This object specifies a specific type of Software Component: An Trellix instance.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Description
      This class holds a description for a specific installation of a Software Component. SoftLayer_Software_Licenses tie a Software Component (A specific installation on a piece of hardware) to it's description. The 'Manufacturer' and 'Name' properties of a SoftLayer_Software_Description are used by the framework to factory specific objects, objects that may have special methods for that specific piece of software, or objects that contain application specific data, such as default ports. For example, if you create a SoftLayer_Software_Component who's SoftLayer_Software_License points to the SoftLayer_Software_Description for 'Swsoft' 'Plesk', you'll actually get a SoftLayer_Software_Component_Swsoft_Plesk object.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Description
    • SoftLayer_Software_Description_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description_Attribute data type represents an attributes associated with this software description.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Description_Attribute_Type
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description_Attribute_Type data type represents the type of an attribute.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Description_Feature
      The SoftLayer_Software_Description_Feature data type represents a single software description feature. A feature may show up on more than one software description and can not be created, modified, or removed.
    • SoftLayer_Software_Description_RequiredUser
      This class represents a software description's required user
    • SoftLayer_Software_License
      This class describes a specific type of license, like a Microsoft Windows Site License, a GPL license, or a license of another type.
    • SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense
      SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense is the application class that handles a special type of Software License. Most software licenses are licensed to a specific hardware ID; virtual licenses are designed for virtual machines and therefore are assigned to an IP Address. Not all software packages can be 'virtual licensed'.
    • SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense
      SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense is the application class that handles a special type of Software License. Most software licenses are licensed to a specific hardware ID; virtual licenses are designed for virtual machines and therefore are assigned to an IP Address. Not all software packages can be 'virtual licensed'. SoftLayer_Software_VirtualLicense's service allows you to retrieve the hard-copy license file for a virtual license, if one exists for your license instance. You can also retrieve the subnet that the IP to which a software virtual license is licensed upon exists in, as well as the software description that this virtual license is for.
    • SoftLayer_Survey
      The SoftLayer_Survey data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer survey.
    • SoftLayer_Survey
      Every SoftLayer survey is defined in the SoftLayer_Survey service. Softlayer survey's have questions and answers from SoftLayer users.
    • SoftLayer_Survey_Answer
      The SoftLayer_Survey_Answer data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer survey answer.
    • SoftLayer_Survey_Question
      The SoftLayer_Survey_Question data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer survey question.
    • SoftLayer_Survey_Response
      The SoftLayer_Survey_Response data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer survey response.
    • SoftLayer_Survey_Status
      The SoftLayer_Survey_Status data type contains survey status information.
    • SoftLayer_Survey_Type
      The SoftLayer_Survey_Type data type contains survey type information.
    • SoftLayer_Tag
      The SoftLayer_Tag data type is an optional type associated with hardware. The account ID that the tag is tied to, and the tag itself are stored in this data type. There is also a flag to denote whether the tag is internal or not.
    • SoftLayer_Tag
      SoftLayer's tagging service gives customers the ability to tag devices with keywords that can later be used to search upon.
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Hardware
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Network_Application_Delivery_Controller
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Network_Vlan
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Network_Vlan_Firewall
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Resource_Group
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Virtual_DedicatedHost
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Virtual_Guest
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Reference_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group
    • SoftLayer_Tag_Type
    • SoftLayer_Ticket
      The SoftLayer_Ticket data type models a single SoftLayer customer support or notification ticket. Each ticket object contains references to it's updates, the user it's assigned to, the SoftLayer department and employee that it's assigned to, and any hardware objects or attached files associated with the ticket. Tickets are described in further detail on the [SoftLayer_Ticket](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Ticket) service page. To create a support ticket execute the [SoftLayer_Ticket::createStandardTicket](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) or [SoftLayer_Ticket::createAdministrativeTicket](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) methods in the SoftLayer_Ticket service. To create an upgrade ticket for the SoftLayer sales group execute the [SoftLayer_Ticket::createUpgradeTicket](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2).
    • SoftLayer_Ticket
      Tickets are SoftLayer's primary way to keep in touch with its customers. A ticket is an entity that describes a problem or request and tracks a conversation between you, your account users, and SoftLayer employees relating to your problem or request. Tickets can be assigned to one of your account users, and SoftLayer can assign a ticket to a particular department (also called a ticket group) or employee. The SoftLayer_Ticket service controls your interaction with SoftLayer's ticketing system. Every ticket object has at least one ticket update. Ticket updates may be created by either a user or SoftLayer employee. These ticket updates record the conversation between SoftLayer and you about the issue at hand. You may only add new updates to a ticket. Once an update is created you may not edit or delete it. Tickets exist in one of three states: open, assigned, and closed. Open tickets are considered a current issue, but are not yet assigned to a specific SoftLayer employee. Assigned issues are open issues that are assigned to a SoftLayer employee. You can safely assume that your ticket is being handled if it is in the Assigned state. Closed tickets are considered resolved issues and allow no further updates. Please contact SoftLayer if you need to re-open a ticket, as you may only create ticket updates on open or assigned tickets. It is possible to attach files and associate hardware with a ticket. Associating your ticket with more than one pieces of hardware helps SoftLayer's support team localize issues to certain servers. Attachments are a good way to illustrate a point, such as adding a screen shot of a problem or attaching a driver or configuration file that you'd like investigated. Typically the only tickets an account user may create are technical support tickets. Technical support tickets are divided into two categories: standard tickets and administrative tickets. A standard support ticket describes an issue with your SoftLayer server or services. Standard support tickets' titles must be selected from a pre-determined list of ticket subjects, defined in the [SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject) service. If you need a little help from SoftLayer's support staff to manage your server then open an administrative support ticket. Administrative tickets add a one-time $3USD charge to your account, and you may specify your ticket's title as needed.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Activity
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment
      SoftLayer tickets have the ability to be associated with specific pieces of hardware in a customer's inventory. Attaching hardware to a ticket can greatly increase response time from SoftLayer for issues that are related to one or more specific servers on a customer's account. The SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Hardware data type models the relationship between a piece of hardware and a ticket. Only one attachment record may exist per hardware item per ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Assigned_Agent
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_CardChangeRequest
      This datatype contains tickets referenced from card change request
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Dedicated_Host
      SoftLayer tickets have the ability to be associated with specific dedicated hosts in a customer's inventory. Attaching a dedicated host to a ticket can greatly increase response time from SoftLayer for issues that are related to one or more specific hosts on a customer's account. The SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Dedicated_Host data type models the relationship between a dedicated host and a ticket. Only one attachment record can exist per dedicated host item per ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File
      SoftLayer tickets can have have files attached to them. Attaching a file to a ticket is a good way to report issues, provide documentation, and give examples of an issue. Both SoftLayer customers and employees have the ability to attach files to a ticket. The SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File data type models a single file attached to a ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File_ServiceNow
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_File_ServiceNow
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Hardware
      SoftLayer tickets have the ability to be associated with specific pieces of hardware in a customer's inventory. Attaching hardware to a ticket can greatly increase response time from SoftLayer for issues that are related to one or more specific servers on a customer's account. The SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Hardware data type models the relationship between a piece of hardware and a ticket. Only one attachment record may exist per hardware item per ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Manual_Payment
      This datatype contains tickets referenced from manual payments
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Network_Storage_Mass_Data_Migration
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Scheduled_Action
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Virtual_Guest
      SoftLayer tickets have the ability to be associated with specific virtual guests in a customer's inventory. Attaching virtual guests to a ticket can greatly increase response time from SoftLayer for issues that are related to one or more specific servers on a customer's account. The SoftLayer_Ticket_Attachment_Virtual_Guest data type models the relationship between a virtual guest and a ticket. Only one attachment record may exist per virtual guest per ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Chat
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Chat_Liveperson
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Chat_TranscriptLine
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Chat_TranscriptLine_Customer
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Chat_TranscriptLine_Employee
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_EuCompliance
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Group
      SoftLayer tickets have the ability to be assigned to one of SoftLayer's internal departments. The department that a ticket is assigned to is modeled by the SoftLayer_Ticket_Group data type. Ticket groups help to ensure that the proper department is handling a ticket. Standard support tickets are created from a number of pre-determined subjects. These subjects help determine which group a standard ticket is assigned to.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Group_Category
      SoftLayer's support ticket groups represent the department at SoftLayer that is assigned to work one of your support tickets. Many departments are responsible for handling different types of tickets. These types of tickets are modeled in the SoftLayer_Ticket_Group_Category data type. Ticket group categories also help separate differentiate your tickets' issues in the SoftLayer customer portal.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Priority
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Priority
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_State
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_State_Type
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Status
      The SoftLayer_Ticket_Status data type models the state of a ticket as it is worked by SoftLayer and its customers. Tickets exist in one of three states: *'''OPEN''': Open tickets are considered unresolved issues by SoftLayer and can be assigned to a SoftLayer employee for work. Tickets created by portal or API users are created in the Open state. *'''ASSIGNED''': Assigned tickets are identical to open tickets, but are assigned to an individual SoftLayer employee. An assigned ticket is actively being worked by SoftLayer. *'''CLOSED''': Tickets are closed when the issue at hand is considered resolved. A SoftLayer employee can change a ticket's status from Closed to Open or Assigned if the need arises. A ticket usually goes from the Open to Assigned to Closed states during its life cycle. If a ticket is forwarded from one department to another it may change from the Assigned state back to Open until it is assigned to a member of the new department.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject
      The SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject data type models one of the possible subjects that a standard support ticket may belong to. A basic support ticket's title matches it's corresponding subject's name.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject
      Every standard support ticket submitted to SoftLayer contains a relationship to a pre-determined subject which populates that ticket's title. The SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject service retrieves these subjects. These ticket subjects also determine which department a ticket is opened for.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject_Category
      SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject_Category groups ticket subjects into logical group.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Subject_Category
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Survey
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Survey
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Type
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update
      The SoftLayer_Ticket_Update type relates to a single update to a ticket, either by a customer or an employee.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Agent
      A SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Agent type models an update to a ticket made by an agent.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Chat
      A SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Chat is a chat between a customer and a customer service representative relating to a ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Customer
      A SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Customer is a single update made by a customer to a ticket.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Employee
      The SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Employee data type models an update to a ticket made by a SoftLayer employee.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Employee
      Retrieve an update to a ticket made by a SoftLayer employee. Ticket updates created by employees have the option of being rated on a one to five scale. Because customer updates don't have this ability the SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Employee class has it's own service.
    • SoftLayer_Ticket_Update_Type
    • SoftLayer_User_Access_Facility_Log
      This class represents a login/logout sheet for facility visitors.
    • SoftLayer_User_Access_Facility_Log_Type
    • SoftLayer_User_Access_Facility_Visitor
      This class represents a facility visitor that is not an active employee or customer.
    • SoftLayer_User_Access_Facility_Visitor_Type
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer data type contains general information relating to a single SoftLayer customer portal user. Personal information in this type such as names, addresses, and phone numbers are not necessarily associated with the customer account the user is assigned to.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer
      Every SoftLayer account has one or more portal users which are defined by the SoftLayer_User_Customer service. Every SoftLayer customer account has a master user account whose name corresponds to their account id preceded by the letters 'SL'. Users exist in a parent-child relationship. Child users inherit the properties and permissions of their parent user while conversely a user may have more than one child users. API users have full access to their own portal user account and they could also have access to other users under their SoftLayer customer account, if they have 'Manage Users' permission in the customer portal. There are two relational properties that contain the permissions assigned to a customer user; permissions and actions. These are simply two different representations of the same information. The permissions ORM key creates a SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Permissions collection from SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission objects which is populated from the same data source as the actions ORM key which creates a SoftLayer_Container_Collection_Permissions collection from SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action objects.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Access_Authentication
      SoftLayer_User_Customer_Access_Authentication models a single attempt to log into the SoftLayer customer portal. A SoftLayer_User_Customer_Access_Authentication record is created every time a user attempts to log into the portal. Use this service to audit your users' portal activity and diagnose potential security breaches of your SoftLayer portal accounts. Unsuccessful login attempts can be caused by an incorrect password, failing to answer or not answering a login security question if the user has them configured, or attempting to log in from an IP address outside of the user's IP address restriction list. SoftLayer employees periodically log into our customer portal as users to diagnose portal issues, verify settings and configuration, and to perform maintenance on your account or services. SoftLayer employees only log into customer accounts from the following IP ranges: * 2607:f0d0:1000::/48 * 2607:f0d0:2000::/48 * 2607:f0d0:3000::/48 * *
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Access_Authentication_TokenValidation
      SoftLayer_User_Customer_Access_Authentication_TokenValidation is for logging token validations from IAM, as something distinct from a traditional 'login'. A single login to IBM Cloud/IAM as perceived by the end user, may result in many token validation calls to IMS. This is a very shallow subclass of SoftLayer_User_Customer_Access_Authentication
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_AdditionalEmail
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_AdditionalEmail data type contains the additional email for use in ticket update notifications.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication type contains user's authentication key(s).
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_ApiAuthentication
      An account's user may obtain access to SoftLayer's API through this authentication service.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission
      Each SoftLayer portal account is assigned a series of permissions that determine what access the user has to functions within the SoftLayer customer portal. This status is reflected in the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status data type. Permissions differ from user status in that user status applies globally to the portal while user permissions are applied to specific portal functions.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_CustomerPermission_Permission
      Portal account users who are not the master user (account owner) have permissions to allow them access to portal functionalities.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding data type contains general information for a single external binding. This includes the 3rd party vendor, type of binding, and a unique identifier and password that is used to authenticate against the 3rd party service.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Attribute data type contains the value for a single attribute associated with an external binding. External binding attributes contain additional information about an external binding. An attribute can be generic or specific to a 3rd party vendor. For example these attributes relate to Verisign: *Credential Type *Credential State *Credential Expiration Date *Credential Last Update Date
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Totp
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Totp data type contains information about a single time-based one time password external binding. The external binding information is used when a SoftLayer customer logs into the SoftLayer customer portal to authenticate them. The information provided by this external binding data type includes: * The type of credential * The current state of the credential ** Active ** Inactive SoftLayer users with an active external binding will be prohibited from using the API for security reasons.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Totp
      SoftLayer provides its customers the ability to add an additional layer of security to the SoftLayer customer portal by requiring that a user login and authenticate with a trusted 3rd party before they are given access to their SoftLayer account. This is accomplished by creating an external binding for a specific vendor, in this case Time-based One Time Password. When the SoftLayer user attempts to log in to the SoftLayer customer portal they will first be prompted for their normal SoftLayer username and password. Once that information is verified they will be asked to generate and provide a security code from their Time-based One Time Password application. Once the security code has been authenticated the user will be allowed access to the SoftLayer customer portal. The time-based one time password external binding service allows a user to create an external binding, enable, disable, and delete an external binding. Once a SoftLayer user has a valid and active time-based one time password external binding, they will be required to always use their credential to login to the SoftLayer customer portal. In addition any user with an active external binding will be prohibited from using the API.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Type
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Type data type contains information relating to a type of external authentication binding. It contains a user friendly name as well as a unique key name.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Vendor
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Vendor data type contains information for a single external binding vendor. This information includes a user friendly vendor name, a unique version of the vendor name, and a unique internal identifier that can be used when creating a new external binding.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Vendor
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Vendor service is used to retrieve a list of available 3rd party vendors that SoftLayer supports for external bindings.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Verisign
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Verisign data type contains information about a single VeriSign external binding. The external binding information is used when a SoftLayer customer logs into the SoftLayer customer portal to authenticate them against a 3rd party, in this case VeriSign. The information provided by the VeriSign external binding data type includes: * The type of credential * The current state of the credential ** Enabled ** Disabled ** Locked * The credential's expiration date * The last time the credential was updated SoftLayer users with an active external binding will be prohibited from using the API for security reasons.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_External_Binding_Verisign
      SoftLayer provides its customers the ability to add an additional layer of security to the SoftLayer customer portal by requiring that a user login and authenticate with a trusted 3rd party before they are given access to their SoftLayer account. This is accomplished by creating an external binding for a specific vendor, in this case VeriSign. When the SoftLayer user attempts to log in to the SoftLayer customer portal they will first be prompted for their normal SoftLayer username and password. Once that information is verified they will be asked to generate and provide a security code from their VeriSign credential. Once the security code has been authenticated with VeriSign the user will be allowed access to the SoftLayer customer portal. The VeriSign external binding service allows a user to create an external binding, enable, disable, or unlock an external binding, and delete an external binding. Currently SoftLayer provides the master account user of a SoftLayer account with one free VeriSign external binding. All subsequent VeriSign external bindings will need to be created by placing an order. Once a SoftLayer user has a valid and active VeriSign external binding, they will be required to always use their credential to login to the SoftLayer customer portal. In addition any user with an active external binding will be prohibited from using the API.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Invitation
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Invitation
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Link
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Link_TrustedProfile
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Link_VerifiedIamIdLinkCollection
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware
      The Customer_Notification_Hardware object stores links between customers and the hardware devices they wish to monitor. This link is not enough, the user must be sure to also create SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host instance with the response action set to 'notify users' in order for the users linked to that hardware object to be notified on failure.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Hardware
      This service represents the link between a monitored hardware instance, and a user account. When a monitoring service on that hardware instance fails and the monitor is set to 'notify users,' any users linked to that hardware instance using this service will be notified of the failure.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest object stores links between customers and the virtual guests they wish to monitor. This link is not enough, the user must be sure to also create SoftLayer_Network_Monitor_Version1_Query_Host instance with the response action set to 'notify users' in order for the users linked to that Virtual Guest object to be notified on failure.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Notification_Virtual_Guest
      This service represents the link between a monitored guest instance, and a user account. When a monitoring service on that guest instance fails and the monitor is set to 'notify users,' any users linked to that guest instance using this service will be notified of the failure.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_TrustedProfile
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_OpenIdConnect_TrustedProfile
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Profile_Event_HyperWarp
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Profile_Event_HyperWarp
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Prospect
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Prospect_ServiceProvider_EnrollRequest
      Contains user information for Service Provider Enrollment.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Prospect_ServiceProvider_EnrollRequest
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Prospect_Type
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Security_Answer
      The SoftLayer_User_Customer_Security_Answer type contains user's answers to security questions.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Security_Answer
      An account's user have security answers for secondary security measures. These questions/answers can be found during login and password update. These questions/answers are also needed for password reset.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status
      Each SoftLayer User Customer instance is assigned a status code that determines how it's treated in the customer portal. This status is reflected in the SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status data type. Status differs from user permissions in that user status applies globally to the portal while user permissions are applied to specific portal functions. Note that a status of 'PENDING' also has been added. This status is specific to users that are configured to use IBMid authentication. This would include some (not all) users on accounts that are linked to Platform Services (PaaS, formerly Bluemix) accounts, but is not limited to users in such accounts. Using IBMid authentication is optional for active users even if it is not required by the account type. PENDING status indicates that a relationship between an IBMid and a user is being set up but is not complete. To be complete, PENDING users need to perform an action ('accepting the invitation') before becoming an active user within IBM Cloud and/or IMS. PENDING is a system state, and can not be administered by users (including the account master user). SoftLayer Commercial is the only environment where IBMid and/or account linking are used.
    • SoftLayer_User_Customer_Status
      A User's status. It can be Active, Inactive, Disabled, Delete User, or VPN Only.
    • SoftLayer_User_Employee
      A SoftLayer_User_Employee models a single SoftLayer employee for the purposes of ticket updates created by SoftLayer employees. SoftLayer portal and API users cannot see individual employee names in ticket responses. SoftLayer employees can be assigned to customer accounts as a personal support representative. Employee names and email will be available if an employee is assigned to the account.
    • SoftLayer_User_Employee_Department
      SoftLayer_User_Employee_Department models a department within SoftLayer's internal employee hierarchy. Common departments include Support, Sales, Accounting, Development, Systems, and Networking.
    • SoftLayer_User_External_Binding
      The SoftLayer_User_External_Binding data type contains general information for a single external binding. This includes the 3rd party vendor, type of binding, and a unique identifier and password that is used to authenticate against the 3rd party service.
    • SoftLayer_User_External_Binding
    • SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Attribute
      The SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Attribute data type contains the value for a single attribute associated with an external binding. External binding attributes contain additional information about an external binding. An attribute can be generic or specific to a 3rd party vendor. For example these attributes relate to Verisign: *Credential Type *Credential State *Credential Expiration Date *Credential Last Update Date
    • SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Type
      The SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Type data type contains information relating to a type of external authentication binding. It contains a user friendly name as well as a unique key name.
    • SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Vendor
      The SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Vendor data type contains information for a single external binding vendor. This information includes a user friendly vendor name, a unique version of the vendor name, and a unique internal identifier that can be used when creating a new external binding.
    • SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Vendor
      The SoftLayer_User_External_Binding_Vendor service is used to retrieve a list of available 3rd party vendors that SoftLayer supports for external bindings.
    • SoftLayer_User_Interface
      A SoftLayer_User_Interface represents a generic user instance within the SoftLayer API. The SoftLayer API uses SoftLayer_User_Interfaces in cases where a user object could be one of many types of users. Currently the [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) and [SoftLayer_User_Employee](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Employee) classes are abstracted by this type.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action data type contains local attributes to identify and describe the valid actions a customer user can perform within IMS. This includes a name, key name, and description. This data can not be modified by users of IMS. It also contains relational attributes that indicate which SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group's include the action.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action class is one of several classes that make up the customer permission system. The system is a role-based system that includes defined actions which can be grouped together using a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group. These groups of actions are then used to define roles, and the roles are assigned to users. When a [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) is created, a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group and SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role is created specifically for the user with a group type of SYSTEM. When the UI is used to alter the permissions of a customer user, the actions are added or removed from this group. The api can not be used to alter the permissions in this group. If an account wants to create their own unique permission groups and roles, the UI can not be used to manage them. User Customers can be assigned to multiple roles but it is recommended to either use the UI for managing account users permissions or only use the api. Mixing the two will lead to confusing results as the UI will not show any permissions assigned to a user via a customer created role/group combination. Proceed with caution. The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action class defines the permissions that are required in order for a SoftLayer_User_Customer to perform certain actions within IMS. See [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group) and [SoftLayer_Permission_Role](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Permission_Role) for more details.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Department
      Organization of User Permissions into Departments which can be used for dynamic display in user portals
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Department
      Organization of User Permissions into Departments which can be used for dynamic display in user portals
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group data type contains local attributes to identify and describe the permission groups that have been created within IMS. These includes a name, description, and account id. Permission groups are defined specifically for a single [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account). It also contains relational attributes that indicate what SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action objects belong to a particular group, and what SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role objects the group is linked.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group class is one of several classes that make up the customer permission system. It is a role-based system that includes defined actions which can be 'grouped' together using a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group class. These groups of actions are then used to define roles, and the roles are assigned to users. The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group is also used to track the resources or account devices to which a user has been granted access. The types of resources that users can be granted access is defined in [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type). When a [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) is created, a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group and SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role is created specifically for the user with a group type of SYSTEM. When the UI is used to alter the permissions of a customer user, the actions are added or removed from this group. The api can not be used to alter the permissions in this group. If an account wants to create their own unique permission groups and roles, the UI can not be used to manage them. This is also true for device access. Either, the UI can be used to track the devices to which users are granted access which will use the SYSTEM group, or the api can be used, making the UI information inaccurate. User Customers can be assigned to multiple roles but it is recommended to either use the UI for managing account users permissions or only use the api. Mixing the two will lead to confusing results as the UI will not show any permissions assigned to a user via a customer created role/group combination. Proceed with caution. One or more [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action) are assigned to one or more SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group Objects. One ore more SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group objects can be linked to a [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role). A single SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group object can be linked to multiple SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role objects. The [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role) is assigned to one or more [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer). The [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action) class defines the permissions that are required in order for a [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) to perform certain actions within IMS. Resources belonging to the user's account can also be linked to permission groups. See [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type).
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group_Type
      These are the attributes which describe a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group_Type. All SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group objects must be linked to one of these types. For further information see: [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group).
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group_Type
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group_Type class is one of several classes that make up the customer permission system. This class defines the valid group types. The SYSTEM group type is reserved for internal use. It is a role-based system that includes defined actions which can be 'grouped' together using a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group class. These groups of actions are then used to define roles, and the roles are assigned to users. When a [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) is created, a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group and SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role is created specifically for the user with a group type of SYSTEM. When the UI is used to alter the permissions of a customer user, the actions are added or removed from this group. The api can not be used to alter the permissions in this group. If an account wants to create their own unique permission groups and roles, the UI can not be used to manage them.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type
      These are the variables relating to SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type. Collectively they describe the types of resources which can be linked to [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group).
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type class is one of several classes that make up the customer permission system. The permission system is used to track the permissions assigned to each customer user. These permissions can also include tracking the devices to which users are granted access. The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Resource_Type class is used to define the valid types of resources to which users can be granted access. Hardware server is an example of a resource type. See [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group) for more information on tracking device access.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role data type contains local attributes to identify and describe the permission roles that have been created within IMS. These includes a name, description, and account id. Permission groups are defined specifically for a single [SoftLayer_Account](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account). It also contains relational attributes that indicate what SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group objects are linked to a particular role, and the SoftLayer_User_Customer objects assigned to the role.
    • SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role
      The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role class is one of several classes that make up the customer permission system. The system is a role-based system that includes defined actions which can be 'grouped' together using a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group class. These groups of actions are then used to define roles, and the roles are assigned to users. When a [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer) is created, a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role is created for the user with a group type of SYSTEM. This role is linked to the SYSTEM SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group that was also created specifically for this user. When the UI is used to alter the permissions of a customer user, the actions are added or removed from this group. The api can not be used to alter the permissions in this group. If an account wants to create their own unique permission groups and roles, the UI can not be used to manage them. User Customers can be assigned to multiple roles but it is recommended to either use the UI for managing account users permissions or only use the api. Mixing the two will lead to confusing results as the UI will not show any permissions assigned to a user via a customer created role/group combination. Proceed with caution. One or more [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action) are assigned to one or more [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group) Objects. One ore more SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group objects can be linked to a [SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role). A single SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group object can be linked to multiple SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role objects. The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role is assigned to one or more [SoftLayer_User_Customer](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_User_Customer). A single SoftLayer_User_Customer can be assigned to one or more roles. The SoftLayer_User_Permission_Action class defines the permissions that are required in order for a SoftLayer_User_Customer to perform certain actions within IMS.
    • SoftLayer_User_Preference
      The SoftLayer_User_Preference data type contains a single user preference to a specific preference type.
    • SoftLayer_User_Preference_Type
      The SoftLayer_User_Preference_Type data type contains a single preference type including the accepted values.
    • SoftLayer_User_Security_Question
      The SoftLayer_User_Security_Question data type contains questions.
    • SoftLayer_User_Security_Question
      Every user has an option of a secondary security login feature. This SoftLayer_User_Security_Question service provides a list of security questions.
    • SoftLayer_Utility_Network
      The SoftLayer_Utility_Network service allows users to send network diagnostic requests from SoftLayer's application servers to a given host on the Internet.
    • SoftLayer_Utility_Network
      The SoftLayer_Utility_Network service allows users to send network diagnostic requests from SoftLayer's application servers to a given host on the Internet.
    • SoftLayer_Utility_ObjectFilter
    • SoftLayer_Utility_ObjectFilter_Operation
    • SoftLayer_Utility_ObjectFilter_Operation_Option
    • SoftLayer_Vendor_Type
    • SoftLayer_Verify_Api_HttpObj
    • SoftLayer_Verify_Api_HttpObj
    • SoftLayer_Verify_Api_HttpsObj
    • SoftLayer_Verify_Api_HttpsObj
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_BrowserConsoleAccessLog
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_BrowserConsoleAccessLog data type presents the data for events associated with accessing a VSIs console via the browser interface.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost
      This data type presents the structure for a dedicated host. The data type contains relational properties to distinguish a dedicated host and associate an account to it.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost
      SoftLayer_Virtual_DedicatedHost models a single tenant virtual host dedicated to a specific account.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image
      The virtual disk image data type presents the structure in which a virtual disk image will be presented. Virtual block devices are assigned to disk images.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image_Software
      A SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image_Software record connects a computing instance's virtual disk images with software records. This can be useful if a disk image is directly associated with software such as operating systems.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image_Software_Password
      This SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image_Software_Password data type contains a password for a specific virtual disk image software instance.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image_Type
      SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image_Type models the types of virtual disk images available to CloudLayer Computing Instances. Virtual disk image types describe if an image's data is preservable when upgraded, whether a disk contains a suspended virtual image, or if a disk contains crash dump information.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest
      The virtual guest data type presents the structure in which all virtual guests will be presented. Internally, the structure supports various virtualization platforms with no change to external interaction. A guest, also known as a virtual server, represents an allocation of resources on a virtual host.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest
      The virtual guest service provides a common interface to any virtualization platform supported by SoftLayer. The interaction with various third party APIs is not needed when implementing this service to administer your guests. The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest service also controls individual CloudLayer Computing Instances purchased from SoftLayer in a way that is analogous to the [SoftLayer_Hardware_Server](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Hardware_Server) service's control over physical hardware purchased form SoftLayer.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute_Type
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Attribute_UserData
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device
      The block device data type presents the structure in which all block devices will be presented. A block device attaches a disk image to a guest. Internally, the structure supports various virtualization platforms with no change to external interaction. A guest, also known as a virtual server, represents an allocation of resources on a virtual host.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Status
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template
      The virtual block device template data type presents the structure in which all archived image templates are presented. A virtual block device template, also known as a image template, represents the image of a virtual guest instance.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group
      The virtual block device template group data type presents the structure in which a group of archived image templates will be presented. The structure consists of a parent template group which contain multiple child template group objects. Each child template group object represents the image template in a particular location. Unless editing/deleting a specific child template group object, it is best to use the parent object. A virtual block device template group, also known as an image template group, represents an image of a virtual guest instance.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group
      The virtual guest block device template group service provides a common interface to an accounts archived image templates The interaction with various third party APIs is not needed when implementing this service to administer your guests.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group_Accounts
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group_Accounts data type represents the SoftLayer customer accounts which have access to provision CloudLayer Computing Instances from an image template group. All accounts other than the image template group owner have read-only access to that image template group. It is important to note that this data type should only exist to give accounts access to the parent template group object, not the child. All image template sharing between accounts should occur on the parent object.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Block_Device_Template_Group_Status
      The virtual block device template group status data type represents the current status of the image template. Depending upon the status, the image template can be used for provisioning or reloading. For an operating system reload, the image template will need to have a status of 'Active' or 'Deprecated'. For a provision, the image template will need to have a status of 'Active'
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Boot_Parameter
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Boot_Parameter
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Boot_Parameter_Type
      Describes a virtual guest boot parameter. In this the word class is used in the context of arguments sent to cloud computing instances such as single user mode and boot into bash.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Boot_Parameter_Type
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component
      The virtual guest network component data type presents the structure in which all computing instance network components are presented. Internally, the structure supports various virtualization platforms with no change to external interaction. A guest, also known as a virtual server, represents an allocation of resources on a virtual host.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component
      The virtual guest network component service provides a common interface to a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) network component. Interaction with various third party APIs is not needed when implementing this service to administer your computing instances.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component_IcpBinding
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component_IpAddress
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component_IpAddress data type contains general information relating to the binding of a single network component to a single SoftLayer IP address.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Power_State
      The power state class provides a common set of values for which a guest's power state will be presented in the SoftLayer API.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Status
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_SupplementalCreateObjectOptions
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Type
      SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Type models the type of a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest) (PUBLIC | DEDICATED | PRIVATE)
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Vpc_IpAllocation
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Vpc_Subnet
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Host
      The virtual host represents the platform on which virtual guests reside. At times a virtual host has no allocations on the physical server, however with many modern platforms it is a virtual machine with small CPU and Memory allocations that runs in the Control Domain.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Host
      The virtual host service provides a common interface to any virtualization platform supported by SoftLayer. Interaction with various third party APIs is not needed when implementing this service to administer your hosts.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Host_PciDevice
      This type represents a PCI device on a host.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Network_SecurityGroup_NetworkComponentBinding data type contains general information for a single binding. A binding associates a [SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Guest_Network_Component) with a [SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Network_SecurityGroup).
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup
      This data type presents the structure for a virtual guest placement group. The data type contains relational properties to the virtual guest placement group rule class.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup
      SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup is a collection of virtual guests to be placed relative to each other according to a rule.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule
      This data type presents the structure of a virtual guest placement group rule.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule
      SoftLayer_Virtual_PlacementGroup_Rule is the placement rule that a virtual guest placement group follows.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup
      This data type presents the structure for a virtual reserved capacity group.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup
      SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup reserves capacity for a group of guests that have not yet been provisioned.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup_Instance
      This data type presents the structure for a virtual reserved capacity group instance.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup_Instance
      SoftLayer_Virtual_ReservedCapacityGroup_Instance reserves capacity for a single instance of a reserved capacity group.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository
      The SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository represents a web based storage system that can be accessed through many types of devices, interfaces, and other resources.
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository
      Storage Repositories are storage systems that are accessible through the internet and can be accessed through many types of devices, interfaces, and other resources such as NFS (Network File System). They can contain 1 or more [SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Disk_Image) and can be attached to more than one [SoftLayer_Virtual_Host](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Virtual_Host).
    • SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository_Type
      SoftLayer employs many different types of repositories that computing instances use as their storage volume. SoftLayer_Virtual_Storage_Repository_Type models a single storage type. Common types of storage repositories include networked file systems, logical volume management, and local disk volumes for swap and page file management.
    • sparePool
      The ability to place bare metal servers in a state where they are powered down, and ports closed yet still allocated to the customer as a part of the Spare Pool program.
    • sparePool
      The ability to place bare metal servers in a state where they are powered down, and ports closed yet still allocated to the customer as a part of the Spare Pool program.
    • sparePool
      The ability to place bare metal servers in a state where they are powered down, and ports closed yet still allocated to the customer as a part of the Spare Pool program.
    • Sprint_Container_CostRecovery
    • startDomainMapping
      SOAP API will start CDN domain mapping for a particular customer.
    • startSsl
      Start SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS). This action should be taken only after configuring an SSL certificate for the virtual IP.
    • startSsl
      Start SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS). This action should be taken only after configuring an SSL certificate for the virtual IP.
    • stopDomainMapping
      SOAP API will stop CDN mapping for a particular customer.
    • stopSsl
      Stop SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS).
    • stopSsl
      Stop SSL acceleration on all SSL virtual services (those with a type of HTTPS).
    • surveyEligible
      (DEPRECATED) Use [SoftLayer_Ticket_Survey::getPreference](/reference/datatypes/$1/#$2) method.
    • swapCreditCards
    • swipAllSubnets
      **DEPRECATED** swipAllSubnets finds all subnets attached to your account and attempts to create a SWIP transaction for all subnets that do not already have a SWIP transaction in progress.
    • syncCurrentUserPopulationWithPaas
      This method manually starts a synchronize operation for the current IBMid-authenticated user population of a linked account pair. 'Manually' means 'independent of an account link operation'.
    • takeSurvey
      Response to a SoftLayer survey's questions.
    • testRaidAlertService
      Test the RAID Alert service by sending the service a request to store a test email for this server. The server must have an account ID and MAC address. A RAID controller must also be installed.
    • testRaidAlertService
      Test the RAID Alert service by sending the service a request to store a test email for this server. The server must have an account ID and MAC address. A RAID controller must also be installed.
    • testRaidAlertService
      Test the RAID Alert service by sending the service a request to store a test email for this server. The server must have an account ID and MAC address. A RAID controller must also be installed.
    • toggleManagementInterface
      Attempt to toggle the IPMI interface. If there is an active transaction on the server, it will throw an exception. This method creates a job to toggle the interface. It is not instant.
    • toggleManagementInterface
      Attempt to toggle the IPMI interface. If there is an active transaction on the server, it will throw an exception. This method creates a job to toggle the interface. It is not instant.
    • toggleManagementInterface
      Attempt to toggle the IPMI interface. If there is an active transaction on the server, it will throw an exception. This method creates a job to toggle the interface. It is not instant.
    • toggleStatus
    • transferNow
      Force a secondary DNS zone transfer by setting it's status 'Transfer Now'. A zone transfer will be initiated within a minute of receiving this API call.
    • Trellix_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Agent_Details
      The Trellix_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Agent_Details data type represents a virus scan agent and contains details about its version.
    • Trellix_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Policy_Object
      The Trellix_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Policy_Object data type represents a virus scan agent and contains details about its version.
    • Trellix_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Product_Properties
      The Trellix_Epolicy_Orchestrator_Version51_Product_Properties data type represents the version of the virus data file
    • turnOffMasterUserPermissionCheckMode
      This method allows the master user of an account to undo the designation of this user as an alternate master user. This can not be applied to the true master user of the account. Note that this method, by itself, WILL NOT affect the IAM Policies granted this user. This API is not intended for general customer use. It is intended to be called by IAM, in concert with other actions taken by IAM when the master user / account owner turns off an 'alternate/auxiliary master user / account owner'.
    • turnOffMasterUserPermissionCheckMode
      This method allows the master user of an account to undo the designation of this user as an alternate master user. This can not be applied to the true master user of the account. Note that this method, by itself, WILL NOT affect the IAM Policies granted this user. This API is not intended for general customer use. It is intended to be called by IAM, in concert with other actions taken by IAM when the master user / account owner turns off an 'alternate/auxiliary master user / account owner'.
    • turnOffMasterUserPermissionCheckMode
      This method allows the master user of an account to undo the designation of this user as an alternate master user. This can not be applied to the true master user of the account. Note that this method, by itself, WILL NOT affect the IAM Policies granted this user. This API is not intended for general customer use. It is intended to be called by IAM, in concert with other actions taken by IAM when the master user / account owner turns off an 'alternate/auxiliary master user / account owner'.
    • turnOnMasterUserPermissionCheckMode
      This method allows the master user of an account to designate this user as an alternate master user. Effectively this means that this user should have 'all the same IMS permissions as a master user'. Note that this method, by itself, WILL NOT affect the IAM Policies granted to this user. This API is not intended for general customer use. It is intended to be called by IAM, in concert with other actions taken by IAM when the master user / account owner designates an 'alternate/auxiliary master user / account owner'.
    • turnOnMasterUserPermissionCheckMode
      This method allows the master user of an account to designate this user as an alternate master user. Effectively this means that this user should have 'all the same IMS permissions as a master user'. Note that this method, by itself, WILL NOT affect the IAM Policies granted to this user. This API is not intended for general customer use. It is intended to be called by IAM, in concert with other actions taken by IAM when the master user / account owner designates an 'alternate/auxiliary master user / account owner'.
    • turnOnMasterUserPermissionCheckMode
      This method allows the master user of an account to designate this user as an alternate master user. Effectively this means that this user should have 'all the same IMS permissions as a master user'. Note that this method, by itself, WILL NOT affect the IAM Policies granted to this user. This API is not intended for general customer use. It is intended to be called by IAM, in concert with other actions taken by IAM when the master user / account owner designates an 'alternate/auxiliary master user / account owner'.
    • unassignServers
      This method will reassign a collection of SoftLayer hardware to the virtual private rack
    • unbypass
      Start the asynchronous process to route the VLAN to this gateway.
    • unbypassAllVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to unbypass all VLANs. Any VLANs that are already unbypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • unbypassVlans
      Start the asynchronous process to unbypass the provided VLANs. The VLANs must already be attached. Any VLANs that are already unbypassed will be ignored. The status field can be checked for progress.
    • unlinkGroup
      Unlinks a SoftLayer_User_Permission_Group object to the role.
    • unlinkRole
      Removes a link from SoftLayer_User_Permission_Role object to the group.
    • unlock
      If a VeriSign credential becomes locked because of too many failed login attempts the unlock method can be used to unlock a VeriSign credential. As a security precaution a valid security code generated by the credential will be required before the credential is unlocked.
    • unmountIsoImage
    • unroute
      ***DEPRECATED*** This endpoint is deprecated in favor of SoftLayer_Network_Subnet::clearRoute, to which this endpoint now proxies. Refer to it for more information.
    • updateAllSubnetSwips
      **DEPRECATED** This method finds all subnets attached to your account that are in 'OK' status and updates their data with ARIN. Use this function after you have updated your RWHOIS data if you want to keep SWIP up to date.
    • updateAntivirusSpywarePolicy
      Update an anti-virus/spyware policy. The policy options that it accepts are the following: *1 - Minimal *2 - Relaxed *3 - Default *4 - High *5 - Ultimate
    • updateAntivirusSpywarePolicy
      Update an anti-virus/spyware policy. The policy options that it accepts are the following: *1 - Minimal *2 - Relaxed *3 - Default *4 - High *5 - Ultimate
    • updateAttachedAdditionalEmails
      Creates new additional emails for assigned user if new emails are provided. Attaches any newly created additional emails to ticket. Remove any additional emails from a ticket that are not provided as part of $emails
    • updateCart
      Like SoftLayer_Billing_Order_Cart::createCart, the order data will be sent through SoftLayer_Product_Order::verifyOrder to make sure that the updated cart information is valid. Once it has been verified, the new order data will be saved. This will return the cart id.
    • updateConnectionStatus
    • updateDefaultValues
      Updates default configuration values.
    • updateDomainMapping
      SOAP API will update the Domain Mapping identified by the Unique Id. Following fields are allowed to be changed: originHost, HttpPort/HttpsPort, RespectHeaders, ServeStale Additionally, bucketName and fileExtension if OriginType is Object Store
    • updateEmailAddress
    • updateFirewallIntraVlanCommunication
      *** DEPRECATED *** Updates the firewall associated to this VLAN to allow or disallow intra-VLAN communication.
    • updateGatewayUserPassword
      The method updates the Gateway password for the provided username. It does not perform any synchronization with the Gateway to update the credentials. The method only updates the IMS db with the username / password record for the Gateway. The 'username' and 'password' in the record template are required. 'username' must not be blank and must exist in the Gateway password records 'password' must not be blank Returns true if password change is successful, false if not successful
    • updateGeoblocking
    • updateHipsPolicies
      Update the Host IPS policies. To retrieve valid policy options you must use the provided relationships.
    • updateHipsPolicies
      Update the Host IPS policies. To retrieve valid policy options you must use the provided relationships.
    • updateHotlinkProtection
    • updateIpmiPassword
      This method will update the root IPMI password on this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • updateIpmiPassword
      This method will update the root IPMI password on this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • updateIpmiPassword
      This method will update the root IPMI password on this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • updateIpmiPassword
      This method will update the root IPMI password on this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • updateIpmiPassword
      This method will update the root IPMI password on this SoftLayer_Hardware.
    • updateL7Pool
      Updates an existing L7 pool, L7 health monitor and L7 session affinity.
    • updateL7PoolMembers
      Update L7 members weight and port.
    • updateL7Rules
      This function updates multiple Rules to a given policy with all the details for rules.
    • updateLiveLoadBalancer
      Update the the virtual IP address interface within an application delivery controller based load balancer identified by the ''name'' property in the loadBalancer parameter. You only need to set the properties in the loadBalancer parameter that you wish to change. Any virtual IP properties omitted or left empty are ignored. Changes are reflected immediately in the application delivery controller.
    • updateLoadBalancer
      Update load balancer's description, and return the load balancer object containing all listeners, pools, members and datacenter.
    • updateLoadBalancerHealthMonitors
      Update load balancers health monitor and return load balancer object with listeners (frontend), pools (backend), health monitor server instances (members) and datacenter populated
    • updateLoadBalancerMembers
      Update members weight and return load balancer object with listeners, pools and members populated
    • updateLoadBalancerProtocols
      Update (create) load balancers front- and backend protocols and return load balancer object with listeners (frontend), pools (backend), server instances (members) and datacenter populated. Note if a protocolConfiguration has no listenerUuid set, this function will create the specified front- and backend accordingly. Otherwise the given front- and backend will be updated with the new protocol and port.
    • updateMaintenanceWindow
      In case an upgrade cannot be performed, the maintenance window needs to be updated to a future date.
    • updateModifyResponseHeader
      SOAP API will update modify response header for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • updateNetScalerLicense
      Update the NetScaler VPX License. This service will create a transaction to update a NetScaler VPX License. After the license is updated the load balancer will reboot in order to apply the newly issued license The load balancer will be unavailable during the reboot.
    • updateNote
      Update the note of an external binding. The note is an optional property that is used to store information about a binding.
    • updateNote
      Update the note of an external binding. The note is an optional property that is used to store information about a binding.
    • updateNote
      Update the note of an external binding. The note is an optional property that is used to store information about a binding.
    • updateNote
      Update the note of an external binding. The note is an optional property that is used to store information about a binding.
    • updateNotificationSubscriber
      Update the active status for a notification that the user is subscribed to. A notification along with an active flag can be supplied to update the active status for a particular notification subscription.
    • updateNotificationSubscriber
      Update the active status for a notification that the user is subscribed to. A notification along with an active flag can be supplied to update the active status for a particular notification subscription.
    • updateNotificationSubscriber
      Update the active status for a notification that the user is subscribed to. A notification along with an active flag can be supplied to update the active status for a particular notification subscription.
    • updateOriginPath
      SOAP API will update Origin Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer. When passing the $input object as a parameter, it will expect the following properties to be set: $oldPath $uniqueId $originType, $path, $origin, $httpPort, $httpsPort, and if the path's origin type is object storage, the $bucketName and the $fileExtension. Out of the properties listed above only the following path properties are allowed to be changed: $path, $origin, $httpPort, $httpsPort These properties may not be changed: $originType
    • updateReferencedRegistrations
      The subnet registration detail service has been deprecated. This method will create a bulk transaction to update any registrations that reference this detail object. It should only be called from a child class such as [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Person](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Person) or [SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Network](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Account_Regional_Registry_Detail_Network). The registrations should be in the Open or Registration_Complete status.
    • updateRouteBypass
      Enable or disable route bypass for this context. If enabled, this will bypass the firewall entirely and all traffic will be routed directly to the host(s) behind it. If disabled, traffic will flow through the firewall normally. This feature is only available for Hardware Firewall (Dedicated) and dedicated appliances.
    • updateRuleNote
    • updateSecurityAnswers
      Update a user's login security questions and answers on the SoftLayer customer portal. These questions and answers are used to optionally log into the SoftLayer customer portal using two-factor authentication. Each user must have three distinct questions set with a unique answer for each question, and each answer may only contain alphanumeric or the . , - _ ( ) [ ] : ; > < characters. Existing user security questions and answers are deleted before new ones are set, and users may only update their own security questions and answers.
    • updateSecurityAnswers
      Update a user's login security questions and answers on the SoftLayer customer portal. These questions and answers are used to optionally log into the SoftLayer customer portal using two-factor authentication. Each user must have three distinct questions set with a unique answer for each question, and each answer may only contain alphanumeric or the . , - _ ( ) [ ] : ; > < characters. Existing user security questions and answers are deleted before new ones are set, and users may only update their own security questions and answers.
    • updateSecurityAnswers
      Update a user's login security questions and answers on the SoftLayer customer portal. These questions and answers are used to optionally log into the SoftLayer customer portal using two-factor authentication. Each user must have three distinct questions set with a unique answer for each question, and each answer may only contain alphanumeric or the . , - _ ( ) [ ] : ; > < characters. Existing user security questions and answers are deleted before new ones are set, and users may only update their own security questions and answers.
    • updateSslCiphers
      Updates the load balancer with the new cipher list. All new connections going forward will use the new set of ciphers selected by the user.
    • updateSubscriberDeliveryMethod
      Update a delivery method for a notification that the user is subscribed to. A delivery method keyName along with an active flag can be supplied to update the active status of the delivery methods for the specified notification. Available delivery methods - 'EMAIL'. Available notifications - 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE', 'UNPLANNED_INCIDENT'.
    • updateSubscriberDeliveryMethod
      Update a delivery method for a notification that the user is subscribed to. A delivery method keyName along with an active flag can be supplied to update the active status of the delivery methods for the specified notification. Available delivery methods - 'EMAIL'. Available notifications - 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE', 'UNPLANNED_INCIDENT'.
    • updateSubscriberDeliveryMethod
      Update a delivery method for a notification that the user is subscribed to. A delivery method keyName along with an active flag can be supplied to update the active status of the delivery methods for the specified notification. Available delivery methods - 'EMAIL'. Available notifications - 'PLANNED_MAINTENANCE', 'UNPLANNED_INCIDENT'.
    • updateTicketOnDecline
    • updateTimeToLive
      Updates an existing Time To Live object. If the old and new inputs are equal, exits early.
    • updateTokenAuthPath
      SOAP API will update Token authentication Path for an existing mapping and for a particular customer.
    • updateVpnPassword
      Update a user's VPN password on the SoftLayer customer portal. As with portal passwords, VPN passwords must match the following restrictions. VPN passwords must... * over eight characters long. * under twenty characters long. * ...contain at least one uppercase letter * ...contain at least one lowercase letter * ...contain at least one number * ...contain one of the special characters _ - | @ . , ? / ! ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] = * ...not match your username Finally, users can only update their own VPN password. An account's master user can update any of their account users' VPN passwords.
    • updateVpnPassword
      Update a user's VPN password on the SoftLayer customer portal. As with portal passwords, VPN passwords must match the following restrictions. VPN passwords must... * over eight characters long. * under twenty characters long. * ...contain at least one uppercase letter * ...contain at least one lowercase letter * ...contain at least one number * ...contain one of the special characters _ - | @ . , ? / ! ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] = * ...not match your username Finally, users can only update their own VPN password. An account's master user can update any of their account users' VPN passwords.
    • updateVpnPassword
      Update a user's VPN password on the SoftLayer customer portal. As with portal passwords, VPN passwords must match the following restrictions. VPN passwords must... * over eight characters long. * under twenty characters long. * ...contain at least one uppercase letter * ...contain at least one lowercase letter * ...contain at least one number * ...contain one of the special characters _ - | @ . , ? / ! ~ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] = * ...not match your username Finally, users can only update their own VPN password. An account's master user can update any of their account users' VPN passwords.
    • updateVpnUser
      Always call this function to enable changes when manually configuring VPN subnet access.
    • updateVpnUser
      Always call this function to enable changes when manually configuring VPN subnet access.
    • updateVpnUser
      Always call this function to enable changes when manually configuring VPN subnet access.
    • updateVpnUsersForResource
      [DEPRECATED] This method has been deprecated and will simply return false.
    • upgrade
      Converts this VLAN to a paid resource. This can be done for any Automatic VLAN. This operation can only be executed on an Automatic VLAN, and will transition it to being a Premium VLAN. The VLAN will then provide the benefits of a Premium VLAN. A Premium VLAN will remain on the account until cancelled. This operation cannot be undone! Once a VLAN becomes Premium, it can only be removed through cancellation, which will result in it being reclaimed. This operation is a convenience for utilizing the SoftLayer_Product_Order.placeOrder operation. It will place an order to upgrade the VLAN it is executed against. It will take a few moments for the order to be processed and the upgrade to complete. Note that the order is placed in such a way that any account state which prevents automatic order approval will prevent the order from being placed. Thus, if no error is received, the order was placed and approved, and the VLAN will be upgraded shortly.
    • upgradeConnectionLimit
      Upgrades the connection limit on the Virtual IP to Address to the next, higher connection limit of the same product.
    • upgradeConnectionLimit
      Upgrades the connection limit on the VirtualIp and changes the billing item on your account to reflect the change. This function will only upgrade you to the next 'level' of service. The next level follows this pattern Current Level => Next Level 50 100 100 200 200 500 500 1000 1000 1200 1200 1500 1500 2000 2000 2500 2500 3000
    • upgradePrecheck
      Create a Upgrade Network Gateway Precheck transaction.
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • upgradeVolumeCapacity
      Upgrade the Storage volume to one of the upgradable packages (for example from 10 Gigs of EVault storage to 100 Gigs of EVault storage).
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • uploadFile
      {{CloudLayerOnlyMethod}} Upload a file to a Storage account's root directory. Once uploaded, this method returns new file entity identifier for the upload file. The following properties are required in the ''file'' parameter. *'''name''': The name of the file you wish to upload *'''content''': The raw contents of the file you wish to upload. *'''contentType''': The MIME-type of content that you wish to upload.
    • validate
      This method will validate the following account fields. Included are the allowed characters for each field.<br> <strong>Company Name (required):</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, octothorpe, forward slash, comma, colon, at sign, ampersand, underscore, apostrophe, parenthesis, exclamation point. Maximum length: 100 characters. (Note: may not contain an email address)<br> <strong>First Name (required):</strong> alphabet, space, period, dash, comma, apostrophe. Maximum length: 30 characters.<br> <strong>Last Name (required):</strong> alphabet, space, period, dash, comma, apostrophe. Maximum length: 30 characters.<br> <strong>Email (required):</strong> Validates e-mail addresses against the syntax in RFC 822.<br> <strong>Address 1 (required):</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, octothorpe, forward slash, comma, colon, at sign, ampersand, underscore, apostrophe, parentheses. Maximum length: 100 characters. (Note: may not contain an email address)<br> <strong>Address 2:</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, octothorpe, forward slash, comma, colon, at sign, ampersand, underscore, apostrophe, parentheses. Maximum length: 100 characters. (Note: may not contain an email address)<br> <strong>City (required):</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, apostrophe, forward slash, comma, parenthesis. Maximum length: 100 characters.<br> <strong>State (required if country is US, Brazil, Canada or India):</strong> Must be valid Alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 state code for that country.<br> <strong>Postal Code (required if country is US or Canada):</strong> Accepted characters are alphabet, numbers, dash, space. Maximum length: 50 characters.<br> <strong>Country (required):</strong> alphabet, numbers. Must be valid Alpha-2 ISO 3166-1 country code.<br> <strong>Office Phone (required):</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, parenthesis, plus sign. Maximum length: 100 characters.<br> <strong>Alternate Phone:</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, parenthesis, plus sign. Maximum length: 100 characters.<br> <strong>Fax Phone:</strong> alphabet, numbers, space, period, dash, parenthesis, plus sign. Maximum length: 20 characters.<br>
    • validateAuthenticationToken
      This method validate the given authentication token using the user id by comparing it with the actual user authentication token and return [SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token) object
    • validateAuthenticationToken
      This method validate the given authentication token using the user id by comparing it with the actual user authentication token and return [SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token) object
    • validateAuthenticationToken
      This method validate the given authentication token using the user id by comparing it with the actual user authentication token and return [SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_User_Customer_Portal_Token) object
    • validateBillingItemForCancellation
      This method examined if a billing item is eligible for cancellation. It checks if the billing item you provided is already in your existing cancellation request.
    • validateByAccountAndCountryId
      Will validate a PACT or WBS account ID and BMS country ID. If the record is invalid, an exception is thrown. Otherwise, a container with account information is returned.
    • validateCredentialId
      Validate the user id and VeriSign credential id used to create an external authentication binding.
    • validateCsr
      Allows you to validate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) required for an SSL certificate with the certificate authority (CA). This method sends the CSR, the length of the subscription in months, the certificate type, and the server type for validation against requirements of the CA. Returns true if valid. More information on CSR generation can be found at: [ Wikipedia] [ DigiCert]
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.
    • validateHostsAccess
      This method is used to validate if the hosts are behind gateway or not from [SoftLayer_Network_Subnet|SoftLayer_Network_Subnet_IpAddress] objects. This returns [SoftLayer_Container_Network_Storage_HostsGatewayInformation] object containing the host details along with a boolean attribute which indicates if it's behind the gateway or not.
    • validateImageTemplate
      Validate an image template for OS Reload
    • validateManualPaymentAmount
      This method checks global and account specific requirements and returns true if the dollar amount entered is acceptable for this account and false otherwise. Please note the dollar amount is in USD.
    • validatePartitionsForOperatingSystem
      Validates a collection of partitions for an operating system
    • validatePartitionsForOperatingSystem
      Validates a collection of partitions for an operating system
    • validatePartitionsForOperatingSystem
      Validates a collection of partitions for an operating system
    • validatePersonForAllRegistrars
      The subnet registration detail service has been deprecated. Validates this person detail against all supported external registrars (APNIC/ARIN/RIPE). The validation uses the most restrictive rules ensuring that any person detail passing this validation would be acceptable to any supported registrar. The person detail properties are validated against - Non-emptiness - Minimum length - Maximum length - Maximum words - Supported characters - Format of data If the person detail validation succeeds, then an empty list is returned indicating no errors were found and that this person detail would work against all three registrars during a subnet registration. If the person detail validation fails, then an array of validation errors (SoftLayer_Container_Message[]) is returned. Each message container contains error messages grouped by property type and a message type indicating the person detail property type object which failed validation. It is possible to create a subnet registration using a person detail which does not pass this validation, but at least one registrar would reject it for being invalid.
    • validateRule
      Validate the supplied firewall request rule against the object it will apply to. For IPv4 rules, pass in an instance of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule. for IPv6 rules, pass in an instance of SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Update_Request_Rule_Version6. The ID of the applied to object can either be applyToComponentId (an ID of a SoftLayer_Network_Component_Firewall) or applyToAclId (an ID of a SoftLayer_Network_Firewall_Module_Context_Interface_AccessControlList). One, and only one, of applyToComponentId and applyToAclId can be specified. If validation is successful, nothing is returned. If validation is unsuccessful, an exception is thrown explaining the nature of the validation error.
    • validateSecurityLevel
    • validateSecurityLevel
    • validateSecurityLevel
    • validateVersionChange
    • verifyCanDisableAccount
      Verify that an account may be disabled by a Brand Agent. Anything that would disqualify the account from being disabled will cause an exception to be raised.
    • verifyCanReactivateAccount
      Verify that an account may be reactivated by a Brand Agent. Anything that would disqualify the account from being reactivated will cause an exception to be raised.
    • verifyCdnAccountExists
      Wrapper for UI to verify whether or not an account exists for user under specified vendor. Returns true if account exists, else false.
    • verifyCname
      Verifies the CNAME is Unique in the domain. The method will return true if CNAME is unique else returns false
    • verifyDomainMapping
      Verifies the status of the domain mapping by calling the rest api; will update the status, cname, and vendorCName if necessary and will return the updated values.
    • verifyOrder
      Use this method for placing server orders and additional services orders. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server orders. In addition to verifying the order, placeOrder() also makes an initial authorization on the SoftLayer_Account tied to this order, if a credit card is on file. If the account tied to this order is a paypal customer, an URL will also be returned to the customer. After placing the order, you must go to this URL to finish the authorization process. This tells paypal that you indeed want to place the order. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process. After this, it will go to sales for final approval.
    • verifyOrder
      Use this method for placing server orders and additional services orders. The same applies for this as with verifyOrder. Send in the SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order_Hardware_Server for server orders. In addition to verifying the order, placeOrder() also makes an initial authorization on the SoftLayer_Account tied to this order, if a credit card is on file. If the account tied to this order is a paypal customer, an URL will also be returned to the customer. After placing the order, you must go to this URL to finish the authorization process. This tells paypal that you indeed want to place the order. After going to this URL, it will direct you back to a SoftLayer webpage that tells us you have finished the process. After this, it will go to sales for final approval.
    • verifyOrder
      This service is used to verify that an order meets all the necessary requirements to purchase a server, virtual server or service from SoftLayer. It will verify that the products requested do not conflict. For example, you cannot order a Windows firewall with a Linux operating system. It will also check to make sure you have provided all the products that are required for the [SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package_Order_Configuration) associated with the [SoftLayer_Product_Package](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Product_Package) on each of the [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) specified.<br/><br/> This service returns the same container that was provided, but with additional information that can be used for debugging or validation. It will also contain pricing information (prorated if applicable) for each of the products on the order. If an exception occurs during verification, a container with the <code>SoftLayer_Exception_Order</code> exception type will be specified in the result.<br/><br/> <code>verifyOrder</code> accepts the same [SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order](/reference/datatypes/SoftLayer_Container_Product_Order) as <code>placeOrder</code>, so see [SoftLayer_Product_Order::placeOrder](/reference/services/SoftLayer_Product_Order/placeOrder) for more details.
    • verifyReloadOperatingSystem
      Verify that a virtual server can go through the operating system reload process. It may be useful to call this method before attempting to actually reload the operating system just to verify that the reload will go smoothly. If the server configuration is not setup correctly or there is some other issue, an exception will be thrown indicating the error. If there were no issues, this will just return true.
    • verifyReviewer
      Verifies that a potential reviewer is an approved internal IBM employee
    • void
      This method voids a service cancellation request in 'Pending' or 'Approved' status.
    • voidCancelService
      Void a previously made cancellation for a service
    • voidCancelService
      Void a previously made cancellation for a service
    • voidPendingServerMove
      This method will void a pending server removal from this bandwidth pooling. Pass in the id of the hardware object or virtual guest you wish to update. Assuming that object is currently pending removal from the bandwidth pool at the start of the next billing cycle, the bandwidth pool member status will be restored and the pending cancellation removed.
    • voidPendingVdrCancellation
      This method will void a pending cancellation on a bandwidth pool. Note however any servers that belonged to the rack will have to be restored individually using the method voidPendingServerMove($id, $type).
    • whois
      Perform a WHOIS lookup from SoftLayer's application servers on the given IP address or hostname and return the raw results of that command. The returned result is similar to the result received from running the command `whois` from a UNIX command shell. A WHOIS lookup queries a host's registrar to retrieve domain registrant information including registration date, expiry date, and the administrative, technical, billing, and abuse contacts responsible for a domain. WHOIS lookups are useful for determining a physical contact responsible for a particular domain. WHOIS lookups are also useful for determining domain availability. Running a WHOIS lookup on an IP address queries ARIN for that IP block's ownership, and is helpful for determining a physical entity responsible for a certain IP address.
    • withdrawGdprAcceptance
      Withdraws the users acceptance of the GDPR terms.
    • withdrawGdprAcceptance
      Withdraws the users acceptance of the GDPR terms.